St. Sofia Byzantine Catholic School Sharing, Caring and Preparing ШКОЛА СВЯТОЇ СОФІЇ St. Sofia School c/o St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Learning Centre 3556 South Common Court Mississauga, ON L5L 2B1 Tel: 905‐625‐0823 Fax: 905‐412‐3073 Website: Principal P. Kasij Acting Principal J. Dmytrasz Vice‐Principal I. Sauvé Secretaries N. Vereshchak M. van Putten Superintendent T. Lariviere 905‐890‐1221 Parish Priests Rt. Rev. Dr. Roman Pankiw, Pastor Dean Rev. R. Trynoga, Assistant St. Mary’s Church 905‐279‐9387 Mitred Archpriest Roman Galadza, Pastor St. Elias Church 905‐459‐8888 Trustees Brampton A. da Silva 416-706-5679 D. D’Souza 416-528-8515 S. Xaviour 416-528-9622 Caledon F. Di Cosola 905-951-8898 Mississauga M. Pascucci 905-302-3096 S. Hobin 905-301-1210 A. Abbruscato 416-459-0126 T. Thomas 416-845-8225 L. del Rosario 416-528-6447 B. Iannicca 905-270-0536 January 2015 PRAYER for the NEW YEAR Dear Lord, as this new year is born I give it to Thy hand, Virtue of the Month SELF-CONTROL Content to walk by faith what paths I cannot understand. Whatever coming days may bring of bitter loss, or gain, Or every crown of happiness; should sorrow come, or pain, Or, Lord, if all unknown to me Thine angel hovers near To bear to me that farther shore before another year, It matters not — my hand in Thine, Thy light upon my face, Thy boundless strength when I am weak, Thy love and saving grace! I only ask, loose not my hand, Grip fast my soul, and be My guiding light upon the path ‘Til, blind no more, I see! Amen. SUPERINTENDENT MISSISSAUGA EAST FAMILY OF SCHOOLS Effective January 1st, 2015 our new Superintendent of the Mississauga East Family of Schools is Mr. Tim Lariviere. Effective January 1st, Mr. Charles Blanchard is the Superintendent of Strategic Planning, Policy & Special Projects. We welcome Mr. Lariviere to Mississauga East. We wish to thank Mr. Blanchard for his support during his tenure with the Mississauga East Family of Schools and wish him continued success in his new portfolio. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DAY Assessment and Evaluation of Student Progress Upcoming Dates JANUARY 19th, 2015 January 12—13th— See/Hear Tes ng January 14th—Happy New Year! Posivannia January 19th—Holy Theophany, Feast of Jordan January 19th– Term 1 Ends. Professional Ac vity Day: January 20th – Term 2 Begins January 26th —Catholic School Council Mee ng, 7:00 p.m. in the Computer Lab. All are welcome to a end! January 26—30– Kindergarten Registra on January 26th— MS Readathon Presenta ons January 27th—MADD Presenta on “A ermath” January 28th—Virtues Assemblies for Self‐Control January 29th– Gr. 8 Gradua on photos No school for students. REPORT CARDS will be sent home February 3, 2015. In this issue: Liturgical Ac vi es Winter Weather Messages Transporta on Info Kindergarten Registra on Pani Kasij’s Re rement January’s Virtue: Self-Control “Like a city breached, without walls, is one who lacks self‐control.” ‐ Proverbs 25:28 In January, we celebrate the virtue of Self‐Control. God wants us to do what we know and feel is right. A person with self‐control… Is pa ent Knows how to wait his/her turn Can calm him/herself down and think before reaching situa ons Knows how to avoid physical aggression (hi ng, kicking, pushing, etc.) Can think things through REFLECTION... Self‐control helps us to resist the tempta on to do something that we will regret. It also helps us to resist the tempta on to do something that will harm ourselves or others. Each me you exercise self‐control you grow stronger in the Lord and invite peace to se le over your life as you avoid any guilt you may feel from hav‐ ing made a poor decision. A PRAYER for SELF‐CONTROL God be merciful to me, teach and ins ll within me the fruits of the Spirit, Open our minds and help us to understand what you are calling us to do, You graced us with a forgiving heart and a desire to please you. God work inside our hearts and help your fruits of the Spirit to flourish May we be witness to you and live true to the golden rule, “treat others as we would like to be treated.” Let us pray for the virtue of self‐control so that we will resist the tempta on To cause harm to ourselves and others around us. AMEN. Books to read with your child about self‐control: Charlie Anderson by Barbara Abercrombie Emma’s Rug by Allen Say The Three Ques ons by Jan Muth Chicken Sunday by Patricia Polacco Grandma’s Secret Le er by Maggie S. Davis and John C. Wallner The Great Elephant by Nik Ranieri The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry Pylypivka Activities CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE Thank you to all the families who were able to contribute non‐perishable food items to our Christmas Food Drive. Food was collected and boxed by the Student Council and sent to support Eden Community Food Bank. HUMANITARIAN RELIEF in UKRAINE Thank you to all St. Sofia families for their generous dona ons toward our school’s efforts to provide humanitarian relief to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The dona ons were sent through the Ukrainian Canadian Social Services and Pomich Ukrainy. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you to Pahn Baran and the St. Sofia Student Council for leading these ac vi es! Thank you also to Pani Iakovleva and the Ukrainian department for ini a ng the kni ng of warm winter items to send to Ukraine! Svichechka Students and staff par cipated in “Svichechka” (Ligh ng of Candles), sang koliady and stated inten ons on January 6, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in our school cafetorium. ST. NICHOLAS CONCERT On Thursday, December 18th, the Kindergarten to Grade 5 students delighted family, friends and staff by singing, dancing, ac ng and playing musical instruments. The students were excited to find that when they arrived at school the next day, St. Nicholas had visited their classrooms leaving behind a bag of wonderful gi s! Thank you to the Catholic School Council for their generous support of St. Nicholas and to the parents and volunteers who dedicated their me to support this school event!! Also, thank you to the St. Sofia community for the dona ons of winter items and toonies — your generosity is greatly appreciated! Holy Theophany Each year at Holy Theophany we remember the amazing revela on of God’s nature and the re‐sanc fica on of crea on. We confirm our belief in both the Holy Trinity and our life in the world to come every me we say the Nicene Creed or make the sign of the Cross. As the Feast of Holy Theophany falls on a Saturday, students should obtain Holy Water at Church and not at school Catholic Community, Culture, and Caring Region of Peel Public Health – Bullying Preven on January’s Message is… “Conflict is inevitable, bullying is not.” Focus: Recognizing the difference between conflict and bully‐ ing. Objec ve: At St. Sofia, students will learn to differen ate bul‐ lying from the daily conflict situa ons everyone faces. Stu‐ dents will learn how to use “I‐messages” to deal with conflict and ini al bullying situa ons. Something to think about… As schools start to focus on bullying and raise awareness with students, it is com‐ mon for there to be a sudden upsurge in the iden fica on of ‘bullying’ situa on. It seems that everything becomes bullying, especially with students. Becoming familiar with the defini on is one step; learning to apply the defini‐ on to situa ons is the next. Everyone faces conflict in daily life and through it can learn to nego ate and build rela onships. Bullying is a form of violence that leaves no room for nego a on and seeks to tear others down rather than build rela onships. The power imbalance between the person bullying and the person being bullied is the best and quickest determinant of bullying versus conflict. Power can come in many forms: size, age, strength, number, social status, economic re‐ sources, ability, or sense of self. Children who bully usually find pleasure in their behaviours and the reac on of others. Weather Reminders During the winter season, many parents are concerned about school policy on outdoor recess. It is generally accepted that when the wind chill factor drops below –25 C, students should not go outside for recess. DPCDSB policy uses a wind chill of – 20C as the determining temperature for modified recesses. At St. Sofia, students will remain inside when the wind chill is reported to be –20C or lower and we will modify the dura on of lunch recesses when the temperature reaches – 18C. Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the cold weather. Reminder: Children who are too ill to go outside are too ill to come to school. There is no supervision for children to remain indoors for recess. Snow Stays On the Ground! Snow is part of our winter life in Canada, providing both frustra on and enjoyment. We all like to play in it; however, snow and ice can be very dangerous. In fact, most injuries happen during winter me. For safety reasons, OUR SCHOOL RULE must be that snow stays on the ground – no snowball throwing, kicking snow or any other ac vity with snow or ice that could be harmful, which includes sliding on slopes, snowplow hills, or icy patches. A “Snowball Le er” will be sent home for parent signature when a student breaks this school rule. THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO REINFORCE THESE SAFETY RULES WITH YOUR CHILDREN. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2015-2016 PARENTS OF KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Kindergarten registra on for the 2015‐16 school year will take place at all Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville on the following days: On Thursday, January 8th, the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board’s Special Educa on and Support Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry planning informa on session. This mee ng is for parents and guardians of children with special needs which affect their learning, such as vision, hearing, physical, developmental or au sm, who are entering Kindergarten in September 2015. Monday , January 26th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 28th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, January 29th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Friday, January 30th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Snow Date (if required) Tuesday, January 27th, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The mee ng will be held at the: Catholic Educa on Centre 40 Matheson Boulevard West 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. in Room 301. For more informa on about this session, please call Laura Conte at 905‐890‐0708 ext. 24011. SNOW DATE‐January 13, 2015 OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HERITAGE The history of Catholic schools in Ontario since 1841 is one of dedica on and perseverance in the face of financial hardship and adversity. Due to the commitment of the religious teaching Orders, the bishops and priests, the teachers, parents and students, our forebears have handed to us a great gi – a fully funded public Catholic school system. The courts of Ontario and Canada have reinforced the rights of the Catholic school system with a number of judgments which affirmed the rights of separate school boards to: (a) have their guaranteed powers in the Separate School Act of 1863 improved, (b) receive equitable funding, (c) prefer Catholics when hiring elementary and secondary school teachers, (d) have their own buildings, (e) have an exclusive Catholic school community. The integra on of religious truths and values with life is one of the most significant elements that dis nguish the Catholic school from other schools. This is a ma er of crucial importance today in view of contemporary trends and pressures to compartmentalize life and learning and to isolate the religious dimension of existence from other areas of human life. The courts have recognized, over the years that Catholic educa on is not a subject but rather a way to view the world that speaks to the interrela onship between faith, knowledge and ac on. The Catholic school is a unique se ng within which this ideal can be realized in the lives Catholic children and young people. In our Catholic schools this reality can and is lived out. TRANSPORTATION CONTACT INFORMATION— REVISED The school office closes at 4:20 p.m. A er that me there is no one available to answer phone calls. We recognize that it is important for parents to know the whereabouts of their child if the bus is delayed to due weather, traffic, etc. Contact either STOPR at (905)890‐6000 or check their website at or the bus company directly. Once the school buses leave the school this is the best method to locate them. Bus # 1 Bus # 2 Bus # 3 Bus # 4 Bus # 5 Bus # 6 Bus # 7 Bus # 8 Bus # 9 Bus #10 Bus #11 Bus #12 Bus #13 Bus #14 Bus #15 Bus #16 Bus # 17 Bus # 18 Bus # 19 Bus # 20 SOF. 101 SOF. 102 SOF. 103 SOF. 104 SOF. 105 SOF. 106 SOF. 107 SOF. 108 SOF. 109 SOF. 110 SOF. 111 SOF. 112 SOF. 113 SOF. 114 SOF. 115 SOF. 116 SOF. 117 SOF. 118 WSO190 WSO 101 Rte. 0151 Rte. 0061 Rte. 0211 Rte. 0001 Rte. 1409 Rte. 0162 Rte. 0107 Rte. 0022 Rte. 0015 Rte. 1054 Rte. 1009 Rte. 1301 Rte. 0249 Rte. 0220 Rte. 1401 Rte. 0012 Rte. 1318 Rte. 0027 Rte. 2442 Rte. 1056 Stock First Student Switzer‐Carty First Student First Student Stock Stock First Student First Student Switzer‐Carty Switzer‐Carty Stock Switzer‐Carty Switzer‐Carty First Student First Student Stock First Student A ridge Switzer‐Carty (905) 829‐2040 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 276‐2224 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 829‐2040 (905) 829‐2040 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 276‐2224 (905) 276‐2224 (905) 829‐2040 (905) 276‐2224 (905) 276‐2224 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 829‐2040 (905) 270‐0561 (905) 855‐7771 (905) 276‐2224 INCLEMENT WEATHER - CANCELLATIONS Once again the prospect of inclement weather is upon us. A decision to cancel school transporta on and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:30 a.m. on radio sta ons. The greatest confusion occurs when announcements effect transporta on for certain geographic areas. If the announcement says: “THE DUFFERIN‐PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES ARE CANCELLED” This means that ALL transporta on services provided by the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board including buses and vans have been cancelled for the en re day. If the announcement says: “THE DUFFERIN‐PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARDS BUSES AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES IN THE TOWN OF CALEDON AND COUNTY OF DUFFERIN ARE CANCELLED. This means that ONLY BUS #10 is cancelled. If the announcement says: “THE SCHOOL AND OFFICES OF BOTH THE DUFFERIN‐PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ARE CLOSED.” This means that ALL Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board schools and offices are closed to all staff and students. No fica on: Informa on regarding bus cancella on and other emergency informa on announcements can be obtained by visi ng or A bus cancella on and/or school closure message will also be available online at Parent/student general inquiries, please call 905 890‐6000 or 1‐800 668‐1140. Web Resources: Primary: Clifford Big Red Dog Measuring Up Junior: Units of Measure Measurement People with measurement sense have an understanding of the “howmuchness” of different standard units. (A Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics, K-3, Measurement) Family Math Activities Grades K-2 Compare large cans with small cans and large boxes with small boxes. Which one is big? Which one is small? How do you know? Talk about heavy versus light items in a grocery store Find the shortest and longest line in a grocery store Estimate the number of footsteps between two trees on your walk Keep a record of the daily temperature outside and your child’s outdoor activities. After a few weeks, ask your child to look at the record and see how the temperature affected his or her activities Grades 3-6 Have your child use a measuring tape or ruler to measure the dimensions of various household items (e.g. food containers). Encourage your child to estimate the dimensions before measuring Discuss how far a kilometer is Walk a kilometer together – estimate the distance between two objects while on your walk Grades 7 and 8 Measurement Game Show (OERB) Ontario Education Resource Bank: user id “dpcdsbstudent”; Password “oerbs” CONGRATULATIONS, PANI KASIJ! HAPPY RETIREMENT! A er 36 years in educa on, Pani Kasij has announced her re rement as Principal of St. Sofia Byzan ne Catholic School, effec ve January 31, 2015. Pani Kasij started her career in 1978 as a teacher at St. Sofia. Pani Kasij taught for 20 years. Then she became Vice‐Principal at sev‐ eral schools in Brampton, and finally returning once again to the St. Sofia community to proudly serve as its Principal for the past seven years. We are grateful to her for her leadership of staff and students in the pursuit of excellence in student achievement and well‐being, development of the Byzan ne Catholic faith, and of the goals of our Catholic School and Board Learning Plans. Pani Kasij, for your dedica on and all the hard work you’ve done over the years, thank you! Enjoy this new chapter of your life, cherish every moment and most of all, have fun! God bless you! CONGRATULATIONS, PANI KASIJ! HAPPY RETIREMENT! Dear Students, Teachers, Staff and Parents, Making the decision to retire hasn’t been easy – my heartstrings always pulling at me to be here for students, teachers and colleagues – that has been my calling. It has been a privilege to be a Byzantine Catholic Educator and administrator for 36 years with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. Now it is an honour to reach a point in my life when I can say I am a retired Principal from the best school Board in Ontario. As I look back, there are many memories that I will treasure from St. Sofia, the smiling faces of children greeting me when they get off the bus each day and share their unconditional joy; the wonderful staff who dedicate themselves to educating our students; the caring parents who I’ve worked with, helpful office and support staff, pastors, priests, school councils, custodians, vice-principals and principals, superintendents, administrative staff, trustees and senior administration. Throughout the years I consistently experienced a very close association with our Bishops from the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy, the parishes of St. Mary’s (Holy Dormition) and St. Elias Churches. Thank you Father Galadza , Mitrophoric Archpriest and Pastor, Rt. Rev. Mitered Archpriest Dr. Fr. Pankiw, Pastor and Fr. Trynoga for your spiritual support, guidance and leadership. Thank you to our parent community for your continued support, hours of volunteering and the patience and understanding that you have provided me throughout the years. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my deepest thanks to Director, John Kostoff, Associate Directors, John Hrajnik and Sheila McWatters, and Superintendent Charles Blanchard for their leadership and to Chair and Trustee Mario Pascucci, Trustee Anna Abbruscato and all trustees for their continued support to the St. Sofia School community I am grateful for being able to nurture our Byzantine Catholic faith and traditions, celebrating God’s presence in our lives through Liturgies, Molebens, and daily prayers. A special thank you to the many Ukrainian teachers who have provided an enriching learning opportunity and created many opportunities for us to celebrate Ukrainian traditions, language and culture. I am thankful to all who shared their expertise, guidance, kindness and helped me best serve the needs of our community. The newly renovated school will be a great new beginning in the next chapter of this school’s long-standing history. To my Vice-principal, Pani Sauvé, I thank you for your commitment to Catholic education and am forever grateful for the tremendous time and effort you contribute to help our students, your support and friendship. May you continue to be blessed with health, happiness and success in your personal life and professional career. Congratulations to Pahn Dmytrasz who will assume the role as Principal of St. Sofia School. I wish him much success as leader of our wonderful school. It has been a wonderful journey and I have made every effort to serve the students, staff and parents of the St. Sofia community with heart and soul, respect and commitment to Gospel values and to do what the Lord has told- ‘ to act justly, to love mercy and kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.” –Micah 6:18 I pray that St. Sofia and her three daughters, Vera, Nadia and Lubov continue to be beacons of wisdom, faith, hope and love for many years to come. My wish is for all to continue to cherish and nurture the gift of our school, work together to support the mission and vision of St. Sofia Byzantine Catholic School and ensure its future success. May God continue to bless St. Sofia and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board with many happy and successful years and the motherly protection of the Most Holy Mother of God (Theotokos) be with you all. St. Sofia, Pray for us. Take care, be safe, Mnohaya Lita! Sincerely, cA ^tá|} Principal