St. Simon Stock School

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
St. Simon Stock School
6440 Lisgar Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6X3
Telephone: 905-785-7434
May Newsletter 2016
S. Wolf
Devotion to Mary
A. Mancini
Jesus, You have come to save us because God
loves us with deep and unending love.
You have given us Mary, Your mother,
to be our mother too, and You invite us
to follow her example. On Earth She
was a woman of faith and prayer,
an example of obedience to God’s
will, always ready to serve in any way.
In heaven She continues to pray for
us so that we might serve God
faithfully in our daily lives.
Jesus, help us to reflect on the many
ways that You show Your love in our
daily lives, and help us to walk
with Your mother Mary as we
follow You each day.
Jesus we praise You as our
Lord and our God forever and ever.
Mississauga North
Family of Schools
T. Cruz
Trustee Ward 9
E. O’Toole
St. Josephine
Bakhita Parish
Rev. Fr. Mark
3600 Forest Bluff
L5N 7W2
tel: (289) 997-2105
fax: (289) 997-2104
All masses are held
at St. Joan of Arc
Secondary School
Sat. 5:00 pm.
Sun. 9:00,11:00 am
12:30 pm
Mon., Tues., 7:00
The history of Catholic Education in the
Dufferin-Peel Region
The history of Catholic schools in Ontario since 1841 is one of dedication and
perseverance in the face of financial hardship and adversity. Due to the
commitment of the religious teaching Orders, the bishops and priests, the
teachers, parents, and students, our forebears have handed to us a great gift – a
fully funded public Catholic school system. The courts of Ontario and Canada
have reinforced the rights of the Catholic school system with a number of
judgments which affirmed the rights of separate school boards to: (a) have their
guaranteed powers in the Separate School Act of 1863 improved, (b) receive
equitable funding, (c) prefer Catholics when hiring elementary and secondary
school teachers, (d) have their own buildings, (e) have an exclusive Catholic school
Adapted from “An Historical Understanding of Key Issues Related to Catholic Education March 2009 Written
by Dr. Robert Dixon Edited by John B. Kostoff, Director of Education Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board”
Sacrament of First Communion
Virtue of the Month – Acceptance
Congratulations to our
Grade Two students
who will be receiving the
Communion at Merciful
Redeemer Parish on
Saturday May 21 at
10:30 a.m. . Thank you
to Father Mark who continues to support our
students in this sacred sacrament of First
Communion. Thank you to their teachers,
Mrs. Viola & Mrs. Rozman for preparing the
students throughout the year for First
Reconciliation and First Communion.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations are also
in order as our Grade
Seven and Eight students
received the Sacrament of
Confirmation on Friday,
April 15th, at Merciful
Redeemer Parish. Thank
you to Father Mark and the sacramental
leaders at St. Josephine Bakhita who
prepared our students for the sacrament of
Confirmation. Thank you to our Grade 7 & 8
teachers, Mrs. Joseph, Mr. Pagniello, Mr.
Trozzo and Mr. Panijan for their work and
guidance as our students prepared for this
May Statutory Holiday & PA Day
There will be no school for students on
Friday May 13th due to a Professional
Activity Day and Victoria Day on Monday,
May 23rd.
Catholic School Council
Our last school council meeting will take place
on May 31st. The meeting will take place in
the conference room at 6:30 p.m. All are
welcome to attend.
Opening Doors of Mercy
Please join us as we celebrate Catholic
Education Week at St. Simon Stock School.
For information regarding scheduled events
and celebrations, please refer to our Catholic
Education Week flyer that was distributed
last week.
Are You Moving?
If you are planning to
move at the end of
June, 2016, please let
the office know.
Transfer papers are required when you
register at a new school to help with the
transfer of student documentation. It also
allows us to plan better for the 2016-2017
school year. Thank you for your cooperation!
Dress Code
With the warmer weather approaching, we
request parents’ support and cooperation in
ensuring that students are appropriately
dressed for school. Students should dress in a
manner conducive to a positive educational
atmosphere in the school.
We ask that students not wear tank tops,
muscle shirts, halter tops, tube tops,
spaghetti straps (this is directed at junior &
intermediate students) and short skirts or
short shorts. T-shirts with inappropriate or
offensive language or pictures are not
permitted at school. Flip Flops are not
recommended as they pose a safety hazard.
Running shoes are best for outdoors. We
thank both parents and students for
cooperating with our school’s dress code.
A reminder of the grade 3 and 6 EQAO
assessments of Reading, Writing and
Mathematics. The grade 3 students will write
the test the week of June 1 - 8 and the grade
6 students will write during the week of May
25 – 31st. The results of these tests will be
received in the fall of 2016.
How to prepare your child for the test?
It is important that you take the time to talk
to your child and help reduce the anxiety
related to any type of testing situation.
Please ensure that your child has enough
sleep, eats a nutritious breakfast and is well
hydrated. It is important that if your child is
in grade 3 or 6, that they be in full attendance
during the assessment.
Mississauga North Heads Up
Congratulations to our Junior and
Intermediate Heads Up Team! Both
divisions played well. The Intermediate team
placed third in the tournament. Your hard
work and dedication preparing for the
Family Tournament made everyone at St.
Simon Stock proud.
Junior Heads Up Team
Rachel M., Leana B., Gabriela S., Alyssa B.,
Veronika S.
Intermediate Heads Up Team
Alicia S., Aidan M., Matthew P., Amanda R.,
Julia B.
Thank you to coaches: Mrs. Rozman, Mrs.
Collaton, Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Blud.
Safety Reminders
Protecting the Skin
Overexposure to the sun can
cause skin damage.
remind students regularly to
take precautions to protect
their skin during recess times.
The following are some suggestions to help
protect the skin:
 Wear protective clothing to cover the
 Wear a hat to protect both the eyes and
the skin
 When possible, stay out of direct
 Know your skin type; i.e.: fair skinned
people are more sensitive to ultraviolet
 Wear sun block; the higher the
protection factor number, the greater
the protection.
Parents are encouraged to reinforce these
strategies with their children regularly.
Kiss and Ride
The safety of all children and staff must be
considered as paramount at all times when
dropping students off at school. The number
of serious incidents related to traffic
circulation at the front of the school and in the
Kiss and Ride area during morning arrival
and afternoon dismissal has risen. These
incidents include vehicles entering the site in
the wrong direction, parking and pulling out
of no parking zones, parking in bus lanes, to
name a few.
It is imperative that all parents and
guardians who drive their children to school
adhere to the traffic circulation plan and
comply with the traffic and parking signage
on the site. It is equally imperative that all
drivers follow the direction of volunteers and
staff managing the traffic circulation on the
school site. Thank you for your cooperation with this important matter.
Our boys’ basketball
team was an even mix of
grade 7 and 8
students. The boys were
very dedicated and
practiced with intensity and determination
every day. The future is bright for our Storm
as our younger players learned a great deal
from the older ones and seem poised to have
a great season next year. Coach Trozzo is
very proud of his players.
Congratulations to: Jonah, David, Frankie,
Brandon, Matthew, Aidan, Anthony, Jacob,
Sebastian, George, Liam and Rodrigo.
The intermediate girls’ basketball team came
together and overcame many injuries and
illnesses to have an undefeated regular
season. Every girl contributed along the way
to the Mississauga North Family of Schools
Championship tournament. At the
tournament the team fought hard and
managed to win a very close semifinal
game. They came up short in the
championship game but they were all very
proud of their finalist banner and silver
medal. Coach Trozzo is extremely proud of
the team.
Congratulations to: Monica, Julia E, Sophia,
Jodi, Melissa, Dana, Ashley, Valentina,
Katie, Meaghan, Julia M, Alyssa, and Alicia.
Welcome to Kindergarten
On May 12, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. we welcome our
new junior kindergarten students to St.
Simon Stock. The evening will start with a
presentation followed by activities for parents
and students. Community partners present
will be YMCA and Early Years.
Junior Hockey
Our Jr. Hockey team
participated in two
tournaments this year. Keeping with
tradition, the team was a compilation of
talent that came together to perform
extremely well. In the All Saints
Tournament, the team made the
championship final of the tier 2 division. In
the final the Storm was matched up against
a very strong team from Peel (Dolphin E.S.)
and lost by the narrowest of margins in a
shootout. The banner earned will hang
proudly in our gym. At the next tournament
the team went 2-2 and did not qualify for the
final but they continued to play with great
effort and teamwork. Coach Trozzo, Panijan
and Pagniello are very proud of the team and
thank Mr. Canavan and Mr. Piscione for
their help.
Congratulations to: Mario Z (St. Bernard
Goalie), Cristina C, Jeremy A, Stefano P,
Emily P, Hailey M, Sean V, Nick C, Matteo
D, Tyler W, Matthew P, Karly C, Logan M
and Aidan N.
Help Wanted
St. Simon Stock's Eco Team with the help of
Parent Council members will be gardening
and beautifying our Peace Garden on Wed
May 11th from 9 am - noon (weather
permitting). If you would like to volunteer to
help garden or make a donation of
plants/flowers please contact Mrs. Rosa at
the school 905-785-7434.
Music Monday
Mrs. Rosa’s grade 6 class was chosen to
participate in Music Monday which is being
celebrated in Celebration Square on May 2nd.
This year, Music Monday will also be the
launch in support of the Ontario Summer
Games taking place in August.
Intermediate Hockey Team
For years, our intermediate hockey program
has come so close to winning a banner but
without fail, the teams have always played
with great skill, tenacity and class. This
season, our grade 7/8 team participated in
the All Saints Tournament and
demonstrated that no matter what the score,
a solid effort and positive mindset are the
number one skills to being successful. The
team qualified for the playoff round of the
tournament and came back from three goals
down in the quarterfinal, 2 goals down in the
semifinal and from one goal in the final to
eventually win the championship in
overtime. Coach Trozzo, Panijan and
Pagniello were so proud of the team. Finally,
a championship intermediate hockey banner
will decorate our gym!
Congratulations to: Sebastian C, Katie G,
Brandon K, Meaghan H, Melissa R, Alyssa
M, Ashley M, Marco L, Anthony C, Bailey D,
Aidan M, Nolan S, Anthony P, Jacob P, Liam
E and Matthew P.
Chess Club
St. Simon Stock sent 3 divisions to Mount
Carmel for the Mississauga North Chess
Tournament on Friday, March 4th. After
weeks of competitive tryouts, the students
displayed their skills and tactics in a gym
full of students from Grade 1 to
Secondary. The Primary team earned 3rd
place while the Junior and Intermediate
teams had respectable showings. Team
members - Primary: Nadan B., Marcus C.,
Andrew P., Veronika S., Dania S., Mitchell
Junior: Grace A., Kieran H., Raphael J.,
Colin P., David M.
Intermediate: Anthony C., Kyle F., Matthew
P., Rodrigo R., Eric D., Dan N.
Thank you to Coach Panijan.
Day of Pink Flash Mob
On April 13, St. Simon Stock joined in with
schools across Dufferin Peel to take part in a
board-wide flash mob dance to commemorate
the international Day of Pink. Our entire
school participated and performed a dance
choreographed to Dufferin-Peel alumna
Alessa Cara’s hit “Wild Things” – a song
about self-acceptance.
Growth Mindset
Below are further suggestions that parents
can use to foster a growth mindset in their
1. Teach about the learning brain. Teach
your children from an early age that
the brain is a muscle that can be
strengthened with practice. This sends
a message that they can directly
“grow” their intelligence, which may
empower unmotivated students.
2. Lose the guilt. Parents often praise
their children to make themselves
feel good, or to protect their children
from failure. But it’s critical for
parents to help their children to learn
to cope with setbacks and to help them
focus on ways to improve.
Dates to Remember
May 1-6
Catholic Education Week
May 2
Career Fair for Grade 7 & 8
May 4
French Café & Showcase of
Sub Day
May 6
Marion Celebration
May 11
Pizza Day
May 12
Welcome to Kindergarten
May 13
P.A. Day – no school for
Grade 8 Confirmation Retreat
Sub Day
May 18
May 19
Grade 2 Communion Retreat
May 21
Grade 2 First Communion at
Merciful Redeemer Church
May 23
Victoria Day
May 25
Pizza Day
May 31
Parent Council Meeting