February Newsletter Prayer During Black History Principal’s message

Mrs. N. Resendes
February Newsletter
Mrs. T. Sunseri
Mr. M. Vecchiarino
Prayer During Black History
Mr. S. Xaviour
Mr. F. Di Cosola
St. Patrick Parish
Fr. V. Mariziliano
School Council Chair:
Mrs. C. Oppedisano
School Website:
www. dpcdsb.org/
God of love and mercy, you call us to be
your people. Make us holy people radiating the fullness of Your love. Help us
to recognize our neighbor in everyone
we meet, whatever the person’s colour,
race, religion, culture or gender. Help
us to share our love with all people
even if they do not ask for it and even if
they reject it.
Form us into a community of people
who care, expressing your compassion.
Remind us day after day of our baptismal call to serve, with joy and courage.
Give us a deeper appreciation of the
contributions that our brothers and sis-
ters of all culture have made to society
and to the building of Your reign. Teach
us how to grow in wisdom, grace and
joy in Your presence.
Through Jesus and in Your spirit, we
make this prayer.
Principal’s message
The month of January has gone quickly and
soon our thoughts will turn to preparations for
the Lenten season.
We will distributing ashes to the students at
our Ash Wednesday celebration, February 18th,
in the school gym at 11:25am. As always, Parents are welcome to attend.
This past month, all of the Grade 7 students
in our Family of Schools, were given the opportunity to attend the Brampton Northeast Family
of School Speak Up Elementary Conference at
Cardinal Ambrozic S.S. Our grade 7 students
represented St. Patrick School proudly as they
were given an opportunity to hear positive inspiring messages and share their student voice.
On another note, it was determined at the most
recent Board Meeting that effective February
9th, 2015 our new Superintendent of Brampton
North-East Family of Schools will be Mrs. OudeReimerink. Effective February 9th, Mr. Vecchiarino will be the new Superintendent of Program. We welcome Mrs. Oude-Reimerink to
Brampton North-East. Superintendent OudeReimerink brings a wealth of knowledge and
experience to this role. We wish to thank Mr.
Veccharino for his support during his tenure in
the Brampton North-East Family of Schools and
wish him continued success in his new portfolio.
St. Patrick School continues to be a vibrant
school community as a result of your involvement and support. Thank you.
2 0 1 5
Virtue of the Month– Respect
OThis month we will celebrate the virtue of Respect. The virtue of respect reminds
us that every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God and so every person is
our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share on
Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect.
That respect should come first and foremost from ourselves. We have to respect
ourselves and then we will be able to respect others.
Now that colder weather is upon us, we respectfully remind you to ensure that
your children come to school dressed warmly to participate in recess activities.
Students need to be dressed appropriately in order to enjoy the outdoors.
Please help your child come to school appropriately dressed with boots, snowpants, scarves, hats and mittens on those really chilly days.
According to the School Board policy students go outside to temperatures of
–25. When weather conditions are this severe, we may reduce the outdoor playtime or have indoor recess. Fresh air and exercise are vital components for successful learning, so we will endeavor to have children play outside whenever
possible. For health reasons and to help keep the school safe and clean, we ask
all students to have indoor shoes. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Regarding the Parking Lot…
Morning Drop-Off Routine
Parents who do not wish to park their car in a designated parking spot may drop off children in the DROP OFF ZONE established in the parking lot, at the bend near the school
yard. This has been identified with painted lines on the pavement in the near future and a
stop sign installed as well.
Parents are asked to stop at the drop off zone and students should disembark from the
right side of the vehicle. Other vehicles are asked not to pass cars waiting to drop
off. Students exiting vehicles should not be going around the back of the vehicle to the
trunk as this is unsafe. By following this system we can have two cars unload at a
time. Once those vehicles have moved on then the next vehicles can pull up and unload.
Buses will be asked to wait behind the line up and then pull up in front of the school to
unload, as usual. We ask that cars no longer pull up against the curb in the area along
the sidewalk/garden as this is a fire route.
End of the day Pick-Up Routine
Next School Council
April 14, 2015 at 6:00pm
At St. Patrick’s Church
More information
to follow
All parents are welcome!
We would ask that if there are no more parking spaces available in the parking lot
that parents wait in the church parking lot until they see that the 3 large school
buses have arrived. Once all of the buses have arrived. Parents picking up are
asked to pull up behind the buses in a line. No cars will be permitted to leave the
parking lot until all buses have departed. Once the buses have left parents who
are picking up can pull up to the curb and we will call your
children for you. Thank you for your cooperation with this
pick up system.
Bus Cancellation Information: As you aware
bus cancellations and School Closures are announced on the radio, tv news stations as well as on
the Dufferin-Peel website homepage or
www.stopr.ca. If buses are cancelled in the morning,
this also applies to the afternoon buses. Therefore, if you choose to drive
your child to school when buses are cancelled, please be advised that you
will also be responsible for pick-up at 3:00pm. Thank you.
Important notice for Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students in SK/Year 2 Kindergarten
The French Immersion Online Application System is now open for submissions. To apply, go to
Applications will be accepted until February 28, 2015
• All eligible submissions are accepted and, in the event that the number of applications is greater than
the number of spaces available at a French Immersion school, a centralized, computer-generated lottery will be held at a date yet to be determined.
• Some French Immersion schools offer Grades 1 to 8 and others offer Grades 1 to 4, with Grade 5 to 8
offered at a nearby school. Please refer to the Board website for more information.
• Parents and guardians of students registered in the program are responsible for providing transportation for their child(ren) to and from their registered French Immersion school. *****Please note that for
students living inside the regular school boundaries of a French Immersion school, eligibility for student
transportation is based on the policies established by the school board.*****
• A successful placement in the French Immersion School does not guarantee placement of younger
siblings in future years.
If more details are required, please review the board website for up-to-date information. You may also
contact your child's present school, the principal of the French Immersion school in your area, or the
board's French as a Second Language Consultant at (905) 890-0708 extension 24307.
A gentle reminder to leave
a message on the Attendance Line (905 794-0411
Option 1) before 8:30am.
The message system is
available 24 hours for your
On days that buses are cancelled and your child is
NOT a bus student but will remain at home an absence must be reported by 8:30am. Punctuality is an
extremely important building block in every student’s
learning foundation from Junior Kindergarten to grade
8. The routine of being prepared for the beginning of
class on a daily basis ensures that each day gets off
to a good start.
March Break 2015
There will be no school for students during the week
of March 16-20, 2015. School will resume on Monday, March 23, 2015.
Parent Engagement Event:
Parents are invited to attend Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board’s Parent Engagement Event at
St. Josephine Bakhita School on February 10 from
7:30 through 8:30. The event will feature thirty minute
workshops on how inquiry is foundational to 21st Century Learning. Parents are asked to register through
survey monkey by accessing the following link for the
BW/BNE/MBC Family of Schools.
Full Day Kindergarten September 2014
We have begun registration for Kindergarten for September. If you have children
ready to start Junior Kindergarten in September please register them as soon as
Parents/Guardians should being the following:
 Proof of age (stmt. of Live Birth or Birth
 Original Catholic Baptismal Certificate
 Updated immunization records)
 Proof of Canadian citizenship or Landed
Immigrant )
 Proof of address (utility bill, purchase/
lease agreement) For more information,
please visit our school website or call
the Admissions Department at 905-890
-0708 ext 24500.
Student Report Cards
Term One, Grade one to Grade eight Report Cards go home on Tuesday, February
3rd. Parent/teacher/student interviews for
JK to grade 8 students will be held on the
evening of Thursday, Feb., 5, 2014 and
during the day on Feb., 6, 2015.
Family Day is Monday, February 16,
2015. There will be no School that day.
Minimizing Class Disruption
The instructional day begins promptly following morning announcements. In order
not to miss valuable instructional time, students should not be picked up from school
early, if possible.
By trying our best not disturb classes, except in very important situations, we are
reducing disruptions to quality teaching
and learning time. We understand that
there will be times when disruptions will be
necessary and unavoidable. In these cases please send a note in advance to your
child’s teacher when you child needs to be
picked up early as to who will pick them up
and then meet them in the office and sign
them out.
If delivering lunches to your child at school,
write your child’s name on the lunch bag
and leave them on the lunch table in the
front foyer. Please ensure the lunch is
there by 12:35pm. Since we are a secure
building this should not be a daily routine.
We appreciate your support in minimizing
disruptions to classes, whenever possible.
The EQAO Assessment will be administered between May 25 to June 8, 2015.
Grade 3 and 6 students are preparing diligently for this assessment. It is very important that all students are present at
school during this time. More information
to follow.
Exploring the Paths of Joy
May 3rd-8th
Our Archdiocese is home to five English and one
French Catholic school board, made up of more than
500 schools and close to 300,000 students. We celebrate the tremendous gifts of each one of our students
along with all those who support them on the journey.
Each one of us has a role to play. Our parishes provide a solid foundation, the rock on which we build our
faith with priests who guide and shepherd us on the
journey. The home is another critical component of our
faith formation, where parents ensure that the thread
of faith is woven through the family, allowing children
to live a faith that acts in all that they do. Our Catholic
teachers provide leadership in our parish schools by
following the example of Jesus Christ, teacher and
friend, as we form our young people to be citizens who
are inspired by their faith.
In addition to offering prayers for all those involved in
Catholic Education, we offer some practical suggestions to help engage our community:
1. Ensure that your property taxes indicate you are a
separate school supporter. This demonstrates to the
government your support of our publicly funded Catholic schools.
2. Consider being more directly
engaged in our publicly funded
Catholic schools. Join our
School Council or volunteer in
our school.
Shrove Tuesday– Tuesday, February 17
St. Patrick school will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday
with pancakes generously provided by the School
Council. Shrove Tuesday (also known as Shrovetide
Tuesday, Pancake Tuesday and Pancake Day) is the
day preceding Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.
The expression “Shrove Tuesday” comes from the
word shrive, meaning “confess”. Related popular
practices are associated with celebrations before the
fasting and religious obligations associated with the
penitential season of Lent. The term Mardi Gras is
French for Fat Tuesday, referring to the practice of the
last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual
fasting of the Lenten season, which begins on Ash
Wednesday. Pancakes are associated with the day
preceding Lent because they were a way to use up
rich foods such as eggs, milk and sugar before the
fasting season of the 40 days of Lent. The liturgical
fasting emphasized eating plainer food and refraining
from food that would give pleasure: In many cultures,
this means no meat, dairy or eggs.
A letter from St. Patrick’s Church Pastor: Fr. Vito Marziliano
Dear parents, students, staff and administrators, support staff and friends of
our parish schools:
Blessings and Peace to everyone.
I wish to thank the parents and students of our schools who have made a commitment to journey through these final weeks and months of preparation for the
celebration of the Sacraments of First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation. Families who are still considering these moments of grace for their
children and their family, and especially anyone who may have questions or concerns on these or
other issues relating to our faith and practice, please do not hesitate to call or come by the rectory or
the church. To make sure I am present when you come it is always best to make an appointment. Please feel free to call, if I am not available when you phone, please leave a message and
your call will be returned (905/794-0486).
On Saturday, February 14, at 3 p.m. I am inviting parents and children who are able to attend a
meeting in St. Patrick’s Church, to talk about Lent and the meaning behind these 40 holy days.It will
be an hour of leaning and fun, followed by refreshments in the church hall. I hope many of you will
be able to join us.
In the meantime, we once again prepare for LENT, beginning on Wednesday, February 18, through
the celebration of the ASHES. I will prepare the ashes and bless them as I bring them to each of the
schools ahead of time for celebrations on the 18. At St. Patrick’s Church,
Ash Wednesday celebrations will be held at 8:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing every Sunday following there will be
An extra Mass celebrated in St. Patrick Church at 7:30pm.
As we approach this holy season, I invite each family to consider possibilities of how, in our own individual ways, we can mark this time. How can we as a family, as a community, as members of our
various schools, as a parish, grow closer to the love of God and neighbour. Can the journey of Lent
enable us to reach Easter renewed in our desire to do our part in creating an environment of peace
and solidarity, understanding and acceptance, unity and respect in every aspect of life.
May the Lord bless the journey of each individual, family and community, during this sacred time of
renewal and new beginnings.
With friendship,
Fr. Vito Marziliano
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Catholic School Climate Survey
“Love one another as I have loved you”
John 15:12
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
The Catholic Community Culture and Caring School Climate Survey (Parents/Guardians)
The Ontario Ministry of Education's focus on Safe Schools and Positive School Climate, as well as
its Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy, requires that all schools across the province implement
a School Climate Survey for the students every two years. The Catholic Community Culture and
Caring School Climate (CCCC) Survey is offered to students in Grades 3 through 12.
The parent/guardian CCCC School Climate Survey has also been developed to provide parents/
guardians an opportunity to express feedback regarding their children’s school climate experiences.
Parents of all students in all grades, Kindergarten through to Grade 12+ are invited to participate. Please click on the applicable link provided to take the anonymous survey.
To take the survey please visit the link below:
The survey will be available from January 26 to March 6. If you have more than one child in a Dufferin-Peel Catholic school, you are welcome to complete one survey per child.
Thank you for your support of Dufferin-Peel’s efforts in the area of Catholic Community Culture and
N. Resendes
February 2015
Sub Day
Sweater Day
(Wear your
PD Day
No School
Just Cater- Parent En- 100th Day of
Evening @
St. Josephine Bakita
Pizza Day
Sub Day
Ash Wednesday Celebration 11:25am
Pizza Day
Sub Day
Just Catering
Sub Day
Grade 5 at
Gr. 7 & 8
2nd payment for
trip due
Pizza Day
From the Student Council….
From Monday February 9th to Friday February 13th, St. Patrick School will be having a winter spirit week
in celebration of Valentine’s Day and Black History Month. The students will
be able to participate in fun events and be able to dress up on occasion. More
information will follow shortly.
Chocolate Fundraiser
At the last School Council meeting, the Council decided to do a chocolate
fundraiser beginning after March Break. Nestle chocolates will be available to
those families interested in supporting this fundraiser. More information will
follow in March.