Advancement Council
February 18, 2016 12:00-2:00 p.m.
Building E, Room 112
Carol Kimbrough
Jackie Cruz
Daniel Teresa
Dr. Celine Pinet
Faculty Co-Chair
Executive Director of Advancement
VP of Academic Affairs or designee
Dean of Student Affairs or designee
Marty Parsons
Renata Funke
David Techaira
Dr. Susan Pheasant
Tanya Ho
Marnie Glazier
Debra Pyle
Daniel Garcia
VP of Administrative Service
Dean of South County Education Services
Grant Accounting Manager
Classified Manager, Supervisor or Confidential
Faculty Representative
Faculty Representative
Classified Representative
Classified Representative
Student Representative
Student Representative
Gabriela Lopez
*Not able to get Skype set up for this meeting
Name Title or Representing
Loyanne Flinn
South County Representative (by Skype)
Director of Public Grants Development and Operations
Meeting called to order at 12:15 p.m.
1. Approval of February 18, 2016 Agenda
MSN: Susan Pheasant/Deb Pyle- February agenda was unanimously approved.
2. Approval of December 17, 2015 meeting minutes
MSN: Deb Pyle /Marty Parsons- December meeting minutes were approved.
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
Strategic Priority #6 – Partnerships with Industry, Business,
Agencies and Education
Jackie Cruz
Carol Kimbrough a.
KPI PowerPoint Presentation
Jackie walked the council members through the Strategic Priority 6 KPI Presentation that was given to the Board of Trustees in January. It is very valuable to have council members with broad and diverse experience as these KPI’s represent many areas outside of the
Advancement Office. There was a lot of good discussion and suggestions. For KPI 6A.1a
Program planning and assessment of K-12 outreach programs and pathways, it was suggested to consider the Media Arts and Entertainment work with MCOE currently funded by
Creativity at the Core; iAgriculture, and Coder Dojo. For KPI 6A.4a Number of articulation agreements, it was suggested to consider private universities. For KPI 6A.4b, upcoming transfer degrees were mentioned to include Chemistry, Biology, Ag Business (2016-17) and
Plant Science (2017-18). In reviewing the number of internship providers and participants,
Loyanne shared that the outcomes reported reflect information that can be backed up with evidence such as a roster of partners/providers and a list of students and their internship topics like the one included in the summer research symposium book.
Action: The council members suggested that a subcommittee convene to look at internships across campus and develop recommendations. Topics for the subcommittee to consider would be the “99” course currently used within disciplines; the significant contribution over the last 5 years of Title V grant funds and efforts to institutionalize and/or find other funding to continue best practices; service learning; and the need to establish the internship model that is more than a co-op experience and includes preparation and evaluation. Council members who volunteered for the subcommittee include Marnie, Susan and Deb. Moises
Armendariz was recommended to participate because of his role in HSI grants. b.
Plan and Progress & KPI’s
Loyanne reminded council members that the priority, goals and KPIs that the Advancement
Council has responsibility for are on the website.
Public and Private Grants Update a.
February grants report
Jackie Cruz
Carol Kimbrough
Susan provided a summary of the public grants that relate to her area. Jackie gave a summary of the private grants. b.
February grants forecasting
Loyanne provided information about the grants forecasting document. Jackie commented that this forecasting document sets us up to be planning a year in advance for upcoming opportunities. Loyanne pointed out the number of grants that are pending and the ones that are in progress.
Grant concept form – USDA NIFA HIS
This grant was covered in the February grants report
President’s Task Force Funding Plan a.
Cumulative 2012-2018
Jackie Cruz
Carol Kimbrough
The cumulative plan includes both private and public funds. In 2012, the funding plan goal was set at $14M; to date $21M has been raised including $8.6M in public grants and $12.6M in private grants. Jackie commented that in the past $10M was raised in public grants and part of the current challenge may be a more competitive environment because there were previously a lot of stimulus funds. b.
Annual 2014-15, 2015-16 year-to-date
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
Jackie briefed the council members on the history of the Funding Plan. Year over year, the
Foundation staff continue to exceed expectations and are on track for a $4M plus year.
Campaign for Student Success Karen Hagman
The Campaign has exceeded the goal to raise $85,000, and needs only two more donors to reach the goal for number of participants.
Foundation Strategic Plan and PPAs a.
One-page overview
Jackie Cruz
The council members were able to preview the Foundation/Office of Advancement Strategic
Plan document. There was a lot of positive feedback.
All 5.
Labor Market Information a.
Labor Market Snapshot – December – MCWDB
This snapshot provides information about unemployment in the county, and data about online job openings, top employers, and highest wages. The snapshot also creates a lot of questions. Some of the jobs and employers we would expect to see are not reflected and members suggested that this is because they are using other methods to recruit such as informal, internship, or print.
Coming soon will be labor market studies done in collaboration with the Office of
Advancement and other partners for Early Childhood Education, Ag Technology, and Nursing and Allied Health. These local labor market studies include interviews with local employers and will compliment and fill in information about local labor market for these industries.
The Salinas Valley Ag Tech Summit is March 30, will include a number of informational panels, and is free.
The council members agreed that they would like a presentation by the Director of HSI Initiatives at the next meeting.
March 17, 2016
April 21, 2016
May 19, 2016
June 16, 2016
ADJOURNMENT Carol Kimbrough
MSN: Susan Pheasant/Daniel Garcia- adjournment was approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.