Seth Paine PTO Meeting Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - Draft Minutes 7:00 pm in the LMC 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm – Beth Slaughter Welcomed everyone. 2. Roll Call taken from sign in sheet - Debbie Theys-Dice Present: Baltes, Bertrand, Edwards, Kipperman, Kopp, Middlebrook, Miller, Mirock, Richards, Shapiro, Short, Slaughter, Smith, Theys-Dice 3. Approval of Past Minutes – Debbie Theys-Dice Motion to Approve November 9, 2011 minutes was made by: Kara Baltes Seconded by: Christy Middlebrook 4. President's Report – Beth Slaughter The district has decided on common school supply lists for the elementary schools and a common supplier of EPI. Kristyn Zoibi volunteered to be the Seth Paine representative to handle the distribution of the forms and kits. The district has a tentative calendar that will be approved at the end of January. The only major change is to move conferences from November to the beginning of December. This will align the schools to be more on a true trimester system, with the first trimester ending 11/15. Report cards would be distributed by 11/30 and conferences following on 12/5-6. Beth and Debbie Theys-Dice will be meeting Thursday 1/5 at 10am to take down the holiday decorations, anyone available should come and help. 5. Principal's Report – Cameron Shapiro State and Local testing update This month— •Access testing for ELL students •CogAT for 5th grade •AIMSweb/Fountas and Pinnell testing for K,1, and all reading students •MAP testing for 2nd-5th grade Feb/March--•CogAT testing for 2nd grade •MAP data will come home in February •ISAT—March 5th-16th •3rd, 4th, and 5th grade-All students will take 3 reading tests and 3 math tests •4th grade will also take one science test •There is no Writing test again this year Young Authors—All students 1st-5th will be soon beginning their work on Young Authors. Be looking for those at home and encourage the personal creativity by the students. The evening event will be on May 1st again this year. Stipend for Drama—money goes to PTO--$25 fee for clubs needs to go to District to pay Robin’s stipend. Last year was an issue, but we did pay her double stipend for hours, work etc. Thought about Reading Challenge—Kindle prize ($79) for students who submit library punch card with 15 or more. During discussions it was proposed to have a drawing for 3rd -5th grades who turn in library punch cards with 15 punches for 3rd graders, 17 for 4th graders and 20 for 5th graders. With the prize being a kindle. It was also discussed about having a similar drawing for K-2nd graders to have the whole card punched but get a prize of a Barnes and Noble Gift Card. These ideas will be discussed with Cindy Malin and a decision will be made, since they are already doing some drawings. 6. Treasurer's Report – Beth Slaughter via an email from Rita Washburn Innisbrook gave a profit of $5006, Fall book fair profit was $1670 cash and the rest in Scholastic Dollars, Square One Art made $1766. Again it was discussed that it would be preferred to have the kids draw what they would like for Square One Art. It will have to be decided if we do this fundraiser again and if it is done as an enrichment after school or how it would be run. 7. Teachers' Report – MaryBeth Mirock/Sandie Edwards MaryBeth said Thank You from the teachers for Face to Face Productions, they thought the kids enjoyed themselves and they liked having that time to get things done before break. Sandie talked about the Olympics, and how we will need to know how many parent volunteers we will have so they can plan the groups. Colleen said that there are some parent volunteers that have signed up to help organize this activity and she will email them and Sandie so they can start planning together. Sandie will be discussing with the teachers at the Feb. staff meeting that they can sign up for a country. It was discussed that EPI may be able to supply shirts at a better price than we have gotten in years past, which can be discussed in their planning meeting with the parent volunteers. 8. Cultural Arts – Colleen Bertrand Face to Face Assembly went well and we will work on having them back next year. Learning Adventures will be presenting the Great Barrier Reef Thursday April 5th at 12:45pm and 1:45 pm. Morning Kindergarteners are welcome to attend with their parents. Trying to set up a date for Dome Theater but have been unable to talk to them, just keep leaving messages. Will also work on getting an author to come in. Debbie Miller stated that she knows Sue Daly and she would be willing to contact her if wanted. February 2nd the school will have an all school field trip to the high school to see Alice in Wonderland. The cost will be $5 per student and the afternoon Kindergarten students will be able to come in the morning and there will be no afternoon Kindergarten that day. 9. Family Events – Colleen Bertrand McDonald's restaurant night brought in about $195, this value was an average over three nights, which is the method that McDonald's uses to calculate their restaurant nights. We actually should have gotten about $250 if it was just that nights value. We will not be doing other restaurant nights with McDonald's and will be looking for other places such as Lou Malnati's or Jimmy Johns. Planning an afternoon Wolves game for Sunday Feb. 19th, 3pm game time. This falls over the weekend when there is no school on Monday but it will give something to do for those people staying in town. There is no cost to us for this activity we make a little bit from each ticket sold so it is a win win. 10. Recipe Rhapsody – Beth Slaughter The event is Thursday 1/12 at 7pm. Everyone should sign up to bring a dish so share. There will be prizes awarded for the best one in each category and there will be a demonstration by a pastry chef. The goal is to have 25 people signed up. There is no need to have a unique recipe, it can be a recipe from a magazine or book, we just want everyone to come and have a good time. 11. Book Fair – Dana Anderson/Nicole Babcock/Beth Slaughter The book fair profits were discussed in the Treasurer's report and the next one will be in April. 12. Teddy Bear Factory – no one present to report 13. Teddy Bear Tea – Debbie Theys-Dice via an email from Kathy Costis Invitations have been completed by Melissa Kamins and she did a fabulous job. Diana has the RSVP list. There is a group in place to make favors and a group in place for ironing table cloths and curtains. She will be talking with the 5th grade moms Jen O'Gara and Kymme Lightfoot about the preparations for the 5th graders. Christine Chialdikas is coordinating the food prep for the tea. 14. Taft Fundraising – Pam Smith Movie Night is planned for Friday February 3rd, wanted to make sure there was nothing else going on that day before start the advertisement. There isn't anything else going on so that will be the day. Planning on watching either Smurfs or Rio. The time will be 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The cost will be $3 presale and $4 at the door. K-3rd will need to have a parent present and 4th and 5th graders can be dropped off. Will be selling water and rice krispie treats and candy. Beth mentioned there is a box of fruit roll ups in the work room that they can sell. It was also mentioned to increase attendance maybe they could possibly bring a friend that doesn't go to Seth Paine, Pam said they will look into it. Their goal was to raise enough money to bring the cost of Taft down $50 per child and so far they are half way there. Working on setting up a penny war between the 5th grade classes, it was also mentioned to include the 4th grade classes as well to provide more competition. A penny war is where pennies are brought in and the class with the most wins, but you can also subtract from a total by bringing in silver coins and bills. Planning on setting up a Hackney's restaurant night. 15. Reading Challenge – no one present but discussed during the Prinicpal's report. 16. Your Trash/Our Treasure – Sue Richards Next collection date will be January 19th. 17. Constitution Amendment – Beth Slaughter/Debbie Theys-Dice Printouts of the constitution with the proposed change to section V were handed out. The new verbiage will be: Committee Coordinators and Chairpersons Covering various areas of need for a term of one year not to exceed three consecutive years in the same position, as decided by elected officers. A discussion followed about whether people will be willing to take over some positions that have a hard time finding people. It was proposed that the areas should be opened up to everyone at first and allow others to step up and try new positions. And if there are areas where no one new comes forward to volunteer we can always let someone who wants to do it but has done it longer than 3 years still have that position, or not have that area at all. We feel it is something we should try to do and see how it goes. The new wording will be voted on at the next meeting Feb. 1st. 18 Old Business: There was no old business. 19. New Business: Fun Fair Debbie Theys-Dice via an email from Kris Fontana 1) They need a volunteer for the silent auction or gift baskets. No one present at the meeting volunteered. If someone can't be found this will just not take place. 2) Wanted to serve hot dogs, pizza etc for food, similar to Halloween event. They feel it will be better cost wise, since Culvers prices went up and they didn't make much money last year. There was no objection to selling that food rather than Culvers. 3) Need a volunteer to help Colleen Andrews with the prize room, she can't be there the day of Fun Fair March 10th. Nobody volunteered at the meeting, but after the meeting Beth found out that Sharon Janke is willing to help out. Mixed Bags Fundraiser – Sue Richards/Emily Kopp This fundraiser is in place of the plant sale and features durable, colorful, recycled bags of various sizes. The sale date is set for March 19th – April 13th. Not sure when delivery would take place, but it was asked if it would happen before Mother's Day May 13th. This will be looked into. Fliers will be sent home to youngest and only. Facebook Page- Debbie Miller volunteered to look into setting up a Seth Paine PTO facebook page. This was previously mentioned as another way of disseminating information. 20. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn: Susan Short Seconded: Kara Baltes Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:24pm.