Regular Meeting of the Board of Education November 15, 2012, 7:00 pm Lake Zurich High School - Library 300 Church Street, Lake Zurich, IL 6:45 pm Public Hearing for Driver Education Waiver 7:00 pm Regular Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order & Roll Call II. **Public Comments – Please sign in by 7:00 p.m. III. President’s Comments & Recognitions – Beginning at 7:30 p.m. a. Students of the Month b. Parent Volunteer of the Month c. Staff Member of the Month IV. *Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes b. Treasurer’s Report V. Curriculum – Ms. Wirt a. *School Improvement Plans b. *Course Proposals VI. Human Resources – Ms. Becich a. *Personnel Report i. Employment of Non-Certified Staff, Change of Non-Certified Staff, and Resignation of Non-Certified Staff VII. Business and Operations – Ms. Cullinan a. *Check Register b. *Tentative Levy c. Lighting Grant Update d. *Driver Education Waiver Approval e. *Developer Fee Waiver Approval VIII. Business of the Board a. *Policy Second Read b. Additional Information – CLC 2012 High School Feedback Report IX. *Closed Session – to discuss personnel, pending litigation matters and sale/lease of public property. *Action Items – It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these items, **Public Comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual, 30 minutes total time for any one topic** In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting or any other activity or program and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting room or the District’s facilities, should contact the Superintendent’s office (847-540-4963) promptly to allow the District to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Agenda Board of Education Special Recognitions – November 2012 Students of the Month School Grade Student Lake Zurich High School 12 Melissa Uhl Lake Zurich High School 12 Mark Noll Lake Zurich High School 12 Meagan Hughes Lake Zurich High School 11 John Herman Lake Zurich High School 12 Ryan Roach Lake Zurich High School 10 Stephanie Johnson Lake Zurich High School 12 Robert Rossdeutcher Lake Zurich High School 12 Layne Self Middle School South 6 Kirsten Mazurkiewicz Middle School North 7 Jesus Castillo Isaac Fox Elementary 5 Jacob Emmelot Seth Paine Elementary 5 Suzanne Maniak Spencer Loomis Elementary 4 Greta Francis Sarah Adams Elementary 5 Gia Galasso May Whitney Elementary 1 Adarsh Raju Reinvite from October Middle School North 8 Aaron Glave May Whitney Parent Volunteer of the Month Dana Vaselopulos Staff Members of the Month Lake Zurich High School Laura Cohen, Science Teacher Lake Zurich High School Julie Gyarmaty, Science Teacher Lake Zurich High School Anne Hopkins, Science Teacher Lake Zurich High School Sandy Lesniewski, SPED Teacher Agenda TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: Consent Agenda DATE: November 15, 2012 Background Information: The items included for consideration on the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of Minutes Board of Education, Open Session Board of Education, Closed Session – part I Board of Education, Closed Session – part II Committee of the Whole, Open Session Committee of the Whole, Closed Session B. October 25, 2012 October 25, 2012 October 25, 2012 November 1, 2012 November 1, 2012 Treasurer’s Report Suggested Motion: Move to approve the consent agenda as prepared and presented by the Administration. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #95 TREASURER'S REPORT FUND BALANCES October 31, 2012 10 EDUCATION TOTAL 10/1/12 FUND BALANCE $ 70,612,624 REVENUE - MTD LOCAL STATE FEDERAL OTHER TOTAL REVENUE - MTD $ 1,618,005 DISBURSEMENTS - MTD SALARY & BENEFITS ALL OTHER DISB. TOTAL DISB.- MTD 10/31/12 FUND BALANCE $ 1,046,009 283,389 288,608 40,949,481 20 O. & M. $ 776,282 233,389 288,608 $ 1,298,279 $ 4,314,120 1,686,171 6,000,292 $ 66,230,337 8,603,614 30 DEBT SERVICE $ 104,172 50,000 $ 154,172 $ 4,019,878 1,115,881 5,135,759 $ 37,112,000 10,551,285 40 TRANS. $ 84,590 $ 84,590 $ 14,518 459,976 474,493 $ 8,283,293 7,607,007 50 IMRF/S.S $ 32,614 $ 32,614 $ 1,875 1,875 $ 10,634,000 954,667 60 CAP. IMPR. $ 47,705 28,378 70 WKG CASH $ 5 $ 47,705 $ 5 $ 144,402 106,991 251,393 $ 135,322 135,322 $ 1,449 1,449 $ 7,388,227 $ 867,050 $ 26,934 1,918,193 641 $ 641 - $ 1,918,834 LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #95 BALANCE SHEET October 31, 2012 ASSETS CASH IN BANK JP MORGAN CHASE ACCOUNTS: GENERAL OPERATIONS HIGH YIELD SAVINGS ATHLETICS DEBIT CARD CREDIT CARD CLEARING IMPREST FOOD SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT US BANK ACCOUNTS: ILLINOIS FUNDS E-PAY ILLINOIS FUNDS CLEARING TOTAL CASH IN BANK EMPLOYEE LOANS RECEIVABLE ACCOUNT # 1010 1010 1010 1010 1050 1101 1910 7,014,814 59,568,925 10,000 10,000 53,498 229,659 20,663 1010 1010 17,221 114 66,924,894 0 1220 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID STUDENT LUNCH FEES FED. W/H TAX ST. W/H TAX IMRF PAYABLE ANNUITY PAY MEDICAL INSURANCE PPO MEDICAL INS HMO DENTAL INS PPO DENTAL INS HMO DENTAL INS ADM LIFE/AD&D INS LONG TERM DISABILITY SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE INS FICA PAYABLE MED. PAYABLE FLEX CHILD CARE FLEX MEDICAL FLEX ADM FEE CELL PHONE DEDUCTION VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE DEFERRED REVENUE - GOAL FOR FIELD TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND BALANCE EDUCATION FUND 10 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FUND 20 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 TRANSPORTATION FUND 40 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE FUND 50 66,924,894 4020 4021 4520 4530 4540 4550 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4570 4580 4594 4595 4596 4598 4658 4740 321 116,880 -26 -9 -28 0 383,929 115,971 13,692 3,463 4,576 3,553 9,657 0 -19 -5 -3,923 -16,568 436 120 4,600 57,936 694,556 37,112,000 8,283,293 10,634,000 7,388,227 867,050 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 60 WORKING CASH FUND 70 TOTAL FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE 26,934 1,918,834 66,230,337 66,924,894 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 10/2012) ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 10 EDUCATION FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 9:24 AM PAGE: October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 25,793,309.00 25,793,309.00 0.00 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 540,593.38 24,915,933.17 25,270,311.00 354,377.83 98.60 10 1230 CPPRT 10 1311 DAY TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 10 1323 SUMMER ACADEMY/CAMPS/TOURN 10 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 10 1611 10 1620 10 1711 ATHLETIC EVENTS 10 1712 SCH SPON TOURNAMENTS 10 1719 STUDENT REPLACEMENTS IDS 10 1720 FEES 10 1721 10 1722 10 1724 BAND/ORCHESTRA/CHORAL FEES 10 1725 PE UNIFORMS 10 1726 PE LOCKS 10 1727 HIGH 10 1728 CHILD DEVELOPMENT TUITION 10 1729 TRANSCRIPTS 10 1730 YEARBOOK SALES 10 1750 STUDENT TESTING FEES 10 1751 10 0.00 48,372.78 91,000.00 42,627.22 53.16 1,255.33 3,765.99 10,000.00 6,234.01 37.66 6.74 280.00 10,445.00 155,000.00 144,555.00 -125.00 10,159.00 130,000.00 119,841.00 7.81 6,595.65 19,785.24 52,000.00 32,214.76 38.05 PUPIL LUNCH SALES 186,571.63 378,165.69 1,228,000.00 849,834.31 30.80 ADULT LUNCH SALES 2,515.40 3,318.40 32,000.00 28,681.60 10.37 10,238.61 20,141.41 33,000.00 12,858.59 61.03 1,391.85 1,391.85 4,500.00 3,108.15 30.93 807.00 807.00 1,500.00 693.00 53.80 -763.70 103,224.89 835,000.00 731,775.11 12.36 INTERSCHOLASTIC 9,550.00 133,365.00 315,000.00 181,635.00 42.34 INTRAMURAL FEES 2,596.25 4,621.25 14,000.00 9,378.75 33.01 10,938.25 28,839.25 84,000.00 55,160.75 34.33 243.00 19,823.50 25,000.00 5,176.50 79.29 28.00 117.00 1,000.00 883.00 11.70 565.00 72,305.00 135,000.00 62,695.00 53.56 0.00 0.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 2,247.00 3,510.00 10,000.00 6,490.00 35.10 339.00 15,728.00 128,000.00 112,272.00 12.29 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 A/P TESTING FEE 0.00 0.00 59,000.00 59,000.00 0.00 1790 OTHER PUPIL ACTIVITIES 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 10 1791 HS 60.00 540.00 1,900.00 1,360.00 28.42 10 1829 OTHER-PLANNER 10.00 20.00 400.00 380.00 5.00 10 1890 OTHER TECHNOLOGY 17.00 17.00 0.00 -17.00 0.00 10 1920 PRIVATE 165.72 1,267.72 0.00 -1,267.72 0.00 10 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 155.38 155.38 20,000.00 19,844.62 0.78 10 1970 DRIVERS ED REGIST. -42.50 1,577.00 61,000.00 59,423.00 2.59 10 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 50.00 26,163.18 10,000.00 -16,163.18 261.63 10 1--- * 776,282.25 25,823,559.70 54,606,920.00 28,783,360.30 47.29 SCHOOL PARKING FEE WEIGHT ROOM FEE CONTRIBUTIONS FEES 11/09/12 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FUND ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 10 EDUCATION FUND 3000 STATE REVENUE Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 10/2012) 9:24 AM PAGE: October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 3001 GENERAL STATE AID 193,577.64 581,052.38 2,129,051.00 1,547,998.62 27.29 10 3100 SPECIAL ED PRIVATE TUITION 0.00 489,388.31 1,199,527.00 710,138.69 40.80 10 3105 SPECIAL ED EXTRAORDINARY 0.00 411,859.12 773,871.00 362,011.88 53.22 10 3110 SPECIAL ED PERSONNEL 0.00 244,762.50 971,000.00 726,237.50 25.21 10 3145 SUMMER SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 10 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 10,498.01 16,000.00 5,501.99 65.61 10 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 27,078.00 33,644.00 62,958.00 29,314.00 53.44 10 3360 STATE FREE LUNCH 0.00 1,971.91 3,100.00 1,128.09 63.61 10 3370 DRIVER EDUCATION 10 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 4000 12,732.86 12,732.86 38,000.00 25,267.14 33.51 233,388.50 1,785,909.09 5,200,507.00 3,414,597.91 34.34 FEDERAL REVENUE 10 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 39,630.00 88,780.00 176,763.00 87,983.00 50.23 10 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 44,268.00 49,965.00 14,517.00 -35,448.00 344.18 10 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 163,973.00 452,224.00 988,000.00 535,776.00 45.77 10 4625 Fed SpEd-Room/Board 8,209.88 20,045.60 11,835.72 -8,209.88 169.37 10 4770 PERKINS TECH PREP 10 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 10 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 10 4991 MEDICAID ADMIN OUTREACH 10 4992 MEDICAID FEE FOR SERVICE PROG. 10 4--- * 1- ---- *EDUCATION FUND 20 OPER & MAINT 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 0.00 615.00 16,352.00 15,737.00 3.76 8,719.00 24,196.00 24,300.00 104.00 99.57 23,808.00 40,896.00 81,754.00 40,858.00 50.02 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 79,767.17 79,767.00 -0.17 100.00 288,607.88 756,488.77 1,407,288.72 650,799.95 53.76 1,298,278.63 28,365,957.56 61,214,715.72 32,848,758.16 46.34 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 0.00 0.00 4,474,505.00 4,474,505.00 0.00 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 93,106.40 4,291,271.51 4,352,300.00 61,028.49 98.60 20 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1,458.26 4,456.14 8,500.00 4,043.86 52.43 20 1910 RENTALS 5,457.50 83,297.25 211,000.00 127,702.75 39.48 20 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 1,030.00 1,030.00 0.00 -1,030.00 0.00 20 1981 ENERGY REBATES 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 20 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 20 1--- * 3,120.00 3,969.09 65,000.00 61,030.91 6.11 104,172.16 4,384,023.99 9,119,305.00 4,735,281.01 48.07 11/09/12 2 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FUND ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 20 OPER & MAINT 3000 STATE REVENUE Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 10/2012) 9:24 AM PAGE: October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 20 3999 OTHER REVENUE-STATE GRANTS 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 100.00 20 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 20 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 0.00 77,615.00 77,615.00 20 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 20 4--- * 0.00 0.00 127,615.00 127,615.00 0.00 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 20 7140 Perm Transfer of Interest 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 20 7--- * 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 2- ---- *OPER & MAINT 154,172.16 4,434,023.99 9,311,920.00 4,877,896.01 47.62 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 0.00 0.00 3,798,748.00 3,798,748.00 0.00 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 82,719.13 3,812,522.18 3,866,747.00 54,224.82 98.60 30 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 30 1--- * 7000 1,870.95 5,593.28 12,000.00 6,406.72 46.61 84,590.08 3,818,115.46 7,677,495.00 3,859,379.54 49.73 0.00 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 30 7600 TRANS TO DEBT SERV PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 201,075.40 201,075.40 30 7700 TRANSFER DEBT SERV 0.00 0.00 64,945.39 64,945.39 0.00 30 7--- * 0.00 0.00 266,020.79 266,020.79 0.00 3- ---- *DEBT SERVICE FUND 84,590.08 3,818,115.46 7,943,515.79 4,125,400.33 48.07 INTEREST 11/09/12 3 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FUND ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 40 TRANSPORTATION 1000 LOCAL REVENUES Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 10/2012) 9:24 AM PAGE: October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 1,374,421.00 1,374,421.00 0.00 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 26,764.30 1,233,565.83 1,251,110.00 17,544.17 98.60 40 1411 FEES FROM PUPILS AND PARENTS 900.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 100.00 40 1415 FEES FROM CO-CURRICULAR 3,647.72 11,984.67 73,000.00 61,015.33 16.42 40 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1,301.60 4,432.12 13,000.00 8,567.88 34.09 40 1--- * 32,613.62 1,270,982.62 2,732,531.00 1,461,548.38 46.51 67.97 3000 STATE REVENUE 40 3500 TRANSPORTATION REGULAR 0.00 220,913.46 325,000.00 104,086.54 40 3510 TRANSPORTATION SPL EDUCATION 0.00 675,499.40 1,410,000.00 734,500.60 47.91 40 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 896,412.86 1,735,000.00 838,587.14 51.67 4- ---- *TRANSPORTATION 32,613.62 2,167,395.48 4,467,531.00 2,300,135.52 48.51 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 0.00 0.00 320,698.34 320,698.34 0.00 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 5,307.37 244,616.45 248,095.00 3,478.55 98.60 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 0.00 0.00 450,504.81 450,504.81 0.00 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 9,401.62 433,320.58 439,483.00 6,162.42 98.60 50 1230 CPPRT 32,843.40 32,843.40 100,000.00 67,156.60 32.84 50 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 152.54 447.97 1,000.00 552.03 44.80 50 1--- * 47,704.93 711,228.40 1,559,781.15 848,552.75 45.60 0.00 3000 STATE REVENUE 50 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 0.00 781.00 781.00 50 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 0.00 58.00 58.00 0.00 50 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 0.00 839.00 839.00 0.00 0.00 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 50 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 0.00 0.00 8,886.00 8,886.00 50 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 0.00 110,101.53 110,101.53 0.00 50 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 0.00 237.00 237.00 0.00 11/09/12 4 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 10/2012) ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 9:24 AM PAGE: October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 50 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 0.00 0.00 87.00 87.00 0.00 50 4--- * 0.00 0.00 119,311.53 119,311.53 0.00 5- ---- *IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 47,704.93 711,228.40 1,679,931.68 968,703.28 42.34 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 60 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4.74 165.86 500.00 334.14 33.17 60 1930 IMPACT FEES 0.00 4,620.00 10,000.00 5,380.00 46.20 60 1--- * 4.74 4,785.86 10,500.00 5,714.14 45.58 6- ---- *CAPITAL PROJECTS 4.74 4,785.86 10,500.00 5,714.14 45.58 70 WORKING CASH 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 0.00 0.00 38,178.37 38,178.37 0.00 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 303.28 13,978.09 14,176.00 197.91 98.60 70 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 337.60 1,234.43 2,500.00 1,265.57 49.38 70 1--- * 640.88 15,212.52 54,854.37 39,641.85 27.73 7- ---- *WORKING CASH 640.88 15,212.52 54,854.37 39,641.85 27.73 11/09/12 5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Revenue Totals Number of Accounts: 1,618,005.04 39,516,719.27 299 ************************ End of report ************************ 84,682,968.56 45,166,249.29 46.66 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FD FUNC 10 FUNC Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 10/2012) October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 3:50 PM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED EDUCATION FUND 10 1100 10 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 8,571.46 34,285.84 149,000.00 114,714.16 0.00 114,714.16 23.01 1,119,782.51 3,601,809.25 12,386,204.14 8,784,394.89 57,561.90 8,726,832.99 10 1120 29.54 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 659,532.09 2,356,255.70 8,453,154.12 6,096,898.42 28,573.58 6,068,324.84 10 28.21 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 663,150.83 2,209,569.61 7,727,418.00 5,517,848.39 31,513.95 5,486,334.44 29.00 10 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 22,161.64 53,943.53 235,825.00 181,881.47 14,652.46 167,229.01 29.09 10 1205 LEARNING DISABLED 389,715.66 1,249,077.39 4,529,139.21 3,280,061.82 253.85 3,279,807.97 27.58 10 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 35,721.90 139,233.74 419,810.28 280,576.54 303.71 280,272.83 33.24 10 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 10 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 10 1400 10 7,871.54 30,905.36 94,691.00 63,785.64 0.00 63,785.64 32.64 38,952.50 126,712.80 484,201.57 357,488.77 581.70 356,907.07 26.29 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 104,384.60 343,030.17 1,218,727.00 875,696.83 5,806.29 869,890.54 28.62 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 317,885.68 507,566.75 1,640,366.00 1,132,799.25 41,788.12 1,091,011.13 33.49 10 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0.00 59,394.66 228,270.00 168,875.34 0.00 168,875.34 26.02 10 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 67.00 69,698.35 127,450.00 57,751.65 1,184.15 56,567.50 55.62 10 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 45,517.41 73,850.00 28,332.59 0.00 28,332.59 61.63 10 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 28,478.38 110,664.68 346,650.00 235,985.32 0.00 235,985.32 31.92 10 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 27,908.28 106,806.52 349,528.00 242,721.48 1,040.93 241,680.55 30.86 10 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 10 1912 SPED TUITION K-12 PRIV 10 1913 PRE-K SPECIAL ED TUITION 10 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 10 2115 DEAN'S OFFICE 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 10 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 62,187.43 185,955.32 777,764.00 591,808.68 916.25 590,892.43 24.03 10 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 45,677.43 141,033.05 502,943.63 361,910.58 172.49 361,738.09 28.08 10 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 50,046.38 181,779.30 566,385.00 384,605.70 1,235.28 383,370.42 32.31 10 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 78,013.26 185,823.48 779,025.00 593,201.52 105.00 593,096.52 23.87 10 2190 STUDENT SERVICES 234.49 234.49 3,000.00 2,765.51 200.00 2,565.51 14.48 10 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 43,494.07 77,640.69 410,410.04 332,769.35 10,299.46 322,469.89 21.43 10 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 73,382.55 265,301.46 909,301.00 643,999.54 15,482.50 628,517.04 30.88 10 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 6,064.94 25,408.50 182,150.00 156,741.50 550.00 156,191.50 14.25 10 2310 BOARD OF EDUCATION 22,406.40 164,857.55 459,000.00 294,142.45 25,816.20 268,326.25 41.54 10 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 24,690.95 99,129.69 328,737.00 229,607.31 224.00 229,383.31 30.22 10 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 41,923.76 185,871.85 555,179.00 369,307.15 830.22 368,476.93 33.63 10 2362 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSRNCE 0.00 303,498.00 303,500.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 100.00 10 2364 INSURANCE PAYMENTS GENERAL 99.74 10 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 10 2510 10 10 65,790.51 226,652.10 763,790.00 537,137.90 0.00 537,137.90 29.67 186,384.43 539,775.55 2,400,000.00 1,860,224.45 43,847.28 1,816,377.17 24.32 305.00 305.00 0.00 -305.00 0.00 -305.00 0.00 93,575.98 342,450.17 1,133,148.00 790,697.83 0.00 790,697.83 30.22 0.00 346,086.00 347,000.00 914.00 0.00 914.00 300,476.84 1,180,707.11 3,608,963.72 2,428,256.61 880.11 2,427,376.50 32.74 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 16,939.18 67,808.33 225,050.00 157,241.67 0.00 157,241.67 30.13 2520 FISCAL SERVICES 11,888.93 93,236.98 734,350.00 641,113.02 1,636.65 639,476.37 12.92 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 0.00 633.00 3,560.00 2,927.00 0.00 2,927.00 17.78 11/06/12 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FD FUNC 10 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 10/2012) FUNC 3:50 PM PAGE: October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 % USED 82,449.02 166,636.61 1,632,500.00 1,465,863.39 3,486.77 1,462,376.62 10.42 150.00 600.00 10,000.00 9,400.00 0.00 9,400.00 6.00 186,052.90 668,210.00 482,157.10 0.00 482,157.10 27.84 EDUCATION FUND 10 2560 FOOD SERVICES 10 2570 INTERNAL SERVICES 10 2620 CURRICULUM 48,811.72 10 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 15,855.66 74,330.86 231,880.00 157,549.14 275.15 157,273.99 32.17 10 2640 STAFF SERVICES 35,540.94 261,763.32 705,380.00 443,616.68 7,826.42 435,790.26 38.22 10 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 120,946.42 1,000,343.87 2,070,502.00 1,070,158.13 46,828.54 1,023,329.59 50.58 10 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2,173.26 10,092.19 70,686.50 60,594.31 1,696.91 58,897.40 16.68 10 4190 PMTS TO OTHER GOVT UNITS 100.25 10 4210 REG ED TUITION PAID TO LEA'S 10 4220 SPED PAID TO OTHER LEA 10 8610 10 8710 1- ---- EDUCATION FUND 20 0.00 5,313.00 5,300.00 -13.00 0.00 -13.00 18,037.64 108,263.14 290,000.00 181,736.86 0.00 181,736.86 37.33 264,128.00 508,721.71 1,127,000.00 618,278.29 693.39 617,584.90 45.20 TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS 0.00 0.00 201,075.40 201,075.40 0.00 201,075.40 0.00 TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 64,945.39 64,945.39 0.00 64,945.39 0.00 5,135,759.26 17,980,776.98 60,537,020.00 42,556,243.02 346,263.26 42,209,979.76 30.27 OPER & MAINT 20 2530 FAC ACQUISIT/CONSTRUCTION 0.00 249,902.49 282,000.00 32,097.51 0.00 32,097.51 88.62 20 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 474,493.29 2,256,908.56 7,835,050.00 5,578,141.44 291,309.09 5,286,832.35 32.52 2- ---- OPER & MAINT 474,493.29 2,506,811.05 8,117,050.00 5,610,238.95 291,309.09 5,318,929.86 34.47 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 5220 BOND INTEREST 30 5250 REVENUE BONDS OTH AGENCIES 0.00 0.00 4,787,905.00 4,787,905.00 0.00 4,787,905.00 0.00 1,874.56 1,874.56 3,749.12 1,874.56 0.00 1,874.56 50.00 30 5290 30 5320 OTHER INT ON LT DEBT 0.00 0.00 61,196.27 61,196.27 0.00 61,196.27 0.00 PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 2,963,974.00 2,963,974.00 0.00 2,963,974.00 30 0.00 5350 PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 15,315.00 15,315.00 0.00 15,315.00 0.00 30 5390 OTHER PRINC 0.00 0.00 185,760.40 185,760.40 0.00 185,760.40 0.00 30 5400 OTHER DEBT SVCE EXP 0.00 0.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 4,800.00 0.00 30 8140 INTEREST 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 3- ---- DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,874.56 1,874.56 8,037,699.79 8,035,825.23 0.00 8,035,825.23 0.02 LT DEBT 11/06/12 2 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FD FUNC 40 FUNC Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 10/2012) 3:50 PM PAGE: October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 % USED TRANSPORTATION 40 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 251,393.37 752,858.50 3,611,320.00 2,858,461.50 14,374.41 2,844,087.09 21.25 4- ---- TRANSPORTATION 251,393.37 752,858.50 3,611,320.00 2,858,461.50 14,374.41 2,844,087.09 21.25 15,183.27 46,652.70 168,673.00 122,020.30 0.00 122,020.30 27.66 8,239.33 29,588.25 98,875.00 69,286.75 0.00 69,286.75 29.92 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 50 1120 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 50 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 10,935.14 36,305.94 129,000.00 92,694.06 0.00 92,694.06 28.14 50 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 313.68 571.28 4,850.00 4,278.72 0.00 4,278.72 11.78 50 1205 LEARNING DISABLED 15,462.70 38,850.49 153,024.52 114,174.03 0.00 114,174.03 25.39 50 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 5,412.54 21,680.00 73,354.88 51,674.88 0.00 51,674.88 29.55 50 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 102.16 404.64 1,250.00 845.36 0.00 845.36 32.37 50 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 2,932.74 7,207.92 31,421.72 24,213.80 0.00 24,213.80 22.94 50 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 1,057.28 3,506.79 13,100.00 9,593.21 0.00 9,593.21 26.77 50 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 4,648.15 7,581.76 31,130.00 23,548.24 0.00 23,548.24 24.36 50 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0.00 1,423.34 3,115.00 1,691.66 0.00 1,691.66 45.69 50 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 0.00 2,903.46 4,400.00 1,496.54 0.00 1,496.54 65.99 50 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 3,624.50 5,700.00 2,075.50 0.00 2,075.50 63.59 50 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 361.12 1,425.96 4,400.00 2,974.04 0.00 2,974.04 32.41 50 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 337.55 1,298.25 3,900.00 2,601.75 0.00 2,601.75 33.29 50 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 783.61 2,723.78 8,800.00 6,076.22 0.00 6,076.22 30.95 50 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 1,177.98 4,281.54 14,000.00 9,718.46 0.00 9,718.46 30.58 50 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 1,737.15 4,563.02 18,357.40 13,794.38 0.00 13,794.38 24.86 50 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 4,362.56 11,043.52 47,894.25 36,850.73 0.00 36,850.73 23.06 50 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 535.14 2,149.83 6,250.00 4,100.17 0.00 4,100.17 34.40 50 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 576.56 1,928.32 6,000.00 4,071.68 0.00 4,071.68 32.14 50 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 1.71 136.48 1,572.00 1,435.52 0.00 1,435.52 8.68 50 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 2,969.57 7,607.68 33,850.00 26,242.32 0.00 26,242.32 22.47 50 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 135.48 135.48 315.00 179.52 0.00 179.52 43.01 50 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 822.09 3,322.16 10,600.00 7,277.84 0.00 7,277.84 31.34 50 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 50 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 50 2510 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 186.40 748.44 2,268.00 1,519.56 50 2520 FISCAL SERVICES 1,036.86 9,118.04 26,455.00 17,336.96 50 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 2,183.11 11,017.02 33,500.00 22,482.98 50 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 22,908.48 64,550.42 242,900.00 50 2620 CURRICULUM 1,092.92 4,538.72 13,800.00 1,447.72 6,472.10 20,360.00 13,887.90 0.00 13,887.90 31.79 10,849.91 41,681.61 129,250.00 87,568.39 0.00 87,568.39 32.25 0.00 1,519.56 33.00 0.00 17,336.96 34.47 0.00 22,482.98 32.89 178,349.58 0.00 178,349.58 26.57 9,261.28 0.00 9,261.28 32.89 11/06/12 3 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 FD FUNC 50 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 10/2012) FUNC October 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 3:50 PM PAGE: 11/06/12 4 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 1,934.60 7,687.15 21,800.00 14,112.85 0.00 14,112.85 35.26 50 2640 STAFF SERVICES 4,440.49 18,973.48 55,775.00 36,801.52 0.00 36,801.52 34.02 50 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 10,924.10 45,302.57 130,200.00 84,897.43 0.00 84,897.43 34.79 50 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 230.02 907.00 4,415.50 3,508.50 0.00 3,508.50 20.54 50 4120 FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS 5- ---- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 60 0.00 10,312.00 10,312.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 135,322.12 462,225.64 1,564,868.27 1,102,642.63 0.00 1,102,642.63 29.54 CAPITAL PROJECTS 60 2530 FAC ACQUISIT/CONSTRUCTION 0.00 402,489.17 448,000.00 45,510.83 0.00 45,510.83 89.84 60 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 1,450.00 41,612.50 10,000.00 -31,612.50 0.00 -31,612.50 416.13 6- ---- CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,450.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals Number of Accounts: 6,000,292.60 22,148,648.40 82,325,958.06 3669 ************************ End of report ************************ 60,177,309.66 651,946.76 59,525,362.90 27.70 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 LOC LOCATION NAME 10 Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 10/2012) 3:56 PM PAGE: 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 FYTD % 219,884.88 757,536.80 2,626,159.80 1,868,623.00 7,882.90 1,860,740.10 28.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 689,915.81 2,444,149.72 1,754,233.91 8,748.98 1,745,484.93 28.23 EDUCATION FUND 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 203,092.68 004 SETH PAINE 211,829.23 676,628.29 2,531,032.00 1,854,403.71 5,875.22 1,848,528.49 26.73 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 417,595.63 1,495,785.64 5,019,635.12 3,523,849.48 11,261.78 3,512,587.70 29.80 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 1,249,012.05 3,788,707.58 12,809,814.00 9,021,106.42 59,229.94 8,961,876.48 29.58 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 1,999,050.82 7,638,741.83 25,048,225.98 17,409,484.15 203,375.26 17,206,108.89 30.50 009 ISAAC FOX 218,075.02 787,297.67 2,645,503.04 1,858,205.37 1,424.00 1,856,781.37 29.76 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 408,943.11 1,405,036.76 4,877,626.72 3,472,589.96 41,263.91 3,431,326.05 28.81 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 208,275.84 741,126.60 2,534,873.62 1,793,747.02 7,201.27 1,786,545.75 29.24 --- EDUCATION FUND 5,135,759.26 17,980,776.98 60,537,020.00 42,556,243.02 346,263.26 42,209,979.76 29.70 20 OPER & MAINT 001 MAY WHITNEY 13,486.02 318,870.79 593,000.00 274,129.21 1,931.19 272,198.02 53.77 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 2,325.49 8,382.88 34,500.00 26,117.12 0.00 26,117.12 24.30 003 SARAH ADAMS 4,059.35 141,720.66 363,000.00 221,279.34 852.16 220,427.18 39.04 004 SETH PAINE 7,241.48 37,043.53 206,400.00 169,356.47 2,309.69 167,046.78 17.95 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 36,794.88 122,526.77 349,500.00 226,973.23 10,977.46 215,995.77 35.06 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 72,327.69 340,297.52 1,360,000.00 1,019,702.48 11,855.41 1,007,847.07 25.02 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 12,335.00 77,779.04 143,000.00 65,220.96 1,973.25 63,247.71 54.39 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 258,556.76 1,214,529.71 4,191,050.00 2,976,520.29 248,380.92 2,728,139.37 28.98 009 ISAAC FOX 15,263.48 60,133.11 265,100.00 204,966.89 1,515.23 203,451.66 22.68 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 31,136.65 124,924.60 403,000.00 278,075.40 4,567.31 273,508.09 31.00 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 20,966.49 60,602.44 208,500.00 147,897.56 6,946.47 140,951.09 29.07 --- OPER & MAINT 474,493.29 2,506,811.05 8,117,050.00 5,610,238.95 291,309.09 5,318,929.86 30.88 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 1,874.56 1,874.56 8,037,699.79 8,035,825.23 0.00 8,035,825.23 0.02 --- DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,874.56 1,874.56 8,037,699.79 8,035,825.23 0.00 8,035,825.23 0.02 11/06/12 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 LOC LOCATION NAME 40 Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 10/2012) 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 3:56 PM PAGE: 11/06/12 2 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % TRANSPORTATION 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 251,393.37 752,858.50 3,611,320.00 2,858,461.50 14,374.41 2,844,087.09 20.85 --- TRANSPORTATION 251,393.37 752,858.50 3,611,320.00 2,858,461.50 14,374.41 2,844,087.09 20.85 3,966.16 12,955.15 45,445.00 32,489.85 0.00 32,489.85 28.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 3,710.37 12,564.53 46,770.00 34,205.47 0.00 34,205.47 26.86 004 SETH PAINE 3,951.97 11,838.33 45,375.00 33,536.67 0.00 33,536.67 26.09 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 6,213.52 21,785.30 77,375.00 55,589.70 0.00 55,589.70 28.16 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 22,577.20 69,305.42 239,887.40 170,581.98 0.00 170,581.98 28.89 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 81,149.96 287,093.10 946,740.87 659,647.77 0.00 659,647.77 30.32 009 ISAAC FOX 4,015.66 13,410.11 50,140.00 36,729.89 0.00 36,729.89 26.75 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 5,990.64 20,314.47 72,725.00 52,410.53 0.00 52,410.53 27.93 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 3,746.64 12,959.23 40,410.00 27,450.77 0.00 27,450.77 32.07 --- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 135,322.12 462,225.64 1,564,868.27 1,102,642.63 0.00 1,102,642.63 29.54 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 003 SARAH ADAMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 004 SETH PAINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 1,450.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 009 ISAAC FOX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --- CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,450.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals 6,000,292.60 22,148,648.40 82,325,958.06 60,177,309.66 651,946.76 59,525,362.90 26.90 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010131 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 10/2012) LOCATION NAME Number of Accounts: 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 3568 ************************ End of report ************************ 3:56 PM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % 11/06/12 3 Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Mike Egan FROM: Mrs. Jodi Wirt and Dr. Terry Mootz DATE: November 15, 2012 SUBJECT: School Improvement Goals This synopsis addresses the following strategy from the Strategic Plan: Align and develop curriculum, innovative instructional practices, and learning opportunities that promote rigorous learning, connections to global issues, and support students’ pursuit of personally meaningful goals. The program addresses the following board policy: Instruction: School Accountability; 6:15: “The School Board continuously monitors the quality of the District’s work. The Superintendent shall supervise the following quality assurance components, in accordance with the State Board of Education rules, by establishing school improvement plans that utilize: • District student learning objectives, • Assessment systems for measuring students’ progress in the fundamental learning areas, and • Reporting systems for informing the community and the State of assessment results The Superintendent shall annually report to the Board progress and status of School Improvement Plans. The Superintendent shall seek Board approval for each School Improvement Plan. Description/Purpose/Objective Enclosed are each building’s • 2011-12 School Improvement Plan Executive Summaries • 2013-15 School Improvement Goals Again this year, each of the schools participated in multiple days of data retreat. Data retreats provide a structure for Building Leadership Teams (BLT) to interpret data and develop hypotheses about how to improve student learning. Based on the analysis of available data, the building leadership team prioritizes the needs of the individual buildings and identifies goals for the school community. Once the goals are established, the School Improvement Teams, along with the entire building staff, identifies action steps that can be taken to achieve the goal(s). Each of Lake Zurich CUSD 95’s schools has established a School Improvement Goal that is aligned to the district’s strategic goals. However, each building leadership team takes into consideration the unique needs of its students as specific action plans are established. This process reinforces the district’s commitment to provide students with challenging work that enhances each student’s ability to master content standards as well as acquire the attributes of District 95’s mission. The requirements for Illinois schools not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status, under PA 93-0470, call for increasing supervision and oversight of student achievement by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). The school improvement plan for a school that is placed on federal status must be approved by the local school board. Three of Lake Zurich CUSD 95’s schools submitted a two-year School Improvement Plan in 2011-12 to the state using the template provided by the Illinois Interactive Report Card (IIRC) because the schools had not made AYP for two consecutive years. These plans remain in effect for 2012-13 with the modifications attached. A fourth school new to federal status is required to participate in the mandated continuous improvement process utilizing the new state Rising Star SIP tool consisting of 104 indicators of effective improvement. Lake Zurich High School is in state improvement Academic Watch Status Year 1. Middle School North is in federal Choice/SES status. May Whitney and Sarah Adams Elementary are in federal Choice status. Motion: to approve the School Improvement Plan for Sarah Adams Elementary for 2013-14 in accordance with Public Act 93-0470 for submission to the Illinois State Board of Education. Agenda FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Michael Egan FROM: Jodi Wirt and Eric Hamilton DATE: November 9, 2012 SUBJECT: New High School Course Proposals The Curriculum Review Process and Course Proposal process addresses the following strategies from the Strategic Plan: • Align and develop curriculum, innovative instructional practices, and learning opportunities that promote rigorous learning, promote connections to global issues, and support students’ pursuit of personally meaningful goals. Description/Purpose/Objective Each year the high school faculty in each department examines the course offerings. During the K-12 curriculum development process, high school faculty researches content in each discipline, changes occurring at benchmark high schools, and class enrollment data to inform decisions about deleting, revising, or creating an additional course. After the high school administration reviews requests, the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction recommends new course proposals to the district administration. None of these courses are developed unless there is adequate enrollment. RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends eliminating Connected Internship and Desktop Publishing. The following courses should be added to the high school course offerings. 1. Entrepreneurship ( implemented in 2013): The purpose of the course is to develop greater understanding of the principles necessary to start and operate a business. As a result of this course, students will be able to identify and assess common traits and skills found in entrepreneurs, compare the risks and rewards of owning a business, analyze business opportunities, and develop a business plan. Tentative cost: $2,720 for curriculum writing. Estimated materials and textbooks: $2,250. 2. Investment Management (implemented in 2014): The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the importance of financial planning. Students will analyze stocks, bonds, real estate and mutual funds as investment options. In addition, they will examine and explain the significance of the time value of money and the importance of retirement planning. Tentative cost: $ 2,720 for curriculum writing. Estimated materials and textbooks: $2,250. FISCAL/PERSONNEL IMPACT: It will cost $5,400 to develop these courses. Estimated textbook costs are $4,500. The Curriculum Office budget will cover these expenses. Projected impact on staffing: There is a potential for staffing allocations to shift between departments rather than increase overall staffing. Motion: Accept the administration recommendation to eliminate Connected Internship and Desktop Publishing and add Entrepreneurship and Investment Management to the high school course offerings. Agenda TO: Board of Education FROM: Ms. Julia Becich AGENDA ITEM: Personnel Report DATE: November 15, 2012 Background Information: Mrs. Becich will present the personnel report dated November 15, 2012. Suggested Motion: Move to approve the personnel report as presented by the Administration. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 Agenda Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Check Register Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached is the check register for the November 15, 2012 Board of Education Meeting, for Board approval. Also included for approval are payments from the imprest fund and student activity monthly reports. Motion: To approve the check register, payments from the imprest fund and student activity monthly reports as presented by the administration. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: November 2012 Check Register Highlights Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached are the highlights of the November 2012 check register: • • • • • • United Dispatch Connections Day School GCA Services New Connections Academy Petroleum Traders Corp. Sodexo, Inc. Taxi Cabs Tuition Custodial/Maintenance Tuition Fuel Food Service $ 49,352.00 $ 42,542.59 $199,050.95 $ 24,978.80 $ 24,259.76 $167,825.82 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 219812 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 11/15/2012 2000166201 AUG/SEP BILLING - SPEC ED 219812 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 11/15/2012 2000166202 AUG/SEP BILLING - SPEC ED 7,369.50 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 219812 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 11/15/2012 2000166203 AUG/SEP BILLING - SPEC ED 11,518.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 219812 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 11/15/2012 2000166205 AUG/SEP BILLING - SPEC ED 3,985.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 219812 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 11/15/2012 2000166207 AUG/SEP BILLING - SPEC ED 6,779.50 40E008 2550 3310 01 000000 219812 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 11/15/2012 2000166287 AUG/SEP BILLING - SPEC ED 1,642.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 219812 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 11/15/2012 2000166288 AUG/SEP BILLING - SPEC ED 6,902.50 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 219813 ACCURATE BIOMETRICS, INC 11/15/2012 106061210 Fingerprinting October 2012. Service dates 10/1/12-10/31/12 219814 ACHIEVEMENT STRATEGIES 11/15/2012 0110212 Professional development consultant fee, Bobb Darnell, 219815 ACT 11/15/2012 31188685 ACT High School Electronic Reporting materials 219816 AIMS EDUCATION FOUNDATION 11/15/2012 4339207-IN Common Core Curriculum books AMOUNT NUMBER 11,155.50 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 715.50 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 2,400.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Institute Day 11/2/2012, Differentiation 141.00 10E005 1120 4100 06 000000 219817 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 11/15/2012 H080021273 Home/Hosp Tutoring 219818 ALBRIGHT, STEVE 11/15/2012 82512 SO FOOTBALL 8/25/12 219819 ALFINI, PETER 11/15/2012 10612 SO FOOTBALL FRESHMAN A & JV 219820 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 11/15/2012 19376 550.00 10E008 2230 4100 01 000000 133.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 10/6/12 Repairs to MW Roof 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 371.96 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 219821 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 11/15/2012 1865 Repair of MSN/SL Dish Machine 219822 ALPOGIANIS, GEORGE 11/15/2012 10412 SO IHSA S & V 10/4/12 1,439.89 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 1627972775 EC Supplies 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 1267183355 EC Supplies 18.81 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0768111308 Misc. Amazon DVD's 30.88 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 1364074285 Art/Bale 13.60 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2607641750 Art/Bale 49.77 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0760054411 Depression era children's books for English I 42.82 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 1144377743 Strategies for Implementing Guided Math by Laney Sammons 144.96 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2359240762 IMPROVING READING BOOKS FOR SL 527.20 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0393600683 Words Their Way Texts for Strategies teachers 108.51 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2377643427 Preview copies of Into the Wild 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0359953491 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 223.60 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0690167168 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 112.09 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0690121676 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 15.95 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0690161967 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 319.00 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0690190501 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 15.95 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0690120298 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 356.40 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0690115781 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 380.16 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0452430125 Literature Circle texts for Contemporary Literature 112.09 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2219023774 OT Tech Supplies 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0958836094 Professional books for teachers for Institute Day, September 28, 2012, Implementing Responsive Guided Reading 99.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 26.07 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 81.36 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 89.94 10E008 1213 4100 01 000000 325.70 10E008 2210 4100 81 493200 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 1080692745 Psychologist Supplies (L.Starck-SA) 34.57 10E008 2140 4100 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0863334649 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 17.98 10E003 2220 4400 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER Session 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0863334649 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 17.98 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0863334649 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 17.98 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0857243528 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 17.00 10E003 2220 4400 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0857243528 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 17.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0857243528 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 16.99 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0922492278 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 14.66 10E003 2220 4400 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0922492278 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 14.66 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 0922492278 Book Librarians at SP, SA, SL 14.66 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2580096695 Textbooks and Teacher book resources 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2107082821 Misc. Amazon Books 18.95 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2107045811 Misc. Amazon Books 167.03 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2895284311 Misc. Amazon Books 96.30 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2174358272 POWER SUPPLY FOR MSS PRINT SERVERS 49.32 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2478329131 USB Power Strips 83.97 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 219829 AMAZON 11/15/2012 2478345936 USB Power Strips -83.97 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 219830 AMERICAN APPRAISAL ASSOCIATES 11/15/2012 INV0098166 Revised Property Records 900.00 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 219830 AMERICAN APPRAISAL ASSOCIATES 11/15/2012 INV0098263 Revised Property Records 900.00 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 219831 AMERICAN RED CROSS 11/15/2012 10167936 CPR/AED Training - 285.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272458001 Custodial Supplies 140.00 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272458001 Custodial Supplies 276.99 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272458001 Custodial Supplies 140.01 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272458043 Custodial Supplies 140.00 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272458043 Custodial Supplies 276.99 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272458043 Custodial Supplies 140.01 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272457987 Custodial Supplies 276.99 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272457987 Custodial Supplies 548.02 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 219832 AMSAN 11/15/2012 272457987 Custodial Supplies 276.99 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 219833 ANDY FRAIN SERVICES 11/15/2012 164633 HS CAMPUS SECURITY - SEPT 2012 219834 ANELLI, PATRICK 11/15/2012 10312 SO IHSA JV 10/3/12 219835 BEST SANITATION 11/15/2012 6703359 toilet rental october 2012 inv#6703359 10/8/12 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4207973907 5 IPODS/APPLE CARE FOR ASSISSTIVE TECHNOLOGY OS X MOUNTAIN 230.92 10E006 1130 4200 15 000000 8,938.83 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 163.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 36.97 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 LION SOFTWARE FOR IBOOKS 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4207973907 5 IPODS/APPLE CARE FOR ASSISSTIVE TECHNOLOGY OS X MOUNTAIN 1,193.01 10E008 1200 4100 02 462000 LION SOFTWARE FOR IBOOKS 219837 APPLE INC. 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4208824580 iPADS/VOUCHER CARD FOR APPS/VGA ADAPTERS FOR MSS 11/15/2012 4208824580 iPADS/VOUCHER CARD FOR APPS/VGA ADAPTERS FOR MSS 189.33 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 4,390.67 10E010 1120 7001 01 000000 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4209082125 iPADS/VOUCHER CARD FOR APPS/VGA ADAPTERS FOR MSS 8.27 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4209082125 iPADS/VOUCHER CARD FOR APPS/VGA ADAPTERS FOR MSS 191.73 10E010 1120 7001 01 000000 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4209001943 iPADS/VOUCHER CARD FOR APPS/VGA ADAPTERS FOR MSS 2.40 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4209001943 iPADS/VOUCHER CARD FOR APPS/VGA ADAPTERS FOR MSS 55.60 10E010 1120 7001 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 4210325326 VOLUME VOUCHER FOR SP 219837 APPLE INC. 11/15/2012 421004113 200.00 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 219838 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 11/15/2012 11112 9870 Water / Sewer 9/20/12 - 10/24/12. Acct #001550634 1099870 219838 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 11/15/2012 11112 9870 Water / Sewer 9/20/12 - 10/24/12. Acct #001550634 1099870 219838 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 11/15/2012 11112 1384 Water / Sewer 9/20/12 - 10/24/12. Acct #001550634 1091384 1,189.07 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 219838 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 11/15/2012 11112 1384 Water / Sewer 9/20/12 - 10/24/12. Acct #001550634 1091384 396.36 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 219839 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 11/15/2012 311116 COFFEE & SUPPLIES 215.23 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 219840 ASCD 11/15/2012 1705572 Membership/ John Walsh. Member #1705572 219.00 10E010 2410 6400 01 000000 219841 ATHLETICO 11/15/2012 805940 athletic trainer 9/2012 219842 BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS 11/15/2012 2025654357 Library books with processing 36.74 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 219843 BABICZ, MICHAEL 11/15/2012 9712 SO FOOTBALL VARSITY 9/7/12 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219844 BABOLEA, DORIN 11/15/2012 10412 SO IHSA V 10/4/12 62.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219845 BAKER, ROBERT 11/15/2012 91012 SO IHSA, FA 9/10/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219846 BAKOTA, DAN 11/15/2012 91912 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 9/19/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 219847 BARR MECHANICAL SALES, INC 11/15/2012 12-945 Electrode for boiler repair at MSS 79.46 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219847 BARR MECHANICAL SALES, INC 11/15/2012 12-970 IPAD CART FOR HS WITH POWERSNYC 2,599.95 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 Electrode for boiler at MSS 282.82 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 94.27 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 2,816.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 79.42 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751324 Plumbing Supplies 179.21 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751324 Plumbing Supplies 11.62 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751324 Plumbing Supplies 92.96 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1752861 Plumbing Supplies 78.26 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1752861 Plumbing Supplies 5.07 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1752861 Plumbing Supplies 40.61 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751168 Plumbing Supplies 125.44 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751168 Plumbing Supplies 8.13 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751168 Plumbing Supplies 65.08 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1754545 bad motor for AHU #1 pump at MSS 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751585 Valves for plumbing repairs 31.54 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751585 Valves for plumbing repairs 43.38 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1751585 Valves for plumbing repairs 774.08 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1754339 Valves for plumbing repairs 3.05 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1754339 Valves for plumbing repairs 4.20 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1754339 Valves for plumbing repairs 74.92 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755731 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 19.90 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755731 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755731 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 453.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 19.90 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 1,055.08 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755757 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 3.07 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755757 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 69.97 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755757 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 3.08 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755904 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 13.55 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755904 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 308.30 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219850 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 11/15/2012 1755904 Misc. plumbing and oven connection supplies 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 IN 2423454 Instructional literacy materials for teachers, Daily 5: 13.54 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 609.84 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 Fostering Literacy Independence and The CAFE Book: Engaging all Students 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 IN 2428793 Nook chargers and Nook covers 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 CM 2434602 E- books 149.52 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 CM 2434603 E- books -9.99 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 CM 2434604 E- books -19.98 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 CM 2434605 E- books -19.98 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 CM 2434606 E- books -9.99 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 219852 BARNES & NOBLE 11/15/2012 CM 2434607 E- books 219853 BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Boys varsity wrestling 219854 BASBAGILL, PAUL 11/15/2012 103012 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 10/30/12 219855 BATTERIES PLUS 11/15/2012 296-247701 Batteries for SP generator 219856 BEAN, WILLIAM 11/15/2012 91312 SO IHSA, V PS 9/13/12 219857 BEHM, ANDREA 11/15/2012 81812 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 219858 BERNE, DR JENNIFER 11/15/2012 10212 Professional development consultant fee, Dr. Jennifer -9.99 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 -9.99 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 Moore/Prettyman Memorial 11/23/12 300.00 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 Fee$300. 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 113.55 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 60.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 130.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 2,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Berne, Responsive Guided Reading, Institute Day - September 28, 2012 219858 BERNE, DR JENNIFER 11/15/2012 102912 Professional development consultant fee for modeling 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 Responsive Guided Reading at Sarah Adams Elementary School, October 29, 2012 for 1/2 day, J Berne 219859 BEVAN, JACQUELINE 11/15/2012 6812 Supplies for Art Club. 79.17 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 219859 BEVAN, JACQUELINE 11/15/2012 102212 Book purchase for FAA Classroom Library. 41.92 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 219860 BIZIAREK, WILLIAM 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL SOPHOMORE 8/24/12 219861 BLICK ART MATERIALS 11/15/2012 1122071 Art/LaJeunesse 219862 BLAINE WINDOW HARDWARE, INC 11/15/2012 1223041002 Maintenance Supplies 219863 BONADONNA, ASHLEY 11/15/2012 8312 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 219864 BOSHOLD, JOSEPH 11/15/2012 101512 SO VOLLEYBALL 10/15/12 219865 BR BLEACHERS 11/15/2012 26638 Tonelli & Main gym bleacher repair 219866 BREY, JOHN 11/15/2012 9812 SO FRESHMAN A & JV 9/8/12 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219867 BROWDER, DWAYNE 219868 BROWN, KELLEY 11/15/2012 101212 11/15/2012 82512 SO FOOTBALL SOPHOMORE 10/12/12 SO FOOTBALL FRESHMAN B 8/25/12 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 808.82 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 140.94 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 81.99 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 87.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 2,690.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 4 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 219868 BROWN, KELLEY 11/15/2012 10512 219869 BUCK BROS., INC. 11/15/2012 03 3028725 Misc. Grounds Maintenance Supplies 219870 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 11/15/2012 4363254 SO SOPHOMORE 10/5/12 Registration fee for BER Guided Math to Strengthen Math PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 131.84 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 229.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 Proficiency on 10/22/2012, B Augustine, St. Francis de Sales, Title II 219871 BURZA, DONALD 11/15/2012 101512 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/10/12 & 10/15/12 172.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219872 CALUMET PHOTOGRAPHIC, INC 11/15/2012 6721818 Art/Bale 108.00 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 219872 CALUMET PHOTOGRAPHIC, INC 11/15/2012 6708059 Art/Bale 37.98 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 219873 CAMPOS, LUIS 11/15/2012 92712 SO IHSA, JV 9/27/12 219874 CAMELOT SCHOOLS, LLC 11/15/2012 TUITION OC Tuition Oct 2012 219875 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 11/15/2012 4008017918 Overage charge 9/30/12-10/30/12 219875 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 11/15/2012 4008022143 Maintenance agreement from 11/30/12 - 12/30/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 22,185.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 656.21 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 5,120.00 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 219876 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 11/15/2012 12252020 Lease-Copiers 219877 CAPARELLI, ROSEMARY 11/15/2012 71912 Reimbursement for Preschool supplies. 4,771.46 10E008 1100 3253 25 000000 427.39 10E006 1400 4100 27 000000 219877 CAPARELLI, ROSEMARY 11/15/2012 91212 Reimbursement for Preschool supplies. 339.84 10E006 1400 4100 27 000000 219878 CARNEY, MATTHEW & KATIE 11/15/2012 101612 Registration fee refund 80.50 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 219879 CARSON-DELLOSA PUBL CO.,INC 11/15/2012 054233 Misc. packages of nameplates 36.89 10E001 2220 4100 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 044073 Maintenance Supplies 13.61 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 044073 Maintenance Supplies 3.08 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 044073 Maintenance Supplies 5.31 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 043990 Maintenance Supplies 5.31 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 043990 Maintenance Supplies 1.20 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 043990 Maintenance Supplies 2.07 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 044043 Maintenance Supplies 3.08 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 044043 Maintenance Supplies 0.70 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219880 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 11/15/2012 044043 Maintenance Supplies 219881 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 11/15/2012 044054 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 219882 CBM LLC 11/15/2012 15997 Book for Librarian - Navigating the Information Tsunami 219883 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 11/15/2012 R646566 ABSOLUTE MDM SOFTWARE FOR MSS IPADS 219883 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 11/15/2012 S590054 Technology Equipment 127.45 10E010 2220 4100 11 000000 219884 CEITHAML, PETER 11/15/2012 102612 Classroom supplies 123.89 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97625469 Science Inquiry Books for May Whitney TAX EMEMPT 902.20 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97625440 Science Inquiry Books for Seth Paine. TAX EXEMPT 438.96 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97625428 Science Inquiry Books for Sarah Adams. TAX EXEMPT 419.87 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97625423 Science Inquiry Books for Isaac Fox. TAX EXEMPT 641.95 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97625435 Science Inquiry Books for Spencer Loomis. TAX EXEMPT 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97556668 Instructional materials for S Brown, MSN 1,082.04 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97588030 11/15/2012 97650775 Instructional materials for S Brown, MSN Reading Expeditions LLV: U.S. History and Life Classroom 267.37 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 1,712.04 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 1.20 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 15.99 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 26.95 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 144.00 10E010 1120 3100 01 000000 902.20 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 5 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 219887 CENGAGE LEARNING 11/15/2012 97650762 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Set. TAX EXEMPT Reading Expeditions LLV: U.S. History and Life Classroom 1,712.04 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 Set 219888 CHALLENGER DAY SCHOOL 11/15/2012 6073 Tuition Oct 2012 219889 CHICAGO EDUCATION PROJECT 11/15/2012 3407 Tuition Nov 2012/Tuition Daily Rate Decrease Retro Aug 2012 4,335.32 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 16,189.92 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219890 CHILICKI, DAVE 11/15/2012 82812 SO VOLLEYBALL 8/28/12 219891 CHURCH, CATHERINE 11/15/2012 72312 Misc. Supplies for Cathy Church's classroom 219892 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT 11/15/2012 DD25166339 PDC - PAPER SHREDDING SERVICE *** MASTER PO *** 219893 CLARE WOODS ACADEMY 11/15/2012 NOVEMBER 2 Tuition Nov 2012 219894 CLARK, PAUL 11/15/2012 9812 SO FOOTBALL JV & V. 9/8/12 219895 CLARK, ROY 11/15/2012 92112 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/21/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219896 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 11/15/2012 508 Tuition December 2012 3,740.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219896 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 11/15/2012 503 Tuition December 2012 3,740.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219896 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 11/15/2012 507 Tuition December 2012 3,740.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219897 COBERT, GARY SO IHSA, JV 10/6/12 11/15/2012 10612 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 130.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 40.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 16,410.27 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16938 Tuition Oct 2012 6,031.39 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16930 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16931 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16932 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16933 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16934 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16935 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16936 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219899 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 11/15/2012 16937 Tuition Oct 2012 4,563.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219900 COLLEGE BOARD 11/15/2012 EI42282173 College Board AP Conference 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101112 700 Electricity Service 9/13/12 to 10/12/12 Acct #2223757008 72.38 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101112 700 Electricity Service 9/13/12 to 10/12/12 Acct #2223757008 501.45 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101112 700 Electricity Service 9/13/12 to 10/12/12 Acct #2223757008 160.54 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101912 703 Electricity Service 9/19/12 to 10/19/12 Acct #0899157030 642.16 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101912 703 Electricity Service 9/19/12 to 10/19/12 Acct #0899157030 4,449.05 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101912 703 Electricity Service 9/19/12 to 10/19/12 Acct #0899157030 1,424.39 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101912 904 Electricity Service 9/20/12 to 10/19/12 Acct #0051089046 19.83 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101912 904 Electricity Service 9/20/12 to 10/19/12 Acct #0051089046 137.37 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 101912 904 Electricity Service 9/20/12 to 10/19/12 Acct #0051089046 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 11212 8000 Electricity 9/13/12 - 10/12/12. Acct #0294728000 1,044.08 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 11212 8000 Electricity 9/13/12 - 10/12/12. Acct #0294728000 8,816.40 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 219902 COMED 11/15/2012 11212 8000 Electricity 9/13/12 - 10/12/12. Acct #0294728000 219903 COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE 205.00 10E006 1130 3100 07 000000 varsity and soph thanksgiving tourny 11/19,20,21,23,24 2012 fee$550 43.97 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 221.94 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 550.00 10E006 1500 4100 31 000000 6 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 219904 CONNECTION'S DAY SCHOOL 11/15/2012 18285 Tuition Oct 2012 248.23 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 219905 CONANT HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 TRKY TOURN Debate/Speech Turkey Tournament 125.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 219906 CONSERV FS, INC 11/15/2012 1632245-IN Seed for maintaining HS north Practice fields 132.50 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219906 CONSERV FS, INC 11/15/2012 1630711-IN Oil dry for transportation and ez reach trash pick-up tools 168.80 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 219907 COOPER, JOSEPH 11/15/2012 9712 SO FOOTBALL SOPHOMORE 9/7/12 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219908 CROWN TROPHY 11/15/2012 IV622380 sports award plaques 80.00 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 219908 CROWN TROPHY 11/15/2012 IV622395 sports award plaques 16.00 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 219908 CROWN TROPHY 11/15/2012 IV622503 sports award plaques 30.00 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 219908 CROWN TROPHY 11/15/2012 IV622588 sports award plaques 132.00 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 219909 CUBBERLEY, RONALD 11/15/2012 91312 SO VOLLEYBALL 8/23 - 9/10 & 9/13/12 186.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219910 D'ANDREA, ALEX 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL SOPHOMORE 8/24/12 219911 DALESSANDRO, DEREK 11/15/2012 10512 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY 10/5/12 219912 DATAMATION INC 11/15/2012 0168392-IN REPLACEMENT KEYS FOR LAPTOP CART - HS ENGLISH 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 19.90 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 219913 DAVIS, EDITH 11/15/2012 101912 Choir/Juknelis 725.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 219914 DIGI-BLOCK, INC. 11/15/2012 8505 Teacher guides 75.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 219915 DOHENY, LAURIE 11/15/2012 102512 One year subscription to EdHelper 219916 DOOR SYSTEMS,INC. 11/15/2012 0767197-IN Repairs to the Cafeteria Door 219917 DURAN, JUAN 11/15/2012 101712 Registration fee refund 219918 ELBRECHT, RYAN 11/15/2012 10612 SO FOOTBALL FRESHMAN B 10/6/12 219919 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 11/15/2012 28458 poms apparel inv#28458 10/24/12 219921 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 11/15/2012 D182824-15 BOYS GOLF 219921 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 11/15/2012 D182957-15 GIRLS TENNIS 219921 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 11/15/2012 D182958-15 GIRLS TENNIS CUSTOMER #K4C209 162.20 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 219921 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 11/15/2012 D183051-15 GIRLS TENNIS CUSTOMER #K4C209 244.63 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 219921 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 11/15/2012 D183052-15 GIRLS TENNIS CUSTOMER #K4C209 244.63 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 219921 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 11/15/2012 D183235-15 GIRLS TENNIS 219922 ENTERTAINMENT PUBLICATIONS, LL 11/15/2012 534759 CUSTOMER #K4C09 CUSTOMER #K4C209 17.99 10E003 2220 4400 01 000000 1,256.50 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 190.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 560.00 10E006 1500 4100 71 000000 121.26 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 162.20 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 81.10 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 Coupon book payment 4,670.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 219923 ESSCOE, LLC 11/15/2012 9542 Repairs / Maintenance Supplies 2,751.89 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 219923 ESSCOE, LLC 11/15/2012 9542 Repairs / Maintenance Supplies 2,751.87 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 219923 ESSCOE, LLC 11/15/2012 9722 Repairs to fire doors at MSS 325.00 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 219924 ESTES, CHRISTINE 11/15/2012 102212 Registration fee refund 150.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 219925 ETC PRESCHOOL 11/15/2012 110112 Preschool Tuition Oct 2012 305.00 10E008 1913 6701 01 000000 219926 ETHRIDGE, CRAIG 11/15/2012 102212 Registration fee refund 219926 ETHRIDGE, CRAIG 11/15/2012 102212 Registration fee refund 219926 ETHRIDGE, CRAIG 11/15/2012 102212/1 E payment refund 150.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 219926 ETHRIDGE, CRAIG 11/15/2012 102212/1 E payment refund 26.00 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 219926 ETHRIDGE, CRAIG 11/15/2012 102212/1 E payment refund 219927 EVANS, SUE 219928 EVERBIND-MARCO BOOK COMPANY 11/15/2012 102312 11/15/2012 179250 Reimbursement for book for Jill Brooks 6th Grade Novel A Wrinkle in Time 88.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 88.00 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 40.00 10R000 1724 0000 00 000000 42.28 10E009 2410 4100 01 000000 242.48 10E005 1120 4100 05 000000 7 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 219929 FASTENAL COMPANY 11/15/2012 ILLAK16100 Nuts and bolts for various repairs 193.18 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219929 FASTENAL COMPANY 11/15/2012 ILLAK16100 Nuts and bolts for various repairs -142.34 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219929 FASTENAL COMPANY 11/15/2012 ILLAK15494 Nuts and bolts for various repairs -142.34 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219929 FASTENAL COMPANY 11/15/2012 ILLAK15494 Nuts and bolts for various repairs 219930 FEDERAL SUPPLY USA 11/15/2012 123550 Replace garbage disposal at IF kitchen 219931 FERLITO, JOHN 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL VARSITY 8/24/12 219932 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 11/15/2012 INV64134 Metal mesh filters for AHUs in IF/MSS 707.01 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 219932 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 11/15/2012 INV64134 Metal mesh filters for AHUs in IF/MSS 707.01 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219933 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY 11/15/2012 2474050 Purchase of Science materals for 12_13 school year 219934 FLAYFEL, ADNAN 11/15/2012 91112 SO IHSA, S 219935 FLEET REPAIR, INC 11/15/2012 103112 MISC BUS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE AMOUNT NUMBER 104.88 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 1,486.77 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 9/11/12 17.40 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 2,808.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 219937 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 11/15/2012 1345047A Leveled readers for Isaac Fox. See attached detail. 73.49 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 219937 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 11/15/2012 1345047B Leveled readers for Isaac Fox. See attached detail. 1,312.07 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 See attached detail. 219937 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 11/15/2012 1345047C Leveled readers for Isaac Fox. 219937 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 11/15/2012 1345831A Leveled books for guided reading library at May Whitney 219937 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 11/15/2012 1345831B Leveled books for guided reading library at May Whitney 219938 FORREST PRESS 11/15/2012 19772 STUDENT REPORT CARDS 219938 FORREST PRESS 11/15/2012 19772 STUDENT REPORT CARDS 81.18 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 219938 FORREST PRESS 11/15/2012 19772 STUDENT REPORT CARDS 81.18 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 219938 FORREST PRESS 11/15/2012 19772 STUDENT REPORT CARDS 55.35 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 219938 FORREST PRESS 11/15/2012 19772 STUDENT REPORT CARDS 5.00 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 219938 FORREST PRESS 11/15/2012 19772 STUDENT REPORT CARDS 47.97 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 219939 FORST, TERRI 11/15/2012 82612 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 219940 FOSTER, ANTHONY 11/15/2012 101212 SO FOOTBALL 10/12/12 219941 FOUNTAIN, H. DUANE JR. 11/15/2012 101312 SO FOOTBALL, JV 10/13/12 219942 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY COMPA 11/15/2012 722255 9.90 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 4,939.25 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 46.55 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 103.32 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 130.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Repair fire protection system at MW 364.00 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 219942 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY COMPA 11/15/2012 722255 Repair fire protection system at MW 364.00 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 219942 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY COMPA 11/15/2012 717001 Repairs to leaking fire pump 798.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 219943 FRAGIAS, MICHAEL 11/15/2012 82512 SO FOOTBALL FRESHMAN A & JV 8/25/12 219944 FRANKENBERGER, WILLIAM 11/15/2012 102612 Choreography of Winter Guard routine. 1st of 3 payments 219945 FREEMAN, LARRY 11/15/2012 111012 SO FOOTBALL 11/10/12 219946 FREEPORT HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE varsity bowling freeport sport shot tournament 2 teams v/jv 219947 FREMD HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE girls varsity bowling Fremd Invite 12/1/12 entry fee $275 219948 FREY SCIENTIFIC 11/15/2012 2025009134 Purchase of science supples 219949 FUENTES, ANA 11/15/2012 102512 Registration fee refund 219950 FULFORD, DOUGLAS 11/15/2012 102512 SO VOLLEYBALL 10/25/12 219951 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS, LTD 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 4462297 11/15/2012 865838 PAC/Graham Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 500.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 78.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 370.00 10E006 1500 3100 42 000000 185x 2=370 275.00 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 82.72 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 140.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 60.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 495.00 10E006 1130 4100 67 000000 59.27 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 8 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865838 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 152.65 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865838 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 30.34 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865838 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 8.63 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865838 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 8.63 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866128 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 132.89 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866128 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 342.26 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866128 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 68.02 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866128 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 19.35 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866128 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 19.37 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865785 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 165.32 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865785 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 425.78 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865785 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 84.62 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865785 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 24.08 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865785 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 24.08 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865685 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 69.11 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865685 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 177.99 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865685 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 35.37 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865685 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 10.06 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865685 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 10.07 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865696 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 33.73 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865696 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 86.87 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865696 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 17.27 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865696 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 4.91 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 865696 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 4.91 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 864942 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 46.68 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 864942 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 120.23 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 864942 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 23.89 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 864942 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 6.80 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 864942 Maintenance Supplies for various heating repairs 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866643 Univent control in B123 in the HS 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866438 Three damper actuators for MSS, AHU #6 219954 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 11/15/2012 866893 Maintenance Supplies - Return ACCOUNT 6.80 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 625.58 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 587.68 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 -136.36 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 219955 GALE GROUP 11/15/2012 97659142 Novels for Students V.41 - Standing Order 219956 GALE, SUSAN 11/15/2012 102312 Lunch money refund 123.50 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 46.70 10R000 1611 0000 00 000000 219957 GARLOCK, CLARK 11/15/2012 10612 SO IHSA, FA 10/6/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219958 GCA SERVICES GROUP 11/15/2012 462031 Maintenance/ Grounds / Custodial Contract 7,851.50 20E008 2540 3250 25 000000 219958 GCA SERVICES GROUP 11/15/2012 462031 Maintenance/ Grounds / Custodial Contract 184,331.13 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 219958 GCA SERVICES GROUP 219959 GEIMER, CHRISTINA 11/15/2012 465498 11/15/2012 122574 Overtime charges for District and rental events District Globe Logo Variations (5 designs in jpeg format) 6,868.32 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 70.00 10E008 2630 3100 01 000000 9 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 219960 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 11/15/2012 408719 Toner for printers 219960 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 11/15/2012 409937 TONER CARTRIDGE ORDER 219960 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 11/15/2012 410216 Laser jet cartridge Black 219960 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 11/15/2012 410690 Repairs to printer in pricnipal's office 219960 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 11/15/2012 411288 TONER CARTRIDGE ORDER 948.00 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 219961 GENEVA HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Varsity Newbill Invite Wrestling Tourny 1/5/13 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 219962 GEORGO'S PRINTING 11/15/2012 20436 soccer t shirts inv#20436 600.00 10E008 1610 4100 01 000000 219963 GIBSON, BECKY 11/15/2012 101712 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 219964 GIFTED LEARNING LINKS/CTR FOR 11/15/2012 CTDGLL13-0 APPLICATION 300098388 & 300098771 219965 GLUECKERT, JAMES 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL VARSITY 8/24/12 219966 GODONIS, MARK 11/15/2012 10612 SO FOOTBALL FRESHMAN A & JV. 10/6/12 219967 GONZALEZ, AIDA 11/15/2012 101712 Registration fee refund 219968 GORSKI, FRANK 11/15/2012 9712 SO FOOTBALL SOPHOMORE 9/7/12 219969 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 11/15/2012 963046448 CABLES FOR AUDIO ON PROJECTORS AT HS AND MSN 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9955381497 Exhaust fan motors for SA 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9924063655 Lamps for MSN/SL and motor for univent at MW 12.76 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9924063655 Lamps for MSN/SL and motor for univent at MW 0.22 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9924063655 Lamps for MSN/SL and motor for univent at MW 0.22 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9929768985 Lamps for MSN/SL and motor for univent at MW 372.08 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9929768985 Lamps for MSN/SL and motor for univent at MW 6.38 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9929768985 Lamps for MSN/SL and motor for univent at MW 219970 GRAINGER 11/15/2012 9963264487 Motor for univent in MW 219971 GRAPHIC EDGE 11/15/2012 637205 Basketball uniforms 8th grade 219971 GRAPHIC EDGE 11/15/2012 637212 basketball uniforms 6/7 grade 1,336.57 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 219972 GRAPHIC 14, INC 11/15/2012 328699 120 cases of copier paper 3,425.00 10E006 1130 4108 01 000000 219973 GRAYSLAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Boys Freshman Wrestling 42nd Baguda Tourny 12/8/2012 300.00 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 219974 GRANT COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Girls bowling Bulldog Invit Grant HS entry fe 250.00 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 219975 GREEN, LOUIS 11/15/2012 92112 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/21/12 219976 GREGORY, TODD 11/15/2012 101012 Reimbursement for FACS supplies purchased at ALDI. 424.11 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 219976 GREGORY, TODD 11/15/2012 102212 Reimbursement for FACS supplies 289.22 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 219977 GRIGLIN, TODD 11/15/2012 101312 SO FOOTBALL JV 10/13/12 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219978 GROSS, REID 11/15/2012 103012 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 10/30/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 219979 HALL III, GEORGE 11/15/2012 101712 PE uniform refund 25.00 10R000 1725 0000 00 000000 219980 HALLETT, JAMES 11/15/2012 1865 end of season sports trophies 67.55 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 219981 HARRIS III, CARL 11/15/2012 91512 SO FOOTBALL SOPHOMORE B 9/15/12 219982 HART ERECTORS, INC. 11/15/2012 4571 Repairs / Maintenance Services 219982 HART ERECTORS, INC. 11/15/2012 4573 Safety Repairs to HS Main Gym Backboard and Field House 800.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 11/15/2012 4572 Curtain Safety Repairs to HS Main Gym Backboard and Field House 3,700.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 219982 HART ERECTORS, INC. ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 387.34 10E003 1110 4100 11 000000 1,420.79 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 186.38 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 19.00 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 130.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 1,820.00 10E008 1911 6700 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 240.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 60.01 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 170.97 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 6.38 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 90.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 1,336.57 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 87.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 6,860.00 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 10 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 219983 HAYS, DEBORAH 11/15/2012 CONSULT FE Consultant fee for professional development, D Hays, PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Curtain 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Institute Day 9/28/2012 and 11/2/2012, Creating Sophisticated Readers 219983 HAYS, DEBORAH 11/15/2012 CONSULT FE Consultant fee for professional development, D Hays, 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Institute Day 9/28/2012 and 11/2/2012, Creating Sophisticated Readers 219984 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 11/15/2012 HBS0007504 CISCO ACCESS POINTS 7,774.00 10E008 2660 5500 11 000000 219984 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 11/15/2012 HBS0007526 DELL SANS WARRANTY AND SUPPORT RENEWALS FOR 3 SERVERS 2,572.96 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 219984 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 11/15/2012 HBS0007507 PRINTER FOR SPEC ED OFFICE 219984 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 11/15/2012 HBS0007594 PRINTERS FOR Flipped Classrooms at MSN and MSS, extra 143.25 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 1,496.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 replacement to be held at PDC 219985 HENDERSON, JEFFREY 11/15/2012 9712 SO FOOTBALL SOPHOMORE 9/7/12 219986 HENK, TIM 11/15/2012 613 Referree fee for boys soccer. 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 42.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 219986 HENK, TIM 11/15/2012 10912 SO SOCCER 10/9/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 219987 HENNING BROS 11/15/2012 0000383071 Locker keys for MSN 219988 HERFF JONES INC 11/15/2012 4005 8587- Yearbooks pre-payment 219989 HERNANDEZ, MATEO & EVELIA 11/15/2012 102512 Registration fee refund 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51875747 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 7.09 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51875747 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 51.89 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51875747 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 102.02 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51853532 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 102.32 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51853532 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 748.37 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51853532 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 1,471.31 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51937764 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 236.96 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51937764 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 1,733.18 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51937764 LAPTOPS/MONITORS/MEMORY/WARRANTIES/DISPLAYS FOR ADMIN 3,407.47 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51937692 LAPTOP FOR SPEC ED STUDENT 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51977496 REPLACEMENT HP POWER CORD FOR LAPTOP - HS ENGLISH DEPT 37.70 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 219991 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 11/15/2012 51987498 REPLACEMENT POWER SUPPLIES FOR MSN LAPTOPS 75.40 10E005 1400 4100 11 000000 219992 HIGHSMITH/UPSTART 11/15/2012 4777629 Library Shelf Markers in red and green to be used by Staff 72.60 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 101.10 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 18,567.00 10E010 1500 4100 76 000000 172.15 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 718.23 10E008 1200 7001 02 462000 at Fire Drills 219992 HIGHSMITH/UPSTART 11/15/2012 4773892 Misc. items for the library 219993 HILLEBRAND, JAMES 11/15/2012 81712 SO FOOTBALL 8/17/12 113.60 10E012 2220 4100 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219994 HILLEBRAND, TIMOTHTY 11/15/2012 92012 SO FOOTBALL 9/20/12 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 219994 HILLEBRAND, TIMOTHTY 11/15/2012 103012 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 10/30/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 219995 HINDMAN, SHEILA 11/15/2012 102612 ABCteach website subscription-ABCTEACHLLC 39.99 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 6043892 11/15/2012 6043892 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 13.38 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 10.82 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 11 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 6043892 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4031039 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 7.00 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 TAX 9.84 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 TAX 7.96 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 TAX 5.15 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 EXEMPT 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4031039 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies EXEMPT 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4031039 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies EXEMPT 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0032287 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 2.09 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0032287 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 1.69 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0032287 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 1.10 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0101050 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 2.56 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0101050 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 2.07 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0101050 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 1.34 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0113085 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 15.36 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0113085 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 12.42 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 0113085 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 8.04 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037351 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 5.39 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037351 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 4.35 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037351 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 2.82 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 9039973 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 3.00 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 9039973 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 2.42 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 9039973 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 1.57 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 5038339 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 4.87 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 5038339 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 3.94 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 5038339 Misc. Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance Supplies 2.54 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7043887 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 1.08 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7043887 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 11.60 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037015 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 1.04 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037015 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 11.17 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8129766 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 0.85 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8129766 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 9.12 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4120878 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 3.84 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4120878 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 41.13 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4031318 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 2.12 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4031318 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 22.71 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1031929 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 0.69 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1031929 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 7.44 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 3128586 11/15/2012 3128586 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 0.17 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 1.78 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 12 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8030262 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 1.02 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8030262 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 10.96 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1031963 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 1.57 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1031963 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for various school repairs 16.82 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7033326 Maintenance Supplies 19.94 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7033326 Maintenance Supplies 69.16 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7033239 Maintenance Supplies 1.11 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7033239 Maintenance Supplies 3.86 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1215069 Maintenance Supplies 2.66 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1215069 Maintenance Supplies 9.22 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1209815 Maintenance Supplies -2.66 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1209815 Maintenance Supplies -9.22 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 2031897 Maintenance Supplies 6.07 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 2031897 Maintenance Supplies 21.06 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 9122267 Maintenance Supplies 2.13 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 9122267 Maintenance Supplies 3.23 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 9122267 Maintenance Supplies 0.19 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 9122267 Maintenance Supplies 0.42 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 6037923 Maintenance Supplies 0.97 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 6037923 Maintenance Supplies 1.47 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 6037923 Maintenance Supplies 0.09 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 6037923 Maintenance Supplies 0.19 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037150 Maintenance Supplies 1.41 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037150 Maintenance Supplies 2.14 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037150 Maintenance Supplies 0.13 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 8037150 Maintenance Supplies 0.28 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 5038146 Maintenance Supplies 5.68 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 5038146 Maintenance Supplies 8.62 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 5038146 Maintenance Supplies 0.51 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 5038146 Maintenance Supplies 1.13 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1032168 Maintenance Supplies 9.13 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1032168 Maintenance Supplies 13.87 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1032168 Maintenance Supplies 0.83 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 1032168 Maintenance Supplies 1.82 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4128324 Maintenance Supplies 10.68 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4128324 Maintenance Supplies 16.22 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4128324 Maintenance Supplies 0.97 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 4128324 11/15/2012 3125470 Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies 2.12 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 8.37 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 13 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 3125470 Maintenance Supplies 0.27 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7030560 Maintenance Supplies 263.90 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220003 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 11/15/2012 7030560 Maintenance Supplies 8.37 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220004 HODGES, LOIZZI, EISENHAMMER, R 11/15/2012 23727 Legal Fees - September 2012 11,715.23 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 220005 HOGAN, GEORGIA 11/15/2012 101412 Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend 220006 HOUCHEN BINDERY 11/15/2012 200387 Rebind library books 220006 HOUCHEN BINDERY 11/15/2012 199255 binding books 0.00 10E010 1120 3100 01 000000 220006 HOUCHEN BINDERY 11/15/2012 199255 binding books 351.80 10E010 1120 4200 01 000000 220007 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 11/15/2012 948871787 Common Core Supplemental Materials 220007 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 11/15/2012 948871786 Common Core Supplemental Materials 220008 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 11/15/2012 055951 Costco payments for FACS 220009 HUMANEX VENTURES LLC 11/15/2012 3510E Teacher Interview Certification Workshop - Theresa Baker, 69.76 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 535.70 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 11.33 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 41.38 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 323.89 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 6,400.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 Sandy Kennedy, Steve Jeretina, Erin Pittman 220010 IASB 11/15/2012 2012 SUBSC 2012 PRESS (Policy Reference Education Service) 700.00 10E008 2310 6400 01 000000 subscription renewal 220010 IASB 11/15/2012 0003 220011 ICE MOUNTAIN 11/15/2012 02J8106047 Billing period 10/1/12 - 10/31/12. Acct #8106047379 Board Training 50.00 10E008 2310 6400 01 000000 220012 IDEAS UNLIMITED 11/15/2012 R5798 Conference cost for Vicky Martin to attend "Imporving Full 99.18 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 199.00 10E005 1120 6400 10 000000 Class Instruction". 220013 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 001533 Electrical - lighting repair supplies 235.93 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220013 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 004746 Lamps for SA wall packs 239.40 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220014 ILLINOIS ASSOC SCHOOL BUSINESS 11/15/2012 MEMBERSHIP Basic B Membership for Vicky Cullinan 220015 ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATIO 11/15/2012 30714 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FOR RYAN RUBENSTEIN 275.00 10E008 2510 6400 01 000000 Order #8531900 220016 INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVE 11/15/2012 REGISTRA F Conference registration fee for K Devine, St. Frances de Sales School, Executive Function Skills: 325.00 10E006 2410 6400 01 000000 219.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 Strategies for Organizing Tasks, Time, Materials and Behavior, December 18, 2012 220017 INGOLD, EDWARD 11/15/2012 2585 2011-2012 "In Remembrance" CD 220018 IPPOLITO, REBECCA 11/15/2012 102312 Novels - Instructional Supplies 220019 IRC TEAM SPORTS 11/15/2012 1462820 girls tennis apparel 220020 ISBERNER, DEBORA 11/15/2012 102612 Misc. Books 1,000.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 134.16 10E010 1120 4200 05 000000 1,294.00 10E006 1500 4100 55 000000 53.93 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 220021 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 11/15/2012 04490560 Supplies for Chorus 114.99 10E010 1500 4100 73 000000 220021 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 11/15/2012 04491027 Supplies for Chorus 55.50 10E010 1500 4100 73 000000 220021 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 11/15/2012 04490618 Supplies for Chorus 236.00 10E010 1500 4100 73 000000 220021 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 11/15/2012 04471048 Purchase sheet music for Orch. 220021 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 11/15/2012 04489429 Music for Becky Fuller 220022 J-14 MAGAZINE 11/15/2012 3243011 Library periodical 220023 JACOBS HIGH SCHOOL 220024 JACOBSEN, ANNETTE 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE 11/15/2012 10182012 Girls varsity bowling Jacobs Invite 1/12/2013 Reimbursement for Scan Disk and Microphone 70.99 10E005 1500 4100 24 000000 143.69 10E009 1110 4100 73 000000 29.95 10E010 2220 4400 01 000000 275.00 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 54.98 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 14 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220024 JACOBSEN, ANNETTE 11/15/2012 101712 Reimbursement for Purchase of Half & Half Steelvac Carafe PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 41.27 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 for Superintendent Coffees 220025 JAKOBSZE, JOHN 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY 8/24/12 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220026 JEFFREY, LINDA 11/15/2012 92112 SO VOLLEYBALL 8/23 & 9/21/12 174.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220027 JESME, GORDON 11/15/2012 101312 SO FOOTBALL FRESHMAN A & B 10/13/12 220028 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 11/15/2012 1-59860790 Balancing of air handling units with new motors and shafts 797.36 20E004 2540 3230 01 000000 220028 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 11/15/2012 1-59860790 Balancing of air handling units with new motors and shafts 797.36 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 220028 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 11/15/2012 1-59860790 Balancing of air handling units with new motors and shafts 797.36 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 220029 JOHNSON, JAMIE 11/15/2012 72312 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 220030 JOHNSEN, STEVEN 11/15/2012 101212 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 10/12/12 220031 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY #175 11/15/2012 086612GU HVAC Brazing Supplies 220032 JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., INC. 11/15/2012 1058271 Special Recognition Seals for Board Award Certificates 18.75 10E008 2630 3108 01 000000 220033 JORAS, ED 11/15/2012 91312 SO IHSA, V PS 9/13/12 60.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220034 KASPER, GEORGE 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY 8/24/12 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220035 KAYE, RONALD 11/15/2012 103012 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 10/30/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220036 KEEHN, KAY 11/15/2012 91312 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/4 & 9/13/12 174.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220037 KENNEDY, SANDRA 11/15/2012 101112 Book- Good Morning Miss Toliver 220038 KESHET 11/15/2012 9245 Tuition Oct 2012 220039 KESSELER, KEN 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY 8/24/12 220040 KIELBASA, JOE 11/15/2012 91512 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE B 9/15/12 220041 KINNEY, MARY LOU 11/15/2012 8912 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 45.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 178.75 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 34.90 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 8,380.52 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 130.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220042 KLEIN, THORPE AND JENKINS, LTD 11/15/2012 10912 Legal Fees - August 2012 220043 KLETT, CONSTANCE 11/15/2012 82812 SO VOLLEYBALL 8/28/12 19,662.20 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 220044 KNIGHT, ANTHONY 11/15/2012 10512 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 10/5/12 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220045 KOCI, ROBERT JR. 11/15/2012 9712 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 9/7/12 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220046 KOZLOWSKI, WIESLAW 11/15/2012 101012 SO IHSA, S & V 10/10/12 220047 KRUSCHWITZ, JIM 11/15/2012 9112 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A & JV 9/1/12 220048 KRZYZAK, KRYSTIAN 11/15/2012 101512 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/10 & 10/15/12 220049 KUBEK, RALPH 11/15/2012 91512 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE B 9/15/12 220050 KUCZEK, LESLIE 11/15/2012 82512 Reimbursement for Classsroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend 130.00 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 220051 KUECKER, TIMOTHY 11/15/2012 101712 Registration fee refund 112.50 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 220052 KUHR, BENJAMIN 11/15/2012 81712 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY SCRIMMAGE 8/17/12 220053 KUMAR, VIJAY 11/15/2012 101012 SO IHSA, V 10/10/12 220054 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 11/15/2012 113 Tuition Sept/Oct 2012 2,997.39 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 119.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 174.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 62.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220054 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 11/15/2012 113 Tuition Sept/Oct 2012 6,630.39 10E008 1912 6703 01 000000 220054 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 11/15/2012 114 Tuition Sept/Oct 2012 3,046.77 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220054 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 11/15/2012 114 Tuition Sept/Oct 2012 6,739.59 10E008 1912 6703 01 000000 220055 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 220056 LAKELAND DRY ICE 11/15/2012 20123012 11/15/2012 49706 Marge Strand - Novels 7th grade dry ice lab materials 209.70 10E010 1120 4100 08 000000 144.00 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 15 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 220056 LAKELAND DRY ICE 11/15/2012 49707 7th grade dry ice lab materials 144.00 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 220056 LAKELAND DRY ICE 11/15/2012 49708 7th grade dry ice lab materials 144.00 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 220057 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 11/15/2012 059 Substitute fingerprinting September 2012 220058 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 11/15/2012 126750 Payment for work done on Driver's Ed cars on 10/5/12 and 220058 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 11/15/2012 126746 Payment for work done on Driver's Ed cars on 10/5/12 and ACCOUNT 90.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 176.96 10E006 1700 3100 22 337000 10/10/12. TAX EXEMPT 146.05 10E006 1700 3100 22 337000 10/10/12. TAX EXEMPT 220058 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 11/15/2012 126786 Payment for work done on Driver's Ed cars on 10/5/12 and 701.91 10E006 1700 3100 22 337000 10/10/12. 220059 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 11/15/2012 4089210912 Instructional materials for ELL classroom, Spencer Loomis, 44.95 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 C Suppes 220059 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 11/15/2012 4088760912 Instructional materials for ELL and bilingual classroom, 306.73 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 Seth Paine, C Rangel and A Braasch 220060 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 11/15/2012 11112 Replenish October Imprest 3,875.20 10A000 1050 0000 00 000000 220060 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 11/15/2012 11112 Replenish October Imprest 3,429.10 20A000 1050 0000 00 000000 220061 LEARNING RESOURCE, INC 11/15/2012 1691512 Reading Rods Sentence Building Kits 19.95 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 220061 LEARNING RESOURCE, INC 11/15/2012 1691512 Reading Rods Sentence Building Kits 271.96 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220062 LETUCHY, IGOR 11/15/2012 92512 SO IHSA, JV 9/25/12 220063 LINARES, PATRICIA 11/15/2012 SERVICE 10 Interpreting Services 57.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220063 LINARES, PATRICIA 11/15/2012 101812 Interpreting Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 220064 LINDER, LISA 11/15/2012 10512 Teacher Resources 48.00 10E010 1120 4100 05 000000 220064 LINDER, LISA 11/15/2012 92312 6th grade lab supplies 220065 LIPTON, LOGAN 11/15/2012 101912 CHOREOGRAPHY FOR HS ORCHESIS CO 220066 LOWERY MCDONNELL COMPANY 11/15/2012 INV042144 FOLDING TABLES 220067 LOYOLA ACADEMY 11/15/2012 GIRLS BB E Varsity girls basketball Suburban HOliday Showcase 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 59.46 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 850.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 2,919.00 20E008 2540 4111 01 000000 475.00 10E006 1500 4100 51 000000 12/21,12/22, 12/27,12/28,12/29/2012 fee$475 220068 LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY 11/15/2012 48693 Supplies for Orchestra 253.80 10E010 1500 4100 24 000000 220069 LUTHERN GENERAL HOSPITAL 11/15/2012 SERVICE OC Home/Hospital Tutoring 190.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220070 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS 11/15/2012 763816 Water cooler rental 65.88 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 220070 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS 11/15/2012 768958 Maintenance Supplies 68.90 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220071 MAINE WEST HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE girls varsity basketball sweet 16 tourny 1/26/2013 fee$485 485.00 10E006 1500 4100 51 000000 220072 MAIONCHI, RICHARD 11/15/2012 91312 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/4 & 9/13/12 136.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220073 MAKEMUSIC, INC. 11/15/2012 1556113 Band/Thompson 212.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 220074 MALIK, ASHOK 11/15/2012 10312 SO IHSA, FA 10/3/12 220075 MANCINI, RANDI 11/15/2012 06-1327 Baseball T-shirt w/Vinyl Transfer on front & back 220075 MANCINI, RANDI 11/15/2012 06-1328 Canvas 3001 Shirts w/ 3 screens 220075 MANCINI, RANDI 11/15/2012 06-1334 Poms apparel 220076 MANNY, KYLE 220076 MANNY, KYLE 11/15/2012 81712 11/15/2012 10612 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY SCRIMMAGE 8/17/12 SO FOOTBALL FRESHMAN A & JV 10/6/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 440.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 240.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 1,716.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 16 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220077 MARKOVIC, DRAGAN 11/15/2012 92612 SO IHSA, S 9/26/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220078 MARTINOV, SLOBODAN 11/15/2012 9112 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A 9/1/12 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220079 MASTANDREA, VINCENT 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 8/24/12 220080 MASTER GRAPHICS 11/15/2012 INV78026 Purchase of Tech ed course:Advanced Robotics Engineering 6,203.82 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 220080 MASTER GRAPHICS 11/15/2012 INV78026 Purchase of Tech ed course:Advanced Robotics Engineering 2,497.40 10E006 1400 4100 18 000000 220080 MASTER GRAPHICS 11/15/2012 INV78026 Purchase of Tech ed course:Advanced Robotics Engineering 220081 MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES 11/15/2012 7034620100 Teachers edition of MathMatters2 220082 D'ANGELO FAMILY, INC. 11/15/2012 2012-1102 Trophy purchase for Track, Soccer,GFirls 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 548.41 10E006 1130 7001 07 000000 246.25 10E006 1130 4200 06 000000 Basketball and 27.90 10E005 1500 4100 32 000000 Basketball and 83.70 10E005 1500 4100 33 000000 Basketball and 83.70 10E005 1500 4100 51 000000 Basketball and 97.65 10E005 1500 4100 53 000000 Basketball and 41.85 10E005 1500 4100 72 000000 Poms. 220082 D'ANGELO FAMILY, INC. 11/15/2012 2012-1102 Trophy purchase for Track, Soccer,GFirls Poms. 220082 D'ANGELO FAMILY, INC. 11/15/2012 2012-1102 Trophy purchase for Track, Soccer,GFirls Poms. 220082 D'ANGELO FAMILY, INC. 11/15/2012 2012-1102 Trophy purchase for Track, Soccer,GFirls Poms. 220082 D'ANGELO FAMILY, INC. 11/15/2012 2012-1102 Trophy purchase for Track, Soccer,GFirls Poms. 220083 MCMAHON, PAUL 11/15/2012 9412 SO IHSA, V 9/4/12 220084 MCMURRAY, KEVIN 11/15/2012 101212 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY 10/12/12 62.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220085 MENARDS 11/15/2012 77938 Purchase of tech (science) supplies for 12_13 school year 220085 MENARDS 11/15/2012 04602 Plumbing Supplies to rebuild booster pump at MSS 78.94 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220086 MICUCCI, DANIEL 11/15/2012 92012 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A 09/20/12 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,205.00 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 220087 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 11/15/2012 434782 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 64.75 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220087 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 11/15/2012 434748 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 119.80 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220087 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 11/15/2012 435036 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 514.82 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220087 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 11/15/2012 435074 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 227.31 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220087 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 11/15/2012 435260 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 276.13 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220087 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 11/15/2012 435442 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 346.56 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 220088 MILLER SCREEN PRINTING 11/15/2012 477 CLUB T-SHIRTS 245.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 220089 MT LIBRARY SERVICES 11/15/2012 169007 Library books 302.75 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 220090 MULHIM, ROBERT 11/15/2012 9412 SO IHSA, V 9/4/12 220091 MULTI MEDIA MARKETING 11/15/2012 092912LZHS business cards for Lauren Kasdorf 220092 MUNN, ROBERT 11/15/2012 82512 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A & JV 8/25/12 220093 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 11/15/2012 179258 White Copy Paper 564.00 10E003 1110 4108 01 000000 220093 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 11/15/2012 179338 White, colored legal copy paper and card stock 976.89 10E004 1110 4108 01 000000 220093 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 11/15/2012 179324 Copy paper 300.35 10E003 1110 4108 01 000000 220093 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 11/15/2012 179310 Copy paper 220093 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 220093 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 11/15/2012 179535 11/15/2012 179535 30 boxes of white copy paper 30 boxes of white copy paper Card Stock 62.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 81.00 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 622.50 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 28.20 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 817.80 10E005 1120 4108 01 000000 17 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220093 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 11/15/2012 179503 White copy paper 564.00 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 220094 MURRAY, AMY 11/15/2012 9612 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 130.00 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 220096 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 11/15/2012 3248036 Orchestra/Penksik 220096 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 11/15/2012 334461 Supplies for Band 99.00 10E010 1500 3200 14 000000 220096 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 11/15/2012 164957 Supplies for Band 103.10 10E010 1500 3200 14 000000 220096 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 11/15/2012 3372571 Orchestra-Penksik 140.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 220096 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 11/15/2012 3372582 Orchestra-Penksik 140.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 220096 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 11/15/2012 9843877 Supplies for Band 218.90 10E010 1500 4100 14 000000 220096 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 11/15/2012 329811 Supplies for Band 263.80 10E010 1500 4100 14 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950717 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950071 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 0.74 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950071 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 2.18 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950071 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 13.69 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950071 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 4.44 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950071 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 7.85 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950071 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 7.85 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950071 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 2.19 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950106 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 1.11 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950106 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 3.25 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950106 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 20.39 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950106 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 6.61 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950106 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 11.70 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950106 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 11.70 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950106 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 3.23 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950171 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 1.23 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950171 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 3.61 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950171 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 22.67 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950171 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 7.35 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950171 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 13.01 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950171 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 13.01 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950171 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 3.61 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950186 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 1.30 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950186 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 3.81 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950186 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 23.92 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 4,038.50 10E006 1130 7001 13 000000 47.45 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950186 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 7.75 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950186 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 13.73 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950186 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 13.73 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950186 11/15/2012 950228 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 3.81 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 4.59 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 18 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950228 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950228 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 84.69 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950228 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 27.45 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950228 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 48.59 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950228 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 48.59 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950228 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 13.49 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950460 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 0.22 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950460 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 0.64 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950460 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 4.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950460 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 1.30 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950460 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 2.30 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950460 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 2.30 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950460 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 0.62 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950855 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 1.67 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950855 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 4.90 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950855 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 30.74 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950855 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 9.97 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950855 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 17.64 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 17.64 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 13.49 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950855 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950855 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 4.89 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950770 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 0.53 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950770 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 1.57 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950770 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 9.83 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950770 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 3.19 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950770 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 5.64 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950770 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 5.64 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 950770 HVAC and Grounds Equipment Repair Supplies 1.56 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 951161 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 220101 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 11/15/2012 951377 Windshield washer fluid 33.48 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220102 NARANTIC, TERRI 11/15/2012 92412 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/24/12 87.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220103 NEHER ELECTRIC SUPPLY , INC 11/15/2012 324533-00 Lamps for MSN/SL Libraries 44.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220103 NEHER ELECTRIC SUPPLY , INC 11/15/2012 324533-00 Lamps for MSN/SL Libraries 44.50 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220104 NESTER, NANCY 11/15/2012 101612 SO VOLLEYBALL 8/28, 9/24 & 10/16/12 220105 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 11/15/2012 4735 Tuition Oct 2012 6,244.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220105 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 11/15/2012 4736 Tuition Oct 2012 6,244.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220105 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 11/15/2012 4737 Tuition Oct 2012 6,244.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220105 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 11/15/2012 4738 Tuition Oct 2012 6,244.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220106 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 220107 NEWMAN, BART 11/15/2012 11201229 11/15/2012 9712 Tuition Nov 2012 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY 9/7/12 3,342.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 129.90 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 261.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 19 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220108 NEWS-2-YOU 11/15/2012 S12807 220109 NEXTEL (REMITTANCE) 11/15/2012 900810122- Service Sept 22 - October 21,2012 Acct #900810122 LD Supplies (K.Willsie-MSN) 220110 NEXUS OFFICE SYSTEMS 11/15/2012 149641 1 Monthly Maintenance and Supply Charge - 10/24/12 to PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 149.00 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 1,101.53 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 501.92 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 11/24/12 220111 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 11/15/2012 7149 Assistive Tech Services Sept 2012 2,113.24 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220111 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 11/15/2012 7151 Assistive Tech Services Sept 2012 1,693.79 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220111 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 11/15/2012 7154 Assistive Tech Services Sept 2012 6,068.54 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 16.90 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 14.54 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 17.92 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 43.69 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 113.03 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 31.29 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 44.64 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #0903381000 4 14.55 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 43.67 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 20.82 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 17.92 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 22.08 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 53.84 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 139.27 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 38.55 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 55.00 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct #4228281000 3 17.94 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 14.57 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 6.95 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 5.98 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 35.44 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 7.37 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 17.97 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 46.48 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 12.87 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 18.36 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 3023081000 1 5.98 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 61.69 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 29.41 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 20 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 25.31 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 31.18 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 76.05 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 196.73 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 54.46 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 77.69 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8913081000 8 25.35 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 177.06 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 84.41 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 72.64 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 89.50 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 218.28 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 564.65 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 156.31 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 222.99 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 9193081000 6 72.77 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 69.92 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 33.34 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 28.69 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 35.35 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 86.20 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 222.99 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 61.73 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 88.07 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 2961041000 2 28.73 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 26.47 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 12.62 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 10.86 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 13.38 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 32.63 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 84.41 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 23.37 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 33.34 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 000 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 6882971000 0 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 10.87 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 91.26 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 21 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 43.51 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 37.44 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 46.13 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 112.51 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 291.04 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 0.00 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 80.57 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 114.94 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 220116 NICOR GAS 11/15/2012 110512 327 Natural Gas 10/1/12 - 11/01/12. Acct # 8854529327 1 220117 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 11/15/2012 OCT-8 DAYS Home/Hospital Tutoriong 220118 NORTHWESTERN IL ASSOC./THERAPY 11/15/2012 010423 2012-13 Contractual Service Fee-2nd Quarter 220118 NORTHWESTERN IL ASSOC./THERAPY 11/15/2012 CONFERENCE Conference (B.Binder-SA) ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 37.51 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 152.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 2,700.50 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 325.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 220119 O'CONNOR, KATHLEEN 11/15/2012 102312 Reimbursement-Spec. Ed. Supplies 63.40 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 220119 O'CONNOR, KATHLEEN 11/15/2012 110412 Payroll Supplies 35.90 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 220120 O'DONNELL, CAROL 11/15/2012 CONSULT FE Consultant fee for professional development, Carol 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 O'Donnell, Institute Day 11/2/2012, Creating Sophisticated Readers 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6287380940 Construction paper 13.50 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6287380930 Construction paper 101.37 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6282293060 Logitech Wireless Mice for Jean Malek and Annette Jacobsen 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 5835719670 Distinquished Award/Business Office Supplies 17.98 10E008 2510 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 5835719670 Distinquished Award/Business Office Supplies 17.97 10E008 3000 3108 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6287381210 Office Supplies 119.05 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6287381080 Binders and Dividers for World Lit 145.67 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6273797110 PowerPoint Clicker and pens 87.98 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6296998470 athletic office supplies 81.51 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6296998210 Office supplies for HR, AP, Exec Admin depts 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6290765180 Consumable supplies 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6266151150 6th Grade Supply Order and New Teacher 27.42 10E005 1120 4100 05 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6266151160 6th Grade Supply Order and New Teacher 221.06 10E005 1120 4100 05 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6260475800 Fitness Supplies 209.17 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6287380780 Toner cartridge for printer 121.64 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6301160410 OT Supplies 115.38 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6301160430 OT Supplies 10.18 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6301160420 OT Supplies 128.72 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6024280840 Printer Materials 139.69 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 220124 OFFICE DEPOT 11/15/2012 6303150630 Printer Materials -139.69 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 220125 OLSON TRANSPORTATION INC 220125 OLSON TRANSPORTATION INC 11/15/2012 9953 11/15/2012 10020 10/ 2/12 - LZHS FIELD TRIP 10/ 9/12 - LZHS FIELD TRIP 59.98 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 88.20 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 241.68 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 962.00 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 1,434.60 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 22 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220125 OLSON TRANSPORTATION INC 11/15/2012 10074 10/19/12 - LZHS FIELD TRIPS 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 77348402 Inspections / Maintenance Services 1,061.10 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 2.75 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 2.65 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 2.75 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 2.84 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 5.39 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 1.23 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 2.35 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 2.84 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371068 Pest Control 4.70 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 2.35 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371065 Pest Control 9.04 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 12.08 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 11.64 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 12.08 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 12.51 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 23.73 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 5.39 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 10.35 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 12.51 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371059 Pest Control 20.71 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 6.37 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 6.14 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 6.37 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 6.60 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 12.51 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 2.84 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 5.46 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 Pest Control 6.60 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371061 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control Pest Control 10.91 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 150.00 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 23 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 2.35 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371066 Pest Control 9.04 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 2.35 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371067 Pest Control 9.04 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 5.93 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 5.71 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 5.93 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 6.14 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 11.64 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 2.65 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 5.08 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 6.14 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371060 Pest Control 10.14 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 6.15 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 5.93 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 6.15 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 6.37 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 12.08 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 2.75 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 5.27 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 6.37 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371062 Pest Control 10.53 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control 6.37 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control 6.14 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control Pest Control 6.37 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 6.60 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 24 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control 12.51 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control 2.84 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control 5.46 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control 6.60 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371064 Pest Control 10.91 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 6.15 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 5.93 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 6.15 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 6.37 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 12.08 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 2.75 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 5.27 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 6.37 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 220130 ORKIN 11/15/2012 79371063 Pest Control 10.53 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 220131 OTTERBY, JEFF 11/15/2012 101212 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY 10/12/12 220132 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS 11/15/2012 8474382831 Bid Public Notice 220133 PAGANO, NICHOLAS JR. 11/15/2012 9712 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 9/7/12 220134 PALATINE HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Freshman Wrestling Palatine Invite 12/1/12 fee$125 220135 PARKER SYSTEMS INC 11/15/2012 34718 ENVELOPES 220136 PARKLAND PREPARATORY ACADEMY, 11/15/2012 389 Tuition Oct 2012 AMOUNT NUMBER 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Acct #8474382831 220137 PAUL REILLY COMPANY ILLINOIS I 11/15/2012 27596 Maintenance of HS Dock Levelor 220138 PAVELLO, CONRRADO 11/15/2012 102212 Registration fee refund 220139 PAVETTO, JANE 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 8/24/12 220141 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 11/15/2012 a39221225 Peapod payment for order #'s 220141 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 11/15/2012 a39293809 Peapod payment for order #'s 42.55 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 125.00 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 180.75 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 4,900.98 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 75.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 150.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 a39293809, a39221225, and 621.23 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 a39293809, a39221225, and 185.47 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 a39293809, a39221225, and 137.09 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 a39404011. a39404011. 220141 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 11/15/2012 a39404011 Peapod payment for order #'s a39404011. 220141 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 11/15/2012 a39537113 Peapod payments for orders on 10/9, 10/15, and 10/22. 292.41 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220141 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 11/15/2012 a39598767 Peapod payments for orders on 10/9, 10/15, and 10/22. 214.49 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220141 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 11/15/2012 a39759976 Peapod payments for orders on 10/9, 10/15, and 10/22. 259.66 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 220142 PEARCE, ALLAN 11/15/2012 92012 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A 9/20/12 220143 PEARSON EDUCATION 11/15/2012 4021764471 Instructional resource, Emergent-Early letter Name Starter 220144 PEARSON 11/15/2012 BK 6793554 Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning (10 pack), 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,410.64 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 Pack and Library, Sarah Adams 809.07 10E008 2210 4100 81 493200 Professional Development, Friday, September 28, 2012 220145 PESI 220146 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 11/15/2012 1367904/00 Conference (J.Swanston-MSN) 11/15/2012 604390 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 10/19/12 DELIVERY 179.99 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 1,900.30 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 25 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220146 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 11/15/2012 604390 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 10/19/12 DELIVERY 21,832.14 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 220146 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 11/15/2012 604390 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 10/19/12 DELIVERY 527.32 10E006 1700 4640 22 337000 220147 PIONEER PRESS 11/15/2012 280726 Lake Zurich Courier Annual Subscription Renewal. Acct AMOUNT NUMBER 20.00 10E008 2630 6400 01 000000 #280726 220148 PITSCO, INC 11/15/2012 524430-1 app. tech repair 220149 PITTMAN, ERIN 11/15/2012 102612 Reimbursement-Purchase of Spec. Ed. Supplies 220150 POLICH, ROD 11/15/2012 102512 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/24, 10/22 & 10/25/12 220151 POWELL, MICHAEL 11/15/2012 103012 SO BASKETBALL 10/30/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220151 POWELL, MICHAEL 11/15/2012 11612 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/6/12 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220152 PRZYBYSKI, EDDIE 11/15/2012 9412 SO IHSA, V 9/4 & 10/9/12 220153 PYLE ENTERPRISES, INC 11/15/2012 3602 Handicap Inner Door Opener 220154 QUILL CORP 11/15/2012 6523988 Misc. Office Supplies 220154 QUILL CORP 11/15/2012 6690474 Mailing Labele and Name Tag Labels for the Halloween 75.00 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 74.79 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 170.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 124.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,786.00 20E008 2540 3230 01 000000 178.82 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 73.97 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 Parties. 220155 RABBAT, SUZY 11/15/2012 110212 Professional Development Consultant Fee for11/2/12, LMC 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Directors 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733982 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733982 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 68.69 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 28.46 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733982 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 55.35 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733982 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 24.18 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733982 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 86.55 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733999 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 75.18 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733999 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 31.15 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733999 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 60.58 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733999 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 26.46 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733999 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 94.74 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733414 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 88.48 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733414 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 36.66 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733414 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 71.30 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733414 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 31.15 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733414 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 111.50 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733323 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 213.57 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733323 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 88.48 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733323 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 172.10 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733323 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 75.18 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733323 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 269.12 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733402 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 200.43 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733402 11/15/2012 733402 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 83.04 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 161.52 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 26 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733402 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 70.55 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733402 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 252.56 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733394 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 172.10 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733394 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 71.30 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733394 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 138.69 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733394 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 60.58 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 220158 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 11/15/2012 733394 Paper products and hand soap custodial supplies 216.88 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220159 RAPPOLD, ANTHONY 11/15/2012 10512 SO FOOTBALL 10/5/12 220160 RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 11/15/2012 33540 security visitor badges 220161 RATAY, MARILYN 11/15/2012 82312 SO VOLLEYBALL 8/23/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220162 REALLY GOOD STUFF 11/15/2012 4136281 Privacy sheilds for T. Mathisen 38.94 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 220163 REPUBLIC DRILL/APT CORP. 11/15/2012 10789 app. tech supplies 384.04 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 220163 REPUBLIC DRILL/APT CORP. 11/15/2012 10789 app. tech supplies 0.00 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 220163 REPUBLIC DRILL/APT CORP. 11/15/2012 10789 app. tech supplies 0.00 10E005 1120 3251 11 000000 220163 REPUBLIC DRILL/APT CORP. 11/15/2012 11087 app. tech supplies 25.71 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 220163 REPUBLIC DRILL/APT CORP. 11/15/2012 11087 app. tech supplies 0.00 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 220163 REPUBLIC DRILL/APT CORP. 11/15/2012 11087 app. tech supplies 220164 RETA SECURITY, INC. 11/15/2012 391 Security Program Technical Assistance-Consulting 220165 RIPPER, JASON 11/15/2012 101212 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 10/12/12 220166 RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING /HOUGHTON 11/15/2012 948945841 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 200.00 10E006 2190 4100 01 000000 0.00 10E005 1120 3251 11 000000 3,000.00 10E008 2520 3190 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Preschool Screening Supplies 169.40 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 220167 ROACH, JOHN 11/15/2012 9412 SO IHSA, S 9/4/12 220168 ROCKFORD GUILFORD HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Boys Bowling Viking INvite JV/V 12/8/2012. 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220168 ROCKFORD GUILFORD HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE MLK Boys bowling invite 1/21/2013 200.00 10E006 1500 3100 42 000000 220168 ROCKFORD GUILFORD HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE PBA EXperience HS shootout V/JV 12/28/12 entry fee 400.00 10E006 1500 3100 42 000000 220169 RODRIGUEZ, GUADALUPE 11/15/2012 102512 Registration fee refund 210.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 220170 ROTH, TODD 11/15/2012 91312 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/4 & 9/13/12 174.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220171 RUDOLPH, CHRIS 11/15/2012 91012 SO IHSA, JV, V PS 9/10 & 9/13/12 117.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Misc. office supplies 276.54 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 entry fee $400 400.00 10E006 1500 3100 42 000000 - rockford HS 220172 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY AND EQUIPM 11/15/2012 525805-0 220172 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY AND EQUIPM 11/15/2012 525613-0 DVD's FOR THE SECURITY OFFICE 220173 RUSSIS, MICHELLE 11/15/2012 11512 Misc. supplies for Michelle Russis's classroom 36.79 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 220174 RYAN, JOHN 11/15/2012 111012 SO FOOTBALL 11/10/12 220175 RZYSKI, SHARON 11/15/2012 SERVICES 9 Bilingual Speech Evals. 220176 SAFE HAVEN SCHOOL 11/15/2012 1173 Tuition Oct. 2012 220177 SAMMONS, LANEY 11/15/2012 110612 Consultant fee for Professional Development, Institute Day 220178 SAPOCHAK, RON 11/15/2012 101312 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A & B 10/13/12 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220178 SAPOCHAK, RON 220179 SARICH, ROBERT 11/15/2012 91912 11/15/2012 111012 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 9/19/12 SO FOOTBALL 11/10/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 78.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 130.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 78.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,200.00 10E008 2140 3100 01 000000 971.08 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 3,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 11/2/2012, Guided Math Training 27 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220180 SAVMORE, LLC 11/15/2012 10428 SAVMORE CARDS 220181 SCHAUMBURG HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Boys Wrestling JV Quad Saxon 1/12/13 220182 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES 11/15/2012 M4970328 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 2,000.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 80.00 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 Current Health 2 magazines 222.75 10E010 1120 4100 16 000000 220183 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION 11/15/2012 7151695348 Repair of HS elevator door 1,202.39 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220184 SCHLERETH, JULIE 11/15/2012 102012 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 220184 SCHLERETH, JULIE 11/15/2012 102912 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 74.95 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220185 SCHOLASTIC INC 11/15/2012 M4924116 Weekly Reader for KDG Brawley and Gwost 301.89 10E004 1110 4100 08 000000 220185 SCHOLASTIC INC 11/15/2012 M4978039 Weekly reader for 1st grade 401.13 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 2081093820 Chart tablets and sentence strips - K. O'Brien 9.95 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 2081093820 Chart tablets and sentence strips - K. O'Brien 19.59 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 2081093075 Department Supplies 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 3081014449 art supplies 44.97 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 59.41 10E010 1120 4100 08 000000 1,224.34 10E004 1110 4100 12 000000 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 2081093075 OT Supplies (K.Keirans-SL) 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 2081094298 supplies for office 47.67 10E008 1213 4100 01 000000 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 2081094494 Art Supplies - Teacher Stipend and Art Budget 22.67 10E003 1110 4100 12 000000 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 2081094494 Art Supplies - Teacher Stipend and Art Budget 115.92 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 220187 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 11/15/2012 3081014702 Misc. Art Supplies to restock the Art Room 220188 SCHULTZ, PAUL 11/15/2012 111012 SO FOOTBALL 11/10/12 220189 SCHWARZ, JAMES 11/15/2012 9712 SO FOOTBALL 9/7/12 220190 SEDOL 11/15/2012 2012 SUMME 2012 Summer School Tuition 693.39 10E008 4220 6701 01 000000 250.62 10E004 2410 6400 01 000000 263.64 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 1,549.08 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 78.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220191 SHAPIRO, CAMERON 11/15/2012 102412 Reimbursement for Conference - C. Shapiro 220192 SHELLENBERGER, BOB 11/15/2012 102012 REIMBURSEMENT FOR SHELVING UNIT FOR PDC SERVER ROOM 24.99 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220192 SHELLENBERGER, BOB 11/15/2012 102912 REIMBURSEMENT FOR CABLES FOR IPAD TESTING 16.98 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220193 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INC 11/15/2012 1229003500 Combination Lock Key for MSN 220194 SHODUNKE, SADE 11/15/2012 102912 Registration fee refund 16.36 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 198.75 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 220195 SIEGEL, BRUCE 11/15/2012 103112 SO BASKETBALL 10/31/12 220196 SIGNSCAPES 11/15/2012 RP-7259 Kindergarten Banner for May Whitney 224.00 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220197 SILVERMAN, IAN 11/15/2012 81412 reimbursement Ian Silverman : girls xc coach 584.15 10E008 1610 4100 01 000000 220198 SIMON, TERESA 11/15/2012 10912 Reimbursement for Fed Ex mailing of IAEA Conference 20.77 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 Registrations for district art teachers, T Simon 220199 SKROCKI, TONY 11/15/2012 82812 220200 SODEXO CATERING 11/15/2012 1000619471 Cost of operations for period 1 per contract SO VOLLEYBALL 8/28/12 87.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 167,825.82 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 220201 SOMOGYI, GEORGE 11/15/2012 9812 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A & JV 9/8/12 220202 SON'S ENTERPRISES, INC 11/15/2012 5036 PAYMENT OF INVOICE #5036. 220202 SON'S ENTERPRISES, INC 11/15/2012 5057 PRINTING OF THE "BEAR FACTS" 220203 SOS, INC. 11/15/2012 25389 Contractual Speech Services 5,625.00 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220204 SOUND INCORPORATED 11/15/2012 R114708 MASTER PO FOR MONTHLY PHONE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 3,688.00 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 220205 SPENCER WELDING SERVICE 220205 SPENCER WELDING SERVICE 11/15/2012 100512 11/15/2012 100512 Fabricate belt and pulley gurad for AHU at MSN/SL Fabricate belt and pulley gurad for AHU at MSN/SL 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 715.00 10E006 1500 4100 74 000000 715.00 10E006 1500 4100 74 000000 182.50 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 182.50 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 28 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220206 SPORT SUPPLY GROUP, INC 11/15/2012 94944360 Softball Equipment 220207 ST. PATRICK HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE freshman wrestling invite 1/19/13 220208 STANCZAK, SCOTT 11/15/2012 81712 SO FOOTBALL, VARSITY SCRIMMAGE 8/17/12 220209 STEFANSKI, DALE 11/15/2012 10912 SO IHSA, V 10/9/12 220210 STEFIK, ANDREW 11/15/2012 101212 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE & VARSITY 10/12/12 220211 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 11/15/2012 S004126958 Light Lamps for MSN/SL 116.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220211 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 11/15/2012 S004126958 Light Lamps for MSN/SL 116.50 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220212 STEKER, CRYSTAL 11/15/2012 102212 100.00 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 REIMBURSEMENT FOR ITUNE CARDS TO BE USED IN MSN/MSS FLIP ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 81.88 10E010 1500 4100 52 000000 220.00 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 68.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 62.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 121.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 CLASSROOM 220213 STENSLAND, AL 11/15/2012 102312 SO VOLLEYBALL 10/23/12 220214 STEPHANS, MICHAEL 11/15/2012 82512 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A & JV 8/25/12 60.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220215 STEPHENSON, TERRY 11/15/2012 9112 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A & JV 9/1/12 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220216 STREAMWOOD HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Girls Varsity Bowling Ray Maxwell Sabre Holiday Tourny: 200.00 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 12/8/12 220217 STUECKEMANN, RYAN 11/15/2012 102212 SO VOLLEYBALL 10/22/12 220218 SUMMERKAMP, CRAIG SR. 11/15/2012 111012 SO FOOTBALL 11/10/12 220219 SUMMIT SCHOOL 11/15/2012 20121031-9 Tuition Oct 2012 220220 SUPER DUPER INC 11/15/2012 1818954 EC Supplies 220221 SVANACO DBA AMERICAN EAGLE 11/15/2012 162027 MASTER PO FOR MONTHLY BILLING - WEB HOSTING 220222 SWINFORD-POTTS, TAMERA 11/15/2012 CONSULT FE Consultant fee for professional development, T 60.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 78.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 21,501.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 376.48 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 1,395.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 650.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Swinford-Potts, Institute Day 9/28/2012, Creating Sophisticated Readers 220223 TEAM CONNECTION, INC 11/15/2012 121C07960- boys volleyball uniforms 220224 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 0593276-01 Electrical repair supplies in various schools 19.67 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220224 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 0593276-01 Electrical repair supplies in various schools 142.83 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220224 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 0593850-00 Electrical repair supplies in various schools 15.49 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220224 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 0593850-00 Electrical repair supplies in various schools 112.51 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220224 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 0594206-00 Electrical repair supplies in various schools 4.84 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220224 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 11/15/2012 0594206-00 Electrical repair supplies in various schools 35.16 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220225 TERRILL, LAURA 11/15/2012 INSERVICE Consultant fee for Professional Development, Laura Terrill, 661.25 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 1,407.43 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Institute Day 11-2-2012 220226 THE FLOLO CORPORATION 11/15/2012 393723 Motor for MSN exhaust fan 179.64 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220226 THE FLOLO CORPORATION 11/15/2012 394084 SA exhaust fan motor 449.33 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035273 Blower motors for MSS/IF 585.88 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035273 Blower motors for MSS/IF 1,171.75 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035361 New condensor for Room B109 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035433 Univent repair supplies 60.03 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035433 11/15/2012 0035433 Univent repair supplies Univent repair supplies 60.03 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 60.03 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 367.54 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 29 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035433 Univent repair supplies 276.84 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035446 Univent repair supplies 66.49 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035446 Univent repair supplies 66.49 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035446 Univent repair supplies 66.49 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220227 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 11/15/2012 0035446 Univent repair supplies 306.60 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220228 THOMAS, JAMES 11/15/2012 10512 SO FOOTBALL 10/5/12 220229 TIME FOR KIDS 11/15/2012 261419607 Time for Kids magazine - grades 3, 4 5 220229 TIME FOR KIDS 11/15/2012 0010001819 2 additional subscriptions 220229 TIME FOR KIDS 11/15/2012 P010079600 Time for Kids Magazines - 1st - 5th grades. 220229 TIME FOR KIDS 11/15/2012 P010110644 Time for Kids Magazines - 1st - 5th grades. ACCOUNT 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 974.40 10E004 1110 4100 08 000000 18.19 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 Acct 796.00 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 Acct 1,106.44 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 #1981332651 #1981332651 220230 TISA, MARY 11/15/2012 101912 CHOREOGRAPHY FOR HS ORCHESIS CO 850.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 220231 TOMAN, TOM 11/15/2012 9812 SO FOOTBALL, FRESHMAN A & B 9/8 & 10/13/12 142.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220231 TOMAN, TOM 11/15/2012 11612 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 11/6/12 220232 TRACY, STEVEN 11/15/2012 82312 SO VOLLEYBALL 8/23 & 10/16/12 174.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220233 TRANE 11/15/2012 7121840R1 Motor for univent at MW 181.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220233 TRANE 11/15/2012 7142665R2 Wheel bearing repair parts for MW Lib. 81.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220233 TRANE 11/15/2012 7142665R1 Wheel bearing repair parts for MW Lib. 230.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220234 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 11/15/2012 698635 WALL PLATES FOR PROJECTORS 225.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220235 TROYER, ALICE 11/15/2012 82012 Library supplies - 48.46 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 220235 TROYER, ALICE 11/15/2012 101512 Library supplies 67.90 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 220235 TROYER, ALICE 11/15/2012 81012 reimbursement for book tape 220235 TROYER, ALICE 11/15/2012 10212 Reimbursement for ISLMA Conference 220236 ULINE INC 11/15/2012 46979687 Waste receptacles- HS 220237 USBANK -OFFICE EQUIPMENT FINAN 11/15/2012 215138215 Lease-Copiers 220238 VALCOM MONITORING SERVICES RENEWAL MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR 11/15/2012 830074 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 34.65 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 150.00 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 392.40 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 3,800.00 10E008 1100 3253 25 000000 835.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 2012-13 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015103 Waste Removal 280.00 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 283.34 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 268.06 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 268.06 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 445.36 20E005 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 1,990.93 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 317.93 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 56.20 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 276.44 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015141 Waste Removal. Acct #T8037043 424.99 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 148.45 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 30 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 17.71 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 16.75 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 16.75 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 27.84 20E005 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 124.44 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 19.87 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 3.51 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 17.28 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 26.56 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 220240 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST, 11/15/2012 T800015182 Waste Removal. Acct # T8393684 9.29 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 220241 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE boys varsity Bowling Cougar Invite 12/1/12 entry fee $215 430.00 10E006 1500 3100 42 000000 220242 VILLAGE OF KILDEER 11/15/2012 12512 Water / Sewer 11/1/12 - 1/31/13. Acct# 0320000033-00 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 4000002453 police for football games 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 4000002453 Police-Traffic Patrol 507.50 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 162.96 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 138.27 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 267.52 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 12.35 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 9.88 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 192.59 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 237.03 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6040 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006040-00 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 132.40 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 112.34 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 217.36 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 10.03 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 8.02 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 156.48 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 192.59 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6041 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct # 006041-00 72.46 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 5.76 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 11.15 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 0.51 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 0.41 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 8.02 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 9.88 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6106 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006106-00 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 3.72 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 245.23 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 2,301.02 20E002 2540 3700 01 000000 1,812.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 89.16 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 6.79 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 31 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 208.08 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 402.59 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 18.58 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 14.86 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 289.82 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 356.70 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6179 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006179-00 134.20 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 3.39 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 2.88 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 5.57 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 0.26 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 0.21 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 4.01 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 4.94 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6183 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006183-00 1.86 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 5.09 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 4.32 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 8.36 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 0.39 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 0.31 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 6.02 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 7.41 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6184 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006184-00 2.78 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 112.03 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 95.06 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 183.92 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 8.49 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 6.79 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 132.40 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 162.96 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6185 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006185-00 61.31 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 95.06 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 80.66 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 156.06 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 7.20 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 5.76 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 112.34 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 11/15/2012 11112 6186 Water / Sewer 9/17-12 - 10/15/12. Acct #006186-00 138.27 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 52.01 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 32 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6177 Water / Sewer. Acct # 006177-00 303.65 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6177 Water / Sewer. Acct # 006177-00 2,366.71 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6180 Water / Sewer. Acct # 006180-00 44.69 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6180 Water / Sewer. Acct # 006180-00 348.35 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6124 Water / Sewer. Acct #006124-00 38.12 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6124 Water / Sewer. Acct #006124-00 297.12 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6125 Water / Sewer. Acct # 006125-00 6.57 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 220247 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 11/15/2012 11112 6125 Water / Sewer. Acct # 006125-00 51.23 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 220248 VIRGINIA DATA PRODUCTS INC 11/15/2012 052509 NOTEBOOK/IPAD CART 220249 VISCIONI, NOREEN 11/15/2012 10712 Instructional Resources 30.58 10E010 1120 4100 05 000000 220249 VISCIONI, NOREEN 11/15/2012 81312 Viscioni Reimbursement 58.28 10E010 1120 4100 08 000000 220250 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 11/15/2012 24120 senior night 10/4/12 boys soccer 53.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220250 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 11/15/2012 24198 girls volleyball and tennis parent nights 10/15/12 74.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 220251 VITO, VINCENT 11/15/2012 82412 SO FOOTBALL, SOPHOMORE 8/24/12 220252 WALKER, VICTOR 11/15/2012 10912 SO IHSA, V 10/9 & 10/10/12 220253 WALMART COMMUNITY 11/15/2012 102212 922 Misc. charges for Applied Tech, Drama, Art and Home Ec. AMOUNT NUMBER 1,830.00 10E010 1120 7001 01 000000 53.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 124.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 36.99 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 Acct # ending in 921 220253 WALMART COMMUNITY 11/15/2012 102212 922 Misc. charges for Applied Tech, Drama, Art and Home Ec. 532.20 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 Acct # ending in 921 220253 WALMART COMMUNITY 11/15/2012 102212 922 Misc. charges for Applied Tech, Drama, Art and Home Ec. 19.53 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 Acct # ending in 921 220253 WALMART COMMUNITY 11/15/2012 102212 922 Misc. charges for Applied Tech, Drama, Art and Home Ec. 200.76 10E005 1500 4100 77 000000 Acct # ending in 921 220254 WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE 11/15/2012 1332-703-0 Purchase of science supplies 220255 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 11/15/2012 1692755-0 Copy Paper 855.00 10E010 1120 4108 01 000000 220255 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 11/15/2012 1735590-0 copy paper 855.00 10E010 1120 4108 01 000000 220255 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 11/15/2012 1734219-0 Name Plates 220256 WASHBURN MACHINERY, INC 11/15/2012 93063 Repair of HS washing machine 457.89 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220257 WAUCONDA HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Boys Soph Tournament 12/27 - 12/28/2012; fee $140 140.00 10E006 1500 4100 31 000000 220258 WE FIX-IT TIRE REPAIR 11/15/2012 19248 BUS 7 - FRONT TIRE BALANCING 81.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 220258 WE FIX-IT TIRE REPAIR 11/15/2012 19269 BUS12 - FRONT TIRE BALANCING 81.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 220258 WE FIX-IT TIRE REPAIR 11/15/2012 19268 BUS 6 - FRONT TIRE BALANCING 81.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 220259 WEIDER, SUZANNE 11/15/2012 101312 Key board towels 220260 WESTERN TRANSPORATION LLC 11/15/2012 J2312-5409 10/23/12 BILLING - SPEC ED 220261 WHEELING HIGH SCHOOL 11/15/2012 ENTRY FEE Boys varsity wrestling wildcat memorial invite 12/8/12 297.16 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 27.96 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 10.00 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 10,145.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 entry fee $250. 220262 WHITE WAY SIGN & MAINTENANCE C 11/15/2012 CD20080765 LZHS marquee maintenance contract monthly fee 363.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220263 WHEATON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 220264 WILLIAMS, DAVID 95.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 146.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 11/15/2012 KICKOFF TO Wheaton North Kick-off Tournament (Scholastic Bowl) 11/15/2012 102312 SO VOLLEYBALL 10/16 & 10/23/12 33 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:00 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220265 WITT, JENNIFER 11/15/2012 SERVICES O Interpreting Services 220266 WOELKE, LUBA 11/15/2012 11212 Reimbursement for Hearing Supplies Purchase 220267 WRIGHT, SANDRA 11/15/2012 MENTORING Mentoring staff 220268 ZAJAC, JOHN SR. 11/15/2012 91012 SO VOLLEYBALL 9/10/12 220269 ZIELINSKI, RAFAL 11/15/2012 100412 SO IHSA, V 220270 ZOHO CORP. 11/15/2012 2030404 MANAGE ENGINE RENEWALS FOR 2012-13 694.00 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 220270 ZOHO CORP. 11/15/2012 2030533 NETFLOW ANALYZER PROF EDITION - SINGLE INSTALL LICENSE FOR 595.00 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 104.50 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 99.90 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 720.72 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 87.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 10/4/12 62.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 IP SLA MODULE 220271 ZOIBI, KRISTYN 11/15/2012 101812 Driver's Ed refund 250.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 Totals for checks 1,052,498.30 34 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 20 40 TRANSPORTATION 11:00 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/26/12 - 11/15/12) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL EDUCATION FUND 3,875.20 2,357.60 649,499.25 655,732.05 OPER & MAINT 3,429.10 0.00 302,365.43 305,794.53 0.00 0.00 90,971.72 90,971.72 7,304.30 2,357.60 1,042,836.40 1,052,498.30 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 11/09/12 PAGE: 35 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:14 AM 11/09/12 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/01/12 - 10/31/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 28095 GRANT COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL 10/03/2012 VOID CHECK ISSUED TO WRONG VENDOR -175.00 10E006 1500 4100 36 000000 28098 WARREN HIGH SCHOOL 10/03/2012 VOID CHECK ISSUED TO WRONG VENDOR -456.00 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 28107 BONNIE DUNDEE GOLF CLUB/DUNDEE 10/02/2012 ENTRY FEE 28108 BONNIE BROOK GOLF COURSE 2012 IHSA Regional Girls Golf TOurnament 10/3/2012 10/05/2012 GIRLS GOLF Girls golf Sectionals 10/8/2012 $33/person x 2 $66 total 180.00 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 66.00 10E006 1500 4100 59 000000 due. 28109 MAKRAY MEMORIAL GOLF CLUB 10/05/2012 IHSA SECT 2012 IHSA Sectional Boys Golf Tournament :$35/player 1 35.00 10E006 1500 4100 36 000000 golfer 28110 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY 10/05/2012 REG FEE 20 Registration for 2012/13 school year. National Geographic 100.00 10E005 1120 6400 01 000000 Bee. 28111 THE E.W. SCRIPPS COMPANY 10/05/2012 SK32-15530 Registration for the National Spelling Bee. 28112 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 10/05/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 122.50 10E005 1120 6400 01 000000 35.93 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 28113 WALMART COMMUNITY 10/05/2012 9221 9222 Misc. charges for Walmart. Acct ending in 9221 46.98 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 28113 WALMART COMMUNITY 10/05/2012 9221 9222 Misc. charges for Walmart. Acct ending in 9221 56.51 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 28113 WALMART COMMUNITY 10/05/2012 9221 9222 Misc. charges for Walmart. Acct ending in 9221 88.28 10E005 1500 4100 77 000000 28113 WALMART COMMUNITY 10/05/2012 9221 9222 Misc. charges for Walmart. Acct ending in 9221 28114 IAEA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 10/09/2012 IAEA CONF IAEA Conference Registration fee for district art teachers, 28115 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10/12/2012 046206 Costco payments for FACS supplies on 9/24/12 and 10/1/12. 114.29 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 28115 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10/12/2012 033391 Costco payments for FACS supplies on 9/24/12 and 10/1/12. 86.87 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 28115 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10/12/2012 1980887363 Costco payments for FACS supplies on 9/24/12 and 10/1/12. 28116 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 10/12/2012 1067 91912 Groceries for Home Economics. Acct ending in 1067 28117 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 10/12/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 28118 AT&T 10/25/2012 4850098108 Service from Sept 5 - Oct 4,2012. Acct #831-000-3525 131 28119 COMCAST 10/25/2012 10912 5151 Service from 10/16 - 11/15/12. 28120 CORD, LES 10/25/2012 12328 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 10/22,10/23,10/25/12 28121 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10/25/2012 058218 Food and water for Bilingual Parents meeting, October 16, 55.10 10E005 2410 4100 11 000000 1,980.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 November 2, 2012 with Dr. Jorge Lucero -4.64 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 371.87 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 68.13 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 3,429.10 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 6.30 10E006 1130 3100 01 000000 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 70.15 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 2012. 28121 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10/25/2012 058218 Food and water for Bilingual Parents meeting, October 16, 83.89 10E008 3000 4100 01 330500 2012. 28121 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10/25/2012 059321 Payment for Costco purchases on 10/10/12 and 10/15/12. 28121 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 10/25/2012 061659 Payment for Costco purchases on 10/10/12 and 10/15/12. 28122 MING, JERRY 10/25/2012 28262 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 10/22,10/23,10/25/12 91.47 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 84.79 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 28123 ROBBINS SCHWARTZ NICHOLAS LIFT 10/25/2012 CONFERENCE Employee Benefits Conference - Lisle, IL - 10/26/12 50.00 10E008 2320 6400 01 000000 28124 SWANSON, GARY 10/25/2012 18575 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 28125 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 10/25/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 55.78 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 28126 WARREN, MICHAEL 10/25/2012 34405 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 SO BOYS FOOTBALL 10/27/12 SO BOYS FOOTBALL 10/27/12 Totals for checks 7,304.30 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 20 11:14 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 10/01/12 - 10/31/12) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL EDUCATION FUND 0.00 0.00 3,875.20 3,875.20 OPER & MAINT 0.00 0.00 3,429.10 3,429.10 0.00 0.00 7,304.30 7,304.30 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 11/09/12 PAGE: 2 Agenda Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Re: 2012 Intent to Levy Taxes Policy Reference: 4:10 - Fiscal and Business Management Background: The Board of Education will consider approval of the 2012 Tax Levy at the December board meeting. Prior to passing the levy, the Board adopts a Resolution of Intent to levy taxes. The proposed 2012 levy will be greater than a 105% increase over the 2011 tax extensions so we are subject to the Truth in Taxation requirements. The following should be noted: We are limited by the tax cap legislation to an increase in the levy equal to the Consumer Price Index (C.P.I.). This tax cap covers only the existing tax base prior to new construction. The tax cap does not apply to new EAV generated by new construction. The Bond and Interest Fund Levy is not capped and is automatically set by the county based upon our registered debt retirement needs. The CPI for the 2012 levy is 3.0%. We are anticipating an increase less than 3% since our bond and interest levy is decreasing for levy year 2012. Analysis: The preparation of the levy amounts was discussed at the November Committee of the Whole. Recommendation: Attached is the Resolution of Intent to Levy Taxes. It is the recommendation of the administration to adopt the Resolution of Intent to Levy Taxes as presented. Motion: To adopt the 2012 Tax Levy Resolution of Intent as presented by the Administration. RESOLUTION REGARDING ESTIMATED AMOUNTS NECESSARY TO BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 2011 WHEREAS, The Truth in Taxation Act requires that all taxing districts in the State of Illinois determine the estimated amounts of taxes necessary to be levied for the year not less than twenty (20) days prior to the official adoption of the aggregate tax levy of the district; and WHEREAS, if the estimated aggregate amount necessary to be levied, exclusive of election costs and bond and interest costs, exceeds 105% of the aggregate amount of property taxes extended or estimated to be extended, including any amount abated by the taxing district prior to such extension, upon the levy of the preceding year, public notice shall be given and a public hearing shall be held on the district’s intent to adopt a tax levy in an amount which is more than 105% of the extension or estimated extension for the preceding year; and WHEREAS, the aggregate amount of property taxes (extended) for the year 2011 was: Education Purposes $51,258,271.01 Operations, Building Maintenance Purposes $8,828,711.66 Transportation Purposes $2,538,658.85 Working Cash Fund Purposes $32,339.60 Social Security Purposes $889,339.09 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Purposes $501,263.85 Rental of Facilities Purposes 0.00 Fire Prevention, Safety, Environmental and Energy Conservation Purposes 0.00 Tort Immunity Purposes 0.00 Special Education Purposes 0.00 Leasing Purposes 0.00 Sedol IMRF Fund Purposes 0.00 Life Safety Bond & Interest Purposes 0.00 TOTAL $64,048,584.03 Page 2 WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the estimated amount of taxes to be extended for the year 2012 is as follows: Education Purposes $54,890,093.00 Operations, Building Maintenance Purposes $ 8,966,457.00 Transportation Purposes $ 2,878,813.00 Working Cash Fund Purposes $ 75,540.00 Social Security Purposes $949,230.00 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Purposes $669,129.00 Rental of Facilities Purposes 0.00 Fire Prevention, Safety, Environmental and Energy Conservation Purposes 0.00 Tort Immunity Purposes 0.00 Special Education Purposes 0.00 Leasing Purposes 0.00 Sedol IMRF Fund Purposes 0.00 Life Safety Bond and Interest 0.00 TOTAL $68,429,262.00 WHEREAS, the Truth in Taxation Act, as amended, requires that all taxing districts in the State of Illinois provide data in the Notice concerning the levies for debt service made pursuant to statute, referendum, resolution or agreement to retire principal or pay interest on bonds, notes and debentures or other financial instruments which evidence indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the aggregate amount of property taxes extended for the bond and interest purposes for 2011 was $7,842,353.77 and it is hereby determined that the estimated amount of taxes to be levied for bond and interest purposes for 2012 is $7,750,361.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education, Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95, County of Lake, State of Illinois, as follows: Section 1: $68,429,262.00. The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2012 is Page 3 Section 2: The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2012 does exceed 105% of the taxes extended or estimated to be extended by the district in the year 2011. Section 3: The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2012 for debt service is 98.83% of the taxes extended for debt service for 2011. Section 4: Public notice shall be given in the Pioneer Press (Lake Zurich Courier), being newspaper of general circulation in said district, and a public hearing shall be held, all in the matter and time prescribed in said notice, which notice shall be published not more than 14 days nor less than 7 days prior to said hearing, and shall be no less than 1/8 page in size, with no smaller than twelve (12) point type, enclosed in black border not less than ¼ inch wide and in substantially the following form: Notice of Proposed Property Tax Increase For Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 I. A public hearing to approve a proposed tax levy increase for Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 for 2012 will be held on December 20, 2012, at 6:45 p.m. at 300 Church Street, Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent, 400 So. Old Rand Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, (847)438-2831. II. The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2011 were $64,048,584.03. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2012 are $68,429,262.00. This represents a 6.84% increase over the previous year. III. The property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2011 were $7,842,353.77. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for 2012 are $7,750,361.00. This represents a 1.17% decrease over the previous year. IV. The total property taxes extended or abated for 2011 were $71,890,937.83. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2012 are $76,179,623.00. This represents a 5.97% increase over the previous year. Page 4 Section 5: The resolution shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its passage. ADOPTED this 15th day of November, 2012. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 President Attest: Secretary Agenda Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Lighting Bid Retrofit Policy Reference: Background: The district went out for bids to retrofit the lighting at MSS/IF on October 31st. The tentative results were shared at the Committee of the Whole Meeting. At that time we shared with you that we had some questions raised by how one of the bidders responded. While the bid could not be considered responsive to the issued bid it did raise some questions for the pricing of the project. We determined that it is in our best interest to rebid the project. Basically, when we bid the first time we bid a new product that was a pre-wired kit. There was a belief that there would be a cost savings in labor by utilizing the pre-wired kits on a possible benefit that it was a kit versus being wired by the contractor. In reviewing the results of the first bid, the consultant feels that maybe the vendors do not have experience with the newer kits to realize the potential labor savings. Thus we are rebidding the project in a more traditional manner where the vendor wires the units as the lights are retrofitted. Analysis: We have decided to hold open the first bid and determine which bid we want to accept after reviewing the results of both bids. There is an opportunity for special incentives from the state of approximately $9,819 if the project is completed by February 15, 2013. In order to provide as much lead time as possible to complete the project by February 15th, I would like to have a special meeting as part of the COW on December 6th to award the bid. Recommendation: The administration recommends taking no action at this time, issuing the second bid, and comparing the two bids to determine which approach is most beneficial to the district. Motion: N/A Agenda Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: State Waiver for Driver Education Fees Policy Reference: Background: Earlier this evening an opportunity was provided for the public to provide comment on the district’s pending application for a waiver or modification of state board rues and/or school code mandates. According to the Illinois School Code each school district that maintains grades 9 through 12 are required to offer a driver education course which includes both classroom and behind-the-wheel. The course must consist of 30 clock hours of classroom and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training by a certified driver education instructor. The district may charge a reasonable fee, not to exceed $250.00, unless the district has received an approved waiver from the Illinois State Board of Education. If a student is unable to pay for the course, the fee shall be waived. The district currently has a waiver to charge $300.00 for the behind-the-wheel portion of the course. The waiver will expire at the end of this year. The process for reapplying for a waiver is: • A notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 7 days in advance of the hearing. • A written notice must be addressed and provided to the applicant’s exclusive collective bargaining agent. • Written advance notice must be addressed and provided to the state’s legislators representing the applicant’s territory. • An application must be completed and submitted with evidence that all steps were completed. The notice has been published in the paper and the written notices have been made. We are asking the board to vote on a waiver application of up to $350.00. Since the waiver is good for 5 years it was thought to give the district flexibility in the future. The board would vote on any change in fees before they are implemented. Analysis: Attached is a spreadsheet with the historical costs of running the driver’s education program on the left. On the right is the net cost to run the program assuming 100% of the students pay their cost. The cost of the program justifies a higher fee if the board wants to implement a higher fee. Driving schools in the area were surveyed and average fees of $465.00. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the board to approve the district submitting an application to the Illinois State Board of Education to increase the driver’s education fee up to $350.00 Motion: To approve the district’s applying for a Waiver or Modification of State Board Rules and/or School Code Mandates to increase the driver’s education fee up to $350.00. Driver's Education Salaries Benefits Other Expenses Total Expense Student Fees Collected State Revenues Total Cost 08-09 235,931.60 35,210.26 6,690.75 277,832.61 -74,225.00 -42,436.24 161,171.37 09-10 241,821.95 37,608.49 6,921.99 286,352.43 -62,433.00 -44,811.76 179,107.67 10-11 263,076.40 38,739.51 36,472.77 338,288.68 -50,535.00 -42,485.04 245,268.64 11-12 Total 269,556.10 1,010,386.05 39,975.19 151,533.45 4,763.82 54,849.33 314,295.11 1,216,768.83 -62,939.00 -250,132.00 -39,627.40 -169,360.44 211,728.71 797,276.39 DRIVER'S EDUCATION INCREASE IN FEE IMPACT BASED ON 2011-2012 Current Fee Potential Fee $300 $325 $350 Total Gross Costs $314,925.11 $314,925.11 $314,925.11 $300 Student Fee Collected Estimated Additional Fee Collected State Reimbursement Total Net Costs Total Expense Total Revenue Total Cost $ Increase/Decrease Over Prior Yr 08-09 277,832.61 -116,661.24 161,171.37 ** 09-10 10-11 286,352.43 338,288.68 -107,244.76 -93,020.04 179,107.67 245,268.64 17,936.30 66,160.97 **Net Cost Per Student 11-12 Total 314,295.11 1,216,768.83 -102,566.40 -419,492.44 211,728.71 797,276.39 -33,539.93 Total Cost Per Student $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $0.00 $6,250.00 $12,500.00 $39,626.40 $39,626.40 $39,626.40 $200,298.71 $194,048.71 $187,798.71 $801.19 $776.19 $751.19 $1,101.19 $1,101.19 $1,101.19 **Based on 250 students **10-11 expense increase was due to the lease pay off 2 cars Average cost at a local private driving school $465 Agenda Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: November 15, 2012 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Waiver of Impact Fees – Spectrum Retirement Policy Reference: Background: The district has been approached regarding the possibility of waiving impact fees for an assisted living facility being built at 23830 N. Midlothian Road. The facility will be for assisted living and memory care. According to Daniel Peterson at the Village of Lake Zurich, the project will consist of 20 studio units in the memory care area and 14 studios, 42 1-bedroom and 3 2-bedroom units in the assisted living portion. The company is for-profit. Attached is the agreement prepared for Zurich Meadows by the district’s attorney modified for this development. Analysis: The fee that would have been collected would be 45 1-2 bedroom attached units x $795.00 = $35,775. We do not have a fee for studio apartments. I received the following responses from neighboring school districts regarding whether or not they have waived impact fee for senior housing: Grayslake 127 – Not waived Fremont 79 – Reduced to 1/3 Stevenson – Waived Hawthorn – Has not come up Barrington – TBD (has not responded) Wauconda – TBD (has not responded) Kildeer-Countryside – Has not come up Recommendation: The administration does not have a recommendation. The board has the option of waiving the fee and we could enter into an agreement that protects the district if a student resides in the development or the board could let the impact fee amount stand. Motion: None, or Motion to waive the fees for the Spectrum Retirement Development and enter into a school impact fee agreement. Additionally, the board authorizes the Asst . Superintendent of Business and Operations to execute the final agreement. Analysis: Attached is a spreadsheet with the historical costs of running the driver’s education program on the left. On the right is the net cost to run the program assuming 100% of the students pay their cost. The cost of the program justifies a higher fee if the board wants to implement a higher fee. Driving schools in the area were surveyed and average fees of $465.00. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the board to approve the district submitting an application to the Illinois State Board of Education to increase the driver’s education fee up to $350.00 Motion: To approve the district’s applying for a Waiver or Modification of State Board Rules and/or School Code Mandates to increase the driver’s education fee up to $350.00. (Above space reserved for Recorder’s Use) SCHOOL IMPACT FEE AGREEMENT This School Impact Fee Agreement (“Agreement”) entered into this ____ day of November, 2012 (“Effective Date”) is between the Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 (“School District”), the Village of Lake Zurich, an Illinois municipal corporation (“Village”) and Spectrum Retirement Communities, LLC., (the “Owner”). The School District, Village and the Owner are sometimes hereafter referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” RECITALS A. The Owner is the record owner of certain property located at 23830 N. Midlothian Road, Lake Zurich, Illinois, and legally described on the attached Exhibit A (the “Subject Property”). B. Pursuant to Village Ordinance Nos. 2011-10-786 (the “Ordinance”), the Subject Property is zoned R-6 Multiple Family Residential District, with a special use permit for a senior housing facility. C. The Parties acknowledge that the Subject Property will be developed in accordance with the Ordinance and special use permit with the development of the Spectrum Retirement Communities (“Facility”). The Facility consists of one (1) building with a total of 79 apartment units. D. The Parties acknowledge that the Facility will not generate any children of school age, and, therefore agree that such use is not subject to any school impact fees by the Village or School District. However, the Parties desire to establish covenants running with the land which will provide that the Subject Property shall be subject to the payment of applicable school impact fees in the event that it is redeveloped with a different use not authorized by the Ordinance, or in the event that school-aged children reside on the Subject Property at any time, as more fully provided in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the School District, Village and Owner hereby agree as follows: 1 ARTICLE ONE Recitals and Exhibits Part of Agreement The representations, covenants and recitations set forth in the foregoing recitals are material to this Agreement and are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement as though they were fully set forth in this Article One. All exhibits referenced in the recitals or the body of this Agreement, whether attached at the time of signing or later, are treated as incorporated by reference into the body of this Agreement. ARTICLE TWO Mutual Assistance and Further Assurances The Parties agree to take such actions in a timely manner, including the execution and delivery of such documents, instruments, petitions, and certifications (and in the Village’s and School District’s case, the adoption of such ordinances and resolutions), as may be necessary or appropriate from time to time to carry out the terms, provisions and intent of this Agreement. ARTICLE THREE School Impact Fees The Parties agree that the Subject Property shall not be subject to school impact fees of any kind by the Village or School District so long as it remains developed with the Facility as provided in this Article Three an so long as there are no school-aged children residing on the Subject Property. In the event that the Subject Property is redeveloped under the underlying zoning classification or any other residential use other than the Facility, or if there are schoolaged children residing on the Subject Property, the Parties agree that the Subject Property shall be subject to the payment of any applicable school impact fees. The total value of the waiver would be $35,775.00 ARTICLE FOUR Authority The Owner hereby represents and warrants to the Village and School District that the Owner has the full lawful right, power and authority, under currently applicable law, to execute and deliver this Agreement and has taken all necessary corporate actions for its approval. The Village and School District hereby represent and warrant to the Owner that they have validly authorized and approved this Agreement by all necessary proceedings, findings and actions. Accordingly, this Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the Parties, enforceable in accordance with its terms and provisions and does not require the consent of any other governmental authority. ARTICLE FIVE 2 General Provisions 5.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. 5.2 Breach. A Party shall be in breach of this Agreement if it shall fail to perform any of its respective obligations under this Agreement and after written notice from the other Party of such failure to perform, does not commence performance or curing the breach within thirty (30) days after such notice and diligently prosecute the same to completion. Each of the Parties shall have all remedies available at law or in equity to enforce this Agreement or recover damages in case of a breach of this Agreement beyond any applicable cure periods. 5.3 Amendment. This Agreement, and any exhibits attached hereto, may be amended only by the agreement of all of the Parties to this Agreement as evidenced by a written amendment signed by all Parties to this Agreement, with the adoption of an ordinance or resolution of the Village and School District approving the written amendment. 5.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth all agreements, understandings and covenants between the Parties relative to the matters herein contained. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and understandings, written and oral, and shall be deemed a full integration of the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the matters herein contained. This Agreement shall govern to the extent it conflicts with any ordinances or agreements executed between the Owner, Village and/or the School District. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties as of the Effective Date. 5.5 Severability. If any provisions, covenants, agreements or portions of this Agreement, or its application to any person, entity or property, is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the application or validity of any other provisions, covenants, agreements or portions of this Agreement and, to that end, all provisions, covenants, agreements or portions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. 5.6 Illinois Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. The Parties agree that in the event it is necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the Parties agree that venue shall only be proper in the Circuit Court of Lake County, Illinois or the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division 5.7 Notice. Any notice to be given or served hereunder or under any document or instrument executed pursuant hereto shall be in writing and shall be: (i) delivered personally, with a receipt requested therefor; or (ii) sent by confirmed facsimile; or (iii) sent by a recognized overnight courier service; or (iv) delivered by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, posted prepaid. All notices shall be addressed to the Parties at their respective addresses set forth below, and the same shall be effective: (a) upon receipt or refusal if delivered personally or by facsimile; (b) one (1) business day after depositing with such an overnight courier service; or (c) two (2) business days after deposit in the mails, if mailed. A Party may 3 change its address for receipt of notices by service of a notice of such change in accordance herewith: If to the Village: Village of Lake Zurich 70 East Main Street Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Attention: Village Mayor Fax: ___________________ With a Copy to: If to Owner: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Fax: _____________________ If to the School District: Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 400 S. Old Rand Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Attention: Superintendent Fax: 847-438-6702 5.8 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same agreement. 5.9 Consent or Approval. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, whenever consent or approval of a Party is required, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5.10 Assignment. Owner may at anytime assign this Agreement or any rights herein without the prior written consent of the Village or School District. 5.11 Covenants Running With Land. All of the provisions of this Agreement shall run with the land and are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties, their successors and assigns, and all subsequent owners of the Subject Property. Upon full execution of this Agreement, Owner shall record it against the Subject Property and provide all the Parties with a recorded stamped copy. 4 5.12 Miscellaneous. The article headings are inserted only for convenience and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any article in this Agreement. Throughout this Agreement, the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include both feminine and neuter, whenever appropriate. This Agreement shall be deemed and construed to be a joint and collective work product of the Parties and, as such, shall not be construed against either party, by any court of competent jurisdiction in order to resolve any inconsistency, ambiguity, vagueness, or conflict, if any, in the terms or provisions contained herein. [Signature Page Follows] 5 EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION (ATTACHED HERETO) 103963 A-1 Agenda TO: Board of Education FROM: Kathy Brown, President Board of Education AGENDA ITEM: Policy – Second Reading DATE: November 15, 2012 Background Information: Policy Review Committee sessions and the IASB have proposed the following revisions and additions to current policies: Policies for consideration by the Board at first reading 2:20 2:30 2:110 2:125 2:200 2:220 4:45 4:60 4:70 4:100 4:110 4:170 5:30 5:125 6:20 Powers and Duties of the School Board -Nonsubstantive edits to policy and Legal References. Footnotes updated in response to State legislation. School District Elections - Policy, Legal References, and footnotes updated in response to State legislation and to enhance clarity. Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers - Policy edited to enhance clarity; footnotes updated. Board Member Expenses - Policy, Legal References, and footnote updated. Types of School Board Meetings - Policy and footnotes updated in response to State legislation that is effective 1-1-2013. School Board Meeting Procedure - Policy and footnotes updated in response to State legislation that is effective 1-1-2013. Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery - RENAMED. Policy, Legal References, and footnotes updated in response to State legislation. Purchases and Contracts - Nonsubstantively updated. A footnote is amended in response to State legislation. Resource Conservation - Legal References are updated. A footnote is amended in response to State legislation. Insurance Management - Updated in response to subscriber feedback. The footnotes were amended in response to State legislation. Transportation - Policy text is unchanged. Footnotes updated in response to State legislation. Safety - Nonsubstantively updated. Footnotes were amended in response to State legislation. Hiring Process and Criteria - Policy, Legal References, and footnotes updated in response to State legislation that is effective 1-1-2013. Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct - Policy, Legal References, and footnotes updated in response to State legislation that is effective 1-12013. School Year Calendar and Day - Nonsubstantively updated. A footnote is changed in response to State legislation. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 6:60 6:65 6:210 6:235 7:70 Curriculum Content - Legal References are updated. Footnotes are updated in response to State legislation. Student Social and Emotional Development - Updated throughout to reflect ISBE and Ill. Children's Mental Health Partnership recommendations and resources. Cross references are updated. Instructional Materials - Nonsubstantively updated to enhance clarity. Access to Electronic Networks - Policy, Legal References and footnotes are updated. Attendance and Truancy - Nonsubstatively updated. A footnote is changed in response to State legislation. Five Year Review Policies IASB reviews each policy and administrative tool that was not updated during the previous five years. This process keeps their material aligned with good governance principles and keeps the footnotes and legal references current. Moreover, this process provides an occasion for school board members and administrators to review their materials to ensure that they are fulfilling their purpose. Organizational School Board Meeting - Policy text is unchanged; Legal References are 2:210 nonsubstantively edited. 6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program - Updated in the cross references and footnotes. (Final copies and markups are found on the following pages) Suggested Motion: Move to adopt the revisions and additions to the Board of Education Policy Manual as read. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 August 2010 October 2012 2:20 School Board Powers and Duties of the School Board The major powers and duties of the School Board include, but are not limited to: 1. Formulating, adopting, and modifying Board policies, at its sole discretion, subject only to mandatory collective bargaining agreements and State and federal law. 1 2. Employing a Superintendent and other personnel, making employment decisions, dismissing personnel, and establishing an equal employment opportunity policy that prohibits unlawful discrimination. 2 3. Directing, through policy, the Superintendent, in his or her charge of the District’s administration. 3 4. Approving the annual budget, tax levies, major expenditures, payment of obligations, annual audit, and other aspects of the District’s financial operation; and making available a statement of financial affairs as provided in State law. 4 5. Entering contracts using the public bidding procedure when required. 5 6. Indemnifying, protecting, and insuring against any loss or liability of the School District, Board members, employees, and agents as provided or authorized by State law. 6 7. Providing, constructing, controlling, and maintaining adequate physical facilities; making school buildings available for use as civil defense shelters; and establishing a resource conservation policy. 7 8. Establishing an discrimination. 8 equal educational opportunities policy that prohibits unlawful The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law controls this policy’s content. School board powers listed in the School Code are not exclusive (105 ILCS 5/10-20). This policy’s intent is to list the major statutory powers and duties – not all of them. For the first numbered paragraph, see 105 ILCS 5/10-20.5 and 115 ILCS 5/1 et seq. (Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act); and policy 2:240, Board Policy Development. 2 105 ILCS 5/10-21.4 (employing superintendent); 5/10-20.7 and 5/10-21.1 (teachers); 5/10-21.9 (criminal history records checks); 5/10-22.34 (non-certificated personnel); 5/10-22.4 (dismissing teachers for cause); and 5/10-23.5 and 5/2412 (reduction in force). See the policies in the PRESS Policy Reference Manual Sections 3, General School Administration, and 5, Personnel. 3 105 ILCS 5/10-16.7. 4 105 ILCS 5/10-20.1917, 5/10-20. 19 and 5/17-1 et seq. See policies in the PRESS Policy Reference Manual Section 4, Operational Services. 5 105 ILCS 5/10-20.21. See policy 4:60, Purchases and Contracts. 6 105 ILCS 5/10-20.20 , amended by P.A. 96-62 (duty to indemnify) and 5/10-22.3 (duty to insure against loss or liability). The statutes identify the same individuals who must be protected are identical in both statutes for protection except that the 2009 legislation amended the indemnification statute to add includes mentors for new of certified staff members. See policy 4:100, Insurance Management. 7 For the first clause, see 105 ILCS 5/10-20.6, (amended by P.A. 96-998), 5/10-20.12, 5/10-22.10, 5/10-22.35A, and 5/10-22.36; and policy 4:150, Facility Management and Building Programs. For the second clause, see 105 ILCS 5/1022.35. , amended by P.A. 96-57. For the third clause, see 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c; , amended by P.A. 95-741; and policy 4:70, Resource Conservation. 8 Many civil rights laws guarantee equal educational opportunities; see policy 7:10, Equal Educational Opportunities. 2:20 Page 1 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 9. Approving the curriculum, textbooks, and educational services. 9 10. Evaluating the educational program and approving School Improvement and District Improvement Plans. 10 11. Submitting Presenting the District report card and School report card(s) to parents/guardians , District taxpayers, the Governor, and the General Assembly, and the State Board of Education a school report card assessing the community; these documents report District, School and student performance. of its schools and students. 11 12. Establishing and supporting student discipline policies designed to maintain an environment conducive to learning, including deciding individual student suspension or expulsion cases brought before it. 12 13. Establishing attendance units within the District and assigning students to the schools. 13 14. Establishing the school year. 14 15. Requiring a moment of silence to recognize veterans during any type of school event held at a District school on November 11. 15 16. Providing student transportation services. 16 17. Entering into joint agreements with other boards to establish cooperative educational programs or provide educational facilities. 17 18. Complying with requirements in the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. Specifically, each individual Board member must, if an allegation is raised to the member during an open or closed Board meeting that a student is an abused child as defined in the Act, direct or cause the Board to direct the Superintendent or other equivalent school administrator to comply with the Act’s requirements concerning the reporting of child abuse. 18 19. Communicating the schools’ activities and operations to the community and representing the needs and desires of the community in educational matters. 19 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 9 105 ILCS 5/10-20.8. and 5/10-20.9. See policies in Section 6, Instruction. 10 105 ILCS 5/2-3.25d and 105 ILCS 5/27-1. See policies 6:10, Educational Philosophy and Objectives; and 6:15, School Accountability. 11 105 ILCS 5/10-17a. 105 ILCS 5/10-17a. This statute details the requirements for presenting the district report card and school report card(s), including presenting them at a regular school board meeting and posting them on the district’s website. 12 105 ILCS 5/10-22.6. See policies 7:190, Student Discipline; 7:200, Suspension Procedures; and 7:210, Expulsion Procedures. 13 105 ILCS 5/10-21.3 and 5/10-22.5. See policy 7:30, Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer. 14 105 ILCS 5/10-19 and 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420. See policy 6:20, School Year Calendar and Day. 15 Recognizing veterans on Nov. 11 is required by 105 ILCS 5/10-20.46. 16 105 ILCS 5/10-22.22. See policy 4:110, Transportation. 17 105 ILCS 5/10-22.31a. See policy 1:20, District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements. 18 325 ILCS 5/4. Abuse and neglect are defined in 325 ILCS 5/3; for a disabled adult student see 20 ILCS1305/1-17(b). 19 See policy 8:10, Connection with the Community. 2:20 Page 2 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/2-3.25d, 5/10, 1 et seq., 5/17-1, and 5/27-1. 115 ILCS 5/. /1 et seq. 325 ILCS 5/4. CROSS REF.: 1:10 (School District Legal Status), 1:20 (District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements), 2:10 (School District Governance), 2:80 (Board Member Oath and Conduct), 2:140 (Communications To and From the Board), 2:240 (Board Policy Development), 4:60 (Purchases and Contracts), 4:70 (Resource Conservation), 4:100 (Insurance Management), 4:110 (Transportation), 4:150 (Facility Management and Building Programs), 5:10 (Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment), 5:90 (Abused and Neglected Child Reporting), 6:10 (Educational Philosophy and Objectives), 6:15 (School Accountability), 6:20 (School Year Calendar and Day), 7:10 (Equal Educational Opportunities), 7:30 (Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer), 7:190 (Student Discipline), 7:200 (Suspension Procedures), 7:210 (Expulsion Procedures), 8:10 (Connection with the Community), 8:30 (Visitors to and Conduct on School Property) 2:20 Page 3 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2007 2012 2:30 School Board School District Elections 1 School District elections are non-partisan, governed by the general election laws of the State, and include the election of School Board members, various public policy propositions, and advisory questions. 2 Board members are elected at the consolidated election held on the first Tuesday in April in odd-numbered years. 3 If, however, that date conflicts with the celebration of Passover, the consolidated election is postponed to the first Tuesday following the last day of Passover. 4 The canvass of votes is conducted by the election authority within 21 days after the election. 5 The Board’s election duties are: 1. The Board, by proper resolution, may place public policy propositions on the ballot on the ballot: (a) public policy referendum according to Article 28 of the Election Code, or (b) advisory questions of public policy according to Section 9-1.5 of the School Code. 6 2. The Board President, Secretary, and the member with the longest continuous service, whose nominating petition is not being challenged, compose the Education Officers Electoral Board to hear and rule on objections to candidate nominating petitions and voter petitions. public questions. However, if any member of the Electoral Board is a candidate for the office for which the objection petition is filed, he or she is replaced on the Electoral Board by the School Board member with the second longest continuous service. 7 3. The Board Secretary or clerk serves as the local election official, assisted by designated representatives appointed by the Board. 8 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content. Consult the board attorney early concerning any election question. 2 105 ILCS 5/9 1 et seq.,; 10 ILCS 5/1-3, 5/2A 1.1 et seq.,, and 5/28 1 et seq. 3 10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1. 4 10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1a. 5 All local canvassing boards were abolished in 2006 . The School Code provision (5/9-18) requiring and school boards to no longer canvass was repealed by P.A. 95-141. elections. The appropriate “election authority” (county clerk or election commission) canvasses the vote for school district elections (10 ILCS 5/1-8). The election authority must canvass the vote within 21 days after the election (10 ILCS 5/22-17 and 5/22-18). , as amended by P.A. 94-647). Within 28 days after the consolidated election, boards must hold an organizational meeting to elect electing officers and fix a time and place for the regular meetings (105 ILCS 5/10-16). See policy 2:210, Organizational School Board Meeting. 6 To place a proposition on the ballot at a referendum, a Board must adopt a resolution citing the specific authorizing statute (10 ILCS 5/28-1 et seq.). This policy addresses two types of public questions: (1) binding referendum governed by 10 ILCS 5/28, and (2) advisory questions of public policy governed by 105 ILCS 5/9-1.5, added by P.A. 97-81. An advisory question must be authorized by majority vote of the board. A third type of public question – a voter-initiated petition – is not covered in the policy; the board does not have any duties regarding this type of petition. A voter-initiated petition must be filed with the school board secretary who, if the timelines are met, must certify the question to be placed on the ballot to the county clerk (10 ILCS 5/10-15, 5/28-2, and 5/28-5). 7 10 ILCS 5/10-9. 8 10 ILCS 5/10 1 et seq. and 5/17-22; 105 ILCS 5/9 1 et seq. 2:30 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: 10 ILCS 5/1-3, 5/2A, 1.1 et seq., 5/10-9, 5/22-17, 5/22-18, and 5/28 1 et seq. 105 ILCS 5/9 and 5/9-1.5. et seq CROSS REF.: 2:40 (Board Member Qualifications), 2:50 (Board Member Term of Office), 2:210 (Organizational School Board Meeting) 2:30 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2010 2012 2:110 School Board Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers 1 The School Board officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 2 These officers are elected or appointed by the Board at its organizational meeting. President 3 The Board elects a President from its members for a 2-year term. The duties of the President are to: 1. Focus the Board meeting agendas on appropriate content and preside at all meetings; 2. Make all Board committee appointments, unless specifically stated otherwise; 4 3. Attend and observe any Board committee meeting at his or her discretion; 5 4. Represent the Board on other boards or agencies; 5. Serve as chairperson of the Education Officers Electoral Board which hears challenges to Board candidate nominating petitions; 6. Sign official District documents requiring the President’s signature, including Board minutes and Certificate of Tax Levy; 7. Call special meetings of the Board; 8. Serve as the head of the public body for purposes of the Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act; 6 9. Ensure that a quorum of the Board is physically present at all Board meetings; 7 10. Administer the oath of office to new Board members; and 8 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law controls this policy’s content. Selection of officers must be in open session (5 ILCS 120/2). Board officer vacancies are discussed in Answers to FAQs: Vacancies on the Board of Education, Ill. Council of School Attorneys, 2 Districts governed by a board of directors have 3 officers: a president, clerk, and treasurer. The president and clerk must be board members (105 ILCS 5/10-5). 3 105 ILCS 5/10-13. The board by resolution may decrease to one year the term of office for the president. Of the listed duties, only the following are imposed by law: #1, preside at meetings (Id.); #5, chair Education Officers Electoral Board (10 ILCS 5/10-8); #6, sign minutes (105 ILCS 5/10-7) and sign certificate of tax levy (105 ILCS 5/17-11); #7, call special meetings (105 ILCS 5/10-16); and #8, serve as head of the public body for OMA and FOIA purposes (5 ILCS 140/2(e), 140/7(f), and 140/9.5. 4 Alternatively, strike the “unless” clause and substitute: “subject to Board approval.” Be sure this treatment is consistent with policy 2:150, Committees. 5 Optional. A board that wants the president to participate in committee meetings may use the following alternative: “Be a member of all Board committees.” Using this alternative, the president would be counted to determine the number of members that constitutes a quorum for each board committee meeting. If a board would like the superintendent to attend any or all meetings of a board committee, it should consider asking the superintendent to be a committee resource person (or other such title) rather than an ex-officio member of the board committee itself. That way, the superintendent will not count to determine the number of committee members that constitutes a quorum. 6 The head of the public body or its attorney may request an advisory opinion from the Attorney General concerning compliance with the Open Meetings Act or the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 120/3.5(h) and 5 ILCS 140/9.5(h). The Freedom of Information Act defines head of the public body to mean president or “such person’s duly authorized designee” (5 ILCS 140/2(e). Preliminary drafts, recommendations, and other records in which opinions are expressed, or policies are formulated, lose this exemption from disclosure if a relevant portion of a requested record is publicly cited and identified by the head of the public body (5 ILCS 140/7(f). 7 Optional. Requiring the president to monitor the presence of a quorum assists compliance with the Open Meetings Act’s mandate that a quorum be physically present at all board meetings (5 ILCS 120/7). 2:110 Page 1 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 11. Serve as the Board’s official spokesperson to the media. The President is permitted to participate in all Board meetings in a manner equal to all other Board members, including the ability to make and second motions. The Vice President fills a vacancy in the Presidency. 9 Vice President 10 The Board elects a Vice President from its members for a 2-year term. The Vice President performs the duties of the President if: 1. The office of President is vacant; 2. The President is absent; or 3. The President is unable to perform the office’s duties. A vacancy in the Vice Presidency is filled by a special Board election. Secretary 11 The Board elects a Secretary for a 2-year term. The secretary may be, but is not required to be, a Board member. The Secretary may receive reasonable compensation as determined by the Board before appointment. However, if the secretary is a Board member, the compensation shall not exceed $500 per year, as fixed by the Board at least 180 days before the beginning of the term. The duties of the Secretary are to: 1. Keep minutes for all Board meetings and keep the verbatim record for all closed Board meetings; 2. Mail meeting notification and agenda to news media who have officially requested copies; 3. Keep records of the Board’s official acts, and sign them, along with the President, before submitting them to the Treasurer at such times as the Treasurer may require; 4. Report to the Treasurer on or before July 7, annually, such information as the Treasurer is required to include in the Treasurer’s report to the Regional Superintendent; 12 5. Act as the local election authority for all Board elections; 6. Arrange public inspection of the budget before adoption; 8 Optional. Omit this duty if policy 2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct provides that the board member oath is given by other means. 9 105 ILCS 5/10-13.1 states that the “vice-president shall perform the duties of the president if there is a vacancy in the office of president or in case of the president’s absence or inability to act … .” However, an earlier enacted statute calls for the appointment of a president pro tempore if the president is absent from any meeting or refuses to perform his or her duties, and specifies that the “vice-president, if the board elects such officer, shall be appointed the president pro tempore,” (105 ILCS 5/10-13). This policy resolves any confusion by implementing the latter enacted statute and stating that the vice president fills a vacancy in the presidency. 10 105 ILCS 5/10-13.1. The board by resolution may decrease to one year the term of office for the vice president. 11 105 ILCS 5/10-14. The board by resolution may decrease to one year the term of office for the secretary. In districts governed by a board of directors, a clerk who is a board member performs these duties (105 ILCS 5/10-5). The policy’s provisions regarding compensation are required by 105 ILCS 5/10-14 (governs secretaries who are board members and nonboard members) and by 50 ILCS 145/2 (governs secretaries who are board members). Of the listed duties, only the following are imposed by law: #1, board meeting minutes (105 ILCS 5/10-7; see policy 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, for the requirements for minutes); #3, records board’s official acts and submits them to the treasurer (105 ILCS 5/10-7; #4, treasurer’s report (105 ILCS 5/10-8); #5, local election authority (10 ILCS 5/101 et seq. and 5/17-22; 105 ILCS 5/9-10); #6, public inspection of the budget (105 ILCS 5/17-1). 12 Use this alternative for districts in suburban Cook County: replace “Regional Superintendent” in item #4 with “appropriate Intermediate Service Center.” Use this alternative for districts in suburban Cook County: replace “Regional Superintendent” with “appropriate Intermediate Service Center.” P.A. 96-893 abolished the Regional Office of Education for Suburban Cook County and transferred its duties and powers to Intermediate Service Centers. 2:110 Page 2 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 7. Publish required notices; 8. Sign official District documents requiring the Secretary’s signature; and 9. Maintain Board policy , financial reports, publicity, and correspondence and such other official documents as directed by the Board. The Secretary may delegate some or all of these duties, except when State law prohibits the delegation. The Board appoints a secretary pro tempore, who may or may not be a Board member, if the Secretary is absent from any meeting or refuses to perform the duties of the office. A permanent vacancy in the office of Secretary is filled by special Board election. Recording Secretary 13 The Board may appoint a Recording Secretary who is a staff member. The Recording Secretary shall: 1. Assist the Secretary by taking the minutes for all open Board meetings; 2. Assemble Board meeting material and provide it, along with prior meeting minutes, to Board members before the next meeting; and 3. Perform the Secretary’s duties, as assigned, except when State law prohibits the delegation. In addition, the Recording Secretary or Superintendent receives notification from Board members who desire to attend a Board meeting by video or audio means. Treasurer 14 The Treasurer of the Board shall be either a member of the Board who serves a 1-year term or a nonBoard member who serves at the Board’s pleasure. 15 A Treasurer who is a Board member may not be compensated. 16 A Treasurer who is not a Board member may be compensated provided it is established before the appointment. 17 The Treasurer must: 18 1. Be at least 21 years old; The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 13 This section is optional. 14 This section is for: (1) districts in a Class I, or (2) a Class II county (Cook Co.) district that has withdrawn from the authority of the township treasurer or is located in a township in which the office of township treasurer was abolished. 105 ILCS 5/5-1 defines Class I county school units as districts in counties with less than 2,000,000 inhabitants. Those districts in Cook County (Class II county) under the authority of the trustees of schools of the township and the township treasurers should use this alternative: “Qualifications, appointment, and duties of the Treasurer for the School District shall be as provided in the School Code.” See 105 ILCS 5/8-1(a) for how the township treasurer is appointed and the term of office; duties are found in 105 ILCS 5/8-2, 5/8-6, 5/8-16, and 5/8-17. 15 105 ILCS 5/8-1(b). The treasurer’s term of office is 2 years if the district is located in a Class II county (Cook Co.) that was under the jurisdiction and authority of the township treasurer and township trustees of schools at the time those offices were abolished (105 ILCS 5/8-1(c). Those boards should use the following alternative: The Treasurer of the Board shall serve a 2-year term beginning and ending on the first day of July. 16 105 ILCS 5/8-1(b) and (c). 17 105 ILCS 5/8-3. 18 Qualification #1 is required for treasurers in a Class I county or Class II county (Cook) that withdrew from the authority of the township treasurer and township trustees of schools (105 ILCS 5/8-1(b). This sample policy makes it applicable to Class II county (Cook Co.) districts that were under the authority of the township treasurer and township trustees of schools at the time those offices were abolished. Qualification #2 is required for treasurers in a Class I county or Class II county (Cook Co.) that withdrew from the authority of the township treasurer and township trustees of schools (105 ILCS 5/8-1(b). Districts in Class II county (Cook Co.) that were under the authority of the township treasurer and township trustees of schools at the time those offices were abolished should replace this qualification as follows: “2. Not be the District Superintendent.” See 105 ILCS 5/8-1(c). Qualification #3 is required for treasurers in a Class I county. (105 ILCS 5/8-1(d). This qualification should be replaced by the following for districts in a Class II county (Cook Co.): “Upon being appointed for his or her first term, be a certified public accountant or a certified chief school business official as defined in the School Code; experience as a township treasurer in a Class II county school before July 1, 1989 is deemed equivalent.” See 105 ILCS 5/8-1(e). 2:110 Page 3 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 2. Not be a member of the County Board of School Trustees; and 3. Have a financial background or related experience, or 12 credit hours of college-level accounting. The Treasurer shall: 19 1. Furnish a bond, which shall be approved by a majority of the full Board; 2. Maintain custody of school funds; 3. Maintain records of school funds and balances; 4. Prepare a monthly reconciliation report for the Superintendent and Board; and 5. Receive, hold, and expend District funds only upon the order of the Board. A vacancy in the Treasurer’s office is filled by Board appointment. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/7 and 420/4A-106. 105 ILCS 5/8-1, 5/8-2, 5/8-3, 5/8-6, 5/8-16, 5/8-17, 5/10-1, 5/10-5, 5/10-7, 5/10-8, 5/10-13, 5/10-13.1, 5/10-14, 5/10-16.5, and 5/17-1. CROSS REF.: 2:80 (Board Member Oath and Conduct), 2:210 (Organizational School Board Meeting) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 19 105 ILCS 5/8-2, 5/8-6, and 5/8-16. 2:110 Page 4 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2010 2012 2:125 School Board Board Member Expenses No School Board member may receive compensation for services, except that a Board member serving as the Board Secretary may be paid an amount up to the statutory limit if the Board so provides. 1 The Board may advance or reimburse members the actual and necessary expenses incurred while attending: 2 1. Meetings sponsored by the Illinois State Board of Education or by the Regional Superintendent of Schools; 2. County or regional meetings and the annual meeting sponsored by any school board association complying with Article 23 of the School Code; and 3. Meetings sponsored by an organization in the field of public school education. In addition, the Board may reimburse a member for registration fees or tuition for a course that allowed the member to comply with the mandatory training described in policy 2:120, Board Member Development. 3 Expense reimbursement is not guaranteed and Board members should seek pre-approval of expenses, except in situations when the expense is diminutive. 4 A Board member must return to the District any portion of an expense advance not used. Members must submit an itemized, signed voucher to support any expense advanced or to seek expense reimbursement. The voucher must show the amount of actual expense, attaching receipts if possible. A Board member submitting a bill for a group function should record participating members’ names on the receipt. Money shall not be advanced or reimbursed for: (1) the expenses of any person except the Board member, or (2) anyone’s personal expenses. The Superintendent shall review the submitted vouchers for compliance with this policy. 5 If any voucher’s compliance appears uncertain, the Superintendent shall notify the Board President or Vice Add this The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law controls this policy’s content (105 ILCS 5/10-9, 5/10-10, and 5/22-1). The legal limit for board secretary compensation is $500 (105 ILCS 5/10-14). 2 Board members may not receive compensation for their services (Id.). The board, however, has the power to advance its members anticipated “actual and necessary expenses” incurred in attending only those meetings listed (105 ILCS 5/10-22.32). “Actual and necessary expenses” are those reasonably anticipated to be incurred on necessary travel and attendance days (105 ILCS 5/10-22.32). footnoteUse this alternative for districts in suburban Cook County: replace “Regional Superintendent of Schools” with “appropriate Intermediate Service Center.” Use this alternative for districts in suburban Cook County: replace “Regional Superintendent” with “appropriate Intermediate Service Center.” P.A. 96-893 abolished the Regional Office of Education for Suburban Cook County and transferred its duties and powers to Intermediate Service Centers. 3 Boards have this power under 105 ILCS 5/10-20; this statute specifies that the grant of powers to school boards is not exclusive and that school boards may exercise other powers that are not inconsistent with duties. A board may expand this provision’s scope by adding the following to the sentence: “… , or other training provided by one of the entities described in the above list.” 4 This paragraph’s provisions are required by 105 ILCS 5/10-22.32, except the provisions requiring: (1) pre-approval, and (2) that participating members’ names be included in a group bill. 5 Nothing in this paragraph is required by law. However, the paragraph is consistent with the “IASB Principles of Effective Governance,” i.e., that the board is responsible for itself. 2:125 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Page 1 of 3 President if the voucher in question is from the President, as well as the Board member who submitted the voucher. The Superintendent shall include the voucher in the monthly list of bills that is presented to the Board for approval or rejection. Registration When possible, registration fees will be paid by the District in advance. Transportation The least expensive transportation will be used, providing that no hardship will be caused to the Board member. Board members will be reimbursed for: 1. Air travel at the coach or single class commercial airline rate. First class air travel will be reimbursed only if emergency circumstances warrant. The emergency circumstances must be explained on the expense voucher. Copies of airline tickets must be attached to the expense voucher. 2. Rail or bus travel at actual cost. Rail or bus travel costs may not exceed the cost of coach airfare. Copies of tickets will be attached to the expense voucher to substantiate amounts. 3. Use of personal automobiles at the standard mileage rate approved by the Internal Revenue Service for income tax purposes. The reimbursement may not exceed the cost of coach airfare. Mileage for use of personal automobiles in trips to and from transportation terminals will also be reimbursed. Toll charges and parking costs will be reimbursed. 4. Automobile rental costs when the vehicle’s use is warranted. The circumstances for such use must be explained on the expense voucher. 5. Taxis, airport limousines, or other local transportation costs. Hotel/Motel Charges Board members should request conference rate or mid-fare room accommodations. A single room rate will be reimbursed. Board members should pay personal expenses at checkout. If that is impossible, deductions for the charges should be made on the expense voucher. Meal Charges Meal charges to the School District should represent “mid-fare” selections for the hotel/meeting facility or general area. 6 Tips are included with the meal charges. Expense vouchers must explain the meal charges incurred. Miscellaneous Expenses Board members may seek reimbursement for other expenses incurred while attending a meeting sponsored by organizations described herein by fully describing the expenses on the expense voucher, attaching receipts if possible. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 6 Alternatively, a board could set a daily limit on meal costs, such as: Board members will be reimbursed for meal costs and tips up to $ per day. 2:125 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Page 2 of 3 LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20 and 5/10-22.32. CROSS REF.: 2:100 (Board Member Conflict of Interest), 2:120 (Board Member Development), 4:50 (Payment Procedures) 2:125 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Page 3 of 3 January October 2012 2:200 School Board Types of School Board Meetings 1 General For all meetings of the School Board and its committees, the Superintendent or designee shall satisfy all notice and posting requirements contained herein as well as in the Open Meetings Act. This shall include mailing meeting notifications to news media that have officially requested them and to others as approved by the Board. 2 Unless otherwise specified, all meetings are held in the District’s main office. 3 Board policy 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, governs meeting quorum requirements. The Superintendent is designated on behalf of the Board and each Board committee to receive the training on compliance with the Open Meetings Act that is required by Section 1.05(a) of that Act. The Superintendent may identify other employees to receive the training. 4 Each Board member must complete a course of training on the Open Meetings Act as required by Section 1.05(b) or (c) of that Act. 5 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law controls this policy’s content. The provisions of the Open Meetings Act (OMA) do not apply to collective bargaining negotiations and grievance arbitrations as provided in 115 ILCS 5/18. 2 5 ILCS 120/2.02. These responsibilities may be given to anyone. 3 State law only requires that meetings be held in a location convenient and open to the public and no open meeting is allowed to be held on a legal holiday unless the regular meeting day falls on that holiday (5 ILCS 120/2.01). With limited exceptions, A board may not meet in a private residence because it would not be convenient and open to the public (Public Access Opinion 12-8). Any person may record an open meeting (5 ILCS 120/2.05). See policy 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure. 4 Each board must designate at least one employee or member to receive training on compliance with OMA (5 ILCS 120/1.05). Revise this paragraph if the board designates other individual(s) to receive the training. A list of designated individual(s) must be submitted to the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor. The designated individual(s) must successfully complete an electronic training curriculum administered by the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor within 30 days after that designation, and thereafter must successfully complete an annual training program. The OMA does not specify duties for the designated individuals who receive the training but presumably they would assist the board in its OMA compliance efforts. 5 5 ILCS 120/1.05(b) applies to training administered by the Attorney General’s office; 1.05(c) applies to training administered by IASB (both subparts added by P.A. 97-504). Board members seated on or before 1-1-2012 must complete the training by 1-1-2013 (Id.). Board members elected or appointed after 1-1-2012 must complete the training not later than 90 days after taking the oath of office (Id.). Even before this law, compliance with the OMA has always been considered a shared responsibility of board members. Failing to complete the OMA training does not affect the validity of an action taken by the board nor is it considered a criminal violation (5 ILCS 120/1.05(b) and 120/4, amended by P.A. 97-504). However, a person found to have violated any other provisions of the OMA is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a $1500 fine or 30 days in jail (5 ILCS 120/4, amended by P.A. 97-504). 2:200 Page 1 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Regular Meetings The Board announces the time and place for its regular meetings at the beginning of each fiscal year. 6 The Superintendent shall prepare and make available the calendar of regular Board meetings. Meeting dates The regular meeting calendar may be changed with 10 days’ notice in accordance with State law. 7 A meeting agenda shall be posted at the District’s main office and the Board’s meeting room, or other location where the meeting is to be held, at least 48 hours before the meeting. 8 Items not specifically on the agenda may still be considered during the meeting. Closed Meetings 9 The Board and Board committees may meet in a closed meeting to consider the following subjects: 1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). 10 2. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2). The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 6 The OMA and the School Code have different provisions regarding the establishment of a regular meeting schedule. The OMA requires each public body to prepare and make available a regular meeting schedule at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year (5 ILCS 120/2.03). The School Code states that this task is accomplished during the organizational meeting. By announcing the schedule at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year and by fixing the schedule at the organizational meeting, a board can implement both laws. Note that the phrase in this sample policy, “at the beginning of each fiscal year,” can be changed to “at the beginning of each calendar year.” 7 Regular meeting dates may be changed by giving at least 10 days notice in a newspaper of general circulation and posting a notice at the district’s main office (5 ILCS 120/2.03). Districts with a population of less than 500, in which no newspaper is published, may give the 10 days notice by posting a notice in at least 3 prominent places within the district, in addition to posting a notice at the district’s main office (Id.). Notice shall also be given to those news media having filed an annual request to receive notifications (Id.). 8 5 ILCS 120/2.02(a). The posting location may need modification to comply with the law’s requirement that the agenda be posted at the district’s main office. For agenda requirements, see policy 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure. OMA also requires that “any required notice and agenda be continuously available for public viewing during the entire 48-hour period preceding the meeting.” Emphasis added, 5 ILCS 120/2.02(c), amended by P.A. 97-827 (eff. 1-1-2013). The requirement for continuously available is satisfied if the district posts any required notice and agenda on its website. However, to comply with the legislative intent, posting on the district website does not replace the posting described in this sentence. See Rep. Pihos remarks reported in New open-meetings law; is hard-copy posting of agendas still required?, Sept. 2012, Illinois Bar Journal. For districts that do not post board meeting agendas on a website (because they do not have a website maintained by a fulltime staff member), add the following sentence: The agenda shall be continuously available for public review during the entire 48-hour period preceding the meeting. If a notice or agenda is not continuously available for the full 48-hour period due to actions outside of the district’s control, the lack of availability does not invalidate any meeting or action taken. 9 The reasons for closed meetings are frequently addressed in court decisions and Attorney General opinions; only a few of these decisions/opinions are mentioned in the footnotes. 10 According to a binding opinion of the Public Access Counselor, “The exception is not intended to allow private discussion of fiscal matters, notwithstanding that they may directly or indirectly impact the employees of the public body,” (Public Access Opinion 12-11). 2:200 Page 2 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 3. The selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in the Open Meetings Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office, when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(3). 4. Evidence or testimony presented in open hearing, or in closed hearing where specifically authorized by law, to a quasi-adjudicative body, as defined in the Open Meetings Act, provided that the body prepares and makes available for public inspection a written decision setting forth its determinative reasoning. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(4). 5. The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5). 6. The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6). 7. The sale or purchase of securities, investments, or investment contracts. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(7). 8. Security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8). 9. Student disciplinary cases. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9). 10. The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10). 11. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). 12. The establishment of reserves or settlement of claims as provided in the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, if otherwise the disposition of a claim or potential claim might be prejudiced, or the review or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the public body or any intergovernmental risk management association or self insurance pool of which the public body is a member. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(12). 13. Self evaluation, practices and procedures or professional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a statewide association of which the public body is a member. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(16). 11 14. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21). 15. Meetings between internal or external auditors and governmental audit committees, finance committees, and their equivalents, when the discussion involves internal control weaknesses, identification of potential fraud risk areas, known or suspected frauds, and fraud interviews The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 11 IASB field services directors are available to facilitate a board self-evaluation. 2:200 Page 3 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards of the United States of America. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(28). 12 The Board may hold a closed meeting, or close a portion of a meeting, by a majority vote of a quorum, taken at an open meeting. The vote of each Board member present, and the reason for the closed meeting, will be publicly disclosed at the time of the meeting and clearly stated in the motion and the meeting minutes. 13 A single motion calling for a series of closed meetings may be adopted when such meetings will involve the same particular matters and are scheduled to be held within 3 months of the vote. 14 No final Board action will be taken at a closed meeting. 15 Reconvened or Rescheduled Meetings A meeting may be rescheduled or reconvened. Public notice of a rescheduled or reconvened meeting shall be given in the same manner as that for a special meeting, except that no public notice is required when the original meeting is open to the public and: (1) is to be reconvened within 24 hours, or (2) an announcement of the time and place of the reconvened meeting was made at the original meeting and there is no change in the agenda. 16 Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by the President or by any 3 members of the Board by giving notice thereof, in writing, stating the time, place, and purpose of the meeting to remaining Board members by mail at least 48 hours before the meeting, or by personal service at least 24 hours before the meeting. 17 Public notice of a special meeting is given by posting a notice at the District’s main office at least 48 hours before the meeting and by notifying the news media that have filed a written request for notice. A meeting agenda shall accompany the notice. 18 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 12 P.A. 97-318. 13 5 ILCS 120/2a. Provided the open meeting was properly noticed, no additional notice is required to close the meeting. A motion to close a meeting can be as simple as, “I move that the Board hold [go into] a closed session to discuss [state one of the closed meeting grounds with reference to the specific section authorizing the closed meeting].” The adequacy of a motion to go into closed session was discussed in Henry v. Anderson and Champaign Community Unit School Dist. No. 4, 827 N.E.2d 522 (Ill.App.4, 2005). A statutory citation is not required in the motion to go into closed session, but the OMA does require a reference to the specific exception. The litigation exception is tricky. If the litigation has been filed and is pending, the motion to go into closed session need only state that the board will discuss litigation that has been filed and is pending. If the litigation has not been filed, the board must: (1) find that the litigation is probable or imminent, and (2) record and enter into the minutes the basis for that finding. 14 Id. 15 5 ILCS 120/2(e). 16 5 ILCS 120/2.02. 17 105 ILCS 5/10-16 (2 members of a board of directors; 105 ILCS 5/10-6). Lawyers disagree whether 3 members may call a special meeting without violating the OMA, although there is general agreement that no violation occurs if 3 members call a special meeting while they are participating in a lawful board committee meeting with the matter on the agenda. 18 5 ILCS 120/2.02. News media that gave the board an address or telephone number within the district’s territorial jurisdiction must be given notice in the same manner as that given board members. OMA requires that “any required notice and agenda be continuously available for public viewing during the entire 48hour period preceding the meeting.” Emphasis added, 5 ILCS 120/2.02(c), amended by P.A. 97-827 (eff. 1-1-2013). The requirement for continuously available is satisfied if the district posts any required notice and agenda on its website. Posting on the district website does not replace the posting described in this paragraph. See f/n #8. 2:200 Page 4 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. No All matters will be discussed , considered, or brought before by the Board at any special meeting other than such matters as were included in the stated purpose of must be related to a subject on the meeting agenda. 19 Emergency Meetings Public notice of emergency meetings shall be given as soon as practical, but in any event, before the meeting to news media that have filed a written request for notice. 20 Posting on the District Website 21 In addition to the other notices specified in this policy, the Superintendent or designee shall post the following on the District website: (1) the annual schedule of regular meetings, which shall remain posted until the Board approves a new schedule of regular meetings; (2) a public notice of all Board meetings; and (3) the agenda for each regular meeting which shall remain posted until the regular meeting is concluded. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/, Open Meeting Act. 5 ILCS 140/, Freedom of Information Act. 105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:110 (Qualifications Term, and Duties of Board Officers), 2:120 (Board Member Development), 2:210 (Organizational School Board Meetings), 2:220 (School Board Meeting Procedure), 2:230 (Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board), 6:235 (Access to Electronic Networks) For districts that do not post board meeting notices and agendas on a website (because they do not have a website maintained by a fulltime staff member), add the following sentence: The notice and agenda shall be continuously available for public review during the entire 48-hour period preceding the meeting. 19 Id. And Lawyers disagree whether the Open Meetings Act mandates this restriction, i.e., whether it restricts board discussions to items related to an item on the special meeting agenda. The Act limits board action to items on the agenda (5 ILCS 120/2.02(c), added by P.A. 97-827, eff. 1-1-2013); .The it states that the validity of any board action that taken “which is germane to a subject on the agenda is shall not be affected by other errors or omissions in the agenda,” (5 ILCS 120/2.02(a). (Id.). For agenda requirements, see policy 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure. 20 5 ILCS 120/2.02(a). 21 Required only if the district has a website that is maintained by a full-time staff member; if not, this section may be omitted (5 ILCS 120/2.02). Note that 5 ILCS 120/2.02(b) requires that a notice of all meetings be posted on the district website, but only notices of regular meetings must remain posted until the regular meeting is concluded. As this is an obvious oversight, it is wise to leave the notice of every meeting on the website until after the meeting occurred. The agenda must remain on the district website until the regular meeting is concluded (Id.). 2:200 Page 5 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2010 2012 2:220 School Board School Board Meeting Procedure 1 Agenda The School Board President is responsible for focusing the Board meeting agendas on appropriate content. 2 The Superintendent shall prepare agendas in consultation with the Board President. The President shall designate a portion of the agenda as a consent agenda for those items that usually do not require discussion or explanation before Board action. Upon the request of any Board member, an item will be withdrawn from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda for independent consideration. 3 Each Board meeting agenda shall contain the general subject matter of any item that will be the subject of final action at the meeting. 4 Items submitted by Board members to the Superintendent or the President shall be placed on the agenda for an upcoming meeting. 5 District residents may suggest inclusions for the agenda. 6 The Board will take final action only on items contained in the posted agenda; items not specifically on the agenda may still be discussed. during the meeting; no action will be taken on such items. The Superintendent shall provide a copy of the agenda, with adequate data and background information, to each Board member at least 48 hours before each meeting, except a meeting held in the event of an emergency. 7 The meeting agenda shall be posted in accordance with Board policy 2:200, Types of School Board Meetings. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law requires boards to have a policy concerning: (1) the public’s right to record meetings (5 ILCS 120/2.05), and (2) if applicable, attendance by video or audio means (5 ILCS 120/7). Boards are not mandated to have a policy on the remaining topics covered in this policy. The following items are matters of local discretion: agenda preparation and contents, process for board members to have items placed on agenda, receipt and handling of residents’ requests for agenda inclusions, and order of business. 2 Appropriate agenda content includes: establishing board processes, clarifying the district’s purpose, delegating authority, defining operating limits, monitoring district progress, and taking legally required board action. See IASB Foundational Principles of Effective Governance. 3 To comply with the Open Meetings Act’s mandate that minutes contain a “summary of discussion on all matters proposed, deliberated, or decided,” a board should include a list of consent items in the agenda. 4 5 ILCS 120/2.02(c), amended by P.A. 97-827 (eff. 1-1-2013). The Ill. Appellate Court held that the Open Meetings Act prohibits a board from voting on a matter at a regular meeting that is not on the pre-meeting published agenda (Rice v. Board of Trustees of Adams County, 762 N.E.2d 1205 (Ill.App.4, 2002). 5 An alternative follows: Any Board member may submit suggested agenda items to the Board President for his or her consideration. 6 See policy 2:230, Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board. In districts governed by a board of school directors, an appointed board official must give a person requesting consideration of a matter by the board a formal written response no later than 60 days after receiving the request. The response must establish a meeting before the board or list the reasons for denying the request (105 ILCS 5/10-6). Options follow to restrict the addition of new agenda items; the phrases between [ ] may be used together, separately, or eliminated. Discussion items may be added to the agenda [at the beginning of a regular meeting] [upon unanimous approval of those Board members present]. 7 State law does not require this, except that 105 ILCS 5/10-16 requires members to receive a written notice of a special meeting that includes the meeting’s purpose. 2:220 Page 1 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. The Board President shall determine the order of business at regular Board meetings. Upon consent of a majority of members present, the order of business at any meeting may be changed. Voting Method Unless otherwise provided by law, when a vote is taken upon any measure before the Board, with a quorum being present, a majority of the votes cast shall determine its outcome. 8 A vote of abstain or present, or a vote other than yea or nay, or a failure to vote, is counted for the purposes of determining whether a quorum is present. A vote of abstain or present, or a vote other than yea or nay, or a failure to vote, however, is not counted in determining whether a measure has been passed by the Board, unless otherwise stated in law. The sequence for casting votes is rotated. 9 On all questions involving the expenditure of money and on all questions involving the closing of a meeting to the public, a roll call vote shall be taken and entered in the Board’s minutes. An individual Board member may request that a roll call vote be taken on any other matter; the President The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 8 In most situations, the failure of a member to vote has the effect of acquiescence or concurrence with the majority of votes cast. Prosser v. Village of Fox Lake, 438 N.E.2d 134 (1982); People v. Bertrand, 2012 IL App (1st) 111419 (9-282012). For example, a motion passes with a vote of 2 yeas, 1 nay, and 4 abstentions. A motion fails with a vote of 2 yeas, 3 nays, and 2 abstentions. A motion fails with a vote of 3 yeas, 3 nays, and one abstain because there is no majority. Exceptions include when a statute requires the affirmative vote of a majority or extra. Statutory exceptions include the following board actions: 1. To dismiss Dismissing a teacher for any reason other than reduction of staff or elimination of that position must be approved requires approval by the majority of all members (105 ILCS 5/24-12). 2. To direct Directing the sale of district real property or buildings thereon must be approved by at least 2/3 of the board members (105 ILCS 5/5-22). 3. To make Making or renew renewing a lease of school property to another school district or municipality or body politic and corporate for a term longer than 10 years, or to alter the terms of such a lease whose unexpired term exceeds 10 years, must be approved requires approval by at least 2/3 of the board’s full membership (105 ILCS 5/10-22.11). 4. To leaseLeasing any building, rooms, grounds, and appurtenances to be used by the district for school or administration purposes for a term longer than 10 years, or to alter the terms of such a lease whose unexpired term exceeds 10 years, must be approved requires approval by at least 2/3 of the board’s full membership (105 ILCS 5/10-22.12). 5. To obtain Obtaining personal property by lease or installment contract must be approved requires approval by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of the board members. Personal property includes computer hardware and software and all equipment, fixtures, and improvements to existing district facilities to accommodate computers (105 ILCS 5/10-22.25a). 6. To adopt Adopting a supplemental budget after a successful referendum must be approved requires approval by a majority of the full board (105 ILCS 5/17-3.2). 7. To petition Petitioning the circuit court for an emergency election must be approved requires approval by a majority of the members (10 ILCS 5/2A-1.4). 8. To expend Expending funds in emergency situation in the absence of required bidding when such emergency expenditure is approved requires approval by at least 3/4 of the board (105 ILCS 5/10-20.21). 9. To exchange Exchanging school building sites must be approved requires approval by at least a 2/3 majority of the board (105 ILCS 5/5-23). 10. To waiveWaiving the administrative cost cap must be approved requires approval by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of the board (105 ILCS 5/17-1.5). 10.11. Authorizing an advisory question of public policy to be placed on the ballot at the next regularly scheduled election requires approval by a majority of the board (105 ILCS 5/9-1.5, added by P.A. 97-81). 9 Voting sequence is at the board’s discretion. A board may indicate how frequently it changes the voting sequence by adding after each vote, monthly, or annually to the end of the sentence. All board members, including officers, may make motions and vote. 2:220 Page 2 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. or other presiding officer may approve or deny the request but a denial is subject to being overturned by a majority vote of the members present. 10 Minutes The Board Secretary shall keep written minutes of all Board meetings (whether open or closed), which shall be signed by the President and the Secretary. 11 The minutes include: 12 1. The meeting’s date, time, and place; 2. Board members recorded as either present or absent; 3. A summary of the discussion on all matters proposed, deliberated, or decided, and a record of any votes taken; 4. On all matters requiring a roll call vote, a record of who voted yea and nay; 5. If the meeting is adjourned to another date, the time and place of the adjourned meeting; 6. The vote of each member present when a vote is taken to hold a closed meeting or portion of a meeting, and the reason for the closed meeting with a citation to the specific exception contained in the Open Meetings Act authorizing the closed meeting; 7. A record of all motions, including individuals making and seconding motions; 8. Upon request by a Board member, a record of how he or she voted on a particular motion; 13 and 9. The type of meeting, including any notices and, if a reconvened meeting, the original meeting’s date. The minutes shall be submitted to the Board for approval or modification at its next regularly scheduled open meeting. Minutes for open meetings must be approved within 30 days after the meeting or at the second subsequent regular meeting, whichever is later. 14 At least semi-annually in an open meeting, the Board: (1) reviews minutes from all closed meetings that are currently unavailable for public release, and (2) decides which, if any, no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection. 15 The Board may meet in a prior The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 10 This paragraph’s first sentence contains the requirements in 105 ILCS 5/10-7. The second sentence is optional and may be deleted or amended. Other optional provisions include: Option 1: Any Board member may include a written explanation of his or her vote in the District file containing individual Board member statements; the explanation will not be part of the minutes. Option 2: Any Board member may request that his or her vote be changed before the President announces the result. 11 105 ILCS 5/10-7 and 5 ILCS 120/2.06. The minutes are the only record showing that the board took official action, including necessary prerequisites to make such action legally sufficient. A non-member recording secretary or clerk may be given these responsibilities (105 ILCS 5/10-14). 12 All items listed are required to be recorded in minutes except items 7-9; other items may be included at the board’s discretion (5 ILCS 120/2.06 and 120/2a; 105 ILCS 5/10-7). 13 The intent behind this optional item is to give an individual member a means of recording his or her support or opposition to a motion that was taken by oral vote; it will record that the individual took an alternative position to that of the majority without having the minutes recite unnecessary detail. 14 Required by 5 ILCS 120/2.06(b). 15 Required by 5 ILCS 120/2.06(c). While board notes from closed sessions may be confidential under the Freedom of Information Act, they may be discoverable by the opposing party in a lawsuit. Bobkoski v. Cary School Dist. 26, 141 F.R.D. 88 (N.D. Ill., 1992). The failure to strictly comply with the semi-annual review does not cause the written minutes or related verbatim record to become public, provided that the board, within 60 days of discovering its failure to strictly comply, reviews the closed session minutes and reports the result of that review in open session (5 ILCS 120/2.06). 2:220 Page 3 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. closed session to review the minutes from closed meetings that are currently unavailable for public release. 16 The Board’s meeting minutes must be submitted to the Board Treasurer at such times as the Treasurer may require. 17 The official minutes are in the custody of the Board Secretary. 18 Open meeting minutes are available for inspection during regular office hours within 10 days after the Board’s approval; 19 they may be inspected in the District’s main office, in the presence of the Secretary, the Superintendent or designee, or any Board member. Minutes from closed meetings are likewise available, but only if the Board has released them for public inspection. The minutes shall not be removed from the Superintendent’s office except by vote of the Board or by court order. The Board’s open meeting minutes shall be posted on the District website within 10 days after the Board approves them; the minutes will remain posted for at least 60 days. 20 Verbatim Record of Closed Meetings The Superintendent, or the Board Secretary when the Superintendent is absent, shall audio record all closed meetings. 21 If neither is present, the Board President or presiding officer shall assume this responsibility. After the closed meeting, the person making the audio recording shall label the recording with the date and store it in a secure location. The Superintendent shall ensure that: (1) an audio recording device and all necessary accompanying items are available to the Board for every closed meeting, and (2) a secure location for storing closed meeting audio recordings is maintained close to the Board’s regular meeting location. 22 After 18 months have passed since being made, the audio recording of a closed meeting is destroyed provided the Board approved: (1) its destruction, and (2) minutes of the particular closed meeting. 23 Individual Board members may listen to verbatim recordings when that action is germane to their responsibilities. In the interest of encouraging free and open expression by Board members during closed meetings, the recordings of closed meetings should not be used by Board members to confirm or dispute the accuracy of recollections. 24 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 16 5 ILCS 120/2 allows boards to discuss the confidentiality needs of closed meeting minutes in closed meetings. 17 Required by 105 ILCS 5/10-7. 18 Optional provision: “A copy of the minutes is kept in a secure location appropriate for valuables.” 19 Required by 5 ILCS 120/2.06. 20 Posting on the website is required only if the district has a website that is maintained by a full-time staff member; if not, this sentence may be omitted (5 ILCS 120/2.06(b). 21 Boards must keep a verbatim record of their closed meetings in the form of an audio or video recording (5 ILCS 120/2.06). This sample policy uses audio recording only; a board that uses a video recording should amend this policy. The interests of continuity, efficiency, and ease of holding someone accountable suggest that the superintendent be made responsible for making and storing the verbatim recordings. If the superintendent is not present, e.g., during discussions concerning the superintendent’s contract, the tasks should be given to a board member. 22 Alternatively, use: “is maintained within the District’s main office.” 23 This paragraph paraphrases 5 ILCS 120/2.06(c). No notification to, or the approval of, a records commission or the State Archivist is needed if a recording is destroyed under the conditions listed. 24 This sentence is optional. Intra-board conflicts may escalate if the recording is used to confirm or dispute who-saidwhat. 2:220 Page 4 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Quorum and Participation by Audio or Video Means 25 A quorum of the Board must be physically present at all Board meetings. A majority of the full membership of the Board constitutes a quorum. Provided a quorum is physically present, a Board member may attend a meeting by video or audio conference if he or she is prevented from physically attending because of: (1) personal illness or disability, (2) employment or District business, or (3) a family or other emergency. If a member wishes to attend a meeting by video or audio means, he or she must notify the recording secretary or Superintendent at least 24 hours before the meeting unless advance notice is impractical. The recording secretary or Superintendent will inform the Board President and make appropriate arrangements. A Board member who attends a meeting by audio or video means, as provided in this policy, may participate in all aspects of the Board meeting including voting on any item. Rules of Order Unless State law or Board-adopted rules apply, the Board President, as the presiding officer, will use Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (10th Edition), as a guide when a question arises concerning procedure. 26 Broadcasting and Recording Board Meetings Any person may record or broadcast an open Board meeting. 27 Special requests to facilitate recording or broadcasting an open Board meeting, such as seating, writing surfaces, lighting, and access to electrical power, should be directed to the Superintendent at least 24 hours before the meeting. Recording meetings shall not distract or disturb Board members, other meeting participants, or members of the public. The Board President may designate a location for recording equipment, may restrict the movements of individuals who are using recording equipment, or may take such other steps as are deemed necessary to preserve decorum and facilitate the meeting. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/2a, 120/2.02, 120/2.05, and 120/2.06. 105 ILCS 5/10-6, 5/10-7, 5/10-12, and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:200 (Types of School Board Meetings), 2:150 (Committees), 2:210 (Organizational School Board Meeting), 2:230 (Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 25 5 ILCS 120/2.01 and 120/7. See also 105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-12. In order to allow attendance by video or audio means, a board must adopt a policy conforming to the restrictions in the Open Meetings Act. The statute requires the board member who wishes to attend remotely to notify the “recording secretary or clerk of the public body.” The policy includes the superintendent as a possible person to receive the notice. Everything in this section is required aside from provisions on the length of notification that is given the secretary and the process for accommodating the request. Alternatively, a board may: (1) prohibit members from participating by video or audio means by omitting this section, (2) add other requirements, or (3) alter the 24 hour notification. Note that the statute does not contemplate someone either approving or denying a request, only that the request be accommodated if the notification is provided. 26 Boards are not required to follow any particular rules of order. Rules, however, must be in writing and available for public inspection, in order to have any legal effect (105 ILCS 5/10-20.5). 27 The public’s right to record meetings must be addressed in board policy (5 ILCS 120/2.05). However, a provision requiring advance notice to record a meeting is invalid (Public Access Opinion 12-10). 2:220 Page 5 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. May October 2012 4:45 Operational Services Insufficient Fund Checks Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery Insufficient Fund Checks 1 The Superintendent or designee is responsible for collecting the maximum fee authorized by State law for returned checks written to the District that are not honored upon presentation to the respective bank or other depository institution for any reason. The Superintendent is authorized to contact the District’s attorney whenever necessary to collect the returned check amount, fee, collection costs and expenses, and interest. Delinquent Debt Recovery 2 The Superintendent is authorized to seek collection of delinquent debt owed the District. The Superintendent or designee shall execute the requirements in any intergovernmental agreement between the District and the Illinois Office of the Comptroller (Comptroller) that has the purpose of debt recovery. The intergovernmental agreement establishes the terms under which the District may request, and the Comptroller will execute, a deduction (offset) of the amount of a debt owed the District from a future payment that the State makes to an individual or entity responsible for paying the debt. The Comptroller will pay the amount deducted to the District and the District will credit that amount against the balance owed to the District until the debt is paid. The Superintendent or designee is responsible, without limitation, for each of the following: 1. Providing notice and due process to the individual or entity against whom a claim is made. Written notice must be given the individual or entity responsible for paying a debt before the debt is certified to the Comptroller for offset. The notice must state the claim’s amount, the reason for the amount due, the claim’s date or time period, and a description of the process to challenge the claim. An individual or entity challenging a claim shall be provided an informal proceeding to refute the claim’s existence, amount, or current collectability; the decision following this proceeding shall be reviewable. An appeal of the denial of a fee waiver request shall be handled according to 4:140, Waiver of Student Fees. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content. State law controls this policy’s content. 810 ILCS 5/3-806 authorizes a $25.00 collection fee whenever a check is not honored upon presentation because the individual does not have an account with the bank, the individual does not have sufficient funds in his or her account, or the individual does not have sufficient credit with the bank. 2 This section is optional but because the policy’s title refers to debt recovery, at least the first sentence should be retained. The Comptroller operates an Offset System for collecting debt owed to the State, political subdivisions of the State, and school districts by persons receiving payments from the State. Seeking debt recovery through an offset of a future payment the State makes to a debtor is optional. The requirements in this policy for obtaining an offset are either in statute or the Comptroller’s intergovernmental agreement (15 ILCS 405/10.05 and 10.05d, amended by P.A. 97-632). The first step to participate is to enter into the intergovernmental agreement with the Comptroller’s office. Contact a Local Debt Recovery Program (LDRP) manager with the Office of the Comptroller to join. Program managers work one-on-one with districts. The LDRP’s general number is 312/814-2488 and email is Contact the board attorney for advice and assistance. While this paragraph is not a prerequisite to participation in the Offset Program, it will help the board’s monitoring function by identifying the Program’s important components. Moreover, it serves as an element of due process by informing the public and the district’s debtors that the district will collect debt through the Offset Program. 4:45 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 2. Certifying to the Comptroller that the debt is past due and legally enforceable, and notifying the Comptroller of any change in the status of an offset claim. 3. Responding to requests for information from the Comptroller to facilitate the prompt resolution of any protest received by the Comptroller. LEGAL REF.: 15 ILCS 405/10.05 and 10.05d. 810 ILCS 5/3-806. 4:45 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. May October 2012 4:60 Operational Services Purchases and Contracts 1 The Superintendent shall manage the District’s purchases and contracts in accordance with State law, the standards set forth in this policy, and other applicable School Board policies. Standards for Purchasing and Contracting All purchases and contracts shall be entered into in accordance with State law. The Board Attorney shall be consulted as needed regarding the legal requirements for purchases or contracts. All contracts shall be approved or authorized by the Board. All purchases and contracts should support a recognized District function or purpose as well as provide for good quality products and services at the lowest cost, with consideration for service, reliability, and delivery promptness, and in compliance with State law. 2 No purchase or contract shall be made or entered into as a result of favoritism, extravagance, fraud, or corruption. Adoption of the annual budget authorizes the Superintendent or designee to purchase budgeted supplies, equipment, and services, provided that State law is followed. Purchases of items outside budget parameters require prior Board approval, except in an emergency. 3 When presenting a contract or purchase for Board approval, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that it complies with applicable State law, including but not limited to, those specified below: 1. Supplies, materials, or work involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000 must comply with the State law bidding procedure, 105 ILCS 5/10-20.21, unless specifically exempted. 4 2. Construction, lease, or purchase of school buildings must comply with State law and Board policy 4:150, Facility Management and Building Programs. 3. Guaranteed energy savings must comply with 105 ILCS 5/19b-1 et seq. 4. Third party non-instructional services must comply with 105 ILCS 5/10-22.34c. 5. Goods and services that are intended to generate revenue and other remunerations for the District in excess of $1,000, including without limitation vending machine contracts, sports The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law controls this policy’s content. 105 ILCS 10-20.21 contains bidding plus other requirements. Other laws also govern district contracts. For example, the Prevailing Wage Act requires, among other things, that a district specify in all contracts for public works that the prevailing wage rate must be paid (820 ILCS 130/). When a district awards work to a contractor without a public bid, contract, or project specification, the district must provide the contractor with written notice on the purchase order or a separate document indicating that not less than the prevailing rate of wages shall be paid to all laborers, workers, and mechanics performing work on the project (820 ILCS 130/4). In addition, the district must notify all contractors of any rate changes by the Dept. of Labor. The law allows a district to discharge this duty by including the following language in all contracts: “Any prevailing rate of wages as they are revised by the Dept. of Labor shall apply to this contract. You are notified that any rate changes to the prevailing wage rate are available on the Dept.’s official website.” (820 ILCS 130/4, amended by P.A. 97-964, eff. 1-1-13, and see 4:60-E, Notice to Contractors for sample language). 2 This end statement should be amended according to local board discretion. 3 An optional addition follows: “Notwithstanding the above, the Superintendent shall not commit to any single, noncustomary purchase or expenditure, excluding personnel, of greater than $_______________ without prior Board approval.” This optional provision’s intent is to provide an internal control as well as to keep the board involved when the district is making a large purchase or expenditure, e.g., copiers, computers, textbooks, or something that might not happen every year. It is intended to cover purchases/expenditures regardless of whether they were previously budgeted. 4 See 4:60-AP1, Purchases, for bidding exemptions and the requirements for electronic bid opening. A board may set a lower bidding threshold by policy but should first seek its attorney’s advice because such action may expand a board’s vulnerability to a bidding challenge. 4:60 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. and other attire, class rings, and photographic services, must comply with 105 ILCS 5/1020.21. The Superintendent or designee shall keep a record of: (1) each vendor, product, or service provided, (2) the actual net revenue and non-monetary remuneration from each contract or agreement, and (3) how the revenue was used and to whom the non-monetary remuneration was distributed. The Superintendent or designee shall report this information to the Board by completing the necessary forms that must be attached to the District’s annual budget. 5 6. The purchase of paper and paper products must comply with 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c and Board policy 4:70, Resource Conservation. 6 The Superintendent or designee shall: (1) execute the reporting and website posting mandates in State law concerning District contracts, and (2) monitor the discharge of contracts, contractors’ performances, and the quality and value of services or products being provided. 7 LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c, 5/10-20.21, 5/10-22.34c, and 5/19b-1 et seq. 820 ILCS 130/. CROSS REF.: 2:100 (Board Member Conflict of Interest), 4:70 (Resource Conservation), 4:150 (Facility Management and Building Programs) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 5 105 ILCS 5/10-20.21(b-5). 6 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c. 7 This is an optional provision. The numerous reporting and website posting mandates are in 2:250-E2, Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records. As an alternative to the policy’s default language, a board may insert the underscored: The Superintendent or designee shall: (1) execute the reporting and website posting mandates in State law concerning District contracts and maintain a status report for monthly presentation to the Board, and (2) monitor the discharge of contracts, contractors’ performances, and the quality and value of services or products being provided. 4:60 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2008 2012 4:70 Operational Services Resource Conservation 1 The Superintendent or designee shall manage a program of energy and resource conservation for the District that includes: 1. Periodic review of procurement procedures and specifications to ensure that purchased products and supplies are reusable, durable, or made from recycled materials, if economically and practically feasible. 2 2. Purchasing recycled paper and paper products in amounts that will, at a minimum, meet the specifications in the School Code, if economically and practically feasible. 3 3. Periodic review of procedures on the reduction of solid waste generated by academic, administrative, and other institutional functions. These procedures shall: (a) require recycling the District’s waste stream, including landscape waste, computer paper, and white office paper, if economically and practically feasible; (b) include investigation of the feasibility of potential markets for other recyclable materials that are present in the District’s waste stream; and (c) be designed to achieve, before July 1, 2020, at least a 50% reduction in the amount of solid waste that is generated by the District. 4 4. Adherence to energy conservation measures. 5 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content (105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c, as amended by P.A. 95-741). 2 Required by 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c(a-5), as amended by P.A. 95-741. 3 Required by 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c(b) - (e), as amended by P.A. 95-741. As of 1992, all paper purchased for publishing student newspapers must be recycled newsprint (105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c(b)(5). 4 Required by 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c(e-5), as amended by P.A. 95-741. Everything in this paragraph is mandatory except that the statute only “encourages” districts to investigate “potential markets for other recyclable materials that are present in the school district’s waste stream.” 5 Districts are authorized to enter into “guaranteed energy savings contracts” to implement energy conservation measures, including any improvement, repair, alteration of any school district building, or any equipment or fixture to be added to a district building, that is designed to reduce energy consumption or operation costs (105 ILCS 5/19b). The guaranteed energy savings contract must provide that all payments are to be made over time and energy cost savings must be specified and guaranteed to the extent necessary to pay the costs of the energy conservation measures. State law provides the process for requesting proposals and entering into contracts. Any contract is valid whether or not funding has been appropriated in any budget adopted by the board. Consult the board attorney about whether an energy conservation measure qualifies for funding as an energy conservation project under the Ill. Finance Authority Act (20 ILCS 3501/). The Ill. Finance Authority Act now specifically includes energy conservation projects in school districts. The Act’s definition of energy conservation project is almost identical to the School Code’s definition of energy conservation measure; it also includes measures that reduce the amount of electricity or natural gas required to achieve a given end use, consistent with Section 1-10 of the Ill. Power Agency Act (20 ILCS 3501/820-10, amended by P.A. 97-760). Funding under the Ill. Finance Authority Act requires a certification that the project will be a cost-effective energy-related project that will lower energy or utility costs in connection with the operation or maintenance of such building or facility, and will achieve energy cost savings sufficient to cover bond debt service and other project costs within 10 years from the date of project installation. 4:70 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c. CROSS REF.: 4:60 (Purchases and Contracts), 4:150 (Facility Management and Building Programs) 4:70 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. September 2009 October 2012 4:100 Operational Services Insurance Management 1 The Superintendent shall annually recommend and maintain all insurance programs that provides the broadest and most complete coverage available at the most economical cost, consistent with sound insurance principles. The insurance program shall include: 2 1. Liability coverage to insure against any loss or liability of the School District and the listed individuals against civil rights damage claims and suits, constitutional rights damage claims and suits, and death and bodily injury and property damage claims and suits, including defense costs, when damages are sought for negligent or wrongful acts allegedly committed in the scope of employment or under the Board’s direction or related to any mentoring services provided to the District’s certified staff members; School Board members; employees; volunteer personnel authorized by 105 ILCS 5/10-22.34, 5/10-22.34a, and 5/1022.34b; mentors of certified staff members authorized in 105 ILCS 5/21A-5 et seq. (new teacher), 105 ILCS 5/2-3.53a (new principal), and 2-3.53b (new superintendents); and student teachers. 3 2. Comprehensive property insurance covering a broad range of causes of loss involving building and personal property. The coverage amount shall normally be for the replacement cost or the insurable value. 3. Workers’ Compensation to protect individual employees against financial loss in case of a work-related injury, certain types of disease, or death incurred in an employee-related situation. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law controls this policy’s content. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guarantees the continuity of health insurance benefits for individuals changing employment. It also contains provisions promoting the: (1) standardization and efficiency for the electronic submission, processing, and payment of health care claims, and (2) security and privacy requirements for health information (see 45 C.F.R. §§160 and 164). School officials are urged to consult with their insurance providers and legal counsel to devise a compliance plan. 2 Other types of district-purchased insurance should also be listed here, such as: (1) insurance programs for employees and their dependents (105 ILCS 5/10-22.3a) (any employee or retired employee insurance program is a mandatory subject of bargaining) and (750 ILCS 75/) (provides persons entering into a civil union with the obligations, responsibilities, protections and benefits afforded or recognized by Ill. law to spouses), and (2) district-purchased insurance on student athletes as allowed by 105 ILCS 5/22-15. The latter type of insurance should be distinguished from insurance offered through the district by an insurance company covering students and paid for by the student’s family. 3 A board’s duty to indemnify and protect specific individuals is found in 105 ILCS 5/10-20.20, amended by P.A. 9662. A board’s duty to insure against loss or liability is found in 105 ILCS 5/10-22.3. The lists of individuals to be protected are identical in both statutes except that mentors was added in 2009 to only the indemnification statute. As the best method for providing indemnification is through insurance, this policy includes mentors in its list of individuals covered by the district’s liability insurance. 4:100 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, P. L. 99-272, ¶ 1001, 100 Stat. 222, 4980B(f) of the I.R.S. Code, 42 U.S.C. §300bb-1 et seq. 105 ILCS 5/10-20.20, 5/10-22.3, 5/10-22.3a, 5/10-22.3b, 5/10-22.3f, 5/10-22.34, 5/10-22.34a, and 5/10-22.34b. 215 ILCS 5/. 750 ILCS 75/. 820 ILCS 305/. 4:100 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. January October 2012 4:110 Operational Services Transportation 1 The District shall provide free transportation for any student in the District who resides: (1) at a distance of one and one-half miles or more from his or her assigned school, unless the School Board has certified to the Illinois State Board of Education that adequate public transportation is available, 2 or (2) within one and one-half miles from his or her assigned school where walking to school or to a pick-up point or bus stop would constitute a serious hazard due to vehicular traffic or rail crossing, and adequate public transportation is not available. 3 A student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may file a petition with the Board requesting transportation due to the existence of a serious safety hazard. 4 Free transportation service and vehicle adaptation is provided for a special education student if included in the student’s individualized educational program. 5 Non-public school students shall be transported in accordance with State law. 6 Homeless students shall be transported in accordance with Section 45/1-15 of the Education for Homeless Children Act. 7 If a student is at a location within the District, other than his or her residence, for child care purposes at the time for transportation to and/or from school, that location may be considered for purposes of determining the 1½ miles from the school attended. Unless the Superintendent or designee establishes new routes, pick-up and drop-off locations for students in day care must be along the District’s The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content. A district that chooses to consider locations other than individual students’ residences as pick-up and drop-off locations must adopt a policy establishing this practice to receive State reimbursement (23 Ill.Admin.Code §120.30). Each district must have a pre-trip and post-trip inspection policy (625 ILCS 5/12-816). An ISBE rule requires boards to “institute policies and practices that promote the safety and well-being of school bus passengers,” (23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.510). See the cross references for these. If your district does not provide transportation or if it transports all students, please contact an IASB Policy Consultant for gratis help customizing this policy. 2 Only the following districts must provide free transportation as described in the sample policy: community consolidated districts, community unit districts, consolidated districts, consolidated high school districts, and combined school districts if the combined district includes any district that was previously required to provide transportation (105 ILCS 5/29-3 and 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.510(a). Districts that are not required to provide free transportation may do so (Id.). To qualify for State reimbursement, districts electing to provide transportation when they are not required to do so must afford the same service to all students in that same situation (23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.510(b). Districts may provide transportation within 1-1/2 miles and may charge for such transportation (105 ILCS 5/29-2). Important: the board of a district that is does not required to provide free transportation must amend this policy. preferably after consulting Please contact an IASB Policy Consultant for gratis help customizing this policy. You may also need to consult the board attorney. , if the district charges for transportation or does not provide transportation. Optional provision: (105 ILCS 5/29-3.1) The District may provide transportation to and from school-sponsored activities and may charge for such transportation. 3 105 ILCS 5/29-3 and 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.510. 4 Required by 105 ILCS 5/29-3. If a petition is filed, the district must conduct a study and forward its findings to the Illinois Department of Transportation for review. 5 34 C.F.R. §300.34 and 23 Ill.Admin.Code §226.750. 6 105 ILCS 5/29-3.2 and 5/29-4. 7 105 ILCS 45/. State law implements the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §11431 et seq. 4:110 Page 1 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. regular routes. The District will not discriminate among types of locations where day care is provided, which may include the premises of licensed providers, relatives’ homes, or neighbors’ homes. 8 Bus schedules and routes shall be determined by the Superintendent or designee and shall be altered only with the Superintendent or designee’s approval and direction. In setting the routes, the pick-up and discharge points should be as safe for students as possible. 9 No school employee may transport students in school or private vehicles unless authorized by the administration. 10 Every vehicle regularly used for the transportation of students must pass safety inspections in accordance with State law and Illinois Department of Transportation regulations. 11 The strobe light on a school bus may be illuminated only when the bus is actually being used as a school bus and (1) is stopping or stopped for loading or discharging students on a highway outside an urban area, or (2) is bearing one or more students. 12 The Superintendent shall implement procedures in accordance with State law for accepting comment calls about school bus driving. 13 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 8 This paragraph may should be deleted if a district will not seek State reimbursement for transportation to and from locations other than individual students’ residences. As a condition for receiving State reimbursement, an ISBE rule requires boards to have a policy with the provisions in this paragraph (23 Ill.Admin.Code §120.30). This rule also contains the nondiscrimination language. 9 The paragraph is optional. As an alternative, a board may state that pick-up and discharge points “should be as safe and convenient as possible.” 10 Optional. This presents an opportunity for each board to discuss this issue with the superintendent and direct the superintendent to include it in the curriculum for the required in-service on educator ethics, teacher-student conduct, and school employee-student conduct for all personnel (105 ILCS 5/10-22.39). See 5:120, Ethics and Conduct (f/n 2), and 5:100 Staff Development (f/n 3), for more detailed discussions. Include policies 5:100, Staff Development and 5:120, Ethics and Conduct, in the cross references when this sentence is used. 11 625 ILCS 5/13-109. 625 ILCS 5/11-1414.1 requires districts to transport The vehicle and other requirements for transporting students to and from interscholastic or school-sponsored activities, including curriculum-related activities, are found in 105 5/29-6.3 and 625 ILCS 5/11-1414.1, amended by P.A. 97-896. These statutes also contain requirements for the use of multi-function school activity buses (defined at 625 ILCS 5/1-148.3a-5, amended by P.A. 97-378). The legislature frequently amends these statutes, along with many transportation laws; they should be double-checked before relying on them. any curriculumrelated school activity in a school bus or vehicle as defined at 625 ILCS 5/1-182. This transportation includes: (1) to and from home and school, (2) tripper or shuttle services between school attendance centers, (3) to and from a vocational or career center or other trade-skill development site, (4) to and from a regional safe school, (5) to and from a school-sponsored alternative learning program, and (6) trips directly related to the regular curriculum of a student for which he or she earns credit. 105 ILCS 5/29-6.3, amended by P.A. 97-378, requires districts to transport students to and from specified interscholastic or school-sponsored activities in: (1) a school bus (see definition in 625 ILCS 5/1-182), (2) a vehicle manufactured to transport not more than 10 persons including the driver, or (3) a multifunction school-activity bus manufactured to transport 11 or more persons including the driver These activities do not require student participation as part of the education services of the district and are not associated with the regular class-for-credit schedule or required 5 clock hours of instruction 12 625 ILCS 5/12-815. 13 625 ILCS 5/12-821(b) requires districts that own school busses and multifunction school activity busses to establish procedures for accepting comment calls and responding to them. In accordance with good governance principles, this duty is delegated to the superintendent. For a sample procedure, see 4:110-AP2, Bus Driver Communication Devices; Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection; Bus Driving Comments. 4:110 Page 2 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. All contracts for charter bus services must contain the clause prescribed by State law regarding criminal background checks for bus drivers. 14 Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Vehicle Inspection 15 The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement a pre-trip and post-trip inspection procedure to ensure that the school bus driver: (1) tests the two-way radio and ensures that it is functioning properly before the bus is operated, and (2) walks to the rear of the bus before leaving the bus at the end of each route, work shift, or work day, to check the bus for children or other passengers in the bus. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 14 105 ILCS 5/10-20.21a, requires all contracts for providing charter bus services to transport students to or from interscholastic athletic or interscholastic or school sponsored activities to contain clause (A) except that a contract with an out-of-state company may contain clause (B) or clause (A). The clause must be set forth in the contract’s body in at least 12 points typeface and all upper case letters: (A) “ALL OF THE CHARTER BUS DRIVERS WHO WILL BE PROVIDING SERVICES UNDER THIS CONTRACT HAVE, OR WILL HAVE BEFORE ANY SERVICES ARE PROVIDED: (1) SUBMITTED THEIR FINGERPRINTS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE IN THE FORM AND MANNER PRESCRIBED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE. THESE FINGERPRINTS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST THE FINGERPRINT RECORDS NOW AND HEREAFTER FILED IN THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE AND FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS DATABASES. THE FINGERPRINT CHECK HAS RESULTED IN A DETERMINATION THAT THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF COMMITTING ANY OF THE OFFENSES SET FORTH IN SUBDIVISION (C-1)(4) OF SECTION 6508 OF THE ILLINOIS VEHICLE CODE; AND (2) DEMONSTRATED PHYSICAL FITNESS TO OPERATE SCHOOL BUSES BY SUBMITTING THE RESULTS OF A MEDICAL EXAMINATION, INCLUDING TESTS FOR DRUG USE, TO A STATE REGULATORY AGENCY.” (B) “NOT ALL OF THE CHARTER BUS DRIVERS WHO WILL BE PROVIDING SERVICES UNDER THIS CONTRACT HAVE, OR WILL HAVE BEFORE ANY SERVICES ARE PROVIDED: (1) SUBMITTED THEIR FINGERPRINTS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE IN THE FORM AND MANNER PRESCRIBED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE. THESE FINGERPIRNTS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST THE FINGERPRINT RECORDS NOW AND HEREAFTER FILED IN THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE AND FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS DATABASES. THE FINGERPRING CHECK HAS RESULTED IN A DETERMINATION THAT THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF COMMITTING ANY OF THE OFFENSES SET FORTH IN SUBDIVISION (C-1)(4) OF SECTION 6508 OF THE ILLINOIS VEHICLE CODE; AND (2) DEMONSTRATED PHYSICAL FITNESS TO OPERATE SCHOOL BUSES BY SUBMITTING THE RESULTS OF A MEDICAL EXAMINATION, INCLUDING TESTS FOR DRUG USE, TO A STATE REGULATORY AGENCY.” 15 625 ILCS 5/12-816(a) requires school districts to have a school bus pre- and post-trip inspection policy with the components as contained in this policy. See also 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.510(i)(3) and 92 Ill.Admin.Code §440-3. For a sample procedure, see 4:110-AP2, Bus Driver Communication Devices; Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection; Bus Driving Comments. School district contracts with a private sector school bus company must require the company to have a pre- and post-trip inspection policy that is equivalent to this section of the policy (625 ILCS 5/12-816(b). Each school bus must contain an operating two-way radio while the school bus driver is in possession of a school bus (625 ILCS 5/12-813). The two-way radio must be turned on and adjusted in a manner that would alert the driver of an incoming communication request. Two-way radios may not be as effective as cell phones: they do no good when the bus driver is out of the bus with children (the radio is in the bus but the driver is with the children on a field trip, for example) and their range may be inferior to that of cell phones. Four important exceptions allow a driver to use a cell phone while operating a bus: (1) in an emergency situation to communicate with an emergency response operator; a hospital; a physician’s office or health clinic; an ambulance service; a fire department, fire district, or fire company; or a police department; (2) in the event of a “mechanical breakdown or other mechanical problem;” (3) to communicate with school authorities about bus operation or the safety of a passenger on the bus; and (4) when the bus is parked. However under no circumstances may the cell phone be used for anything else including personal use (625 ILCS 5/12-813.1). 4:110 Page 3 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §11431 et seq. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.22 and 5/29-1 et seq. 105 ILCS 45/1-15. 625 ILCS 5/1-148.3a-5, 5/1-182, 5/11-1414.1, 5/12-813, 5/12-813.1, 5/12-815, 5/12-816, 5/12-821, and 5/13-109. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §§1.510 and 226.750; Part 120. 92 Ill.Admin.Code §440-3. CROSS REF.: 4:170 (Safety), 5:100 (Staff Development), 5:120 (Ethics and Conduct), 5:280 (Educational Support Personnel - Duties and Qualifications), 6:140 (Education of Homeless Children), 7:220 (Bus Conduct) ADMIN. PROC.: 4:110-AP2 (Bus Driver Communication Devices; Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection; Bus Driving Comments), 4:170-AP3 (School Bus Safety Rules), 4:170-E3 (Emergency Medical Information for Students Having Special Needs or Medical Conditions Who Ride School Buses), 6:140-AP (Education of Homeless Children) 4:110 Page 4 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. January October 2012 4:170 Operational Services Safety 1 Safety Program All District operations, including the education program, shall be conducted in a manner that will promote the safety of everyone on District property or at a District event. 2 The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement a comprehensive safety and crisis plan incorporating both avoidance and management guidelines. 3 The comprehensive safety and crisis plan shall specifically include provisions for: injury prevention; bomb threats, weapons, and explosives on campus; school safety drill program; 4 tornado protection; instruction in safe bus riding practices;5 emergency aid; post-crisis management; and, responding to medical emergencies at an indoor and outdoor physical fitness facility. 6 During each academic year, each school building that houses school children must conduct a minimum of: 7 1. Three school evacuation drills, 2. One bus evacuation drill, The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law requires a policy on some aspects of this policy and controls this policy’s content. This policy contains an item on which collective bargaining may be required. Any policy that impacts upon wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, is subject to collective bargaining upon request by the employee representative, even if the policy involves an inherent managerial right. 2 This simple end statement should be discussed (what effect or impact will this district statement have on the students and the community?) and altered accordingly before board adoption. 3 See administrative procedure 4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Crisis Program. 4 See the School Safety Drill Act, 105 ILCS 128/. 5 Required by 105 ILCS 128/20(b) and 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14 for all students. 6 The Physical Fitness Facility Medical Emergency Preparedness Act, 210 ILCS 74/, broadened the definition of physical fitness facility to include outdoor facilities. Entities operating a “physical fitness facility must adopt and implement a written plan for responding to medical emergencies that occur at the facility during the time that the facility is open for use by its members or by the public.” Administrative procedures, consistent with the Ill. Dept. of Public Health rules (77 Ill.Admin.Code Part 527), must support this policy in order to comply with the law. A school with a physical fitness facility must ensure that there is a trained AED user on staff during staffed business hours (210 ILCS 74/15 (b). “During staffed business hours” is not well defined and may change based upon the school’s various circumstances. Physical fitness facility excludes any activity or program organized by a private or not-for-profit organization and organized and supervised by a person or persons other than the employees of the school (210 ILCS 74/5.25). Schools with an outdoor physical fitness facility must have an AED on site and a trained AED user available only during activities or events sponsored and conducted or supervised by a person or persons employed by the school (210 ILCS 74/15(b-15). There is no longer a requirement for a person supervising an activity at an outdoor physical fitness facility to bring an AED along if there is no building within 300 feet of the outdoor physical fitness facility (Id. at (b-10), amended by P.A. 96-1268). However, when there is a building within 300 feet of the outdoor facility where an event or activity is being conducted, an AED must still be housed within that building and the building must provide unimpeded and open access to the housed AED along with marked directions to it (Id.). Consult the board attorney about AED issues and how to manage compliance with the Act and its implementing rules. Insert the following language if a board wants to define physical fitness facility in the policy: The term physical fitness facility excludes any activity or program organized by a private or not-for-profit organization and organized and supervised by a person or persons other than the employees of the school. 7 Required by the School Safety Drill Act, 105 ILCS 128/. 105 ILCS 5/2-3.12 authorizes fire officials to conduct routine fire safety checks, provided written notice is given to the principal requesting to schedule a mutually agreed upon time. No more than 2 routine inspections may be made in a calendar year. For information about documenting minimum compliance with the School Safety Drill Act, see 4:170 Page 1 of 6 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 3. One severe weather and shelter-in-place drill, and 4. One law enforcement drill. The law enforcement drill must be conducted according to the District’s comprehensive safety and crisis plan, with the participation of the appropriate law enforcement agency. This drill may be conducted on days and times that students are not present in the building. 8 In the event of an emergency that threatens the safety of any person or property, students and staff are encouraged to use any available cellular telephone. 9 The Superintendent or designee shall implement the Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act in accordance with the guidance published by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Implementation of the Act shall be directed toward improving the safety of moveable soccer goals by requiring that they be properly anchored. 10 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 8 Required by 105 ILCS 128/20(c). Schools must conduct a law enforcement drill to address incidents, including without limitation reverse evacuation, lock-downs, shooting, bomb threat, or hazardous materials. See footnote 3 supra. 9 Cell phone use is addressed in 105 ILCS 5/10-20.28 (allows boards to regulate student use of cell phones; also see 7:190, Student Discipline) and 625 ILCS 5/12-610.1(e), amended by P.A. 97-830, eff. 1-1-13, (prohibits wireless telephone use at any time while operating a motor vehicle on a roadway in a school speed zone except for (1) highway construction or maintenance workers within their work zones, (2) any use for emergency purposes, (3) law enforcement officers or emergency responders performing their duties, (4) a person using a wireless telephone in voice-operated mode with or without use of a headset, and (5) a person with technology that uses a single button to initiate or terminate a voice communication, e.g., HandsFreeLink®). 625 ILCS 5/12-813.1, amended by P.A. 96-1066, provides four exceptions that allow a bus driver to use a cell phone while operating a bus: (1) in an emergency situation to communicate with an emergency response operator; a hospital; a physician’s office or health clinic; an ambulance service; a fire department, fire district, or fire company; or a police department; (2) in the event of a “mechanical breakdown or other mechanical problem;” (3) to communicate with school authorities about bus operation or the safety of a passenger on the bus; and (4) when the bus is parked. However, under no circumstances may the cell phone be used for anything else including personal use (625 ILCS 5/12-813.1, amended by P.A. 96-1066). See policy 4:110, Transportation, for a more detailed discussion of two-way radios and cellular telephone use. 10 The Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act, a/k/a Zach’s Law, 430 ILCS 145/, added by P.A. 97-234. This paragraph is required only if the school district owns and controls a movable soccer goal, and it should be included in this policy only by those districts. The Act requires: (1) organizations that own and control a movable soccer goal to create a soccer goal safety and education policy that outlines how the organization will specifically address the safety issues associated with movable soccer goals, and (2) the Ill. Department of Public Health to provide technical assistance materials no later than June 30, 2012, which are available at: 4:170 Page 2 of 6 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Convicted Child Sex Offender and Notification Laws 11 State law prohibits a child sex offender from being present on school property or loitering within 500 feet of school property when persons under the age of 18 are present, unless the offender meets either of the following two exceptions: 1. The offender is a parent/guardian of a student attending the school and has notified the Building Principal of his or her presence at the school for the purpose of: (i) attending a conference with school personnel to discuss the progress of his or her child academically or socially, (ii) participating in child review conferences in which evaluation and placement decisions may be made with respect to his or her child regarding special education services, or (iii) attending conferences to discuss other student issues concerning his or her child such as retention and promotion; or 2. The offender received permission to be present from the School Board, Superintendent, or Superintendent’s designee. If permission is granted, the Superintendent or Board President shall provide the details of the offender’s upcoming visit to the Building Principal. In all cases, the Superintendent, or designee who is a certified employee shall supervise a child sex offender whenever the offender is in a child’s vicinity. 12 If a student is a sex offender, the Superintendent or designee shall develop guidelines for managing his or her presence in school. 13 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 11 Four laws are relevant to this section: Paragraphs 1-3 contain the requirements in the Criminal Code, 720 ILCS 5/11-9.3, regulating a child sex offender’s presence on school property; Paragraph 4 concerns the Sex Offender Community Notification Law, 730 ILCS 152/101 et seq., and Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Community Notification Law, 730 ILCS 154/75-105, amended by P.A. 97-154; Paragraph 5 contains the requirements in the School Code concerning mandatory criminal history records check on those contractors’ employees who have a “direct, daily contact with students,” (105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(f). Sample policy 5:30, Hiring Process and Criteria, and administrative procedure 5:30-AP2, Investigations, address the criminal offenses listed at 105 ILCS 5/21B-80, added by P.A. 97-607. Being convicted of one will disqualify an individual from work at the school district (105 ILCS 5/10-21.9, amended by P.A. 97-607). If the board president or district (see f/n #17 infra) receives information concerning the record of conviction as a sex offender of any contractor’s employee, the district must provide the information to another school, school district, community college district, or private school that requests it (105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(h), amended by P.A. 97-248). An Illinois federal court denied a father’s request to enjoin a school’s policy that prohibited him, as a child sex offender, from attending his children’s school activities in Doe v. Paris Union School Dist., No. 05-2249, 2006 WL 44304 (C.D.Ill., 2006). 12 720 ILCS 5/11-9.3. The statute assigns the child sex offender the “duty to remain under the direct supervision of a school official.” In order to ensure this happens and to protect students, the sample policy requires the superintendent, or designee who is a certified employee, to supervise a child sex offender whenever the offender is in a child’s vicinity. See also policy 8:30, Visitors to and Conduct on School Property. 13 Aside from rumor and notoriety, there are 3 ways that school officials may learn that an enrolled student is a sex offender or a violent offender against youth, that is: 1. By being informed by the student or the student’s parent/guardian. 2. Through the Illinois State Police Sex Offender Database, A juvenile sex offender is listed there after the juvenile becomes 17 years old and will be listed for the remaining registration period (730 ILCS 150/2). The database is updated daily and allows searching by name, city, county, zip code, compliance status, or any combination thereof. 3. By receiving notification from a law enforcement agency that a juvenile sex offender or juvenile violent offender against youth is enrolled in a school. The law enforcement agency having jurisdiction to register the juvenile must provide a copy of the offender registration form to the building principal and guidance counselor designated by the 4:170 Page 3 of 6 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. The Superintendent shall develop procedures for the distribution and use of information from law enforcement officials under the Sex Offender Community Notification Law and the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Community Notification Law. The Superintendent or designee shall serve as the District contact person for purposes of these laws. 14 The Superintendent and Building Principal shall manage a process for schools to notify the parents/guardians during school registration that information about sex offenders is available to the public as provided in the Sex Offender Community Notification Law. 15 This notification must occur during school registration and at other times as the Superintendent or Building Principal determines advisable. All contracts with the School District that may involve an employee or agent of the contractor having any contact, direct or indirect, with a student, shall contain the following: 16 The contractor shall not send to any school building or school property any employee or agent who would be prohibited from being employed by the District due to a conviction of a crime listed in 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9, or who is listed in the Statewide Sex Offender Registry or the Statewide Violent Offender Against Youth Database. The contractor shall obtain a fingerprint-based criminal history records check before sending any employee or agent to any school building or school property. Additionally, at least quarterly, the contractor shall check principal; the school must keep the registration form separately from the student’s school records (730 ILCS 152/121). If a sex offender is enrolled in a school, guidelines for managing the sex offender’s presence in school should be prepared. The components will depend on the situation but generally should include asking the parent/guardian of a sex offender below the age of 17 years for permission to share the information with certain staff for the protection of both the student and other students. In addition, the guidelines should include a supervision plan providing supervision for the student during all aspects of his or her school day. Finally, the guidelines must respect the privacy of juvenile records and comply with the Ill. School Student Records Act, 105 ILCS 10/. The board attorney should be consulted. 14 Law enforcement officials must notify school districts of the names, addresses, and offenses of registered offenders residing in their respective jurisdictions who have committed sex offenses and violent offenses against youth (see footnote 9). These laws are silent with regard to what, if anything, districts do with the information. The Sex Offender Community Notification Law, however, provides immunity for “any person who provides, or fails to provide, information relevant to the procedures set forth in this Law,” (730 ILCS 152/130). Naming a contact person will facilitate communication and cooperation with local law enforcement agencies. Any school official may be used as the contact person and boards may wish to have a contact person from each building. See administrative procedure 4:170-AP2, Criminal Offender Notification Laws, for sample implementing procedures. 15 State law requires a principal or teacher to notify the parents/guardians during school registration or parent-teacher conferences that information about sex offenders is available to the public as provided in the Sex Offender Community Notification Law, 730 ILCS 152/101 et seq. In an effort to keep this policy aligned with good governance practices, the responsibility is given to the superintendent and building principal to manage. While State law allows the notification to be made during registration or parent-teacher conferences, the sample policy makes a notification mandatory just during registration to be sure that all parents/guardians are informed. 16 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9, amended by P.A.s 97-248 and 97-607. Section 5/10-21.9(f) requires a criminal history background investigation to be performed on those contractors’ employees who have a direct, daily contact with students. State law places the same restrictions on contractors’ employees that it does on district employees. The sample policy is more comprehensive by requiring checks for any contractor’s employee who may work in any school building or on school property - after all, the burden is on the contractor to do the checking. For districts that want their policy language to mirror State law, replace: “any contact, direct or indirect” with “direct, daily contact.” Board policy should address these issues: • Who performs the background checks? It is virtually impossible to screen all contractors’ employees. Thus, a contractor should warrant that none of its employees who may have contact with a student at school has committed an offense that would prohibit district employment. • On whom are the checks performed? State law requires the check on those who have a direct, daily contact with students. See the discussion in the first paragraph of this f/n addressing this sample policy’s more comprehensive language. • How is compliance assured? This sample policy requires the inclusion of a clause in district contracts prohibiting the use of any sex offender on school property. See administrative procedure 5:30-AP2, Investigations. 4:170 Page 4 of 6 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. if an employee or agent is listed on the Statewide Sex Offender Registry or the Statewide Violent Offender Against Youth Database. If the District receives information that concerns the record of conviction as a sex offender of any employee of a District contractor, the District will provide the information to another school, school district, community college district, or private school that requests it. 17 Unsafe School Choice Option 18 The unsafe school choice option allows students to transfer to another District school or to a public charter school within the District. The unsafe school choice option is available to: 1. All students attending a persistently dangerous school, as defined by State law and identified by the Illinois State Board of Education. 2. Any student who is a victim of a violent criminal offense, as defined by 725 ILCS 120/3, that occurred on school grounds during regular school hours or during a school-sponsored event. The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures to implement the unsafe school choice option. Student Insurance 19 The Board shall annually designate a company to offer student accident insurance coverage. The Board does not endorse the plan nor recommend that parents/guardians secure the coverage, and any contract is between the parents/guardians and the company. Students participating in athletics, cheerleading, or pompons must have school accident insurance unless the parents/guardians state in writing that the student is covered under a family health insurance plan. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 17 Id. at 5/10-21.9(h), amended by P.A. 97-248. The School Code defines the board president’s role in conducting criminal background investigations and receiving the results of these investigations. Many districts delegate this task to a human resource department. However, because the report involves a contractor’s employee, the immunity provisions in the Employment Record Disclosure Act (745 ILCS 46/10) may not apply. Consult the board attorney based upon this and all relevant employment record disclosure laws. See policy 5:150, Personnel Records, f/n #4 for more discussion about employment record disclosure laws. 18 A policy provision is required on this topic (105 ILCS 5/10-21.3a). See also 20 U.S.C. §7912. ISBE maintains a list of persistently dangerous schools. Districts having only one school or attendance center may substitute the following provision for this paragraph: The unsafe school choice option provided in State law permits students to transfer to another school within the District in certain situations. This transfer option is unavailable in this District because the District has only one school or attendance center. A student, who would otherwise have qualified for the choice option, or such a student’s parent/guardian, may request special accommodations from the Superintendent or designee”. Districts with each grade in only one attendance center may substitute the following provision for this paragraph: The unsafe school choice option provided in State law permits students to transfer to another school within the District in certain situations. This transfer option is unavailable in this District because each grade is in only one attendance center. A student, who would otherwise have qualified for the choice option, or such a student’s parent/guardian, may request special accommodations from the Superintendent or designee. 19 This subhead is optional. 105 ILCS 5/22-15 allows districts to purchase insurance on athletes. A form on which parents/guardians check-off whether they want school accident insurance or already have the student covered by other health insurance will suffice for purposes of this policy. Requiring students participating in athletics to have accident insurance is a best practice because: (1) waivers of liability do not prevent a student from bringing suit, and (2) waivers of liability are not favored by Illinois courts. 4:170 Page 5 of 6 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Emergency Closing The Superintendent is authorized to close the schools in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies that threaten the safety of students, staff members, or school property. 20 LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.28, 5/21B-80, 5/10-21.9, and 128/. 210 ILCS 74/. 625 ILCS 5/12-813.1. 720 ILCS 5/11-9.3. 730 ILCS 152/101 et seq. CROSS REF.: 5:30 (Hiring Process and Criteria), 6:190 (Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities), 6:250 (Community Resource Persons and Volunteers), 7:220 (Bus Conduct), 7:300 (Extracurricular Athletics), 8:30 (Visitors to and Conduct on School Property), 8:100 (Relations with Other Organizations and Agencies) ADMIN. PROC.: 4:170-AP2 (Criminal Offender Notification Laws), 4:170-AP3 (School Bus Safety Rules), 4:170-AP6 (Plan for Responding to a Medical Emergenciesy Occurring at a Physical Fitness Facilitiesy with an AED), 5:30-AP2 (Investigations) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 20 When adverse weather conditions force a school’s closing or a delayed start, the district may count a partial day of attendance as a full day for State aid purposes, provided: (1) at least one hour of instruction was provided, and (2) the superintendent provides the Regional Superintendent or the Suburban Cook County Intermediate Service Center, whichever is appropriate, with a written report in support of the partial day within 30 days (105 ILCS 5/18-12, amended by P.A. 96734). P.A. 96-893 abolished the Regional Office of Education for Suburban Cook County and transferred its duties and powers to the Intermediate Service Center for the area. 4:170 Page 6 of 6 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. January October 2012 5:30 General Personnel Hiring Process and Criteria 1 The District hires the most qualified personnel consistent with budget and staffing requirements and in compliance with School Board policy on equal employment opportunity and minority recruitment. 2 The Superintendent is responsible for recruiting personnel and making hiring recommendations to the Board. 3 If the Superintendent’s recommendation is rejected, the Superintendent must submit another. 4 No individual will be employed who has been convicted of a criminal offense listed in Section 5/21B-80 of the School Code. 5 All applicants must complete a District application in order to be considered for employment. 6 Job Descriptions The Superintendent shall develop and maintain a current comprehensive job description for each position or job category; however, a provision in a collective bargaining agreement or individual contract will control in the event of a conflict. 7 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content. This policy contains an item on which collective bargaining may be required. Any policy that impacts upon wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, is subject to collective bargaining upon request by the employee representative, even if the policy involves an inherent managerial right. 2 See policy 5:10, Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment. Districts may not classify a job as either a male or female job (29 C.F.R. §1604.5, 34 C.F.R. §106.55). 3 Boards must consider the superintendent’s recommendations concerning, among other things, “the selection, retention, and dismissal of employees,” 105 ILCS 5/10-16.7. The board may want to use this alternative sentence: All personnel decisions are made by the Board, but only on the recommendation of the Superintendent. Subject to an applicable collective bargaining agreement in effect on June 13, 2011, a board that fills a “new or vacant teaching position” must select a candidate based on: (1) certifications, (2) qualifications, (3) merit and ability (including performance evaluation, if available), and (4) relevant experience (105 ILCS 5/24-1.5, amended by P.A. 97-8). The statute does not define “new or vacant teaching positions.” This new requirement does not apply to filling vacant positions under 105 ILCS 5/24-12 (reduction in force). Consult the board attorney about how this section of P.A. 97-8 applies to the district’s circumstances. 4 An additional optional sentence follows: The Superintendent may select personnel on a short-term basis for a specific project or emergency condition before the Board’s approval. 5 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(c), amended by P.A. 97-607. 6 Any person who applies for employment as a teacher, principal, superintendent, or other certificated employee who willfully makes a false statement on his or her application for employment, material to his or her qualifications for employment, which he or she does not believe to be true, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor (105 ILCS 5/22-6.5). District employment applications must contain a statement to this effect (Id.). Each employment application for a certificated position must state the following (Id.): Failure to provide requested employment or employer history which is material to the applicant’s qualifications for employment or the provision of statements which the applicant does not believe to be true may be a Class A misdemeanor. 7 Job descriptions will become the basis for categorizing a teacher into one or more positions that the teacher is qualified to hold for reduction in force (RIF) dismissal and recall purposes (105 ILCS 5/24-12(b), amended by P.A. 97-8). However, any collective bargaining agreements in effect on June 13, 2011 supersede this law until June 30, 2013 (Id.) A board should consult with its attorney to review its current list of job descriptions and discuss the district’s specific responsibilities in light of P.A. 97-8. 5:30 Page 1 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Investigations The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that a fingerprint-based criminal history records check and a check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database and Violent Offender Against Youth Database is performed on each applicant as required by State law. 8 The Superintendent or designee shall notify an applicant if the applicant is identified in either database. 9 The School Code requires the Board President to keep a conviction record confidential and share it only with the Superintendent, Regional Superintendent, State Superintendent, State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, any other person necessary to the hiring decision, or for purposes of clarifying the information, the Department of State Police and/or Statewide Sex Offender Database. 10 The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that an applicant’s credit history or report from a consumer reporting agency is used only when a satisfactory credit history is an established bona fide occupational requirement of a particular position. Each newly hired employee must complete an Immigration and Naturalization Service Form as required by federal law. 11 The District retains the right to discharge any employee whose criminal background investigation reveals a conviction for committing or attempting to commit any of the offenses outlined in Section A job description is evidence of a position’s essential functions (29 C.F.R. §1630.2(n). The Americans with Disabilities Act protects individuals who have a disability and are qualified, with reasonable accommodation, to perform the essential functions of the job (42 U.S.C. §12101, amended by the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), Pub. L. 110-325). Determining which functions are essential may be critical to determining if an individual with a disability is qualified. An individual is qualified to perform a job even though he or she is unable, due to a disability, to perform tasks which are incidental to the job. Only when an individual is unable to perform the essential functions of a job may a district deny the individual employment opportunities (29 C.F.R. §1630.2(m). For a particular function to be essential: (1) the employer must actually require employees in the position to perform it, and (2) the position would be fundamentally altered if the function were removed (Id.). Whether a particular function is essential is a factual determination. Important: The ADAAA makes significant changes to the ADA’s definition of disability that broadens the scope of coverage and overturns a series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions that made it difficult to prove that an impairment was a disability. The final regulations were by a bipartisan vote and approved on March 25, 2011. There is information about the regulations and a link to them at: Consult the board attorney regarding how these amendments impact the district’s hiring processes. 8 The policy’s requirements on criminal records checks are mandated by 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9, amended by P.A.s 961452, 96-1489, and 97-607. See administrative procedure 5:30-AP2, Investigations, for the process and positions requiring criminal background investigation. The Statewide Sex Offender Database (a/k/a Sex Offender Registry) is available at: The Statewide Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database is available at: www.isp/ 9 Id. 10 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(b). The School Code continues to define the board president’s role in conducting criminal background investigations and receiving the results of these investigations, including the results for employees of district contractors (105 ILCS 5/10-21.9, amended by P.A. 97-248). Many districts delegate this task in the hiring process to a human resources department. Use this alternative for districts in suburban Cook County: replace “Regional Superintendent” with “appropriate Intermediate Service Center.” The Regional Office of Education for Suburban Cook County was abolished and its duties and powers transpired to the intermediate service center for the area by P.A. 96-893. 11 Immigration Reform and Control Act, 8 U.S.C. §1324a et seq. Consult with the board attorney regarding the district’s rights and responsibilities under all Illinois laws if the district uses any electronic employment verification system, including E-Verify and/or the Basic Pilot Program (820 ILCS 55/). This statute urges employers who voluntarily use EVerify (formerly known as the Basic Pilot/Employment Eligibility Verification Program) to consult the Ill. Dept. of Labor’s website for current information on the accuracy of E-Verify and to review and understand their legal responsibilities relating to the use of any electronic employment verification systems. See f/n #2 in 5:150-AP, Personnel Records, for a more detailed discussion of E-Verify issues. 5:30 Page 2 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 5/21B-80 of the School Code or who falsifies, or omits facts from, his or her employment application or other employment documents. The Superintendent shall ensure that the District does not engage in any investigation or inquiry prohibited by law and complies with each of the following: 12 1. The District uses an applicant’s credit history or report from a consumer reporting agency only when a satisfactory credit history is an established bona fide occupational requirement of a particular position. 13 2. The District does not ask an applicant or applicant’s previous employers about claim(s) made or benefit(s) received under the Workers’ Compensation Act. 14 3. The District does not request of an applicant or employee access in any manner to his or her social networking website, including a request for passwords to such sites. 15 4. The District provides equal employment opportunities to all persons. See policy 5:10, Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment. Physical Examinations New employees must furnish evidence of physical fitness to perform assigned duties and freedom from communicable disease, including tuberculosis. 16 All physical fitness examinations and tests for The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 12 As an alternative to describing the prohibited investigations, a board may substitute this sentence: The Superintendent shall ensure that the District does not engage in any investigation or inquiry prohibited by law, including without limitation, investigation into or inquiry concerning: (1) credit history or report unless a satisfactory credit history is an established bona fide occupational requirement of a particular position; (2) claim(s) made or benefit(s) received under Workers’ Compensation Act; and (3) access to an employee’s or applicant’s social networking website, including a request for passwords to such sites. The default policy provision and the alternative stated above – whichever is selected – may be made a prohibition rather than a duty of the superintendent; to do this, delete the stricken text as follows: “The Superintendent shall ensure that the District does not engage … .” 13 Employee Credit Privacy Act, 820 ILCS 70/. This Act allows inquiries into an applicant’s credit history or credit report or ordering or obtaining an applicant’s credit report from a consumer reporting agency when a satisfactory credit history is an established bona fide occupational requirement of a particular position. The Act identifies circumstances that permit a satisfactory credit history to be a job requirement, such as, the position’s duties include custody of or unsupervised access to cash or marketable assets valued at $2,500 or more. 14 Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act, 820 ILCS 55/10(a). 15 Id., 820 ILCS 55/10(b), added by P.A. 97-875 and known as the Facebook Password Law (effective 1-1-2013). There are no exceptions to the rule stated in the policy. The statute specifically permits an employer to: (1) maintain workplace policies governing the use of the employer’s electronic equipment, including policies regarding Internet use, social networking site use, and electronic mail use; and (2) monitor usage of the employer’s (district’s) electronic equipment and electronic mail. The statute also states that it does not prohibit an employer from obtaining information about an applicant or an employee that is in the public domain or that is otherwise obtained in compliance with the statute. Finally, the statute does not apply to other types of personal technology that employees may use to communicate with students or other individuals, such as, personal email or text messages on a personal phone. Consult the board attorney about these issues. 16 Pre-employment medical inquiries must be limited to whether the applicant is able to perform job-related functions; required medical examinations of applicants is forbidden (American with Disabilities Act [ADA], 42 U.S.C. §12112(d)(2), as amended by the ADAAA, Pub. L. 110-325); see also f/n #7 for an explanation regarding the ADAAA. Districts may condition an employment offer on taking and passing medical inquiries or physical exams, provided that all entering employees in the same classification receive the same conditional offer. Boards must require new employees to furnish evidence of a physical examination and a tuberculin skin test and, if appropriate, an X-ray (105 ILCS 5/24-5). Note that while examination by a spiritual leader/practitioner is sufficient for purposes of leaves, the statute does not permit an examination by a spiritual leader/practitioner for initial employment exams. This difference may present a constitutional issue; contact the board attorney for an opinion if an applicant wants to use an examination by a spiritual leader/practitioner. 5:30 Page 3 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. tuberculosis must be performed by a physician licensed in Illinois, or any other state, to practice medicine and surgery in any of its branches, or an advanced practice nurse who has a written collaborative agreement with a collaborating physician that authorizes the advanced practice nurse to perform health examinations, or a physician assistant who has been delegated the authority by his or her supervising physician to perform health examinations. The employee must have the physical examination and tuberculin test performed no more than 90 days before submitting evidence of it to the Board. Any employee may be required to have an additional examination by a physician who is licensed in Illinois to practice medicine and surgery in all its branches, or an advanced practice nurse who has a written collaborative agreement with a collaborating physician that authorizes the advanced practice nurse to perform health examinations, or a physician assistant who has been delegated the authority by his or her supervising physician to perform health examinations, if the examination is job-related and consistent with business necessity. 17 The Board will pay the expenses of any such examination. Orientation Program The District’s staff will provide an orientation program for new employees to acquaint them with the District’s policies and procedures, the school’s rules and regulations, and the responsibilities of their position. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9. Employee Credit Privacy Act, 820 ILCS 70/. Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act, 820 ILCS 55/. Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12112, 29 C.F.R. Part 1630. Immigration Reform and Control Act, 8 U.S.C. §1324a et seq. 105 ILCS 5/10-16.7, 5/10-20.7, 5/10-21.4, 5/10-21.9, 5/21B-10, 5/21B-80, 5/1022.34, 5/10-22.34b, 5/22-6.5, and 5/24-1 et seq. 820 ILCS 55/ and 70/. Duldulao v. St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital, 483 N.E.2d 956 (Ill.App.1, 1985), aff’d in part and remanded 505 N.E.2d 314 (Ill., 1987). Kaiser v. Dixon, 468 N.E.2d 822 (Ill.App.2, 1984). Molitor v. Chicago Title & Trust Co., 59 N.E.2d 695 (Ill.App.1, 1945). CROSS REF.: 3:50 (Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent), 5:10 (Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment), 5:40 (Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease), 5:125 (Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct), 5:220 (Substitute Teachers), 5:280 (Educational Support Personnel - Duties and Qualifications) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 17 The State law (105 ILCS 5/24-5) allowing boards to require physicals of current employees “from time to time,” has been superseded by federal law (ADA, 42 U.S.C. §12112(d)(4), as amended by the ADAAA, Pub. L. 110-325). The ADA allows medical inquiries of current employees only when they are job-related and consistent with business necessity or part of a voluntary employee wellness program (Id.). Districts may deny jobs to individuals with disabilities who pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others in the workplace, provided that a reasonable accommodation would not either eliminate the risk or reduce it to an acceptable level (42 U.S.C. §12113; 29 C.F.R. Part 1630.2(r). See f/n #7 for an explanation regarding the ADAAA. See the f/n #16 for a discussion of examinations by spiritual leaders/practitioners. 5:30 Page 4 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. January October 2012 5:125 General Personnel Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct 1 Definitions Includes - Means “includes without limitation” or “includes, but is not limited to.” Social media - Media for social interaction, using highly accessible communication techniques through the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. 2 This includes Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube. 3 Personal technology - Any device that is not owned or leased by the District or otherwise authorized for District use and: (1) transmits sounds, images, text, messages, videos, or electronic information, (2) electronically records, plays, or stores information, or (3) accesses the Internet, or private communication or information networks. 4 This includes smartphones such as BlackBerry®, Android®, iPhone®, and other devices, such as, iPads® and iPods®. 5 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 This policy is optional. Consult the board attorney because personal technology and social media involve an unprecedented area of the law. Public employees’ First Amendment rights involve an unsettled area of the law. Personal technology and social media platforms change continually. Therefore, instead of prohibiting specific actions, this sample policy focuses on what will not change - maintaining appropriate behavior as outlined in 5:120, Ethics and Conduct, the Ill. Educators’ Code of Ethics at 23 Ill.Admin.Code §22.20, and 105 ILCS 5/21-23, amended by P.A. 97-8, repealed, added and renumbered at 105 ILCS 5/21B-75 by P.A. 97-607 (allows suspensions or revocations of certificates for immorality and unprofessional conduct, among other things). Immoral has been defined by one court to mean “shameless conduct showing moral indifference to the opinions of the good and respectable members of the community,” (see Ahmad v. Board of Education of City of Chicago, 847 N.E.2d 810, 819 (1st Dist. 2006). Consult the board attorney when a board wants to prohibit more specific actions and/or specific speech, e.g., friending students on Facebook or similar social media, tweeting or otherwise communicating with students on Twitter or similar social media sites, and text messaging or emailing students. See also the discussion in f/n 6 below. This policy also contains an item on which collective bargaining may be required. Any policy that impacts upon wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, is subject to collective bargaining upon request by the employee representative, even if the policy involves an inherent managerial right. When a policy’s subject matter is superseded by a bargaining agreement, the board policy can state, “Please refer to the current [insert name of CBA].” 2 Several definitions of social media exist, and a board may wish to use another definition or create its own with the board attorney. This sample policy’s definition is very broad. It is adapted from a frequently cited Wikipedia definition at Merriam-Webster’s definition is at 3 Optional. A board may want to add other sites. As of October 2010, the publication eBizMBA Inc. lists the top 4 social networking sites as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and LinkedIn, respectively. 4 Personal technology is not yet defined. It is the title of a weekly column in The Wall Street Journal. The column was created and is authored by Walt Mossberg, who frequently directs readers to his review of new technologies on a website titled All Things Digital at Many of the reviewed devices operate as described in this sample definition. 5 Optional. 5:125 Page 1 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Usage and Conduct All District employees who use personal technology and social media shall: 6 1. Adhere to the high standards for appropriate school relationships in policy 5:120, Ethics and Conduct at all times, regardless of the ever-changing social media and personal technology platforms available. This includes District employees posting images or private information about themselves or others in a manner readily accessible to students and other employees that is inappropriate as defined by policy 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited; 5:120, Ethics and Conduct; 6:235, Access to Electronic Networks; 7:20, Harassment of Students Prohibited; and the Ill. Code of Educator Ethics, 23 Ill.Admin.Code §22.20. 2. Choose a District-provided or supported method whenever possible to communicate with students and their parents/guardians. 3. Not interfere with or disrupt the educational or working environment, or the delivery of education or educational support services. 4. Comply with policy 5:130, Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information. This means that personal technology and social media may not be used to share, publish, or transmit information about or images of students and/or District employees without proper approval. Keep Our Language For District employees, proper approval may include implied consent under the circumstances. 7 5. Refrain from using the District’s logos without permission and follow Board policy 5:170, Copyright, and all District copyright compliance procedures. 8 6. Use personal technology and social media for personal purposes only during non-work times or hours. Any duty-free use must occur during times and places that the use will not interfere with job duties or otherwise be disruptive to the school environment or its operation. 9 7. Assume all risks associated with the use of personal technology and social media at school or school-sponsored activities, including students’ viewing of inappropriate Internet materials through the District employee’s personal technology or social media. The Board expressly The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 6 The following list is optional and may contain items on which collective bargaining may be required (see f/n 1). To ensure that the listed expectations match local conditions, boards may want to initiate a conversation with the superintendent about these expectations. Expectations will be most effective when they reflect local conditions and circumstances. This conversation provides an additional opportunity for the board and superintendent to examine all current policies, collective bargaining agreements, and administrative procedures applicable to this subject (see f/n 2 of policy 5:120, Ethics and Conduct, for more discussion about how to initiate this conversation). Employee conduct issues may be subjects of mandatory collective bargaining, therefore consulting the board attorney should be a part of this process. After discussing these issues, the board may have further expectations and may choose to reflect those expectations here. 7 Inherent dangers exist when district employees use personal technology and social media without understanding how the information is used within the chosen platform and what choices are available within the platform to control it. Some examples of laws that require the safekeeping of district and school records include: the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. §1232g and the Ill. School Student Records Act, 105 ILCS 10/ (both prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of student school records), 5 ILCS 140/7 (exempts personnel information and other items such as school security and response plans and maps from disclosure), 45 C.F.R. §164.502 (protects the employees’ health information), and 820 ILCS 40/ (governs the release of an employee’s disciplinary action). For district employees, implied consent may be sufficient in some circumstances, e.g., teachers taking pictures of each other at a birthday party in the teachers’ lounge or at a social event off school grounds and later posting those pictures on Facebook. 8 17 U.S.C. §101 et seq. 9 105 ILCS 5/24-9; Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. §201 et seq. See also f/ns 1 and 6 above. 5:125 Page 2 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. disclaims any responsibility for imposing content filters, blocking lists, or monitoring of its employees’ personal technology and social media. 10 8. Be subject to remedial and any other appropriate disciplinary action for violations of this policy ranging from prohibiting the employee from possessing or using any personal technology or social media at school to dismissal and/or indemnification of the District for any losses, costs, or damages, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the District relating to, or arising out of, any violation of this policy. 11 The Superintendent shall: 12 1. Inform District employees about this policy during the in-service on educator ethics, teacherstudent conduct, and school employee-student conduct required by Board policy 5:120, Ethics and Conduct. 2. Direct Building Principals to annually: a. Provide their building staff with a copy of this policy. b. Inform their building staff about the importance of maintaining high standards in their school relationships. c. Remind their building staff that those who violate this policy will be subject to remedial and any other appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 3. Build awareness of this policy with students, parents, and the community. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 10 The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 47 U.S.C. §254, requires school districts to maintain a policy and provide Internet access that protects against access to websites containing material that is obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors. See 6:235, Access to Electronic Networks. Because a district cannot subject its employees’ usage of personal technology and social media to the same measures required under CIPA (i.e., content filters, blocking lists, or district monitoring of Internet website traffic for patterns of usage that could indicate inappropriate network usage), this statement seeks to balance the district’s duty by shifting responsibility for inappropriate behavior to the individual employee. 11 The Ill. Human Rights Act makes it a civil rights violation to fail to take remedial action, or to fail to take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee, when the district knows that the employee committed or engaged in sexual harassment of a student (775 ILCS 5/5A-102). Sexual harassment of a student is also prohibited by 7:20, Harassment of Student Prohibited, and of an employee by 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited. Whether to discipline an employee for his or her speech is always highly fact sensitive and should always occur after a consultation with the board attorney (see f/ns 1 and 6). The discipline will require careful balancing of the District’s obligations to protect its students with employees’ rights. Further, a board may not discipline its employees for discussing the terms and conditions of their employment with co-workers and others or otherwise interfere with their employees’ efforts to work to improve the terms and conditions of their workplace (29 U.S.C. §151 et seq.). 12 105 ILCS 5/10-16.7. The school board directs, through policy, the superintendent in his or her charge of the district’s administration. One logical method for a board to address the issue of district employees’ use of personal technology and social media is to include its expectations during its in-service trainings required by 105 ILCS 5/10-22.39. Many experts in social media risk management advocate training employees about the expectations concerning social media usage. For boards that do not want to include this as a part of the in-service, delete the phrase “during the in-service on educator ethics, teacher-student conduct, and school employee-student conduct required by Board policy 5:120, Ethics and Conduct.” Public employee First Amendment issues involve the balance between the importance of the speech and the district’s interest in maintaining order and effective school operations. The First Amendment “does not entitle primary and secondary teachers, when conducting the education of captive audiences, to cover topics, or advocate viewpoints, that depart from the curriculum adopted by the school system.” See Mayer v. Monroe County Community School Corp., 474 F.3d 477 (7th Cir. 2007). Nor is the First Amendment likely to entitle a teacher to protection for purely personal speech that does not touch on a matter of public concern. See Pickering v. High School Dist. 205, 391 U.S. 563 (1968). However, when public employees speak as private citizens on their own time about matters of public concern, they may face only those speech restrictions that are necessary for their employers to operate efficiently and effectively (Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006). 5:125 Page 3 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 4. Ensure that no one for the District, or on its behalf, requests of an employee or applicant access in any manner to his or her social networking website or requests passwords to such sites. 13 4.5. Periodically review this policy and any procedures with District employee representatives and electronic network system administrator(s) and present proposed changes to the Board. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/21B-75 and 5/21B-80. Ill. Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/5A-102. Code of Ethics for Ill. Educators, 23 Ill.Admin.Code §22.20. Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410 (2006). Pickering v. High School Dist. 205, 391 U.S. 563 (1968). Mayer v. Monroe County Community School Corp., 474 F.3d 477 (7th Cir. 2007). CROSS REF.: 5:20 (Workplace Harassment Prohibited), 5:30 (Hiring Process and Criteria), 5:120 (Ethics and Conduct), 5:130 (Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information), 5:150 (Personnel Records), 5:170 (Copyright), 5:200 (Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal), 6:235 (Access to Electronic Networks), 7:20 (Harassment of Students Prohibited), 7:340 (Student Records) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 13 Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act, 820 ILCS 55/10(b), added by P.A. 97-875 and known as the Facebook Password Law (effective 1-1-2013). The statute specifically permits an employer to: (1) maintain workplace policies governing the use of the employer’s electronic equipment, including policies regarding Internet use, social networking site use, and electronic mail use; and (2) monitor usage of the employer’s electronic equipment and electronic mail. The statute also states that it does not prohibit an employer from obtaining information about an applicant or an employee that is in the public domain or that is otherwise obtained in compliance with the statute. Finally, the statute does not apply to other types of personal technology that employees may use to communicate with students or other individuals, such as personal email or text messages on a personal phone. Consult the board attorney about these issues. 5:125 Page 4 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. August 2010 October 2012 6:20 Instruction School Year Calendar and Day 1 School Calendar The School Board, upon the Superintendent’s recommendation and subject to State regulations, annually establishes the dates for opening and closing classes, teacher institutes and in-services, the length and dates of vacations, and the days designated as legal school holidays. 2 The school calendar shall have a minimum of 185 days to ensure 176 days of actual student attendance. 3 Commemorative Holidays The teachers and students shall devote a portion of the school day on each commemorative holiday designated in the School Code to study and honor the commemorated person or occasion. 4 The Board may, from time to time, designate a regular school day as a commemorative holiday. The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content. This policy contains an item on which collective bargaining may be required. Any policy that impacts upon wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment, is subject to collective bargaining upon request by the employee representative, even if the policy involves an inherent managerial right. 2 State-mandated school holidays are found in 105 ILCS 5/24-2, amended by P.A. 96-640. See policy 5:330, Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves, for a holiday listing. P.A. 96-640 The law allows a school board to hold school or schedule teachers' institutes, parent-teacher conferences, or staff development on five identified school holidays if: (1) the school board first holds a public hearing on the proposal, and (2) the person or persons honored by the holiday are recognized through instructional activities conducted on the school holiday or on the first school day preceding or following the school holiday. This is an item on which collective bargaining may be required, and a board that wishes to implement this law should consult its attorney. A State mandated school holiday on “Good Friday” is unconstitutional according to Metzl v. Leininger, 57 F.3d 618 (7th Cir., 1995). Closing school on religious holidays may still be permissible for those districts able to demonstrate (e.g., through surveys) that remaining open would be a waste of educational resources due to widespread absenteeism. Also, districts may be able to close school on Good Friday by adopting a “spring holiday” rationale or ensuring that it falls within spring break. School districts should discuss all of these options, and collective bargaining implications with their board attorneys. If the county board or board of election commissioners chooses a school to be a polling place, the school district must make the school available; however, for the election day, a school district may choose to keep the school open or hold a teachers’ institute (10 ILCS 5/11-4.1). 3 The school calendar must have a minimum 185 days to ensure 176 days of actual pupil attendance (105 ILCS 5/10-19 and 5/24-1; 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420). Schools must be closed during county institute (105 ILCS 5/24-3). The school calendar may be a mandatory subject of collective bargaining. The calendar for the school term and any changes must be submitted to and approved by the regional superintendent before the calendar or changes may take effect (105 ILCS 5/1019). 4 105 ILCS 5/24-2, amended by P.A. 96-640, lists the following as commemorative holidays: Jan. 28 (Christa McAuliffe Day commemorating space exploration), Feb. 15 (Susan B. Anthony), March 29 (Viet Nam War Veterans’ Day), the school day immediately preceding Veterans’ Day (Korean War Veterans’ Day), Oct. 1 (Recycling Day), and Dec. 7 (Pearl Harbor Veterans’ Day). Other commemorative holidays include: Arbor and Bird Day on the last Friday in April (105 ILCS 5/27-18), Leif Erickson day on Oct 9 if a school day and otherwise on a school day nearest the date (105 ILCS 5/2719), American Indian Day on the 4th Friday of Sept. (105 ILCS 5/27-20), Ill. Law Week during the first full school week in May (105 ILCS 5/27-20.1), “Just Say No” Day on a school day in May (105 ILCS 5/20.2), a Day of Remembrance on Sept. 11 (5 ILCS 490/86), Ronald Reagan Day on Feb. 6 (5 ILCS 490/2), Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade on March 25 (5 ILCS 490/155added by P.A. 96-930), and the first full week of January as Emancipation Proclamation Week (5 ILCS 490/155, added by P.A. 96-1238, eff. 1-1-11), and the third Thursday in May of each year is designated Volunteer Emergency Responder Appreciation Day (5 ILCS 490/126, amended by P.A. 97-1124). 6:20 Page 1 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. School Day The Board establishes the length of the school day with the recommendation of the Superintendent and subject to State law requirements. 5 The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that observances required by State law are followed during each day of school attendance. 6 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 5 A school day must consist of a minimum 5 clock hours under the direct supervision of a teacher or non-teaching volunteer providing non-teaching or supervisory duties as specified in 105 ILCS 5/10-22.34(a), in order to qualify as a full day for calculating state aid entitlement (105 ILCS 5/18-8.05(F), amended by P.A. 96-640), 97-742, eff. 6-30-2013; and 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(f). Students in attendance for fewer than two hours of school work are not counted for calculating average daily attendance (23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(f)(4). Note: Eff. 6-30-2013, P.A. 97-742 repeals the section of the School Code that allows districts to count days of attendance less than 5 clock hours on the opening and closing of the school term, and upon the first day of pupil attendance, if preceded by a day or days utilized as an institute or teachers' workshop. Contrast 105 ILCS 5/18-12, amended by P.A. 96-734. It allows a partial day of attendance to be counted as a full day when: (1) the school district has provided at least one hour of instruction prior to the closure of the school district; (2) a school building has provided at least one hour of instruction prior to the closure of the school building; or (3) the normal start time of the school district is delayed. P.A. 96-734 The law also outlines the process to claim attendance prior to providing any instruction when a school district must close a building or buildings, but not the entire district, after consultation with a local emergency response agency or due to a condition beyond the control of the district. Additionally, 105 ILCS 5/18-12.5, added by P.A. 96-689 outlines the process for claiming attendance when a school district must close a building or buildings, but not the entire district, specifically because of a public health emergency. Attendance for such days may only be claimed if the school building(s) was scheduled to be in operation on those days. Alternative education programs may provide fewer than 5 hours under certain circumstances (105 ILCS 5/2-3.33a and 5/13B-50). Exceptions also exist for kindergarten, teaching hospitalized or homebound students, first-grade, disabled children less than 6 years old, the opening and closing days of the school term, in-service training for teachers in accordance with 105 ILCS 5/10-22.39, parent-teacher conferences, and days when the Prairie State Achievement Examination is administered (105 ILCS 5/18-8.05(F, amended by P.A. 96-640). 6 105 ILCS 5/27-3 requires the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited every day in elementary and secondary schools. Note that the Illinois statute does not require every student to recite the Pledge – that kind of mandatory participation would violate the U.S. Constitution. Schools may not coerce a student into saying the Pledge, nor may they punish students for refusing to participate in any aspect of the flag ritual, including standing, saluting the flag, and reciting the Pledge. West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943); Sherman v. Community Consolidated School District 21 of Wheeling Township, 980 F.2d 437 (7th Cir. 1992). Consider using permissive rather than mandatory language to introduce the recitation of the Pledge, such as, “You may now stand to recite the Pledge.” Schools may, of course, require that non-participants maintain order and decorum appropriate to the school environment. On 10-11-07, an Illinois law went into effect requiring a mandatory brief period of silence for all Illinois public school students (Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act, 105 ILCS 20/1). A student filed a federal lawsuit alleging that the brief period of silence law was unconstitutional because it is too vague and violates the First Amendment. Sherman v. THSD 214 and Koch, 624 F.Supp.2d 907 (N.D.Ill., 2007). The court issued a preliminary injunction to prevent the plaintiff-student’s school district from implementing the Act and State Superintendent Koch from enforcing it. The court granted plaintiff’s request to make the lawsuit a class action – the defendant class comprising all Illinois public school districts. After the case’s merits are heard, the preliminary injunction may be made permanent or be rescinded. School districts must follow court orders and the State Superintendent’s instructions. 105 ILCS 5/10-24.46, amended by P.A. 96-84, requires a moment of silence to recognize veterans during any type of event held at a district school on November 11. See f/n #2 above for more discussion. 6:20 Page 2 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-19, 5/10-24.46, 5/18-8.05, 5/18-12, 5/18-12.5, 5/24-2, 5/27-3, 5/2718, 5/27-19, 5/27-20, 5/27-20.1, 5/27-20.2, and 20/1. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(f). Metzl v. Leininger, 850 F.Supp. 740 (N.D. Ill., 1994), aff’d by 57 F.3d 618 (7th Cir., 1995). CROSS REF.: 2:20 (Powers and Duties of the School Board), 5:200 (Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal), 5:330 (Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves), 6:60 (Curriculum Content), 6:70 (Teaching About Religions), 7:90 (Release During School Hours) 6:20 Page 3 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2011 2012 6:60 Instruction Curriculum Content 1 The curriculum shall contain instruction on subjects required by State statute or regulation as follows: 1. In kindergarten through grade 8, subjects include: (a) language arts, (b) reading, (c) other communication skills, (d) science, (e) mathematics,2 (f) social studies, (g) art, (h) music, 3 and (i) drug and substance abuse prevention. 4 A reading opportunity of 60 minutes per day will be promoted for all students in kindergarten through grade 3 whose reading levels are one grade level or more lower than their current grade level. 5 2. In grades 9 through 12, subjects include: (a) language arts, (b) writing intensive course, (c) science, (d) mathematics,6 (e) social studies including U.S. history, (f) foreign language, (g) music, (h) art, (i) driver and safety education, and (j) vocational education. 7 Students otherwise eligible to take a driver education course must receive a passing grade in at least 8 courses during the previous 2 semesters before enrolling in the course. The Superintendent or designee may waive this requirement if he or she believes a waiver to be in The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 Districts must have a policy on physical education (23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(p). Policies on the remaining topics in this policy are optional. State or federal law controls this policy’s content. 2 105 ILCS 5/2-3.156, added by P.A. 97-704, eff. 1-1-2013, requires ISBE to coordinate, adapt and develop middle and high school math curriculum models. There is no consistent definition for middle school or high school in either State or federal law. Districts are not required to use ISBE’s models and may develop their own mathematics curricula. The purpose of the math curriculum models will be to aid school districts and teachers in implementing the Common Core Standards. The ISBE has adopted new Math and English Language Arts (ELA) standards for K‐12 education referred to as the “New Ill. State Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core.” The goal of incorporating the Common Core Standards into the State Goals for Learning is to better prepare Ill. students for success in college and the workforce in a competitive global economy. The terms Common Core Standards and the “New Ill. State Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core” are synonymous. Referencing the Ill. Learning Standards includes them both. That is because they are incorporated by reference into ISBE’s rules and State Goals for Learning. A district that wants to include the term Common Core Standards in its policy may do so; however, districts should understand that referring to the Common Core Standards only will cover only math and ELA learning standards and goals and not any other subject areas that the Ill. Learning Standards cover. The best practice is to continue using Ill. Learning Standards, which includes the Common Core Standards. 3 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.430. 4 105 ILCS 5/27-13.2. 5 105 ILCS 5/10-20.53, added by P.A. 97-88. 6 105 ILCS 5/2-3.156, added by P.A. 97-704, eff. 1-1-2013. See f/n #2. 7 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.440, 105 ILCS 5/27-22 and 5/27-23. The General Assembly encouraged school boards to implement American sign language courses into the school foreign language curriculum (105 ILCS 5/10-20.46, added by P.A. 96-843). Senate Joint Resolution 68, 96th General Assembly, encourages school districts to explore the introduction of Arabic as a foreign language in their curriculums. School districts may contract with a commercial driver training school (CDTS) for driver education by obtaining a waiver or modification of the administrative rules and regulations promulgated by the ISBE or a modification of School Code mandates (105 ILCS 5/2-3.25g, amended by P.A. 97-1025, eff. 1-1-13). See 2:20-E, Waiver and Modification Request Resource Guide. To qualify to contract with a school district, a CDTS must (a) hold a valid license issued by the Ill. Sec. of State, and (b) provide instructors who hold a valid Ill. teaching certificate or license (Id.). A district contracting with a CDTS must provide a list to ISBE of the CDTS instructors (Id.). The list must include the name, personal ISBE identification number, birth dates and driver’s license number of each instructor who will teach driver education (Id.). 6:60 Page 1 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. the student’s best interest. 8 The course shall include classroom instruction on distracted driving as a major traffic safety issue. 9 Automobile safety instruction covering traffic regulations and highway safety must include instruction on the consequences of alcohol consumption and the operation of a motor vehicle. 10 The eligibility requirements contained in State law for the receipt of a certificate of completion from the Secretary of State shall be provided to students in writing at the time of their registration. 11 3. In grades 7 through 12, as well as in interscholastic athletic programs, steroid abuse prevention must be taught. 12 4. In kindergarten through grade 12, provided it can be funded by private grants or the federal government, violence prevention and conflict resolution must be stressed, including: (a) causes of conflict, (b) consequences of violent behavior, (c) non-violent resolution, and (d) relationships between drugs, alcohol, and violence. 13 5. In grades kindergarten through 12, age-appropriate Internet safety must be taught, the scope of which shall be determined by the Superintendent or designee. The curriculum must incorporate policy 6:235, Access to Electronic Networks and, at a minimum, include: (a) education about appropriate online behavior, (b) interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and (c) cyberbullying awareness and response. 14 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 8 105 ILCS 5/27-23 and 5/27-24.2. 9 105 ILCS 5/27-24.2. 10 105 ILCS 5/27-17. 11 The Ill. Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/6-408.5, contains these requirements; they are paraphrased below and may be added to the policy or otherwise disseminated. Before a certificate of completion will be requested from the Secretary of State, a student must receive a passing grade in at least 8 courses during the 2 semesters last ending before requesting the certificate. A certificate of completion will not be requested for any person less than 18 years of age who has dropped out of school unless the individual provides: 1. Written verification of his or her enrollment in a GED or alternative education program or a GED certificate; 2. Written verification that before dropping out, the individual had received passing grades in at least 8 courses during the 2 previous semesters last ending before requesting a certificate; 3. Written consent from the individual’s parent/guardian and the Regional Superintendent; or 4. Written waiver from the Superintendent of the School District in which the individual resides or resided at the time he or she dropped out of school, or from the chief school administrator with respect to a dropout who attended a non-public high school. A waiver may be given if the Superintendent or chief administrator deems it to be in the individual’s best interests. 12 105 ILCS 5/27-23.3. 13 105 ILCS 5/27-23.4, amended by P.A. 97-87. 14 47 C.F.R. § 54.520(c)(1)(i) and 105 ILCS 5/27-13.3 control this section. “Grades kindergarten through 12” is used because federal law requires school districts that receive E-rate funding to certify that they have an Internet safety education policy for all minors (47 C.F.R. §54.520(c)(1)(i). This federal law defines minors as any individual who has not attained the age of 17 years (47 C.F.R. §54.520(a)(4). 105 ILCS 5/27-13.3 requires a unit on Internet safety for students in grades 3 or above. It recommends 7 topics for the unit on Internet safety and required ISBE to “make available resource materials for educating children regarding child online safety.” It also invites schools to “adopt an age-appropriate curriculum for Internet safety instruction of students in grades kindergarten through 12.” For boards that do not receive E-rate funds and do not want to exceed the requirements of the School Code, replace this section with the following sentence: “In grades 3 or above, the curriculum contains a unit on Internet safety, the scope of which shall be determined by the Superintendent or designee.” 6:60 Page 2 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 6. In all grades, character education must be taught including respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, trustworthiness, and citizenship in order to raise students’ honesty, kindness, justice, discipline, respect for others, and moral courage. 15 7. In all schools, citizenship values must be taught, including: (a) patriotism, (b) democratic principles of freedom, justice, and equality, (c) proper use and display of the American flag, (d) the Pledge of Allegiance, and (e) the voting process. 16 8. In all grades, physical education must be taught including a developmentally planned and sequential curriculum that fosters the development of movement skills, enhances healthrelated fitness, increases students’ knowledge, offers direct opportunities to learn how to work cooperatively in a group setting, and encourages healthy habits and attitudes for a healthy lifestyle. Unless otherwise exempted, all students are required to engage daily during the school day in a physical education course. For exemptions and substitutions, see policies 6:310, Credit for Alternative Courses and Programs, and Course Substitution, and 7:260, Exemption from Physical Activity. 17 9. In all schools, health education must be stressed, including: (a) proper nutrition, (b) physical fitness, (c) components necessary to develop a sound mind in a healthy body, and (d) dangers and avoidance of abduction. The Superintendent shall implement a comprehensive health education program in accordance with State law. 18 10. In all schools, career/vocational education must be taught, including: (a) the importance of work, (b) the development of basic skills to enter the world of work and/or continue formal education, (c) good work habits and values, (d) the relationship between learning and work, and (e) if possible, a student work program that provides the student with work experience as The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 15 105 ILCS 5/27-12. The Ill. General Assembly invited boards to “make suitable provisions for instruction in bullying prevention and gang resistance education and training in all grades and include such instruction in the courses of study regularly taught therein,” 105 ILCS 5/27-23.7(c). A board that shares this concern may add the following option: “In addition, in all grades, bullying prevention and gang resistance education and training must be taught.” 16 105 ILCS 5/27-3 requires the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited every day in elementary and secondary schools. Requirements for displaying a U.S. flag at each school and in each classroom are found in 5 ILCS 465/3 and 465/3a. Note that the Illinois statute does not require every student to recite the Pledge – that kind of mandatory participation would violate the U.S. Constitution. Schools may not coerce a student into saying the Pledge, nor may they punish students for refusing to participate in any aspect of the flag ritual, including standing, saluting the flag, and reciting the Pledge. West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnett, 319 U.S. 624 (1943); Sherman v. Community Consolidated School Dist. 21 of Wheeling Township, 980 F.2d 437 (7th Cir. 1992). Consider using permissive rather than mandatory language to introduce the recitation of the Pledge, such as, “You may now stand to recite the Pledge.” Schools may, of course, require that nonparticipants maintain order and decorum appropriate to the school environment. 17 105 ILCS 5/27-5 requires school boards to provide for students’ physical education and allows the P.E. course offered in grades 5 though 10 to include the health education courses required by State law. 105 ILCS 5/27-6 describes when students may be excused from daily P.E. See also 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(p). 105 ILCS 5/27-7 describes the goals and requirements for P.E. courses; these are re-stated in this sample policy. 105 ILCS 5/27-6 contains an exception to the daily P.E. requirement for schools engaged in block scheduling; if this is applicable, substitute this sentence for the last sentence in this paragraph: Unless otherwise exempted, all students are required to engage daily during the school day, except on block scheduled days for those schools in block scheduling, in a physical education course. 18 105 ILCS 5/27-13.2 and 110/3; 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(n). Health education program content is described in administrative procedure 6:60-AP, Comprehensive Health Education Program; this administrative procedure requires the development of a family life and sex education program. The State Police and ISBE must develop instruction on child abduction prevention (20 ILCS 2605/2605-480). 6:60 Page 3 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. an extension of the regular classroom. A career awareness and exploration program must be available at all grade levels. 19 11. In grades 9 through 12, consumer education must be taught, including: financial literacy; installment purchasing; budgeting, savings, and investing; banking; simple contracts; income taxes; personal insurance policies; the comparison of prices; homeownership; and the roles of consumers interacting with agriculture, business, labor unions, and government in formulating and achieving the goals of the mixed free enterprise system. 20 12. In all schools, conservation of natural resources must be taught, including: (a) home ecology, (b) endangered species, (c) threats to the environment, and (d) the importance of the environment to life as we know it. 21 13. In all schools, United States history must be taught, including: (a) the principles of representative government, (b) the Constitutions of the U.S. and Illinois, (c) the role of the U.S. in world affairs, (d) the role of labor unions, and (e) the role and contributions of ethnic groups, including but not limited to, the African Americans, Albanians, Asian Americans, Bohemians, Czechs, French, Germans, Hispanics (including the events related to the forceful removal and illegal deportation of Mexican-American U.S. citizens during the Great Depression), Hungarians, Irish, Italians, Lithuanians, Polish, Russians, Scots, and Slovakians in the history of this country and State. 22 In addition, all schools shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on Constitution Day, each September 17, commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution. However, when September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, Constitution Day shall be held during the preceding or following week. 23 14. In grade 7 and all high school courses concerning U.S. history or a combination of U.S. history and American government, students must view a Congressional Medal of Honor film made by the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, provided there is no cost for the film. 24 15. In all schools, the curriculum includes a unit of instruction on the Holocaust and crimes of genocide, including Nazi atrocities of 1933-1945, Armenian Genocide, the Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, and more recent atrocities in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Sudan. 25 16. In all schools, the curriculum includes a unit of instruction on the history, struggles, and contributions of women. 26 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 19 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(i). See 105 ILCS 435/ for the Vocational Education Act. 20 105 ILCS 5/27-12.1, amended by P.A. 96-1061; 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(k). 21 105 ILCS 5/27-13.1 and 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(l). 22 105 ILCS 5/27-21, amended by P.A. 96-629, and 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(r). 23 Section 111 of Division J of Pub. L. 108-447, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005, Dec. 8, 2004; 118 Stat. 2809, 3344-45 (Section 111). Section 111(b) states: “[e]ach educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the U.S. Constitution on September 17 of such year … .” 24 105 ILCS 5/27-3.5, added by P.A. 96-99. The Congressional Medal of Honor film is available on ISBE’s website for no cost at 25 105 ILCS 5/27-20.3 requires the curriculum to include a unit of instruction on this subject but does not specify the amount of time that constitutes a unit of instruction. 26 105 ILCS 5/27-20.5 requires the curriculum to include a unit of instruction on this subject but does not specify the amount of time that constitutes a unit of instruction. 6:60 Page 4 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 17. In all schools, the curriculum includes a unit of instruction on Black History, including the history of the African slave trade, slavery in America, and the vestiges of slavery in this country, as well as the struggles and contributions of African-Americans. 27 18. In all schools offering a secondary agricultural education program, the curriculum includes courses as required by 105 ILCS 5/2-3.80. 28 19. In all schools, instruction during courses as determined by the Superintendent or designee on disability history, awareness, and the disability rights movement. 29 LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 465/3 and 465/3a. 20 ILCS 2605/2605-480. 105 ILCS 5/2-3.80(e) and (f), 5/27-3, 5/27-3.5, 5/27-5, 5/27-6, 5/27-7, 5/27-12, 5/27-12.1, 5/27-13.1, 5/27-13.2, 5/27-20.3, 5/27-20.4, 5/27-20.5, 5/27-21, 5/27-22, 5/27-23, 5/27-23.3, 5/27-23.4, 5/27-23.7, 5/27-23.8, 5/27-24.2, 435/, and 110/3. 625 ILCS 5/6-408.5. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §§1.420, 1.430, and 1.440. Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 108-447, Section 111 of Division J. Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, Pub. L. No. 110-385, Title II, 122 stat. 4096 (2008). 47 C.F.R. §54.520. CROSS REF.: 6:20 (School Year Calendar and Day), 6:40 (Curriculum Development), 6:70 (Teaching About Religions), 6:235 (Access to Electronic Networks), 7:190 (Student Discipline); 7:260 (Exemption from Physical Activity) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 27 105 ILCS 527-20.4 requires the curriculum to include a unit of instruction on this subject but does not specify the amount of time that constitutes a unit of instruction. 28 105 ILCS 5/2-3.80(e) or (f). 29 105 ILCS 5/27-23.8, added by P.A. 96-191. The statute requires the school board to determine the minimum amount of instructional time. The sample policy complies by delegating this responsibility to the superintendent or designee. The statute requires that the instruction be founded on the principle that all students, including students with disabilities, have the right to exercise self-determination. It urges districts to request individuals with disabilities to assist with the development and delivery of this instruction and allows instruction to be supplemented by knowledgeable guest speakers. 6:60 Page 5 of 5 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2007 2012 6:65 Instruction Student Social and Emotional Development 1 Student sSocial and emotional development learning (SEL) is defined as the process through which students enhance their ability to integrate thinking, feeling, and behaving to achieve important life tasks. Students competent in SEL are able to recognize and manage their emotions, establish healthy relationships, set positive goals, meet personal and social needs, and make responsible and ethical decisions. 2 The Superintendent shall be incorporated in incorporate SEL into the District’s curriculum and other educational programs and shall be consistent with the social and emotional development standards to be contained in the District’s mission and the goals and benchmarks of the Ill.inois Learning Standards. 3 The objectives Ill. Learning Standards include three goals for addressing the needs of students for: 4 1. Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success. 2. Use social and emotional development through the- awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships. 3. Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts. The incorporation of SEL objectives into the District’s curriculum and other educational programs are may include but is not limited to: 5 1. Classroom and school-wide programming to Ffoster a safe, supportive learning environment where students feel respected and valued. This may include incorporating scientifically based, The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law requires this subject matter be covered by policy; it required districts to submit it to ISBE by 8/31/04. 2 See the definition on the Ill. Children’s Mental Health Partnership website: 3 Required by the Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003, 405 ILCS 49/1 et seq./. ISBE incorporated social and emotional development standards into the Ill inois Learning Standards,. For more information see 105 ILCS 5/2-3.142, added by P.A. 95-558, created the Ensuring Success in School Task Force. Supervised by ISBE, this task force will developed policies, procedures, and protocols for school boards to adopt to address the education and related needs of students who are parents, expectant parents, or victims of domestic or sexual violence; the goal is to encourage these students to stay in school, stay safe while in school, and successfully complete their education. School boards and superintendents may want to create their own study group to prepare for implementing of the task force’s policies, procedures, and protocols. A report of the task force’s findings is due was made to the General Assembly on or before January 1, 2009 and is available here: 4 The goals, along with their benchmarks, descriptors and indicators are available at: The specific listing of indicators is listed at: The Ill. Children’s Mental Health Partnership provides a more visual listing of the SEL Learning Standards in its links to Goals 31, 32 & 33 at: 5 The objectives are a matter of local school board discretion. A board may replace the sample objectives with its own local objectives. This sample policy lists the suggested core components of a comprehensive social and emotional development policy, available on ISBE’s website at: 6:65 Page 1 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. age-and-culturally appropriate classroom instruction, District-wide, and school-wide strategies that teach SEL skills, promote optimal mental health, and prevent risk behaviors for all students;. 2. PartnerStaff development and training to promote students’ SEL development. This may include providing all personnel with age-appropriate academic and SEL and how to promote it. 6 2.3. Parent/Guardian and family and involvement to promote students’ SEL development. This may include providing parents/guardians and families with learning opportunities related to the importance of their children’s optimal SEL development and ways to enhance it. 7 4. cCommunity partnerships to promote students’ SEL development. This may include establishing partnerships with diverse community agencies and organizations to assure a coordinated approach to addressing children’s mental health and SEL development. 5. Teach social and emotional skills Early identification and intervention to enhance students’ school readiness, academic success, and use of good citizenship skills. This may include development of a system and procedures for periodic and universal screening, assessment, and early intervention for students who have significant risk factors for social, emotional, or mental health conditions that impact learning. 8 6. Treatment to prevent or minimize mental health problems conditions in students. This may include building and strengthening referral and follow-up procedures for providing effective clinical services for students with social, emotional, and mental health conditions that impact learning. This may include student and family support services, school-based behavioral health services, and school-community linked services and supports. 7. Assessment and accountability for teaching SEL skills to all students. This may include implementation of a process to assess and report baseline information and ongoing progress about school climate, students’ social and emotional development, and academic performance. 9 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 6 SEL trainers for each region in Ill. are listed here: 7 The Ill. Children’s Mental Health Partnership provides SEL Parent Newsletters at: 8 The Ill. Children’s Mental Health Partnership provides information about Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation at: 9 For information on this objective, see ISBE’s Comprehensive System of Learning Supports at: Information about school climate is available from ISBE at: 6:65 Page 2 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003, 405 ILCS 49/1 et seq. CROSS REF.: 1:30, (School District Philosophy), 6:10 (Educational Philosophy and Objectives), 6:40 (Curriculum Development), 6:60 (Curriculum Content), 6:270 (Guidance and Counseling Program), 7:100 (Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students), 7:180 (Preventing Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment), 7:250 (Student Support Services) 6:65 Page 3 of 3 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2010 2012 6:210 Instruction Instructional Materials 1 All District classrooms and learning centers should be equipped with an evenly-proportioned, wide assortment of instructional materials, including textbooks, workbooks, audio-visual materials, and electronic materials. These materials should provide quality learning experiences for students and: 2 1. Enrich and support the curriculum; 2. Stimulate growth in knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards; 3. Provide background information to enable students to make informed judgments and promote critical reading and thinking; 4. Depict in an accurate and unbiased way the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society; and 5. Contribute to a sense of the worth of all people regardless of sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or any other differences that may exist. The Superintendent or designee shall annually provide a list or description of textbooks and instructional materials used in the District to the School Board. Anyone may inspect any textbook or instructional material. 3 Teachers are encouraged to use supplemental material only when it will enhance, or otherwise illustrate, the subjects being taught and to ensure it is age-appropriate. No R-rated movie shall be shown to students unless prior approval is received from the Superintendent or designee, and no movie rated NC-17 (no one 17 and under admitted) shall be shown under any circumstances. These restrictions apply to television programs and other media with equivalent ratings. 4 Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption The Superintendent shall approve the selection of all textbooks and instructional materials according to the standards described in this policy. 5 The School Code governs the adoption and purchase of textbooks and instructional materials. 6 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls some of this policy’s content. 2 A local board may customize these standards to be consistent with the board’s mission, vision, and goals. 3 105 ILCS 5/28-19.1. Additionally, This paragraph is optional; either or both sentences may be struck although the second sentence describes a right granted by statute. The requirement to provide the board with a list or description of texts and instructional material allows the board to monitor this policy’s implementation. Moreover, as 105 ILCS 5/28-19.1 grants anyone the right to inspect texts and instructional materials, having an annual list of texts and instructional materials facilitates compliance with such a request. Because some instructional materials, e.g., Internet sites, are difficult to list, the sample policy permits a list or description. Federal law grants parents/guardians the right to inspect all instructional material that will be used for a survey, analysis, or evaluation (20 U.S.C. §1232h); see 7:15, Student and Family Privacy Rights. 4 This paragraph’s content is at the board’s discretion. An optional provision follows: The Superintendent or designee shall give parents/guardians an opportunity to request that their child not participate in a class showing a movie, television program, or other media with an R or equivalent rating. 5 An alternative provision: The Superintendent shall recommend to the Board for consideration and adoption all textbooks and instructional materials and shall include the following information: (1) title, publisher, copyright dates, number of copies desired, and cost; (2) any texts being replaced; and (3) rationale for recommendation. 6:210 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.8, 5/10-20.9, and 5/28-19.1. CROSS REF.: 6:30 (Organization of Instruction), 6:40 (Curriculum Development), 6:80 (Teaching About Controversial Issues), 6:170 (Title I Programs), 6:260 (Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs), 7:10 (Equal Educational Opportunities), 7:15 (Student and Family Privacy Rights), 8:110 (Public Suggestions and Concerns) 6 105 ILCS 5/28-1 et seq., amended throughout by P.A. 96-1403. The term textbook includes electronic or digital textbooks used for educational purposes (105 ILCS 5.28-20, amended by P.A. 96-1403). The term instructional materials means both print and non-print materials, including electronic textbooks being used in the educational process (Id.). 6:210 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. August 2007 May 2012 6:235 Instruction Access to Electronic Networks 1 Electronic networks, including the Internet, are a part of the District’s instructional program and serve to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. 2 The S uperintendent shall de velop a n i mplementation pl an f or t his po licy a nd a ppoint system administrator(s). 3 The School District is not responsible for any i nformation that may be l ost or damaged, or become unavailable w hen u sing th e network, or for a ny information that is retrieved or transmitted v ia th e Internet. 4 Furthermore, t he D istrict w ill not b e r esponsible f or a ny una uthorized c harges or f ees resulting from access to the Internet. Curriculum and Appropriate Online Behavior The use of the District’s electronic networks shall: (1) be consistent with the curriculum adopted by the D istrict as w ell as the v aried instructional n eeds, l earning st yles, ab ilities, and d evelopmental levels of the students, and (2) comply with the selection criteria for instructional materials and library resource center m aterials. As r equired by f ederal l aw and B oard pol icy 6: 60, Curriculum Content, students w ill be e ducated about appropriate online behavior, including but not limited to: (1) interacting with ot her individuals on s ocial networking websites a nd in chat r ooms, and (2) cyberbullying awareness an d r esponse. 5 Staff m embers m ay, co nsistent w ith the S uperintendent’s implementation plan, use the Internet throughout the curriculum. The District’s electronic network is part of the curriculum and is not a public forum for general use. 6 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State o r f ederal l aw r equires t his s ubject m atter b e co vered b y policy. S tate o r f ederal l aw co ntrols t his policy’s content. This policy contains an item on which collective bargaining may be required. Any policy that impacts upon wages, hours, a nd terms a nd c onditions of e mployment, i s s ubject t o c ollective ba rgaining upo n r equest by t he e mployee representative, ev en i f t he p olicy i nvolves an i nherent managerial r ight. T his policy co ncerns an area i n which t he l aw i s unsettled. A policy on Internet safety is necessary to receive E-rate funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Enhancing Education Through Technology (20 U.S.C. §6751 et seq.) and to qualify for universal service benefits under the Children’s Internet Protection Act (47 U.S.C. §254(h) and (l). 2 This goal is repeated in exhibit 6:235-E2, Authorization for Electronic Network Access. 3 Topics f or t he i mplementation plan i nclude i ntegration of t he I nternet i n the c urriculum, s taff t raining, a nd s afety issues. T he i mplementation pl an c an a lso i nclude t echnical i nformation r egarding s ervice pr oviders, e stablishing I nternet accounts, distributing passwords, software filters, menu creation, managing resources and storage capacity, and the number of dial-up lines or access points for users to connect to their accounts. Another topic is investigation of inappropriate use. 4 No s ystem c an g uarantee t o o perate p erfectly o r t o p revent acc ess t o i nappropriate m aterial; t his p olicy s tatement attempts to absolve the district of any liability. 5 Required by 47 U.S.C. §254(h)(5)(B)(iii) and 47 C.F.R. §54.520(c)(i) only for districts that receive E-rate discounts for I nternet acce ss o r p lan t o b ecome participants in th e E-rate discount pr ogram. B eginning J uly 1, 2012 , a ll boards receiving an E-rate funding for Internet access must certify that they have updated their Internet safety policies. See, FCC Report and Order 11-125 (August 11 , 2 011). T his s entence is o ptional if th e d istrict o nly receives discounts f or telecommunications, such as telephone service, unless the district plans to participate in the E-rate discount program. 6 School authorities may reasonably regulate student expression in school-sponsored publications for education-related reasons. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 108 S .Ct. 562 (1988). This policy allows such control by clearly stating that school-sponsored network information resources are not a “public forum” open for general student use but are, instead, part of the curriculum. 6:235 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Page 1 of 4 Acceptable Use 7 All use of the District’s electronic networks must be: (1) in support of education and/or research, and be in furtherance of the goals stated herein, or (2) for a legitimate school business purpose. Use is a privilege, not a right. 8 Students and staff members have no expectation of privacy i n any material Keep our "Web that i s s tored, transmitted, o r received v ia the D istrict’s e lectronic ne tworks or D istrict co mputers. Publishing" paragraph General rules for behavior and communications apply when using electronic networks. The District’s Authorization for Electronic Network Access contains t he a ppropriate us es, e thics, a nd pr otocol. 9 Electronic c ommunications and downloaded m aterial, including f iles deleted f rom a u ser’s a ccount but not erased, may be monitored or read by school officials. 10 Internet Safety 11 Technology protection measures shall be used on each District computer with Internet access. They shall have include a filtering device that blocks entry protects against Internet access by both adults and m inors to v isual d epictions th at a re: (1) ob scene, ( 2) pornographic, or ( 3) ha rmful o r inappropriate for students, a s de fined by federal l aw and as d etermined by t he S uperintendent or designee. 12 The S uperintendent o r d esignee shall enforce the use o f su ch f iltering d evices. An The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 7 This paragraph provides general guidelines for acceptable use regardless of whether Internet use is supervised. The specific r ules are p rovided i n exhibit 6 :235-E2, Authorization for Electronic Network Access (see also footnote 11). This paragraph’s application to faculty may have collective bargaining implications. 8 The “privilege, not a right” dichotomy is borrowed from cases holding that a student’s removal from a team does not require due process because such participation is a privilege rather than a right. The deprivation of a privilege typically does not t rigger t he C onstitution’s due pr ocess pr ovision. Clements v . B oard o f E ducation of D ecatur P ublic S chool District No. 61, 478 N.E.2d 1209 (Ill.App.4, 1985). Nevertheless, before access privileges are revoked, the user should be allowed to give an explanation. 9 If students are allowed only supervised access and are not required to sign the Authorization for Electronic Network Access, the provisions from the Authorization should be used as administrative procedures for covering student Internet use. See Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks, 6:235-AP. This is an optional sentence: The Superintendent shall establish administrative procedures containing the appropriate uses, ethics, and protocol for Internet use. The Harassing and Obscene Communications Act criminalizes h arassing and obscene electronic communication (720 ILCS 135/0.01). 10 The F ourth A mendment pr otects i ndividuals from s earches onl y when t he person has a l egitimate expectation of privacy. This provision attempts to avoid Fourth Amendment protection for communications and downloaded material by forewarning users that their material may be read or searched, thus negating any expectation of privacy. Email and computer files are “public records” as defined in the Ill. Freedom of Information Act if they are, as in this policy, “ under c ontrol” of t he s chool b oard ( 5 I LCS 1 40/2). T hey may b e e xempt from di sclosure, how ever, when t hey contain i nformation t hat, i f d isclosed, “ would c onstitute a c learly unw arranted i nvasion of pe rsonal privacy,” ( 5 I LCS 140/7). A lternatively, a s chool b oard m ay b elieve th at making email s emi-private en hances i ts educational v alue. T he following grants limited privacy to email communications and can be substituted for the sample policy’s sentence preceding this footnote: School officials w ill not i ntentionally i nspect t he c ontents of e mail w ithout t he c onsent of the s ender or a n intended recipient, unless as required to investigate complaints regarding email that are alleged to contain material in violation of this policy or the Authorization for Electronic Network Access. 11 Supra f/n #1. 12 This sample policy language is broader than the requirements in federal law (20 U.S.C. §6777, 47 U.S.C. §254), in that the p olicy, a nd 47 C .F.R. § 54.520(c)(i). It does not distinguish between minors ( children younger t han 17) and nonminors. The t erms, minor, obscene, child pornography, a nd harmful to minors have not c hanged, but a re now e xplicitly referred to in the regulations at 47 C.F.R. §54.520(a). Federal law defines “harmful to minors” as: 6:235 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Page 2 of 4 administrator, s upervisor, or ot her a uthorized pe rson may di sable t he f iltering de vice for bona f ide research or ot her l awful purpose, provided the person receives prior permission from the Superintendent or system administrator. 13 The Superintendent or designee shall include measures in this policy’s implementation plan to address the following: 14 1. Ensure staff supervision of student access to online electronic networks, 15 2. Restrict student access to inappropriate matter as well as restricting access to harmful materials, 3. Ensure student and staff privacy, safety, and security when using electronic communications, 4. Restrict unauthorized access, including “hacking” and other unlawful activities, and 5. Restrict unauthorized d isclosure, us e, a nd d issemination of personal identification information, such as, names and addresses. Authorization for Electronic Network Access 16 Each staff member must sign the District’s Authorization for Electronic Network Access as a condition for using the District’s electronic network. Each student and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign the Authorization before being granted unsupervised use. 17 "Independent" …any p icture, i mage, g raphic i mage file, o r o ther v isual d epiction t hat–(i) t aken as a whole and w ith r espect t o m inors, a ppeals t o a pr urient interest i n nudity, s ex, or e xcretion; ( ii) depicts, d escribes, o r r epresents, in a p atently o ffensive way with r espect t o what i s suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted s exual a cts, o r a l ewd exhibition o f t he g enitals; an d ( iii) t aken as a whole, l acks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors. The F ederal C ommunications C ommission s pecifically d eclined to f ind t hat acces s t o Facebook or MySpace are p er s e harmful to minors. School officials have discretion about whether or not to block access to these and similar sites. See supra f/n #3. 13 Permitted by 20 U .S.C. §6777(c). The policy’s provision for prior approval is not in the law and may be omitted. The entire sentence may be eliminated if a board does not want the filtering device to be disabled. 14 In order to qualify for uni versal s ervice b enefits u nder t he f ederal C hildren’s I nternet Protection Act (CIPA), t he district’s I nternet s afety p olicy must address th e ite ms lis ted in the s ample p olicy ( 47 U .S.C. § 254(l). The s ample p olicy accomplishes t his t ask b y r equiring t hese i tems b e ad dressed in th e p olicy’s i mplementation p lan o r a dministrative procedure. Note that federal law r equires the school board to hold at least one hearing or meeting to address the Internet safety policy initial adoption of the Internet safety policy. Later revisions of the existing policy need not follow the public notice rule of CIPA, though a board will still need to follow its policy regarding revisions and the mandates of the Ill. Freedom of Information Act. CIPA a lso re quires t his policy a nd its documentation to be r etained f or at l east 5 years a fter t he l ast d ay o f s ervice delivered i n a p articular f unding year. T his means t he 5 year retention r equirement b egins o n t he l ast d ay o f service delivered under E-rate not from the day the policy was initially adopted. Consult the board attorney about this requirement and the best practices for your individual board. 15 Monitoring the online activities of students is broader than the requirement in federal law to monitor minors. The definition of minor for th is p urpose is “ any i ndividual w ho ha s not a ttained t he a ge of 17 years.” See 47 C.F.R. 54.520(a)(4)(i). The use of the word students is a best practice. 16 The Authorization for Electronic Network Access (6:235-E2), r ather t han t his b oard p olicy, s pecifies appropriate conduct, e thics, a nd protocol f or I nternet us e. T his i s c onsistent w ith t he pr inciple t hat de tailed r equirements a re not appropriate for board policy; instead, they should be contained in separate district documents that are authorized by board policy. Keeping technical rules specifying acceptable use out of board policy will allow for greater flexibility, fewer changes to t he pol icy manual, a nd a dherence t o t he be lief t hat boa rd p olicy should be c onfined t o g overnance i ssues a nd t he provision of guidance on significant district issues. 17 The Superintendent’s implementation plan should describe appropriate supervision for students on the Internet who are not required, or refuse, to sign the Authorization. The use of personal electronic communication devices owned by students but used to gain Internet access that has been funded by E-rate is not a ddressed yet. T he F CC has in dicated th at it d oes p lan to ad dress t he issues a ssociated w ith th e application of CIPA requirements to this situation. 6:235 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Page 3 of 4 All users of the District’s computers to access the Internet shall maintain the confidentiality of student records. Reasonable m easures t o p rotect ag ainst u nreasonable acc ess sh all b e t aken b efore confidential student information is loaded onto the network. The failure of any s tudent or staff m ember t o f ollow t he t erms of t he Authorization for Electronic Network Access, o r this policy, w ill result in t he loss o f p rivileges, d isciplinary a ction, a nd/or appropriate legal action. LEGAL REF.: No Child Left Behind Act, 20 U.S.C. §6777. Children’s Internet Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. §254(h) and (l). Enhancing Education Through Technology Act, 20 U.S.C §6751 et seq. 47 C.F.R. Part 54, Subpart F, Universal Service Support for Schools and Libraries. 720 ILCS 135/0.01. CROSS REF.: 5:100 (Staff Development Program), 5:170 (Copyright), 6:40 (Curriculum Development), 6:60 (Curriculum Content), 6:210 (Instructional Materials), 6:230 (Library Media Program), 6:260 (Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs), 7:130 (Student Rights and Responsibilities), 7:190 (Student Discipline), 7:310 (Restrictions on Publications) ADMIN PROC.: 6:235-AP1 (Administrative Procedure - Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks), 6235-AP1, E1 (Student Authorization for Electronic Network Access), 6:235AP1, E2 (Exhibit - Staff Authorization for Electronic Network Access) 6:235 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Page 4 of 4 January October 2012 7:70 Students Attendance and Truancy 1 Compulsory School Attendance 2 This policy applies to individuals who have custody or control of a child: (a) between the ages of 7 and 17 years of age (unless the child has graduated from high school), or (b) who is enrolled in any of grades, kindergarten through 12, in the public school regardless of age. These individuals must cause the child to attend the District school wherein the child is assigned, except as provided herein or by State law. Subject to specific requirements in State law, the following children are not required to attend public school: (1) any child attending a private school (including a home school) or parochial school, (2) any child who is physically or mentally unable to attend school (including a pregnant student suffering medical complications as certified by her physician), (3) any child lawfully and necessarily employed, (4) any child over 12 and under 14 years of age while in confirmation classes, (5) any child absent because his or her religion forbids secular activity on a particular day, and (6) any child 16 years of age or older who is employed and is enrolled in a graduation incentives program. The parent/guardian of a student who is enrolled must authorize all absences from school and notify the school in advance or at the time of the student’s absence. A valid cause for absence includes illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, other situations beyond the control of the student, other circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s safety or health, or other reason as approved by the Superintendent or designee. 3 Absenteeism and Truancy Program The Superintendent or designee shall manage an absenteeism and truancy program in accordance with the School Code and School Board policy. The program shall include but not be limited to: The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law requires boards to adopt a policy covering some of the topics herein and controls this policy’s content. 105 ILCS 5/26-13 requires a policy on supportive services and available resources for truants. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.290 requires the same plus contains a definition of valid cause for absence. 2 105 ILCS 5/26-2 addresses enrolled students below age 7 or over age 17. The amendment requires any persons having custody or control of a child who is enrolled in grades kindergarten through 12 in the public school to cause the child to attend school. 105 ILCS 5/26-1 contains the compulsory school age exemptions. Each listed exception is specifically included in the statute, except the reference to home school. See policy 7:40, Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and HomeSchooled Students, regarding assigning students who enroll from a non-public school. See policy 6:150, Home and Hospital Instruction, regarding providing instruction to a pregnant student who is medically unable to attend school. 3 These reasons are in 105 ILCS 5/26-2a, amended by P.A. 97-218, except that “other reason as approved by the Superintendent” was added. ISBE rule requires that the absenteeism and truancy policy defines valid causes for absence (23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.290). P.A. 97-218 changed the definition of chronic or habitual truant, which is now “a child who is subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for 5% (down from 10%) or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days.” P.A. 97-975 replaced the Juvenile Court Act’s definition of chronic truant with a reference to the definition in Sec. 26-2a of the School Code. 7:70 Page 1 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 1. A protocol for excusing a student from attendance who is necessarily and lawfully employed. The Superintendent or designee is authorized to determine when the student’s absence is justified. 4 2. A process to telephone, within 2 hours after the first class, the parents/guardians of students in grade 8 or below who are absent without prior parent/guardian notification. 5 3. A process to identify and track students who are truants, chronic or habitual truants, or truant minors as defined in the School Code, Section 26-2a. 4. Methods for identifying the cause(s) of a student’s unexcused absenteeism, including interviews with the student, his or her parent(s)/guardian(s), and staff members or other people who may have information. 6 5. The identification of supportive services that may be offered to truant or chronically truant students, including parent-teacher conferences, student and/or family counseling, or information about community agency services. 7 See Board policy 6:110, Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program. 6. A process to request the assistance and resources of outside agencies, such as, the juvenile officer of the local police department or the truant office of the appropriate Regional Office of Education, if truancy continues after supportive services have been offered. 8 7. A protocol for cooperating with non-District agencies including County or municipal authorities, the Regional Superintendent, truant officers, the Community Truancy Review Board, and a comprehensive community based youth service agency. Any disclosure of The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 4 Any child “necessarily and lawfully employed” may be exempted from attendance by the superintendent “on certification of the facts by and the recommendation of the school board” (105 ILCS 5/26-1). The policy’s language serves to delegate this “certification of the facts” to the superintendent or designee. The following option allows a board to consider and include specific criteria in the policy: A student may be excused, at the Superintendent’s discretion, when: (1) the student has a last period study hall, (2) the parent/guardian provides written permission, (3) the student’s employer provides written verification of employment, (4) the student provides evidence of a valid work permit, or (5) other reason deemed justifiable by the Superintendent. Child Labor laws include: 29 C.F.R. Part 570 (minimum age standards, occupations, conditions, etc.); 820 ILCS 205/ (child labor laws); 56 Ill.Admin.Code Part 250 (child labor regulations). 5 This notification is required by 105 ILCS 5/26-3b. 6 Each district must have a policy describing diagnostic procedures to identify the cause(s) of absenteeism and supportive services and available resources for truants and chronic truants (105 ILCS 5/26-13; 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.290). 7 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.290. The School Code references to dropout prevention include: 105 ILCS 5/26-3a (regional superintendent activities and annual report); 105 ILCS 5/10-20.25a (annual report by boards); and 105 ILCS 5/1A-4(E) (State Board of Education report). 8 Use this alternative for districts in suburban Cook County: replace “Regional Office of Education” with “appropriate Intermediate Service Center.” Use this alternative for districts in suburban Cook County: replace “Regional Superintendent” with “appropriate Intermediate Service Center.” P.A. 96-893 abolished the Regional Office of Education for Suburban Cook County and transferred its duties and powers to Intermediate Service Centers. 7:70 Page 2 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. school student records must be consistent with Board policy 7:340, Student Records, as well as State and federal law concerning school student records. 9 8. An acknowledgement that no punitive action, including out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, or court action, shall be taken against a chronic truant for his or her truancy unless available supportive services and other school resources have been provided to the student. 10 9. The criteria to determine whether a student’s non-attendance is due to extraordinary circumstances shall include economic or medical necessity or family hardship and such other criteria that the Superintendent believes qualifies. 11 [For high school and unit districts only] 10. A process for a 17 year old resident to participate in the District’s various programs and resources for truants. 12 The student must provide documentation of his/her dropout status for the previous 6 months. A request from an individual 19 years of age or older to re-enroll after having dropped out of school is handled according to provisions in 7:50, Students School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools. 11. A process for the temporary exclusion of a student 17 years of age or older for failing to meet minimum academic or attendance standards according to provisions in State law. A parent/guardian has the right to appeal a decision to exclude a student. 13 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 9 105 ILCS 5/26-9 requires school officers and superintendents to assist truant officers. A minor who is reported by the regional superintendent as a chronic truant may be adjudicated a “truant minor in need of supervision” if the minor declines or refuses to fully participate in truancy intervention services (705 ILCS 405/3-33.5).Counties and municipalities may regulate truants by ordinance and impose fines and/or community services on truants or, if the truant is under 10 years of age, on the parent or custodian (55 ILCS 5/5-1078.2 and 65 ILCS 5/11-5-9). Such local officials or authorities that enforce, prosecute, or adjudicate municipal ordinances adopted under 55 ILCS 5/5-1078.2 and 65 ILCS 5/11-5-9, or that work with school districts to address truancy problems, are designated as (i) part of the juvenile justice system, established by the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, and (ii) juvenile authorities within the definition set forth in subsection (a)(6.5) of Section 10-6 of the Ill. School Student Records Act (Id.). A superintendent should consult with the board attorney before disclosing school student records to non-district entities. See 7:340-AP, Student Records for a sample procedure for release of such records to juvenile authorities. 10 105 ILCS 5/26-12 prohibits punitive action “unless available supportive services and other school resources have been provided to the student.” 11 105 ILCS 5/26-3a requires the district to “establish, in writing, a set of criteria for use by the local superintendent of schools in determining whether a pupil’s failure to attend school is the result of extraordinary circumstances, including but not limited to economic or medical necessity or family hardship.” This statute also requires the “clerk or secretary” of the board to quarterly report to the regional superintendent and Secretary of State the identity of students who were removed from the regular attendance roll, exclusive of transferees, because they were expelled; have withdrawn; left school; withdrew due to extraordinary circumstances; have re-enrolled in school since their names were removed from the attendance rolls; were certified to be chronic or habitual truants; or were previously certified as chronic or habitual truants who have resumed regular school attendance. The statute provides that the status of a driver’s license or instructional permit will be jeopardized for a student who is the subject of this notification because of non-attendance unless the non-attendance is due to extraordinary circumstances as determined by the local district. State Superintendent Koch announced in his Weekly Message, 8-28-07,, p.2, that ISBE is delaying implementing this statute based upon legal guidance from the U.S. Department of Education’s Family Policy Compliance Office that its implementation would violate the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act. 12 A district must allow this participation; the length of the drop-out period and the documentation requirement contained in the next sentence are permissive (105 ILCS 5/26-14). 13 Optional, but provided in 105 ILCS 5/26-2(c); ISBE’s rule controls the appeal process, 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.242. 7:70 Page 3 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/26-1 through 16. 705 ILCS 405/3-33.5. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §§1.242 and 1.290. CROSS REF.: 6:110 (Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program), 6:150 (Home and Hospital Instruction), 7:10 (Equal Educational Opportunities), 7:50 (School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools), 7:60 (Residence), 7:80 (Release Time for Religious Instruction/Observance), 7:190 (Student Discipline), 7:340 (Student Records) 7:70 Page 4 of 4 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2007 2012 2:210 School Board Organizational School Board Meeting 1 During a March meeting in odd-numbered years, the School Board establishes a date for its organizational meeting to be held sometime after the election authority canvasses the vote, but within 28 days after the consolidated election. The consolidated election is held on the first Tuesday in April of odd-numbered years. At the organizational meeting the following shall occur: 1. Each successful candidate, before taking his or her seat on the Board, shall take the oath of office as provided in Board policy 2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct. 2 2. The new Board members shall be seated. 3. The Board shall elect its officers who assume office immediately upon their election. 3 4. The Board shall fix a time and date for its regular meetings. 4 5 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State law controls this policy’s content. Local canvassing boards were abolished in 2006; and the statute requiring school boards to canvass the vote was repealed. The appropriate election authority (county clerk or election commission) canvasses the vote for school district elections (10 ILCS 5/1-8). The election authority must canvass the vote within 21 days after the election (10 ILCS 5/22-17 and 5/22-18). Sometime between receiving the results from the election authority, but within 28 days after the consolidated election, boards must hold an organizational meeting to elect officers and fix a time and place for the regular meetings (105 ILCS 5/10-16). State law contains the schedule for consolidated elections (10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1). See policy 2:30, School District Elections. The following option may be added after the second sentence of the first paragraph. It allows a board to recognize that the consolidated election will be postponed for Passover (10 ILCS 5/2A-1.1a); the exact provision is already in 2:30, School District Elections: If, however, that date conflicts with the celebration of Passover, the consolidated election is postponed to the first Tuesday following the last day of Passover. 2 The oath is required by 105 ILCS 5/10-16.5 . State law does not require anyone to actually give or administer is “administered as determined by the oath to the newly elected individual board.” There are lots of variations on how to accomplish this task. One alternative follows: The meeting is called to order by the Board President, provided he or she is still in office and, if not, by the Vice President. This individual also serves as the meeting’s presiding officer. The presiding officer administers the oath of office. 3 Id. A secret vote for officer elections is not permitted (5 ILCS 120/1). 4 The Open Meetings Act and the School Code have different provisions regarding the establishment of a regular meeting schedule. The Open Meetings Act requires each public body to prepare and make available a regular meeting schedule at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year (5 ILCS 120/2.03). The School Code states that this task is accomplished during the organizational meeting. By announcing the schedule at the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year and by fixing the schedule at the organizational meeting, a board can implement both laws. 5 An optional provision follows: During an April Board meeting in even-numbered years, the Board considers organizational matters, such as, selecting individual members to fill offices with terms that expire this or the next month and fixing a time and date for its regular meetings. 2:210 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. LEGAL REF.: 10 ILCS 5/2A-1 et seq. 105 ILCS 5/10-5, 5/10-16, and 105 ILCS 5/10-16.5. CROSS REF.: 2:30 (School District Elections), 2:110 (Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers), 2:200 (Types of School Board Meetings), 2:220 (School Board Meeting Procedure), 2:230 (Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board) 2:210 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. October 2007 2012 6:270 Instruction Guidance and Counseling Program 1 The School District provides a guidance and counseling program for students. 2 The Superintendent or designee shall direct the District’s guidance and counseling program. School counseling services, as described by State law, may be performed by a qualified guidance specialist or any certificated staff member. 3 [For Elementary and Unit Districts] Each staff member is responsible for effectively guiding students under his/her supervision in order to provide early identification of intellectual, emotional, social, or physical needs, diagnosis of any learning disabilities, and development of educational potential. The District’s counselors shall offer counseling to those students who require additional assistance. [For High School and Unit Districts] The guidance program will assist students to identify career options consistent with their abilities, interests, and personal values. Students shall be encouraged to seek the help of counselors to develop specific curriculum goals that conform to the student’s career objectives. High school juniors and seniors will have the opportunity to receive career-oriented information. Representatives from colleges and universities, occupational training institutions and career-oriented recruiters, including The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content. 2 School boards may employ counselors (105 ILCS 5/10-22.24a). 105 ILCS 5/10-22.24b provides that school guidance services include, but are not limited to: (1) educational planning; (2) career development and counseling; (3) college counseling; (4) developing and facilitating anti-violence education or conflict resolution programs, or both; (5) providing crisis intervention programs within the school setting; (6) making appropriate referrals to outside agencies; (7) interpreting achievement, career, and vocational test information; (8) developing individual career plans for all students; (9) providing individual and small group counseling; (10) addressing the developmental needs of students by designing curricula for classroom counseling and guidance; (11) consultant and counseling with parents for the academic, career, and personal success of their children; (12) facilitating school to work transition programs; and (13) supervising school counseling interns enrolled in school counseling programs that meet the standards of the State Board of Education. A program to assist educationally disadvantaged children may include special guidance and counseling (105 ILCS 5/14B-2). All districts must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to determine the scope of pupil needs in the areas of guidance and counseling, psychological, social work, and health (23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.420(q). The Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003 requires districts to develop protocols for responding to students with social, emotional, or mental health problems that impact learning (405 ILCS 49/1 et seq/). 105 ILCS 5/2-3.142, added by P.A. 95558, created the Ensuring Success in School Task Force. This task force will developed policies, procedures, and protocols for school boards to adopt for the purpose of addressing the education and related needs of students who are parents, expectant parents, or victims of domestic or sexual violence to ensure their ability to stay in school, stay safe while in school, and successfully complete their education. School boards and superintendents may want to create their own study group to prepare for implementing the task force’s policies, procedures, and protocols. See policy 7:250, Student Support Services, and administrative procedure 7:250-AP2, Protocol for Responding to Students with Social, Emotional, or Mental Health Problems. 3 Optional. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.24b provides that any qualified professional, including other certificated personnel, may provide school counseling services. The following optional sentence recognizes the importance of interventions; however, it creates duties that are not present in law. This is a classic “who, gets what, for how much” issue. The counseling program will assist students with interventions related to academic, social and/or personal issues. Students shall be encouraged to seek academic, social, and /or personal assistance. 6:270 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. the military, may be given access to the school campus in order to provide students and parents/guardians with information. 4 LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-22.24a and 5/10-22.24b. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §§1.420(q). CROSS REF.: 6:50 (School Wellness), 6:65 (Student Social and Emotional Development), 6:110 (Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program), 6:120 (Education of Children with Disabilities), 6:130 (Program for the Gifted), 7:100 (Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students), 7:250 (Student Support Services) ADMIN. PROC.: 7:340-(AP1 (School Student Records), 7:340-AP1, E1 (Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records), 7:340-AP1, E3 (Letter to Parents Concerning Military Recruiters and Postsecondary Institutions Receiving Student Directory Information) The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 4 A district must provide military recruiters access to students if it has provided such access to persons or groups who tell students about educational or occupational opportunities (105 ILCS 5/10-20.5a). Federal law requires a secondary school to grant military recruiters and institutions of high learning, upon their request, access to secondary school students’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers, unless the parents/guardians request that the information not be disclosed without prior written consent (20 U.S.C. §7908). See also 7:340-AP1, School Student Records, and 7:340-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records. 6:270 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. Agenda