Hands to Serve, Hearts to Love, Growing in the Image of Christ
November Newsletter 2015
M. Strudwick
L. Gordon
Superintendent: Mississauga East
T. Lariviere
School Council Chair
M. McGee
Vice Chair
A. Farmer
Mario Pascucci
Mississauga Wards 1&3
Rev. John Facey
Patrick’s Parish
Phone: 905 270 2301
Dates to Remember:
- Nov. 17th - School Council Meeting
@ 7 pm
- Nov. 17th - Progress Reports sent
- Night Nov. 19th Progress Reports
Interview Night for grades 1-8
Nov 9th - Kick Off assembly for
Chocolate Fundraiser—info letter
sent home with oldest and only
- Nov 13th - Chocolates sent home
- Nov
24th - 26th - Aussie X Movement combing to BTOC - info coming home Monday Nov 9th
In honour of the 100th anniversary of this very special Poem and Canadian
School Hours and Arrival
Patrick’s Parish
Phone: 905 270 2301
Eucharistic Liturgy
Saturday Evening - 5:00
Sunday - 8:30 a.m., 10:00
a.m. (Children's Liturgy)
12 noon, 7:00 p.m.
Daily (Monday - Saturday) 8:15 a.m.
Civic Holidays - 10:00 a.m.
Evening Mass – Tues. &
Fri. 7:00 p.m.
Please visit our website
often for all the latest
updates and past
newsletters at:
Please call the office at
(905) 273—3937
and leave a message explaining your child’s absence.
A note to the classroom
teacher explaining any
extended absence is expected upon return.
Thank you
It is an expectation that all students
arrive on time and be prepared for
class. Late arrival is a disruption to
the class, and students miss valuable
instructional time. Please encourage
and help your child to develop this
important life skill. Arriving at school
on time will allow them to be present
to join their class in lining up for entry at the bell. Please be aware that
children who consistently arrive late
for school will be serving a “Make Up
Time” during first recess, where they
are to report to the front foyer with a
book to read. Please note that students
will be supervised during this time.
Dear BTOC Community
We are in the process of
launching our first ever
BTOC Primary Lego Club!
(our Junior Lego Club will
begin in the new year) We
are asking for your help.
We are in need of new or
used small Lego pieces. If
you would like to donate
please drop off your small
Lego pieces in the school
Thank you in advance for your
generosity and continued support.
The Lego Club Supervisors,
Mrs. Medeiros, Mrs. Biturajac,
Mrs. Iassogna and Mrs. Perreira
School Day
Supervision in the yard
Morning Bell
Afternoon Bell
The school day is comprised of both academic and physical activity. The students go
outside for lunch break and two recesses.
Except when the weather is extremely cold
or wet, these recess and lunch breaks will be
inside. Students need to dress appropriately
for the weather as all students will be expected to go outside during breaks. Please
ensure that your children come to school
prepared to participate in all outdoor recess
breaks. All children should have hats,
scarves, gloves or mitts, warm coats and
boots, which will allow them to enjoy recess
time. All children should have indoor
Reminder: NO Dogs on School Property
A reminder that dogs are not permitted on
school property. Some children and adults
are afraid of dogs. If you have your dog
with you when dropping off and/or picking
your child please make the side walk your
stop zone. No dogs
should be beyond
this point.
Dogs should be on a
leash and under control at all times.
Virtue of Conscience
God has given us the ability to know the
right and respectful way to act . We
trust that the common Spirit we share
inspires and guides us to make good
People of conscience…
• Feel right and wrong and pay attention
• Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit
• Choose to do what Jesus would do
• Know that followers of Jesus will have
to make difficult choices
• Keep promises even when tempted to
give up
• Can see how his/her actions may help
or hurt others
• Admit their mistakes/sins and feel
badly about poor choices.
 Say sorry and try to make up for
hurtful actions
You are welcome to join us at our next
Virtue Assembly on Friday Nov. 13, at
1:00 pm .
Under Way at BTOC To Date
Youth Faith Ambassadors - grades 6 –8
Student Council - grades 4 –8—thank
you for all the work that went into our
Halloween fun day !
ECO Team - grades 3 - 8
Chess Club - grades 1- 8
Lego Club - grades 1 - 3
Intramural Junior Volleyball - gr ades 46 boys and girls
Intermediate Volleyball Teams - Boys
and Girls
All made possible by staff at BTOC thank you for your continued support of
the students of BTOC that you teach,
guide and encourage !
Fire Drills / Lockdown Procedures
We are required to conduct three fire drills in the fall and three in
the spring. We are also required to practice two lockdown drills during the year. Lockdown drills involve students moving away from
the classroom door to a location within the classroom away from
windows. Lights are turned off and doors are locked.
These practices are to ensure that students and staff are prepared,
and that safety protocols are set in place.
School Traffic Update
Thank you to all of our parents and guardians, who continue to embrace traffic
expectations; it is you, the drivers who are making the property a safer place for
our children. The safety of all our students is the responsibility of every one of
We continue have four requests of drivers:
There is NO PARKING in the Kiss ‘n Ride lanes. Cars should never
be left unattended. If you need to park, please choose a defined parking space or park legally on the street. School buses cannot be kept
waiting and they have the right of way.
Please drive right up to the front of the kiss ’n ride lane to drop your child
off. Stopping and allowing children to get out of the car at the bend creates
a particularly dangerous situation for the children and a traffic hazard for
the drivers, especially the school buses.. It also makes it difficult for traffic
to flow smoothly.
Children should only be getting out of the car on the passenger side. Getting out on the driver’s side is a very unsafe practice.
Please do not park near the end of the driveway entrance and/or exit lanes
as it is making it very difficult for drivers attempting to make left and/or
right hand turns. The line of visibility is very much impacted by cars that
are parked at these points which is creating a safety hazard for drivers and
walkers. When parking on the street please park beyond and not behind
posted signs.
Every child has a right to be safe!
Free Online Math Tutoring Available - Grades 7- 10
Have a child in Grade 7 who doesn’t quite understand how to add fractions? Or maybe your teenager is struggling with a geometry assignment? Extra help is available. Check out Homework Help, where certified Ontario teachers are online 20 hours a week to provide free math
tutoring for the Grade 7 to 10 math students in the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board.
Students can log on Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., for
one-on-one confidential help. There are interactive discussion rooms
for each grade where they can view the current lesson, watch tutors
draw on the whiteboard — and then type their own question for on-thespot help. To access, your child will
receive a Board access code, as well as help setting up an account
from their teacher at BTOC.