Class Climate Instructor and Course Evaluation Survey Mark as shown: Please use a ball­point pen or a thin felt tip. This form will be processed automatically. Correction: Please follow the examples shown to help optimize the reading results. 1. DEMOGRAPHICS 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Classification: Freshman Senior Cumulative GPR? First Semester 2.50 ­ 2.99 Is this course required? Yes Uncertain Anticipated grade in this course? A D Sophmore Graduate Junior Other 3.50 ­ 4.00 2.00 ­ 2.49 3.00 ­ 3.49 0.00 ­ 1.99 Yes, but I had a choice No B F C 2. INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION (Part I) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 4 3 2 1 0 SCALE: 0­Very Dissatisfied 1­Dissatisfied 2­Neutral 3­Satisfied 4­Very Satisfied The instructor clearly stated the instructional objectives of the course. The instructor clearly stated the method by which your final grade would be determined. The instructor clearly explained any special requirements of attendance which differ from the attendance policy of the University. The instructor clearly graded and returned the student's written work (e.g., examinations and papers) in a timely manner. The instructor met the class regularly and at the scheduled times. The instructor scheduled a reasonable number of office hours per week. Please indicate your satisfaction with the availability of the instructor outside the classroom. (In selecting your rating, consider the instructor's availability via established office hours, appointments, and other opportunities for face­to­face interaction as well as via telephone, e­mail, fax and other means) If web sites, Blackboard, or other Internet resources were a part of this course, to what extent did they enhance or detract from your learning experience in the course. Greatly Detracted The Instructor: displays a clear understanding of the subject matter and course topics. motivates me to learn the subject. gives clear and helpful responses to student questions. is concerned that students learn the material. treats students with respect. grades fairly. well­utilized class time, either by lecture, group work, student presentations or other activities. OVERALL, considering all aspects, I rate the overall performance of my instructor as: Inadequate Greatly Enhanced Excellent 2007­10­30, Page F71U0P1PL0V0 SAMPLE Class Climate Instructor and Course Evaluation Survey 3. STUDENT OUTCOME (PART II) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Gaining factual knowledge of this subject (terminology, methods, skills). Learning fundamental principals, theories or generalizations. Improving my oral and written communication skills. No Progress No Progress No Progress No Progress No Progress Learning to apply course materials to improve decision making, rational thinking and problem solving. OVERALL, I rate the progress I have made in this course as compared with others I have taken as: Excellent Progress Excellent Progress Excellent Progress Excellent Progress Excellent Progress 4. COURSE EVALUATION (Part III) 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4 3 2 1 0 SCALE: 0­Very Dissatisfied 1­Dissatisfied 2­Neutral 3­Satisfied 4­Very Satisfied Exams assess and reflect course material accurately. Specified objectives for this course were achieved. Text was clear, readable and useful. The classroom atmosphere was conducive to free expression of ideas and questioning. The departmental prerequisite courses were adequate preparation for this course. OVERALL, considering all of the above aspects, I rate Inadequate Excellent this course as: Related to my other courses, the material covered was: Much too Hard Much too Easy Related to my other courses, the workload was: Much too Hard Much too Easy The faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences have found that short answers, in your own words, provide the best source of information for improving our teaching. Please comment on what you feel are the positive and negative aspects of your instructor and his/her teaching outlook: 4.10 Comment on what you feel are the positive and negative aspects of this course: 5. ONLY IF DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 How satisfied were you with: the opportunities to interact with other students in the class? the opportunities to interact with the professor in this course? the promptness of the feedback that you received in this course? the technology support required in this course? Very Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied the opportunities to access library resources and library support services for this course? Very Satisfied Very Satisfied Very Satisfied Very Satisfied Very Satisfied 2007­10­30, Page F71U0P2PL0V0 SAMPLE