SM TIMES February 2013 Curling News! The Mustang Curling Team had a fantastic turn out for tryouts this year! The curlers started practicing at the Dixie Curling Club in early November and have competed in an invitational Bonspiel and 2 ROPSSAA league games (as of Dec. 12/12). The Junior Girls placed first overall in the Mount Carmel Bonspiel and the seniors came in second place. We have 11 first time curlers and 13 curlers from last year. January and February are big curling months and we look forward to the annual Invitational Bonspiel in Peterborough. ‘Hurry Hard Mustangs! Hit The Broom!’ 2470 Rosemary Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5C 1X2 Phone: (905) 279-3171 Fax: (905) 279-3685 1 Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Catholic School Climate Survey “Love one another as I have loved you” John 15:12 Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), The Ontario Ministry of Education directive on Safe Schools, Positive School Climate and its Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy require that all schools across the province implement a School Climate Survey for students every two years. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board finds its direction and educational mission in the teachings of Christ as revealed through Scripture, Church Tradition, and Church Teaching. The board and its school communities are comprised of a faith-centred Eucharistic people who strive to form communities of learning that are Christ-centred, inclusive and reflective of a culture that respects and cherishes life for all. As a Catholic school board, Dufferin-Peel has applied its distinctive Catholic lens to the Ministry of Education’s pillar: Community, Culture and Caring. A key component of this pillar in our board is the Catholic Community, Culture and Caring School Climate Survey. Beginning in mid-January 2013, and in support of the board’s Safe, Caring, Inclusive and Healthy School Communities’ initiative, Dufferin-Peel will be administering its Catholic Community Culture and Caring School Climate Survey to students, as appropriate, in Grades 3 to 12. The data from this survey will allow our school to understand the school climate from the students’ perspectives. The survey will be confidential and anonymous in nature, and will take approximately 20 minutes. The survey contains questions about students’ general information (i.e., school name, grade, gender, years at the school), general safety and inclusion (i.e., feeling safe, concerns, feeling welcome and included, etc.), general school climate (i.e., friendly, accessible, inclusive, etc.) and will provide opportunities to identify bullying concerns and/ or pro-active supports in bullying prevention. In addition to the student survey, parents/guardians are also invited to participate in an on-line survey. The parent/guardian survey is intended to allow parents/guardians to share their child’s/children’s school climate experience at school. There are two versions of the survey: one for parents/ guardians of students in elementary school (Kindergarten to Grade 8) and one for parents/guardians of students in secondary school (Grades 9-12). The parent/guardian surveys will be posted on the board’s website at between January 22 and February 28, 2013. The survey links are: • • Elementary: Secondary: The surveys may provide opportunities for conversation with your son(s)/daughter(s) regarding inclusivity and well-being at school. Please contact the school if you have any additional questions, concerns, or comments. Thank you for your support of improved student achievement and well-being. Sincerely, Principal 2 The Annual Sherway Gardens Christmas Shopping Trip On Friday December 7th 2012, the St. Martin P.I.P and Communications classes went on a transit training and shopping day at Sherway Gardens in Etobicoke. The students (accompanied by teachers and ERW’s) independently boarded the Mississauga transit bus and headed to Sherway Gardens for a day filled with Christmas shopping, scavenger hunts and life skills lessons, including gift purchasing and clothes sizing. They chose one person they would want to buy for and began the quest for finding the perfect Christmas present. Once the shopping was completed, students were able to enjoy each other’s company in the food court, ate lunch and conversed with one another. The Sherway Gardens trip was a successful day for all! News from the Visual Arts Department Andres Correa is a former graduate of St Martin Secondary School. The North Wentworth Twin Pad Arena public art competition was open to all artists in southern Ontario. Our graduate won the competition, so if you are ever in the Flamborough area, please drop in to the arena and see his beautiful banners and mural. Congratulations Andres! 3 News from the Science Department St. Martin’s was again well-represented at the annual Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario (STAO) conference STAO2012: Recapture the Wonder, November 15th – 17th. The conference was attended by over 1200 delegates (elementary and secondary science teachers from all parts of Ontario) and over 250 commercial and educational exhibitors. Patrick Busby supervised thirteen senior science students who acted as volunteer helpers. He also presented at two workshops as part of a writing team for a Forestry Product resource, a joint project between STAO and Kruger Inc. For a second year, Laima Stoncius conducted two workshops entitled “Fun Fridays”, extremely popular with the delegates. Racquel Carlow, STAO president 2012 – 2013, also presented a workshop entitled “An Old Physics Teacher Looking for Relationships” – of the proportionality kind. The entire science department at St. Martin are STAO members, indicative of the commitment of every science teacher to bring quality science education into the classroom. Our Students Did Us Proud Thirteen of St. Martin’s senior science students acted as volunteers/helpers at the annual Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario conference held in Toronto on Fun at Laser Quest 4 November 15th to 17th. The conference was attended by over 1200 Ontario elementary and secondary science teachers. The students (Lora, Anthony, Bianca, Anthony, Michelle, Hartej, George, Normil, Ariel, Norbert, Melvin, and Jonelle who’s missing in the photo) helped at registration, at the Information desk, at the coat check, with AV, and as all-around “go-fers”. However, there was free time to attend workshops, hear guest speakers (like Henry Reich of Minute Physics), visit the exhibit hall (where over 250 commercial and educational exhibitors were located). Everyone who had the opportunity to interact with these students were impressed by their maturity and eagerness to help. They certainly were very positive ambassadors. for St. Martin S.S. Who said science is boring? These pictures say it all the Grade 10 science students after their afternoon of learning a lot about Optics. A note from our Chaplain, Mitch Cairoli Christmas Baskets This one simple note says it all. On behalf of 45 families, and especially their children, all I can say is THANK YOU to everybody who put so much into this campaign. The spirit of giving has its seeds here and it continues to grow. Every year we get a few surprise donations from people who were once on our list but for whom things are now better. The good that we do today WILL turn into more good that is done tomorrow because of the gratitude of the recipients. As we have touched their hear ts, they have touched our hear ts in return. When one hear t touches another, that second hear t always touches back. “Thanks so much for all you’ve done for us ... St. Martin’s school was unbelievable. They ended up bringing 4 huge boxes of food to us and another 2 boxes of presents for all from Santa. They even gave ********* and I a $*** gift card for Square One so we can go get new clothing this year. I haven’t bought hardly any clothes for a long time either - usually my wardrobe expands only from gifts I’ve received from my mother-in-law every Christmas! Your generosity has been a true blessing to us and I’m forever grateful. Many thanks, *********** ” St. Martin Annual Mentorship On Friday November 30th, 2012 the St. Martin Boys Mentorship Program took a trip to the Canlan Sports Complex. The boys were able to organize and participate in sports such as volleyball, dodge ball, and indoor soccer. The boys had a great time and were glad to participate in an afternoon of physical activities. Once again, the boys represented their school well and demonstrated excellent behavior. The group, consisting of 24 grade 9 boys, was enthusiastic and excited. Looking forward to our next trip! Ski and Snowboard Trip St. Martin Annual Ski and Snowboard Trip to Mount St. Louis/Moonstone is happening on Friday February 15th, 2013. Students are invited to come out and enjoy the slopes with their school friends. It is a great opportunity for beginners who have never tried to ski, board or blade to get a lesson and give it a whirl. Please see Mrs. Zaleski-Rees in the library for further information and to pick up forms. 5 News From Guidance GRADE EIGHT OPEN HOUSE Guidance Counsellors presented course information and registration packages to grade eight students during the week of November 26th through November 30, 2012. Our grade eight Parent Information Night was held on December 6th, 2012 and was well attended by both parents and our newest Mustangs. SEMESTER TWO NIGHT SCHOOL Dufferin Peel and Peel night school will run from February 6th to May 22rd, 2013. Evening classes at both boards are held Monday and Wednesday nights. Students must register by 12 noon on February 1st, 2013 for Dufferin Peel and Peel night school. Registration packages and information are available in Guidance and from our website http://www.dpcdsb. org/MARTN/Guidance+General+Info.htm COURSE SELECTION FOR 2013 - 2014 All secondary schools in Dufferin Peel have moved to on-line course selection format. The St. Martin Course Calendar for 2013-2014 is available on the school website at Guidance/Course+Calendar/ Grade level assemblies were held on January 9th and 10th to inform our students about the procedures for on-line course selection. All students received; an ‘On-line Course Request Instruction Sheet’ with their personal username and password, a course planning chart, and an activity payment form. Students were asked to return their Course Request Verification Sheet and Activity Fee to their homeroom teacher by January 21, 2013. The Guidance Department offered two working sessions on January 15th and 16th during both lunch periods in the library for students who wanted help with the course selection process. The Course Plan- 6 ning Chart is also a valuable tool when selecting courses. All students were given a copy of the Planning Chart along with their personalized username and password. A copy of the planning chart can be found on the St. Martin website under the Guidance tab. If students have any questions about their course selections, they should make an appointment with their counsellor. Students will receive course verification sheets in March where they have an opportunity to make changes to the courses they selected. OUAC All students intending to apply to university should have completed their on line applications as the January 16th deadline has passed. Semester one final marks will be transmitted to the Ontario Universities Application Centre by February 13th, 2013. OCAS All college bound students should have completed their on line applications as the February 1st deadline has passed. Semester one final marks will be transmitted to Ontario Colleges Application Centre by February 12th, 2013. OSAP Any student who has accepted an offer of admission from an Ontario University or College has the option of applying for financial assistance through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Students will have an opportunity to attend an OSAP presentation in the early spring. More information to come. SUMMER SCHOOL APPLICATIONS Information and applications for summer school should be available in April. Taste Test Challenge On December 5th, students in the Grade 10 Introduction to Business class learned firsthand the importance of primary research when they set up their very own taste test challenges this semester. Students were responsible for designing, implementing and analyzing the results of their taste test and questionnaire. Some of the topics included whether the testers could tell the difference between Coke, Pepsi and PC Cola and whether more expensive granola bars are actually tastier than the cheaper brands. 7 lle ie ldwl- ood- , Disci Know Good- s, Dis ness, ciplin , Dis- Know , Goo , Disc Know ood- sciplin nowl , o n , s e s K i e s s e i , , d s G K G e s g e n s D g e e o s , i , D e e n e d g g e e o e , lin n n ed pl s, edg oodn Disci owled Good dge, G ness Goodn owled nowl Good Discp wledg dnes iscipli nowle G K o n K D e K Early Christmas at St. Martin! CONTACTS St. Martin Secondary School (905) 279- 3171 Principal F. Furgiuele Vice- Principals N. Currah P. Petruccelli Chaplain M. Cairoli On December 17-20, St. Martin held their annual Christmas Caroling in the foyer every morning. It was a fantastic way to spread Christmas joy throughout the school. The students sang traditional songs such as ‘Frosty the Snowman,’ ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town,’ and many more. Thank you to all the teachers, especially Mrs. Cela, Mrs. Georgis, and Mrs. Arnold for organizing this amazing event, and all the student volunteers. Hope to see all of you next year!!! Attendance S. Passmore School Council A. Gulbinski Board Office (905) 890- 1221 Superintendent C. Saytar Trustees P. Ferreira (416) 805-7110 B. Iannicca (905) 270-0536 http://www.dpcdsb.orgMARTN DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. Thanks to the Media Arts Team for the production of this newsletter: Alister Lagman Samantha Militante Abel Moolakkattu -Mr Konarzycki. , d- line wle, dge l, l l o e g s l w o d w w d i d s s p o o d e now c e wle oo , Di Kn Goo Kno , Kno e, G isci , Kn Goo Dis owl dn lin , Kno dge, Gdness ipline, ledge, ipline, ipline wledg ess, D ipline edge, ness, line, Kne, GooDiscip ine, K ledge o l l , c e o c c n c Dis w od iscip wl Go Kn ood , Dis edg ess iscip Know Dis Knows, Dis Kno Go D G owl odn 8 s e n