FANTASTIC FRIDAY PIZZA TICKET ORDER FORM Name: __________________________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________________________ COST: 10 tickets @ $20 Please make cheques out to All Saints School Council Only one cheque is required for a combined pizza and yogurt ticket order and if you have more than one child at the school. Please just be sure to mark your order forms with the names of your child and their teacher and staple and submit them together. Cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FANTASTIC FRIDAY PIZZA TICKET ORDER FORM Name: __________________________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________________________ COST: 10 tickets @ $20 Please make cheques out to All Saints School Council Only one cheque is required for a combined pizza and yogurt ticket order and if you have more than one child at the school. Please just be sure to mark your order forms with the names of your child and their teacher and staple and submit them together. Cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FANTASTIC FRIDAY PIZZA TICKET ORDER FORM Name: __________________________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________________________ COST: 10 tickets @ $20 Please make cheques out to All Saints School Council Only one cheque is required for a combined pizza and yogurt ticket order and if you have more than one child at the school. Please just be sure to mark your order forms with the names of your child and their teacher and staple and submit them together.