Document 14256378

34 Buick Boulevard, Brampton, ON L7A 3B9
TRUSTEE ………………...
F. Bernard
C. Moore
S. Steer
D. B .D’Souza F. DiCosola
Tel: 905-840-3042
Fax: 905-840-0820
PASTOR ………………….
PARISH …………………..
WEBSITE ………………...
M. Moncur
Fr. J. Gogolewski
Guardian Angels
Enlightened by Knowledge. Enriched by Faith.
MAY 2016
Principal’s Corner – Sharing Some Thoughts
It is hard to believe that the month of May is already here and spring is finally “blooming” all around us. Winter appears to have
ended after some additional surprises of snow and cold, but we welcome the extra hours of daylight, the long awaited beautiful
warmer weather and always the beautiful song of the birds. Spring definitely lifts all of our spirits and brings the promise of
May is also the month traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a time of special prayer and devotion to the
Mother of Jesus, who is the ultimate model of grace, modesty and devotion to God. We take time during May to pray the rosary
and ask Mary to help us in our daily lives.
Sharing Our Thanks and Blessings . . .
We would like to acknowledge and express our gratitude for all the events, and especially the following . . .
Celebrating MOTHERS’ DAY!! This is a special time to remember our mothers, those living and those who have gone to be with
our Lord. We thank all our mothers for showing us their unconditional love, guiding us on our journey, and bringing us joy on a
continual basis. We also honour in a special way, Our Heavenly Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. We would like to take this
opportunity to pay tribute to all of our mothers in the St. Aidan Community – HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY - may you always appreciate
and value the wonderful work you do everyday with your child(ren). Your devotion and love for your children does not go unnoticed.
Thanks to all the Parents/Guardians/Family/Friends of the students who were able to join us for the sacraments of First
Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. It has been a busy month of April. Your presence speaks greatly as to
your support for your children and the school community.
Thanks to all the Students who received the sacraments and Virtue of Love during the month of April.
Virtue for May
During the month of May, we will celebrate the virtue of
ACCEPTANCE. With the students we will reinforce that an
accepting person:
 Is friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless
of age, beliefs, gender, culture and ability
 Sees the positive traits in all people even if he/ she
disagrees with them
 Avoids judging or stereotyping others
 Understands that there may be more than one way
to do things
 Sticks up for the “underdog”
Our daily prayer for May will be . . .
Let us pray for the virtue of acceptance-the strength to
trust that God is at work in everyone’s life despite what we
think. Amen
Catholic Education Week
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” – Matthew 5:7
Each year, the Catholic community
of Ontario engages in a week-long
celebration of the unique identity
and distinctive contributions of
Catholic Education during Catholic
Education Week.
This year’s
celebration entitled “Opening Doors
of Mercy” is the week of May 1-6”
There are five sub-themes for each
of the five days of Catholic
Education Week, to help students
understand the rich meaning of this
year’s greater theme:
Monday – Mercy that Welcomes
Tuesday – Mercy that Loves
Wednesday – Mercy that Forgives
Thursday –Mercy that Lives the Gospel
Friday – Mercy that Rejoices
During this week the Catholic community celebrates the
unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools
make to our students, our community and our province.
Catholic Education Week is a welcome opportunity to
celebrate the mission of our Catholic schools as they strive
to integrate the gospel values of Jesus in every aspect of
the school’s life and curriculum.
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the
partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic
education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic
parishes. Throughout Catholic Education Week, we are
asked to reflect on the significance of Catholic education’s
presence and contribution in our church, and in our society.
We invite all members of our community, to participate in
the celebrations and activities that will mark the celebration
of Catholic Education Week 2016 in our schools.
Each year, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association
provides our Catholic schools with a resource kit to help
schools celebrate Catholic Education Week. Using these
resources as well as our own developed activities, we have
prepared various activities which will highlight this special
Monday, May 2
Tuesday, May 3
Dance-a-thon Fundraiser
Easter Mas @ 8:45 a.m.
School-wide Retreat
Crowning of Mary @ 9:00 a.m.
Welcome to Kindergarten @ 6:00 p.m.
(for new JK students)
Open House 10:00 a.m. -11:24 a.m.
BW Family Girls’ Basketball Tournament
at St. Mary School
Collection of items for Dr. Simone
In-class activities
In-class prayers/liturgies
Daily Prayers
Daily Announcements
Wednesday, May 4
Thursday, May 5
Friday, May 6
Putting Our Faith Into Action
Congratulations to all the Grade 2
students who received
sacraments of First Reconciliation
and First Holy Communion – a very
important step in their faith
journey. May God bless and be
with you always!
Congratulations to our Grade 8
students who received this
wonderful sacrament on April 20.
We ask that you continue to keep
them in your prayers.
We would like to extend a special thank you to Father Jan
and the Guardian Angels Parish Team for all their guidance
in the reception of the sacraments.
Crowning of Mary Celebration –
come join us as we honour our
Blessed Heavenly Mother Mary in
a special way – Wed. May 4 @ 9:00
a.m. in our school gymnasium.
Come join us, the school & Father Jan to
celebrate our faith, pray as a community
and have an opportunity to
rejoice in a blessed and joyful
Easter &
celebrate Catholic Education Week
in St. Aidan School’s gymnasium
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
at 8:45 a.m.
Catholic School Council Update
Next Meeting Date
Our next Catholic School Council Meeting
is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
at 6:30 p.m
recommendations. This remedial program is funded by the
Ministry of Education is designed for students whose
achievement in language and mathematics indicates that
they are likely to experience difficulty in achieving the
following grade’s expectations. There is no fee for these
sessions and bus transportation is provided for qualifying
Please contact your child’s teacher for more information on
these programmes.
Faith Development & Provincial Priorities in a
Catholic Context
May 13, 2016
No school for students
E.Q.A.O. Coming Later This Month
This year, Grades 3 and 6 students will once again participate
in the mandatory Provincial Education Quality and
Accountability Office (EQAO) testing. The province has
designated a time period at the end of May and beginning of
June as the time for administering EQAO provincial
assessments. During May 25th – June 8th, the grade 3’s and
grade 6’s will be writing these assessments. Since
attendance will be extremely important during these
periods, we ask parents to refrain from arranging doctor or
other appointments during this time.
Much Music/Hawaiian Dance-a-thon Fundraiser
On May 2, the Catholic School Council is hosting is a dancea-thon fundraiser. Please refer to the flyer and pledge
sheet that went home with your child(ren).
For those interested in more information about these
assessments, there is a website made available by the
province: The website has parent resources,
samples of assessment questions for providing practice and
support for your child, and other related information. Please
encourage your child to do his/her best on this important
assessment of their achievement.
Summer School 2016 Programmes
Students might like to take advantage of the Summer
Literacy Camps being offered by Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board for Grades SK to 6 students. This
program reinforces and enhances oral language, reading,
writing and foundational skills. There is a fee for these
camps and transportation is the responsibility of the parent/
guardian. Registration is available through teacher referral.
Summer School sessions are available for Grades 7 and 8
Concussion Policy, Guidelines and Protocol
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has developed
a Concussion Policy and Guidelines for students who have
been diagnosed with a concussion by either a medical doctor
or nurse practitioner. School staff cannot diagnose a
concussion. Anytime a student reports to the office with a
head injury, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the
incident will be entered into the school’s “Documentation of
Head Injuries” log. Your child may be given an information
pamphlet entitled “We want to give you a heads
up…Concussions are serious.” This pamphlet outlines the
signs and symptoms of concussions.
It also includes
information about what to do if you suspect your child has a
concussion and how a concussion is treated. Guidelines have
been developed by Dufferin-Peel CDSB to support a 10phase “Return to Activity” process following a diagnosed
concussion. These guidelines include 5 phases for “Return to
Learn” followed by 5 phases for “Return to Play”. With
parental consent, school administration will work
collaboratively with school psychology staff to monitor your
child’s progress through the 10 phases.
 Protective measures such as hats, sunglasses, and
sunscreen are strongly encouraged for protection
against dangerous UV rays. Students are reminded that
their hats and sunglasses need to be removed upon
entering the school building.
Warm Weather Coming: Dress Code, Sun
Protection & Fluids
Students who come to school in unacceptable attire may be
given spare clothing that we have stored at school or asked
to phone their parents to arrange for a change of clothing to
be brought to the school and/or spend time in the office.
The warm weather is showing some signs of arriving and
shopping for new clothing is a possibility. We ask that you
review the dress code and appropriate dress for the school
day as a place of learning. Students are expected to dress
in a manner and attire which instills the values of cleanliness,
neatness, and good taste, while within our Catholic school
environment. Here are guidelines:
 Students are allowed to wear sleeveless tops, provided
they are tight to the underarm.
 Shorts may be worn when the weather warrants it, so
long as they are not too tight or too short. Cut-off or
ripped jeans may not be worn. Length of shorts and
skirts must go past the bottom of the students’
fingertips when hands are relaxed at their sides.
 The top of the pants must meet the bottom of the shirt
with no exposure of midriff or undergarments at
anytime, even when they lift their arms.
 Muscle shirts, tank tops, halter tops, tube tops,
spaghetti strap tops or tops that reveal a bare back or
midriff (even when they lift their arms) or
undergarments are not permitted at school.
highlight the need to maintain good coverage, both for
sun protection, as well as for moral reasons. Tops must
have a minimum of 5 cm (approximately width of 3 adult
fingers) at the shoulder.
 Clothing with offensive, suggestive or inappropriate
slogans or pictures or violent symbols are not permitted.
 Tight, revealing
 Shoes or sandals with backings must be worn at all times
for obvious health and safety reasons. With students
involved in many active games and activities, it is highly
recommended that open-toed shoes not be worn to
school. Please do not send your child with flip flops –
these are usually not very safe in a school setting.
 Bottles for water are allowed in the classroom only not
outside in the schoolyard. Bottles coming from home
and going home at the end of the day need to be inside
a backpack – not exposed.
Your co-operation is appreciated if we need to contact you
in the event that your child is required to change their
attire. We ask for your support and co-operation in assisting
students to make appropriate clothing choices.
Bicycle Safety
With the nicer weather, students
may be riding their bicycles to
schools. We expect students to
follow these rules when riding their
bikes to school:
 Bicycles must be walked on any part of school of the
school property.
 Lock bicycles on the bicycle parking area/rack.
 Obey all bicycle safety rules.
 Wear a helmet to and from school – this is the law.
Please ensure that your child complies with these rules. Also
note, that the school will not be responsible for any bicycles
left on school property or during the day.
Safety Drills
During the second term, a second lockdown drill will be
completed and three fire drills will be practiced with staff
and students as per Board Policy. In the event of an actual
evacuation or emergency situation, it is extremely important
to be well prepared.
Traffic Safety - First
Students Off at School
The safety of all children and staff must be considered as
paramount at all times when dropping students off at school.
Thank you to the many drivers who do follow the safety
directions for traffic on school property.
Some serious incidents related to traffic circulation at the
front of the school and in the Kiss and Ride area during
morning arrival and afternoon dismissal are still occurring.
These incidents include parking and pulling out of no parking
zones, parking/stopping in bus lanes, parking and leaving
vehicles in Kiss N’ Ride Lane, children coming out on the
wrong side of the lane, vehicles entering the site in the
wrong direction, to name a few. In addition, please don’t ask
your child to cross through the live lanes of the driveway.
Have them walk around to the sidewalk areas.
It is IMPERATIVE that all parents and guardians who drive
their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation
plan. It is equally imperative that all drivers follow the
direction of staff managing the traffic circulation on the
school site.
Student Supervision Times
We continue to remind you that teachers are on supervision
duty 15 minutes before the start of the school day. We ask
that your child NOT ARRIVE at the school before 8:05 a.m.
as supervision is not available until that time. Also, please
ensure that your child is picked up promptly at 2:50 p.m.
when the bell rings at the end of the day.
You are invited to visit your child’s classroom
On Thursday, May 5, 2016
Between 10:00 a.m. – 11:24 a.m.
Hope you are able to come.
Criminal Reference Checks
Volunteers are not permitted to assist at our school without
having a Criminal Reference Check (CRC) on file with us. In
order to assist with any type of activity at school and/or go
on excursions, we must have a Criminal Reference Check –
there are no exceptions to this policy. If you have not yet
provided us with a CRC and would like to volunteer for 20162017, please pick up a form from the office. The form must
be signed by the principal before it is submitted to Peel
Regional Police. The CRC is free for volunteers. If you wait
until the activity or the excursion, then it is too late to
volunteer, since it requires some time to receive a CRC.
If you already have a current Criminal Reference Check for
this current year on file, you will receive a letter from me in
the near future about Criminal Reference Declarations.
Moving? Kindergarten Students Ready
School? Keep Us Updated and Informed
We are in the process of planning staffing and organizing
classes for the 2016-2017 school year. If you are planning
on moving out of the St. Aidan School area, or simply
changing address within our boundaries, please let the office
know as soon as possible.
We ask anyone with school-age children and who live within
our school boundaries who need to be registered to please
contact our office.
We continue to remind parents to provide us with updated
contact numbers. This is extremely important in cases
where the school needs to contact a parent immediately
regarding their child.
Welcome to Kindergarten
All new Junior Kindergarten students who will be attending
St. Aidan School in September are invited to our
Welcome to Kindergarten evening on Wednesday, May 5th at
6:00 p.m. This is an orientation program where the parents
and child participate in activities that will help the JK child
prepare for school.
Victoria Day
Monday, May 23t , 2016
NO SchooL – Enjoy the holiday
Going Green - Eco Team
St. Aidan has a very active Green Team composed of
students who are very interested in making our world a
better place for everyone. Thank you to Mrs.Cataldo who
leads the Eco Team. Our Eco Team has been instrumental in
educating the school as well as leading many initiatives such
as turning off the lights, yard clean up, the Great Gulp,
encouraging recycling, and others.
Extracurricular Activities
Dance Team – Congratulations to the St. Aidan Aces! Our
school dance team performed at the afternoon showcase for
Dufferin Peel on April 19th. The team lit up the stage at the
The Rose Theatre. Coaches Mrs. Pittman and Mrs. Pereira
are extremely proud of the hard work, dedication and
commitment shown by the team over the last four months.
Way to go!!
Chess Tournament – Junior and Intermediate teams
represented St. Aidan at the Brampton West Chess
Tournament at Guardian Angels School.
They played
intensely with every move they made. Superb teamwork.
Thank you Mr. Gill for coaching the teams.
Sports – Students have been participating in a number of
Junior and Intermediate Boys and Girls Basketball teams.
Their teamwork and sportsmanship have allowed them to
play extremely well at all their games. The Intermediate
Girls’ Basketball will go on to play at the Family Basketball
Tournament. Thank you to their coaches Mr. Gill and Mr.
I Leave You With This Message
May the Blessed Mother come into your life today
with a special blessing for you.
May you always be grateful for the Blessed Mother.
Without her we would not have Jesus, Our Savior.
May 4
May 4
May 4
May 4-10
May 5
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 15
May 18
May 23
May 25
May 25-June 8
May 30
June 1
June 2
June 8
June 13
June 22
June 24
June 27
June 27
June 28
June 28
June 29
June 29
June 29
June 30
Please check your child’s
agenda nightly
for important dates & information
Salve Regina
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy.
Hail my life, my sweetness and my hope!
To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve!
To you do we send up our sighs;
mourning and weeping in this vale of tears!
Turn, most gracious Advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward me,
and after this, our exile,
show to us the blessed fruit of your womb,
Jesus Christ!
Clement, loving, sweet Virgin Mary!
Welcome to Kindergarten Night
Crowning of Mary
Youth Education Officer Presentations
Mental Health Week
Open House
Mothers’ Day
Youth Education Officer Presentations
Youth Education Officer Presentations
Youth Education Officer Presentations
Canada Health Day
P. A. Day – no school for students
International Day of Families
Catholic Education Council Meeting
Victoria Day – holiday for everyone
School-wide Rooftop Photo @ 10:00 a.m.
EQAO sessions
Virtue of Acceptance Assembly
Dental Screening for grades JK, SK, 2, 8
Dental Screening continues
Catholic School Council Meeting – final one
P.A. Day – no school for students
FDK Celebration
End of the Year Mass
Grade 8 Trip to Niagara Falls
Report cards sent home
Playday raindate
Virtue of the month assembly
Grade 8 Luncheon and Dance
Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony
Last day of school
Attachments Included with this Newsletter
May 2016 Math @ Home Sheet
2016-2017 School Year Calendar
Summer School Information flyers
DPCDSB is on Twitter!
For the latest Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board news and information on schools, programs,
in-services, follow:
Mark Your Calendars
May 1-6
May 3
May 3
Catholic Education Week
Easter Mass
School-wide retreat
For the latest information on St. Aidan
follow St. Aidan Twitter - @StAidan_CES
OR St. Aidan Website –