Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community MARCH 2016 PRINCIPAL: VICE PRINCIPAL: HEAD SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: A. D’Agostino V. Viola M. Villella G. Odoardi A. Cafagna 120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario L7E 2W1 Phone: (905) 857-7582 Fax: (905) 857-9353 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: TRUSTEE: HOLY FAMILY CHURCH PASTOR: ASSOCIATE PASTOR: L. Storey F. Di Cosola 1-800-387-9501 905-951-8898 Fr. L. Leger 905 857-1938 Fr. D. Gikonyo, IMC ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Co-CHAIRS: K. Foschia and L D’ Orazio SCECRETARY: M. Pacek Treasurer: L. Girimonte Community rep- N. D’Emilio Parish Rep: J. Christie SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence: (905) 857-7582. The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly. For more information about school events, go to our school website: Student Faith Formation and Engagement: The Heart of All We Do M THE PATRON SAINT OF CANADA ST. JOSEPH The Lord has put his faithful servant in charge of his household. The Solemnity of St. Joseph (March 19) is a special landmark this month in which we will celebrate the great honor bestowed upon the foster father of Jesus. ARCH Lent is a time to bring us closer to God. In our busy lives we fill ourselves with candy, buy new toys, play video games and watch television which makes us happy but that happiness is temporary. During Lent we stop filling our lives with temporary happiness and make more room for God. The church encourages prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent as ways we can turn our hearts and minds to God. During this time we attempt to incorporate activities in our daily lives which will strengthen us. Many people "give up" something important to them for the 40 days of Lent. To learn how to sacrifice or give up things is a way of learning unselfishness. Holy Week March 21-24, 2016 Children should be encouraged to pray during Lent. One simple prayer that you can add to your family routine this year is called, "My Morning Offering" God, our Father, I offer you today All I think and do and say. I offer it with what was done on Earth by Jesus Christ, your son. Amen A Daily Prayer to Saint Joseph Be mindful of us, O blessed Joseph, and intercede for us with thy foster-Son by the pleading of thy prayer: do thou, in like manner, render the blessed Virgin Mary thy Spouse, gracious onto us, for she is the Mother of Him, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. The Holy Father’s Intentions for March: “That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person”. March Break Parents are reminded that the March Break is from Monday, March 14th until Friday, March 18th (inclusive). There will be no school for students during this week. Classes for students will resume on Monday, March 21, 2016 DURING LENT LET US PREPARE OURSELVES FOR EASTER Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community FDK REGISTRATION FOR 2016-2017 Registration for kindergarten students was held in January. If you have missed that date, you can still register for next year. If you know of neighbours who have school age children, it would be beneficial if you could have them call the school if they are planning on attending St. Nicholas in the fall. FLEX BOUNDARIES ADMISSIONS A reminder to parents/guardians of students currently in grades 1 to grade 8 and are at St. Nicholas under Flexible Boundary. This procedure is reviewed annually. Permission is granted under the following conditions: I) Transportation is your responsibility. The Board will not provide either transportation or additional supervision for students admitted under this procedure. ii) This permission for attendance will be reviewed by the Principal, annually, no later than the end of March. iii) The student admitted under this procedure does not automatically become eligible for the secondary school serving this school. If it is not the secondary school he/she would normally attend, application for Flexible Boundary consideration will have to be made to the secondary school principal at the appropriate time. If you would like to continue to be granted permission under this procedure for the 2016-2017 school year, please put your written request in writing to Mrs. D’Agostino by Thursday March 31, 2016. ARE YOU MOVING? We are beginning the process of planning classes and staffing for the 2016-2017 school year. If you are planning to move anytime between now and September 2016, please inform the school at your earliest convenience. GRADES 3 & 6 EQAO ASSESSMENT St. Nicholas School will participate in the Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics Primary Division (Grade 3) and Junior Division (Grade 6) for a period of 3 days. Kindly avoid booking dental, doctor or other appointments during this period. Testing will take place from May 23 - June 3, 2016. It is critical that students are present each day of the assessment and that they arrive on time. Parents will receive specific communication and information regarding the Provincial Assessment prior to the start of testing. For more information please visit IMPORTANT IMMUNIZATION MESSAGE FROM PEEL PUBLIC HEALTH Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization records of all students at our school from March to June 2016. Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the Ontario immunization schedule. During the record review, you will receive a letter from Peel Public Health if your child’s record is incomplete. It will tell you what vaccinations your child needs to meet the requirements for Ontario. Immunization records are considered incomplete if: - Peel Public Health has not received your child’s vaccination record or - Your child’s record does not show that he/she has had all the required doses of Vaccine (e.g. infant and booster doses) or you do not have a valid exemption from immunization for your child. If you receive a letter, please be sure your child has received the required vaccination(s), then give the date(s) to Peel Public Health immediately to update your child’s record. For more information please call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visit KISS AND RIDE and PARKING at ST. NICHOLAS SAFETY BLITZ! Parents we are kindly asking you please; * DO NOT park in the KISS and RIDE. * DO NOT exit your car in the KISS and RIDE. DO NOT idle your car, idling is now against the law in Caledon. * DO NOT park in the side parking lot as it is reserved for STAFF PARKING ONLY. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated. PUNCTUALITY IS IMPORTANT A reminder that school begins at 9:15 am. Supervision in the yard begins at 9:00a.m. Unfortunately a number of students are arriving at school late. This results in considerable interruptions to our learning community. Arriving at school on time, and being prepared to learn helps students with the formation of good word habits and provides a positive beginning to the day. Research has proven that increased time on task and fewer disruptions to the DURING LENT LET US PREPARE OURSELVES FOR EASTER Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community learning environment help to support improved academic outcomes. Please review the importance of arriving to school on time with your child(ren). Your cooperation in support of your child’s learning experiences is much appreciated. A reminder to call in your child’s attendance when your child is absent from school. LUNCH ROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR LEAVING SCHOOL In September a form went home to all parents asking whether or not their child(ren) would be staying for lunch or going home for lunch daily. Students leaving the school at lunch must sign out when they leave, and sign in upon their return. If your child stays for lunch, and would like permission to leave over the lunch hour, written permission must be given by the parent. These arrangements must be made prior to the start of the school day. If your child does not have a note, they will not be permitted to leave the school over the lunch hour. This note must be shared with the teacher and brought down to the office when they sign out. AS SPRING ARRIVES As spring arrives, we look forward to the warmer weather and all the changes that brings about new life and seasonal renewal. Unfortunately, with warmer weather comes thaw and mud. Especially for the younger students, please consider sending your child with a change of clothes should your child become wet or muddy and require a new pair of socks, pants, or shoes. Please label their clothing. We make every effort to ensure that your child does not find mud and puddles, but mud and children are inseparable at times. MARCH IS NUTRITION MONTH: JOIN OUR CHALLENGE! Spring is in the air, why not kick it off with some healthy, energizing new habits. This spring we want to challenge all St Nicholas students to eat healthy and be healthy by bringing in a daily healthy snack which contains fruits or vegetables. Fresh sweet and juicy fruits are nature’s perfects desserts and a crunchy flavourful vegetable will give us both nutrient and the energy power we need to get us going throughout the day. So, starting March 7th, have your child bring in fruit or veggie for their snack. *Every fruit & veggie brought in daily will get a student one check mark on a “frequent healthy snacker card”, a completed card will be entered for a weekly draw. *A draw for prizes will take place on each Friday of March. Gulp of tap water to promote the use of reusable containers and tap water. Go Treehuggers! EARTH HOUR / TREE HUGGERS St. Nicholas students will be celebrating Earth Hour at school on Friday March 11, 2016 from 1pm to 2pm. With announcements and a lights off campaign. Please support our Tree Hugger’s efforts to make a difference in the world by participating in Earth Hour. Earth Hour is at 8:30 PM- 9:30 PM on Saturday, March 19, 2016. Turn off the lights for an hour and plan a family activity. More information can be found at BRING IN YOUR USED INK CARTRIDGES! Thank you St. Nicholas Community for donating your used ink cartridges. Please drop off your used ink cartridges in the box located in the front foyer. HYGIENE PACK DRIVE Our Youth Ambassadors are asking the St. Nicholas Community to once again support our Hygiene Pack Drive. We are collecting bars of soap, washcloths, toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste as well as Ziploc bags. The hygiene kits will be sent to the needy in Malawi. These kits are so appreciated by the poor as personal hygiene is a precious luxury in Malawi. Please give generously. TREEHUGGERS THE GREAT GULP The great Gulp is Monday March 7, 2016. All students are asked to bring in a filled reusable water batter. At 10:45am all students in the school will take a big DURING LENT LET US PREPARE OURSELVES FOR EASTER YEARBOOKS! Our St. Nicholas Yearbooks are back! The cost is $22. Please submit payment by April 22, 2016. Please complete the Life Touch order forms. Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW COMPETITION Congratulations Madeline White, in Mrs. Bernardi’s grade 8 class who won the St. Nicholas free throw competition at St. Michaels’! DATES AHEAD ALL STAR A BIG THANK YOU!! A big thank you to all parent volunteers who helped support our All Star reading program for the grades 2’s and 3’s this term. Your dedication and commitment to the students at St. Nicholas is greatly appreciated. Our new session beginning after the March break will support the grade 1 students. If you are interested in volunteering and have a Criminal Reference Check please contact the school by March 11, 2016. HOLY FAMILY PARISH NEWS A reminder to all parents of children in grades 3, 4, and 5 to come out to Holy Family Parish and join Holydays. Registration opens April 9, 2016! The Rooted Program! The Rooted Program runs on Saturdays from March 7th to 28th Saturdays from 10:00am to 11:30 am at Holy Family Church camp will run from July 4th to August 12th, with 6-one week sessions. There are two programs, a Kindergarten program and a grade 1-6 program MARCH VIRTUE IS KINDNESS During the month of March, we celebrate the virtue of “KINDNESS”. God has given us the gifts of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us get along. BULLYING PREVENTION This month we look at safe strategies students can use when faced with a bullying situation. Students can use the ‘3 R’s’ - Recognize bullying behavior; Refuse to be bullied; Report bullying behavior. VIRTUE AWARDS Congratulations to our January Virtue Catch the Spirit Award Recipients! Kindergarten – Olivia M. Primary –. Alena M. Junior – Katarina H. Intermediate – Michael D. March 3,4 Grade 4-6 Post Confessions Activity 7 Author in the school David Carrol grades 4-8 9-10 BECDM Hockey Tournament 9 Grade 5 classes to Silvercreek 11 Share Life Hockey Game Grades 2/3 to Grade 8 11 ShareLife movie day Grades Kindergarten – 2 11 Earth Hour at St. Nicholas 14 - 18 March Break No school 18 Feast of St. Joseph the Patron Saint of Canada 20 Palm Sunday 22-24 Stations of the Cross Sacred space in the gym 22-23 Healthy Heart presentations 25 The Annunciation of Our Lord 27 Easter 28 Easter Monday These students received a Virtue T - Shirt for demonstrating and living the virtues at St. Nicholas school. DURING LENT LET US PREPARE OURSELVES FOR EASTER