Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
2214 Cliff Road, Mississauga, ON L5A 2N9
TEL: 905-277-0990
FAX: 905-277-5570
C. Serjeant
A. Aguilar
E. Dal’Bo
Head Secretary
C. Bissola
Assistant Secretary
T. Lariviere
Superintendent of Schools,
Mississauga East
M. Pascucci
Chair of the Board of Trustees
905-890-0708 X20161
Cell: 905-302-3096
B. Iannicca
Trustee, Ward 7
Cell: 905-270-0536
Fr. Camillo Lando
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
L. Kostick
Catholic School Council Chair
P.L.A.S.P. Program
God, our Loving Creator,
Teach us to appreciate the virtue of patriotism;
a true and Christian love of our country
that consists not of following the easy path, but of working together
to make Canada the land of goodness and peace that it should be.
Let our patriotism be such that it will not exclude other nations
but include them in a nurturing and global love that unites us.
This month, we remember all those who lived and died for us; their energy and their effort
to defend our freedom for our loved ones and for our country.
God, we know that You want our world to be
a loving and happy home for the entire human family.
May our conscience guide us to reach out in Christian kindness, charity and mercy
to make this world a better place for all Your children.
We ask Your blessing through Christ, Your Son.
November is one of “remembrance.” All
Hallow’s Eve gives way to All Saints Day
and All Souls Day. It is a month of endings
and of new beginnings. We pause and
reflect on those whom we have known,
loved and respected and who now are
deceased. This month is also a good time
to reflect on peace within ourselves and
with others. At this time, it is good to
remind ourselves to be role models in
what we say and what we do. We pray for
peace and an end to conflicts that exist in
our world today.
Progress Reports will be sent home on
Tuesday, November 17th, 2015. There will
be an opportunity for some parents,
students and teachers to meet at
progress conferences on the evening of
Thursday, November 19th, 2015.
On Wednesday, November 11th, the St.
Timothy community will reflect and
remember together at our Remembrance
Day observance in the gym beginning at
10:45 AM. Parents are welcome to join
us for this important celebration.
This month, we should also remember
that we focus on the virtue of
“Conscience,” as we teach students that a
conscience is the voice of God within us
that will guide us when we make all of our
decisions. We will be teaching our
students that, when we listen to this
voice, God helps us to be good people.
This month, let us remember.
Finally, at this time of the year, we are
also planning for the waiting season of
Advent leading to Christmas and the
beginning of a new liturgical year. Advent
begins on Sunday, November 29th, 2015,
and with it, the Church begins the Year of
Mercy. Let us pray to be people of mercy.
Sincerely, C.
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St. Timothy School Newsletter
For all holidays and PA Days, refer to 2015-2016 School Year Board
Calendar in Student Agendas or visit
In the month of NOVEMBER,
God has given us the ability to know the right and
decent way to act, and then to act that way. We trust
that the Holy Spirit we share inspires us and guides us to
make good decisions if we allow our conscience to be
A person of conscience allows prayer and scripture to
influence him/her.
All Saints’ Day
All Souls’ Day
Catholic School Council Meeting ~7:00 PM
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Grade 2 Trip to Humber Arboretum
Bullying Awareness / Spirit Week
Progress Reports sent home
Parent-Teacher-Student Interview (evening)
Only as requested by Teacher/Parent\
Movie Night at School (Catholic School
Youth Faith Ambassador Commissioning
Santa Visit for Primary Classes
Grade 8 Retreat at Sara Elizabeth Centre
Grade 6 Trip to Ripley’s Aquarium
First Sunday of Advent
Library Book Fair Begins
“Dance for Kindness” School Flash Mob
7 and 9
Scholastic Book Fair Week in Library
Grade 8 Confirmation at Church ~6:00 PM
Grade 3 Trip to Bradley Museum
Grades 7 & 8 Peel Health Immunization
Catholic School Council Meeting ~7:00 PM
Grade 5 Trip to Peel Safety Village
Grade 2 Parents Communion Meeting
at St. Catherine of Siena ~7:30 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation for Gr. 3 to 8
*NEW* Primary Christmas Concert
(afternoon and evening performances)
Advent Mass at School ~9:30 AM
FDK Christmas Kitchen ~1:05 PM
Last Day of Classes for 2015
Monday, December 21, 2014 to Friday, January 1, 2016
Pizza Days
The Lunch Lady
Hot Dog Days
Milk Program
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Please be reminded of our school’s hours of operation:
8:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:04-1:04 PM
3:30 PM
– Supervision Begins
– Entry
– Lunch
– Dismissal
We are hoping to minimize the number of lates we are
experiencing on a daily basis. Please have your child(ren) at
school 15 minutes prior to the 9:00 morning bell. During this
time, yard supervision begins. Late students must sign-in to the
office and obtain a late slip. Being on time is an essential life
skill for students to learn.
For the safety of your child(ren), we ask that you DO NOT drop your
child(ren) off at school prior to 8:45 AM and arrange for pick-up
PROMPTLY at 3:30 PM. Supervision Duty concludes at 3:45 PM.
This also applies during inclement weather days.
If you are parking on the street, please observe all
signs and avoid blocking residential driveways, as we
have had concerns from neighbours. During inclement
weather, please continue to observe the Kiss & Ride
protocol. The Kiss & Ride lane is supervised beginning
at 8:45 AM. Parents/guardians should drive to the
curbside lane, where your child(ren) will exit from the passenger
side and be escorted from your car. Please do not park and/or
exit your car. This blocks the lane for use by others. The Drive
Through Lane and Bus Lane at the front of the school are never
open to parents/guardians dropping off their children as this
creates a hazard for students and staff
supervisors. Note that parking in the school lot
will be restricted between 8:30 and 9:00 AM to
staff, support staff, and Board visitors.
A reminder to our community that NO PETS are
permitted on school property during the hours of
8:45 AM to 3:45 PM.
In partnership with the City of Mississauga Traffic Safety Council,
St. Timothy School continues to participate in the Walk-toSchool Program. We encourage all parents/guardians, staff and
students to walk, roll or bike to school daily, although we have
designated Wednesday as a day for our Health Action Team
(H.A.T.) members to be outside at 8:45 AM to greet all walkers.
Captain Earth and her team of Superheroes will be outside
stamping the Walk to School Cards for the monthly draw.
We've notice a decrease in vehicle traffic on Wednesdays.
Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who promote
healthy and green living by supporting their child(ren) in taking
the "better" way to school.
St. Timothy School Newsletter
Communication between home and school is greatly
enhanced by parental involvement with the Catholic School
Council. The aim of the Catholic School Council is to promote
the vision, values, sacramental life and Catholic practices of
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the
Catholic community it serves, and to advise the principal and
the Board.
Our CSC Chair, Linda Kostick, along with the Executive
Members will be working with the general Council voting
members. We thank our parent community for their
dedication to and support of the school.
Council meetings typically occur the first Wednesday of each
month, and all Council Members and parents/guardians are
encouraged to come out to meetings and participate.
Future Meeting Dates
December 2, 2015
February 3, 2016
March 2, 2016
April 6, 2016
May 25, 2016
On Friday, October 30th, classes were invited to the gym
throughout the day to participate in the Hallowe’en BOOgie-a
-thon, which is held as an annual fundraiser for our school.
Organized by the Catholic School Council (CSC) and many
parent volunteers, it was a SPOOK-tacular event that our
students and staff enjoyed as they moved and grooved in
their Hallowe’en costumes. The monies raised will be put
right back into the school to support activities and purchase
additional school resources. The Council will direct the
pledges and proceeds to support many initiatives at a reduced
or no cost to our students, and many other programs. We
sincerely thank our Catholic School Council for their
enthusiasm and support . The gym was BOO-tifully decorated
thanks to our many wonderful volunteers. Special mention to
Linda Kostick, our CSC Chair, who donated popcorn and was
able to obtain a giant
blowup cat that was a
great hit with the
students! Pictures are
posted on our Twitter
and our school website.
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St. Timothy’s Food Drive was a great
success due to the generous
donations of the school community.
We are thankful to Ms. Chyz’s class for
organizing this charitable event as
they packed and loaded boxes of nonperishable food items for St. Vincent
de Paul Society.
Thank you to
everyone for reaching out to assist
needy families in our community.
Hard Candy Collection:
Dr. Andrew Simone, founder
of Canadian Food for
Children Foundation, collects
hard, non-perishable candy
(preferably no chocolate as it
melts in hot climates) and
ships it abroad. The candy gets shipped directly to agencies
in developing nations who work with children in need. Dr.
Simone explains that for these malnourished, and often
dehydrated youngsters, the sugar stimulates their appetites,
as starving children are often unable to eat. He also reminds
us that most of these children have never tasted candy, and
that we can bring a moment of joy to another child’s life
through our donations. What a great way to share some of
the pounds of excess candy in our homes after Halloween!
Our Youth Faith Ambassadors will be collecting candy
throughout the beginning weeks of November and delivering
it to his warehouse. You can also drop off your candy at the
Canadian Food For Children Warehouse at 1258 Lakeshore
Road East, Mississauga.
Milk Bags Unlimited made an urgent appeal to
Dufferin-Peel schools in January 2015 to collect
(outer) milk bags that could be woven into
sleeping mats and shipped to Sierra Leone and
neighbouring African countries to help in the
Ebola outbreak. The response to this appeal was so
profoundly generous that within the past months our school
communities and board facilities have collected and shipped
over 1 million milk bags to Mary Fix and St. Rita schools to be
used to make the sleeping mats. Unfortunately, both schools
no longer have the room to store the bags and due to a lack
of weavers, we request that, at this time, schools and board
facilities suspend the collection of milk bags. You may
resume recycling the milk bags in your residential blue
containers. Thank you for your support of this initiative.
St. Timothy School Newsletter
STOP-r provides bus transportation services for
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.
The STOP-r website address is
which provides access to up-to-date information
regarding delayed buses and bus cancellations
due to inclement weather. To check for eligibility for
transportation, please access the following website: or contact them at (905) 890-6000.
STOP-r has established a procedure for granting courtesy
seats on existing bus runs. A courtesy seat may be granted if
a seat is available on the bus AND if the bus stop already
exists in the current school year.
Thank you to all parents who completed and followed the
school board process for the Courtesy Seat Bus Request. We
tried to accommodate as many students as possible for this
year, although there were only a very limited number of
Courtesy Seats this year, and at this time, we are not able to
accommodate any more Courtesy Seat requests.
Applications will be kept on file and applicants will be
contacted if seats become available in the future.
As of November 10th, the students who have a parent/sibling/
caregiver picking them up from the school will be released at
3:30 PM in a different manner. The Grade 1 Team will
continue to escort students out to the Primary doors.
However, instead of lining up against the wall, students will
be going directly to whoever is picking them up. Please
ensure that someone is there to pick up your child(ren) on
time. Remember there is also a teacher out on duty until
3:45 PM who will continue to be taking any students who are
not picked up on time to the Main Office. Please check there
if someone is late picking up your child.
The St. Timothy Health Action Team is well under
way! This year our Health Action Team is made up
of over 15 eager and motivated students. Over the course of
the school year, we will be working towards becoming a
“healthy” school, while earning points towards the OPHEA’s
Healthy Schools Certification. Our goal is to encourage
students to make healthier choices, and to motivate our
school community in being a safe, healthy, accepting
environment. This month, we will be focusing on promoting
friendship through our “Kindness is Contagious” campaign.
Team members and teachers will be looking out for Random
Acts of Kindness (R.A.K.) throughout the day, and we will be
sharing some of them on the announcements. RAK on St.
Timothy! Thank you to Ms. Kontostergios, Ms. Zabukovec,
and Ms. Harden for their dedication to this healthy initiative!
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St. Timothy School Newsletter
Our school Cross-Country Titans Team had
a spectacular season this year, with
amazing enthusiasm and fabulous results.
Congratulations to all team members who
participated in a 2 to 4 kilometre course at
the Mississauga East Family Meet on
October 19th at Centennial Park. We are
very proud of all of the following students:
GRADE 4 — Mac B., Evan C., Jeremiah C., Lucas C., Lauren C-R.,
Mackenzie C-R., Sophia D., Tomas H., Tyler O., Ava R., Veselja T.
GRADE 5 — Steven C., Eliab D., Isabel L., Adah P., David T.
GRADE 6 — Simone B., Kaitlyn C-R., Daniella D., Cicilija G.,
Mya M., Kate R., Daniel W.
GRADE 7— Francesko A., Alexander D., Mark P.
GRADE 8 — Kate K., Nubia M., Robert M., Ryan O., Connor O.,
Kaitlynn R.
A special congratulations to the following runners who finished
in the Top 15 at the Family Meet:
Grade 4/5 — Tyler O. (2nd), Veselja T. (5th), Sophia D. (12th),
Eliab D. (15th). Jr. Boys’ Team (GOLD)
Grade 6 — Simone B. (2nd), Mya M. (8th)
Grade 6 Girls’ Team (GOLD)
Grade 7 — Alexander D. (7th), Francesko A. (15th)
Grade 8 — Tyler O. (3rd), Kaitlynn R. (3rd), Kate K. (12th)
Seventeen of our runners qualified for the Board Meet which
was held on Monday, October 26th.
An extra special
congratulations goes out to our top Board-wide finishers:
Grade 4 — Tyler O. (13th) and Veselja T. (10th)
Grade 6 —Simone B. (21st)
Grade 7 — Alexander D. (24th)
Grade 8 —Kaitlynn R. (6th)
Many thanks to these students for their hard work and
wonderful team spirit! Thank you also to the Cross-Country
Team Coaches: Ms. Zabukovec, Ms. McCharles, Ms. Wilson and
Ms. Salvati for training and supporting the runners.
2015 JUNIOR GIRLS’ TEAM: The Junior
Girls’ Volleyball Team had a phenomenal
season, winning four of their games. All of
the games were very close, as we definitely
faced some competitive teams and they
provided a good challenge.
Congratulations to all of the girls on the Junior Team:
Alexia A.
Kate R.
Kaitlyn C-R
Olivia R.
Cicilija G.
Emily S.
Mya M.
Olivia V.
What an amazing season! Ms. Dzikowski and Ms.
Mastromattei are so proud of you and all of your
dedication! On behalf of the students and staff, thank you
to both of the coaches.
2015 JUNIOR BOYS’ TEAM: The Junior Boys’
Volleyball Team had a successful season — so
successful that they won the Board
Championships! The boys were undefeated
during the season and used their skills at the
Family Tournament. The boys lost in the finals at the Family
Level but were still able to attend the Board Tournament.
St. Timothy was placed as the 8th team in the tournament.
During the regular round robin, the boys won 4 games and
lost 4 games. It all depended on another team to see if we
would advance to the Board semi-finals. We just made it by
2 points! Then we played in the semi’s and lost our first
game, but won the second and third game. Now it was off
to the finals against Ms. Kovacs’ new school, St. Veronica.
We won the first game, they won the second game, and we
won the third game by 3 points. Our St. Timothy School
Junior Boys’ Volleyball Team placed FIRST in the Board
Tournament! Our banner will hang in the gym. GO TITANS!
Congratulations to all of the boys on the Junior Team:
Lukas C.
Daniel M.
Jaiden C.
Keanu C-P
Liam S.
Johnny V
Luca V.
Joseph D.
Daniel W.
Ms. Zabukovec and Ms. Zivkovic are so proud of you and
still feel that they are “Champions of the World!” Thank you
to all the parents and intermediate students who helped
out during the season. Terrific work, boys!
Page 6 of 12 NOVEMBER 2015
The Kilometre Club for the primary
grades is out and running again.
Supervised by Ms. Harden, Ms.
Martins, and Ms. Zabukovec, there
are over 30 students from Grades 1 – 4
meeting every Tuesday morning at
8:20 AM at the front entrance of the school. Each Tuesday,
runners get together to participate in running activities to
have fun and at the same time, be physically active. The
club will run every Tuesday until the end of November. The
club will then resume after the March Break.
Your child is encouraged to dress appropriately for the
weather. Our runs will only be cancelled if it is raining.
Running shoes are mandatory. Your child is encouraged to
bring an extra pair of socks to change into after the run.
Happy running!
A fast-paced team sport has
arrived at St. Timothy School! It’s
a game that combines the skills
and strategies of numerous
sports, such as hockey, basketball,
and soccer. Starting in November on Tuesdays and Fridays,
at lunch recess, Grades 4 – 6 are welcome to participate in
Junior Handball Intramurals. Permission forms must be
submitted before November 6th. Junior students will be
divided into teams upon arrival and will play a 20-minute
game of handball. Students are asked to listen to
announcements and to check the bulletin board outside of
the Gym for each grade’s game day and time. Intermediate
volunteers, along with Ms. Martins and Ms. Zabukovec, will
referee the games. We encourage all Junior students to try
this exciting sport!
On October 19-25, St. Timothy students participated in the
Waste-Free Lunch Challenge. The Eco Team measured lunch
waste before the challenge and compared it to waste during
the challenge. Results showed students were able to cut
their waste in half! Eco Team members noticed that there
continues to be a lot of wasted food in the trash, particularly
half eaten apples or other fruit. It may be a good idea to
send your child(ren) to school
with smaller cut up fruit so that
they only take what they can eat.
Keep packing those waste-free
lunches throughout the year!
St. Timothy School Newsletter
Please be aware that there are students in our school with a
(anaphylaxis) to NUTs, PEANUTs, and other
foods such as seafood. This is a medical
condition that causes a severe reaction to
certain allergens and can result in death
within minutes. Although this may or may
not affect your child(ren)’s class directly,
please send lunches and snacks to school
with your child(ren) that are free from peanuts or nut
products. In addition, letters identifying known food
allergies have been sent home with specific classes. We ask
that you do not send in food products for the whole class to
celebrate birthdays or social occasions. A donation of a
book or game to the classroom is a safe alternative to food
products and will be enjoyed so much longer by the
children. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if
you have any concerns or questions. We thank you for your
co-operation and attention to this very important health
Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and
forms are updated annually. If your child requires
medication, please have all pertinent forms completed and
returned with the medication to the Office as soon as
Please be aware, Sanofi (manufacturer of Aller-ject) in
consultation with Health Canada, are recalling all Aller-ject
epinephrine auto-injectors. This information, as well as the
recall notice, was sent home with students who have
allergies known to the school, and it is posted on the
Board’s website –
News+Archives/Notice+for+parents+allerject+recall.htm As
per the notice, we are to follow Health Canada’s direction in
using the recalled auto-injectors if required in the interim of
parents replacing them.
St. Timothy School is on Twitter!
For current updates and information, follow us
Many of our teachers also maintain a classroom Twitter
account. Check with your child(ren)’s teacher or check our
school Twitter account as we follow all our teachers as well!
Page 7 of 12 NOVEMBER 2015
St. Timothy School Newsletter
With the release of Growing Success, Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010), a number of
changes occurred in reporting practices in elementary schools, particularly affecting students in Grades 1 – 8. Where
there were previously three report cards per year, since 2010, students in Grades 1 – 8 receive a Progress Report in
the fall and a report card for each of the two terms. For the 2015-2016 school year, Progress Reports will be sent
home on November 17th, 2015, and Provincial Report Cards will be sent home on February 2nd and June 28th, 2016.
Full-Day Kindergarten students will receive their report cards in June. Parents of
Full-Day Kindergarten students will be provided with opportunities to meet with
their child’s teacher to discuss progress during each reporting period.
The parent, teacher, student conferences for Grades 1 – 8, as requested by the
classroom teacher, are scheduled for the evening of Thursday, November 19th,
2015. However, you are encouraged to contact your child(ren)’s teacher(s) at any
time you require clarification, or if you have questions or concerns about your
child(ren)’s progress.
Teachers will endeavour to meet with ALL parents during Term 1 reporting and
then, on a needs, or by request basis for the Term 2.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and teachers!
Recognizing that the relationship between home and school is
an important one, in the interest of safety for staff and students,
Board Policy requires that ALL visitors to a school (including
parents) buzz in, enter the building through the front doors of
the school and report immediately to the office.
We respectfully ask that you do not accompany your child or go
unannounced to the door of his/her class. If you have to pick up
your child, speak to the teacher, or drop something off, we will
be glad to assist you in the Office. Please ensure that you obtain
a visitor’s sticker, sign-in and sign-out if you are remaining in the
building for any reason during school hours. Staff and students
are expected to report any visitors without identification tags to
the office immediately. Please note that pets are not permitted
on school property at any time.
In compliance with Ministry directives, anyone who wishes to
volunteer for class activities, field trips, etc. MUST provide a
copy of an up-to-date Criminal Reference Check (CRC)
completed by the Peel Regional Police. For volunteers, CRC’s
are free of charge. Forms may be obtained through the
The All Star Reading program continues this year,
and it is wonderful to see young readers gaining in
skill and confidence with just a couple of extra
hours a week by great volunteers. We have more
students still in need of your help. Please contact B.R.A.V.O.
(Because Real Angels Volunteer Organization) through the
school if you can offer your time to listen to and help a young
child learn to read. Thank you to those parents who are
already volunteers in our All Star Reading program!
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[Grades 1 to 8]
Coming Home November 17th, 2015
St. Timothy School Newsletter
What Parents Should Know
Learning Skills & Work Habits
The development of learning skills and work habits needed
to succeed in school and in life begins early in a child’s
schooling. As students move through the grades, they
develop and then consolidate their learning skills and work
habits in preparation for post-secondary education and the
world of work. Teachers collaborate with students and their
parents to develop the following learning skills and work
habits over time:
Independent Work
Comments and assessments in the Learning skills and
work habits section should reflect student/’s
strengths, next steps, and provide specific classroom
examples as applicable. Learning skills and work
habits are assessed using a four-point scale:
E – Excellent
G – Good
S – Satisfactory
N – Needs Improvement
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensuring that
our schools are clean and that our school communities are
educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette.
These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the
prevalence of colds and flu increases, our Board increases the
cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to
review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many
resources are utilized from our regional health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be
contracted in public places throughout the year. For example,
cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from
person to person through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses
typically peak from December through February, but can start
as early as October.
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures,
as well as other preventative measures, as outlined in the
various Peel Health and Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph (WDG)
resources available to you through their websites. As always,
children who are unwell, should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites are the
schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
Peel Health website
Wellington -Dufferin -Guelph.
Parents will be receiving a letter from the school regarding
interviews to discuss the Progress Report. Teachers will
only request interviews as necessary and parents will also
be provided with the option in the letter of requesting an
All parent(s) / guardian(s) will also have the opportunity for
an interview with the First Term Report Card which is
distributed in February.
Direct links to the above information can also be found in the
Teach your children
to wash their hands
properly and frequently,
to cough into their sleeves,
and avoid touching their face.
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St. Timothy School Newsletter
Parent(s)/guardians, who wish to enroll their Grade
4 child in Grade 5 Extended French class for
September 2016 are invited to attend an
information meeting at:
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for 2015-2016
will take place at St. Timothy School on:
St. Thomas More Catholic School
3270 Tomken Road,
Mississauga, Ontario
Monday, January 25th, 2016 at 7:00 - 9:00 PM **
Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 at 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Thursday, January 28th, 2016 at 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Friday, January 29th, 2016 at 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
** Snow Date: Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 at 7:00-9:00 PM
Thursday, January 14th, 2016 at 7:00 PM
The deadline for submission of completed applications
for the Extended French program
for the 2016-2017 school year will be
For more information about Registration and the
Full-Day Kindergarten program, call 905-277-0990
or visit
As a parent/guardian of a child in Dufferin-Peel Senior/Year 2 Kindergarten classroom,
parents may wish to consider the French Immersion program as a possibility for Grade 1 in
September 2016. French Immersion is a program in which 90% of the Grade 1 instruction is
delivered in French. Instruction in English is added in later years.
Transportation is NOT provided for students. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to
transport their children to and from the French Immersion Centre.
A letter was sent home with Senior Kindergarten students inviting families to apply for their
child’s placement in French Immersion Grade 1, beginning September 2016. French Immersion sites are located in
various schools in Dufferin-Peel. Please check the letter for further details about the application process and
St. Gertrude
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Tuesday, November 10th, 2015
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
4765 Huron Heights Drive, Mississauga
at 7:00 PM
St. Angela Merici
Wednesday, November 11th, 2015
83 Edenbrook Hill Drive, Brampton
at 7:00 PM
St. Margaret of Scotland
Thursday, November 12th, 2015
2266 Council Ring Road, Mississauga
at 7:00 PM
Our Lady of Providence
St. Angela Merici
St. Joachim
Divine Mercy
St. Elizabeth Seton
St. Margaret of Scotland
Page 10 of 12 NOVEMBER 2015 St. Timothy School Newsletter
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students are
permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for
educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/guardian permission. Students may register their PED
for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal
Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” (GF 337) and the “Network User Application and
Agreement.” (GF066) Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any
cost incurred through the use of personal data plans.
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of
Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to
be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/or any
other consequences deemed necessary by school administration. The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of
personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces
and/or in common areas.
Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost,
damaged or stolen devices. Please refer to the consent form and user agreement copy that was sent home. A signed copy was
to be returned to the school, and one copy was provided for your records and reference.
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Web Resources:
Students need to learn to tell time on both analogue and
Primary: Hickory Dickory Dock
digital clocks. The world is increasingly digital but
there are still analogue clocks in use. Telling time helps
develop skills in proportional reasoning, fractions, skip
Make it a practice to use timers as a tool to teach your child the
length of a minute or group of minutes (“You have ___ minutes to
get ready for ___.”)
Grades 4-6
Discuss with your child how much time has passed (“You started
school at 8:30 and you finished at 3. How long were you at school
today?”), or how much longer it will take (“How much longer did it
take a shower than brush your teeth?”).
Grade 7 and 8 - Free Math Tutoring!
Homework Help is more than just free tutoring Sunday to Thursday nights from 5:30 to
9:30 pm. The site offers a wide variety of resources such as videotaped lessons and interactive tutorials. Plus students get a virtual locker
to keep a record of their sessions which is great for
review before tests and end of the unit evaluations.
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