NOVEMBER 24, 2003
Present: Dean Michael Binder, Brian Coutts, Connie Foster, Nancy Baird,
Haiwang Yuan and Jan Renusch
Minutes: The minutes of November 10, 2003 were approved as corrected.
Web & Virtual Library: Haiwang has updated the list of authors for the
Southern Kentucky Book Fest.
-Haiwang reported that PremiereNet, which used to host our Southern
Kentucky Book Fest was sold to Access Kentucky, which is going to host
us for a minimum fee in the neighborhood of $20-50 a month. Haiwang is
expecting a phone call from Access Kentucky to learn about its pricing.
University Libraries Server/Electronic Reserves: Brian reported that
Dan Forrest had met with Jeppie Sumpter in Network Computing regarding
E-reserves. It was suggested that we use the present library server. It
is big enough to house both the e-reserve files and the KY Library and
Museum materials for the time being. Voyager is an essential link. It
will allow us to create bibliographic records that are in fact links to
web pages. The existing server would serve for 2-5 years. When it gets
full we would migrate to a new server. The immediate needs are:
A new PC
HP 8250C Scanner W/document feeder
Adobe Acrobat Pro 6 Software
If we can obtain a password protected web page template from U of L and
work out all the bugs, an e-reserve system could be ready for full
implementation in the fall of 2004. Haiwang discussed some of the
software that could be used to reduce the storage space and software
that scans a manuscript document and turns it into digital.
Where the library server is concerned, Haiwang is going to get
information about the potential space usage of the following
projects at hand: the Kentucky and Library Digital Library project led
by Sandy Staebell, the Mammoth Cave National Park Co-share Digital
Library project led by Sue Lynn Stone and Jue Wang, and the Electronic
Reserve led by Dan Forrest.
Dean’s Report: Michael announced that the search for a development
director was over. Carrie Barnett has accepted the position effective
January 5, 2004. The search for DLSC Department Head is still ongoing.
Michael distributed copies of Lynn Pawley’s report for dealing with the
issue of incoming checks. Lynn will have a receipt book in her office
and will give a receipt to the person who brings a check in or if a
check comes in the mail she will mail the receipt to the person who
sent it. Also, she has a logbook that she will log the checks in and
the date they are sent to the Foundation for deposit. This will
document the incoming and outgoing of the checks. In addition a logbook
has been placed in the office for the student worker to log in, during
working hours, the time he/she has left/returned to make hand
Michael passed out copies of the Purchasing Card Program User’s Guide.
He reviewed the intent of the card, which is to replace purchase orders
for small-dollar items. The card is to be used for items under $500.
The maximum amount is $500 per transaction; $1,000 per day and no sales
tax will be paid. He asked that the Department Heads make copies of
the guidelines and discuss them with their employees.
After discussions with Gay Perkins and Charles Smith Michael has
decided not to register WKU Libraries for the 2004 LibQUAL+ survey.
Michael has asked Jack Montgomery, Sean Kinder, and Roxanne Spencer to
serve on the search committee for the position of Assistant to the Dean
of Libraries for Community Outreach with Jack Montgomery acting as
chair. Jayne Pelaski is currently acting in this role on a personnel
waiver with the stipulation that the position must be formally
Michael reported that he nominated Deana Groves to serve as the
University Libraries representative on the Diversity Committee being
formed. She has an interest in diversity issues and experienced a
multi-cultural education pursuing graduate studies at the University of
Michael also announced that the Marjorie Helm Awards nomination forms
are in the mailboxes. They need to be returned by December 3.
DLTS: Connie Foster reported Serials has successfully completed the
first large EDI invoice process with 34 files. JoAnn Mitchell did much
groundwork with EBSCO to sort out accurate information. Connie noted
that additional invoices from various vendors come every month so they
are never really finished.
Connie reported:
- The two sessions, Wed., November 19 and Fri., November 21, on
electronic journal management systems were well attended.
-Connie, Jack and Brian will review allocations, immediately after the
Thanksgiving break, to work out equitable distribution of library fee
-David Runner has completed the installation of the TOPCAT terminal in
the current periodicals area. Patrons and staff seeking library
information on that end of the floor should benefit from this terminal.
-Rose Davis conducted a Library of Congress Authorities workshop
through the SOLINET Academy tutorial using the SmartBoard in the
InfoLab. Most catalogers and staff in serials and bibliographic access
attended the first of three planned sessions for learning more about
authority work in the online environment.
-According to Paula Owens there is a problem with part-time staff
hiring practices in that they are not being informed that they must go
to Human Resources and fill out their tax forms. Michael will remind
Glenda White that as part of the hiring procedure of part-time
personnel to have all part-time employees go to Human Resources and
complete all necessary tax forms to ensure timely receipt of their
Connie brought up the very limited parking in the lot behind Helm.
Michael will invite Captain Wallace to a meeting to discuss the
DLSC: Nancy Baird reported:
-Attendance at the Lewis & Clark Programs has been very good. The last
program in the series will be Monday, December 1 at 12:00 noon
following the CLDH meeting.
-The Kentucky Humanities Council has put out a book, Going on Two
Hundred Years. They are thrilled about being included in the 2004
Southern Kentucky Book Fest.
DLPS: Brian reported:
-Electricity has been restored and the elevators are now running in
-The blinds for Helm are in and installation is being scheduled.
-Rosemary Meszaros met with me to discuss our annual evaluation for
Government Documents. We are in compliance for most all areas. Two
areas needing attention by October 1, 2004 are the need for a new highspeed public access terminal with audio and video capacity, a DVD
drive, a CD-RW drive, a 21-inch monitor for cartographic data, and an
ink jet or laser printer; and an additional microfiche storage cabinet
with capacity for three year's expansion.
-The Library Technology Office has now been established in Helm 8. The
office phone is: 745-8982.
The following installations have been completed recently:
-Windows XP client for OCLC Connexion on three computers in DLTS
-New images installed on computers for Jeanie Butler and Jayne Pelaski
-New workstation installed in Periodicals
-Software installed on student assistant's computer in Government
-Replacement computer with DVD player installed in Government
-Genealogy software has been installed on two computers in DLSC
-Network printing problems solved in DLSC
-OCR scanning software problems, network-printing problems fixed at ERC
-New image and software reinstalled on Circulation desk computers at
-Virus problems have been fixed on our wireless laptops and all have
been returned to service.
-Michael Kenney, Technology Assistant is available for assistance
Monday-Friday 4p.m. to 8p.m. Presently in Helm 201 (x56415) he will be
soon be relocating to Helm 8 along with our Student Assistant Daniel
-The Audio Tour should be ready by January 15, 2004. Michael Kenny is
helping with the technical engineering.
-There will be a KERA web site meeting the first week of December.
-David Runner is going to investigate the purchase of Word Perfect
software for the Libraries.
The next CLDH meeting Monday, December 1, at 10:00 a.m. will be at the
Kentucky Building.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch