Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community December 2015 PRINCIPAL: VICE PRINCIPAL: HEAD SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: December 2015 A. D’Agostino V. Viola M. Villella A. Burt M. Cafagna 120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario L7E 2W1 Phone: (905) 857-7582 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: TRUSTEE: HOLY FAMILY CHURCH PASTOR: ASSOCIATE PASTOR: L. Storey F. Di Cosola 1-800-387-9501 905-951-8898 Fr. L. Leger 905 857-1938 Fr. D. Gikonyo, IMC Fax: (905) 857-9353 ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Co-CHAIRS: K. Foschia and L D’ Orazio SCECRETARY: M. Pacek Treasurer: L. Girimonte Community rep- N. D’Emilio Parish Rep: J. Christie SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence: (905) 857-7582. The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly. For more information about school events, go to our school website: Twitter @st_nicholas15 CELEBRATING ADVENT The season of Advent begins with the fourth Sunday before Christmas. “Advent” is a Latin word meaning “the coming”. During the season of Advent, Christians across the world prepare for the celebration of the coming of the Lord into the world through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness, as symbolized best by the Advent Wreath. At St. Nicholas School we emphasize the implications of the birth of our Savior through our Christian actions. We ensure that Advent is a time where we embrace reflection, charity and social justice. It is a time to prepare the way, to make God real each and every day through prayer, charity and good deeds. A number of outreach activities listed in this newsletter provide a small window into how the staff, students, families and Parish at St. Nicholas School are the arms, legs, hands and heart of God. FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS MASS Mass will be celebrated with Father Larry on Tuesday December 8, 2015 on the day before the Feast Day of St. Nicholas in the school gym at 9:30 am and again at 11:00 am. Parents are welcome to attend. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS To help you plan your holidays, the Christmas vacation is from December 21, 2015 to January 3rd, 2016. The last day of school in December will be Friday, December 19 th, 2015. The first day of school in the New Year will be Monday January 4th, 2016. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE HOLY FAMILY PARISH The schedule for Masses at Holy Family Church for Christmas are as follows: Christmas Eve 4:00 pm, 6:00pm, 10:00 pm and Midnight Christmas Day 10:00 am and 12:00 noon O, Lord, as we prepare for your coming, let us reflect your love in all we say and do. Encourage us to be people of peace and let your peace reign in our hearts and minds this Advent Season. Amen YEAR OF MERCY DECEMBER 8, 2015 TO NOV 20, 2016 The Year of Mercy is an invitation—an invitation to love, kindness, and unbounded generosity. Pope Francis is offering all of us the opportunity to encounter the incredible mercy of God during this Year of Mercy Dec 8, 2015 to Nov 20 2016. PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community EXTENDED FRENCH INFO MEETING Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting at: January 14, 2016 Holy Family 905-905-1300 Thursday 61 Allan Drive 7:00 p.m. Bolton – At the present time, Holy Family School is the designated center for our area. Applications will be accepted at that center until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 16, 2016. FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2015-2016 2016-17 Kindergarten Registration Registration for Kindergarten for the 2016-17 school year, will take place on: Monday, January 25, 2016 Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Thursday, January 28, 2016 Friday, January 29, 2016 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.* 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. * Snow Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. For more information about registration and the Kindergarten program, call [St. Nicholas at 905 857-7582] or visit PARENT EVENING TO SUPPORT THE TRANSITION OF CHILDREN WITH DIFFERING ABILITIES INTO KINDERGARTEN 2016 There will be an information session for parent(s)/guardian(s) of children with differing abilities including vision, hearing, autism, and physical/medical and/or developmental delays who are transitioning to Kindergarten in September 2016. The information session will be held at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board -- Catholic Education Centre, Room 301 on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Snow date, Wednesday, January 13, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are also reminded to register their child at their school. Official registration dates are Monday, January 25th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Snow Date for the evening registration is Tuesday, January 26th, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Additional registration dates are January 27th, 28th and 29th, 2016 “A from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. BUS CANCELLATIONS During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and television stations: VIRGIN RADIOFM99.9CHUM AM1050 CFTR AM680 CFNY FM102.1/AM640 CJCL AM590 CHFI FM98.1 CFRB AM1010 EZ ROCK FM97. CJBC (FR) AM860 FM Z103.5 CFM93.1FM Q107 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540 CBC99.1 CITYPULSE GLOBAL NEWS CTV CANADA AM We will be communicating one of six standard messages to the radio stations. The six announcements and their effect on the transportation system are as follows: (Please note that the highlighted text only will be communicated by the radio stations). 1. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES SERVING “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES AND PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES IN THE TOWN OF CALEDON ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY”. This means that ALL buses which operate into, out of, and within the Town of Caledon are cancelled for the entire day. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES IN THE TOWN OF CALEDON AND THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY”. This means that all runs listed under announcements #l and #2 are cancelled. Individual schools will be notified if this cancellation affects their school. DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY.” This means that ALL transportation services provided by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel District PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day. “ALL BUSES ARE CANCELLED AND THE SCHOOLS AND OFFICES OF BOTH THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ARE CLOSED”. This means that ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Peel District School board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff. SNOW STAYS ON THE GROUND As the winter weather begins, students are reminded that “Snow stays on the Ground”. Every child in the school will be made aware of the importance of this rule in preventing injury to others. Students who throw snowballs/ice balls will receive a Snowball Letter to be sent home for parent signature and returned to school. Repeat offences will lead to consequences. Please assist us by reviewing with your child the dangers of throwing snowballs and the importance of preventing injury to other children. SNOW FORT CODE OF ETHICS At St. Nicholas, we enjoy building snow forts. We will abide by the following agreements: We do not destroy snow forts. This agreement is in effect during and after school hours. Everyone who builds a fort has to agree to changing it or breaking it down. We need an invitation to go into a snow fort. We do not take snow blocks from other group’s structures unless we have their permission. We do not take over other group’s snow forts. . DRESSING FOR WINTER Please encourage your children to dress appropriately for the cold winter weather. The Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School policy states that consideration should be given for keeping students indoors during recesses when the wind chill reaches –20C. At –25C students will be kept indoors. Playing outdoors is a pleasant and healthy activity when students are wearing suitable clothing. For the younger students, it would be helpful if parents were to label items of clothing with their child’s name, so that each person can more easily locate his/her own clothing. The Lost and Found bins are located on the first floor. STUDENT ILLNESS - STAYING IN FOR RECESS Students who are ill should be kept home where they are most comfortable and can get better, sooner. A child who is too ill to go out for recess is too ill to be at school. Your co‐operation to keep your child home when he/she is ill is appreciated. ECO SCHOOLS Congratulations to St. Nicholas for achieving gold status with the Eco school Program. Our Tree Huggers’ initiatives, GOOS bins, Lights Out programs, Reusable Water Bottle campaign have been a great success with our students, reducing waste and energy as well as educating our community. To continue our environmental stewardship at St. Nicholas, we will be continuing Waste Free Wednesdays. We are encouraging students to continue using Reusable Containers and Water Bottles, as well as continuing to bring food scraps home to be composted. Thank you to our Tree Huggers Teacher Advisors; Mrs. Barichello, and Mrs. Felice for all their support. RAINBOW LOOM CLUB This year over 90 grade 3, 4 and 5 students have joined the Rainbow Loom Club. The students have been busy since November designing and creating items and gadgets. Thank you Mrs. Marbella, and Mrs. Macellaio for overseeing this great crafting club! PALS A number of our junior students have volunteered to act as PALS to our younger students. PALS are Playground Activity Leaders in the School. They foster safe, fun, co-operative and active play in designated areas during lunch recesses. Our teacher leaders, Mrs. DeBartolo and Mrs. Porco, and Mrs. Bontius have worked closely with our students to provide training to these young individuals. Thank you to our PALS for being such virtuous role models! PRIMARY ADVENT RETREAT On Wednesday December 17th, 2015 in the morning, all primary students will be participating in a morning of prayer, crafts and story time. Students will rotate amongst their grade level classes and participate in a number of Advent activities. Our focus is HOPE as we wait for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ on Christmas. PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community NEWS FROM PARLIAMENT HILL This year’s Student Parliament Prime Minister- James, Deputy Minister- Sofia Members of Parliament – Yasmina, Brennah, Matthew, Kayla, Alessia, Anthony, Olivia, Emma, Emma, Vito, Jack, Lara, Rio, Lauren, Kate, Kate, Adele, Jacob, Christian, Samantha and Jessica. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK DECEMBER 14-18 Monday 14- Winter Wonderland, social games, caroling, Christmas books Tuesday 15- Christmas Attire, wear any type of Christmas attire Wednesday 16- Pajama Day, wear your pj’s today! Thursday 17- Class Theme Day, wear your class’s theme! Friday 18-Coulor Wars, wear your divisions colours! FDK: Orange, Primary: Red, Junior: Green, Int.: Blue, Staff: Yellow YFA TOY DRIVE Please give generously this Christmas season to support a child with a Christmas gift. This year we are collecting new unwrapped toys, games, sports equipment for Caledon Community Services. Our campaign will run from December 1 to December 10. Thank you St. Nicholas Community for your generosity and support with the collection of the Halloween Candy for Dr. Simone. Your kindness and support for those less privileged is greatly appreciated. God Bless, the Youth Faith Ambassadors and Teacher Advisors. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL FAMILY CRAFT NIGHT Thank you to all families who participated in our Catholic School Council Craft night. The evening was a huge success. Families participated together in making Christmas crafts. Thank you to our Catholic School Council for hosting another successful event! BULLYING PREVENTION November 16-20 marked Anti-Bullying week. St. Nicholas staff and students came together to “Hang Bullying Out to Dry’. Collectively, we hung paper t-shirts sharing our positive messages. St. Nicholas staff and students continue to demonstrate God’s Love in all that we do, through acts of kindness. Parents are invited to look at our clothesline as well as St. Nicholas Kindness Christmas Tree in the front foyer. As we learn and grow together in faith during this Advent season. WE ARE A PEOPLE OF HOPE In December we celebrate the virtue of hope. God comes to us as a small fragile baby who shows us that even the smallest and poorest can make a profound difference in the world. People of Hope… • Keep up a positive attitude • Be kind to one another VIRTUE AWARDS Congratulations to our November Virtue Catch the Spirit Award Recipients! Kindergarten – Nicholas G. Primary - Sofia D. Junior - Matteo V. Intermediate - Kayla F. These students received a Virtue T Shirt for demonstrating and living the virtues at St. Nicholas school. DATES AHEAD DECEMBER 4 St. Mike’s Band to perform for Intermediate Students 9:30 am 4 Mrs. Armstrong/Miss DeCastro FDK Advent Celebration 2:45pm – 3:45pm 8 Feast of St. Nicholas mass 9:30am and 11:00am 8 Ms. Dalton/ Mrs. De Melis and Mrs. Armstrong/Miss Di Castro Advent Celebration 2:45pm – 3:45pm 10 Catholic School Council Meeting 6:30 pm 11 Grade 3 classes to Pioneer Village 14-18 Christmas Spirit Week 15 The Rosary Apostolate Visits 15 Grade 4 classes to the Kotright Centre 15 Ms. Mills/Ms. DiNatale FDK Advent Celebration 2:45-3:45 16 Miss Henderson/ Miss Raposo FDK Advent Celebration 3:00-3:40 17 Primary Advent Retreat am 18 Last day before Christmas break 21 Christmas Break begins 25 Christmas Day JANUARY 2016 4 First Day Back at School 12 Parent information evening to support children with differing abilities (FDK 2016) 7:00pm @ CEC 14 Extended French Meeting Holy Family 25 Full Day Kindergarten Registration 7pm –9pm 26 “Snow Date” for Kindergarten Registration 7pm 27-29 Full Day Kindergarten registration 9am-3pm PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD Catholic Education: Building a Caring Community PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD