Catholic Education: Serving in the Love of Christ

Catholic Education: Serving in the Love of Christ
September 2014
A. D’Agostino
V. Viola
M. Villella
A. Burt
A. Mijandrusic
120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario L7E 2W1 Phone: (905) 857-7582 Fax: (905) 857-9353
L. Storey
F. Di Cosola
Fr. L. Leger
905 857-1938
Fr. D. Gikonyo, IMC
CO-CHAIRS: K. Foschia and M. DeAmicis
TREASURER L. Girimonte
SECRETARY A. Capobianco
SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence: (905) 857-7582.
The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly.
For more information about school events, go to our school website:
Student Faith Formation and Engagement: The Heart of All We Do
We extend a very warm welcome to all new families
in our school community. Thank you to staff for all
your work in preparing to receive our students on
the first day of school. We regard ourselves as
partners with parents in the education of your
children. Your support and input by contacting your
child’s teacher, volunteering in the school, or
serving on our Catholic School Council is valued and necessary to ensure
the success of our students. Your involvement has been shown by research
to have a major impact on student learning and success. We are looking
forward to a productive and rewarding 2014/2015 school year.
Prayer for a New School Year
As a new school year begins, fill the hearts of our students with an
eagerness to learn and inquire about the world you have created, about
themselves, but most of all about You. Bless our teachers with the
gifts of wisdom and patience that they may help students find the
truth. Give our parents generous hearts to encourage and support
their sons and daughters. Help us all work together as a true Catholic
community to learn the lessons and skills for life to be productive,
contributing, Catholic members of our society.
Our Open House/ BBQ will be held on Thursday
September 11th, 2014. The BBQ will take place
from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. An order form/invitation
was sent home earlier this week. If you have not yet
returned it to school please do so.
As each school year begins, reorganization
of classes due to enrolment may be a
consideration. If we must reorganize
classes, please be assured that we will do so
with the interest of your child (ren) foremost
in our minds. We will inform you in the
event that any class reorganization is
required. Your patience and co-operation is
NO SCHOOL Friday, September 12, 2014
This is dedicated for meetings to organize,
reorganize and plan. There will be no classes
for students on this day.
Parents interested in seeking election should
adhere to the following timelines:
-Self Nomination forms can be picked up at
the school office or call the school and one
will be sent with your child from– Monday
September 8, 2014 to Friday September.
12, 2014
-Completed Self-Nomination Forms must be
received in the office by Friday, September
12, 2014 at noon.
-Catholic School Council Election (if
necessary) is on Monday September 22,
2014 in our school library.
-First Council mtg. will be on Thursday,
September 2014 Welcome to a New School Year
Catholic Education: Serving in the Love of Christ
September 25, 2014 at 7:00p.m.
Please note that if you are interested in being a member of the Catholic
School Council, legislation makes it mandatory that everyone submits a
Criminal Reference Check. Criminal Reference Check Application Forms
can be picked up at the school. Thank you for considering this opportunity to
get involved in St. Nicholas Catholic Elementary School Council.
We are currently seeking volunteers to be part of an ad hoc election
committee. In order to be part of this committee you cannot be running in the
election. If you are interested please contact the school before Thursday
September 11, 2014.
Supervision in the school yard begins at 9:00 a.m. Please do
not drop your children off at school prior to that time as they
will not be supervised. The school day ends at 3:45 p.m.
Parents are asked to ensure that arrangements are made
for their children to leave school at 3:45 p.m. Students are not
supervised after 3:45 p.m. The exception to this is, of course, our students
who are bussed. The doors of St. Nicholas School are open to parents who
wish to visit or confer with staff, however an appointment is necessary,
as the classroom teacher’s first responsibility is teaching the class during
regular school hours.
Arriving at school on time, and being prepared to learn helps students
with the formation of good work habits and provides a positive
beginning to the day. Please review the importance of arriving to school
on time with your child(ren). Your cooperation in support of your
child’s learning experiences is much appreciated.
Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. If your child is going to
be absent from school, or late, please inform the office by leaving a message
on the school’s attendance line at (905) 857-7582 and pressing 1.
During the lunch hour, all students who stay for lunch are
expected to remain at school, and all students who go home for
lunch are expected to go home every day. A form has gone home with your
child in regard to your child’s lunchtime arrangements. Please indicate your
child’s regular lunchtime arrangements, sign the form and return it to the
school as soon as possible. Parents are asked to ensure that the form is
signed and returned to school. If your child stays at school for lunch, and
would like permission to leave over the lunch hour, written permission
must be given to the school dated and signed by the parent/guardian.
These arrangements must be made prior to the start of the school day.
When delivering your child’s lunch to school please advise your child in advance
you will be doing so, and write his/her name and teacher’s name on the bag. Your
child can come down to pick it up from the lunch table with minimal disruption
to the class. The lunch table is located in the hallway, in front of the office. For
the safety of all our students we ask that
parents leave the school foyer after dropping
off their child’s lunch.
When it is necessary for your child to leave
school early, please send a note to your child’s
teacher advising him/her of the time that you
will be picking your child up. Your child will
be asked to meet you in the office at the
indicated time. When dropping off or picking
up students during school hours, please go to
the office to sign your child in or out.
All visitors and parents are requested to enter
the building through the front door. Please
press the buzzer at the left of the door to be let
into the school and to go directly to the office.
Please understand that during instructional
time, teachers are not available to meet with
you or to take phone calls. Students are
expected to enter and exit through their
designated doors. These reminders are outlined
for safety, security and protection of staff and
students in our school.
For the safety and security of your children,
ONLY staff and assigned supervisors are
allowed in the school yard during recesses.
Parents are kindly asked to NOT go into the
students’ play yard at the back and side of the
school. If you need to speak to your child we
require you to come to the office and we will
locate your child and have them meet you in the
office. We thank you for your co‐operation in
supporting the safe environment of our school.
We are required to conduct three fire drills in
the fall and three in the spring. We are also
required to practice two lock down drills
during the year. Lock down drills involve
students moving away from the classroom
door to a location within the classroom away
from windows. Lights are turned off and the
doors are locked. These practices are to
ensure that students and staff are prepared in
case we should need to go into lock down.
Lock down would be initiated by police and
Board security personnel.
September 2014 Welcome to a New School Year
Catholic Education: Serving in the Love of Christ
Kindly assist us in reminding children to cross with the Crossing Guard when
coming to and going home from school. The Crossing Guard is on duty at 9:00 –
9:15 am and 3:45- 4:00 pm. Thank you for your co-operation in looking out for
the safety of all our students.
We ask that you make a special note of your child’s student agenda
as it contains the school Code of Behaviour expectations, serves as
an invaluable tool to assist them with daily homework planning,
develops proper organizational skills and good study habits. The
agenda is also a daily means of communication between teachers and parents
and a way to assure that homework is being completed each night. The cost of
the school agenda is complimentary, however, students will be expected to
submit a replacement fee of $5.00 if their agenda is lost or damaged.
Please refer to the Dress Code Section of the Student’s Agenda.
Slogans on shirts will also be carefully monitored. Hats are not
worn in the school. The intent of our school dress code policy is to
continue to provide a modest, yet comfortable work atmosphere for
our students during the school day. We look forward to your
continued support as concerned parents.
At times, our play area behind the school can become quite
muddy. We ask that students keep an extra pair of pants and
socks in their backpacks or at school.
We have already begun to experience colder and wet
weather. In order to avoid tracking mud, water and snow
into the classroom, it will be necessary for each student to
have a pair of indoor running shoes. Students will change
into this additional pair of shoes as soon as they come to
their class. We are also requesting that the shoes the
students will wear indoors, have non marking soles so
that there will be no black scuff marks on the floors. We
appreciate your assistance in this endeavor.
To avoid the abundance amount of clothing and articles placed in our lost
and found each year, please label your child’s clothing with their first and
last name.
The responsibility for student programming rests primarily with the teacher.
However, when there are concerns regarding the learning needs, social needs
or behavioural needs of a student, the teacher may choose to consult the
school’s Special Services Team. Typically, these consultations would take
place at a TEAM mtg. You would be informed by either your child’s
classroom teacher or resource teacher if your child was going to be discussed
at a TEAM meeting. We are fortunate to be able to draw on a wide range of
knowledge and varied professional expertise in addressing the needs of our
students. The following are the support staff for St. Nicholas School:
B. Crowe
Psychological Associate
N. Quintela
Speech/Language Pathologist
V. Colucci
R. Mason
Social Worker
Child and Youth Worker
We are now in full swing in our QSP Family
Literacy Initiative. Online orders continue
throughout the course of this year. If you
wish, please visit our school website where
you can find a link to order new or renew
magazines at any time during the year for
yourself or as a gift…birthdays, mother’s
day, father’s day etc. St Nicholas School
Group ID number is 3743556. Thank you
for supporting this on-going literacy
initiative. Happy Reading!
At St. Nicholas School we use a variety of
techniques to deal with misbehavior. One
technique that we are using is a Think Paper.
The think paper is a tool that requires your
child(ren) to reflect on what they have done
and what they should/would do the next time
a similar situation were to occur. The think
paper is then brought home to parents to share
and be returned the next day signed. It is our
hope that you would discuss the situation
with your child. If a child receives three or
more think papers the teacher would then
complete a Conduct Report. If your child
receives a conduct report they have a
conversation with the principal or vice
principal of the school. They will then be
given an appropriate consequence and you
would be notified. Teachers can also
complete a conduct report if the behaviour is
very serious and needs parental involvement
and attention right away.
Your child received a package of forms
when school started; containing a lunch
letter, carbon imprint form, media, and their
Student Verification form which contains
your address, phone numbers, emergency
contacts and health information as it
currently exists in our computer. We ask that
you take a few minutes and check over this
information to ensure that it is accurate.
Please make any changes needed directly
onto the sheet and return it to your child’s
September 2014 Welcome to a New School Year
Catholic Education: Serving in the Love of Christ
teacher this week. Please add area codes for all phone numbers.
All sheets need to be signed and returned to the school as soon as possible
even if there are no corrections needed. It is very important that we have
accurate phone numbers and emergency contacts.
Elementary Health and physical education Curriculum Medical
information and elements of risk form
The “Health and Physical” Education form was sent home with the optional
insurance pamphlet. Please make sure you read, sign and return to your child’s
Life Threatening Allergies
We would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school
community by not sending any lunches or snacks that contain
peanuts/nuts. Students are discouraged to share snacks. We want
St. Nicholas to be a safe environment for all students. Thank you
for your assistance with this initiative. When celebrating a special
occasion, we continue to encourage that only non-edible treats be sent to
school if they are to be shared with other students.
Students who require medications to be stored at the office (EpiPens, inhalers, etc.) must return these to school as soon as
possible along with medical forms for September 2014. Please
ensure that you check your child’s medications that they have
not expired. All medication that will be stored for the
2014/2015 school year must have current medical forms completed and
signed by a doctor. If your child’s medical condition has changed over the
summer, please inform the office in September. All medication will be stored
in a safe location in the Health room. Medication must not be kept in the
child’s possession (i.e. pocket, backpack, etc.) or in the classroom.
At this time, transportation is only available to students who are
deemed eligible by the Student Transportation of Peel Region
(STOPR). Those wishing to access the Courtesy Bus Seat policy
are asked to pick up an application form at the school office and
return it to Mrs. Viola. Depending on availability, seats will be allocated no
earlier than October as per STOPR’s transportation policy. The Courtesy
Bus Seat policy requires parents/guardians to apply every year for a seat
on the bus if they live beyond the eligibility requirements. Please visit for detailed information. Questions and/or
concerns can be addressed by calling Student Transportation of Peel
Region (STOPR) directly at 905-890-6000.
Safety First when dropping students off at school.
Please try to ensure that your children are ready to get
out of the car in Kiss and Ride and that they can exit on
the passenger side. Students using Kiss and Ride
should be able to exit the vehicle on their own.
Drivers please remain in your vehicle if you are going through Kiss and
Ride, pause long enough to allow children to exit safely, then continue
through to allow other cars to move in. If parents need to get out of the
driver’s seat, you should park and escort your child safely to the school
yard. If parking, please DO NOT park in
the school parking lot it is designated for
staff only.
Students will share in the
‘Unbreakable Spirit of Terry
Fox’ during our Annual Terry Fox Run/Walk.
The Annual Terry Fox Run/Walk and Sidewalk
Chalk will take place on September 19 2014.
To begin the new school year, we focus our
attention on the virtue of faith. Faith is the great
virtue of believing in God and trusting that God
is with us.
A faithful person believes that God’s plan for
us includes the right to be safe, especially at
Students can use the ‘3 R’s’ - Recognize
bullying behavior; Refuse to be bullied;
Report bullying behavior.
Congratulations to our June Virtue Catch the
Spirit Award Recipients!
Kindergarten – Emily N.
Primary – Natalie C.
Junior - Livianna P.
Intermediate – Jason B.
These students received a Virtue T - Shirt
for demonstrating and living the virtues at
St. Nicholas school.
First Day of School
Open House/BBQ 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
First Communion Information at Holy Family
Principal’s Day- NO school for students
Confirmation Meeting Holy Family Parish
First Communion Information at Holy Family
Catholic School Council Election (if needed)
7:00 p.m.
Picture Day
Picture Day
Catholic School Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Confirmation Meeting Holy Family Parish
Annual Terry Fox Run/Walk
September 2014 Welcome to a New School Year
Catholic Education: Serving in the Love of Christ
September 2014 Welcome to a New School Year