St. Alfred Catholic School 3341 Havenwood Dr. Mississauga, Ontario L4X 2M2

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St. Alfred Catholic School
3341 Havenwood Dr.
Mississauga, Ontario
L4X 2M2
905.625.4490 (Fax)
“Every Child, A Promise.”
Principal: L. DeWitte
Vice Principal T. Podobnik
Secretary: D. Suchocki
School Council
Chair: R. Didiano
of ME Schools:
T. Lariviere
DPCDSB Trustee of Wards 1 & 3:
M. Pascucci
St. Martha & Mary Parish
1840 Burnhamthorpe Rd. East
(905) 625-5670
Rev. Fr. D. Corkum
School Begins 8:45 a.m.
Recess (a.m.)
10:45 - 11:00a.m.
11:45- 12:45p.m.
Recess (p.m.)
3:15 p.m.
A Lenten Reflection
Fast from judging others….Feast on the Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from apparent darkness...Feast on the reality of light.
Fast from thoughts of illness...Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute...Feast on words that purify.
Fast from discontent...Feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger...Feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism...Feast on optimism.
Fast from negatives...Feast on affirmatives.
Fast from hostility...Feast on peace.
Fast from bitterness...Feast on appreciation.
Catholics observe Lent, the forty-day period before Easter beginning on Ash Wednesday. We
imitate Jesus, who spent forty days in the desert in prayer and fasting before beginning His
public ministry. Observing Lent helps to cultivate the spiritual discipline of making personal
sacrifices, reminding us of the importance of spiritual truths over earthly goods.
We came together on Ash Wednesday with a Liturgical Celebration in our school gym. Ash
Wednesday is the “commencement” of this period of repentance. As our staff, students and
community received their ashes, it symbolically marked how we, as a Catholic Community,
come together to realize the true meaning of Lent.
As we approach Easter, it is fitting that we meditate on the serious subject of the sacrifice that
Jesus made to save us from eternal death and separation from God. He willingly and singlemindedly embarked on His mission to teach the truth and to die on the cross as the ultimate
and lasting sacrifice for our sins– the sacrifice that God required.
This may be time to think about the blessings we have and about the frivolous things we tend
to hold onto. It may be a good time to give up something we enjoy as a reminder of the true
meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice. We can also think of a Lenten Promise we wish to make and
strive to do good to others as Jesus did to the many people He met along His journey.
We would like to wish our students, staff and families a very safe and enjoyable March Break.
L. DeWitte
T. Podobnik
Vice Principal
We believe that each one, created in the image and likeness of God, is called by name into the Dufferin-Peel community to realize the Ontario
Catholic School Graduate Expectations to the fullest extent possible as we all journey from the early years to vocation.
Weekend Masses: Satur day Mass at 4:30pm, Sunday Masses at
8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am
Weekday Masses: Monday to Satur day and Holidays at 9:00am,
First Friday at 7:00pm, and Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Confessions: Satur days at 3:30pm to 4:15pm
First Reconciliation and Holy Communion at Sts. Martha and
Mary Parish:
First Communion: April 3 at 2:00pm
Confirmation at Sts. Martha and Mary Parish:
Confessions: TBD
Confirmation Mass: April 7 at 7:00pm
God wants us to give generously to others around us.
A kind person …
Is gentle and sensitive to others
Stands by their friends in time of need
Shares their time and talents
Says nice things about others from the heart
Always looks for ways to be helpful
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and
patience. Bear with one another and if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord
has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all,
clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule
in your hearts to which indeed you were called in the one
We believe that we are called to create a Catholic learning and working environment that is safe, inclusive, and welcoming.
Our attendance line is: 905-625-0584 (Press #1). Please call to r egister an absence. You can call 24hrs a day including
weekends if you know your child will be absent from school. An answer ing machine is available to take infor mation.
Please provide the following information:
• Name(s) of student(s)
• Name of student’s teacher(s)
• Grade of student(s)
• Reason for absence
If an absence is not reported, our policy is to call home to verify student absenteeism. A parent or guardian must sign out
students at the office who leave early.
All students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually. All students who arrive after 8:45 a.m. or 12:45 p.m.
must obtain a late slip from the office. This measure is to ensure the safety of your child. We thank you for your continued
support in following this procedure.
We have updated our school website. This site will be continually updated and has infor mation for par ents r egar ding school calendar information, newsletters and school updates. Visit and link onto the Elementary site at
St. Alfred Elementary School @
Parents and guardians of Dufferin-Peel Catholic students can stay up-to-date with the latest board news and information by
joining the Dufferin-Peel eCommunity. Members will receive the latest news and information by email, including news
releases, school activities and events, board meeting highlights, school and bus cancellations, plus useful tips for parents and
students. Sign up online at
DPCDSB is on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools.
Our school Newsletter is sent out via email to parents/guardians and will also be posted on our website. Paper copies will
continue to be distributed to our students in March and a limited number of copies will be available in the office for pickup. Starting in April, and in support of our Eco Plan, paper copies will be available for pickup
only at the front of the office. Email blasts providing a link to the newsletter on our website will
continue. If you have not provided the office with your email address and would like to receive a variety of school information via email, please contact the main office to be added to the distribution list after completing a CASL (Canada’s Anti
Spam Legislation) consent form.
This year St. Alfred school has joined twitter and we would love for you to follow us! It's a great way to receive instant
updates of school events, reminders and photos of exciting happenings at our school. Follow us at: StAlfred_dpcdsb.
Want more information about twitter? See Ms. Lupallier, Ms. Rotondi or Ms. Romano
We believe that we are called to live and work in relationship within communities modelled after Christ.
Catholic School Council 2015 – 2016
Catholic School Council
Members of this year’s School Council are:
Parish Rep.:
Margaret Pakula
Hajdi Bountas
Catherine Pudel
Vy Obedencio
Margaret Pakula, Tanya Escoffey,
Mario Stojanac
Upcoming School Council meetings are:
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
All St. Alfred School Parents
are invited to join us.
Homework Help
Homework Help is a free online Math help resource for students in Grades 7-10 in Ontario.
‘Homework Help’ provides free, live one-on-one
tutoring from Ontario-certified teachers Sunday
to Thursday, from 5:30 pm—9:30 pm ET.
It is funded by the Ontario government and administered by TVOs Independent Learning Centre.
Gr. 7 & 8 teachers will be registering their students online for this Math support.
Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have
any questions regarding this support.
Over the next few months we will be making up the class lists for next year. This is quite a complex process and is done in consultation with this year’s teachers, support staff and administration.
As part of this process, parents may also give their input around class placement for their child
(ren). Input must be stated in writing, provide an educational reason for the request, and be submitted to the principal by April 29, 2016. Please do not confuse this with a request for individual
teachers, or an opportunity for your child to ask for the teacher s/he wants. We recognize that there
may be things about your child’s learning or past experience that we may not know about that may
affect your child’s learning. We invite you to help us find the most appropriate placement for your
child(ren), by sharing this information. We cannot guarantee that requests will be fulfilled, but all
will be considered.
We believe that we are called to support all throughout our journey of life-long learning through growth, transformation, and witness; revealing “the hope that is within us”(1 Peter 3:15).
Catholic education views human life as an integration of body, mind, and spirit. Rooted in
this vision, Catholic education fosters the search for knowledge as a lifelong spiritual and
academic quest. The expectations of Catholic graduates, therefore, are described not only
in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes and actions.
Vision of the Learner
The Graduate is expected to be:
1. A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the
signs and sacred mystery of God’s presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness,
reflection and moral living.
2. An effective communicator who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively,
responding critically in light of gospel values
3. A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
4. A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates their
God-given potential.
5. A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work which
respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
6. A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish, and the wider community
7. A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting
peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.
Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations
I have thoughts and opinions that matter
I make good choices
I have hope for the future
I solve problems with knowledge, understanding and prayer
I know we are all equal and special
Because I have ideas, I have a purpose, and I will live my life like Jesus.
We believe that we are called to use fair, equitable and transparent assessment practices, informed by our Christcentred approach to professional judgement, to create hope, engagement, and growth for all to realize their full potential.
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDS) on Board Premises and/or Board Sanctioned Events for Educational Purposes:
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students
are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for
educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/guardian permission (GF 066, Network User Application and Agreement). Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” and
the “Network User Application and Agreement.” Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans.
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of
Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue
to be directed through the main office. Failur e to comply with these guidelines may r esult in a loss of PED pr ivileges
and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration.
The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces and/or in common areas.
Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for
lost, damaged or stolen devices.
STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region)
Stopr is providing bus transportation services for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. The STOPR website
dress is This website provides access to up to date information regarding delayed buses and bus cancellations
due to inclement weather. To check for eligibility for transportation, please access the following website:
STOPR Telephone Contact Information:
In anticipation of the weather getting progressively colder, we ask that students begin preparing for outdoor play. This includes proper gloves, hats, scarves, jackets, coats and boots. Board Guidelines indicate that students will
generally be outside for lunch and recess when temperatures do not fall below –20 degrees Celsius, with the
wind chill. As such, appropriate clothing is essential. Please note that students should have indoor shoes
during the winter months. We also suggest sending spare clothes for younger students. Thank you in advance for your continued support and cooperation.
Head Lice is a common problem which occurs at some time in most schools at least once every year. Head lice are parasites
which have been common among human beings for centuries. They are not connected in any way with dirt or neglect. If a
case is found in our schools, we shall inform parents of the students in that classroom in a letter. We have had a number of
cases so we ask that you also check your own children regularly. If you find them to be infested, please notify the office.
For more information go to the following link:
Please ensure that students keep a pair of running shoes or other appropriate footwear at school so that their feet remain dry
and clean at all times. As well, because so many areas of our schoolyard can be quite muddy at certain times of the year, this
We believe that we are called to design and implement effective instruction that is Christ-centred, purposeful, engaging,
inclusive, responsive, and which reflects success for all.
The history of Catholic schools in Ontario since 1841 is
one of dedication and perseverance in the face of financial hardship and adversity. Due to the commitment of
the religious teaching Orders, the bishops and priests,
the teachers, parents and students, our forebears have
handed to us a great gift – a fully funded public Catholic
school system.
The courts of Ontario and Canada have reinforced the
rights of the Catholic school system with a number of
judgments which affirmed the rights of separate school
boards to:
(a) have their guaranteed powers in the Separate School
Act of 1863 improved,
(b) receive equitable funding,
(c) prefer Catholics when hiring elementary and secondary school teachers,
(d) have their own buildings,
(e) have an exclusive Catholic school community.
The integration of religious truths and values with life is
one of the most significant elements that distinguish the
Catholic school from other schools. This is a matter of
crucial importance today in view of contemporary
trends and pressures to compartmentalize life and learning and to isolate the religious dimension of existence
from other areas of human life. The courts have recognized, over the years that Catholic education is not a
subject but rather a way to view the world that speaks to
the interrelationship between faith, knowledge and action. The Catholic school is a unique setting within
which this ideal can be realized in the lives Catholic
children and young people. In our Catholic schools this
reality can and is lived out.
Holy Week is the last week of Lent.
Holy Week observances began in Jerusalem in the earliest days of the Church, when devout people traveled to Jerusalem at
Passover to reenact the events of the week leading up to the Resurrection.
The purpose of Holy Week is to reenact, relive, and participate in the passion of Jesus Christ. Holy Week is the same in the
eastern and western Church, but because eastern Christians use the Julian Calendar to calculate Easter, the celebrations occur at different times. However, the following events in the week before Easter are the same, east and west, relative to the
date of Easter:
Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday), the entr ance of J esus into J er usalem.
Holy Thursday, the institution of Communion and the betr ayal by J udas.
Good Friday, the ar r est, tr ial, cr ucifixion, death, and bur ial of J esus Chr ist.
Holy Saturday, the Sabbath on which J esus r ested in the gr ave.
Please take the time to ensure your child is aware of the sacrifice Jesus made for us and that we remind ourselves that Jesus
came to show us the way to eternal life. Let us keep in mind that he led by example. He gave his life for us. He is our role
model and we aspire to live our lives in a manner consistent with the lessons that Jesus taught us.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated annually. If your child requires medication,
please have all pertinent forms completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible.
Concussions are brain injuries caused by excessive, rapid movement of the brain inside the skull. This movement causes
damage that changes how brain cells function, leading to symptoms that can be physical (headaches, dizziness), cognitive
(problems remembering or concentrating), or emotional (feeling depressed). A concussion can result from a blow to the head
or body in any number of activities including receiving a check in hockey, falling from a jungle gym, or slipping on an icy
sidewalk. All head injuries can be difficult to diagnose, however, a concussion is the most difficult head injury to diagnose.
Brain scans cannot determine if a concussion exists. The school calls parents whenever a child has hit their head. It is important that parents also keep the school informed if their child has had a head injury during an extracurricular activity. The
school will work with the family to set up a plan (in line with the Board’s protocol) to assist the student in returning to normal physical activity.
The No Child Without program offers a free MedicAlert membership to students who attend our school and are between the
ages of 4 to 14. If your child has a medical condition, allergy, or is required to take medication on a regular basis, then you
should consider a MedicAlert membership through this program. For further information pick up a brochure at the school
office, or visit If your child is already part of the program but his/her medical condition or contact
information has changed, call 1-877-282-5378.
SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS - Annual Criminal Declaration / Criminal Reference Check
A valid Criminal Background Check must be provided by all new volunteers. Once a CBC is provided to the school, an Annual Offence Declaration can be completed in subsequent years. The volunteer CBC/AODs must be housed in a secure location in the school. Forms are available from the main office.
In the unforeseen event that we should have an emergency at our school, we will evacuate to:
St Sofia Catholic Elementary School
3540 Havenwood Dr.
(905) 625.0823
Safety regulations and Board Policy require us to have this contingency plan in place. In the event of an evacuation to our
alternate site, your child will remain at St. Sofia School until we are able to contact you and make arrangements for pick up.
St. Alfred Celebrates Boys and Girls Night In
On February 18th and February 25th, St. Alfred
hosted Boys and Girls Night In. Grade 6 to 8
students were invited to take part in activities
such as basketball and dance. Special guest
speakers Darren Anthony and Elizabeth Correia spoke to our students about the power of
hard work, our faith, and treating others with
respect and dignity. They shared their powerful stories of their struggles and triumphs. Students also took part in a liturgy where they
were called to emulate Jesus’ service to his
disciples. In the Bible, we hear about Jesus
cleansing the feet of his disciples. During our
liturgy, students symbolically cleansed each
other’s hands signifying mercy, almsgiving,
and a fresh start. A big thank you goes
out to our special guests and the staff and students who helped make these two events a
great success!
ECO and HEALTH at St. Alfred
“Ms. Romano held a pancake feast in the gym. We all loved it and enjoyed it. When we opened the
doors we could smell the batter and syrup. It smelled like heaven. We couldn't wait till we ate the pancakes. When we ate the pancakes it was sweet and perfect. When we went in the gym we said a prayer
before we ate and said goodbye to Alleluia until Easter. Everyone was chatting and loud because they
were excited for pancakes. The pancakes looked delicious. They were soft and fluffy. The pancakes
looked glossy with the syrup on it. There were volunteers who helped us. Every year we go to the gym
for pancakes and every year it just gets better and better!
Come check out the other amazing articles about Pancake Hall posted in the front hall and library!”
Article written by the grade 4's in Mrs. Belaisis’ class
On Friday February 19, 2016 the St. Alfred School Council held their annual Dance A Thon with, a Hawaiian Luau Theme.
We would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all those who participated and collected pledges. With the help
of all the students, and our community, the ST. Alfred School Council was able to successfully raise $3,975.00 in pledges.
These funds will help St. Alfred continue to purchase iPad carts , Smartboards and any other helpful 21st Century Learning
Tools for all students in all classes.
St. Alfred would also like to show their appreciation to all prize donors (Principal, teachers, parents) especially the local
Businesses in our community and surrounding area by extending our gratitude for all the wonderful Prize donations. St.
Alfred Council collected a total of 142 prizes ranging from SKY ZONE Trampoline passes to Signed Toronto Maple Leafs
Plaques totaling and estimated value of $3,600.00. Our event was successful due to the kindness and generosity of those in
our community, and our neighboring Businesses.
Last but certainly not least, thank you to all those who volunteered. Your help is what makes this event and others so successful. The students enjoy the music, not to mention the FREE Popcorn and water. This year the students received an additional treat…..Glow Bracelets for the Jk/Sk students and Hawaiian Lays to each student participating. Thank you to the
generous parent who donated those wonderful items.
On Thursday March 3, 2016, members of the St. Alfred School Council, alongside the School Principal, held the raffle and
successfully distributed all the donated prizes to all the winners. Congratulations to all who won prizes and Thank You to
each and every child who donated.
The St. Alfred School Council is always looking for new ideas and volunteers, so please be reminded that our upcoming
Council Meeting is on March 30, 2016 , 7:00pm. Come out and join us.
We wish everyone a Safe, Healthy & Happy March Break.
The St. Alfred School Council
St. Alfred Dance A Thon 2016 Sponsors
With the season of Lent, we will also begin our annual ShareLife campaign from March 7 to March 11. On Monday, March 7, 2016 Mr. Arthur Peters, the Director of ShareLife, is visiting our school. We will share with him
all of the great things that we are doing to help ShareLife in our school. Each student and staff member will receive a ShareLife Bracelet to celebrate ShareLife Week.
ShareLife has a long tradition of assisting the vulnerable and marginalized in our community dating back to the
1840’s when our first Archbishop of Toronto, Michael Power, personally worked with immigrants who were
dying of typhus. Today we continue this tradition by extending an invitation to all Catholics to take part in continuing to care for the vulnerable among us. ShareLife supports a number of Catholic organizations within the
community and Archdiocese of Toronto. Student and staff involvement in school-based activities has already
raised some funds this year.
Thank you for giving generously.
2016 Theme:
Opening the Doors of Mercy / Ouvrir des portes de miséricorde
JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY officially proclaimed by Pope
Francis, began on December 8, 2015 when the Holy Doors were
opened at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. “The Motto, ‘Merciful
Like the Father’ serves as an invitation to follow the merciful
example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn
but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure.” (Pope Francis)
Sub themes:
“Mercy that Welcomes”
“Mercy that Loves”
“Mercy that Forgives”
“Mercy that Lives the Gospel”
“Mercy that Rejoices”
“La miséricorde qui accueille”
“La miséricorde qui aime”
“La miséricorde qui pardonne”
“La miséricorde qui vit l’Évangile”
“La miséricorde qui rend grâce”
The March Break will be Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday,
March 18, 2016. Students and staff will r etur n to school on
Monday, March 21, 2016.
March 7—11
March 14-18
March 20
March 25
March 28
ShareLife Week
March Break—School is Closed
Palm Sunday
Good Friday—School is Closed
Easter Monday—School is Closed
Math Insert for March
2016 CCCSC Matketplace Brochure