LIBRARY LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2014 Present: Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Jack Montgomery, Haiwang Yuan, Jennifer Wilson, Bryan Carson, Kristie Lowry, Eric Fisher and Jan Renusch Introduction: Connie introduced Jack Montgomery, the Interim Department Head of Library Special Collections Minutes: The December 9, 2013, minutes were approved as submitted on a motion by Deana Groves and a second by Haiwang Yuan. Dean’s Report: Connie gave an update on the OCLC as ILS Vendor Assessment Workshop. -Connie said that we will have a poster in the Poster Session at FoKAL in June for the Commons at Cravens renovation. -Connie discussed Preservation Week – April 27-May 3 and whether the libraries will participate. She asked the council members to respond to her with their thoughts and ideas and as to whether a committee is needed. -Connie said that WKU Preview Day February 17 should have a library presence. Bryan and Jennifer will work on this. -Connie reminded everyone that if an employee has joint supervision only one evaluation goes into the official file. Grants/Assessments: Bryan spoke about the possibility of having some training in the fall for new faculty and grad students at a time beyond the traditional orientation programs since new people are often overwhelmed by information. Connie suggested that we also include new international students. She said we could begin this spring. She also said that she would talk with Graduate Studies about their orientation process. -Bryan asked whether the ATP group was supposed to have representation from each department, or whether it was coincidence. The answer was that it was coincidence. Jennifer Wilson will work on the Academic Expo this month. -Bryan also reported on the WKU Research Council. They plan to bring research to the departments, both encouraging more, and helping to make connections across disciplines. Bryan will be in touch with the department heads to talk about this. -The Office of Research is encouraging WKU faculty to work with Ph.D. students at other universities by pledging support for the WKU faculty member. The Research Council is also considering ways to enhance facultyfaculty and faculty-student mentorship. One possibility is to provide additional conference funding, give named scholarships to students, or let the mentors choose books to be donated to the library. -The Office of Sponsored Programs will create a series of short online videos in conjunction with the Center for Faculty Development. They will also be giving a series of training programs every Friday in March and every Wednesday in April. Library Systems Office: Eric gave highlights: -71 tasks/requests were completed (excludes 104 PCs upgraded to Voyager 8.2.2) -The Voyager upgrade was completed on Tuesday, January 6 with the exception of the extended campus locations which were completed on the 24th for Glasgow and Owensboro and remotely for E-town on the 28th. -Indus will not support drivers for the old ScreenScan microfiche, opaque and microfilm machines for Windows 7. The machines will be retained for view only usage without the PCs and moved to the back wall in Periodicals. -The classroom scheduler lost the user database last week blocking users from logging in. The reserved times and locations have been retained or will be restored from a backup, but the user list will need to be reloaded and should be done by the end of Monday. Users will have to reset a password once completed. -After adding a museum part-time employee it was realized that there currently is not an Active Directory group for museum employees that are separate from Special Collections. A group will be requested for future use. -The old technology-related items in the sub-basement and cage area have been collected and surplused. Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang distributed his sabbatical leave report among the LLC members and thanked everyone who gave him support during his absence. He hoped that everyone would be at the We’ve Been Everywhere program on February 25th to hear him talk about what he had learned in Tibet, the Roof of the World. -He had a meeting with Eric to discuss his transition back to his former responsibilities. He agreed that the Library Systems Office would continue doing part of them. He will work out an updated list of his responsibilities and share with LLC. -He will concentrate on upgrading the Libraries’ website, particularly its home page by working with the Web Task Force and the Social Media Work Group in an ex-officio role. He will work with the Web & Emerging Technologies Advisory Committee to update the content of the Libraries’ website. Currently all the websites with outdated information concerning the Special Collections Library in relation with the Kentucky Museum have to be identified and updated. Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that she will have about 150 authors at Book Fest, and she’ll have the panels finalized in the next couple of days. This will be the first year of registering participants for the Kentucky Writers Conference. The KWC program booklets should be ready to go to the printer this week. -The Used Book Sale location is moving from the L&N Depot to the Bob Kirby branch of the public library, and with the move, the dates have been changed back to February 28, March 1-2. -While attending ALA, Kristie made some good contacts with publishers and authors. -Kristie talked with some people involved with the cultural enhancement series about bringing a popular author to Bowling Green for their program and for Book Fest. Kristie has a relationship with the author’s publicist and will try to coordinate that. -Kristie submitted a World Book Night application for WKU Libraries, and the notification letters for that will go out on Wednesday. If selected to be a World Book Night giver, the books will go to the juvenile detention center. World Book Night is on April 23rd. Marketing: Jennifer reported: -The Macy’s Used Book Sale ad is in the paper, postcards printed and going out, taking fliers to the store, digital signage is up. -A Mystery Date with a Book promo flier was passed around. -Library guide was tweaked and 2,000 ordered. They are to be ready this week. -Jennifer is working on: -Special Collections rack card -Speaker Series – press release going out on February speakers as soon as she receives summaries from Christopher or Brian and ads for upcoming programs. -Marketing Council Meeting discussed digital signage across campus; several colleges are not using the general IT feed that Libraries submits for screens. Department Reports: Dean: Connie discussed Staff teaching guidelines/policy. -Library Student Worker Complaint process: A formal policy is needed and should be included in the Orientation for Student Workers at the beginning of the school year. DLTS: Deana reported that Laura Bohuski had a book chapter accepted with the working title “Google translating for foreign language cataloging and image searching” in Google in Libraries: Uses for Patron, Student and Staff by Scarecrow Press: -Voyager upgrade completed on January 8th with no major problems. -DLTS is partnering with Brent Bjorkman of the KY Folklife program to coordinate the shipping of panels from library to library in Kentucky as part of an NEA Art Works grant. The Kentucky Folklife Program plans to create a series of six traveling interpretive exhibit panels centered on the art of white oak basket making. This exhibit entitled “Weaving Community: The White Oak Basket Makers of Central Kentucky” will also include a series of individual day-long interpretive demonstrations at each of the six partnering library exhibit locations led by local white oak basket artists who are members of the Mammoth Cave Basket Makers Guild. -Laura DeLancey is working on a title-by-title review of journals. She retrieved usage stats for all online publications when possible to help make decisions about cancellations. She is also working with the subject area librarians to switch print titles to online when possible, and cancel redundant print subscriptions. She has also identified about 480 titles with some kind of access issue and plans to tackle those issues next. -Tammera Race sent updates on REACH Week and the Student Research Conference. The conference itself is March 22. Judges are still needed for all fields (business, health & human services, humanities, interdisciplinary, natural sciences, social sciences and education). For students, the abstract application site is up, and they can submit abstracts for their poster or presentation through Friday, Feb. 14. -Nancy Richey and Amanda Drost will be presenting “No Longer Hidden: Creating Access to Special Collections” at the upcoming OVGTSL Conference, May 28-30th in Athens Ohio. -Jack is taking on the new responsibility this semester as interim department head of the Special Collections Library. -Uma begins today as the new Bib Access Coordinator. -Completed the form 3 for permission to offer the BA Cataloging Assistant position. -Tammera Race submitted her resignation; she will be leaving at the end of the spring semester. DLPS: Brian reported that Daniel Peach has been meeting with Anita Britt to explore possible solutions to areas of the building impacted by water damage from leaking windows and cracks in the exterior of the building. Some remediation of the mold under carpet and on the underside of ceiling tiles will be undertaken. The long term goal of window replacement is tentatively scheduled for 2015. -Charles Smith has been awarded a $30,000 grant from the Templeton Foundation to be used for two years of support in making additions to his Alfred Russel Wallace web site. -Lisa Miller is following up on her successful “Oral History of WKU Librarians” with a project to collect memories of Evelyn Thurman, former Librarian, from those who knew her. -Brian has completed section 3.7.3 on Faculty Development for SACS Steering Committee. -Folklorist Ann Ferrell will give the first presentation in the Kentucky Live! spring series on Thursday, February 13th at 7:00 pm at Barnes & Noble Bookstore. She’ll be talking about her new book Burley: Kentucky Tobacco in a New Century published in 2013 by the University Press of Kentucky. DLSC: Jack reported on two new significant acquisitions: SCL has added The Liberator, anti-slavery newspaper that was edited by William Lloyd Garrison, with 14 issues (1853-1864) to the newspaper collection and annual minutes from the Drake's Creek Baptist Association (1847-1962) that were held in either Allen, Simpson, Barren, or Warren Counties in Kentucky and also in Tennessee counties as well. -Sue Lynn McDaniel, Beth Knight and Nancy Richey have had their presentation “Bite Me! Being Prepared for Invading Pests” accepted as a poster session at the spring meeting of KLA/SLA (KLA Academic, KLA Special Libraries and SLA Kentucky chapter) joint meeting in Carrollton, Kentucky. -Nancy Richey has been asked by the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives to present a webinar for public librarians statewide, on February 25, 2014. The title of the webinar is “Finding a Past: First Steps in Researching African American Roots and Resources.” -Jonathan Jeffrey is participating as the humanities scholar in Primetime: A Family Literacy Program at the Allen County Public Library in Scottsville. Jonathan also is assisting Entourage Travel and the W.C. Convention & Visitors’ Bureau with a food-oriented walking tour of downtown Bowling Green. -Jonathan also is involved in The JFK Memory Project at WKU, which will wrap up collecting stories on Presidents’ Day. If you have a story, no matter how brief, please submit it soon. We will then process the collection and up load the narratives on TopSCHOLAR. -Lesley Montgomery has an article entitled “Sociocultural Hobby Sites: Acquisition and Decoration of Dollhouses and Miniature Displays as a Fun Educational Tool” published in Against the Grain, v.25 (#6 December 2013January 2014), Wandering the web column 58-60. -Allison Andrews has inaugurated a new column entitled “Hidden Collections – Are There ‘Hidden Collections’ in Special Collections Libraries?” in Against the Grain v.25 (#6 December 2013-January 2014), 67-68. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm. For the Council, Jan Renusch