Seth Paine PTO Meeting – Draft Minutes Wednesday, April 4, 2012 7:00 pm in the LMC 1. Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm – Beth Slaughter 2. Roll Call taken from sign in sheet - Debbie Theys-Dice Present: Bertrand, Choi, Elder, Kopp, Malin, Miller, Mirock, Richards, Shapiro, Slaughter, Smith, TheysDice, Washburn 3. Approval of Past Minutes – Debbie Theys-Dice Motion to Approve March 7, 2012 minutes was made by: Sue Richards Seconded by: Pam Smith 4. President's Report – Beth Slaughter There hasn't been a PTO Presidents meeting yet, so there is nothing new to report. 5. Principal's Report – Cameron Shapiro MAP’s – Spring MAP testing will begin on April 30th and go through May 14th. All children in grades 2-5 will be given achievement tests in reading and math to measure their progress in these areas since the winter and fall. More information is available on MAP testing by going to: CogAT—2nd grade scores are going home tomorrow, Thursday, April 5th. CogAT scores and MAP scores in addition to teacher recommendations will help us recognize students for replacement math as well as provide the teachers information about specific student areas of strength and growth. Please feel free to contact me in the office for more information or visit the suggested websites in the letter attached with the report. Upcoming Dates to note— Registration packets go home in backpacks on 4/10—due back May 1st –residency again this year…all at HS 8/6-8/8 4th grade Music program is 4/10 during the school day and at 7PM. 4th grade Science night-- 4/19 @ 6 PM 4/24—Early Release Important recognition days approaching— Administrative Assistant Day—April 25th Teacher Appreciation Week --May 7nd Nurse’s Day --May 11th. Funding Requests •Framing, Cameron showed us the artwork that was chosen to be displayed in the hallway. Some art from each grade level was chosen. Emily Kopp is going to take them and get a quote on how much it will cost to frame them. They will replace the art that is currently in the hallway that is over 10-15 years old. Donation to foundation—technology (nooks, etc) 6. Treasurer's Report – Rita Washburn Fun fair still has outstanding expenses from Fun Services to be paid. Page 1 of 3 School play still has some expenses to be paid, but currently at $9,000 profit. When looking thru the account transactions it was noticed that MaryBeth was never paid anything for the play last year. It was an oversight since we had a change in treasurers around the same time. She will still need to be paid for this year as well. Also, next year the play budget will pay for Mrs. Kern's stipend instead of the district. Part of the $25 registration fee per child will go to pay for her stipend. Taft Fundraising 2012 has $3150 to help 63 5th graders reduce the amount of Taft by $50 each. Any leftover money will be given to the current 4th grade class for next years Taft. Teddy Bear Tea numbers have been finalized, it was mentioned that they may change the tea from a daytime event to an evening event with a music show. There is currently $450 in the helping hands budget it was proposed to donate this to Joanie's Closet since they handle the school supplies for the needy students. First check with Peggy to make sure that she doesn't need anything or if the new incoming nurse will need anything since she is retiring. It was mentioned that there is a surplus of about $50,000 in our account that we need to spend. We are looking for suggestions. Such as a new playground, teacher grants. 7. Teachers' Report – MaryBeth Mirock Thank you for the Scholastic Dollars to spend on books it is great to get new reading materials for the classrooms. A question was asked about the Olympic Flags and who is responsible to make them. It was discussed in years past that the room parents made the flags. We talked about different options on how to make the flags. 8. Olympic Field Days – Tara Elder There are currently about 50 volunteers that have signed up and most can work all day, so it looks like we are in a good place for volunteers. Tara was able to get the cost of the shirts to $3.39 each, and we need to pick out the 6 colors, one for each grade. Since Sandie wasn't as the meeting Cameron will take the color brochure and meet with her on Thursday and let Tara know what they have chosen. Tara and some volunteers will go into each class to size the students for the t-shirts when the samples have been made. Two meeting have been scheduled for the volunteers and they must attend one of the meetings. One is Thursday 4/12 at 7pm and one is Thursday 4/19 at 1:30pm. 9. Cultural Arts – Colleen Bertrand Learning Adventures will be presenting the Great Barrier Reef tomorrow, Thursday April 5th at 12:45pm and 1:45 pm. Morning Kindergarteners are welcome to attend with their parents. Wednesday May 2nd Julia Durango, a young author will be coming to Seth Paine. She will meet with K-1st at 9am, 2nd - 3rd at 10am, and 4th - 5th at 11am. 10. Family Events – Colleen Bertrand A Lou Malnati's restaurant night has been scheduled for Wednesday 4/11, 4-10pm and we will get 20%. A flier is on the website and you need to bring it with when you pick up your order. 11. Mixed Bags – Emily Kopp/Sue Richards The fundraiser had sales of $4,000 which gave us a $2,000 profit. The orders will be delivered by 4/27 and will be packed with the students name and teacher on it. We can still receive 40% of all internet sales if anyone still has items they want to purchase. 12. Book Fair – Beth Slaughter The book fair is 4/25- 4/27 and is a luau theme. Open House will be Wednesday night 4/25 and the book fair will be open. The grand event will take place on Thursday 4/26 during the lunch and recess periods. There is a limited number of seating available so you must RSVP to Nicole Babcock. A flier was sent home with all the details. There will be online ordering available this year at the book fair. One for Books Page 2 of 3 is going to be emphasized more this year. If the school can raise $200 they will receive a luau dress-up day. One for Books is a program that Scholastic has that the money raised is used to buy books for our library from our Book Fair, so we get books and the profit. In addition Scholastic will donate books in the same amount that we raise to three national non-profit organizations dedicated to helping kids and families in need. As a kick-off volunteers will be going to all the classrooms informing the students about the One for Books event and the Book Fair. 13. Your Trash/Our Treasure – Sue Richards The cereal parties for the winners was completed. End of the year prizes for the classrooms that have the most will get frozen treats and an extra recess. 14. Old Business: Nothing to report 15. New Business: In an effort to bring new Enrichment to the school Cindy Malin completed some research about Girls on the Run a National Program for 3rd - 5th grade girls. For 24 sessions, in 10 weeks, the girls train for a 5k and learn about self esteem and positive reinforcement. The goal of the programs are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development. There is a $500 fee to be a recognized Girls on the Run site, which provides training for 2 volunteers. It is required to have 2 volunteers for each 15 girls. Training is completed in Jan/Feb, if we were interested we would have to sign up for next year and run the program in Spring 2013. 16. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn: Sue Richards Seconded: Laura Choi Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm. Page 3 of 3