SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Present: Interim Dean, Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Timothy Mullin, Brian Coutts,
Haiwang Yuan, Kristie Lowry, Bryan Carson, Jennifer Wilson, and Jan Renusch
Minutes: On a motion by Bryan Carson and seconded by Haiwang Yuan, the August 29,
2011, minutes were approved and passed unanimously.
Java City Report: Jack Montgomery reviewed points of the Java City Noon-Time
Concert Series. By October 17 th the LLC, will make a decision regarding the spring
Java City “Noon” concerts or other events (prompted by lack of a sponsor). Connie is going to talk with Mitzi Groom, Music Department Head and see what performance issues or opportunities she sees for this venue. Connie would like Amy Hardin to discuss a possible sponsorship/partnership with the SGA as a funding or visibility opportunity, especially since she has Student Affairs as part of her development role. The Java City/Helm Lobby is available upon request, just like Helm 100.
Events should be and can be encouraged independent of funding. Another potential funding partner might be Aramark. It was discussed to recommend for the Spring scaling back to 2 performances per month and to fund no more than $750 for the
Spring series out of some internal funding source until it is determined this series merits continuance, which would require funding. Request for an attendance count this spring will be made, as the report did not give attendance figures.
Final recommendations will be voted on at the October 17 th meeting.
Dean’s Report: Connie reported that the faculty continuance letters have been completed. A discussion ensued on pros and cons regarding unlocking public computers for access to PRIMO. Public computers on 4 th floor circulation and floors
5-9 are only open to TOPCAT. Other issues include printer access. Also discussed was a policy for security cameras use. Connie will be in Frankfort on Friday for a
SAALCK meeting.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported that he had discussed with Interim
Dean Connie Foster the current situation of Web management in the Libraries.
OUCampus’ apparent ease of use gives more Libraries’ faculty and staff the opportunity to contribute to Libraries’ Website development and maintenance. As last Friday's Web Working Group and training demonstrated, there has been tremendous interest and enthusiasm among Libraries’ faculty and staff. The model of having a Web Working Group no longer fits the situation as everyone in the
Libraries can now do Web work without having to be part of the group. On the other hand, if the group included everyone who is interested in working on the Web, then it would become unwieldy. The Dean and Haiwang, as well as the LLC members, decided that a core group, two from each department recommended by the department heads, will form a Web Management Committee to be chaired by Haiwang. This committee will help Haiwang make guidelines and procedures and oversee quality control issues relating to the development and maintenance of the Libraries’ Web site. Haiwang distributed to the LLC members a draft of new Web Development guidelines that had been reviewed by the Interim Dean for review by the LLC. (See attached). The central idea of the guidelines is to place heads of each unit in charge of the content of the pages relating to individual units. The head can designate others to work on the technical parts. Another element of the guidelines is that appropriate communication be maintained for quality control. Details of the new Web Management
Committee will be discussed after department heads discuss further. Haiwang and his student William Kotheimer are working to replace the current search box on the
Libraries home page with the Primo One-Search Box.
Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that the Louisa May Alcott SOKY Reads! events are underway. The book giveaways went very well, and the program provided 30 copies of one of the titles to three different faculty-directed student book clubs on campus. There will be two more events at the Kentucky Museum this week – one on
Tuesday and one on Thursday. Turnout for the documentary viewing/book giveaway last week drew 27 people.
-Kristie’s trip to Decatur, GA, was very beneficial. She has heard back from many of the authors that she met there, and it was also interesting to see how another book festival was run. Kristie will visit the Kentucky Book Fair in Frankfort in
November to observe their Children’s Day and make more contacts with authors.
-Author confirmations for Book Fest continue to come in at a steady pace, and the presenters for the Kentucky Writers Conference have almost all been confirmed.
Cathi Barth, the new Literary Outreach Assistant, is working on this.
-Connie asked if the SOKY Reads! book giveaways should be closed to library faculty and staff. Some discussion followed and it was agreed that different ways to conduct the giveaways while still providing the books to interested faculty and staff would be examined. Connie also stated that she talked to a Herald reporter about doing an article on the SOKY Reads! program as it relates to the on-campus student book groups, and Kristie will follow up with that to try to get the Herald interested in doing an article.
Marketing: Jennifer said we had statewide coverage on the Civil War program last
Saturday at the Kentucky Museum and more than 200 came for the day. The Kentucky
Museum brochure is at the printer, and she hopes to distribute the brochures very soon. The Big Red Search committee is now working on the individual steps to include videos to go with each of the search steps. She is currently putting together promo materials for the upcoming Lincoln exhibit.
Projects & Grants: Bryan Carson announced that the lectures have been set for the travelling exhibition “Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War.” [See attached flyer.] The exhibition will be located at the Kentucky Museum from October 28 to
December 16. Lectures will be held in the Western Room. During the run of this exhibition, the Kentucky Museum will not charge an admission fee. The schedule of events is as follows:
“Background of Conflict and the Election of 1860”
Thursday, November 3, 7 pm.
Carol Crowe-Carraco, WKU Professor of History
Nancy Baird, Kentucky Historian
-“Lincoln, Civil Liberties, and Habeas Corpus”
Monday, November 7, 7 pm.
Patricia Minter, WKU Associate Professor of History
-“Lincoln and Secession”
Wednesday, November 9, 7 pm.
Glenn LaFantasie, Richard Frockt Family Professor of Civil War History
-“Lincoln’s Leadership and Communication Style”
Monday, November 14, 7 pm.
Cecile Garmon, WKU Professor of Communication and Director, Center for Leadership
-“Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation”
Wednesday, November 16, 7 pm.
Glenn LaFantasie, Richard Frockt Family Professor of Civil War History
-“Concluding Panel Discussion” with all the speakers
Tuesday, December 6, 7 pm.
Department Reports:
DLTS: Tammera Race will be facilitating a small reading group of approximately 10 international students. They will be reading Alternate Alcott, the books generously provided by Kristie Lowry.
-Uma Doraiswamy completed cataloging 50 maps.
-Nelda Sims started collecting the information that TDNet needs for the e-book and database module.
-Deana, Jack, Amy, and Nelda are developing a workflow for purchase and cataloging of one-time cost e-books.
-DLTS will be hosting the annual WKU Libraries holiday luncheon on December 15th.
Crystal Bowling is serving as chair of the committee.
-Technology Highlights: Provided tech support for KY Live and Far Away Places community speaker series @ Barnes & Noble
Dean’s office: replaced hard drive in student’s computer, reinstalled all software and placed computer back in service
DLTS: upgraded Symantec Endpoint antivirus program on two computers to resolve compatibility conflict between MS Visual C++ and Symantec; installed Windows Asian
Language Pack on computer for cataloger; OCLC Connexion clients was installed on laptop for catalogers use, installed Oracle and ODBC drivers on computer for Josh to run Voyager reports prepared by Nelda; corrected Voyager Tag table files copied to computers in Cataloging, edited options in OCLC Connexion for export file on one computer
DLPS: resolved problem w/desktop printer in departmental office; upgraded Symantec
Endpoint antivirus program on two computers to resolve compatibility conflict between MS Visual C++ and Symantec; worked on problems w/student assistant computer in Regional Campus office; troubleshot Voyager Circulation Module problems; resolved some browser problems on instructor’s computer in Helm 5
DLS C : installed new web site/scanning computer and scanner; resolved problem w/one networked laser printer
Systems: Josh continued updating the list of AD additions and deletions to send to
IT; ran Voyager reports created by Systems Coordinator for VPAL & Circulation; scanning material for TopSCHOLAR (Nancy Baird Collection)
DLSC: Timothy reported that the 150 th Civil War celebration on Saturday, September
17 th drew 250 community members. The Garden Café is now open. Hours are 8:30 – 10:30 am each day. The Morningstar exhibit opened last Monday, September 12 th with about
70 guests. President Ransdell has requested the Kentucky Room for an event during
Homecoming. This is about 2 weeks ahead of the construction completion date. He will try to do whatever he can to accommodate. There is a large event on October 5 th for event planners. October 21 st is the opening of Consumer & Family Sciences 100 th
Anniversary Exhibit in MNO and the Gallery Hop will be going on as well as
Homecoming activities. Artistic disagreements over the mural outside the Chinese
Learning Center have come to light which slowed the project. Timothy will be teaching two of the three UE classes scheduled for next Monday, September 26.
DLPS: Remembrance of 9/11 - An exhibit of images and remembrance statements from the education students is on display at the ERC from September 12 to September 30.
-Constitution Week Exhibit, September 12-23 - To commemorate the signing of the
U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, a new display was prepared for the glass display cases on Cravens 4. WKU Libraries has partnered with the Political
Engagement Committee on campus to promote awareness of the constitution. Lexis-
Nexis has provided copies of the Constitution for free distribution.
-Banned Books Week, September 24-October 1 - A large poster exhibit “Banned Books:
Not in My Library” is on display on Cravens fourth floor entrance and students have been encouraged to comment on their favorite “banned book.”
-New Electronic Products - The ECRC approved subscriptions to the Grove Music
Online and the Historical Chicago Tribune at its last meeting. Grove includes
50,000 signed articles and 30,000 biographies contributed by 6,000 scholars and has links to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography . The Tribune provides coverage from the founding of the paper in 1849 thru 1986 and complements our
Historical New York Times and our Historical Los Angeles Times.
Fall Series - Culinary specialist Maggie Green spoke in the Kentucky Live series on Thursday, September 8 at Barnes & Noble and signed copies of her new Kentucky
Fresh Cookbook, which includes 200 recipes organized seasonally for Kentucky. She talked about the merits of using seasonably available foods often from local farmers markets. Green is the owner of the Green Apron Company and works on cookbook development and recipe testing. She helped edit the 75 th edition of the Joy of Cooking .
-Medical Anthropologist Erin Koch from the University of Kentucky spoke in the Far
Away Places series on Thursday, September 15 at Barnes & Noble on her research on global health problems in the Republic of Georgia. She’s been conducting interviews with “internally displaced people” in Georgia (following a series of wars with Russia) whose health has been negatively impacted by a combination of factors.
Faculty/staff one-page report on special conferences, symposia etc.: Connie reminded the department heads of the extra $500 upon request from the dean for travel to special conferences etc. She also asked the attendee to submit a one-page report about the event to be included in LLC minutes.
4 th Year Department Head Review: Connie announced that the libraries will now be going through this process. A committee will be developed. The final review has a
December 2011 deadline. Currently, the policy is with the University Senate.
College Heights Foundation Library Funds: Connie distributed copies and reviewed the intent of each of the endowed accounts within the CHF. Timothy stated that other accounts exist as well. Connie will request information from the CHF regarding these accounts so we can have a complete picture of what funds are available. She encouraged spending from these accounts.
Adjournment: The meeting finally adjourned at 12:39 pm. The next meeting is
September 26 at 10:00 am.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch
Web Development Policy at WKU Libraries
The Dean approves major changes to the WKU Libraries Website and is ultimately accountable for all
Libraries website content.
The Department Head has the final responsibility, for the integrity (content and consistency) of the
Department Home Page and other pages in the department.
Unit Coordinators/leaders are responsible for their content and design within the framework of the Web
Guidelines & Procedures in consultation with their Department Head.
Unit Coordinators/leaders can designate anyone in their units to do the technical work of web development and maintenance.
“Staff,” “News,” and “Calendar” are available from the “Add-Ons” function in OUCampus for designated personnel.
Creation of new folders and assets must be reviewed and approved prior to creation by the Site Manager
(Special Assistant to the Dean for Web & Emerging Technologies). The Site Manager will provide the names for the said folders and assets.
The Site Manager must be consulted before creating any major navigation menus.
The Marketing Coordinator will be consulted for all branding, marketing, and events promotion efforts in the Libraries.
As WKU IT and Public Affairs Office require, all who are interested in working with OUCampus must receive IT’s training (conducted by Jeff Jones) before asking their unit site Manager for authentication to access their unit’s Web pages on OUCampus
The Libraries’ Site Manager requires that all trainees go through the Libraries’ training session before receiving authentication. The Libraries’ training session is designed to give Libraries’ employees a better idea of what they are going to do with the Libraries’ Web site after they have access to it.
Every WKU Libraries’ employee is eligible to ask their department head via the head of his or her unit to receive both IT’s and the Libraries’ training to get access to the Libraries’ Web site and be part of its development and maintenance project.
The Web Site & Emerging Technologies Coordinator with the Web Management Group will set procedures. See Attached Procedures.
Approved by:__________________________________ Date:_______________________________