5850 River Grove Ave., Mississauga ON L5M 4W2
Phone (905) 567-8422
Fax (905) 567-7832
Lord Jesus, I ask for Your help as I begin this new school year. Allow
me to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before
SECRETARY: J. Galloway
D. Amaral
Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that
this new school year brings. Open my heart and mind to new friends
and new teachers.
Give me a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with my studies and
courage to accept new opportunities.
Help me to be attentive to my teachers and let me experience Your
presence in my new friends.
Jesus, inspire me to do my best this year!
L. del Rosario (Wards 6&11)
A. Pavan & C. Visentin
St. Joseph Catholic Church
5440 Durie Road
Streetsville, Ontario
L5M 2J5
Tel: 905-826-2766
Fax: 905-542-7052
Pastor: Fr. Marc-André Campbell
Associate Pastor: Fr. Joseph Alozie
Faith is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that
God is with us. A faithful person believes that we are created,
guided by and destined to be reunited with God.
A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the
right to be safe, especially at school.
A faithful person prays regularly and reverently, learns from
Scripture stories, honours people’s God-given names,
assumes that there is good in everyone
and accepts the God-given worth of themselves and others.
September 9th
September 14th
September 18th
September 23rd
September 24th
September 25st
September 28th
September 29th
September 29th
October 6th
October 12th
October 15th
Forms to be returned to school
School Council self-nomination begins Sept. 14 – 28
Professional Development Day for school
Re-organization and Catholicity.
School Opening Mass at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph Church
Open House & Meet the Teacher @ 7pm
Terry Fox Walk/Run
Completed School Council Nomination Forms due
School Council Meeting @ 7 p.m. in the Library
Virtue Assembly @ 1:15 p.m.
Saidat anti-bullying presentation
Thanksgiving (no school)
School Picture Day
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
A.M. Recess
11:30p.m.-12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
P.M. Classes Start
1:55 p.m.-2:10 p.m.
P.M. Recess
3:00 p.m.
For your child’s safety we request that he/she arrive
on school property no earlier than 8:15 a.m., when
supervision begins. On rainy or inclement weather
days, students are encouraged to arrive closer to the
entry bell times, at 8:25 a.m. and 12:25 p.m., as there is
no outside supervision and limited space indoors for
At the beginning of any school year, it is common to
welcome new staff members. It is with pleasure that I
ask you to join with me in extending a warm welcome
to the following new staff members:
Mrs. Mucio (Gr. 2/3) and Mrs. Girgis (FDK, LTO for
Mrs. Swierczynski, on maternity leave).
All families are invited to attend our Open House
Night at the school on Thursday, September 24th,
from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
All classes are tentative, until we know how many
families are moving in and out of our school area. This
year, Friday, September 18th has been designated as
the day that schools may make changes to balance
classes. Parental requests for
changes will be considered at this
On Friday, September 18th, teachers will be involved in
professional development activities. There will be no
school for students that day.
Welcome back to another exciting year at Our Lady of
Good Voyage Catholic Elementary School! On behalf of
the staff, I extend a warm welcome to new members of
our community, especially our Junior Kindergarten
children who are beginning school for the first time. We
hope that they have a very successful, enjoyable school
Every new school year is filled with excitement,
challenges, and opportunities. May the 2015–2016 school
year be filled with hope, peace and happiness for all
members of our school community.
Our Lady of Good Voyage School is truly an outstanding
and welcoming school community. We are thankful for
our School Council who make a very positive contribution
on behalf of all our students to ensure that our school is a
remarkable place to work, to learn and to play.
Thank you to all staff who spent time over the summer in
professional development workshops, meetings and
activities that will benefit our students this year. A special
thank you to our custodians: Mrs. Lazo, Ms. Macchione,
Mr. Bautista and Mr. Henriques, who worked extremely
hard over the summer preparing our school for the new
school year. Thank you, as well, to Mrs. Galloway, our
secretary, who dedicated a great deal of time organizing
and preparing materials for a smooth school start-up.
Father Marc-Andre, the Pastor of St. Joseph Church and
Father Joseph Alozie, associate pastor, will continue to
provide our school community with spiritual guidance
and we welcome their presence as we work together to
create the essential partnership between school, home and
We are also fortunate to continue to work along with our
school trustee, Luz del Rosario and our Superintendent,
Mr. David Amaral. Both trustee and superintendent guide
and support the great work at Our Lady of Good Voyage
Catholic School.
I look forward to welcoming all students to our school
and to working with all stakeholders to provide Our Lady
of Good Voyage students with an outstanding Catholic
To all, my best wishes for a very successful school year.
God Bless,
C. Klein
ADVENT MASS: (at St. Joseph Church)
Wednesday, December 2nd @ 7 p.m.
5440 Durie Road
Streetsville, Ontario
L5M 2J5
Tel: 905-826-2766
Fax: 905-542-7052
Sunday Mass Times: Saturday Vigil @ 5: 30 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.; 11 a.m.; 12:30 & 6 p.m.
Pastoral Team Fr. Marc-André Campbell (Pastor), Fr.
Joseph Alozie (Associate Pastor), Deacon George
Jurenas, Deacon Lionel Gomes, and Ann Cavallin
Sacraments are parish, not school events. Catholic
Schools assist the parish by teaching the relevant
catechetical material. Only those children registered by
their parents will receive the sacraments. Registration
for Sacraments will take place at St. Joseph Catholic
Church, as noted below. Please contact the church for
more details.
Sacrament of Confirmation:
Grade 7 and 8 students are invited to register to receive
the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation this year on one of
the following dates/times at St. Joseph Parish.
Tuesday, September 22nd, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 24th, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 26th, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, October 1st, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Holy Communion:
Grade 2 students are invited to register to receive the
Sacrament of Holy Communion on one the following
dates/times at St. Joseph Church.
Tuesday, October 6th, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 10th, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Please join us on Wednesday, September 23rd for our
opening school Mass at St. Joseph Church at 10:00 a.m.
If you are able to assist with the supervision of
students, during our walk to and from the church,
please let your child’s classroom teacher know.
LENTEN MASS: (in the school gym)
Wednesday, March 2nd at 10 a.m.
END OF SCHOOL MASS: (at St. Joseph Church)
Tuesday, April 19th at 10 a.m.
Tuesday, June 23rd at 10 a.m.
We would like to thank School Council for providing our
students with agendas again this year. Students in
Grades 1 – 8 will be using the school agendas to help
develop their organizational skills. It is also an effective
vehicle to keep parents informed about what is happening
in class and in the school. Please take some time to look
over your child’s agenda. School policy and rules are
outlined in the front section of the book. Agendas should
be signed daily by parents and teachers.
Information regarding Pizza Days will be shared in the
next newsletter.
Lunch Lady and Lunch Moms will continue to offer
students the opportunity to order a special lunch on a
weekly basis. Please refer to the information sent home.
We are continuing our effort to move forward with the
electronic delivery of school newsletters, school
information and School Council updates. Please refer to
the letter sent home on September 8th regarding your
participation in receiving mail electronically from the
school. (CASI Consent) Newsletters will be available at
our school website at OLGDV.
It is only the first newsletter, which is sent home with
every child in the school.
Please note: Correspondence from teachers will
continue to be shared with you in printed form.
Thank you for your support in helping us be
good stewards of God’s creation.
School Council Elections
It is a pleasure to invite all parents to consider
becoming a member of the School Council. Please note
that our School Council will be comprised of parents,
school staff and a parish representative.
School Council nomination forms will be available in
the office from September 14th-28th, between the hours
of 8:45 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. No nominations will be
accepted after Monday September 28th, 2015 at 3:30
Council members will be available at our Open House
to share information about School Council with you.
Parents and guardians are always invited and welcome
to attend these meetings. You may be interested in
hearing about upcoming plans or you may wish to join
a committee or work on a special project. We look
forward to seeing you!
What is the School Council and what do we do?
Roles and Responsibilities of the Catholic School
There are 2 primary functions of the Catholic School
Council, as outlined in, “A Handbook for Catholic
School Councils”:
1) to promote the vision, values, sacramental life and
Catholic practices of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board and the Catholic community it serves;
2) to advise the principal and the board
School Council Members
Each parent/guardian seeking election must
be nominated or self-nominated in writing,
must have a child registered at the school and
must declare if he or she is employed by the
school board.
The minimum number of parent members on
the school Council shall be six (6).
The maximum number of parent members on
the school Council shall be ten (10).
A parent member cannot be employed by Our
Lady of Good Voyage School.
Should an election be necessary, each parent/guardian of
a student enrolled in the school shall be entitled to one
vote for each vacant parent/guardian membership
position on the Council.
If necessary, an election committee shall be struck by the
school council to help plan the election process, the
gathering of nominations, and the running of the
elections. No one standing for election, or the spouse of
anyone standing for the election, shall be a member of the
election committee.
There are generally 4 - 6 meetings per school year. They
start at 7 p.m. and usually run 2 hours in length. All
parents are welcome to attend and provide input. Our
next council meeting will be held on: Tuesday, September
29, 2015 in the library.
We are pleased to welcome our volunteers for another
year of supporting learning in our school. We appreciate
their commitment and support and look forward to a
great year!
As per Board policy, all school volunteers, including
parents/guardians, will be required to have a completed
Criminal Reference Check (CRC) through Peel Police, in
order to attend a school trip as a volunteer. If you plan to
volunteer for trips, drive students to/from events, or help
students in the school, please call for an appointment to
meet with Ms. Klein and she will sign the form for you to
obtain a CRC. There is no charge for a Criminal
Reference Check when you are a volunteer. Please allow
up to 8 weeks to process the CRC.
Please note: Criminal Offence Declarations (available in
office) are required to be signed every year for returning
A number of our students have a severe life- threatening
allergy to peanuts and/or all nuts as well as other
allergens. Although this may or may not affect your
child’s class directly, we require your continued
cooperation in sending foods to school with your child
that are free from peanuts, nuts or their by-products.
Please also do not send any food items as gifts intended
for the entire class in celebration of birthdays, etc. Nonedible items such as pencils or erasers are appropriate
substitutes. Please see the letter enclosed in this newsletter
for more details.
Please be reminded that the front of the school is
designated as a “Bus Loading Zone”. Parents are not
permitted to pick up or drop off students in this zone.
The safety of the students is our priority.
Parents can park temporarily in the River Grove
Community Centre parking lot in order to safely walk
their children to school, using the adjoining walkway
between the Community Centre and our school’s
Primary play area, at the back of the school.
Parents/guardians may also want to consider parking
in the nearby neighbourhood and walking their child
to school, using the crossing guard. By parking using
one of the above means, less traffic will be present at
the entrance of the school, making it safer for our
children. ***Only a limited number of parking spaces
may be available in the front parking lot.
Please note: For student safety, the side driveway on
the south side of the school will not be available for
drop off/pick-up of students. This area will to be gated
from 8:15 – 9 a.m. and 2:45 – 3:10 p.m., preventing
vehicles from entering.
At this time, transportation is only available to
students who are eligible for the bus. These students
will receive bus passes and information on the first day
of school. Please use the STOPR website, to get information about your
child’s eligibility for transportation. Transportation is
provided for students who reside more than the
following distances by road, path or walkway from the
school they are eligible to attend:
Kindergarten/Grade 1
Grades 2 – 4
Grades 5 – 8
1.0 km
1.6 km
2.0 km
Courtesy Seats
A courtesy seat may be granted if a seat is available on
the bus and the bus stop already exists in the current
school year. Courtesy seats will be assigned by taking
into consideration the following conditions: student
age, distance from home to school, date and time
request was received.
Requests for “courtesy seats” must be submitted to Ms.
Klein. Courtesy seat applications can be obtained from
the main office. All courtesy seat requests must be
completed in writing to the office by October 1st and
we will strive to assign seats by October 9th. We will
contact you directly regarding courtesy seat allocation.
A student verification sheet for each child has been sent
home. All sheets (even those which have correct
information) should be returned to your child’s teacher .
If your child is at risk for severe life - threatening allergic
reaction (anaphylaxis), please ensure that the office staff
and classroom teacher are aware and that you provide the
office staff with the proper medication and updated
emergency procedure forms. As well, please record this
information on the Student Verification Form in the
Medical Alert line in the accompanying package.
If your child requires medication prescribed by a doctor,
to be taken at school, you must contact the office to obtain
Board approved forms. We are required by Board Policy
to keep on file forms that must be signed by you on an
annual basis.
The Board takes every precaution to provide a safe
learning environment for students, but accidents can and
do happen. Some families have private accident
insurance which is able to respond to costs arising from
injuries. However, many families do not.
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of
Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board annually provides parents with information about
cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via
student courier. Although enrolment is voluntary, the
Board encourages parents to take advantage of the
inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their
child/children participate in sports, excursions/field
trips, or, if parents do not have dental insurance
Enrolment is required in writing. There are two options
for enrolment: 1) complete the traditional form and mail
it in; 2) Photocopy the form and fax it to Reliable Life
Insurance at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437). For more
information, check the following website:
Please note: Insurance pamphlets will be sent home upon
receipt. In the interim please refer to the website for more
details and sign and return Form GF 401.
Please remember that to other children, you are a
stranger. When you come to the school, please report
to the office, sign in, and take a visitor’s sticker. Prior
to leaving, please sign out.
Any individuals wandering the school without
appropriate identification will be asked to go to the
office. Please help us to monitor a safe and welcoming
environment for your children.
As well, parents are asked to bid your children farewell
from beyond the playground. Only students and staff
are to be in the schoolyard. Again, this is to ensure the
safety of our children. Your attention to this is most
NOTE: Late students need to report to the office upon
If you are bringing a lunch for your child to pick up
from the office, please ensure that it is labeled with
your child’s name, teacher’s name and room number.
There will be a table for lunches near the display case
in the front lobby. Please instruct your child to pick up
their lunch at 11:30 a.m. and no sooner. In order to
avoid classroom interruption, students will not be
called from class before 11:30 a.m. Your cooperation is
On the days that your child will be absent or late, we
ask that you call the school. The number to call is (905)
567- 8422. It is the parent’s responsibility to call the
school to report a student’s absence. The school is
responsible for attendance verification and not an
attendance check. This is a safety precaution. Please
provide the following information: child’s name,
grade, teacher, reason, date of absence and return. We
thank you for your support in following this
Students and staff are encouraged to be environmentally
friendly by reducing the amount of paper and plastic
waste from lunches and snacks. Students are reminded
that food wrappers should be disposed of before going
out onto the yard and to use the classroom garbage cans
for any waste. Wasps and bees are a real problem every
year and the outdoor garbage bins tend to attract them.
As a result, the teachers will give the students an
opportunity to have their snack inside either before or
after recess. Snacks are not allowed on the playground.
Please inform your child’s teacher of regular lunch
arrangements for your child, using the form sent home on
September 8th. Also, for safety reasons, please be advised
that a note signed and dated to the classroom teacher
must occur each time there is a change in the routine. This
is especially important for a child who has permission to
leave school property during the noon hour who normally
stays for lunch.
As a school staff, it is important for us to know each time a
child leaves our care at noon hour that permission has
been given and that parents know the exact whereabouts
of their child(ren).
Recess breaks serve a special purpose in the daily life of a
school. Students, except in exceptional circumstances,
will not be excused from going outside. If your child is
sick, he or she should be at home recuperating, and in
turn, prevent spreading their illness at school. There is no
indoor supervision at recess, as staff is occupied
elsewhere, or on duty outside.
The school cannot assume responsibility for private
property. Please remind your children that if they are
going to ride their bikes to school, to please ensure that
they are properly locked in the school bike rack at the
front of the school. We anticipate the arrival of a new
bicycle rack at the school entrance. Unfortunately, we
have no area to lock up skateboards so we discourage
students from bringing them to school. Students are
asked to walk bicycles on and off school property.
Our Lady of Good Voyage staff and students will be
participating in the Terry Fox Walk on Friday, September
25, 2015. More information to follow.
During the months of September and October, students
and parents will be informed of the Board’s new policy
around the use of PEDs in the school and student
responsibility surrounding using the WI-FI network in
the school. We expect that the WI-FI will be live in the
school by the end of October.
Emergency response procedures in the event of a fire,
bomb threat, serious accident/injury or an intruder have
been established and are revised on an ongoing basis. All
students and staff will participate in practicing emergency
procedures. In the event that it is necessary to evacuate
the school, our site for relocation is River Grove
Community Centre.
At this time, to prevent the loss or damage of PEDs, we
encourage students to leave their PEDs at home. The
school is not responsible for loss and or damages.
Students are responsible for the safety and security of
PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no
responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices.
We also discourage students from bringing other
valuables to school (i.e. expensive jewelry).
Responsibility for the care and safe keeping of valuable
items belongs with the home, not the school.
Peel Health will continue to offer free immunization
against Hepatitis B and Meningitis for students in
Grade 7 and the HPV immunization to female grade 8
students. The injections are given as a series of two
injections over a period of six months. If you have any
questions please call the Peel Health Department at
(905) 799-7700. The following dates have been assigned
to Our Lady of Good Voyage Catholic School:
Dose #1HepB & HPV – Thursday, November 5, 2015
Second dose date TBA
On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult situations
in which non-custodial parents arrive at school asking
to visit their child or to take their child home after
school. We are best able to serve and protect students
when we are made aware of legal custody
arrangements, visitations rights and other special
instructions. If legal custody matters affect your family,
please ensure that our office and classroom teachers
are aware of any custodial arrangements that may
affect your child during school hours.
All students will have their photographs taken on
Thursday, October 15, 2015. (Re-take day: November
Our Lady of Good Voyage YMCA Child Care Centre
operates from 7:30 a.m. until school starts. A nutritious
breakfast is served daily. The After School Program runs
from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. Children
participate in recreational activities, are served a
nutritious snack daily and have time for homework.
A pre-school program is also available from 7:30 a.m. – 6
p.m. Registration is currently taking place for the After
School Program. Fee assistance is available through the
Region of Peel.
To register your child, visit the YMCA Program Child Care
Supervisor, C. Fiorella, Before or After School. For further
information, call 905.858-0052 or visit the website at
Please visit our website at for the latest
school information.
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest
Board news and information, follow us on
Twitter @DPCDSBSchools
5850 River Grove Ave., Mississauga ON L5C 7L2
Phone (905) 607-0107
Fax (905) 607 – 2535
September 8th, 2015
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Life threatening allergies, including anaphylaxis, can pose a very significant risk to student
safety. In June 2005, the Ontario government passed Sabrina’s Law, which addresses issues
affecting students with life threatening allergies.
Our Lady of Good Voyage Catholic Elementary School is an allergen aware school. There are
children in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods,
such as peanut and nut products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause life threatening
As part of our effort to reduce the risk for students with life threatening allergies, the staff
members of Our Lady of Good Voyage School have been in-serviced in recognizing the signs and
symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and are aware of emergency procedures in dealing with
an anaphylactic reaction, which is a severe and life threatening allergic reaction. The most
common allergen triggers are food, insect stings, medications, exercise and latex.
Our Lady of Good Voyage Catholic Elementary School is also asking for your co-operation!
Please DO NOT send any lunches or snacks that contain peanuts or nuts, which could
potentially harm a child. We would like to keep the classrooms allergen free. In an effort to
do so, any child who brings a lunch into the classroom that might contain a life threatening
allergen will eat lunch in another location in the school designated for that specific purpose.
Please make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of this request.
The policy at our school is that only non-edible treats will be permitted to be shared. There are
many alternatives to bringing in food for birthdays and special occasions. Some suggestions are:
stickers, gift certificates, erasers, dollar store toys or items. If you have questions, please talk to
your child’s teacher or the school administration.
Thank you for your co-operation in making our school safe for all students.
Ms. Klein
Keaton Centre, 5685 Keaton Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3H5
Phone: 905 890-6000 Fax: 905 890-6033
Information for Parents Regarding School Bus Transportation
September 2015
Welcome back to another school year!
Please note the following Transportation information.
Eligibility for Transportation is based on distance criteria established by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board Policy. Students residing within their school’s attendance boundary and
living in excess of the following distance criteria from their school are eligible for transportation:
Kindergarten to Grade 1:
Grades 2 to 4:
Grades 5 to 8:
Grades 9 to 12:
1.0 km
1.6 km
2.0 km
3.8 km
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR) is responsible for administering the transportation
policy for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and for planning and implementation
of the transportation for all eligible students within Peel Region.
Contacting STOPR:
STOPR operations are divided into 3 defined zones, East, West and Special Needs Transportation.
The East and West zones manage all regular home to school busing for all of Peel Region and the
dividing line between these zones is generally Kennedy Road.
When calling into our office for school bus information, please make sure that you have your child’s
Ontario Educational Number (OEN) available. The OEN number can be found on your child’s report
card or is available from your school.
STOPR staff will ask for your child’s OEN to ensure your child’s personal transportation information
is secure and is shared only with the appropriate person.
Telephone contact:
Toll free:
(905) 890-6000 (East, West and Special Needs Transportation)
(905) 890-6033
**Important note for all Parents who live within Dufferin County**
For parents who live within Dufferin County, please note that all transportation is handled
by the Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services Consortium (STWDSTS)
All parents living within Dufferin County should contact STWDSTS at 519-824-4119 or toll
free at: 1-888-292-2224 or visit their web site at:
STOPR Web Site:
Page 2.
We recommend that you take a moment to review our web site as it is available to you 24 hours per day,
7 days per week at:
Our web site is your source for the most up to date transportation information such as bus delays and
cancellations as well it can provide you with important information such as “what school do I attend” and
“am I eligible for transportation”. In addition you can also access important school bus safety information
as well as “Transportation Procedures”, “Forms”, Courtesy Seats” and “frequently asked questions
concerning student transportation”.
Parents can also access their children’s bus route information and details through the web site by clicking
on the “Your Child’s Busing Information” tab located on the main page. You will need your child’s Ontario
Educational Number (OEN), home address, school and grade in order to retrieve your child’s bus
information from the web site.
Parents can now sign-up to receive automatic e-mail notifications of delays or cancellations for their
children’s bus run. Parents should go to and click on the “bus delays and cancellations” link
and then click “subscriptions” to sign up for this service
Bus Stop Locations and “Primary Protocol”:
Please note that “door to door” or “home bus stop” locations are not generally provided. STOPR
establishes bus stops in safe and appropriate locations that can service multiple families and students.
Typically these stops are located at intersections or “group” locations that provide an area for all
students/parents to wait for their bus away from the roadway.
Please note that Parents/Guardians are responsible for the safe conveyance of their children to and from
the bus stop location and it is expected that all transported kindergarten and grade 1 students are always
met by a parent/guardian at the end of the day at their bus stop location. There is simply no substitute for
an adult’s supervision at the bus stop as this is the most critical moment for student safety. Students in
kindergarten and grade 1 must always be met at their bus stop each day under our “Primary Protocol”.
For more information on school bus safety and the “Primary Protocol” please contact our office or go onto
our web site at
Requests for changes for a Student’s Transportation:
STOPR is responsible for the safe and efficient transportation of approximately 60,000 students
each school day. Please note that during school start-up in September, the STOPR office is
extremely busy and staff are focused on critical issues such as eligible students requiring
transportation, bus overloads and route timing issues. Requests for a change in a bus stop location
will be addressed after school start up is completed later in September.
On behalf of all the staff at Student Transportation of Peel Region, Welcome Back to Another
School Year! and we look forward to serving your transportation needs this year.
Thank you
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR)
(905) 890-6000 or 1-800-668-1140
From Your Catholic School Trustee
Luz del Rosario
Dear Lord, please bless us as we begin this new school year and guide us to be your beacons
of light on earth.
Welcome to everyone including our new students and their families. To our Full Day
Kindergarten parents who are joining us for the first time we thank you for choosing a Catholic
education for your child or children. We endeavor to give all our students the desire to learn so
as to understand better God's world in a respectful, non-threatening environment. This is
fundamental to our philosophy of Catholic education.
A special welcome to our grade nine students who are now on a new adventure. Your four years
will fly by. Take advantage of all the great opportunities that are offered to you. We are very
proud of our Link Crew and Get Ready for Secondary School programs. Never be afraid to ask
questions. I hope that you have a Link Crew Leader to help you along the way.
To our grade twelve students - I wish you all the best in your last year of Catholic secondary
school. You will be thinking about college, university, apprenticeships or the world of work.
This is the time you have been waiting for –senior students! I hope you make the best of this
exciting year.
Your Board of Trustees has approved a balanced operating budget of $922, 901,010 with 89.7 %
of this budget going to salaries and benefits. We have 149 schools, 84,000 students and 10,000
employees. We are the second largest Catholic school board in the province. We have very
strong links to our parishes so we will see our priests visit our schools as well as many of our
students who will visit our parishes for Mass and the sacraments. We are blessed that our priests
make a special effort to visit with our students.
If you have transportation questions please remember you can call STOPR at 905-890-6000 or 1800-668-1140 or check our web site at Click on schools and then student
transportation. Transportation was removed from the trustees’ purview under Bill 177 several
years ago.
Parents, please support and join your Catholic School Council. It is a great opportunity for input
and better understanding of what is happening in education both locally and provincially. You
will be amazed at how much you will learn and how much you can contribute to your child’s
Please do not hesitate to contact me. I wish you the very best for this school year and always.
May the good Lord always hold you in the palm of His hand.
September 8, 2015
Dear Families:
Welcome back to another year of learning! A special welcome to all of our students who may be joining our Mississauga
South Family of Schools, and, in particular, to our new Full Day Kindergarten students who are beginning their journey in
learning in their Catholic School. The Mississauga South Family of Schools is a very active and vibrant Family of Schools
where the love of Christ can be found in our hallways, our classrooms and in our daily endeavors. The Family of Schools
consists of 22 elementary schools and 4 secondary schools, all of which are served by extremely dedicated
Administrators, teachers and support staff who put the needs of every child first and truly believe in the potential of
each and every child. 8 parishes and pastoral teams support our schools’ liturgical plans, working in partnership with
teachers and students to provide spiritual nourishment and development of our students and their teachers.
Furthermore, our school communities are privileged to be served by 4 dedicated trustees: Mario Pascucci (chair of the
board, Wards 1 and 3), Sharon Hobin (Wards 2 and 8), Luz del Rosario (Wards 6 and 11) and Bruno Iannicca (Ward 7),
each of whom brings with them a wealth of experience and a relentless passion for Catholic Education and the success
of all students.
Pope Francis states, “The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful. True education
enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life.” Therein lies the transformative power of Catholic education;
a treasure that has been forming quality young men and women… young men and women who are not only solid
academically but well-rounded citizens who have contributed positively to our society, both locally and on a global scale,
for over 170 years. You have chosen a Catholic education for your child. I encourage you to remain steadfast in your
efforts to ensuring that the enduring gift of Catholic education is protected and promoted. Jesus is indeed at the very
center of our mission in Catholic education. We will continue to celebrate the story of Jesus, and of Catholic Education
this year within the theme of Catholic Education Week, “Opening Doors of Mercy”. All schools will continue their focus
on responding to the Board’s Strategic Plan, as set out by our trustees, namely the tenets of: Catholicity, Catholic
Learning Environment, Catholic Community Engagement, Parish-Home-School Relationships, Stewardship of our Physical
Environment, Technology, and Sacredness of our Environment.
The education of any child is indeed a co-operative endeavor. As parents, you are requested to be part of your child’s
education. You are encouraged to ask questions about your child’s learning and to work collaboratively with your child’s
teacher and school to ensure that your child is receiving the highest quality Catholic education. We look forward to
continue working with you, your child’s “first teacher”, as we endeavor to provide a high quality, Catholic education that
supports the spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social, and physical capabilities of each individual to live fully
today and to meet the challenges of the future, thus enriching the community.
I wish you, the families within the Mississauga South Family of Schools, a very successful and productive year full of
wonder and learning and witnessing the love our Lord has for us. Our vocation in providing your child with the highest
quality Catholic Education is a privilege and one we hold very dear; it is indeed a sacred trust.
God Bless,
David Amaral
Superintendent of Education
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 1C5, Tel: (905) 891221
September 8, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Elementary School Organization Plans for 2015-2016
As you know, the provincial government has imposed a cap on the maximum number of students
that may be enrolled in primary classes (Grade 1 to Grade 3). Primary classes are capped at 20
students. For many schools, this will mean smaller primary class sizes. In rare instances a small
number of classes may have a maximum of 23 students. The exception to this cap, of course, is
the Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program. The Board average in such classes is 26
The provincial government also requires that the size of Grades 4 to 8 classes not exceed a boardwide average of 24.5 students. Because this is an average, not a cap, some classes in these grades
will have more than 25 students, and others will have less.
Parents/Guardians should know that grade/class reorganization for September will be necessary
in order to meet these government-mandated requirements. While lowering class size is
positive, this initiative can lead to a number of combined grade classes in many schools. Teachers
will be provided with the resources needed to ensure appropriate curriculum delivery for all
students assigned to their classes.
All school organization plans are subject to review in early September, based on actual
enrolment. Where a need to adjust class plans is identified due to unanticipated enrolment
fluctuations, reorganization will be implemented effective September 18, 2015. The effect of
school reorganization may result in your child moving from one class to another. Where such is
the case, your principal will keep you duly informed.
The Ministry of Education publication “An Introduction to Combined Grades” provides
information for parents/guardians regarding combined grade classes and is attached for your
additional information and reference.
Kindly be assured that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will continue, as always,
to provide quality education for all students entrusted in its care.
Yours sincerely,
Sheila McWatters
Associate Director, Instructional Services
2015 - 2016 School Year Calendar
First day of classes Elementary and Secondary Schools
First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary
School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools
Number of school days for the 2015 – 2016 school year
Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools
Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools
School Holidays for the 2015-2016 School Year
Every Saturday and Sunday
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Break (inclusive)
Family Day
Mid-Winter Break
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Monday, September 7, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015 to Friday, January 1, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016 (inclusive)
Friday, March 25, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Monday, January 18, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development
Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
Reporting to Parents
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
St. Sofia Only – Professional Activity Days
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Curriculum/Faith Development
Reporting to Parents
Curriculum/Faith Development
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
 Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context
Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
*Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities
*Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school
recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials;
curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year.
 Secondary Schools – Examination Days
Semester 1: January 26, 27, 28, 29, February 1, 2016
Semester 2: June 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 2016
February 2, 2016 – Instructional Day – Examination Review
June 27, 2016
– Instructional Day – Examination Review