POLONIUS: WHAT DO YOU READ, MY LORD? HAMLET: WORDS, WORDS, WORDS. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. HAMLET, ACT II SCENE II February 2016 Vol. 2 Iss. 6 Learn and Love February has arrived, and with it, the season of love. While many of us focus on the mid-month celebration of romantic love (Valentine’s Day), we encourage you to celebrate the love of acceptance and inclusion during the entire month. February is Black History month, and reminds us that love means more than flowers and chocolates: it is one of the most powerful forms of human interaction we know. Take some time and learn about people – of all races – who have stood up in the name of love for everyone to make the world a more accepting and beautiful place. LIBRARY NEWS WELCOME TO THE LIBRARY GALLERY! Our walls are alive with beauty! The art department has curated a wonderful collection of student art work to hang on our walls and in select display areas. The computer lab has been turned into a gallery of digital photography and surrealist paintings and an alcove facing the hallway has been dedicated to some amazing paintings on canvas. Ms. Corbett has also added many exciting and information-rich posters around the library to help please your eyes and boost your knowledge. One of our favourite spaces is the environment corner; located by the fish tank, it offers a wonderful array of interesting posters students can read. The library would like thank all the staff and students who have helped make our space visually rich and exciting! WHAT’S ON THIS MONTH FEBRUARY 4 Semester 2 classes begin FEBRUARY 9 Civvies Day FEBRUARY 10 Ash Wednesday (Liturgies) FEBRUARY 12 Report cards are distributed FEBRUARY 15 Family Day – No school AUTHORIZE IS BACK Get your pens and books ready, ND; Authorize has returned. This club is for any of you readers and writers out there who want to play word games, talk about books, and put on a great show of original writing near the end of the semester. See Ms. Mallen in the library for more information or to join! COMMUNITY NEWS ITALIAN CONTEST This year’s Italian Language and Culture Contest will be held on May 2 nd, 2016, at the University of Toronto St. George Campus. If you are creative and have a passion for Italian culture, please see Mrs. Ferlisi in room 117 for details. You can also check out http://tisso.apps01.yorku.ca for more information! Good luck, ND! FEBRUARY 19 Lab Calendar released for teachers FEBRUARY 19-20 (FRI, SAT) ThinkFast FEBRUARY 24 Pascal Math Contest Library is closed period 1 Page 1 of 2 THE BACK PAGE NOTES IN THE MARGIN FEATURED REVIEW The Book of Negroes, a novel written by local Canadian author Lawrence Hill, has gained national acclaim and been adapted into a CBC 6-episode miniseries. It follows the fictional, but also very realistic, life of Aminata Diallo, an African-American women who was abducted from Niger and brought as a slave to South Carolina during the American Revolution. The story traces Aminata’s life, from age 11 through adulthood, in a remarkable story of struggle and love on the path to freedom. ON DISPLAY THIS MONTH Our upper level display this month was graciously and expertly put together by members of the Black History Month Committee. Featuring a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction titles, the display highlights remarkable achievements in the history of African-American, African-Canadian and other black communities around the world. The committee has also provided select summaries and reviews of the more prominent titles. We encourage you to come in to borrow any of the amazing titles we have available. Our lower level display asks students to consider other forms of love, besides romantic, including love of family, friends, and the world. Atop the display case is a large poster where staff and students can Tell Us What You Love. Feel free to come and add to our poster and borrow any of the books in the case. NEW BOOKS AND BEST BETS REEL BOOKS OMG Shakespeare Series: Srsly Hamlet and YOLO Juliet The Butler is a 2013 film and novel inspired by a news article printed in the Washington Post in 2008. EXAMS AND SEMESTER END January was a blur! After arriving back from our two week holiday, Notre Dame staff and students got right down to the business of preparing for exams. Christmas can often be a stressful or difficult time, but many of our students have shared their stories of hope and joy from the holiday season. Those stories remind us that there is always light to be found, even when we are overwhelmed. This message helped many of our students and staff work through the stressful transition from first to second semester. Everyone in our community worked hard to make the exam period and the following semester switch a wonderful success. The library would like to thank all the staff and students who helped us recover our books, which helps us prepare for another amazing semester. We hope everyone has a fun and successful semester two! CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Mixing pop culture and classic literature, the OMG Shakespeare series is fun, accessible, and follows Shakespearean plot lines. Written as text conversations full of emojis and hashtags, these books are a great introduction to some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. The books give a who’s who (list of players) and follow the script of the original texts. Come check them out today! Loosely based on historical events, the film follows the remarkable life of Eugene Allen, a butler who served in the White House for 34 years. Although the film takes liberties with historical accuracy (including changing the main character’s name), the film, novel, and article highlight an important AfricanAmerican man during turbulent times. Help us make the Bookmark amazing! If any staff or student would like to contribute a Reel Book or Featured Review paragraph, let us know. You can also promote any school-wide events, special speakers, and other community programs in the calendar. Please let us know in advance (preferably the week leading up to the new month) so that we can add your contributions to our newsletter! Page 2 of 2