Name: __________________________ Date: _________ Period: _______


Name: __________________________ Date: _________ Period: _______

YOU MUST COMPLETE 5 OF THESE. Meaning only leave 2 out. The required evidence is provided.


My student ____________________ told me what time he/she would be in and stuck to it. For bonus to me, they texted me when they were headed home.

Parent signature ______________________


Buy a sandwich for a homeless person this week.

Parent signature __________________________


Handwrite a thank you note to someone you’ve wanted to say thank you to for a long time. Signature of the thank-you note recipient _______________________


Pinpoint when and where it’s most difficult for you to hold back from gossiping. Is it with a certain friend, in the locker room, on social media? Come up with a plan of action to avoid doing it. What is your plan? Talk to your parents about it and ask for their advice.

Parent Signature _____________________________


Take it easy and don’t talk so much today. Spend the day listening. What did you learn from listening?


Before you go to bed tonight, write a simple message of apology to someone you may have offended. Copy of the letter turned in.


Think of a situation where you and someone else have different expectations. Put together a plan for how to get on the same page.

Who is it? ____________________

Their expectation:


My expectation:


Our plan:


Have fun!! Due Friday 9/18/15
