Fifth Grade Technology Terms

Fifth Grade Technology Terms
An application used for managing, analyzing, and presenting information
which can be sorted, calculated, and displayed in a chart
The small rectangles in a spreadsheet where a row and column intersect
Horizontal divisions in a spreadsheet that are named by numbers
Vertical divisions in a spreadsheet that are named by letters
Row Label
Words to the left of the row usually gives a name to the row
Column Label
Words at the top of a column usually gives a name to the column
Row Heading
The row numbers to the left of a worksheet
Column Heading
The letters that appear at the top of the columns on a worksheet
Shows an explanation of the symbols used in a chart
Word Wrap
a feature of word-processing programs in which a word that exceeds a preset line length
is moved automatically to the next line
A graph that uses pictures to show and compare information
Boolean Operators
"AND", "OR", and "NOT"-used computer searches between keywords
the process of copying another person's idea or written work and claiming it as original
Intellectual Property
original creative work manifested in a tangible form that can be legally protected,
e.g. by a patent, trademark, or copyright
the legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction
of their original works
The default page setup that prints a document vertically
The page setup that prints a document horizontally