Taoi lieau naay quan troing, xin nhoo ngoooi chuyean doch. Esta informacion es importante. Por favor traducirla al espanol. Ta informacja jest wazna. Prosze zapoznaj sie z nia. St. Alfred Catholic School 3341 Havenwood Dr. Mississauga, Ontario L4X 2M2 905.625.0584 905.625.4490 (Fax) “Every Child, A Promise.” December 2015 Newsletter Principal: L. DeWitte Vice Principal T. Podobnik Secretary: D. Suchocki September School Council Chair: R. Didiano 2011 Superintendent of ME Schools: Newsletter T. Lariviere DPCDSB Trustee of Wards 1 & 3: M. Pascucci St. Martha & Mary Parish 1840 Burnhamthorpe Rd. East (905) 625-5670 Rev. Fr. D. Corkum http://stsmarthaandmary.org/ ST. ALFRED SCHOOL HOURS School Begins 8:45 a.m. Recess (a.m.) 10:45 - 11:00a.m. Lunch 11:45- 12:45p.m. Recess (p.m.) 2:15—2:30p.m. Dismissal 3:15 p.m. ST. ALFRED WEBSITE http://www.dpcdsb.org/ALFRD DPCDSB WEBSITE http://www.dpcdsb.org/cec O God, as light comes from the candles of our Advent wreath, may the blessing of Jesus Christ come to us, warming our hearts and brightening our way. May Christ our Savior bring life into the darkness of this world, and to us, as we wait for His coming. TWITTER ADMINISTRATORS MESSAGE The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent. @StAlfred_dpcdsb @DPCDSBSchool Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000-year-old event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. That is a process in which we now participate and the consummation of which we anticipate. Scripture reading for Advent will reflect this emphasis on the Second Advent, including themes of accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment on sin, and the hope of eternal life. Prayers and our attendance and participation at Mass enrich our waiting for Jesus. May God bless you all in this Holy Season. At a time of reflection, remembrance and anticipation, we thank you for your continued support and consideration. On behalf of the entire St. Alfred Staff we wish you and your families a very joyous, blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year! We’ll see you all in 2016! L. DeWitte T. Podobnik Principal Vice Principal STS. MARTHA AND MARY PARISH Weekend Masses: Satur day Mass at 4:30pm, Sunday Masses at 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am Weekday Masses: Monday to Satur day and Holidays at 9:00am, First Friday at 7:00pm, and Wednesdays at 7:00pm Confessions: Satur days at 3:30pm to 4:15pm SACRAMENTS First Reconciliation and Holy Communion at Sts. Martha and Mary Parish: Reconciliation Liturgy: February 18 at 7pm Tour of the Church: TBD (possibly February 9, 11, 16) at 10:15am First Communion: April 3 at 2:00pm Confirmation at Sts. Martha and Mary Parish: Confessions: TBD Confirmation Mass: April 7 at 7:00pm THE VIRTUE OF THE MONTH During the month of December we will focus on the virtue of hope. We believe that God comes to us as a real human who can show us the way of life. We understand that both the world and its people are from God and so are essentially good. Furthermore, God has given us this Advent season year after year in order to focus our minds and our hearts on the good all around us. Year after year, we are reminded that God chose to send his Son to us because we are worth it. God knows how great we can be when we all come together. When we look at the world through the eyes of God, we see it becoming more and more like the reign of God that Jesus describes. People of hope… • keep up a positive attitude • can bounce back from tough situations • set and stick to their goals • see the good in others even when they make mistakes • work to include others let others know that they are good people Let us pray this month, for the grace and courage to be people of hope – people who can see, participate in and contribute to God’s goodness emerging around us. We want to thank you for supporting our efforts at home in reinforcing with our children the 10 virtues which can be found in your child’s agenda. ATTENDANCE Our attendance line is: 905-625-0584 (Press #1). Please call to r egister an absence. You can call 24hrs a day including weekends if you know your child will be absent from school. An answer ing machine is available to take infor mation. Please provide the following information: • Name(s) of student(s) • Name of student’s teacher(s) • Grade of student(s) • Reason for absence If an absence is not reported, our policy is to call home to verify student absenteeism. A parent or guardian must sign out students at the office who leave early. All students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually. All students who arrive after 8:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. must obtain a late slip from the office. This measure is to ensure the safety of your child. We thank you for your continued support in following this procedure. SCHOOL WEB SITE We have updated our school website. This site will be continually updated and has infor mation for par ents r egar ding school calendar information, newsletters and school updates. Visit www.dpcdsb.org and link onto the Elementary site at St. Alfred Elementary School @ www.dpcdsb.org/ALFRD. SIGN UP TODAY! Parents and guardians of Dufferin-Peel Catholic students can stay up-to-date with the latest board news and information by joining the Dufferin-Peel eCommunity. Members will receive the latest news and information by email, including news releases, school activities and events, board meeting highlights, school and bus cancellations, plus useful tips for parents and students. Sign up online at www.dpcdsb.org. DPCDSB is on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTION Beginning in November, the school Newsletter will be sent out via email to parents/guardians and will also be posted on our website. Paper copies will also be distributed to students and a limited number of copies will be available in the office for pick-up. If you have not provided the office with your email address and would like to receive a variety of school information via email, please contact the main office to be added to the distribution list after completing a CASL (Canada’s Anti Spam Legislation) consent form. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER #StAlfred_dpcdsb This year St. Alfred school has joined twitter and we would love for you to follow us! It's a great way to receive instant updates of school events, reminders and photos of exciting happenings at our school. Follow us at: StAlfred_dpcdsb. Want more information about twitter? See Ms. Lupallier, Ms. Rotondi or Ms. Romano Catholic School Council 2015 – 2016 On September 30, 2015 the first Catholic School Council meeting of the school year was held. At this meeting, the 2014 – 2015 Catholic School Council concluded its term and our new Catholic School Council was elected. At our November 25, 2015 meeting, Margaret Pakula assumed the position of Chair, and Catherine Pudel was elected Treasurer. We extend our appreciation and thanks to all members of last year’s School Council for their hard work and dedication to our school community. Catholic School Council Members of this year’s School Council are: Chair — Margaret Pakula Secretary – Hajdi Bountas Treasurer – Catherine Pudel Parish Rep.: Vy Obedencio OAPCE – Margaret Pakula, Tanya Escoffey, Mario Stojanac Upcoming School Council meetings are: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Wednesday, March 30, 2016 Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Wednesday, June 15, 2016 All St. Alfred School Parents are invited to join us. Dear Families of St. Alfred’s School, The 2015-2016 school year has been a very busy one so far. We have managed to get our Lunch Fundraisers well under way. Both Mr. Sub and Pizza Nova Lunches have been very successful due to all the overwhelming support of parents and guardians who participate. Our weekly sales of Kernels Popcorn continue to be a popular item for the students, and help School Council raise money to help fund extra activities for all students. We have also run two additional fundraisers for the Holiday season…..Knit Wit Hats and Student Curriculum books which made for great “Stocking Stuffer” ideas this Christmas. Our fundraising goals include potentially providing more Smart Boards, IPADS and other technology based devices. With these in place, teachers will have yet another useful tool to help teach our children, and to explore the ever changing world around us. The St. Alfred Catholic School Council is very active and meets roughly 6 times in a school year. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 7:00pm in the school staffroom. These meetings are open to every parent/guardian at St. Alfred School and we encourage your participation and input. We always look forward to meeting new parents. We are strong believers in parent engagement and social responsibility which we know fosters stronger community and increased success in our children’s education. Everyone’s opinion matters. Hope to see you there! The St. Alfred Catholic School Council would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to all families in our wonderful St. Alfred Community. Also, to wish each and every one a very Merry Christmas and Blessed 2016. May you have a safe and Happy Holiday. Yours Sincerely, The 2015/16 St. Alfred Catholic School Council AFTER SCHOOL PICK UP ROUTINE Young children may make unsafe choices when they are faced with the discomfort of not knowing who is picking them up or when their pick up person is late. Please ensure to review the following guidelines with your child: Designate a regular meeting place and time. Communicate any changes in plans to your child and with a note to the teacher. If your child feels uncomfortable waiting outside, he/she should report to the office. Your child should not change the plans without parent permission. If you are sending someone to pick up your child(ren) make sure to send a note indicating who will be picking him/her up and the time. Please note: Students need to be picked at by 3:15 p.m. dismissal time. DO NOT change your child’s routine at the last minute of the school day as we may not be able to get a message to your child. THE ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL GRADUATE EXPECTATIONS Catholic education views human life as an integration of body, mind, and spirit. Rooted in this vision, Catholic education fosters the search for knowledge as a lifelong spiritual and academic quest. The expectations of Catholic graduates, therefore, are described not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes and actions. Vision of the Learner The Graduate is expected to be: 1. A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God’s presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living. 2. An effective communicator who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values 3. A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good. 4. A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates their Godgiven potential. 5. A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good. 6. A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish, and the wider community 7. A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life. Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations I HAVE A VOICE! I speak, write and listen as Jesus would want me to I care about others and speak up for them I am honest I think carefully before I react or speak I respect all people and their languages I listen to the Word of God Because I have a voice, I will use it lovingly, and I will live my life like Jesus. PEDS Personal Electronic Devices (PEDS) on Board Premises and/or Board Sanctioned Events for Educational Purposes: The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/guardian permission (GF 066, Network User Application and Agreement). Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” and the “Network User Application and Agreement.” Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans. PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through the main office. Failur e to comply with these guidelines may r esult in a loss of PED pr ivileges and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration. The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces and/or in common areas. Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices. BUSING STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region) Stopr is providing bus transportation services for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. The STOPR website address is www.stopr.ca. This website provides access to up to date information regarding delayed buses and bus cancellations due to inclement weather. To check for eligibility for transportation, please access the following website: businfo.stopr.ca. STOPR Telephone Contact Information: 905-890-6000 COLD WEATHER DRESS In anticipation of the weather getting progressively colder, we ask that students begin preparing for outdoor play. This includes proper gloves, hats, scarves, jackets, coats and boots. Board Guidelines indicate that students will generally be outside for lunch and recess when temperatures do not fall below –20 degrees Celsius, with the wind chill. As such, appropriate clothing is essential. Please note that students should have indoor shoes during the winter months. We also suggest sending spare clothes for younger students. Thank you in advance for your continued support and cooperation. PEDICULOSIS Head Lice is a common problem which occurs at some time in most schools at least once every year. Head lice are parasites which have been common among human beings for centuries. They are not connected in any way with dirt or neglect. If a case is found in our schools, we shall inform parents of the students in that classroom in a letter. We have had a number of cases so we ask that you also check your own children regularly. If you find them to be infested, please notify the office. For more information go to the following link: http://www.peelregion.ca/health/topics/headlice/. INDOOR FOOTWEAR REQUESTED Please ensure that students keep a pair of running shoes or other appropriate footwear at school so that their feet remain dry and clean at all times. As well, because so many areas of our schoolyard can be quite muddy at certain times of the year, this would really help in keeping mud and dirt out of the classroom. FIRE DRILLS AND LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES We are required to conduct three fire drills in the fall and three in the spring. We are also required to practice two lock down drills during the year. Lock down drills involves students moving away from the classroom door to a location within the classroom away from windows. Lights are turned off and the doors are locked. These practices are to ensure that students and staff are prepared in case we should need to go into lock down. Lock down would be initiated by police and Board security personnel. CATHOLIC CODE OF CONDUCT The Catholic Code of Conduct sets standards of behaviour that promote, encourage and foster a shared commitment to gospel values in daily life, respect for the dignity of persons created in God’s image, responsible participation in the civic life of the school community, peaceful conflict resolution, respect for diversity, and a commitment to exemplary conduct, conscientious work, and service to others. At St. Alfred we continue to work together to provide a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy Catholic school community for all. SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS - Annual Criminal Declaration / Criminal Reference Check A valid Criminal Background Check must be provided by all new volunteers. Once a CBC is provided to the school, an Annual Offence Declaration can be completed in subsequent years. The volunteer CBC/AODs must be housed in a secure location in the school. Forms are available from the main office. Parent Evening to Support the Transition of Children with Differing Abilities into Kindergarten 2016 There will be an information session for parent(s)/guardian(s) of children with differing abilities including vision, hearing, autism, physical/medical and/or developmental delays, who are transitioning to Kindergarten in September 2016. The information session will be held at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board -- Catholic Education Centre, Room 301 on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Snow date, Wednesday, January 13, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Par ent(s)/Guar dian(s) ar e also r eminded to r egister their child at their school. Official registration dates are Monday, January 25th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The snow date for the evening registration is Tuesday, January 26th, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Additional registration dates are January 27 th, 28th and 29th, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools hold Kindergarten Registration in January 2016 Kindergarten registration for the 2016-17 school year, will be held at all Dufferin-Peel Catholic elementary schools on January 25* from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. and January 27, 28, 29 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. *A snow date has been designated on January 26 from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Dufferin-Peel offers the full-day Kindergarten program in all 123 Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville. Registration materials will be available on the board website and in our schools in January. Parents/guardians are to register their child in person at their designated Catholic school. To inquire about home school locations/boundary areas, please contact the Planning Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24440. The following documents are required for registration: proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport) Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate (for child and/or parent/guardian) or baptismal certificate from an East- ern Church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome. If the child has not been baptized, and the parent/guardian is a baptized Roman Catholic or has been baptized in an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome, the parent/guardian must bring their own baptismal certificate. updated immunization records (Immunization Card, Peel Health Form or Letter of Exemption) proof of Canadian citizenship (Birth Certificate/Passport) or permanent resident status proof of home address (two of the following: property tax bill, current utility bill, real estate document or Government of Canada issued forms) emergency rural address numbers for identifying your property, if applicable (residents of Caledon and Dufferin County) proof of English Separate School Support (may be done at the time of registration by completing an Application For the Direction of School Support and/or a Separate School Lease Agreement available at the school) Admissions are open to Catholic children and children of Catholic parents. Kindergarten students must be at least 4 years of age by December 31, 2016. TRANSPORTATION A decision to cancel school transportation and/or close schools, due to inclement weather is usually made by 6:00am. Only the Director of Education has the authority to cancel transportation and/or close schools. A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will also be available online at www.dpcdsb.org or by calling 905890-1221. Please be advised that during the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 am and will be announced on the radio and television stations identified below. VIRGIN RADIO FM99.9 CHUM AM1050 CJCL AM590 CJBC (FR) AM860 CHFI FM98.1 EZ ROCK FM97.3 CFTR AM 680 CFRB AM1010 FM Z103.5 FM93.1 CFNY FM102.1/AM640 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540 CBC FM99.1 CBC99.1 CITYPULSE GLOBAL NEWS CTV We will be communicating one of four standard messages to the radio stations. The two announcements that pertain to our school and their effect on the transportation system are as follows: (Please note that the highlighted text only will be communicated by the radio stations). “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES ARE CANCELLED.” This means that: ALL Transportation services provided by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day. “THE SCHOOLS AND OFFICES OF BOTH THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ARE CLOSED.” This means that: ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board ad Peel District School Board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff. FREE DENTAL CARE FOR CHILDREN THROUGH THE REGION OF PEEL UNITED WAY / SHARELIFE Our staff has contributed to United Way/ShareLife Campaign. The funds will allow staff to dress down on Fridays. We are very pleased to be participating in such a worthy cause. STORAGE/ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated annually. If your child requires medication, please have all pertinent forms completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible. NO CHILD WITHOUT MEDIC ALERT PROGRAM The No Child Without program offers a free MedicAlert membership to students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 to 14. If your child has a medical condition, allergy, or is required to take medication on a regular basis, then you should consider a MedicAlert membership through this program. For further information pick up a brochure at the school office, or visit www.nochildwithout.ca. If your child is already part of the program but his/her medical condition or contact information has changed, call 1-877-282-5378. GROWTH MINDSET How To Encourage Growth and Learning In Your Child Students come into a classroom with a certain perspective about themselves as learners. Research categorizes these perspectives as “Growth Mindset” and “Fixed Mindset”. A student with a fixed mindset thinks that they cannot increase their skill and knowledge in a particular area. A student with a growth mindset believes that they can learn anything if they put in the work, practice and effort to learn it. The Wellness Warriors and The Eco-Eagles The Wellness Warriors and the Eco-Eagles would like to challenge the school community to participate in "Litterless Lunches All Week Long" * and "Milk Month" for the month of December. Encourage your child/children to bring yoghurt, cheese, soy milk, milk and other milk products in December. As stewards of God's creation, we are called to reduce our carbon footprint. Perhaps you may consider purchasing your milk products in bulk and sending them to school in reusable containers in order to reduce waste. Surveys will be conducted by the Wellness Warriors and Eco-Eagles to see how the school community is meeting the December challenge. Results will be posted on both the Eco Eagle’s Wall of Fame and the Wellness Wall. *Litterless Lunches All Week Long” will launch in December and will continue until June. AROUND THE HALLS REMEMBRANCE DAY VIRTUE OF NOVEMBER ASSEMBLY AND BULLYING AWARENESS AND PREVENTION WEEK OUR LIBRARIAN, MRS. ROMANO, DISPLAYING OUR IPADS AND CART OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HERITAGE What has been the history of Catholic education in the Dufferin-Peel Region? Catholic schools were fundamental in the early development of our region. With the support of local parishes, bishops and parents, Catholic schools were formed as an expansion of a world view differing from other schools. In 1837 in Mono Township (Dufferin County), a school was dedicated and housed at St. Cyprian Church. Later, a log church housed a local Catholic school at St. Patrick’s in Melanchthon Township. In 1864, the first formal Catholic school was developed in Melanchthon Township. In Peel, Catholic schools were formed well before confederation as an expression of the Catholic communities developing in our region. WALKING WEDNESDAYS / MERCREDIS DE MARCHE Walking Wednesdays/mercredis de marche has begun and will run all year long. This is a shared initiative between "Health and Wellness and The Eco Eagles." Each Wednesday teachers are encouraged to take their classes for a walk. There are many benefits to walking such as: It gives everyone a good dose of oxygen which is helpful for learning and focus, keeps us fit, and can be incorporated into our DPA (Daily Physical Activity) routines. In addition, being outdoors helps us appreciate all the nature that surrounds us. It also reminds us that as stewards of God’s creation, we need to protect all of nature. Pope Francis in his encyclical “Laudate Si” states, “If we feel intimately united with all that exists, then sobriety and care will well up spontaneously.” Thank you to Ms. Dell’Anno-Nunes and Ms. Newland for all of their support to this initiative. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK 2016 Theme: Opening the Doors of Mercy / Ouvrir des portes de miséricorde Sub themes: Advent: “Mercy that Welcomes” January: “Mercy that Loves” February: “Mercy that Forgives” March: “Mercy that Lives the Gospel” April: “Mercy that Rejoices” “La miséricorde qui accueille” “La miséricorde qui aime” “La miséricorde qui pardonne” “La miséricorde qui vit l’Évangile” “La miséricorde qui rend grâce” IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: November 29 Advent Begins November 30 Primary Advent Liturgy (All are welcome) December 7 Junior Advent Liturgy (All are welcome) December 14 Intermediate Advent Liturgy (All are welcome) December 9 Christmas Mix it Up December 16 Kindergarten Christmas Celebration December 21 to January 1 Christmas Break - School is closed January 4 First Day of Classes in New Year 2016 January 12 Parent Evening to Support Transition of Students with Differing Abilities into Kindergarten at the CEC Room 301 from 7pm to 8:30pm (Snow Date January 13) January 25 Full Day Kindergarten Registration (7-8:30pm) January 26 FDK Registration Snow Date (if needed) January 27-29 FDK Registration (9am to 3pm) ATTACHED: Math Insert for December