The Dragon Dialogue

The Dragon Dialogue
April 5, 2013
Happy Spring! I hope you had a relaxing Spring Break.
Are you ready for all the great things going on at Seth
Paine this month? The executive board for 2013-2014
school year was voted in on April 3rd. Welcome Cindy
Malin, President and Tara Elder, VP! Our 5th graders
will be heading off to TAFT this month. A HUGE
thanks to everyone that supported our TAFT fundraising
efforts. Funds were raised from Taffy Apple Sales,
Movie Night, Manna Gift Cards and Concessions at Flat
Stanley. We met the challenge of cutting $50 off per
student. That was quite a job as we have 91 students in
this years 5th grade class. Want to be involved in the
decision making process for next years fundraising?
Contact me if interested in volunteering on this
committee. Did you order your Mixed Bags??? Order
online After checkout add
our ID # 69524. Seth Paine PTO receives 40% back on
online purchases. Book Fair is 4/24-4/26. We will also
be hosting a Grand Ice Cream Social on 4/24.
April 13 – District Science
April 17-19 – Taft Field Trip
April 23 – Early Release
April 24 – 26 – Book Fair
April 24 – Grand Ice Cream
April 24 – Open House
May is just around the corner. Mark your calendar for
May 1st, 7:00 pm, Seth Paine Gym...last PTO meeting of
the year. May 14th is the Talent Show. Field Days are
May 29th. Volunteers are needed! Look for Sign Up
Genius link coming soon.
May 1 – PTO Meeting
May 15 – Talent Show
Volunteers don't just do the work ~ they make it work!
May 17 – No School
May 22 – Early Release
Dragon Dialogue
Your Trash or Treasure
So far this school year, we have collected over 12,000 box tops
and more than 5,000 Campbell's labels for education! That has
translated to $1,200 and new balls for recess and new books for
our school! We appreciate every little bit - keep them coming
during this last trimester! If you have any questions about where to
find these labels, more info is available on the school website.
Fun Fair Thank You!
A big thank you to all the parents that donated their time
and talent in making sure our kids had fun and the day
ran smoothly. Special thanks to all of those that chaired
specific areas of the event – it takes a lot of work to put
together an event like the Fun Fair and we could not have
done it without your support!
School Supplies for the 2013-2014 School Year
Be on the lookout, school supply order forms will be
coming out soon.
Reading Gives You Super Power!
The Spring Book Fair is coming April 24th 26th. We are looking for volunteers to help
set up, work during the fair and break
If you are interested in volunteering please
contact please click on the link below.
We will also host an Ice Cream 'Grand' Social Event on Wednesday, April
24th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Invite 'grands' to enjoy a tasty treat before
Book Fair shopping.
Please click on the link below if you would like to sign up for the
Ice Cream ‘Grand’ Social Event.
If you have any questions please contact Nicole Babcock at
Recipe Rhapsody
Thank you to everyone who submitted a recipe and came to the
Recipe Rhapsody! If you missed out and would still like the
great recipes you can purchase an electronic copy of the recipe
book for $5. A special thanks to the following companies for
their generous donations: Eggshells, Starbucks, Frank's Karma Cafe and
Pupusita Express. Thank you to Tracy Suykerbuyk for chairing this event.