Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 1 Agency Name Florida Department of Health 2 Contact Name 3. Joanne Lane 4 Contact Title 5. Chief, Bureau Finance & Accounting 6 . Contact E-mail Contact Phone Number (850)245-4500 Impact to agency if request is not approved: Expenditure Reporting Business System Impact - Names of System(s): Other – Please explain: 7 Impact Statement (Explanation of Impact to the agency include any concerns on timeline) In preparation for the migration to the new state standard object codes, DOH is planning to begin using object codes which are in alignment with the new listing beginning July 1, 2014. Many object codes can be crossed walked to existing state standard object codes. There are limited instances where we have been using an agency unique object code that will have to be migrated to an object code in a different series. An example is “399009 – sign”. As of July 1, we will begin using “341000 – Educational Supplies” which will be re-titled “General Supplies” under the state standard listing. Another example is “391020 – Software”. As of July 1, we will begin using “393000 – Application Software (Licenses)” which will be re-titled “Application Software (Licenses) Not Capitalized”. We would like to request for our vouchers not to be held-up for payment due to the changes in object codes (titles) in preparation for this migration. Making these changes at the beginning of the fiscal year (FY) will drastically reduce the need to move actual transactions later in the FY. In addition the Department of Health currently uses the OCA field for tracking source of funding and grant related revenues and expenditures. The Project ID field is used to track FCO expenditures and Preparedness (federal grant) related grant expenditures. These two fields cannot be used to accumulate costs that were formally tracked using agency unique object codes. The other alternative DFS has offered is external fields. This creates many issues for DOH. The external fields are not on any of our established RDS reports, Automated Systems, nor are they currently utilized in any of our batch files. Many of the object codes DOH is requesting have grant related reporting as part of the explanation for why we currently are using agency unique object codes. We ask DFS to consider the following object codes for addition to the State Standard Object Code listing. 1 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 2 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 8. Request for Statewide Object Codes (if applicable) Object Code 131771 131772 Short Title DIB - CE SSI - CE Long Title DIB - CE (Client Examination - Title II Eligibility) SSI - CE (Client Examination - Title XVI Eligibility) Definition Client Examination - Title II Eligibility Client Examination - Title XVI Eligibility Justification Social Security Administration (SSA), Program Operations Manual System (POMS),which is SSA Policy, requires coding and reporting for the three funding case types of Title II eligibility, Title XVI eligibility and Concurrent (Title II and XVI). DI 39506.260 Monthly Obligations Report and Forecast A. Policy - DDS responsibility The DDSs will provide the regional office with a monthly report of actual and projected obligations for the cost categories reported on the quarterly SSA-4513 (e.g., personnel costs, medical costs, indirect and all other non-personnel costs, etc.). Social Security Administration (SSA)Program Operations For DFS Use Only Approved Y/N Approved Y/N 3 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form Manual System (POMS),which is SSA Policy, requires coding and reporting for the three funding case types of Title II eligibility, Title XVI eligibility and Concurrent (Title II and XVI). DI 39506.260 Monthly Obligations Report and Forecast A. Policy - DDS responsibility The DDSs will provide the regional office with a monthly report of actual and projected obligations for the cost categories reported on the quarterly SSA-4513 (e.g., personnel costs, medical costs, indirect and all other non-personnel costs, etc.). 131773 CON - CE CON - CE (Client Examination - Concurrent Title II & XVI) Client Examination Concurrent Title II & XVI Social Security Administration (SSA)Program Operations Manual System (POMS),which is SSA Policy, requires coding and reporting for the three funding case types of Title II Approved Y/N 4 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form eligibility, Title XVI eligibility and Concurrent (Title II and XVI). DI 39506.260 Monthly Obligations Report and Forecast A. Policy - DDS responsibility The DDSs will provide the regional office with a monthly report of actual and projected obligations for the cost categories reported on the quarterly SSA-4513 (e.g., personnel costs, medical costs, indirect and all other non-personnel costs, etc.). 497011 DIB - MER DIB - MER (Medical Evidence of Record) Medical Evidence of Record Social Security Administration (SSA)Program Operations Manual System (POMS),which is SSA Policy, requires coding and reporting for the three funding case types of Title II eligibility, Title XVI eligibility and Concurrent (Title II and XVI. DI 39506.210 Preparation Instructions for Form Approved Y/N 5 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form SSA-4513 D. Procedure - line item reporting See categories below for line item reporting. 2. Medical costs Medical costs reflect the total costs incurred for the purchase of consultative examinations (CE) and medical evidence of records (MER) for all SSA disability programs (title II, title XVI, and concurrent). 497012 SSI - MER SSI - MER (Medical Evidence of Record) Medical Evidence of Record Social Security Administration (SSA)Program Operations Manual System (POMS),which is SSA Policy, requires coding and reporting for the three funding case types of Title II eligibility, Title XVI eligibility and Concurrent (Title II and XVI. DI 39506.210 Preparation Instructions for Form SSA-4513 D. Procedure - line item reporting Approved Y/N 6 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form See categories below for line item reporting. 2. Medical costs Medical costs reflect the total costs incurred for the purchase of consultative examinations (CE) and medical evidence of records (MER) for all SSA disability programs (title II, title XVI, and concurrent). 497013 CON - MER CON - MER (Medical Evidence of Record) Medical Evidence of Record Social Security Approved Administration Y/N (SSA)Program Operations Manual System (POMS),which is SSA Policy, requires coding and reporting for the three funding case types of Title II eligibility, Title XVI eligibility and Concurrent (Title II and XVI. DI 39506.210 Preparation Instructions for Form SSA-4513 D. Procedure - line item reporting See categories below for line item reporting. 2. Medical costs Medical costs reflect the 7 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form total costs incurred for the purchase of consultative examinations (CE) and medical evidence of records (MER) for all SSA disability programs (title II, title XVI, and concurrent). 399012 342065 NUTR SUPP PrescDrugs Nutritional Supplement Prescription Drugs Nutritional Supplements purchased for phenylketonuria Prescription drugs purchased for medical necessity The Nutritional Supplement products provided by the Bureau of Public Health Pharmacy are purchased to support children and adults with phenylketonuria (PKU). These supplements are used under medical supervision. Ryan White Part B, we have specific and separate budget line items for client Prescriptions, Client Nutritional Supplements, client prescription co-pays & client medical service copays. Approved Y/N Ryan White Part B, we have specific and separate budget line items for client Prescriptions, Client Nutritional Supplements, client prescription co-pays Approved Y/N 8 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form & client medical service copays. Ryan White Part C does not allow any of these items EXCEPT Prescriptions. 342066 PREDRG COPAY Prescription Drugs Co-Pay Prescription drugs purchased for medical necessity which include a co-pay. Ryan White Part B, we have specific and separate budget line items for client Prescriptions, Client Nutritional Supplements, client prescription co-pays & client medical service copays. Ryan White Part C does not allow any of these items EXCEPT Prescriptions. Non-prescription drugs are not currently allowable for submission for reimbursement for any specific grant/funding stream. We recommend combining Nonprescriptions Drugs with Medical Supplies if that is an option. 342067 NonPres Drg Non-Prescription Drugs 342068 VACCINES Vaccines Vaccines for Immunizations Our CHD does a large volume of immunizations, Approved Y/N Approved Y/N Approved Y/N 9 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 419004 Ryan White Ins Ryan White Client Insurance Premiums Premiums paid for Ryan White Clients Sterilizations Sterilizations provide by the Family Planning Program Other Distributions This object code is currently used to disburse funds into DOH’s Special Purpose Disbursement of funds into Investment Account. DOH’s Special Purpose Children’s Medical Services Investment Account (DOH CMS) has a Third 131703 Sterilizations 820000 OTR Distrib and we have a need to know what those vaccination product cost us, in addition specific vaccinations are reimbursed for the products only. Co-mingling Ryan White client insurance premiums into a blend with more traditional insurance items will make it difficult to track the expenditure and may affect our ability to maximize Federal funds. The Family Planning (FP) program is funded in part by the Title X Family Planning grant. The Title X guidelines have very prescriptive requirements for reporting all types of contraceptive methods provided by each CHD, sterilization being one of those methods. Approved Y/N Approved Y/N Approved Y/N 10 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form Party Administrator who actually disburses payments to CMS providers on behalf of the Department. The TPA cuts warrant out of our Capital City bank account and prior to the checks being honored CMS will process a payment to fund the account. There is a current process that has been worked out and our concern is mixing these expenditures with regular operating expenses. There is a short turn around to fund the bank account (Capital City) and we cannot afford additional days for audit. Under the current object code the funding of the SPIA account is seen as a transfer. There should be other agencies with a similar issue. If this object is not continued, DOH needs to work out with DFS what object code is appropriate to use under the new listing, and how to limit delay of the posting of these vouchers. 11 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 342006 PHP S&E Public Health Preparedness Supplies and Equipment This Object code was established to use for all equipment purchased and shipped directly to Hospitals with PHP funding per grant guidance. Through trial and error we discovered that hospital equipment over $1,000 would populate into our Property Management System. Since the hospital becomes the owner and responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of such equipment, this object code was created for grant reporting and accountability; while preventing the equipment from appearing in the state’s property system. 131756 131757 131758 350007 Food Nutr DEM Nutritional Demonstration Food Food provided for nutritional demonstrations for clients 131707 X-Ray SVCS X-ray Services Radiology services This is necessary for Federal grant reporting, FDOH currently has no other field to capture this information. OCA and Project Id are already being used for other purposes. DOH needs to be able to monitor and report on Radiology services tied to Approved Y/N Approved Y/N Approved Y/N Approved Y/N Approved Y/N 12 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form our Primary Care program to meet grant requirements for funding. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE AGENCY’S DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION OR DELEGATE. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided above is true and correct. Printed Name: Ed McEachron Signature: Title: Director of Administration Phone Number: (850)245-4149 Date Signed: 13