Equivalence-Based Security Specifications A. Datta, R Küsters, J. Mitchell, A. Ramanathan, V. Shmatikov


Equivalence-Based Security


A. Datta, R Küsters, J. Mitchell, A. Ramanathan,

V. Shmatikov

A. Scedrov, V. Teague, P. Mateus

General approach

 Real protocol

• The protocol we want to use

• Expressed precisely in some formalism

 Idealized protocol

• May use unrealistic mechanisms (e.g., private channels)

• Defines the behavior we want from real protocol

• Expressed precisely in same formalism

 Specification

• Real protocol indistinguishable from ideal protocol

• Beaver ‘91, Goldwasser-Levin ‘90, Micali-Rogaway ’91

• Depends on some characterization of observability

 Achieves compositionality

Secrecy for Challenge-Response

 Protocol P

A  B: { i }


B  A: { f(i) }


 “Obviously’’ secret protocol Q

A  B: { random_number }

B  A: { random_number }



Specification with Authentication

 Protocol P

A  B: { random i }


B  A: { f(i) }


A  B: “OK” if f(i) received

 “Obviously’’ authenticating protocol Q

A  B: { random i }

K public channel private channel

B  A: { random j }

K i , j public channel private channel

A  B: “OK” if private i, j match public msgs

Pseudo-random number generators

 Sequence generated from random seed

P n

: let b = n k -bit sequence generated from n random bits in

PUBLIC  b  end

 Truly random sequence

Q n

: let b = sequence of n k random bits in

PUBLIC  b  end

 P is crypto strong pseudo-random number generator

P  Q

Equivalence is asymptotic in security parameter n

Compositionality (intuition)

 Crypto primitives

• Ciphertext indistinguishable from noise

 encryption secure in all protocols

 Protocols

• Protocol indistinguishable from ideal key distribution

 protocol secure in all systems that rely on secure key distributions


 Intuitively, if:

• Q securely realizes I ,

• R securely realizes J,

• R, J use I as a component ,

 then

R{Q/I} securely realizes J

 Fits well with process calculus because  is a congruence

• Q  I  C[Q]  C[I]

• contexts constructed from R , J , simulators

Three technical settings

 Canetti – Universal composability

• Condition: two adversaries and environment

• Computation: Communicating Turing machines

 PW, … – Black-box simulatability

• Condition: one adversary, simulator, environment

• Computation: I/O automata (or CT machines)

 AG,LMMRST… - Process equivalence

• Condition: observational equivalence

• Computation: ppoly or nondet process calculus

Compare symmetric version of conditions over uniform computation model

More Background


Turing Mach

I/O Automata

Nondet. Process


Prob Poly Process






Canetti Canetti



Pfitz-W Pfitz-W


Applied 


This study


Turing Mach

I/O Automata







Pfitz-W Pfitz-W

Nondet. Process


Prob Poly Process


Axiomatic Calculus UC BB




Applied 



Ideal functionality (UC,BB)

 What is the ideal key exchange protocol?

• Clients ask server for key, receive response?

• Server chooses keys and sends secretly?

 Issue

• Easy to distinguish number of messages

• No “canonical” key exchange protocol is equivalent to all secure key exchange protocols

 Ideal functionality

• Not a protocol with number of messages, etc.

• A functionality that can be used to create ideal protocols

Adversary vs Environment (UC,BB)

 Adversary

• Interacts with protocol over network

• Does not choose messages to send, contract to sign, certificate authority,…

 Environment

• Represents the configuration of honest users who are trying to use the protocol

• Input to general protocol

• Example

– Kerberos TGS, KDC, clients, servers set by environment

Universal composability (UC)

 Given

• Protocol P

• Ideal functionality F

 Require

• For every attack attack A

A in any environment


E on P , there exists an on F revealing same information

• And conversely (in symmetric form of UC)

Black-box simulatability

 Given

• Protocol P

• Ideal functionality F

 Require

• There exists a simulator S such that for any attacker A , protocols P and S  F reveal same information in any environ E

Observational Equivalence

 Given

• Protocol P

• Ideal protocol Q (not functionality F )

 Require

• Protocols P and Q reveal same information in any context

No simulator, context = attacker + env


 UC and BB use “ideal functionality”

+ Allows single specification, regardless of communication pattern of protocol

 Observational equivalence

+ Standard relation, well-known properties

+ Bisimulation technique


Proof system

 Separate adversary and environment


Not clear if useful, except in exposition

Add ideal functionality to specification using process equivalence

Language Approach

 Write protocol in process calculus

• Accepted and long-studied approach to concurrency

 Express security using observational equivalence

• Standard relation from programming language theory

P  Q iff for all contexts C[ ] , same observations about C[P] and C[Q]

• Inherently compositional

• Context represents adversary

 Use proof rules for  to prove security

• Protocol is secure if no adversary can distinguish it from some idealized version of the protocol




Rest of talk

 Process calculus summary

 Formal definition of relations

 Sketch proof of equivalences

 Future directions


 Bounded  -calculus with integer terms

P :: = 0

| c q(|n|)

| c q(|n|)

 T 

(x). P send up to q(|n|) bits receive

|  c q(|n|)

. P private channel

| [T=T] P test

| P | P parallel composition

| ! q(|n|)

. P bounded replication

Terms may contain symbol n; channel width and replication bounded by poly in |n|

Equational principles

 P | Q  Q | P

 P | (Q | R)  (P | Q) | R

 P | 0  P

  c. P   d. [d/c]P same bandwidth,

  c. C[P]  C[  c.P] c  channels( C[0] )

 P  Q  Q  P

 P  Q, Q  R  P  R

 P  Q  C[P]  C[Q]

Prove results using these properties of process calculus; true for TM, IOA

Formal definitions

 Universal composability

 A


 A


.  net

(P | A


)   net

(F | A



 Black-box simulability

 S  A .  net

(P | A)   net

 Process equivalence

(  sim


 S . P   sim

(F | S)


• Relation  includes quantifying over environments

• Divide channels into network channels, simulator channels, environment channels


 UC and BB

• Equivalent w/synchronous communication

• Equivalent w/asynchronous communication

 BB and Process Equivalence (PE)

• PE implies BB in synch communication

• PE equivalent BB with asynch communication

These results are proved formally in process calculus

(we worked out soundness for PPC and spi-calculus).

Results hold for any computational framework satisfying equational principles given in earlier slide

Proof sketch

(also have nice pictures)

 PE  BB  UC : Easy. Congruence and quantifier order.

 UC


 BB


Key Lemmas

 Lemma 6. Scope Extrusion

•  c. (P | Q)  (  c.P) | Q c  channels( Q )

 Lemma 8. Double buffering

• One asynchronous buffer is indistinguishable from the composition of two

 Lemma 9. Dummy adversary and buffer

• Composing a dummy adversary (that just sends network information to the environment) with asynchronous buffer is indistinguishable from a buffer alone

Synchronous communication

 Buffering fails

• With synchronous communication, adding a buffer or dummy adversary can change the observable order of actions

Some future directions

 Complete this study

• Relate computational models

• Look at asymmetric specifications

– P is at least as secure as Q

 Relate logical specification methods

• Equivalence P  Q

– P is detailed, Q more abstract

• Properties of Q

– Prove Q achieves authenticated key exchange
