St. Monica School 60 Sterritt Drive Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5B6 Tel (905) 454-6346 Fax (905) 454-6349 Sept. 2013 PRAYER FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR Newsletter O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises, thank you for the gift of a new school year. May it be a time of grace for us, a time to grow in faith and love, a time to renew our commitment to following Your Son, Jesus. May it be a year of blessing for us, a time to cherish our families and friends, a time to renew our efforts at work, a time to embrace our faith more fully. Please walk with us in every day and every hour of this new school year, so that the light of Christ might shine through us, in spite of our weaknesses and failings. Above all, may we remember this year that we are pilgrims on the sacred path to You. Amen Mississauga Brampton Central Family of Schools L. Papaloni Superintendent P. Peroni Principal C. Duke Vice Principal C. McIntyre Head Secretary M. DiAdamo Assistant Secretary TBD Council Co- Chairs A. da Silva Trustee Dates to Remember Sept. 3: Sept. 9: Sept. 11: Sept. 13: Sept. 17: Picture Day (905) 890-0708 (ext. 20154) Welcome Back, Newsletter Goes Home Sept. 19: 6:00 P.M. Open House, Meet The Teacher Gr. 4/5 Silver Creek Sept. 24: 10:00 A.M. Opening Mass –Gym All Welcome St. Jerome’s Parish Gr. 7/8 Immunization Sept. 25: 6:30 P.M. School Council Elections if Needed Fr. Jan Kolodynski 6:30 p.m. School Council-Library All Welcome Sept. 27: Terry Fox Run Pastor P.D. Day-No School For Students Oct. 4: World Teachers Day 8530 Chinguacousy Rd., Student Council Elections Brampton, Ontario Sept. 16-20: Book Fair 905-455-4260 ADDITIONAL DATES Website: Sept. 12, 26: Pizza Days Oct. 7: Newsletter Goes Home ATTACHMENTS: •Booklet: Element of Risk-Phys. Ed., Walking Excursions/Park Permission, Student Emergency/Early Dismissal, Freedom of Information-Video/Photographs, School Year Media Release Form, Web Page Media Release, Network, Lunch Routines •Going Green Newsletter •Student Accident Insurance(optional) •Pizza Day •School Council Newsletter/School Council Elections •School Year Calendar www. Web-site: dpcds /MON IC Principal’s Message: As we begin this new school year together, we gather as a community to journey in faith and although our pathways are different, our journey is the same. We gather to support, encourage, celebrate and learn from each other. FAITH During the month of September we celebrate the virtue of FAITH. Faith - God made us to live together as a family community. Faith…is an attitude which WELCOME BACK! encourages us to involve It’s great to see all of the well rested, smiling faces of our students who are back for another year of challenge and growth, both spiritually and academically. On behalf of the staff at St. Monica School, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome our students back from last year, and extend a warm welcome to all of our new students God in our lives and helps us and their families. We hope and expect that you will feel very quickly at home here! We trust that together, we will continue to make St. Monica School a happy, faith-filled place of learning. Please feel free to contact myself, C. Duke or your child’s teacher if you have compliments or concerns you would like to share. We continue to keep L. Nunes, C. Briganti, Y. Chan, S. Perruzza and their families as they continue with their maternity leaves. Our thoughts and prayers are with D. Williams, as she continues her personal journey. The LTO’s replacing them until their return bring forth their strengths to your child in their classrooms and throughout our school. This year we continue to have a before /after school program (PLASP is our provider). We continue to welcome our partnership with PLASP. If you have any concerns about your child, you are encouraged to contact the teacher immediately to discuss them. A phone call at the onset of a concern usually resolves the situation before it becomes a problem. For our part, if we have any concerns about your child, we will also contact you at the earliest opportunity. As in the past, we will do our best to promote the spiritual, academic, physical, social and emotional growth of our students throughout the school year. We appreciate your continued support in working collaboratively with the school staff and in seeing that your children carry out their responsibilities as Catholic students. Looking forward to this new year in serving the St. Monica community! P. Peroni, C. Duke Principal, Vice- Principal Remember to try to be kinder than necessary, to maintain and develop our relationships with God and with others both when things are going well and when they are not. PARISH NEWS St. Jerome’s Parish Tel: 905-455-4260, Fax: 905-450-6326 E-Mail: Homepage: http// Sunday Eucharist: Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. Fr. Jan “Our Good Father” We continue to look forward to working with Fr. J. Kolodynski on the faith formation of students, families and staff this new school year. We already had a pre-planning meeting with Father and are excited about a new school year of spiritual guidance under his continued leadership. Please join us for our Opening Year Mass with Fr. Jan on Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. Our students will be learning about the rich Catholic traditions of devotions and prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The following Marian prayer comes from the 3rd century. Please recite this prayer with your family on a consistent basis, as well as discuss the meaning. Prayer to The Blessed Virgin Mary We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers O Glorious and Blessed Virgin. Amen Through St. Jerome’s Parish The Rosary Apostolate Group will be working with all our classes on a monthly basis, (the second Wednesday of every month). We are excited about this new partnership with the dedicated volunteers from our parish. Particular thanks to Peter and Daniela for all their organization and commitment to the Apostolate Group. School Hours Grades 1-8 9:15 to 12:15 Visitors In The School 1:15 to 3:45 We ask all visitors, including parents to use the front entrance and check in with the office so we can assist you. Our students’ safety is our first concern. If you want to drop off something for your child or pick them up early, we ask that you go through the office so we can call your child down. Staff are directed to refer all visitors/parents to the office. When picking up your child after school please wait for them outside at the designated areas. Recess 10:25 to 10:40 3:22-3:37 ELP 9:15 to 3:45 Yard Supervision The school property is supervised from 9:00 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. on school days. Our supervisors wear orange vests when they are out so that they can be easily visible to a child in need. Attendance & Student Absence Daily attendance and punctuality are expected. If your child is unable to attend school, please inform the school by telephone or by sending a note in cases of an appointment. For your convenience our answering machine is available from 4:30 p.m. until 8:30 a.m. The phone number is 905-454-6346. Regular attendance is crucial for children to fully participate in the school program and successfully complete the year. Arriving late for class means that a pupil misses a very important part of the day - the time when instructions for the day’s activities are given, discussed and teaching begins. Entering a classroom late is embarrassing for a child. It interrupts the lesson for both the teacher and the other pupils. The habit or custom of punctuality is one that should be established very early in a child’s school life. School attendance and punctuality are legal requirements. We ask for your co-operation in ensuring your child’s regular attendance by arriving before 9:15 a.m. Bell to Bell, Time on Task! Lunch Policy We will accommodate all students who must remain at school for lunch. We expect that these students will be well behaved, polite and will remain on the school grounds for the entire lunch period. We appreciate your support of these expectations. Student Verification Forms Will be distributed on Thursday September 19th at our Open House. Please complete and revise this form on Thurs. Sept. 19th while at the school or return it to your child’s teacher by Fri. Sept. 20th. Safe, Caring, Inclusive Catholic Schools Virtues Education The Virtues…A virtue is a habit or established capacity to perform good actions according to a moral standard. A Catholic school is the ideal place to practice and prepare to live a virtuous life. Many elements of Catholic character and virtue are developed in Dufferin-Peel schools. This year, our school will continue to focus on virtues education. Details are included in your child’s planner. Although all virtues will be entwined throughout the year, a specific monthly focus will be highlighted in accordance with our student recognition assemblies, our school diversity plan, and our bully prevention program. Highlights include: Faith God, Empathy God, Conscience God, Hope God, Self-Control God, Respect God, Kindness God, Love God, Acceptance God, and Fairness God. When we act out these virtues, we are making the presence of God visible in the world around us. We will be participating in our own prayer that: your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Mt 6:10). Thank you for your support in re-enforcing these virtues. School Safety Leaving School Grounds Once the children have arrived at school, they are not permitted to leave the grounds without written permission from their parent! This ruling includes students who normally stay for lunch. Parents are requested to provide the office with a note if their child must leave for an appointment, etc. Parents are requested to meet their children at the office and sign them out. We continue to remind our students about school safety. Students are reminded on a regular basis that there is to be no physical contact, ie: pushing, shoving, hitting, punching. What can be viewed as playing, can result in students getting hurt. We realize that in most cases, children do not mean to hurt other children, however because of physical contact, students can get seriously hurt. Through continuous reminders, we are trying to prevent this from happening. We ask for your continued support to remind your children to play with others without physical contact. KISS AND RIDE Parents are asked to drive in through the cross walk, drive their car as close to the alternate sidewalk to drop off the students (past the bike racks). Students will enter the school yard from the area by the bike racks. AT NO TIME ARE PARENTS TO GET OUT OF THE CAR. ENSURE you child is sitting by the passenger door so they can exit at the curb. Make SURE all back packs are with the children and not in the trunk. Thank you for your support. Please note at dismissal time if your child is not out promptly you will be asked to circle the lot, we cannot detain the buses or other families. Full Day Kindergarten will have open access at 9 a.m., and will be dismissed 5 minutes early to avoid parking issues. Please note you are not to drop your child off at the side of the school, that area is designated for buses only! Safe and Caring Schools Please read the insert in the student agendas re: Safe and Caring Schools. For further information, please contact the office. Picture Day-Edge Imaging Student pictures will be taken on Sept. 17, 2013. Flyers will be sent home soon. Student Excursions/Extra-Curricular During the school year students have the opportunity to participate in out of school and extra-curricular activities. Students and parents are reminded that students must have a signed permission form before they are permitted to leave the school or participate in extra-curricular activities. Fire Drills/Emergency Evacuation In accordance with Ministry regulations, three fire drills will be conducted in the Fall and three in the Spring. While we hope that a real fire situation never arises, this practice will help prepare students in the event of a real fire. In addition we will be reviewing “Lock-Down Procedures”, “Hold and Secure”, as well as “Mysterious Objects” in the school. PLASP Professional Development Day The Peel Lunch and After School Program is provided with space in St. Monica School to run before and after school child care. For details, including costs, please call 905-8901711. Friday September 13, 2013 is a Professional Development Day. There will be no school for the students on that day. That day will be used for re-organization, and staff curriculum/faith development. Crossing Guard The Crossing Guard will continue to be on duty at the corner of Lockwood and Sterritt Dr. and Drinkwater and Sterritt Dr. from 8:15-9:20; 12:15 to 12:30 pm; 12:45 to 1:15 p.m.; 3:10 to 4:15. The guards are not on duty from 12:30-12:45 Valuables Students are requested not to bring valuables, items of importance or money to school. The school cannot assume responsibility for items brought to school. Newsletters Newsletters will normally be sent home at the beginning of each month. Please look for them, as they will be sent home with the youngest and only child in your family, if you have NOT signed up for GOING GREEN! Curriculum At A Glance For Parents Will be distributed on Thursday September 19th at our Open House. A copy will be placed on your child’s desk with his/ her name. Medication at School Please be advised that for reasons of safety, no child should bring any medication to school without prior approval from the office. The school will store necessary medication in the office, if a Request Form (available in the office) has been filled out and signed by the parent/guardian and physician. Students with EPI-PENS must wear them in a fanny pack on their person. Nut Allergies There is an increasing number of students in our school with severe nut allergies, which are life threatening. Allergic children exposed to peanuts, nuts, nut products, or residues are at risk of suffering a serious reaction. Some children are so sensitive that even the smell of peanut butter or nuts can cause problems and could be fatal. Because of the seriousness of this condition, everyone’s continued cooperation is needed to help contain the presence of nuts around people who are allergic in our school. To facilitate this, the classrooms with students having nut allergies have been designated as nut-free classrooms. Signs have been posted on the doors of the classrooms to help increase awareness. In classrooms where students have a nut allergy, classmates have been asked to refrain from bringing foods, which contain peanuts, nuts or nut products to school. In the event that a child does bring a lunch or snack with nuts or nut products, this student will be sent to a classroom, where there are no students with nut allergies, to eat their lunch or snack. We wish to thank the members of our school community for your on-going support, cooperation and sensitivity, over the years, in helping to make our school safer for students with nut allergies. It is a testimony to the cooperation of our community in striving to make a positive difference in the lives of all students in our school. PLEASE RETURN THE ATTACHED STAPLED BOOKLET RE: •Student Emergency/Early Dismissal •Freedom of Information-Video/Photographs •School Year Media Release Form •Web Page Media Release/Network •Lunch Routines •Element of Risk-Phys. Ed. •Walking Excursions/Park Permission •School Year Media Release Form Following are some strategies that parents, students and staff can continue to use to help keep our school safer for children with nut allergies. √ Avoid sending foods from home that may contain nuts or nut products such as peanut oil, peanut butter, peanut sauce, peanut meal, mixed nuts, ground nuts and macadamia nuts. Hydrolyzed vegetable protein may also contain peanuts and is not considered safe for people with peanut allergies. √ Read food labels carefully. Avoid products that do not carry a list of ingredients. It’s important to read food labels each time you buy a product that will be eaten by a child in the same classroom, because products and production facilities often change. √ Clean hands and face immediately after eating peanut butter or nut containing products, before heading off to school or at school. √ Avoid sharing snacks and drinks, especially with allergic children. PEDICULOSIS - Head Lice At this time I would like to bring to your attention a problem that occurs in most schools at least once every year. The problem is head lice. In order to control these pests we shall do the following and request your full cooperation. If even one case is found in a classroom we shall inform parents. We will be checking friends and classmates. However, we would ask that you also check your own children and if you find them to be infested, we would ask you to let us know so that we can advise you on how to get the proper treatment. It is a wise precaution to check your children periodically for head lice. If we all cooperate in these procedures, we may not entirely escape outbreaks but we will be able to bring them under control quickly. Criminal Reference Checks/Declaration Forms In keeping with the Safe Schools Act, all volunteers must have a Criminal Reference Check. If you have the time or inclination to be a volunteer, assist with school trips, drive for sports events, assist with our fundraiser(s), be an active member of school councildealing with children in any capacity, please contact the office for a criminal reference check form, (this form must be signed by myself )for the 2013-2014 school year and deliver it to Peel Regional Police Headquarters, 7750 Hurontario Street Brampton Ontario. The check is free for volunteers, but will assure the safety of all students at St. Monica Catholic School. If you already have a Criminal reference check on file at the school, please complete the Criminal Offence Declaration form. Please have your check or declaration completed so you can continue to be an important and valued member at our school. Once you receive your criminal check please submit it to myself (P. Peroni-Principal). For the 2013-2014 school year, volunteers will not be allowed to assist with special lunches, volunteer in the class, or go on excursions, there will not be any exceptions. So please pick up a form ASAP from the office so we can continue to have educational excursions, presentations and special luncheons for our students, your children. Volunteers We encourage parents to become involved in various aspects of school life. If interested in sharing your talents and time please request a “Volunteer Help Wanted” form from the office. More information, along with Volunteer Handbooks will also be made available at our Open House on September 19th. Challenge Program Student Council News Program alternatives are offered for those students who demonstrate academically superior ability. If you wish to nominate to have your child assessed, please apply in writing to myself (P. Peroni, Principal) by Thursday September 12th. We are pleased to announce that our student council elections will be held on Fri. Oct. 4, 2013. Students can run for executive positions (prime minister, deputy prime minister, secretary, treasurer) as well as class reps. We look forward to hearing the speeches and tallying the votes. Good luck to all our candidates in campaigning! School Snack Shack This year students will have the opportunity to purchase milk/juice from our vending machines. “ Milk to Go” from the machine is 350 ml. For $1.50 or $1.75. Juice/Water from the vending machines is $1.25. We are looking forward to other snack shack services, more information to follow. We thank T. Gratton and M. Zarkovic, and our student council for organizing. Pizza Days Thursday September 12th is our first pizza day. Pizza days will continue twice a month on Thursdays. Thanks to J. Conway, D. Doyle and the Gr. 8’s for coordinating and all staff for coordinating orders, as well as all families for submitting forms on time and appreciating this special luncheon. We are selling PIZZA SLICES for $2.00, please use the order form. If your child would like to purchase a cookie on Pizza Day, they can bring in a Loonie and purchase a cookie. We are not providing packages. Agendas Each student at St. Monica, from grade 1 to 8, will receive and be expected to use their student agenda. The agendas will help to keep your child on task, mindful of homework, projects and due dates. It will also be an invaluable communication tool between your child, the teacher, and you. We are requesting a payment of $4.00 per student to help cover the cost of these agendas. Once your child has received their Student Agenda, please send the $4.00 with your child to his/her teacher. In addition, please take the time to review the first 8 pages of the agenda with your child. They contain very important student and parent information. Physical Education To partake in Physical Education Activities students in Grades 6-8 will be required to bring a change of clothes for Physical Education. Students from ELP.-5 are required to wear comfortable clothing on Gym days as well as appropriate running shoes. Please note: All students FDK-Gr. 8 must return the signed Element of Risk and Medical Information Form to participate in the Physical Education Program. Insurance "As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board annually provides parents with information about cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via student courier. Although enrolment is voluntary, the board encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/children participate in sports, excursions/field trips, or, if parents do not have dental insurance coverage. Enrolment is required in writing -- there are two options for enrolment: 1) Complete the traditional form and mail it in 2) Photocopy the form and phone insuremykids at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437) Parents alone have the right to insure their children. The school board does not carry accident insurance for students. An insurance package is being sent home with your child(ren). This is optional for families. Soccer, Volleyball and Cross Country Try-outs for Soccer, Volleyball and Cross Country will begin in the next few weeks. Students are asked to listen to the announcements for further information. Parenting and Family Literacy Centre St. Monica School is very proud to continuing to host the Parenting and Family Literacy Centre at our school. This program welcomes parents and caregivers with young children from birth to age six to engage in learning and playing together. The program is FREE and will be open Monday-Friday from 9:15 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in Room 101. Mrs. Appiah-Kubi, the parent worker will begin to welcome families on Tuesday September 3rd. The goal of the program is to help young children make any easier transition to kindergarten, to foster their early literacy and numeracy skills as well as to support parents and care-givers and enable them to be successful in their parenting role. School Council News (The Link-attached) Under the Ministry of Education regulations, elections for the Catholic School Council must be held within the first thirty days of the start of the school year. On Sept. 3rd school council election forms will be available in the office and/or attached to this newsletter. Our school council meeting will be held on Wed. Sept. 11th at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. Elections will take place at this time; we are looking forward to your great involvement. Please come out and be a part of this! EF/PT P.T. RE-ORGANIZATION Here is our tentative staff list. As we review our numbers, it may become necessary to reorganize due to a change in enrolment. If changes occur, parents will be notified of the revised organization. It is hoped that any changes will be completed by September 13th. S. Figliuzzi S. McDonald SAT TBD ERW J. Cirillo ERW I. Cartini ERW K. Crhak ERW A. Holjevac ERW M. Leon Intervener ERW: M. Fudala Tentative Staff List FDK1 FDK2 J. Correia CYW T. Collier PSYCH Dr. B. Miles SLP S. Silva SW C. Thornton S. Lane J. King Watson Gr. 1 C. Chaulk Student Monitors Gr. 2 T. Gratton A. Santos H. Sagoo Gr. 2 /3 S. Perruzza (LTO– V. Lobo) Gr. 3 C. Peragine N. Bakhaya C. Briganti (LTO E. McCarthy) Gr. 3 D. Porter J. Iruthayarajah Gr. 4 J. Mason Head Custodian Gr. 4/5 J. Marshall O. Sousa Gr. 5/6 D. Williams (LTO M. Thimio) Custodians Gr. 6/7 L. Gredi S. Scrivens Gr. 7/8 P. Simpson C. Ferreira Gr. 7/8 M. Manalo Head Secretary Gr. 5 EF M. Scalise C. McIntyre Gr. 6 EF M. Heitzner Assistant Secretary Gr. 7 A EF Gr. 7 B EF N. Leo M. DiAdamo M. Zarkovic Vice Principal Gr. 8 EF J. Conway C. Duke SNMOD Y Chan (LTO TBD) Principal SERC/SERT M. Hamilton P. Peroni SERC/SERT/PT L. Nunes (LTO-T. Deleo) ESL/SERT H. Pereira LIBRARIAN/PT D. Doyle FSL P. Tyers “You will find as you look back on your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others. “ Henry Drummond You Make A Difference!!! Thank you to all parents/guardians who: •inform us of lunch, dismissal routines •contact the teacher or office with a concern or compliment •volunteer on a regular basis or quick notice basis •assist your children in following our Code of Conduct, and safe bus procedures •understand the flexible boundary procedures and have made accommodations for the arrival and dismissal of your children during school hours 9:15 a.m. -3:45 p.m. •respect our Kiss and Ride procedures and are adhering to this practice •will be supporting the school through the reorganization process and acknowledge that we have all students best interest at heart •will be completing all forms; student agendas, student verification, early release, media release, physical education participation, etc.etc.etc.. •will be supporting and/or volunteering with our Terry Fox walk, assembly, and charitable donations for this worthy cause •appreciate and respect the Transportation Policy re: Courtesy Seats “He who is of greedy spirit stirs up strife, but he who puts his trust in the Lord shall be enriched and blessed.” Proverbs 28:25 Personal Electronic Devices School Policy on the Use of Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) by Students/Parents/Visitors on School Property To promote respect for the dignity of all members of our school community and to enhance student achievement and safety, the use of a PED is strictly prohibited in the school (including portables) or during school related activities (such as retreats, field trips, sports events, etc.). Failure to comply with this policy may result in the confiscation of the PED and/or disciplinary action. The school and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board assume no responsibility for the loss, recovery, repair or replacement for any PED brought onto school property. It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board that PEDs are to be kept out-of sight, turned off and not used within school premises or during school sanctioned events. To prevent the loss or damage of PEDs, the school encourages students to leave their PEDs at home.etc.), and any other Convergent Communication Technologies that do any number of the previous mentioned functions. General Definition of a PED Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) are Wireless and/or Portable Electronic Handheld Equipment that include, but are not limited to, existing and emerging Mobile Communication Systems and Smart Technologies (cell phones, smartphones, walkie-talkies, pagers, etc.), Portable Internet Devices (mobile managers, mobile messengers, BlackBerry TM handsets, etc.), PDAs (Palm R organizers, pocket PC’s etc.), Handheld Entertainment Systems (video games, CD players, compact DVD players, MP3 players, IPods C, Walkmen TM, etc.), digital or film Cameras, digital or analogue Audio Recorders or Video Recorders (tape recorders, camcorders, etc. ), Spy Gadgets (spy cameras, covert listening devices). PEDs also include any current or emerging Wireless Handheld Technologies or Portable IT Systems that can be used for the purpose of communication, entertainment, data management, word processing, wireless internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc. The Board is reviewing this policy which may include Bring Your Own Devices. Until the new policy is implemented, we will continue with this PED policy. Please note, we are not responsible for lost, misplaced or stolen PED’s. “Guided by the Spirit…growing as a family” INFOpage - an online resource for information about awards, scholarships, fundraising opportunities, educational resources, professional development opportunities, parent/guardian resources and community events. To access the INFOpage, visit Parents and guardians of Dufferin-Peel students can stay up-to-date with the latest board news and information by joining the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board E-Community. Members will receive the latest news and information by email, including media releases, school activities and events, board highlights, school and transportation cancellations, plus useful tips for parents. Sign up online TODAY! DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board news and information on schools, programs, in-services, follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools Are You Ticked? – Catholic Ratepayers Have You Checked Your Tax Bill to Ensure Proper Tax Support? Help us to maintain our right to publicly funded Catholic Education – if you are a Catholic ratepayer, we urge you to check your property tax bill to ensure that your support is directed to your local Catholic school board, in our case, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. If you are a tenant, you can verify your support by contacting our Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext 24511, 24512 or 24519 or your local municipal office. By ensuring that you are accurately recorded as a Catholic school supporter, you can help deliver a powerful message to the government about the level of support for publically funded Catholic school board trustee, you must be registered as a separate school supporter. GOING GREEN (See attachment) As noted in May and June, we are Going Green. Please review and complete the attached enclosure to receive newsletters and correspondence on your e-mail. Our goal is to have a majority of our families involved and sign up for this. Thank you in supporting our environment, and signing up for GOING GREEN! \ “Guided by the Spirit…growing as a family” St. Monica School Prayer Great St. Monica, Patroness of all fathers and mothers, please take us, especially those who have turned away from the ways of God and His church, under your protection. You may go to for daily bus cancellations or de- Let us always remain faithful to our baptismal vows. Give us strength to walk always in the ways of the Lord, despite the temptations and false values we find in the world today. Grant that we may share with you the joys of eternal life. Amen