Name_________________________________Instructor______________________________ Date_________________________________ Course/Section_________________________

Date_________________________________ Course/Section_________________________
Hartnell College Library
Access databases from the library’s web page under “Research Resources”
Academic Search Complete and MasterFILE Complete Databases
Do a search for global warming and California. Locate a recent full text article and fill in the
blanks below.
1. Author: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Look under “Source” to find information about the periodical, date of publication, pages, etc. Fill in
the information below.
3. Title of the periodical:___________________________________________________________
4-6.. Date of periodical:_________________________ On which page does the article begin, and
how many pages long is the article? ________________________
Newspapers Database
Search for recent articles about polar bears and global warming. Fill in the blanks below for a relevant,
current article on these subjects. Hint: Use the results sorting feature
7. Title of the article:
8. Author(s):______________________________________________________________________
9. Newspaper title:_________________________________________________________________
10-11. Edition, if provided:___________Date of the article:__________________________________
12. Page number(s):________________
CQ Researcher Database
Do a “Quick Search” and find articles about climate change. Select a recent article that provides in
depth coverage about this topic. List the information below.
13. Main title of the article:___________________________________________________________
14. Subtitle of the article (usually a question): ____________________________________________
15. Author:________________________________________________________________________
16. Date of publication:______________________________________________________________
17. Go to the “Pro/Con” section of your report. What question is debated in the report you selected?
Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context Database
Go to the category labeled “National Debate Topic” and select the link for Global Warming. Choose one
of the “Featured Viewpoints” articles, and provide the information below.
18. Title:___________________________________________________________________________
19. Author(s):_______________________________________________________________________
20. Date of publication:__________________________
Refer to the library’s instructional guide How to Cite Information Using MLA Format to
answer the next two questions.
21. Circle the letter of the correctly formatted 7 edition MLA citation below.
a. Lynas, Mark. Six degrees: Our future on a hotter planet. Washington, D.C.: National
Geographic, 2008.
b. Lynas, Mark. Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet. Washington, D.C.: National
Geographic, 2008. Print.
22. What’s wrong with this citation? The following citation has several problems that need to be corrected
before including in it a Works Cited page. Select the best one response below.
Breaker, Laurence C. "What's happening in Monterey Bay on seasonal to interdecadal time scales."
Continental Shelf Research 25.10 (2005): 1159-1193. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3
Mar. 2013.
a. Add the URL.
b. Underline the periodical title.
c. Capitalize each important word in the title, double space, and use a hanging indent.
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