God calls us to be stewards of the Earth!

God calls us to be
stewards of the Earth!
Throughout the last few months, St. Elizabeth Seton School’s “Earth Ambassadors” have been working
diligently to promote, educate and inspire our community to protect and care for God’s earth through
promoting our green initiatives, recycling presentations and energy conservation walkabouts.
The whole school has shown dedication to the Go-Green challenges: Motor-less Monday, Two-Light
Tuesday, Water Bottle-less Wednesday, Think-Before-You-Toss Thursday, and Waste Free Fridays.
Winners from round one of our Go Green Challenge have been chosen:
The class with the most students walking to and from school, on average, each Monday is
Ms. Mesic’s JK/SK class
Classes from each division were chosen for bringing-in the most re-usable water bottles, on average,
each Wednesday and they are:
Mlle. Wanat’s Grade 1, Mr. Telfeyan’s Grade 5 and Mr. Naismith’s Grade 8 classes
Classes from each division were chosen for showing their ongoing efforts to reduce electricity by
keeping their lights and monitors off when not in use and they are:
Mlle. Wanat’s Grade 1 , Mrs. Carey’s Grade 3/4 and Ms. Radul’s Grade 7 classes
But don’t forget...round two has already started!
Spring has sprung and that means that the weather is warming up making walking to school even
easier to do. If you cannot walk to school, there are many opportunities to walk in our community –
public library, church, etc. This change in your lifestyle has numerous health benefits but it also helps
reduce air pollution allowing everyone to breathe-in fresh air so they feel better and stay focused.
It also helps protect surrounding vegetation, such as that which is around Lake Wabukayne.
So from now on, especially on Motorless Monday, make the smart choice
and leave the car at home 