LZMSS PTO Needs your help! The LZMSS PTO is recruiting for someone to fill the roles of President and Vice President for the 2014-2015 school year. The job descriptions are as follows: President: Presides at all PTO Board Meetings Is a member ex-oficio of all committees Assists in appointing all committee coordinators Assists the incoming Executive Board during the transition period at the end of the current year Approves unbudgeted expenditures of under $100 Vice President: Performs the duties of the President in the absence or resignation of that officer Chairs the Grant Committee Chairs the Nominating Committee Maintains and distributes the job descriptions to PTO Board members If you are interested in more information or would like to step up into the Presidents role to keep the South community a strong community, please contact me to discuss this opportunity. Thank you, Anne Harrigan LZMSS PTO President (847)331-8427