Principal: V O L U M E Mrs. N. Resendes Secretary: Mrs. T. Sunseri Superintendent: Mrs. D. OudeReimerink 905-890-1221 Trustee Mr. S. Xaviour 416-659-5635 Mr. F. Di Cosola 905-951-8898 St. Patrick Parish Pastor: Fr. V. Mariziliano 905-794-0486 School Council Chair: Ms. A. Ranieri School Website: www. PATRK 1 I S S U E 5 January Newsletter New Years Prayer O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises, Thank you for the gift of a new year. May it be a time of grace for me, a time to grow in faith and love, A time to renew my commitment to following Your Son, Jesus. May it be a year of blessing for me, A time to cherish my family and friends, A time to renew my efforts at work, a time to embrace my faith more fully. Walk with me, please everyday and every hour of this new year, That the light of Christ might shine through me, In spite of my weaknesses and failings. Above all, may I remember this year that I am a pilgrim on the sacred path to You. Amen J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6 Principal’s message I hope that you had a joyful Christmas holiday with friends and family. May God fill your homes and hearts with the same joy felt by the three wise men as they rejoiced when visiting the baby Jesus. Thank you to everyone who donated to the Hat and Scarf Drive. These donations were given to St. Patrick Church for distribution. Special thanks to the Youth Faith Ambassadors for organizing this drive. As we begin a new year, I’d like to wish all of you a bright, prosperous and happy new year ahead! May God bestow many blessings upon you for a wonderful 2016! N.Resendes Principal Professional Development Day Monday, January 18th is a PA Day for students. There will be no classes held on this day. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has scheduled a PA Day for Term 1 Assessment & Evaluation of Pupil Progress. PAGE 2 Virtue of the Month– Self Control This month we will celebrate the virtue of Self Control. God has given us the ability to choose. We are able to control how we react to what happens around us. We feel pressure from inside or from outside ourselves to react violently to a situation. We’ve all “lost it” at one time or another. We are never proud of those moments. As soon as they happen we make a promise that it will not happen again. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at controlling our reactions. We can get better at showing self-control. DRESS FOR THE WEATHER Now that colder weather is upon us, we respectfully remind you to ensure that your children come to school dressed warmly to participate in recess activities. When weather conditions are severe, we may reduce the outdoor playtime or have indoor recess. Fresh air and exercise are vital components for successful learning, so we will endeavor to have children play outside whenever possible. Help your children come to school appropriately dressed with boots, snowpants, scarves, hats and mittens on those really chilly days! Only students wearing snowpants and boots will be permitted to play on the field in the snow. For health reasons and to help keep the school safe and clean, we ask all students to have indoor shoes. Thank you for your support in this matter. Full Day Kindergarten for 2016-2017 Next School Council Meeting: January 26th, 2016 at 7pm In the school Library All parents are welcome! Extended French Information Meeting Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a grade 5 Extended French class for September 2016 are asked to call the office in order to obtain information regarding the upcoming January information sessions. Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year, will take place at St. Patrick School on the following days: Monday, January 25, 2016 Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Thursday, January 28, 2016 Friday, January 29, 2016 7 p.m. -–9 p.m.* 9 a.m. -–3 p.m. 9 a.m.—3 p.m. 9 a.m.—3 p.m. *Snow Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7 p.m.—9 p.m. For more information about registration and the Full-Day Kindergarten program, call (905) 794-0411 or visit Freeze Kid’s Comic Book Art Tour Workshop St. Patrick School is pleased to welcome Freeze Kid’s Comic Book Art Tour Workshop on Wednesday, January 7th for students in grades 2-6. This workshop will be conducted by Anthony Stanberry and Jermaine Smith, who have published several children’s drawing books and graphic novels and taught over 900 000 children across Canada. The workshops provide fun and exciting ways to explore for students to explore their artistic abilities and help build self-esteem. Thank you to Miss Rizzi for coordinating this visit. PAGE 4 TOUR FOR HUMANITY: We are thrilled to announce that the Tour for Humanity, a technologically advanced, state‐ of‐the‐art, mobile human rights educa on centre created by Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center will be visi ng our school on January 26, 2015 for grades 3‐8 students. Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) works to counter hate, An ‐semi sm, and intolerance through educa on and advocacy; to promote tolerance, jus ce, and human rights; and to keep the memory and lessons of the Holocaust alive through educa on. FSWC is guided by the concept of Tikkun Olam – a Hebrew term mean‐ ing “Repair of the World”. Through integrity, co‐opera on, crea vity, leadership, sustaina‐ bility, stewardship and humility, FSWC strives for a be er tomorrow for all Canadians. The Tour for Humanity is FSWCʼs newest educa onal ini a ve. Grades 3‐8, will be prepar‐ ing for its visit by addressing human rights issues from the past and the present. We ask you to talk to your child(ren) about their day and the issues that were discussed before and a er the Tour visit. Some of these issues will be sensi ve and we will be encouraging each student to ask ques ons to clarify their understanding. If you have any ques ons or concerns about the Tour for Humanity or the content being covered to prepare for the experience, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Parents are invited to a end. Please let your child’s teacher know if you are interested in a ending. Student Report Cards Term One, Grade one to Grade eight Report Cards go home on Tuesday, February 2nd. Parent/teacher/student interviews for JK to grade 8 students will be held on the evening of Thursday, Feb., 4, and during the day on Feb., 5, 2016. Therefore, there will be no school for students on February 5, 2016. Welcome: Mrs. Couto-Palazzolo We would like to welcome Mrs. Couto who will be working in the capacity of Educational Resource Worker. We are happy to have her join the St. Patrick staff. She will be replacing Mrs. Gardiman who retired in December. Eco-Update: The Eco-Team will be working on various initiatives this month including Lights out Lunches (classes will be asked to turn off lights and lift the blinds for energy conservation). Tetra pack collection– more information will follow and Waste-free Wednesdays. Students will be encouraged to bring a waste-free lunch in order to reduce the amount of garbage produced. Thank you to Miss Barrasso and Miss Gallo and the ECO-TEAM for their efforts! A message from St. Patrick Church: Dear parents, students, staff and communi es of our parish schools at St. Patrick’s: Gree ngs and Blessings to all. Best wishes for a holy New Year, filled with goodness and love for you, your loved ones and the whole world. This is indeed a blessed year as we celebrate the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, each one of us invited to reflect on the great mercy and love of God and to become our‐ selves bearers of love and mercy to all. We are blessed at St. Patrick’s Church to hold one of the designated “Holy Doors” of the Jubilee in our Archdiocese. We have already started witness‐ ing people coming from elsewhere to spend me in prayer in our church, and we will con nue to welcome many, praying with them and praying for them. It is my hope that each one of you, as a family, may take the opportunity to come and spend a few minutes in pilgrimage and prayer, thanking God for the blessings in your life, and seeking blessings for others and for all. During the Jubilee Year our church will remain open every day from 7 a.m. To 9 p.m. I wish to extend my congratula ons to the families of those students who have been confirmed, and look forward to con nue preparing and cele‐ bra ng with those yet to be confirmed, and the children preparing for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Communion. We are also happy to welcome in our midst a refugee family from Syria. We ask you to pray for them and for all who suffer worldwide. May everything we do for one another truly receive God’s blessings upon each one us and upon all our families. Once again, a blessed New Year to all. With friendship, Fr. Vito Marziliano, Pastor. PAGE 5 January 2016 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Welcome Back! MADD presentation Gr. 7 & 8 10 11 12 Wed Thu 18 19 PA Day—No School 24 25 Kindergarten Registration for Sept 2016 7-9pm 26 Kindergarten Registration for Sept 2016/Snow day 7-9pm/ Tour for Humanity Bus Gr. 3-8 Council Meeting at 7:00 pm Sat 1 2 9 6 7 8 Comic Art Workshop 11:45am Gr. 2-6/ Gr. 7 @ Silvercreek Sub Day Freeze Kid’s Comic Book Art Tour Gr.2-6 Pizza Day 13 14 15 Sub Day 17 Fri 16 Pizza Day 20 21 22 Sub Day 9:30am Mass @ St. Patrick Pizza Day 27 28 29 Kindergarten Registration 9-11am & 13pm Sub Day Kindergarten Registration 9-11am & 13pm Kindergarten Registration 9-11am & 13pm 23 30 Pizza Day 31 Please note changes in event times are sometimes unavoidable. For the most up to date month at a glance is always on our website: events. Parents are always welcome to all of our assemblies and masses. CYBER ACADEMY TUESDAY EVENINGS 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm FREE P EMIL V. KOLB CENTRE P INTRODUCTION for police excellence AUDITORIUM 180 Derry Road East Mississauga 905-453-2121 ext . 4021 P SOCIAL MEDIA - social networking (facebook) P MEDIA ADDICTION TO D i s t e r AY! eel Regional Police have developed a breakthrough concept in crime prevention, the CYBER Academy. The crime prevention experts at Peel Regional Police have designed a certificate program* that will help keep you, your children and families safe while using the Internet. During this course, you will learn the basics of: FEBRUARY 16 ADMISSION LIM SEA ITED TIN G Reg Are You Hooked? FEBRUARY 23 P MEDIA DISTRACTION P CYBER–FRAUD Unlocking The Secrets (identity theft, phishing, electronic banking, credit checks, mail tampering) MARCH 1 P COMPUTER SECURITY (passwords, firewalls, viruses, spam) P CYBER–BULLYING At The Click Of A Mouse (bullying on digital mediums, computer, cell phone, records, evidence) MARCH 8 P INTERNET CHILD EXPLOITATION - child pornography - on-line luring - cyber-dating P DISCUSSION & FEEDBACK REGISTER ON-LINE Select – Crime Prevention • Academies & Seminars • Cyber Academy * All 4 sessions MUST be attended to receive certificate Peel Regional Police is committed to ensuring that our programs are accessible to all citizens in our Region. We are happy to accommodate any individual needs in keeping with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. If you require an accommodation in order to participate in the academy, please provide the accommodation information when registering. Some examples may include: alternate formats for communication material, technical aids / assistive devices, and / or, access for Support Worker or Service Animal. DUE TO SUBJECT MATTER PARTICIPANTS MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE & OVER @PeelCrimePrev