MARCH 16, 2015
Present: Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Jonathan Jeffrey,
Kristie Lowry, Haiwang Yuan, Bryan Carson, Eric Fisher, Jennifer Wilson and
Jan Renusch
Minutes: The March 2, 2015, minutes were approved on a motion by Deana Groves
and a second by Brian Coutts.
Dean’s Report/Announcements: Connie has composed a letter of library
information to be emailed to parents of students admitted to WKU as of March
-Kentucky Research Commons – is the Bepress portal that
combines all Digital Commons sites in Kentucky into a single point of access.
-The libraries’ student assistant scholarship, an initiative of the LAC, is
included in the WKU Scholarship celebration.
Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that the Used Book Sale made over $9,000
this year despite the weather and change in schedule.
-Book Fest planning continues. Kristie will be meeting with Jennifer Bailey
at Barnes & Noble to review the book order for the event.
-One of the workshops for the Kentucky Writers Conference is already full,
and about 100 people have registered for the conference so far.
-The Meet the Authors invitations should go out this week, and a walk-through
of the Knicely Conference Center is scheduled for next week.
-Kristie will be meeting with the book club at Bowling Green Junior High
School next week to talk about the middle grades and young adult authors
coming to the Book Fest.
Instruction/Grants/Assessments: Bryan gave Jonathan Jeffrey information on a
grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. He also discussed a
possible grant from the American Library Association entitled Latin America:
500 Years of History. This project would involve at least six programs with
scholar-led talks and some showings of the PBS documentary Latin America: 500
Years of History. The audience is the general public, so many of the programs
should be off campus. There was discussion about community organizations we
could partner with. The grant deadline is May 1.
-Bryan also talked about the LibQual+ survey. We can select up to five custom
questions. There was discussion about the questions, and five were chosen
from a list. We plan on doing the survey in early April.
Library Systems Office: Eric gave highlights from the LSO:
-Currently, KDL has frozen any additional uploads to their server that hosts
the OHMS viewer where Lisa Miller is currently adding indexed oral history
content. The audio files are hosted on a media server at WKU with an
additional downloadable copy on TopSCHOLAR. The viewer links to WKU media
server to reference the files at the indexed location. Currently there are 36
items on the KDL viewer. To continue adding items the viewer would need to be
installed on a VM in the data center at an estimated cost of $2400/year.
Marketing: Jennifer reported that the Library Advisory Council is preparing
for election of officers.
-Jennifer is working with Rosemary Meszaros on promotion for REACH WEEK at
the various campuses.
-Other projects at hand: Book Fest deadlines, new marketing campaign poster,
student scholarship applications, National Library Week April 12-18, and
discount at the WKU Store.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported he is working with the Web &
Emerging Technologies Advisory Committee; he has revised the mouse-over popup labels attached to each of the links in the vertical menu bar on the left
side of the home page of the Libraries website;
-Haiwang, working with the Social Media Committee, has planned a series of
in-house training sessions on the use of social media. The first session, to
be offered on March 19th in Helm 2, will be training on Prezi, a cloud-based
presentation software and storytelling tool as an alternative to Microsoft’s
-Per the dean’s request, Haiwang is to make some changes to the Libraries
contact information on the WKU’s mobile application iWKU. Haiwang has made
the changes on the xml file and contacted Kirk Laughlin, WKU IT’s mobile
application developer. The latter’s response is pending.
Department Reports:
Dean: Connie discussed participants for the Faculty Leadership Year.
-The NCES Report is due by April 7, 2015.
-The ACRL Statistics Report is due the end of March
DLSC: Jonathan reported that Sue Lynn McDaniel was guest faculty coach for
the Lady Toppers on March 5, 2013. She said, “It was an educational
experience. If you ever get the chance, you’d enjoy it.”
-“Kinky, Curly or Straight: Perspectives on Black Hair” took place on
Tuesday, March 3, with 52 in attendance.
-One of the Whitey Sanders editorial cartoons will be used as an illustration
in an academic textbook: Lawrence O. Gostin & Lindsay Wiley, Public Health
Law: Power, Duty Restraint, 3d ed. (Oakland, Calif.: University of
California Press), 2015.
-Jonathan participated in a two-day project management seminar on March 10-11
in Memphis. The seminar was sponsored by the American Association of State &
Local History.
-Nancy Richey participated in a webinar produced by Lyrasis titled “Caring
for Oversized Paper Artifacts.”
-There have been preliminary discussions with the Kentucky Ornithological
Society about scanning and posting the archives of their quarterly, The
Kentucky Warbler, on TopSCHOLAR. The board meets in two weeks to discuss the
matter and vote on our proposal.
DLTS: Deana reported that Nelda Sims submitted her letter of retirement
effective June 30, 2015.
-Alma update – no update but have a request in to Tony at ExLibris.
-Database Project Specialist - Applicants are at the Request to Interview
stage. Applicants for the Scholarly Communications Specialist
will be reviewed tomorrow.
-Amanda Drost will be attending ACRL in Portland, OR, March 24-27.
-Laura DeLancey has had an article published: [Laura DeLancey,
(2015)],"Assessing the accuracy of vendor-supplied accessibility
documentation", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 33 Iss 1 pp. 103 – 113.
-Jack Montgomery and John Gottfried will be presenting at the 2015 KLA a
Joint Spring Conference, Jenny Wiley State Park, on “Just an Equal Playing
Field: The Working Librarian’s Guide to Title IX and the Cleary Act”
-The Serials Unit is now called Continuing Resources Unit
-DLTS furniture installation now complete.
DLPS: Brian reported that WKU Libraries is one of several sponsors of Tracing
the Unexplored: An Ecuadorian Tapestry, a two-week series of visiting
speakers and documentary films. On Tuesday, March 17 at 4 pm at GRH 1074
Professor Luz Maria de la Torre, an indigenous activist and scholar, will
talk about the role of indigenous women in changing ethnic relations in
Ecuador. She’s currently a visiting professor and instructor of Quechua at
UCLA. On Wednesday, March 18 in MMTH 166, With My Heart in Yambo, a
documentary film by Maria Fernandez Restrepo, will be shown. It describes how
her two brothers were abducted by the police and later murdered.
-Nathaniel Northington, a WKU Alum and the author of Still Running will be
the featured speaker in this month’s KY Live! series on Thursday, March 19 at
7 pm at Barnes & Noble. As a member of the University of Kentucky football
team in the fall of 1967, Northington became the first African American
football player in the Southeastern Conference. Nate later dropped out of UK
and enrolled at WKU where, after sitting out a year, he joined the WKU
football team and on homecoming day October 27, 1970, he scored a 77-yard
touchdown against OVC rival EKU as WKU won the OVC Championship.
-We’ve Been Everywhere - On Tuesday, March 24th at 10 am in Cravens 111 Brent
Fisk will talk about his recent trip to Florence, Rome and the Amalfi Coast.
-Far Away Places - Ecuador’s best known caricaturist Xavier Bonilla will
speak on Thursday, March 26 at 7 pm at Barnes & Noble. Bonilla has been
drawing cartoons since 1985 for many of his country’s leading publications.
In 2013 he won the Inter American Press Association Cartoons Award for a
series about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s comments on the control of
the Internet. El Universo was recently fined by the Ecuadorean government for
allegedly publishing a political cartoon deemed “defamatory” and “promoting
social unrest.”
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch