HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC SCHOOL 25 Bloomsbury Avenue Brampton, Ontario L6P 1W9 Phone: 905-794-8039 Fax: 905-794-1285 Website: http://www.dpcdsb. org/SPRIT February 2016 Principal N. Poerba Vice Principal A. Cassar Head Secretary P. Figliomeni Superintendent D. Finegan-Downey Trustee Shawn Xaviour St. Patrick Parish 11873 The Gore Road Brampton, Ontario L6P 0B2 905-794-0486 Pastor Father Vito School Council Chair K. Dancy PRINCIPAL and VICE-PRINCIPAL MESSAGE The academic school year is more than halfway done with so many wonderful events and activities still upcoming. The grade 2’s look forward to celebrating their First Holy Communion with both teachers and parents. Meanwhile, the grade 7’s continue to foster their growth as Catholics through the Sacrament of Confirmation. The school year always ends with a beautiful grade 8 graduation filled with plenty of past reflections in honor of students as they transition to their next chapter in life. Many blessings to our Hockey team who continue to represent us well and will complete the season with a tournament in March. The junior and intermediate Basketball teams have started after school practices working on scrimmages, layouts, shooting and all other skills. This year the students will have the opportunity to enjoy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday February 9 and we will begin our Lenten season with Ash Wednesday on February 10. We will also enjoy a WHITE Friendship dance party on February 12, 2016. We continue to work in partnership with home, school and parish to provide a superior Catholic Education for your child (ren). As we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, Black History Month and prepare for our Lenten Journey let us ask the Lord above to fill our hearts and bless our souls with the precious gift of love. God Bless, N. Poerba DPCDSB @DPCDSBSchools HOLYSPIRIT @dpholyspirit A. Cassar In the month of February we celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine was a bishop who bravely died for his faith. The name Valentine means “Valiant” or “Strong”. This day is connected with love because of the legend that birds pick their mates on February 14th. VIRTUE OF THE MONTH: RESPECT This month we will celebrate the virtue of Respect. God wants us to treat all people with the respect they deserve. A respectful person treats himself / herself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy, uses a positive tone of voice and body language, avoids swearing, name-calling, put downs, and inappropriate gestures, says ‘Excuse me’, ‘Please’, and ‘Pardon me’ when necessary and avoids gossip. BLACK HISTORY MONTH PRAYER Let respect shine through our hallways, classrooms and relationships. Let us remember that respect is essential for true peace and love. Help us pay tribute to those who have fought for us and truly deserve our gratitude and respect. Let us strive to achieve a true equitable community where all people feel a sense of belonging and share a love of You. Help us to continue to stand up for the rights of others, and treat others the way we wish to be treated. Amen LENT Lent is a period of forty days during the church’s liturgical year, which begins with Ash Wednesday (February 10) and ends during Holy Week (March 24). It is a time for Christians to turn away from sinfulness – to have a change of heart- as they prepare for the joyous feast of Easter. It is a time for prayer, penance, sacrifice and works of charity for others. We will be distributing ashes to the students at our Ash Wednesday Liturgy at school – 1:30 PM. Parents are welcome to attend. Teaching for The Father Inspired by The Son Guided by The Holy Spirit FAREWELL TO SUPERINTENDENT DENISE OUDE-REIMERINK We have been so honoured to have had D. Oude Reimerink as the Superintendent of the Brampton North East Family of Schools over the past year. She has been a great supporter of Catholic Education for many years with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. We wish her all the best in her retirement. WELCOME TO SUPERINTENDENT DEBORAH FINEGANDOWNEY We would like to welcome our new Superintendent D. FineganDowney as of February 1, 2016. She will be leaving her position as Assistant Superintendent of Program at the board and will be joining the Brampton North East Family of Schools. We look forward to working with Superintendent Finegan-Downey. OFFICE REMINDERS SCHOOL SAFE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE If your child will be late or absent, from school for whatever reason, we ask that you call the school to inform us. To report the absence kindly phone (905) 794-8039 and leave a message stating your child’s name, spelling the last name, your child’s grade, teacher and duration of absence. These calls are greatly appreciated and help us to streamline our safe arrival program. Parents and family members who are picking up children at the end of the day are strongly encouraged to use the Kiss “N” Ride. If you are meeting your child(ren) you are asked to meet them outside the exit that your child(ren) use at recess times. The front foyer has a great number of students exiting at dismissal time and parents and other adults waiting to pick up children causes congestion and sometimes an unsafe situation. HEALTH AND SAFETY MEDICATION ARE YOU MOVING? A reminder that students are not allowed to bring any If you know your family is moving out of our boundary, we would like medication to school. This includes prescription and to know. Each year, a number of families move out of the area and non-prescription medication. As per Board protocol, all it assists us in our planning purposes to know whether students will medication must be stored in the office, accompanied be attending our school next year. Please inform the office at your by appropriate paperwork and doctor signature. Please note that earliest convenience. this includes Advil, cough medication, puffers, etc. We thank you for UPDATE YOUR RECORDS your co-operation in this matter. As always, we care about the safeParents, if your contact information (home phone number, cell num- ty of all our students. ber or work number or email address) has changed please notify LIFE THREATENING ALLERGIES the school office. It is necessary to have current inWe would appreciate the cooperation of the entire formation in order for us to keep in contact with you. school community by NOT sending any lunches or REPORT CARDS/PARENT CONFERENCES snacks that contain peanuts/nut products. We want to ensure a safe environment for all students. Thank you for your asYour child’s first term report card will be sent home on Tuesday February 2, 2016. Our parent teacher conferences will sistance with this initiative. When celebrating a special occasion, take place on the evening of Thursday February 5 and during the we continue to encourage that only non-edible treats be sent to day on Friday February 6, 2015. Your child’s teacher is looking school if they are to be shared with other students. forward to discussing your child’s progress this term. BE SMART, GET A HEAD START FAMILY DAY Head lice are always present in the community. By Monday February 15, 2016 will be a Provincial Holiday as we will checking your child’s head once a week for head lice, celebrate Family Day in Ontario. There will be no school for stuyou will catch it early and treat it before it has a chance dents on this day. to spread. Should you suspect that your child (ren) has head lice, please notify the school. LATE STUDENTS A number of students continue to arrive late daily. IMPORTANT IMMUNIZATION MESSAGE - PEEL PUBLIC HEALTH Any student arriving after 9:15 a.m. is considered Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization records of all stulate and should be accompanied by an adult. dents at our school. Peel Public Health must have proof that your Please make every effort to have your child/ren at child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the Ontarschool on time. When a child is late he/she misses valuable teachio immunization schedule. If you receive a letter please ensure that ing time. Late arrivals cause disruption to the other students and your child has received the required vaccine(s), then give the date also to the teacher who has already started the lessons for the day. (s) your child received these vaccine dose(s) to Peel Public Health Developing good work habits and time management skills can maximmediately to update your child’s record. For more information imize a child’s learning potential. Let’s work together to develop please call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visit these skills. www.ImmunizePeel.ca . OUTDOOR/WEATHER REMINDERS COLD WEATHER During the cold weather, the amount of time children spend outdoors will be reduced when the temperature is -20 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without wind chill. Children will be kept indoors when the temperature is -25 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without wind chill. This is in accordance with the policy of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board. We will, of course, monitor the weather situation on a daily basis. The safety of our students is always of utmost concern. INDOOR RECESS REQUESTS In the colder weather we often receive requests to allow children to remain indoors when they have a cold, flu, etc. Please note that we cannot comply with these requests, as we have neither the facilities nor the staff to supervise these students. If you feel your child is not well enough to go outside, it would be best to keep your child at home. REMEMBER: Health officials indicate that fresh air is beneficial, as long as students are dressed appropriately. WINTER PLAYGROUND RULES We continue to promote playground safety at Holy Spirit School, especially during the winter months. The winter rules include: No throwing or kicking of snow or ice in any direction Remaining off of ice patches on the field or pavement Keeping off of high snow banks Keeping snow on the ground Not standing under icicles that accumulate along the roof’s perimeter Staying off the field on days that it is designated unsafe for students. Students who do not follow these rules are putting their own safety and the safety of others in jeopardy. Therefore, ongoing failure to follow the playground rules may result in loss of recess time. Students may also be asked to complete an incident sheet that will be sent home to be signed by a parent. DRY FEET, DRY CLOTHING Colder weather is upon us! Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. All children should have hats, scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots. As the wintery season gives way to slush and snow, all students are reminded to bring an extra pair of shoes to wear indoors during the winter months. Fire regulations dictate that all students must have footwear on at all times. In anticipation of a cold and snowy winter, we would also like to advise parents to send an extra set of clothes (track pants, sweatshirts, socks, underwear) to school in the winter. These clothes will be kept at the school to be used when the child is wet from playing in the snow. KISS “N” RIDE REMINDERS We would like to thank those who have been using the Holy Spirit “Kiss and Ride Program”. However, we have had many parents/ guardians and staff express their concerns about the following infractions: 1. Never leave your car unattended in the “Kiss And Ride” lane. It is against the law and you may be ticketed. 2. If you need to walk your child into the schoolyard or you need to stop at the office, please park in the parking lot. DO NOT PARK in the “Kiss And Ride” lane. 3. DO NOT DROP students off near the back fence. 4. At dismissal time please do not park in the “Kiss and Ride”. Please park in the parking lot or on the street if you arrive before the bell. We appreciate your co-operation in following these procedures. Your child(ren)’s safety is our main concern. BULLYING PREVENTION CORNER Telling an Adult about Bullying Is Not Tattling February's in class lesson focuses on the difference between tattling and telling. In dealing with bullying situations, students are encouraged to use the strategy, ‘telling an adult’. Although this sounds simple and logical, there are many difficulties and roadblocks associated with this strategy. Younger children struggle to understand the difference between telling and tattling, while older children struggle with their desire to deal with the situation independently. The goal of telling an adult is to keep children safe. Students will learn to indentify the difference between telling and tattling (reporting and ratting), explore reasons students don’t report bullying and understand how to effectively and safely report to an adult. Tattling/ratting is defined as telling in order to get someone into trouble, or telling when there is no one being hurt and no rule has been broken that could result in a dangerous situation . Telling is defined as reporting unsafe behaviours to get an adult in order to get help for someone—to get someone out of trouble . Tips for parents: Use incidents where one child is telling you about a sibling/cousins behaviour to help identify whether they are tattling or telling Practice with your child how to ‘tell an adult’ about bullying ( what happened , how they feel, what help they desire) Develop awareness of the ‘reasons’ children state for not reporting bullying to adults. UPCOMING EVENTS ST. PATRICK’S PARISH MESSAGE NATIONAL SWEATER DAY DEAR PARENTS, STUDENTS, TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS AND National Sweater Day will be observed board-wide on Thursday, Febru- SUPPORT STAFF OF OUR SCHOOL COMMUNITIES AT ST. PATary 4, 2016. It will provide an opportunity for employees and students to RICK’S PARISH: learn about the importance of saving energy, while at the same time, reminding us to use less heat throughout the winter. Peace and blessings to all, on this beginning of a new month, February, in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. We have celebrated this past week the PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES (PEDs) First Confessions of many of our children. How beautiful it is to rememThe Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the val- ber that God loves us. That no matter what, we are truly and will always ue of the use of technology for learning. Students are permitted to regis- remain, his beloved children. It is the joy and smile on the faces and in ter and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/ the hearts of our little ones that remind us of this fact. May we always or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction learn from them and do our best to let them remember this great and of staff and only with parent/guardian permission. Please be advised magnificent truth. that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will not be Within a few days, on February 10, Ash Wednesday, we begin the Searesponsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data son of Lent. What a great gift we have been given to examine the extent plans. Please take a few moments to review the attached PEDs memo of God’s love and acknowledge that at times we have not been ready to with your children. welcome this gift. Lent offers us an opportunity to re-examine our life, our journey of faith, our responses to events and situations that surround us. All to be examined in the light of God’s Mercy. THE FRENCH IMMERSION Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students in SK/Year 2 Kindergarten May the weeks ahead, leading us to Easter, help us celebrate new beThe French Immersion Online Application System is now open for ginnings. I remember you all in our celebrations and pray that continued submissions. To apply, go to www.dpcdsb.org. Applications will blessings may come upon you and all your loved ones. Please remember that every day of the week and on weekends, during this Jubilee of be accepted until February 12, 2016. Reminders: Mercy, our church and the Holy Doors continue to be open from 7 a.m. All eligible submissions are accepted and, in the event that the num- To 9 p.m., welcoming you all in prayer, silence and celebrations. On ber of applications is greater than the number of spaces available at a Ash Wednesday, our parish masses will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. In French Immersion school, a centralized, computer-generated lottery English, 1 p.m. In Italian, and 7:30 p.m. In English. I will be visiting our will be held at a date yet to be determined. schools and blessing ashes on Monday and Tuesday that same week, Some French Immersion schools offer Grades 1 to 8 and others offer so that each school may hold a para-liturgy on the Wednesday, with the Grades 1 to 4, with Grade 5 to 8 offered at a nearby school. Please distribution of ashes. refer to the Board website for more information. Please remember that our parish church is always ready to welcome Parents and guardians of students registered in the program are re- you in prayer. Saturday evening at 5 p.m. (in English, the first Sunday sponsible for providing transportation for their child(ren) to and from Mass of the weekend), Sunday at 8:30 a.m. (Eng), 10 a.m. (Eng), 11:30 their registered French Immersion school. a.m. (Ital.), 1:00 p.m. (Eng), 7:30 p.m. (Eng). There is room for you and Please note that for students living inside the regular school bounda- your family, both in our pews, and above all, in the heart of God. ries of a French Immersion school, eligibility for student transportation is based on the policies established by the school board. Blessings upon all, Fr. Vito Marziliano, Pastor A successful placement in the French Immersion School does not guarantee placement of younger siblings in future years. If more details are required, please review the board website for up-toMARK YOUR CALENDARS date information. You may also contact your child's present school, the principal of the French Immersion school in your area, or the board's French as a Second Language Consultant at (905) 890-0708 extension 24307. February 2 Term One Reports Go Home EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION MEETING Grade 4 parent (s)/guardian (s), who wish to enroll their child in grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2016 at St. Jean Brebeuf, 63 Glenforest Road, Brampton, L6S1L8, applications will be accepted at that centre until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 16th, 2016. If more details are required, please review the board website for up-to-date information. NEXT CSC MEETING Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 2 at 7PM in the Conference Room. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please see attached Council Corner. February 4 February 5 February 9 February 10 February 12 February 15 February 16 February 23 February 24 February 29 March 14-18 Term One Evening Interviews Sweater Day PD Day—Interviews Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday: 1:30 Blessing of Ashes White Friendship Dance Family Day Carnival Swim to Survive Ruso, Celante (M1, 8) Pink Day Swim to Survive Turner (M2, 9) Respect Virtues Liturgy March Break