HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES – Special Meeting DATE/TIME/PLACE April 16, 2013, 5:00 p.m. 411 Central Avenue, Salinas CALL Building, 2nd Floor, Room 208 Members of the Board Candi DePauw, President / Patricia Donohue, Vice President Bill Freeman, Elia Gonzalez-Castro, Ray Montemayor Erica Padilla-Chavez, Demetrio Pruneda Elaine Duran Luchini, Student Trustee Willard Lewallen, Ph.D. Board Secretary / Superintendent/President AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS Fifteen minutes (three minute maximum per person) set aside to receive public comments on items on the published agenda. V. ADOPT RESOLUTION 13:01 Adopt Resolution 13:01, In Support of Recommendations from the Hartnell College Child Development Center Feasibility Study dated February 22, 2013. VI. ADJOURNMENT MISSION STATEMENT: Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world. ACCOMMODATIONS: All meeting locations are wheelchair accessible. The following services are available when requests are made by 4:00 p.m. of the Wednesday before the Board meeting: American Sign Language interpreters or use of a reader during a meeting; large print agenda or minutes; assistive listening devices. Please contact, the Office of the President at (831) 755-6900, if you need assistance in order to participate in a public meeting or if you need the agenda and public documents modified as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Act. HCCD – BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING– APRIL 16, 2013 AGENDA ITEM FOR BOARD MEETING OF: April 16, 2013 Title Resolution13:1 in Support of Recommendations from the CDC Feasibility Study Report Number V. Area Office of the Superintendent/President Prepared by: Willard Lewallen Superintendent/President Status Action (Roll-call) Reference Strategic Priorities – 4, 5, 6 Accreditation Standards – II.B.3., II.B.4. BACKGROUND / SUMMARY On March 5, 2013 the Board of Trustees received a presentation of the feasibility study report that was conducted for the District's child development centers (CDCs). This report contained recommendations for the ongoing, sustainable operation of the child development centers in light of significant reduction in state funding specifically for the CDC operations. Following the March 5, 2013 meeting the Board of Trustees was provided with a supplemental report that addressed a number of questions that arose during the discussion of the report. The CDCs are operating for the 2012-13 year with a deficit of approximately $200,000. The deficit for 2012-13 has been backfilled with CDC fund reserves. At the end of 2012-13 the CDC fund reserves will be depleted. The governor's proposed budget for 2013-14 does not contain any proposed increase in funding for CDCs so the District will be facing a $200,000 deficit for 2013-14 unless changes are implemented that will allow for the continued operation of CDCs for the main campus and the Alisal campus. RECOMMENDATION The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees adopt the resolution in support of the recommendations from the CDC Feasibility Study Report. Hartnell Community College District Resolution No. 13:1 In Support of Recommendations from the Hartnell College Child Development Center Feasibility Study dated February 22, 2013 WHEREAS, all California community colleges have taken extensive cuts to funding over recent years, while trying to maintain child care services to families; WHEREAS, preschool and child care funding in California has been cut by 30% over a four year period, equating to a loss of 54 funded child care slots at Hartnell College; WHEREAS, community colleges do not receive special apportionment funding to operate on-campus child development centers (CDCs); WHEREAS, Hartnell College student survey data demonstrates the need for continued free or low cost child care services at both CDC Main and Alisal campuses; WHEREAS, all accumulated CDC reserves within the current fiscal year has been exhausted to sustain operations of the CDC programs while a feasibility study could be conducted to develop alternatives for a sustainable future; WHEREAS, the feasibility study findings indicate that specific on-campus programs have a demonstrated need for child care for their students to successfully complete their studies, but do not have adequate funding to fully support on-campus child care services; WHEREAS, the feasibility study findings indicate that community child care agencies indicate an interest in, and flexibility and capacity, to provide state funded child care services at the Hartnell College Alisal Campus; WHEREAS, the feasibility study findings indicate that entering into a legal agreement with a community child care agency will provide programs that meet the scheduling and child care needs of Hartnell students; WHEREAS, the feasibility study determined that the Hartnell CCD provides general fund support for all the overhead costs of CDC operations (e.g., custodial, facilities maintenance, business services, security, and utilities costs); WHEREAS, the feasibility study determined that a portion of a CDC staff position is funded through the Hartnell CCD general fund for academic teaching responsibilities and that this annual cost is approximately $25,000; WHEREAS, the administration does not recommend utilization of additional general fund dollars to support CDC operations because shifting general fund dollars to CDC operations would translate to a reduction in education services to all students (classes, services, programs, etc.); WHEREAS, grant funding is ideal for funding new and innovative practices, grant funding is not recommended as a method for the sustainable operation of the CDC because of the transient nature of grant funding; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees of the Hartnell Community College District supports the recommendations (attached) of the Hartnell College Child Development Center Feasibility Study Report dated February 22, 2013 (supplemental data provided March 19, 2013) and authorizes the administration to implement the recommendations for the operation of the CDCs for the 201314 academic year. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ______ day of ________ by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ATTEST: Willard Lewallen Ph.D. Secretary, Board of Trustees ________________________________________________ Candi DePauw President, Board of Trustees Hartnell College Feasibility Report - Board | 9 Recommendations After reviewing all options presented, it appears that the most viable solution for the Alisal Campus program is to combine Options 1 and 2 by entering into a legal agreement with an outside agency to provide a program that meets the childcare needs of students enrolled in internal programs. An agency that operates a variety of programs has an increased capacity to use a variety of funding sources such as state preschool, childcare subsidies, private pay, or other sources. In addition, a large program operator may have more flexibility to offer programs when needed, based on student need and enrollment. For example, childcare could be offered on site for evening classes for any Alisal Campus student that includes the HEP program. Children of students who meet eligibility for subsidized programs through state or federal funds can be enrolled in state preschool or use child care vouchers to pay for care. Preschool aged children who are in foster care meet income eligibility for state preschool. A partnership agreement developed through an MOU would allow the college to work with the agency to develop an agreement that addresses priorities for enrollment and mutually beneficial terms and conditions. Alisal Campus Program • • • • Develop a Letter of Interest to current state-contracted childcare providers in Monterey County to enter into an MOU to operate for a minimum of 12 months, beginning July 2013. Include a continuation option for a minimum of two years. Develop an MOU that includes the following: o Establish enrollment priorities that include children of HEP students, o Outline agency and college responsibilities for operation and building maintenance, o Include an evaluation of the new program following the first semester of operation, and o Establish a process for notice of non-continuation by either party to be provided no later than March 1 for the following year. Consider including a quality program measurement for the program, such as NAEYC accreditation in the MOU agreement. Establish a regularly scheduled system for communication between the CDC Program Administration and Agency Partner to support collaboration and to resolve any issues that may arise. Hartnell College Feasibility Report - Board |10 • Eliminate Site Supervisor and Teacher Positions CDC Main Campus Program • • • • • • • • The current staffing pattern meets adult-child ratios according to California Title XXII childcare licensing regulations and Title V regulations for state funded programs. However, even with intern and director assistance, the responsibilities for the education and state reporting requirements for 120 children as well as the planning for 8 classrooms each day is very challenging and difficult to successfully maintain. It is recommended that the Alisal Campus teacher fill the currently unfilled teaching position. Meet the salary and benefits costs for this position by decreasing paid internships and increasing private pay enrollments. Decrease paid intern positions from four positions to two positions. Increase enrollment by two students per class session through private pay slots. Move four work-study positions currently at Alisal to the Main Campus program. Federal work-study revenues make these positions cost-neutral. Explore ways to recapture parent fees to earn full enrollment for state preschool slots. Explore inter-department fees and student fees for lab school observations. Consider renting the CDC space during evening hours for the FKCE program. Ensure that foster families have the information regarding state preschool program to enroll their children. Develop marketing and outreach materials for all departments on campus regarding the CDC to increase student awareness of services and eligibility for state subsidies. Additional Recommendations Program expansion: Explore opportunities to partner with four-year ECE programs. San Jose State University (SJSU) is starting up a BA level ECE program that will be housed at the Monterey County Office of Education. Outreach to SJSU to provide preliminary course work program and the lab school site for their students. Explore student enrollment trends in the Hartnell ECE department to determine if growth is occurring at the same rate as other local programs. Mary Johnson at MPC reported that since 2011, declared Child Development majors have increased from 160 to 300 students. In addition the program is experiencing an increase in course enrollment by elementary education teachers, transitional kindergarten teachers and California State University Monterey Bay liberal studies majors. Areas of student enrollment trend data include comparisons of course delivery, format, marketing and outreach, faculty effectiveness, and student supports. Outreach to the Department of Social Services CalWorks program regarding new funding for childcare slots to market the CDC programs. Pursue additional funding for Main CDC, including foundation funding, federal grants and application for rate increase for SPP contract. Key priorities include funding intern positions at 2012-13 levels and reimbursing lost income due to parent fees. HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER BUDGET VS. ACTUAL-YEAR-TO-DATE FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 Expenditures Classified Management Classified CSEA Classified Supervisor Classified Student/Professional Expert PT Employee Benefits Purchases - Food Supplies & Materials Contract Services Travel & Conference Field Trips Memberships Subscriptions Printing Services Maintenance Agreement Equipment Repair Other Costs Advertising Expense Building Improvements Capital Equipment ALISAL CDC ACTUAL 3/31 BUDGET TO-DATE 0 0 $ 62,695.00 $ 45,892.53 75,575.00 56,719.53 35,910.00 11,932.20 63,298.00 45,116.40 3,000.00 754.51 5,000.00 883.35 2,500.00 650.00 112.50 300.00 16.73 500.00 300.00 220.00 100.00 - Total Expenditures $ 249,828.00 $ 161,647.75 $ 485,358.00 $ 264,430.19 $ 735,186.00 $ 732,507.00 $ 681,968.00 8,077.00 15,682.65 36,422.00 32,258.34 44,499.00 412,199.00 50,000.00 35,537.00 200.00 1,000.00 543,435.00 47,356.00 647,224.00 35,537.00 617.00 1,262.00 731,996.00 12,160.00 654,362.00 35,537.00 219.00 1,036.00 703,314.00 (191,751.00) 201,256.00 (511.00) 201,767.00 21,346.00 180,421.00 Revenue Generated at Center Center Fees State Grant Claire Giannini Fund Childcare Tax Bailout Interest Income Other Income Total Revenue MAIN CAMPUS CDC ACTUAL 3/31 BUDGET TO-DATE 92,143.00 69,107.22 83,743.00 33,711.74 70,800.00 41,207.68 76,440.00 44,111.00 94,332.00 46,484.48 2,000.00 841.02 18,000.00 2,933.60 3,000.00 5,280.00 3,137.12 3,720.00 2,982.12 600.00 275.00 300.00 186.00 600.00 600.00 713.21 500.00 1,000.00 440.00 300.00 30,000.00 18,300.00 2,000.00 - 2012-13 Total Budget - Surplus/(Deficit) Beginning Reserve Balance Ending Projected Reserve Balance $ 2011-12 Actual 2010-11 Actual 92,143.00 146,438.00 146,375.00 112,350.00 157,630.00 5,000.00 23,000.00 3,000.00 7,780.00 4,370.00 600.00 300.00 900.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 400.00 30,000.00 2,000.00 92,143.00 146,668.00 75,626.00 180,125.00 137,954.00 26,626.00 204.00 5,163.00 3,725.00 300.00 26.00 594.00 4,234.00 969.00 33,171.00 24,979.00 92,171.00 146,510.00 75,626.00 196,242.00 133,591.00 20,217.00 7,897.00 3,008.00 484.00 204.00 500.00 759.00 4,759.00 9,505.00 $ 201,256.00 $ 201,767.00