Pierce Cedar Creek Institute, located in Hastings, Michigan, is accepting... Gordon Art Fellowship.

Pierce Cedar Creek Institute, located in Hastings, Michigan, is accepting applications for
the Gordon Art Fellowship. This summertime fellowship provides a unique learning
experience to a promising student artist who is interested in incorporating the natural
world into their art through a close interaction with nature.
Pierce Cedar Creek Institute believes the exploration of art
provides a deeper understanding and appreciation of the
natural world.
The Gordon Art Fellowship program enables a student, with
support from a faculty mentor, to conduct an intensive twodimensional visual art project at the Institute.
The student will receive a $3,750 stipend.
Additional funds are available for supplies and
faculty stipend.
On-site housing and meal support provided free
during the summer months.
Types of media accepted: Photography - Painting - Drawing - Printmaking
Applications are due by February 1, 2013