Document 14256840

Program Planning and Assessment (PPA)
for Services, Offices & Non-Instructional Programs
Comprehensive Review, Annual Review & Action Plan
Spring 2015
The purpose of Program Planning and Assessment at Hartnell College is to obtain an honest and authentic view of a service/office/program and
to assess its strengths, opportunities, needs, and connection to the mission and goals of the college. The process is based on the premise that each
area reviews assessment data and uses these data to plan for improvement. The results of these annual cycles provide data for a periodic
comprehensive review that shows evidence of improvement and outlines long-range goals.
The Program Planning and Assessment process improves and increases the flow of information and data at Hartnell College. The result of the
process also improves institutional effectiveness.
Non-Instructional Program
Date Completed (must be in final
form by 3/27/15)*
Date Submitted
to VP
*Please note that you should work with your colleagues and supervisor/director/dean to ensure that this report is completed, revised as needed, in
its final form and submitted no later than the end of March.
List of Contributors, including Title/Position
Mitzi Alexander
Paul Casey
Antonia Jaime
Millicent Madrigal
Norma Nichols
Nancy Reyes
Fanny Salgado
Marlene Tapia
Full-time Counselor
Director of Categorical Programs
Full-time Counselor
Part-time Counselor
Part-time Counselor
EOPS/CARE Technician
EOPS Specialist
VP/Division Head’s Comments (required):
I have read this program review and recommend that the SAOs for this department be revised to meet SAO requirements. I support
resource allocation requests 3 and 5. I request that program staff calculate how they arrived at the cost for the staff summer readiness
expense. Finally, I welcome a request for a full-time CalWorks Counselor based on the number of students served.
__Dr. Romero Jalomo, VP of Student Affairs_____________________
Typed Name of VP/Division Head
This PPA report is organized in 3 sections and 9 subsections as follows:
Comprehensive Review – a. Overall Service/Office/Program Effectiveness,
b. Staffing Profile, and c. Service/Office/Program Goals.
Annual Review – a. Data & Trends, b. Service/Program Modality, c. Outcomes,
and d. Previously Scheduled Activities.
Annual Action Plan – a. New Activities and b. Resource Requests.
 For services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2015, please
complete Sections I, II, and III.
 For services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for annual review, please complete Sections II and
Please complete this section for services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for comprehensive review
in spring 2015. Go to Section II for services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for annual review in
spring 2015.
1. Describe your service/office/non-instructional program in terms of its overall effectiveness over the past several
Please consider the questions below in describing your area.
What are your area’s primary functions?
How are students/employees served by the service/office/program?
What are the unique aspects of the service/office/program?
How does the service/office/program relate to the needs of the community?
How does the service/office/program interface/collaborate with other areas on campus?
What is working well in service/program provision?
Have state and/or federal mandates/rules/certifications particular to the service/program been met?
What policies and/or practices, both institutionally and departmentally, have been implemented to improve functions over the past
few years?
What professional activities have staff recently (last three years) participated in?
[Begin response here]
The Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) is a state funded program under SB 164 which operates following Title V Education
Code, Article 8 sections 69640-69656. The program is designed to recruit, retain, graduate and/or transfer educationally disadvantaged, low
income, and underrepresented students who have chosen to continue their education. Students receive assistance with their admission,
registration, financial aid, book purchases, curriculum planning, academic and personal counseling, and other support services from
counselors; administrative staff, and a team of well-trained peer advisors. In an effort to maintain EOPS regulations and keep services
relevant to the needs of our students, full-time staff and faculty regularly participate in the annual CCCEOPSA conference, bimonthly Region
4 EOPS/CARE consortium, annual EOPS and CalWORKs Technical Training and monthly CalWORKs Team Meetings. All services and
functions provided by the EOPS/CARE program are followed in the spirit of Title V Implementing Guidelines:
1. Comprehensive and holistic academic, personal and career counseling: EOPS/CARE provides each student with
effective holistic counseling which is the delivery of comprehensive individualized and efficient academic, personal
and career counseling, as well as referral and access to other student support services that enhance students’
persistence and retention rate. Title V Section 56236 Implementing Guidelines on counseling and advisement state
that colleges “shall provide…at least three contact sessions per term for each student as follows”:
A. A contact session which combines interview and other interpretation of assessment results to prepare a student’s educational plan,
and a mutual responsibility contract specifying what programs and services the student shall receive and what the student is
expected to accomplish.
EOPS/CARE at Hartnell College mandates a student complete a comprehensive full-educational plan before any program services are
issued. The EOPS/CARE counselors are available to complete comprehensive educational plans for all newly accepted EOPS/CARE
students prior to the first week of classes each semester. Continuing EOPS/CARE students are also required to update their
individual education plans once during a school year.
B. An in-term contact session to insure the student is succeeding adequately, that program and services are being provided effectively,
and to plan changes as may be needed to enhance student success.
Our program requires a mid-term progress report be completed by all active EOPS/CARE students in the fall and spring semesters.
The progress report is mailed to all active students’ Hartnell Gmail accounts and the office also provides hard copies. Upon
completion of the progress report, a student qualifies for a program grant. For any student who is not maintaining at least a 2.0
grade point average in their classes, a series of EOPS Student Success workshops is offered to address issues of Time and Stress
Management, Career Planning, and Learning to identify strategies of successful college students. All workshops incorporate
pertinent financial aid information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and EOPS/CARE program eligibility
requirements. In addition to attending a workshop, a student who is not making satisfactory progress will need to complete a fourth
counseling contact to develop an individualized plan for progress.
C. A term-end or program exit contact session to assess the success of students in reaching the objective of that tern, the success of the
programs and services provided in meeting the students’ needs, and to assist students to prepare for the next term of classes, or to
make future plans if students are leaving the EOPS program or the college. Students in the program are aware of their obligation to
meet with a counselor three times per semester, through their Mutual Responsibility Contract.
The EOPS/CARE program is developing a systematic evaluation component for student’s third and final contact. Our senior
counselor has taken the lead in creating a student survey in electronic format (Addendum xxx). This student survey is to be emailed
to all active students at the end of fall and spring semesters to assess their satisfaction with program services, attrition, progress in
meeting their educational objective and interest in student success workshops. This electronic assessment is to be employed at the
end of spring 2014 semester. Until a new format exists, third contacts have been conducted in-person to determine if the student is
exiting or continuing in the program, review activity in EOPS/CARE and financial aid status for following semester.
2. Each college receiving EOPS funds shall provide access services (Title V, section 56232) to identify EOPS eligible
students and facilitate their enrollment in the college. Access services shall include at minimum:
A. Outreach and recruitment to increase the number of potential EOPS eligible students who enroll at the college.
Hartnell College EOPS/CARE Counselors participate in the Panther Prep Day each spring semester and have presented college
information and an overview of EOPS support services to seniors at Everette Alvarez High, Alisal High school, North Salinas
High and Salinas High School. EOPS/CARE office staff, along with the department counselors, regularly participate in Hartnell
College’s annual Transfer/Career Day, Panther Prep Day, and Migrant Outreach Day, CalWORKs Team meetings, partner with
Financial Aid for classroom and high school presentations.
B. Registration assistance for priority enrollment pursuant to Section 58108.
Priority registration for continuing students is offered on a semester basis. It is offered to students who are in compliance with
counselor contacts, have an updated education plan and on-time submission of their academic progress report. In an effort to
provide ―above and beyond‖ service, EOPS counselors facilitate large-group priority registration workshops, to help students plan
classes and navigate the PAWS electronic registration system. In the fall 2014 semester, (xxx) students were assisted for spring
priority registration.
CalWORKs is a welfare program that provides cash aid and services to eligible California families in need. The goal of the
CalWORKS program at the California Community Colleges is for students to earn a certificate or degree that will allow them to enter the
workforce and become self-sufficient. Such goal is achieved through the continuous support CalWORKS students receive in developing an
educational plan, support with the cost of textbooks and other school related expenses, as well as child care.
Students learn about the CalWORKS program at Hartnell College through their county caseworkers. Before enrolling at Hartnell
College, students take a career-interest inventory assessment to identify their strengths and potential careers they would excel in based on
skill, interest and ability. Upon identification of an employment or career goal, students are provided a Customer Appointment Referral Form
that must be given to the CalWORKS counselors at the beginning of the educational planning session. The educational planning session is
based on the pre-identified employment or career goal. The educational plan will either culminate in a certificate, an associate degree or an
associate degree with transfer depending on the students’ employment and career goals. Since the goal of the CalWORKS program is to
ensure that students earn a certificate or degree, find employment and become self-sufficient, such goal is achieved by the close monitoring of
students’ educational plans. CalWORKS will only cover the cost of textbooks for required courses. If a student decides to enroll in a course
that is not required to complete his or her certificate or degree, the CalWORKS program will not cover the textbook costs of self-selected
courses. CalWORKS counselors emphasize to program participants that the educational plan serves as a roadmap to achieve an educational
goal and taking courses not identified on the educational plan can increase time to degree completion and if the roadmap analogy holds, will
cause unnecessary detours.
Educational plan development is not a course prescription process in which the required courses are automatically prescribed to
students, rather continuous dialogue takes place in determining what semester the course will be taken and if a full-time semester course of
study is appropriate for the student. Extensive research has cited the first semester as being a critical point in students’ educational outcomes
as the first semester sets the stage for future semesters. When students pass all of their courses the first semester, the greater the likelihood
they will persist as they feel good about themselves and their degree or employment objective. As part of the dialogue that takes place
between counselor and student, the counselors ask about high school grades and inquire about participation in programs such as SELPA. If a
student is unfamiliar with the terminology, the counselors ask if the student recalls having an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). If the
student says yes, then the counselor recommends that the student visit the DSP&S program so that they can take an assessment and receive
additional support services. A noted of such recommendation is made in the student file so that in the future, the counselor can follow up and
ensure that the educational plan is appropriate for the student and will ensure academic success. In addition to collaborating with the DSP&S
counselors with regards to educational plans, CalWORKS counselors collaborate with the transfer and career center as a way to ensure that
students attend resume and cover letter workshops, which are critical for employment applications.
1. In the table indicate the number in terms of FTE. For instance, 1 full-time staff person is 1.0, and a half-time person is .5.
Management, Supervisors
Classified Staff
Classified Staff- Part-time
Faculty Staff
Faculty – Part-time
Student Workers
Professional Experts
Total Full Time equivalent Staff
2. What staffing factors/challenges have influenced the effectiveness of the service/office/program?
[Based on Title 5, Article 3 program standards, EOPS at Hartnell College meets the established EOPS waiver criteria for a full-time director.
Within the current infrastructure of the college, the EOPS Director supervises additional categorical programs such as CalWORKs and DSPS. To
this end, an EOPS coordinator position was created to oversee the day to day functions of the program. However, this is not a certificated position,
so with neither a full-time EOPS Director or a Certificated Coordinator we do not meet appropriate standards to increase the number of students
served in the program.
At the very core of EOPS mission to retain and advance the educational opportunities of disadvantaged students, is EOPS counseling. The
counseling component of EOPS is the most important service provided to our student population. Currently, the EOPS/CARE program has two fulltime tenured counselors, yet without growth in this area, the one-t0-one counseling format and appointment availability will continue to be
1. List and describe service/office/program goals for the next comprehensive review cycle. Be sure to highlight
innovative, unique, or other especially noteworthy aspects.
In considering your service’s/office’s/program’s future goals, please review Hartnell’s vision and mission statements.
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the
social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
EOPS mission is to serve low-income and educationally disadvantaged students by
providing academic support services to assist students in achieving their educational goals.
The mission of CARE program is to assist single-parent EOPS students receiving county aid to
overcome the obstacles of single parenthood in order to succeed in college and help expand their
educational and job training opportunities.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic
goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
[List and describe service/office/program goals here]
This section must be completed for ALL services/offices/non-instructional programs, including those scheduled for
a comprehensive review in spring 2015.
1. Provide available data and information that define target recipients of the service/office/non-instructional program,
including numbers/size, types and characteristics/needs of current and potential users, students, clients, and/or
other relevant populations. List the sources of this data and information.
Data Element
Counseling Appointments Attendance
+/- %
+\ - %
Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES)
Unduplicated Number of Students Served
CalWORKs- 228
CalWORKs- 174
EOPS- 626
CalWORKs 159
EOPS- 52
CalWORKs- 9
EOPS 124
18 on Campus
13 on Campus
CalWORKs 16
14 on Campus
AA/AS, Transfers& Certificates
AA/AS, Transfers &Certificate
AS/AS Transfers, Certificates
Duplicated Number of Students Served
Student Learning Outcomes:
CalWORKs Job Placement
Grade Point Average GPA
Student Retention/Attrition Rates
+\ - %
EOPS Total Budget
$ 481,885
CalWORKs Total Budget
Growth Trends
Student Survey
Faculty/Staff Survey
$178,333+TANF $54,6925
$185,675 TANF $56,662
$228,125 + $56,084 and $8,000 re-allocated funds
EOPS Students Demographics
Ethnicity and
1 _24__
4 _1__ 7__58_
1 _24__ 4_0___ 7_45__
1 _19__ 4_2___ 7_____
2 __6_
5 _4___ M_157
2 _5___ 5_4___ M_172
2 _6___ 5_4___ M_198
3 _344_
6 _27__
3 _379_ 6_21__ F_308
3 _519_ 6_29__ F_428
1_7____ 4 _2_____ 7 _11__
1_7____ 4__3____ 7_13__
1_5_____ 4__1____ 7_____
2 __4___ 5__3____ M_20__
2__4___ 5_3_____ M_20__
2_4____ 5_0_____ M_27_
3 __21__ 6__3_____F 143_
3__126_ 6__3____ F_143
3_118__ 6__14___ F_322
Student Exit Survey- Survey
CalWORKs Student Demographics
Ethnicity and Gender
Corresponding number and letter Code: 1-Afro American, 2-Asian, 3-Hispanic, 4-Native American, 5-Filipino, 6-White Non-Hispanic, 7Other M-Male, F- Female
2. Analyze and report on salient patterns and trends in this data. Given these patterns and trends in users, needs, usage
and/or other key factors, identify particularly challenging issues in service/program provision, office functioning,
and the evaluation of the service/office/non-instructional program.
Data Patterns:
CalWORKS: Among the CalWORKS students, there is a decline in student participation considering that in 2011-12 there were 228 students served, while
in 2013-14 participation decreased to 159 students. In 2013-14 there were 9 students that transferred to a four-year university, and a total of 16 students that
graduated with an associate degree or certificate. Transferring to a four year university is not the goal of all CalWORKS students as some students are
attending Hartnell College to obtain their associate degree or certificate. The goal of the CalWORKS program is for students to earn a degree, find
employment and become self-sufficient. CalWORKS counselors possess a “CalWORKS Employment Services Approved Programs and Employment
Guide” which is useful when developing the educational plan as listed careers indicate annual openings, required entry level education and if fingerprint
clearance is required prior to being hired. Once students’ career/employment goal has been discussed with the county caseworker and Hartnell College
CalWORKS counselor, an educational plan is developed which culminates in an associate, certificate or transfer objective. Some of the most common
transfer majors include social work/psychology, elementary teacher education, psychology, early childhood education and business administration.
EOPS: EOPS program demographics continue to mirror the campus wide demographics. There was an increase in student enrollment for EOPS. In 2012-13,
there were 577 unduplicated students served and in 2013-14, there were 626 unduplicated students served. The program continues to increase students served
without significant increases in the program budget.
Trends: EOPS/CARE graduation rates continue to exceed the college’s retention and graduation rate, listed at 72% and 22.46% respectively (
Needs: Expand EOPS/CARE counseling and CalWORKs staffing
Users: EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs students are all low-income, educationally disadvantaged students who qualify for BOGW-A and/or federal and state grant
awards. Upon the implementation of Assembly Bill (AB) 540, students who meet the income and California Dream Action qualifications are eligible to receive
states student aid, which includes EOPS grant awards and book credits. In the spring 2014 semester, EOPS accepted 37 of 150 new students and awarded 3 AB
540 students who $500 individual scholarships.
Challenges: We do not track transfer rates or conduct regular exit surveys to determine student satisfaction with services and if educational objectives were
completed, this will be systematically implemented beginning in the spring 2014.
Office functions: 1 – Director of Categorical Program (EOPS/CARE, CalWORKs, DSPS)
1 – EOPS/CARE/CalWORKs Program Coordinator, 1- EOPS Specialist, 1 – EOPS/CARE Technician, 4 – EOPS/CalWORKs Peer Advisors, 1 – Full time
EOPS Counselor, 1- Full time EOPS/CARE Counselor, 2- part time CalWORKs counselors.
CalWORKS: Considering the student demographics by gender, female student participation heavily outweighs male student participation. Such gender
disparity is not characteristic of Hartnell College as the Student Success Scorecard indicates that as a whole, gender is evenly distributed at the college with
49.8% female and 49.9% male attendance. The gender difference is a reflection of the difficulty male students have in obtaining eligibility for CalWORKS
benefits. Male students have stated that when they apply for CalWORKS services through the county as primary recipients, they encounter many obstacles
such as being told to find employment. Some of the CalWORKS male students that are currently attending Hartnell College are not the primary
CalWORKS recipients; rather they are secondary recipients that receive benefits under the primary recipient, which is their female partner.
CalWORKS: An area in which students have stated they would like more support is tutoring in English and math. Numerous studies and researchers have
noted that English and math are gatekeeper courses for students. Some CalWORKS students are returning students, meaning they have not attended a
formal higher education institution in over ten years and when they take the English and math placement assessment, they realize that they are at the
foundation level for English (English 253) and math (Math 201). Providing specific CalWORKS tutoring would not only support students with their
English and math courses, but would also provide a contact for new CalWORKS participants as they familiarize themselves with the CalWORKS
requirements and deadlines (i.e. CWES 135 and passport to services).
EOPS: Expand EOPS/CARE counseling and clerical staffing. An additional Counselor position is needed and an Administrative Assistant position
is needed.
New software is needed to move from paper files to electronic files. Electronic files will reduce paper usage and eliminate files from being
misplaced. Allocate funding to contract an outside consultant to build the software.
10 | P a g e
Work with IT department to have EOPS/CARE application available online for students to be able to submit electronically (e.g. directly from the
EOPS/CARE website).
CalWORKS: CalWORKS program participants are all parents that are juggling multiple responsibilities which include being students, parents, partners,
siblings and/or employees. The CalWORKS participants want to earn their degree and are highly motivated to do so. CalWORKS students are very
appreciative of the support provided by the CalWORKS program with regards to textbook cost and childcare. They acknowledge that returning to school is
a challenge for many of them, but they have a strong support network that includes parents, extended family and community. Community mothering is a
concept that is founded on the trust individuals have on their community to represent them whenever they are unable to attend their son/daughter’s events
and act on their behalf, always looking out for the best interest of the child. CalWORKS students rely on community mothering and acknowledge that
without that trust in their community, they would not be able to attend school as their academics consume most of their day.
CalWORKS: One of the biggest challenges faced Fall 2014 was incentivizing students to attend CalWORKS workshops. A workshop with Manpower was
scheduled for the month of November 2014, but only one student confirmed his attendance and the workshop was cancelled due to low student
participation. The Manpower representative that was going to facilitate the employment workshop stated that she is accustomed to having 10-20 students
per workshop and was not expecting such low student participation. After such discussion, the decision to cancel the meeting was made and the goal is to
have individual appointments with a Manpower representative in which employment, cover letter and resume are discussed. In addition to facilitating an
employment workshop, the goal was to have a nutrition workshop, but financial requests inhibited the execution of such workshop.
Program Staff:
CalWORKS: Currently the CalWORKS program has two part-time counselors that work a combined total of 20 hours per week. One counselor, Nancy
Reyes, works 11 hours, while counselor Norma Nichols works 9 hours for the CalWORKS program in addition to being the program coordinator. The
counselor schedules have accommodated students’ schedules and needs as the first month of every semester is usually the busiest time as all new students
need a comprehensive educational plan, while continuing students need to update their educational plan in addition to all students needing book vouchers.
To address such need, the counselors coordinate their schedule so that a counselor is available every day of the week.
CalWORKS: The CalWORKS program provides workshops and new student orientation presentations to program
participants. At the conclusion of every presentation, students complete a “Satisfaction Survey” in which the
program participants are asked to indicate the quality of the presentation using the following scale: extremely satisfied, satisfied, neutralN/A, dissatisfied,
and extremely dissatisfied. In addition to providing a “comments” section, the survey has a section in which students are asked to make any suggestions
with regards to the quality of the presentation, changes or additions they would like to see. So far, the survey responses have been very positive, the main
11 | P a g e
“suggestion” students have has to do with regards to the time the presentation is offered as students have class and miss class in order to attend the
3. Provide any other relevant data and describe any other relevant qualitative factors that affect service/program
provision, office functioning, and the evaluation of the service/office/non-instructional program. List the sources of
this data and information.
CalWORKS: Many of the CalWORKS program participants are also EOPS and CARE participants. Students are encouraged to participate in
various support programs, but are reminded that the CalWORKS program is unique in the sense that all students must have an educational plan
completed by one of the CalWORKS counselors. Sometimes students forget such uniqueness and schedule appointments with non-CalWORKS
counselors, and come to find out that they must schedule another educational plan appointment with a CalWORKS counselor. Some students are
confused by such requirement, but when explained that the CalWORKS program has specific regulations that students must meet and that
CalWORKS counselors are aware of such as their educational time clock and forms that are particular to the program, such as CWES 123, students
come to understand the program requirements.
1. Describe the different physical locations (campuses, sites, etc.) at which, the various delivery vehicles (phone, online,
face-to-face, etc.) through which, and the times (of day, evening, week, etc.) at which the service/program is provided to
intended recipients. Consider staffing and other resources available to serve user needs for each location, vehicle, and
time specified.
12 | P a g e
Telephone advising is offered to students enrolled in full-time schedules through distance education, Alisal campus or King City
Education center.
Evening counseling is offered Monday and Tuesday each week throughout fall and spring semesters.
EOPS/CARE mandatory orientation for new students is offered in-person. There were a total of 6 in person orientations offered in
the fall 2013 for a total of 161 students attended. In the Spring 2014 there was a total of 3 in person orientations offered a total of 100
students attended the in person orientation 57 of the 100 students attended a Saturday orientation. Last year EOPS new student
orientation was held on Saturday as a large group venue. With the success of this orientation, it is recommended to bring this
orientation back.
The EOPS/CARE orientation is available in person and in a power point-format.
The EOPS/CARE staff and counselors present bilingual/multicultural competency for telephone, in-person or electronic
correspondence with students
EOPS updates and/or important forms are distributed via in-person, ―Remind 101‖ text messaging, facebook posts, gmail and
telephone calls.
All CalWORKS appointments are conducted at the Hartnell College main campus. Student appointments can be scheduled anytime between 8-6pm
Monday to Friday, depending on counselor work schedule. Students can call or schedule the appointment in person at the EOPS/CARE/CalWORKS office.
All counseling appointments are held in the D building. In order to ensure student success, CalWORKS counselors are always available 2 weeks prior to the
start of the semester, Monday to Friday, in order for students to complete book voucher and/or educational plans. Sometimes students ask if the session can
be in Spanish, and counselors are more than happy to communicate with students in the language they feel most comfortable with. New student orientations
are not only a requirement of SB 1456, but are also a program requirement for new CalWORKS students. Every semester, at least 2 new student
orientations are scheduled before the start of the semester. Once the semester begins, one to two orientations are scheduled at the start of the semester. One
is usually offered from 11-1pm as it is usually during lunch time and students are not in class, and the other is usually offered in the evening. Despite all
attempts to accommodate student schedules, it is inevitable that some students will be unable to attend the workshops due to course conflict and for such
students, the on-line orientation is available.
In an effort for all CalWORKS students to take advantage of their level 1 priority registration, an e-mail is sent to students reminding them of their
registration date and time. The e-mail is usually sent one to two weeks before priority registration so that students that want to update their educational plan
have time to schedule an appointment. In addition, sending the e-mail a couple of weeks before the priority registration date allows program staff to send
the e-mail more than once, and for students that do not check their e-mail on a daily basis, they have the opportunity to receive the e-mail weeks in
2. Compare service/program quality provided across locations, vehicles, and times. Are there differences? To what do you
ascribe the differences in your service/ program? Discuss any other relevant factors regarding diverse service/program
modalities and environments.
EOPS applications and brochures are sent to Student Services staff at the Alisal campus and the King City campus through inter-office mail. Students at
either campus can complete an application and it is sent by Student Services staff to the EOPS Specialist for processing. As a requirement to qualify for
EOPS, a new student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units. For new students to receive EOPS/CARE services, they must attend a mandatory EOPS
orientation and complete a comprehensive educational plan with a counselor.
The vast majority of our full-time students are enrolled in units on the main campus. For Fall 2013, we accepted a total of 196 new EOPS/CARE students,
and for Spring 2014 we accepted 167 students. Furthermore, of the 363 new students we accepted during 2013-14 there was a total of 88 students from
South County. A part-time counselor is available for the south county students. In addition, students enrolled at Alisal and King City can meet with
general counselors located at those campuses to complete their educational plans.
To accommodate South County students, they are given priority by coordinating their first counseling appointment and approving their book credit on the
same day. Furthermore, the EOPS book credit is only available at the Hartnell Bookstore, so any EOPS student who utilizes their EOPS book credit must
do so on the main campus in the case where students only take classes in south county arrangements can be made to have the bookstore send their books to
the King City center.
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In order to provide “Over and Above” services to EOPS/CARE students, we have started a Lending Library during the Fall 2013 we had 25 students that
took advantage of our books. During the Spring 2014 we had 42 students that took advantage of borrowing books from the Lending Library.
To this end, EOPS is providing ―Over and Above‖ services in accommodating the needs of a small percentage of students and we will
continue to recruit at the south county high schools, in participation of ―Panther Prep‖ Days at the King City and Main Campus, where over
130 applications were collected. The ―AB 540‖ applications collected from both Panther Prep Days are being identified so these students will
receive priority EOPS admissions. During 2013-14 school year we accepted 36 AB540 students.
All of the CalWORKS services are offered at the Hartnell College main campus location. Students are able to schedule appointments between 8-6pm,
Monday to Friday. During the summer, counselors were available as early as 7am and students stated that they preferred the 7am time as they usually had to go
in to work at 8am and having the availability of a 7am appointment allowed them to fulfill their employment and school commitments. When students live in
King City or South County, they have stated that they do not mind commuting to the main campus as they take their classes at the main campus, so they are
essentially not going out of their way to attend their appointment.
One of the main areas in which students have expressed concern has to do with tutoring. Specifically, students from King City have stated that tutoring is
not available at the King City location and they find themselves commuting to the main campus for tutoring support. The dean of the King City location has
stated that they are aware of the tutoring need and are in the process of addressing such issue.
3. Describe the process to change and improve service/program quality for the more challenging locations, vehicles, and/or
EOPS staff and counselors are actively engaged in committee work and/or regular contact with the Follett Bookstore, the Associated Student Body, DSPS,
TRIO, Financial Aid, administrative support services at the other campus locations and the general counseling department to ensure that an EOPS/CARE
qualified student has full access to appropriate support services across all campus sites.
CalWORKS counselors meet with county CalWORKS case workers and the CalWORKS management analyst at least 2 times per semester. During
such meetings, the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) counselor and coordinator are present, as well as respective college library personnel. The
collaborative meetings are beneficial as case workers and the management analyst provide statewide updates with regards to the CalWORKS program. In
addition, MPC and Hartnell College counselors are able to discuss their practices and share what works and what can be improved.
In a recent meeting with the Foster Kinship Director, collaboration is going to take place and already started with a movie night that was a joint
collaboration between EOPS/CARE/CalWORKS and the Foster Kinship Center. The goal of the collaboration is to support students and provide workshops
that are meaningful, engaging and address student issues/concerns.
14 | P a g e
Each service unit/office/non-instructional program develops its own Service Area Outcomes (SAOs). The outcomes should be directly related
to the work of the service unit/office/non-instructional program, challenging but attainable, and measureable. SAOs should articulate what
specifically is to be achieved; their measurement should assess how well the service unit/office/non-instructional program is performing.
1. Please complete the following tables.
List Service Area Outcome(s) scheduled for
assessment as previously specified
What changes have occurred in the
service/office/ program as a result of
Was a Service Area Outcome
Assessment Summary completed
(if expected)?
Student Workshops
Develop a new comprehensive student
satisfaction survey
Develop a new comprehensive student
satisfaction survey
Develop a new comprehensive student
satisfaction survey
Student will utilize Priority Registration
Students will find the information provide at
Orientation to be beneficial to their academic
List Service Area Outcome(s) scheduled for assessment in
AY 15-16
How will the Outcome(s) be assessed?
Student Satisfaction of Program Services: CalWORKs/ EOPS
Satisfaction Survey –Survey Monkey
15 | P a g e
2. Describe how service area outcomes were specifically addressed by the service/office/program during the past year.
Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the staff engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any
plans to make changes/improvements in the service/office/program?
Student evaluations are completed after each ―EOPS Student Success‖ workshop
EOPS ―Student Success‖ and ―Early Alert‖ collaboration to offer workshop for STEM majors and managed follow-up on participating
3. Describe assessment activities that need to be strengthened or improved. What are the challenges to achieving these
[Begin response here]
This subsection focuses on activities that were previously scheduled. An activity can address many different aspects of your service/office/program,
and ultimately is undertaken to improve or enhance your service/office/program, and keep it current.
Activity scheduled
1. Priority
2. New Student
16 | P a g e
What success has been
achieved to date on this
What challenges
existed or continues to
Will activity continue
into AY 15-16?
Will activity continue
into AY 16-17?*
The need for workshops
prior to Priority
Registration with hope to
increase student use of
Priority Registration
Increase in number of
students using Priority
Too many scheduled
orientations spread
over two week period.
Possible having large
venue for new student
orientation, i.e.
Saturday Orientation
EOPS staff to share in
3. Joint Activity
participating in
with Foster
Youth Program
* For each activity that will continue into AY 2016-17 and that requires resources, submit a separate resource request in Section III.
1. Evaluate the success of each activity scheduled, including activities completed and those in progress. What measurable
outcomes were achieved? Did the activities and subsequent dialogue lead to significant change in service or program
Priority Registration:
New Student Orientations:
Joint Activity with Foster Youth Program
17 | P a g e
This section must be completed for ALL services/offices/non-instructional programs, whether scheduled for
annual or comprehensive review in spring 2015.
This subsection addresses new activities for, and continuing new activities into, AY 2016-17. An activity can address many different aspects of your
service/office/program, and ultimately is undertaken to improve, enhance, and or keep your service/office/program current. A new activity may or
may not require additional resources. The first activity listed should be the most important; the second activity listed the second most important, etc. Activities
can include but are not limited to:
18 | P a g e
1. List information concerning new projects or activities planned. The first activity listed should be the most important; the second
activity listed the second most important, etc. Please keep in mind that resources needed, if funded, would not be approved
until spring 2016 and provided until FY 2016-17. Ongoing activities involving resources that will no longer be available
from grant funds starting FY 2016-17 must be planned for appropriately.
19 | P a g e
1.EOPS Student success
Strategic Plan
No. & Letter
(e.g., 5A)*
2A, 2B
Related SAOs, SLOs,
PLOs, or goals
2.EOPS & Foster Youth
Joint Activities
2A, 2B
3. College Campus Tours
1A, 2A, 2B
4.CalWORKs program
Workshops for student
5.Saturday EOPS new
student orientation
2A, 2B
2A, 2B
1 activity per
80% of student
survey will
strongly agree
EOPS student
workshops will
workshop were
helpful toward
their academic
Professional Expert
EOPS Counselors
1 per semester
80% of students
surveyed will
rate helpful
attending college
campus tours
Staff and funding for
(Bus or Van)
transportation expense
1 per semester
Over-time for Staff and
NIC for EOPS faculty
Adjunct faculty
to serve at main
campus, and
This position to
assist in meeting
EOPS require
student contacts
Funding to support
additional counseling
staff and travel expense
6. Adjunct EOPS faculty
Resources Needed
EOPS staff
EOPS staff
and Foster
Paul Casey
Estimated Date of
Completion (can be
more than one year
in length)
Plan for fall 2015
development of
activities to
Fall 2015
Joint effort with
TRIO and Transfer
/Career Center
August 2015
Adjunct EOPS
counselor may be
assigned at the
King City Center
depending on the
* See Appendix A for a list of the 11 goals in the college’s Strategic Plan.
*** Please complete items 2a-e immediately below for EACH new activity. ***
20 | P a g e
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the service/office/program.
 Faculty
 Other staffing
 Facilities
 Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000),
 Software
 Hardware
 Outside services
 Training
 Travel
 Library materials
 Science laboratory materials
a) EOPS Student Success Workshops
a. Counseling Faculty will facilitate student success workshop throughout the year. Some workshops may include hiring professional
b) EOPS & Foster Youth Joint Activities:
a. EOPS staff will partner with Foster Youth
c) College Campus Tours:
a. EOPS program will collaborate with other student service programs, such as TRIO and Transfer Center
d) CalWORKs program Workshops for student Success:
a. CalWORKs Counselor will partnership with EOPS staff and other outside service .
e) Saturday EOPS new student orientation:
a. EOPS staff, Counselors and other Student Service Programs will be involved in the EOPS New Student Saturday Orientation. Large
facility is needed to accommodate over 100 students.
f) Adjunct EOPS faculty:
a. Additional office space, computer workstation, EOPS implementation guideline training and travel to off campus sites.
g) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
h) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Service Area Outcome (list applicable service area outcome)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program level outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
21 | P a g e
4) Service/Program Goal (list applicable service /program goal outcome)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan outcome)
[Begin response here]
i) Does this activity span multiple years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
j) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
A satisfaction survey will be distributed at the end of each activity to measure the outcomes. It is expected that all students surveyed will
indicate over 80% are Very Satisfied with the activity
k) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
[Begin response here]
22 | P a g e
If new/additional resources are needed for your service/office/program, it is important that you identify them and project their cost, and that these
resources and costs be considered through the College’s integrated planning (budget development, funding decision making, and resource
allocation) processes. A resource is likely to be something needed to support an activity that you have identified in IIIA above, in which case you
must link the resource with a specific activity number (first column below). The first activity listed should be the most important; the second activity listed
the second most important, etc. A resource could also be something necessary for your service/program to function properly to improve student
learning, such as updated equipment in a room/facility; in such case be sure to note that the resource is NOT tied to a specific activity.
Handouts (Supplies) Audio/Visual
Student success
2. Saturday
EOPS new
3. Adjunct
General Office
Food (snacks/Lunch)
EOPS faculty
4. . College
Campus Tours
23 | P a g e
May hire
al for
areas of
e.g. Science
Smart Classroom $150.00 per
hour for
l expert
Survivor Kit(supplies) Audio/Visual
B-208 room for $15.00 per
large group
kit x
H/S for
Office Space
main campus and
off sites
tion and
5. Summer
Educational Supplies Audio /Visual
for Student Survivor
Room to
$10,000 for
accommodate 15 NIC
* Personnel: Include a C or F after the amount to indicate Classified Staff or Faculty.
** S for Supplies, E for Equipment.
*** H for Hardware, S for Software.
24 | P a g e
APPENDIX A. Strategic Priorities & Goals
(from Hartnell College Strategic Plan 2013-2018)
Priority 1: Student
Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong
learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective
constituent individuals and groups.
Priority 2: Student
Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning
environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success.
Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning
environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students.
Priority 3: Employee
Diversity and Development
Goal 3A: Hartnell College is committed to 1) increasing diversity among its employees; 2)
providing an environment that is safe for and inviting to diverse persons, groups, and
communities; and 3) becoming a model institution of higher education whose respect for
diversity is easily seen and is fully integrated throughout its policies, practices, facilities, signage,
curricula, and other reflections of life at the college.
Goal 3B: To attract and retain highly qualified employees, Hartnell College is committed to
providing and supporting relevant, substantial professional development opportunities.
Priority 4:
Effective Utilization of Resources
Goal 4A: To support its mission, Hartnell College is committed to the effective utilization of
its human resources.
Goal 4B: Hartnell College is committed to having its physical plant, furnishings, and grounds
maintained and replaced in a planned and scheduled way to support learning, safety, security,
and access.
Goal 4C: Hartnell College will maintain a current, user-friendly technological infrastructure
that serves the needs of students and employees.
Goal 4D: Hartnell College is committed to maximizing the use and value of capital assets,
managing financial resources, minimizing costs, and engaging in fiscally sound planning for
future maintenance, space, and technology needs.
25 | P a g e
Priority 5:
Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services
Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the realworld needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of
innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning.
Priority 6: Partnership
with Industry, Business Agencies and Education
Goal 6A: Hartnell College is committed to strengthening and furthering its current
partnerships, in order to secure lasting, mutually beneficial relationships between the college
and the community that the college serves.
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