2016 Isaac Fox Talent Show Presale Ticket Order Form

2016 Isaac Fox Talent Show
Presale Ticket Order Form
Come see the talent that the students of Isaac Fox have to display, plus there is a super surprise
is in store for the audience this year.
Tickets are only $2.50 per seat for this exciting show.
Presale tickets will be waiting for you when you arrive at the show. There will be tickets
available at the door, but this was a sold out show last year so we highly recommend buying
your tickets in advance. There are no limits to the amount of tickets that each student/family
can purchase. All tickets are general admission seating.
Student Name____________________________________________________
Number of tickets _________________________________________________
Total Paid (Number of tickets X $2.50) _________________________________
All orders must be turned into the front office by Wednesday March 2nd
*Please make all checks payable to Isaac Fox PTO*
Any questions regarding tickets, please contact Deb Beaudoin at debibeaudoin@comcast.net