Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing Form 039 - JAC OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 1. Agency Name Justice Administration (JAC) 2. Contact Name 3. Contact E-mail 5. Contact Phone Number Vicki Nichols 4. Contact Title Financial Services Administrator 850-488-2415 6. Impact to agency if request is not approved: Expenditure Reporting Business System Impact - Names of System(s):Business Office Management System (BOMS), Court Appointed Attorney Tracking System (CAATS) Other – Please explain: For Legislative information requests both statutorily mandated and a ad hoc requests, and public records requests JAC currently utilizes the object code field to provide detailed information. 7. Impact Statement (Explanation of Impact to the agency include any concerns on timeline) 1. The Justice Administrative Commission (JAC) administratively serves 20 Offices of State Attorney, 20 Offices of Public Defender, 3 Offices of Capital Collateral Regional Counsel, 5 Offices of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel, and the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Program. Services provided are primarily in the areas of accounting, budget, financial services, and human resources. In addition, JAC provides compliance and financial review of billings for services provided by private court-appointed attorneys representing indigent citizens and associated due process vendors. JAC Financial Services staff briefed the 49 offices it administratively serves regarding the Object Codes Standardization Project and asked that they provide to JAC any projected impacts to their ability to manage their offices and budgets if the changes go into effect. Those responses are included in this impact explanation and object codes requested. According to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (the Board), Statement No. 1, "The Board has identified three groups as the primary users of external state and local governmental financial reports: the citizenry, legislative and oversight bodies, and investors and creditors. Financial reports are used primarily to compare actual financial results with the legally adopted budget; to assess financial condition and results of operations; to assist in determining compliance with finance-related laws, rules, and regulations; and to assist in evaluating efficiency and effectiveness…The Board believes that financial reporting plays a major role in fulfilling government's duty to be publicly accountable in a democratic society. Public accountability is based on the belief that the taxpayer has a "right to know," a right to receive openly declared facts that may lead to public debate by the citizens and their elected representatives … State and local governmental financial reports should possess these basic characteristics: understandability, reliability, relevance, timeliness, consistency, and comparability" (Excerpts from Summary of Concepts Statement No. 1, Objectives of Financial Reporting, Issued 5/87). An accounting system should, therefore, provide accounting details sufficient for the proper recording of budgets, revenues, expenditures and other accounting events so that system users and stakeholders can properly manage and account for the resources provided. The result of proper accounting will be proper reporting to internal and external stakeholders, and citizens. The Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) system in its present form has provided JAC the ability to record budgets, expenditures, revenues, and other financial transactions at a level necessary to perform statutory and constitutional duties using the sub-classified object code as part of the data elements. 1 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form JAC utilizes the object code field exactly as it has been designed for use in FLAIR. That is, JAC utilizes the object code to identify and record specific accounting events (expenditures and revenues) within a broader appropriation designation (category). The FLAIR system and the standard reports produced from FLAIR are designed so that the object code is very effective in identifying specific types of expenditures (and revenues) and the appropriate relationships of the expenditures (and revenues) to appropriations within governmental funds. This impact statement will focus on expenditure object codes. According to the FLAIR Procedures manual, "Expenditure object codes are used to identify the type of services, materials, or other charges for which monies are expended. They are 6-digit codes that allow the user to identify specific types of expenditures within the broad FLAIR classification. The first four digits are state standard, the last two digits may remain as “00” or be sub-classified by the agency" (FLAIR Procedures Manual chapter 2, page 33). For more than 20 years, JAC and other agencies have utilized the sub-classified object code to breakdown expenditures (and revenues) into more specific and more meaningful elements. These agency specific object codes are necessary for understanding clearly the expenditures occurring within specific appropriations. This detail allows agencies to better manage their budgets, report to the Florida Legislature, Florida citizens, and others specific details regarding expenditures. Because of the design of FLAIR, the object code is an effective tool in accounting for state resources. JAC has used sub-classified object codes for required Florida Legislative reports, public records requests, reporting to the Florida Public Defender Association, the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association, and countless others. These groups depend on JAC for this level of detail in our accounting. The FLAIR Expansion Set File maintains the accounting relationships in FLAIR (FLAIR Procedures Manual chapter 6, page 5). The object code "links" the organizational code (structure) defined in each agency with the appropriation category and general ledger code. Because the object code is required on every transaction and can currently be sub-classified to define more specific accounting, it is the natural and appropriate way to indicate more specific expenditures related to a broader appropriation. If JAC is forced to use another data element in FLAIR to capture expenditures that are now captured in the sub-classified object code field, the relationship between specific information regarding expenditures and the appropriation category in FLAIR will, in effect, be detached. Most of the 49 offices administratively served by JAC use internal business systems that will have to be re-programmed to include another data element. This is expensive and time consuming. Legislative reports, both statutorily required and ad hoc requests will have to be re-written to accommodate a new field. This is time-consuming and will stretch JAC's already stretched resources. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, when entering Journal Transfers (JTs) in FLAIR, only a few data elements are provided for the "benefitting side" of the transfer (object code is one of the included elements) therefore, a secondary transaction will have to occur (TR58) to include the additional data element as part of the transfer information. JAC currently performs one transaction to transfer expenditures; with the object coded standardization project, JAC would perform a minimum of two transactions to accomplish what is now done with one transaction. This is a redundant and inefficient use of resources. JAC requests that the FLAIR Object Code Standardization Project be "put on hold." JAC and other agencies have not had sufficient time to provide input and suggestions to DFS regarding this major change in FLAIR accounting. We agree that there are a certain number of object codes that could be deleted from FLAIR. As an example, there are some object codes that are no longer valid and should be deleted. We are willing to take on that effort to ensure that only necessary object codes are used. For JAC, that would include some sub-classified object codes. Response: The Object Code Standardization Project is continuing as planned. The current project schedule 2 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form allows for 12 months for agencies to address business system impacts and training activities, with a final conversion date in May 2015. DFS will offer training related to the project including training on reporting and use of the additional FLAIR fields (OCA, Project, External Category, etc.). 2. If DFS, decides to continue the Object Code Standardization Project, please see the sub-classified object codes indicated below (#8) necessary for JAC to maintain the level of detail in FLAIR to perform our statutory duties and to provide the level of detail required for decision-makers administratively served by JAC. Response: See #8 below for the response to each requested object code. 3 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 8. Request for Statewide Object Codes (if applicable) Object Code 131420 Short Title COURT RPRT Long Title Definition COURT REPORTER - APPEARANCE FEES - DUE PROCESS Court Reporter - Appearance Fees - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain class of court reporting expenditures which is used to determine budget decisions and case-related decisions when prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 1213, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $1,929,404. Justification This agency requires this level of detail in order to track expenditure costs and to separate out appeals expenses from other trials and their expenses and to separate shared reporting costs. Without it, we would be unable to determine the levels of impact and their expense originations, thus budget planning would be affected. JAC also uses this object code to report to the Florida Public Defender Association and others for decision-making and budget management. Approved Y/N Comments Y 131414 - Court Reporting/Transcription - Appearance is proposed. 4 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 131421 131422 COURT RPRT COURT RPRT COURT REPORTER - DEPOS TRNSCRPT - DUE PROCESS COURT REPORTER - APPEAL TRNSCRPT - DUE PROCESS Court Reporter Deposition Transcript - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain class of court reporting expenditures which is used to determine budget decisions and case-related decisions when prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 1213, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $5,230,474. Court Reporter Appeal Transcripts - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain class of court reporting expenditures which is used to determine budget decisions and case-related decisions when prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 1213, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $2,867,431. This agency requires this level of detail in order to track expenditure costs and to separate out appeals expenses from other trials and their expenses and to separate shared reporting costs. Without it, we would be unable to determine the levels of impact and their expense originations, thus budget planning would be affected. JAC also uses this object code to report to the Florida Public Defender Association and others for decision-making and budget management. This agency requires this level of detail in order to track expenditure costs and to separate out appeals expenses from other trials and their expenses and to separate shared reporting costs. Without it, we would be unable to determine the levels of impact and their expense originations, thus budget planning would be affected. JAC also uses this object code to report to the Florida Public Defender Association and others for decision-making and budget management. Y 131417 - Court Reporting/Transcript ion - Depo Transcript is proposed. Y 131418 - Court Reporting/Transcript ion - Appeal Trnscrpt is proposed. 5 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 131423 131425 COURT RPRT VIDEO DEPO COURT REPORTER - OTHER TRNSCRPT - DUE PROCESS Court Reporter - Other Transcripts - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain class of court reporting expenditures which is used to determine budget decisions and case-related decisions when prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 1213, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $845,652. VIDEO TAPED COPIES OF DEPOSITIONS DUE PROCESS Video Taped Copies of Depositions: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain class of court reporting expenditures that is used to determine budget decisions and case-related decisions when prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 1213, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $147,561. This agency requires this level of detail in order to track expenditure costs and to separate out appeals expenses from other trials and their expenses and to separate shared reporting costs. Without it, we would be unable to determine the levels of impact and their expense originations, thus budget planning would be affected. JAC also uses this object code to report to the Florida Public Defender Association and others for decision-making and budget management. This agency requires this level of detail in order to track expenditure costs and to separate out appeals expenses from other trials and their expenses and to separate shared reporting costs. Without it, we would be unable to determine the levels of impact and their expense originations, thus budget planning would be affected. JAC also uses this object code to report to the Florida Public Defender Association and others for decision-making and budget management. Y 131419 - Court Reporting/Transcript ion - Other Transcript is proposed. Y 131448 - Court Reporting/Transcript ion - Video Deposition is proposed. 6 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 131426 COURT REPT SHARED COSTS COURT REPORTER - DUE PROCESS Shared Costs Court Reporter - Due Process: Justice Administration entities are required to transfer to the Office of the State Court Administrator (OSCA), quarterly payments for shared court reporter costs from due process appropriations. These transfers are recorded in FLAIR using this specific court reporting object code. This ability to separate these court reporter payments from other classifications of court reporter payments is essential. For FY 1213, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $3,051,427. When reporting out of FLAIR, it would be impossible to separate shared court reporter costs from other court reporter costs without the current level of detail in the object code field. It is necessary for decision-making, for reporting to the Legislature, OSCA, Justice Administration entities, and others. Y 131416 - Court Reporting/Transcript ion - Shared Costs is proposed. 7 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 131429 COURT RPRT COURT REPORTER - ATTENDANCE FEES - DUE PROCESS Court Reporter Attendance Fees Due Process: Attendance fees and appearance fees are recorded with separate object codes because court reporters are owed different rates for these two different services; often the type is dictated by the cases as they move through the court system. Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain class of court reporting expenditures which is used to determine budget decisions and case-related decisions when prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 1213, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $209,607. This agency requires this level of detail in order to track expenditure costs and to separate out appeals expenses from other trials and their expenses and to separate shared reporting costs. Without it, we would be unable to determine the levels of impact and their expense originations, thus budget planning would be affected. JAC also uses this object code to report to the Florida Public Defender Association and others for decision-making and budget management. Y 131415 - Court Reporting/Transcript ion - Attendance is proposed. 8 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 131820 131821 EXPERT WIT EXPERT WITNESS - MENTAL HEALTH - DUE PROCESS EXPERT WIT EXPT WITNESS BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE - DUE PROCESS Expert Witness - Mental Health Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of expert witness expense. This level of detail is necessary when making management decisions or case-related decisions while prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $1,353,395. Expert Witness - Biological Evidence - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of expert witness expense. This level of detail is necessary when making management decisions or case-related decisions while prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $325,513. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public and others. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public and others. Y 131812 - Expert Witness Fees Mental Health is proposed. Y 131813 - Expert Witness Fees Biological is proposed. 9 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 131823 131826 EXPERT WIT EXPRT WTNS EXPERT WITNESS - CRIME SCENE PROC - DUE PROCESS Expert Witness - Crime Scene Processing - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of expert witness expense. This level of detail is necessary when making management decisions or case-related decisions while prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $269,800. EXPERT WITNESS - MEDICAL DOCTOR - DUE PROCESS Expert Witness - Medical Doctor Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of expert witness expense. This level of detail is necessary when making management decisions or case-related decisions while prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $269,222. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public and others. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public and others. Y 131814 - Expert Witness Fees Crime Scene is proposed. N Agency should be directed to 131807 Experty Witness Medical. 10 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 132421 132423 EXAM TEST EXAM TEST BIOLOGICAL EVIDENTIARY TESTING - DUE PROCESS CRIME SCENE TESTING - DUE PROCESS Biological Evidentiary Testing Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of evidentiary testing that is ordered when involved in court proceedings. This level of detail is necessary when making management decisions or caserelated decisions while prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $251,400. Crime Scene Testing - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of evidentiary testing that is ordered when involved in court proceedings. This level of detail is necessary when making management decisions or caserelated decisions while prosecuting crime or defending the indigent. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. Y 132407 Examination/Testing Services - Biological is proposed. Y 132413 Examination/Testing Services - Crime Scene is proposed. 11 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form $166,266. 225010 230010 POSTAG E DP REPROD UCT POSTAGE FEES DUE PROCESS Postage Fees - Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of to postage expenses with another level of detail other than state standard. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $367,795. PRINTING & REPRO. - COPIES OF RECORDS Printing and Reproduction Copies of Records: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) to capture a certain type of to copying expenses with another level of detail other than state standard. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $506,935. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. N Agency should be directed to 210000 Postage. Y 230007 Printing/Reproducti on - Court Reporting is proposed. 12 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2610XX 2610XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness Other IN-STATE TRVL Expert WitnessOther IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness - Other: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) for capturing certain types of in-state travel costs. These JAC entities need to have separate travel classifications to be able to identify travel charges for ordinary witnesses, expert witnesses and employees, all of which are paid out of one "pot of money IN-STATE TRVL - Expert Witness - Other: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other" Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. 13 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2610XX 2611XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Employee - Other IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness Per Diem IN-STATE TRVL - Employee Other: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Other". IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness - Per Diem: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Other Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N Agency should be directed to 261000 Travel - In State General. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. 14 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2611XX 2611XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Expert Witness - Per Diem IN-STATE TRVL Employee - Per Diem IN-STATE TRVL - Expert Witness - Per Diem: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other IN-STATE TRVL - Employee - Per Diem: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Other Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. N Agency should be directed to 261100 Travel - In State Per Diem 15 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2612XX 2612XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness Meals IN-STATE TRVL Expert Witness Meals IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Meals: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other IN-STATE TRVL - Expert Witness- Meals: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other". Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. 16 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2612XX 2613XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Employee - Meals IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness Mileage IN-STATE TRVL - EmployeeMeals: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Other". IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Mileage: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Other". Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N Agency should be directed to 261200 Travel - In State Meal Allowance. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. 17 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2613XX 2613XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Expert Witness Mileage IN-STATE TRVL Employee - Mileage IN-STATE TRVL - Expert Witness- Mileage: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Other IN-STATE TRVL - EmployeeMileage: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other". Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. N Agency should be directed to 261300 Travel - In State Mile Allowance. 18 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2614XX 2614XX 2614XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness Hotel IN-STATE TRVL Expert Witness Hotel IN-STATE TRVL Employee - Hotel IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Hotel: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other". IN-STATE TRVL - Expert Witness- Hotel: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other IN-STATE TRVL - Employee Hotel: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness- Other" . Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. N Agency should be directed to 261400 Travel - In State Lodging. 19 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2615XX 2615XX IN-ST IN-ST IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary WitnessAirfare IN-STATE TRVL Expert WitnessAirfare IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness - Airfare: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL - Ordinary Witness - Other IN-STATE TRVL - Expert Witness - Airfare: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness - Other Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. 20 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2615XX 380090 IN-ST OFFICE SUP IN-STATE TRVL Employee- Airfare COPIER PAPER IN-STATE TRVL - Employee Airfare: Please see above definition for: "IN-STATE TRVL Ordinary Witness- Other Office Supplies, Consumable Copier Paper: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) for capturing the cost for paper separate from other consumable office supplies. For FY 12-13, the following dollar amount of expenditures was recorded in this object code: $564,060. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N Agency should be directed to 261500 Travel - In State Airfare. N Agency should be directed to 341018 Supplies - Office Consummable. 21 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 399020 TRIAL MATE TRIAL MATERIAL AND VISUAL AIDS-DUE PROC Trial Materials and Visual Aids Due Process: Used by approximately 45 offices under the "umbrella" of Justice Administration (State Attorneys, Public Defenders, Regional Counsels) for capturing trial related materials from other general materials and supplies. Justice Administration entities need this level of detail for management decision-making, (court) case management and for reporting to the Legislature, the public, and others. These separate designations assist office managers with preparations for upcoming court cases to identify potential costs by looking at historic data. N The agency should consider using a different field (OCA, External Object, External Category, etc.) in FLAIR to track expenditures. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE AGENCY’S DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION OR DELEGATE. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided above is true and correct. Printed Name: Alton L. "Rip" Colvin, Jr. Signature: Title: Executive Director, Justice Administrative Commission Phone Number: 850-488-2415 Date Signed: 22