6 Grade Day 4 th

6th Grade
Day 4
Dear Parent/Family Partner,
Date _____________________________
Please give me your reactions to your child’s ilearn@home activities. Write YES or NO for each statement.
_______ My child understood the assignments and was able to discuss them.
_______ My child and I enjoyed the activities.
_______ These assignments helped me know what my child is learning in school.
Any other comments:
Guardian’s Signature:
Read one of the following for 30
minutes: AR Book, story from
Reading Street, or a book from
When finished, fill out the
Comprehension Thinking Sheet
on what you have just read.
Also, if a computer is accessible,
you may take AR test and do
lessons on Compass Learning
Language Arts.
Physical Education:
Cursive Writing:
Make sure that you complete 30
minutes of aerobic exercise.
Aerobic exercise gets your
heartrate up. Examples might
include: jogging, walking at a
quick pace, sledding (as long as
you are walking back up hill),
riding your bicycle, playing tag in
the yard, building a snowman, etc.
Log your activity and time on your
PE log.
Choose a paragraph from a
magazine, a book or any other
print source and rewrite the
paragraph in cursive using proper
form and spacing on lined
notebook paper. The paragraph
must contain at least 100 words.
Complete the math sheet
attached. You must show all
Arts & Humanities:
Think about your Narrative writing
topic. Write a 1.8 paragraph
about your topic that you can use
in your narrative. Don’t forget to
use sensory details (sight, smell,
taste, touch, hear) that will add
interest to your writing! Write this
on a sheet of paper.
Create a title sheet for your
Narrative Writing. You may draw
or computer generate a picture
that will be used as a cover sheet
for your Narrative writing piece.
English: Write 5 sentences that
Science: We have been discussing
Social Studies:
are your age or older. Label each
word in your sentence with the correct
part of speech.
N=noun V=verb HV=helping verb
Adj=adjective Adv=adverb
I=interjection an object of the
preposition Pro=Label for all of
your pronouns C=conjunction
P=preposition (must be followed by
an object of the preposition)
Pro=Label for all of your pronouns
the universe. Observe the night sky. On a
sheet of paper, sketch the moon phase,
stars, constellations, and other celestial
observations in which you see. Your
observation should include a sketch of
what you see along with 5 complete
sentences describing your sketch. If you
have access to research material, find out
what constellations or celestial objects we
might find in the month of February.
Write the name of 6 landforms and
what they mean.