Clinical Background of Knowledgebased Models In IMRT/VMAT Planning Jackie Wu, PhD, FAAPM Professor Duke University Medical Center Department of Radiation Oncology DUKE University Radiation Oncology DUKE University Radiation Oncology Disclosure n Research Grant: NIH/NCI n Master Research Grant: Varian Medical System n Technology License Agreement with Varian. DUKE University Radiation Oncology Motivation n Extract human expert’s knowledge n Model past planning experience n Reduce, or even automate the planning process n Hypothesis n Past knowledge and experience has always be applied to new patient case n We can mathematically extract and model such application of knowledge and experience n Knowledge modeling can help us improve the planning efficiency, consistency and quality. DUKE University Radiation Oncology Elements of IMRT/VMAT Treatment Planning how the dose distribution should look like – experience & knowledge DUKE University Radiation Oncology Knowledge Example: Volume vs. Dose Bladder DVH Bladder Volume Distribution Rectum DVH Rectum Volume Distribution DUKE University Radiation Oncology Knowledge Example: Distance vs. Dose Bladder DVH Rectum PTV Bladder Dose vs. Distance Dose vs. Distance Euclidean distance Variable distance DUKE University Radiation Oncology Zhu et al, Med Phys 38:719-726, 2011 Yuan et al, Med Phys 39:6868-6878, 2012 Knowledge Example: Distance-to-target Histogram (DTH) Signed Distance-to-target histogram (DTH) (overlap: negative distance) Relative geometrical relationships between OAR and PTV n Percent Volume (%) n Distance to PTV Surface (cm) = ⋃{ | ∈ and ( , ∈ } ⋃{ | DUKE University Radiation Oncology )≤ } Zhu et al, Med Phys 38:719-726, 2011 Yuan et al, Med Phys 39:6868-6878, 2012 Knowledge Example: Shape vs. Dose Spinal Cord Case 11 Case Spinal Cord and PTV DVHs Spinal Cord Case 2 Percent Volume (%) PTV Case 2 Case 1 PTV Percent Dose (%) DUKE University Radiation Oncology Anatomy and Dose Features Overview Site Prostate HN OAR Rectum Bladder Parotids Oral cavity Larynx Pharynx Spinal cord Brainstem Mandible DUKE University Radiation Oncology Anatomical And Dosimetric Features Distance to target histogram (DTH): PCS Distance to OAR (DOH): PCS OAR volumes PTV volume Fraction of OAR volume overlapping with PTV (overlap volume) Fraction of OAR volume outside the treatment fields (out-of-field volume) Tightness of the geometric enclosure of PTV surrounding OAR Curvature of specific OAR ----------------------------PTV dose homogeneity PTV hotspot OAR DVHs AAPM 2012 Bladder > 230 cc 100 cc to 230 cc <100 cc Parotid > 38 cc 22 cc to 38 cc <22 cc DUKE University Radiation Oncology Rectum > 120 cc 60 cc to 120 cc <60 cc Brainstem > 28 cc 20 cc to 28 cc <20 cc Modeling Planning Knowledge n DVH/DTH Feature Extraction and Dimension Reduction n Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Mean Population DVH Individual Patient’s DVH DUKE University Radiation Percent DoseOncology (%) Percent Volume (%) Percent Volume (%) 1st Principal Component 2nd Principal Component Individual Patient’s DVH Deviation from Mean Sum of First Two PCs Percent Dose (%) Predict Dose/DVH Based on Anatomy Features? Multiobjective Approach To Morphology-based Radiation Treatment Planning Boonyanit Mathayomachan , PHD Thesis 2005 Case Western Reserve University DUKE University Radiation Oncology Modeling Planning Knowledge n Correlate patient anatomy features (input) with dose distribution features (output) n Correlate plan design features (input) with dose distribution features (output) n Understand and translate the knowledge model parameters to the physics/dose parameters n Extend and refine the Knowledge base with progressive modeling and rapid learning technologies DUKE University Radiation Oncology Modeling Planning Knowledge DistanceBased Database of Tx Cases High Order VolumeBased Feature Extraction Institutional DoseBased Prospective New Pt Case Planning Guidance A planning quality evaluation tool for prostate adaptive IMRT based on machine learning DUKE University Radiation Oncology Medical Physics 38, 719,2011 Model Training Predictive Model Retrospective Plan Databases Quality Analysis Quantitative analysis of the factors which affect the interpatient organ-at-risk dose sparing variation in IMRT plans. Medical Physics 39, 6868,2012 Modeling Planning Knowledge n Machine Learning of Treatment Planning Knowledge n Knowing X1, X2, ,,,,Xm, and Y1, Y2,,,,,, Yn, Solve: Y(1,2,,,,n) = F(X1,2,,,,m) n Multi-regression learning n Support vector learning n Neural Network learning n Many other methods DUKE University Radiation Oncology Parotids modeling by multiple regression (Green) and SVR (Red) Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 13 Plan 14 Plan 15 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 Plan 4 100 0 0 50 Plan 5 100 0 0 50 Plan 6 100 0 0 50 Plan 16 100 0 0 50 Plan 17 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 Plan 7 100 0 0 50 Plan 8 100 0 0 50 Plan 9 100 0 0 50 Plan 19 100 0 0 50 Plan 20 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 Plan 10 100 0 0 50 Plan 11 100 0 0 50 Plan 12 100 0 0 50 Plan 22 100 0 0 50 Plan 23 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 100 0 0 Plan 25 50 100 0 0 Plan 26 50 100 0 0 50 100 0 0 Plan 37 Plan 27 50 100 0 0 Plan 38 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Plan 28 100 0 0 50 Plan 29 100 0 0 50 Plan 30 100 0 0 50 Plan 40 100 0 0 50 Plan 41 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 Plan 31 100 0 0 50 Plan 32 100 0 0 50 Plan 33 100 0 0 50 Plan 43 100 0 0 50 Plan 44 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 50 Plan 34 100 0 0 50 Plan 35 100 0 0 50 Plan 36 100 0 0 50 Plan 46 100 0 0 50 Plan 47 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 Oncology DUKE University 50 100 0 50 Radiation 100 0 50 100 0 0 50 100 0 0 50 100 50 Plan 21 100 50 Plan 24 100 50 100 Plan 39 100 0 0 50 Plan 18 100 0 0 50 Plan 42 100 50 Plan 45 100 50 Plan 48 100 50 100 Modeling Planning Knowledge n Plan Standardization DUKE University Radiation Oncology Complex OAR Sparing Knowledge Modeling Actual Parotid DVH Ability to model DVH Dose (%) crossover due to complex OAR/PTV shape variation among different patients Dose (%) Dose (%) Dose (%) DUKE University Radiation Oncology Modeled Parotid DVH Example of Bladder DVH Modeling Prostate Cases DUKE University Radiation Oncology Example of Bladder DVH Modeling Anal-rectal Cases DUKE University Radiation Oncology Knowledge Model Training Data base of Data base of Database of Data base of High quality High Highquality Quality High quality treatment plan treatment plan Treatment treatment plan Cases Anatomy Features Dose/Plan Features PCA PCA Descriptor variables input : Xi Response variables output : Yi Model training: Machine Learning Y= F(X) Knowledge Model Application New Patient’s Anatomy PCA Characteriz ed by Xnew DUKE University Radiation Oncology Y=f(X) PCA -1 Ynew DVH of OARs Zhu et al, Med Phys 38:719-726, 2011 Yuan et al, Med Phys 39:6868-6878, 2012 From Models To Planning DUKE University Radiation Oncology From Models To Planning DUKE University Radiation Oncology Cross-Institution Knowledge Base n Cross-institution Knowledge n If we believe best planning knowledge is shared among all planners n LUNG IMRT Pilot Study By RTOG/NRG n 71 Cases n 3 Institutions DUKE University Radiation Oncology Cross-Institution Knowledge Base Prescriptions (Gy) Mean 67 Median 64 Min 40 Max 74 Institution 1 Institution 2 Institution 3 Volume (cm3) mean median min, max 421 343 62, 1132 595 519 76, 1132 512 379 175, 1161 Location (side) Total Left/Left-Medial Right/Right-Medial Medial 45 18 21 6 10 4 6 0 16 5 10 1 DUKE University Radiation Oncology Cross-Institution Knowledge Base Circle: Training Plan Plan Cross: Validation Not contributing to model DUKE University Radiation Oncology Cross-Institution Knowledge Base Institution 2 Not contributing to model Contralateral Lung DVH _ _ Model Plan Institution 3 Contributing to model DUKE University Radiation Oncology Cross-Modality Knowledge Base n Cross-Modality Knowledge n If you believe best planning knowledge is independent of treatment modality Institution A Institution B • • • • • • • • 7-8 min delivery time Delivery system: Varian IMRT Planning system: Eclipse Sequential Boost – – • – Multiple plans (one plan for 1 PTV) 40-50 Gy and 60-70 Gy ~60 head-and-neck cases DUKE University Radiation Oncology 7-8 min delivery time Delivery system: Tomotherapy Planning system: Tomotherapy SIB – • 1 plan (one plan cover all PTVs with diff. daily doses) 54.25 Gy and 70 Gy ~60 head-and-neck cases Lian et al, Med Phys 40:121704, 2013 Cross-Institution Knowledge Base Parotid DVH Tomotherapy Model vs. IMRT Model vs. Actual Plan DVH DUKE University Radiation Oncology Knowledge Model Improves Plan Quality DUKE University Radiation Oncology Knowledge Model Improves Plan Quality Original Clinical Plan DUKE University Radiation Oncology Knowledge-Model Guided Plan Summary: What Knowledge Modeling May Help Physician Prescription Planned vs. Modeled IMRT/VMAT Planning Plan Evaluation DUKE University Radiation Oncology Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models n In Spine SBRT, dose distributions in cord are highly correlated with tumor contour shapes Contours Dose Dist. DUKE University Radiation Oncology Liu et al, PMB 60:N83-N92, 2015 Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models n Compute correlation between tumor contour shapes and cord dose distributions n Use learned correlations to predict voxel-level dose distributions Correlation Contour space DUKE University Radiation Oncology Dose space Liu et al, PMB 60:N83-N92, 2015 Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models n Active Shape Model n Align the reference tumor contours and all other contours using the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm DUKE University Radiation Oncology Liu et al, PMB 60:N83-N92, 2015 Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models n Active shape models n PCA analysis of a set of aligned tumor contours -3λ1 Mean Shape 3λ1 DUKE University Radiation Oncology Liu et al, PMB 60:N83-N92, 2015 Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models n Optical Flow Dose Distribution Model n measures dose variance between a reference image and any other images within the training dataset Reference Image DUKE University Radiation Oncology Optical Flow Registration Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models n Active optical flow dose distribution model n PCA analysis of a sequence of optical flow fields -3λ1 Mean Dose 3λ1 DUKE University Radiation Oncology Liu et al, PMB 60:N83-N92, 2015 Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models n Machine Learning n PTV contour space cord dose space DUKE University Radiation Oncology Liu et al, PMB 60:N83-N92, 2015 Other Knowledge Models: Dose Models DVH: overall cord dose prediction accuracy Portion of Spinal Cord volume (%) n Relative Dose (%) DUKE University Radiation Oncology Relative Dose (%) Summary n Modeling clinic treatment planning knowledge is feasible n Various sources of knowledge can be combined n Multi-center, multi-modality knowledge modeling will help clinical practice in large and small centers and clinical trials n Knowledge models can assist physicians, physicists and planners n Knowledge modeling can help to improve plan quality, consistency, as well as efficiency DUKE University Radiation Oncology Acknowledgement n John Kirkpatrick, MD/PHD (Duke University) n Brian Czito, MD (Duke University) n W. Robert Lee, MD (Duke University) n Bridget Koontz, MD (Duke University) n David Yoo, MD, PHD (Duke University) n David Brizel, MD (Duke University) n Chris Kelsey, MD (Duke University) n Mark Dewhirst, DVM(Duke University) n Radhe Mohan PHD (MD Anderson) n Zhongxing Liao MD (MD Anderson) n Jaques B. Bluett (MD Anderson) n Xiaodong Zhang PHD (MD Anderson) n Michael Gillin PHD (MD Anderson) DUKE University Radiation Oncology n Jun Lian, PHD (UNC) n Sha Chang (UNC) n Bhishamjit S. Chera, MD (UNC) n Larry Marks, MD (UNC) n Wilko Verbakel, PHD (Vu University) n Jim Toll, PHD (Vu University) n James Deye PHD (NCI) n James Galvin PHD (RTOG) n Ying Xiao PHD (RTOG) n Kevin Moore PHD (UCSD) n Charles Simone MD (U Penn) n Liyong Lin PHD (U Penn) n Jeffery D. Bradley MD (Wash U) Thank You DUKE University Radiation Oncology Treatment planning knowledge models are 20% 1. Confined to a single institution 20% 2. Applicable to multiple modalities 20% 3. Useful for only IMRT 20% 4. Physician Specific 20% 5. Useable only with Monte Carlo-based dose calculation algorithms26 DUKE University Radiation Oncology 10 Treatment planning knowledge models are 0% 1. Confined to a single institution 0% 2. Applicable to multiple modalities 0% 3. Useful for only IMRT 0% 4. Physician Specific 0% 5. Useable only with Monte Carlo-based dose calculation algorithms DUKE University Radiation Oncology Treatment planning knowledge models are n Answer: n 2 n Reference: Lian et al, Modeling the dosimetry of organ-at-risk in head and neck IMRT planning: An inter-technique and inter-institutional study, Medical Physics 2013, 40(12) DUKE University Radiation Oncology Machine learning of the knowledge models is useful 20% 1. In quantifying the influence of anatomy features to the dose sparing in the OARs 2. In defining linac performance 3. In predicting dose prescription 4. In collecting past cases as database 5. In detecting planning errors 20% 20% 20% 20% DUKE University Radiation Oncology 10 Machine learning of the knowledge models is useful 0% 1. In quantifying the influence of anatomy features to the dose sparing in the OARs 0% 2. In defining linac performance 0% 3. In predicting dose prescription 0% 4. In collecting past cases as database 0% 5. In detecting planning errors DUKE University Radiation Oncology Machine learning of the knowledge models is useful n Answer: n 1 n Reference: Yuan et al, Quantitative analysis of the factors which affect the inter-patient organ-at-risk dose sparing variation in IMRT plans, Medical Physics 2012, 39(11) DUKE University Radiation Oncology The organ sparing capability predicted by the knowledge model is 20% 1. The average value of the sparing in the database 20% 2. Interpolated among a few similar cases 20% 3. Independent of prescription dose 20% 4. Only valid for maximum dose 20% 5. Patient specific, based his/her anatomy and physician’s prescription DUKE University Radiation Oncology 10 The organ sparing capability predicted by the knowledge model is 0% 1. The average value of the sparing in the database 0% 2. Interpolated among a few similar cases 0% 3. Independent of prescription dose 0% 4. Only valid for maximum dose 0% 5. Patient specific, based his/her anatomy and physician’s prescription DUKE University Radiation Oncology The organ sparing capability predicted by the knowledge model is n Answer: n 5 n Reference: Yuan et al, Quantitative analysis of the factors which affect the inter-patient organ-at-risk dose sparing variation in IMRT plans, Medical Physics 2012, 39(11) DUKE University Radiation Oncology Clinical Background of Knowledgebased Models In IMRT/VMAT Planning Jackie Wu, PhD, FAAPM Professor Duke University Medical Center Department of Radiation Oncology DUKE University Radiation Oncology