!"#$%&'#(')*#$+#,*)-.&-# /%0#1).23#2%4)2.5)6%&7#89)0:#,,; Jean Pouliot, Ph.D. Professor Helen Diller Family UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center, AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 1 Disclaimer Part of the work performed on MVCBCT at UCSF is supported by Siemens OCS. 2 Course Objectives !"#$%&'#(')*#$+#,*)-.&-#/%0#1).23#2%4)2.5)6%&7#89)0:#,,; !"#$%&&'(('%)')* ####+,-.('/(#%01#'&2*3#4526'7.1#8%(31#93*'(792:%)#,9%/3((1 ###2/45'(':%)#&%831#37/;1 <"#$6')'/26#')73*92:%)1 ="#>?1#(72@'6'7.#%A39#:&31#8%B):&31#37/C <=#$%*92'*'&:#>:)&1)01#42.&.4)2#)992.4)6%&> ?=#,&:0%1@4'#&%A'2#42.&.4)2#)992.4)6%&> B=#C0'>'&:#:'4D&%2%-3#'A%2@6%&#)&1#/@:@0'#1.0'46%&> J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 3 !"#$%&&'(('%)')*1 ####+,-.('/(#%01#'&2*3#4526'7.1#8%(31#93*'(792:%)#,9%/3((1 ###2/45'(':%)#&%831#37/;1 <"#$6')'/26#')73*92:%)1 ="#>?1#(72@'6'7.#%A39#:&31#8%B):&31#37/C <=#E:)&1)01#$2.&.4)2#)992.4)6%&>F =#G).23#90%>:):'#)2.-&*'&: =#H2.-&*'&:#)&1#:)0-':#1'2.&')6%&#.&#90'>'&4'#%/#*':)22.4#%IJ'4:> =#K.9#C0%>:D'>.> =#E@0-.4)2#42.9> =#(0)4D3:D'0)93 =#E9.&)2#2'>.%&>#L.:D#>@99%06&-#>:0@4:@0'> J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 4 Why MVCBCT for pelvic patients ? Faster, objective and less dose than EPID + markers - 3-4 minutes - 3 cGy Provides additional 3D information - Volumetric info: Rectum, bladder, etc. - Prostate contours -> Dose recalculation J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 5 J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 6 H2.-&*'&:#)&1#:)0-':#1'2.&')6%&# .&#90'>'&4'#%/#*':)22.4#%IJ'4:> Imaging in presence of Hip Prostheses - Target delineation - electron density - marker visualization Prostatectomy patients - Surgical clips vs markers HDR Brachytherapy - Target delineation - Non-compatible CT applicators J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 7 Spinal cord delineation with MVCBCT registered to CT for planning purpose, for a patient with a metallic supporting structure J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 8 !"#$%&&'(('%)')*1 ####+,-.('/(#%01#'&2*3#4526'7.1#8%(31#93*'(792:%)#,9%/3((1 ###2/45'(':%)#&%831#37/;1 <"#/6')'/26#')73*92:%)1 ="#>?1#(72@'6'7.#%A39#:&31#8%B):&31#37/C <=#E:)&1)01#$2.&.4)2#)992.4)6%&>F ?=#M%A'2#42.&.4)2#)992.4)6%&> #####=##$%&4@00'&:#:0'):*'&:#%/#90%>:):'#)&1#9'2A.4#23*9D#&%1'>#L.:D# ###########,!N+O,PN+ #######=##(0')>:#1).23#)2.-&*'&:#L.:D#4%&:0)=2):'0)2#I0')>:#1%>'#>9)0.&#######=##G.-.:)2#+%*%>3&:D'>.> J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 9 Concurrent treatment of prostate and pelvic lymph nodes with IMRT Challenge: Independent movements of prostate vs nodes Courtesy of Ping Xia, UCSF 2007 J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 10 ADAPTIVE STRATEGY using Daily MVCBCT for Pelvic Nodal Irradiation in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer 1- CT-MVCBCT registered on bony structures: -> patient aligned accordingly: setup error 2- CT-MVCBCT registered on gold markers -> prostate shift is the difference between these two alignments 3- Select and treat with a (pre-calculated) plan according to relative prostate shift - Set of pre plans with iso shifts (iso) - Shifting selected MLC leaves (mlc) - Re-optimization of the plan (reopt) J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 11 (0')>:#1).23#)2.-&*'&:#L.:D#4%&:0)=2):'0)2#I0')>:#1%>'#>9)0.&- •H7297#2)8#(7%,#2)*63(#%0#2#/%)3#@32&# 2/45'(':%)#293#839'A38#09%&#7-3#(.(73&#93*'(79. •?)*63(#/2)#@3#/-%(3)#7%#&')'&'I3#8%(3#7%# ! (,3/'J/#%9*2)(K#3C*C#$L"@932(71#M32971#37/C •N)6.#2#<OO#29/#9345'938 D&2*3(#/%5973(.#%0#E9#F3G3)1#H2A2)2*J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 12 MVCB Digital Tomosynthesis MVCBDT is a limited arc MVCBCT (20o-40o vs. 200o) Portal imaging MVCBDT 2D low contrast fast acquisition (few seconds) 1-3 MU Some 3D Better contrast than EPID faster acquisition and lower dose than CB J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 MVCBCT True 3D longer acquisition (~1 minute) 2-10 MU Courtesy of M.Descovich, UCSF 13 MVCB Digital Tomosynthesis Limited reconstruction arc results in tomographic noise, which increases as the arc decreases: • Out of focus structures are reconstructed on the plane of interest ! slice thickness • Shape distortion • Image artifact from different densities materials J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 Courtesy of M.Descovich, UCSF 14 Clinical Images EPID DTS 40o MVCBCT EPID: only 2D information, poor contrast DTS: spatial blur, better contrast CBCT: thin slices, improved contrast J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 15 MVCB DT: Conclusions • Image quality in DT depends on the reconstruction arc • MVCB DT image quality is sufficient to provide anatomical information and might be suitable for registration purposes. • Advantages: - Only a portion of the patient body gets exposed - Faster - Smaller dose • Possible clinical application: lung patients - Reduce the motion blur in imaging moving targets - Acquire images during breath-holding - Online verification of 4D and respiratory gating techniques J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 16 !"#$%&&'(('%)')*1 ####+,-.('/(#%01#'&2*3#4526'7.1#8%(31#93*'(792:%)#,9%/3((1 ###2/45'(':%)#&%831#37/;1 <"#/6')'/26#')73*92:%)1 ="#>?1#(72@'6'7.#%A39#:&31#8%B):&31#37/C <=#E:)&1)01#$2.&.4)2#)992.4)6%&>F ?=#M%A'2#42.&.4)2#)992.4)6%&> B=#+'4D&%2%-3#'A%2@6%&#)&1#/@:@0'#1.0'46%&> #######=#,*)-.&-#(')*#Q.&'#8G.)*%&1#".'L; #######=#H44@0):'#G%>'#N'4)24@2)6%&#)&1#:D'#GPN+#C0%4'>> J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 17 Optimizing Image Quality: New Imaging Beam Line (IBL) Remove flattening Filter - non-uniform illumination - smaller focal spot size - Do not filter out low-E photons Use Carbon Target - Generate more low-E photons Reduce Beam E to 4 MeV - Generate more low-E photons Courtesy of B. Faddegon, UCSF-2007 J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 18 Requirements for Dose Recalculation Stability of CT Number Time Target location Patient size Imaging dose Complete Anatomy Longitudinal + lateral directions J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 19 #######H44@0):'#G%>'#N'4)24@2)6%&#)&1#:D'#GPN+#C0%4'>> Is the initial plan still valid? When to replan? What is the dosimetrical impact? DGRT is based on the Availability of the 3D Dose Distribution “of the Day” J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 20 Accurate Dose Calculation can be obtained with MVCBCT Morin et al., IJROB. 67(4),1202-1210; 2007. CT MVCBCT J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 21 Dosimetric impact and when to replan ? Dose difference Week 1 Week 1 Week 3 Week 3 J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 22 Clinical studies H&N: Variation from planning dosimetric endpoints of the parotid glands and spinal cord. J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 23 J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 24 Availability of the Dose Distribution “of the Day” Assess the dosimetrical impact e.g. Patient setup, Anatomical change, Tumor shrinkage, Weight loss, etc. Global quality assurance “in-vivo” e.g. Treatment documentation More Precise (Delivered-)Dose Response vs Outcomes Enables Dose-Guided Radiation Therapy DGRT is an extension of ART where dosimetric considerations constitute the basis of treatment modification and validation. J. Pouliot AAPM CE-Therapy Series (SAM), July 29th, 2008 25