Document 14249415

2266 Council Ring Rd.
Mississauga, On
L5L 1C1
Principal: J. Igercich Vice Principal: P. Passarelli
Secretaries D. Langley, B. Cameron
Gracious and loving God,
we thank you for being a companion on our
In a world where there is a great deal of
we thank you for welcoming all of us just as
we are
and making us feel at home.
We pray that you will transform us
and make us the people you want us to be.
We pray all this through Christ our Saviour.
Lenten Season
Our Liturgical Season of Lent began with our Ash Wednesday Para-liturgy on Wednesday, February 10 at 12:30 pm and
continues until Easter weekend (March 25-28). During our six week Lenten journey we recognize and discuss with our
students our human frailties which cause us to sin. We prepare for the coming of Easter through reflection, prayer and
charity. We respond to Jesus’ call for a change of heart by becoming stronger in our will to say ‘yes’ to God and ‘no’ to
our selfishness. We look forward to our Lenten journey together, and a strengthened and renewed faith in God’s will.
Celebrating Black History
February marks the beginning of Black History Month. The Ontario Black History Society (OBHS) is the organization in
Canada that successfully initiated the formal celebration of February as Black History Month with the City of Toronto
1979, the Province of Ontario 1993, and the entire country in December 1995, effective February 1996. Classroom activities will focus on the recognition, preservation and promotion of the contributions of Black peoples and their collective
histories through education, research and cooperation.
We look forward to enlightening the students as we continue to treasure the diverse individuals who have graced the pages
of our history throughout the world.
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 905-890-1221
Director of Education: M. Mazzorato
Trustee: Mississauga War ds 2 & 8
Sharon Hobin
(905) 301-1210
FAX (905) 569-9052
Superintendent: D. Amaral
Associate Directors: S. McWatters, J. Hrajnik
Parish,:St. Francis of Assisi
Pastor: Fr. Bernard Vellozo
This month we celebrate the Virtue of Respect
The grade seven students will be receiving the sacrament of
Confirmation on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 7:00pm at
St. Francis of Assisi Church
Attendance and Punctuality
Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. A reminder for parents to call the school and leave a message if
your child is going to be late or away due to illness or an appointment. Parents should also call to report their child’s
absence if the child is not participating in a scheduled field
The absence/late telephone line is (905) 820-5115. You will
be prompted to press 1. Please leave a message indicating
the date, your child’s name (please spell out the last name)
and name of teacher and grade level.
Kiss and Ride Program
Thank you to the many parents who continue to follow the safety
guidelines for the drop off and pick up of children. The following
guidelines are in place to keep all children safe.
Catholic Education Week 2016 - May 2 to May 6, 2016
Pope Francis continually reminds us in word and in action
that, in imitation of Jesus, we are called to service in our
work in Catholic education.
This year’s Catholic Education Week theme is “Opening
Doors of Mercy”. The scriptural passage that guides our
theme is: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” Matthew 5:7
The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week 2016 are
as follows:
1. Mercy that Welcomes
2. Mercy that Loves
3. Mercy that Forgives
4. Mercy that Lives the Gospel
use the Drop Off Lane and refrain from using the Bus
Loading Zone (right next to the sidewalk) as this area is
meant for buses and emergency vehicles only.
pull up as far as you can. This allows for more cars to
move off the street and into the Kiss & Ride.
stay in your vehicle. Exiting your vehicle, even if only
for a few seconds, creates a safety concern as the left
lane is for exiting traffic.
exit using the Kiss & Ride Lane once your child has been
dropped off and make a right turn onto Council Ring
Road. Left-hand turns are prohibited during entry and
dismissal times.
drive slowly and carefully in all lanes and at all times.
Please do not obstruct the sidewalk with your car at
the entrance and exit of the school driveway, it makes
it unsafe for pedestrians.
use the sidewalk if you are walking your children to and
from school. Walking through the Kiss & Ride lanes is
Please have your child(ren) prepare to exit on the
passenger side (right side) of your vehicle.
Exiting on the left side (driver side) is extremely dangerous as students may step in front of moving traffic in the
exit lane. We have had some frightening moments as a
result of students stepping in front of moving traffic as
they exit from the driver’s side of the vehicle.
5. Mercy that Rejoices
Once again, thank you for your attention to these reminders and
Sacramental Preparation
your adherence to these procedures.
The Grade 2 students will be receiving their first Holy Communion on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 3pm at St. Francis of
Assisi Church.
Mississauga South Public Speaking Competition
On February 9, 2016 at St. Margaret of Scotland School, we
had our English Public Speaking Competition. Students presented their speeches in the gym in front of other students
and judges. We enjoyed a number of diverse, creative and
interesting speeches!
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel
District School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have
been cancelled for the entire day.
The first place winners will represent St. Margaret of Scotland CATHOLIC DISTRICT
at the Mississauga South Public Speaking competition that
will be held on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at St. Margaret
of Scotland School.
CLOSED.” This means
Family Day
that: ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and
Peel District School Board schools and offices are closed to
all students and staff.
EQAO Grade 3 and Grade 6 Testing
The EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office)
Please be aware that all Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
testing of our Grade 3 and 6 students will take place from
School Board schools, offices, and other facilities will be
May 25 - June 8. Please avoid scheduling any doctor’s apclosed on Monday, February 15 in observation of the Fami- pointments or anything else that will take your child out of
ly Day statutory holiday.
school during these testing dates. Tests and materials cannot
be given out to parents prior to or during the testing.
Walk on Wednesday/Marchons Mercredi program continues.
This project is helping reduce the use of cars in our Kiss and
Ride lanes and in the school community. Additionally, walking will help us exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Thank you to all our parent volunteers who continue to support this initiative.
Our Eco-Team has been hard at work since the beginning of
the school year. This month our school was part of a battery
blitz collection. Let’s try to reach GOLD status once again.
We can all make a difference if we work together.
TO BAD WEATHER 2015 – 2016
During the winter months, inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations.
A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close
schools is usually made by 6:00 am and will be announced on
the following radio stations:
CJCL 590, CFTR 680, CHFI 98.1, CFRB 1010 Z103.5,
93.1 FM, Virgin Radio 99.9, CHUM 1050, CFNY 102.1, EZ
ROCK 97.3, CJBC (FR) 860 AM CJMR/CHWO 1250,
Please note only the following announcements affect St.
Margaret of Scotland students.
means that: ALL Transportation services provided by the
Spirit Week
We enjoyed Spirit Week at St. Margaret of Scotland
School from February 1st to 4th. The week began
with Hat/Toque Day on Monday, February 1st and
Pajama Day on Tuesday, February 2nd. On
Wednesday February 3rd we had our Winter Community Walk. The staff and students were joined by
parents who enjoyed walking in the trails within the
community. We ended the week with Sweater/
Jersey Day on Thursday, February 4th. Thank-you
to all for your enthusiastic participation.
Head Injury Policy
When a student receives an injury/bump to the head
(however minor), it is a Board Policy that we inform parents
through a phone call. This is only precautionary and we ask
that you check your child when they get home for any signs
of a concussion or illness.
Winter Is Here
With recent spring-like days, it is hard to believe we are well into the winter. Recess is considered to be a part of the school day and students in attendance are expected to participate
in this activity. Students should be dressed appropriately for winter weather conditions.
If your child is ill or has not fully recuperated from an illness, consideration must be given to keeping the child at home so that he/she may
recuperate fully. We do not have the resources to provide supervision
indoors when all other students are out for recess. Please note that
children who are ill are not in a learning state and may very well infect others around them. We thank
you in advance for your consideration in this matter.
Snow and Ice
Snow is part of our winter life in Canada, providing both frustration and enjoyment. We all like to play in it; however, snow
and ice can be very dangerous. In fact, most injuries happen during wintertime. For safety reasons, our school rule must be
that snow stays on the ground – no snowball throwing, kicking snow, or any other activity with snow or ice that could be
harmful, which includes sliding on the snowplow hills. Thank you for taking the time to reinforce these safety rules with your
Indoor Shoes
During the winter months all students must have a pair of indoor shoes at the school. Due to the fact that an
emergency evacuation may occur at any time, students will not have the time to put on their boots or outdoor footwear.
Coat Hood Toggles
Just a reminder that the draw strings on children’s winter coats and hoods can be a danger especially on playground equipment where they can get caught and may cause choking. In the interest of safety we recommend that these draw strings be
Upcoming Events
Feb. 15
Feb. 18
Family Day – No School
Mississauga South Public Speaking
at St. Margaret of Scotland School
Feb. 19
Movie Night
Feb. 22
Immunization - Grade 7 & 8
School Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 26
Feb. 29
Lenten Mass - 9:30 a.m.
Parents Welcome
Mar. 14 - 18 March Break - No School
Mar. 25
Good Friday - No School
Mar. 28
Easter Monday - No School
Apr. 11
P.A. Day - No School for Students