St. Therese of the Child Jesus Catholic Elementary School January 2016 Newsletter

C. Jack
January 2016 Newsletter
St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Catholic Elementary School
6930 Forest Park Drive, Mississauga, ON L5N 6X7
Ph. 905-785-0066 Fax: 905-785-0075
Board web site:
School web site:
A Prayer for the New Year
A whole new year is mine today. May I be wiser, Lord
I pray! I’ll strengthen friendships, old and true, and
learn to cherish new ones too! May I keep on learning
and grow a little better as I go. To cast aside each grudge and grief, and
hold fast to a firm belief that life is joyous, gracious, good, when lived in
terms of neighbourhood! To welcome fun, and play a while. To lighten
work with a happy smile! I thank the Lord and every day remember him
and kneel and pray in gratitude for strength and health, and blessings
which are all my wealth! This year’s a gift from God to me to spend or
sue or set me free. A whole new year is mine today. May I be wiser, Lord
I pray.
C. Sforza
Administrative Assistants:
J. Lusk, J. Hube
Catholic School Council Chair:
Elizabeth Cardoso
Superintendent of
Mississauga North:
T. Cruz
Trustee Ward 9 & 10
Esther O’Toole
Parish Information
Mass Times:
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m./10:00 a.m./
12:00 p.m./4:00 p.m.
Virtue of the Month- Self-Control
God has given us the ability to choose. We are able to control how we react to what
happens around us. Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something
that we will regret. Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something
that will harm ourselves or others. Self-control is one of the signs of a spiritually
mature person. When we all use self-control, we can be sure that our school is a
safe, caring community where everyone feels included and safe to learn and live.
A person with self-control…
Parish Mission Statement
"As members of the St. John of the
Cross Parish Community, we
acknowledge that all we are and all we
have are gifts from God. We take
ownership of these gifts which are
time, talent and treasure. We will use
them in the service of our community
and encourage others in the
community to do the same”.
Is patient and knows how to wait his/her turn
Can calm him/herself down and think before reacting to situations
Knows how to avoid physical aggression (hitting, kicking, pushing, etc.)
Can think things through and do what is best for everyone
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Together in Faith
Religion played an important role in the development of Ontario schools. Religious
groups founded a great many schools and had an accepted role in education, and as
the Royal Commission on Learning wrote, “When Ontario’s school system was being
established, few doubted that religion and schooling belonged together”. Protestant
ministers often urged that children be educated so they could read the Bible.
Eventually, differing views of Christianity caused arguments over the use of the
Scriptures and prayers in schools. Anti-Catholicism influenced political decisions that
discriminated against Catholics in the 1850s.
Mitten Tree
Taken from: Our Story. Our Tradition. Our Journey
Community Advent Mass
Thank you to all the families who were able to join the staff, students and pastoral
team at our Advent Mass on Thursday December 3, 2015 at St. John of the Cross
Parish. A special thank you to our choir that complemented our mass with their
beautiful voices and the Catholic School Council for providing the tasty treats and
the reception that followed after the Mass. Also a special thank-you to Esther
O’Toole our Trustee who was able to attend.
Thank you to everyone who
contributed to the Mitten Tree at
the church during our Advent
Mass, as well as the Primary
Christmas Concert. We collected
a large amount of mittens that
have been distributed to needy
schools within our school Board.
Theology of the Body
“How can I live my life in a way that brings happiness and fulfillment?”
Singles, engaged couples, married couples, and youth 18+ are encouraged to
Presented over 2 consecutive Saturdays beginning Sat. Jan. 23rd from 9:30
a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at St. Ignatius Loyola RC Parish Hall, 2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd
W., Mississauga, L5L 3T6.
For information and pre-registration contact Anthony Mendes 416-302-4253 or Tod
A fee of $20.00 per person or $25.00 per couple, which includes a workbook, will be
collected during registration at the first session.
School Procedures
Allergy Awareness
There are a number of students at St. Therese of the Child Jesus School that have a
severe life threatening allergy to nuts. It is therefore imperative that families
refrain from sending to school any foods that contains nut products, eg. Peanut
butter, Nutella, snacks with nuts or any product that has “may contain traces of
nuts” on the label. Due to the severity of allergies within our school, we ask that
parents not send in any baked goods to share with classmates, not even during
Primary Christmas
Thank you to everyone who were
able to come out and watch the
Primary Christmas Concert! The
students helped to remind us all
about the true meaning of
Christmas. It was a wonderful
Lego Club
The Lego club will be starting in
January. If you are interested in
joining please see Mrs. Mills.
Donations of Lego would be
greatly appreciated.
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special occasions such as birthdays or Christmas festivities. Non-food items are
encouraged, such as stickers, pencils, etc. We will not be permitting any food items
to be brought into a classroom to share.
Winter Weather
During the winter season, many parents are concerned about school policy on
outdoor recess. It is generally accepted that when the wind chill factor drops below
–25 oC, students should not go outside for recess. Dufferin-Peel C.D.S.B. policy uses
a wind chill of –20 oC as the determining temperature for modified recesses. At St.
Therese of the Child Jesus, students will remain inside when the wind chill is
reported at –25 oC or lower and we will modify the duration of lunch recess when
the temperature reaches –20 oC. As always, ensure your child is prepared for the
extremes of Canadian weather.
Inclement Weather and Transportation
With the winter season fast approaching, we would like to remind you of bus
cancellation procedures. Occasionally, because of inclement weather or other
emergency situations, buses may have to be cancelled. Information regarding bus
cancellation and other emergency information announcements can be obtained by
listening to the radio stations or by visiting or the Dufferin Peel
Catholic District School Board website:
CKFM- 99.9 FM
CHIN- 100.7 FM. 1540 AM
CHUM- 1050 AM
CJCL- 590 AM
CFTR- 680 AM
CHFI- 9801 FM
JACKFM- 92.5
CBC- 740 AM
CFNY- 102.1
CFRB- 1010 AM
DC- 103 FM
Q107- 10701 FM
CJMR- 1250 AM
TALK640- 640 AM
CJBC (Fr.)- 86 AM
Make sure the announcement is for Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board in
the region of Peel. If buses are cancelled the school will remain open, it is the
responsibility of the parents to find transportation for their child both to school and
at the end of the day. Once buses are cancelled they are cancelled for the entire
day. Please consider making arrangements with your child(ren) on these days to
alleviate the number of students that are anxious or unsure of how they will get
home at the end of the day.
Under extraordinary circumstances the announcement may be made that all
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District Schools are closed. This decision is made by the
Director of Education and will be announced on the board website, and on radio
stations (see list above). On these days, classes will be cancelled and teaching staff,
secretarial staff, support staff and administrators are not to be at work that day.
Safe and Appropriate
Play in the Winter
When the snow falls it is easy to
get caught up in the excitement of
winter, but it is often hard to
remember safe activity over the
temptation of snow throwing or
unsafe or unfair play. Some of our
safe and considerate play
expectations include not throwing
snow balls, showing respect for
other people’s snow forts, and
staying off of the snow hills. If
everyone follows these simple
rules, then everyone can play safe
during our winter months.
Student Supervision
On many occasions during
inclement weather, students have
been left unattended before
school and/or directed by their
parent/guardian to wait in the
Main Office. Please be reminded
that student supervision begins at
9:00 am, and it is not possible to
supervise students prior to this
For the safety of all of our
students, please make
arrangements for the supervision
of your child. Students should not
be left unattended during
inclement weather before 9:00am.
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Safety First
Cold and Flu Season
Please use discretion in keeping your child home to recover if they are ill. A
child who is coughing, wheezing, vomiting or with fever, is not in a state to
learn and risks infecting others. As well, if your child is well enough to attend
school, they should be well enough to go outside at recess in supervised areas.
Please be sure to continue to encourage your children to wash their hands
frequently. Good hygiene is the best preventative measure, so we encourage
students to use a tissue when coughing or sneezing, or their sleeve if without a
tissue. In class, students are reminded to refrain from sharing pencils, erasers,
scissors and snacks. If your child is absent, please let the school know by
calling 905-785-0066, and press 1 for the 24 hour access in calling your child’s
Catholic School Council
Upcoming Meetings for the 20152016 school year:
February 11, 2016
April 14, 2016
May 12, 2016
June 9, 2016
Slippery Pathways
Please be reminded to be very cautious when using the city pathways that lead
into the back of the school property in the winter. These areas sometimes take
some time to clear of snow and ice. If these paths are not cleared please use
Summerheights Dr. sidewalks and enter the school property from the front of
the school property on Forest Park Dr.
Community Corner
Extended French Parent Meeting
Parents of grade four students who wish to enroll their child in the grade five
Extended French for September 2015, are invited to attend information
meetings as follows:
A meeting for parents of grade four students will be held at St. Therese of the
Child Jesus School on January 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Kindergarten Registration
First Term Report Cards
On Tuesday February 2, 2016 students
will bring their 1st term report card. The
Report Card emphasizes and gives
examples of the learning skills and
work habits required to be successful in
school and for the future. It has ample
space for teachers to add meaningful,
clear, and personalized comments so
you can understand how your child is
performing. The Parent/Student
Interview Conference will be held the
evening of Thursday February 4th, 2016
and during the day on Friday February
5th, 2016. This is an important
opportunity for teachers, parents, and
students to discuss their child(ren)’s
progress and next steps.
Monday January 25, 2016 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Wednesday January 27, 2016 9:00-3:00 p.m.
Thursday January 28, 2016 9:00-3:00 p.m.
Friday January 29, 2016 9:00-3:00 p.m.
**Snow date Tuesday January 26, 2016 7:00-9:00 p.m.*
If your child was born in 2011 or 2012, he or she can start Kindergarten in
September 2016.
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Dates to Remember
Goodbyes and Well Wishes
This month we say goodbye to Long Term Occasional Teachers (LTO) Mrs. ArrudaOliveira as her contract has ended. We want to thank Mrs. Arruda-Oliveira for all
that she has contributed to the St. Therese of the Child Jesus community and wish
her the best in her future positions. We welcome Mrs. Zeehuisen back from her
maternity leave.
Clubs, Teams and Sports News
Junior Basketball Teams
Watch out Toronto Raptors! The Junior Girls and Boys Basketball season has
begun! Thank you to the coaches, Mme. Marcinkiewicz and Mlle. Moreira, as well
as Coach Mendoza and Coach Miller for your time and assistance!
Tentative Team Game Schedule:
* Feb 1 (NEW)
Feb 2
Feb 9
Feb 16
Feb 25
4:15 Boys First
4:15 Girls play first
4:10 Girls play first
January 6- Epiphany
January 7-Catholic School Council
Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
January 11-Hepatitis and Meningitis
January 14-Information Night for
Extended French 7:00 p.m.
January 18- P.A. day No school
January 25- Kindergarten Registration
7:00-9:00 p.m.
January 26-Snow Date for Kindergarten
Registration 7:00-9:00 p.m.
January 27-Kindergarten Registration
9:00-3:00 p.m.
January 28-Kindergarten Registration
9:00-3:00 p.m.
January 28-Ms. Donnelly and Madame
Parents Grade 5’s go to Peel Safety
January 29-Kindergarten Registration
9:00-3:00 p.m.
As part of our eco initiatives for the school year, we will be participating in various
eco activities such as:
Monday: Veggie Day - Encourage students to bring in veggies for snacks.
Tuesday: Fruits - Encourage students to bring in fruits for snacks.
Wednesday: Wasteless Wednesday: Bring lunches in reusable containers.
Thursday: Thirsty Thursday Use reusable water bottles to fill water up. Plastic
bottles only add to the landfills.
Friday: Lights Free Friday As a school, we will turn off the lights in our classrooms
immediately after the morning announcements for 2 minutes. We will also try to
minimize the use of electricity in whatever way we can.
Thank you for your support!
Eco Team
The Trials of Alice in Wonderland
St. Therese of the Child Jesus will be presenting “The Trials of Alice in
Wonderland” on May 3 & 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm. The auditions are currently being
held and the talent is amazing!! Students will also have the opportunity of
applying to help out backstage and artcrew as well. Tickets will be sold sometime
in April.
Dates to Remember
February 2-First Term Report Card
goes home
February 4-Interview Night for First
Term Report Card
February 5-P.A. day for Interviews
February 9-Hearts in Motion Dance
February 10 – Ash Wednesday
February 11-Catholic School Council
Meeting 7:00 p.m.
February 15- Family Day No School
February 16- Deadline for Extended
French Applications. No SNOW DATE.
February 18-Lenten Mass @ 9:30 a.m.
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