St. Monica School

St. Monica School
60 Sterritt Drive
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5B6
Tel (905) 454-6346 Fax (905) 454-6349
Oct. 2013
May an abundance of gratitude burst through
As we reflect upon what we have received.
Mississauga Brampton
Central Family of Schools
May thanksgiving overflow in our heart,
L. Papaloni
and often be proclaimed in our prayer.
May we gather around the table of Your heart,
May the harvest of good actions bring forth plentiful fruit each day.
P. Peroni
May our basket of blessings surprise us with its rich diversity of gifts and its
opportunities for growth.
C. Duke
May all that nourishes our lives bring daily satisfaction and renewed hope.
Vice Principal
May we slow our hurried pace of life so that we can be aware of, and enjoy,
C. McIntyre
what we too easily take for granted.
Head Secretary
May we always be open, willing and ready to share our blessings.
And may we always remember the generous One who has allowed us to have all that we have.
Assistant Secretary
N. Manning
Council Chair
A. da Silva
Dates to Remember
October 1:
Newsletter Goes Home
October 11:
PD Day No School For Children
(905) 890-0708 (ext. 20154)
October 14:
Happy Thanksgiving-No School
CCCSC 6:00 p.m.
St. Jerome’s Parish
Gr. 1-8 Anti Bullying -$1.00 donation
Fr. Jan Kolodynski
October 3:
Gator-Wear Oders Due
October 16:
October 4:
Student Council Elections
October 17:
October 5:
World Teacher’s Day
Jr. Boys Volleyball St. Brigid
October 7:
Bus Patroller Training
6:30 p.m. School Council All Welcome
8530 Chinguacousy Rd.,
October 9:
Rosary Apsotolate FDK-Gr. 8
Jr. Girls Volleyball St. Brigid
Brampton, Ontario
October 18:
October 1, November 4: Newsletters Go Home
October 10, 24, November 7: Pizza days
October 17: Mr. Sub Day School Council
October 22: See-Hear Clinic
October 28: Virtues Assembly-Gym 10 a.m.
October 29: Picture re-take Day
7:30-8:30 p.m. First Communion Parent Information
Session St. Jerome Parish, all Gr. 2 parents MUST attend-Parents ONLY
October 31: Spook-A-Thon $3.00 Intermediate, $2.00 FDK-6
ATTACHMENTS: Pastoral Plan, Home and School, Math@Home, St. Augustine Information, Dental Screening, Homework Help
Principal’s Message:
At St. Monica School, we will
continue to do our best to
promote the spiritual, academic, physical, social
and emotional growth of our students throughout
the school year. We continue to appreciate your
support in working collaboratively with the school
staff and in seeing that your children carry out
their responsibilities as Catholic students. If you
have any concerns about your child, you are
encouraged to contact the teacher immediately to
discuss them.
On September 3, staff and students participated in an
opening day liturgy and review of school
expectations. Students are commended for their
excellent behaviour. Thank you to our families for
understanding the re-organization process. We had
to re-organize 94 children. Thank you to our school
community for attending our Open House, Book Fair
and Classroom visitations held on September 19th.
The response and attendance was wonderful! It was
also a great opportunity for staff and yourself to
meet, review initiatives, and see your child(ren's)
work displayed in classrooms. Thank you to all our
families who came out to participate. Our Math
presentation was very well received, and many
parents complimented us for offering this.
Remember to try to be kinder than necessary,
for everyone we meet may be fighting some kind
of battle.
St. Jerome’s Parish
Tel: 905-455-4260, Fax: 905-450-6326
Homepage: http//
Sunday Eucharist: Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m., 10:30
a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Fr. Jan
“Our Good Father”
We continue to look
forward to working
with Fr. Jan on the faith
formation of students,
families and staff this
new school year. Fr. Jan
and I have been
reviewing many faith
formation initiatives.
We will keep you
posted. Please refer to
our Pastoral Plan,
(enclosed). This month
our students will be
learning about the rich
Catholic traditions of
devotions and prayers
to the Blessed Virgin
This month we are focusing on Empathy.
Empathy is the ability to put oneself in another’s
shoes and the capacity to feel what the other
person is feeling.
Empathy God wants us to care about everyone’s
feelings. Thank you for your support in reenforcing these virtues.
When we act out the virtues we will continue to
focus on this year, we are making the presence of
God visible in the world around us. We will be
participating in our own prayer that:
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth
as it is in heaven. (Mt 6:10)
Tuesday October 29-7:30-8:30 p.m. St. Jerome Parish
Tuesday November 5-7:30-8:30 p.m. St. Jerome Parish
Emergency Evacuation Center
Students have been involved in emergency evacuation
procedures/fire drills practices at the school. You may want
to review rules and practice evacuation procedures with your
family at home. Our emergency evacuation center is Burton
Manor or St. Augustine Secondary School. Please ensure that
in the office we always have the most updated home and work
phone numbers, addresses and emergency contact names and
phone numbers.
For those parents who use the
Kiss ’N Ride program,
Congratulations and thank-you!
Our only observation is the
parents who are letting their child
out on the driver’s side as
opposed to the passenger side.
Please have your children exit from the passenger side of your
car and not from the driver’s side. Children must have their
knapsacks and belongings with them, they should not be
getting things from the vehicle’s trunk, as this is not only
unsafe, but also slows down the Kiss ‘N Ride process.
Children must exit from the right side of the vehicle, on their
own, and proceed towards the school on the walkway.
Following afternoon dismissal, parents who wish to pick up
their children should enter the Kiss ‘N Ride lane and wait in
their car for their child to board their vehicle from the bicycle
rack area. If you are using the Kiss ‘N Ride in the morning
or the afternoon, it is imperative that you never leave your car
unattended. As an ECO School, we are asking that you do
not idle your car. If you are interested in volunteering during
the Kiss ‘N Ride, please let the office know. There will be no
access to the north parking lot, this area is restricted for
STAFF PARKING only and for Bus Loading and Un-Loading.
Thank you for your continued co-operation. As a reminder,
there is NO LEGAL parking in front of our school. We have
no control if parking control drives by, you can still get a
ticket until this issue is resolved.
Behaviour Expectations
At St. Monica School, we strive to provide an
environment where all students feel safe, happy and
respected. Pupils of St. Monica School are expected to
behave in a manner that reflects a Christian attitude.
The question ‘What would Jesus do?’ provides guidance
for making positive behaviour choices.
expectations for respectful, safe, conduct and
consequences for inappropriate behaviour are reviewed
regularly with students. All students are expected to
work in cooperation with staff, peers, parents and the
parish to build a safe and caring learning environment.
They are expected to follow our school rules:
Respect God,
Respect yourself,
Respect others,
Respect the environment
These rules apply anytime and anywhere throughout the
school: in the classroom, on the playground, in the
neighbourhood, on the bus and on educational excursions.
Pupils are reminded of the importance of behaviours such as:
• cooperating with staff • not hitting, teasing, bullying or
hurting others • playing safely during recess times • entering
and exiting the school in a safe and orderly fashion • taking
care of school property • leaving personal electronic devices,
roller blades, skateboards, walkmans, scooters, laser pens and
valuables at home • not play fighting or playing tackle sports •
not throwing snowballs during the winter
and regularly
dressing appropriately for a Catholic school setting. Students
are reminded of the importance of reporting inappropriate
conduct or concerns to a teacher. They should not take
matters that could result in a physical altercation, into their
own hands.
We continue to educate pupils and inform
parents about bullying prevention and virtuous living, and to
work through a progressive discipline model with appropriate
consequences. Please see student agenda book for more
information about progressive discipline.
“Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall be called
the children of God.” (Matthew 5-9)
If your child/children are going to be absent or late for
school, we ask that you call the school office and leave a
message (905) 454-6346. Let us know on a day to day
basis if your child will continue to be absent. As a safety
precaution we will always try to contact parents by
phone if we have not received any messages. Your
continued cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Early to Bed….Early to Rise
Getting enough sleep is crucial to school success with
academics, attitude, behaviour, social adjustment, effort,
contentment and well-being. Research indicates that
consistency in this routine is extremely important for
success at school.
If your son/daughter has any medical concerns, please
ensure that you inform the school . Information may
be shared directly with the classroom teacher or with
the office. All information is held in confidence. Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication
and forms are updated annually for any students who
require medication to be administered at school. If
your child requires medication, please have the necessary forms (including R.E.A.C.T.)
completed and returned, along with
any medication to the office as soon
as possible. This is Board policy.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please be aware that there are a number of students at
St. Monica with a severe life-threatening food allergy
(anaphylaxis) to peanuts, nuts and fish. This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain
allergens and can result in death within minutes. You
have been notified if this affects your child’s class directly, please send foods with your
child that are free from peanuts, nuts
and/or fish or any other severe food
items that may cause serious distress, as already notified by your
child’s teacher. Thank you for your
EPI-PENS Must be worn in a
pouch/fanny pack on the student requiring an
“AND I WILL WALK 500 MILES..” On Sept.
26th our school participated in the
Terry Fox Marathon of Hope. Our
students were educated at an assembly about this important cause and
we are proud of their support and
With all the activities that take place at school in the playground, the gym and in sports, accidents happen. Dental
injuries can occur when 2 children accidentally bump
heads or fall. The school board does not carry accident insurance for students. Fall outdoor activities,
extra-curricular and excursions are an additional reason
you may wish to buy student accident insurance. An insurance package was sent home with your child(ren). This is
optional for families. You may purchase coverage for your
child at or by calling toll free at 1800-463-KIDS (5437). Please direct your questions to a
Reliable Life Insurance Representative.
Student Council News
We are pleased to announce that our student council is
continuing this year under the lead of M. Heitzner and P.
Simpson. All classes had or will have the opportunity to
vote for their class reps. All the best, looking forward to
working with our class reps on the student council!
Soccer, Volleyball and Cross Country
Students have been busy trying out and practicing for our
Soccer and Cross Country Teams.
SOCCER: Our girls had their tournament on Sept. 23,
and our boys had their tournament on the 25th. Their
coaches were J. Conway, and M. Manalo. Congratulations
to Dumebi I., Brandon M., Jeffrey O., Nikola K., Chris S.,
Phillip S., Matthew M., Chuku M., Adam F., Luke C., Jardel
A., Olek K., Isaiah C., Martine T., Josh S., Josh A., Jaime M.,
Kishaun F., Marcin M., Chloe C., Gabrielle D., Miryam K.,
Julia W., Dennae D., Amy V., Delaine P., Christina J., Dennelle D., Amber P., Jayden M., Victoria S., Eghosa B., and
Natalie B. We thank the students and staff for giving of
their time to represent our school at their tournaments.
Thanks to S. MacDonald, our Cross Country team continues to practice on a consistent basis, we wish them well at
their tournament in mid October. Try-outs for Junior Volleyball have begun, thanks to coaches P. Simpson, T. Collier, J. Mason, and M. Thimio.
Bell to Bell, Time on Task
Arriving late for class means that a pupil
misses a very important part of the day - the time
when instructions for the day’s activities are given,
discussed and teaching begins. Entering a classroom
late is embarrassing for a child. It interrupts the lesson for both the teacher and the other pupils. The
habit or custom of punctuality is one that should be
established very early in a child’s school life. School
attendance and punctuality are legal requirements.
We ask for your co-operation in ensuring your child’s
regular attendance by arriving before 9:15 a.m. Bell
to Bell, Time on Task!
Just a reminder that students should not bring to
school items of value. These may be things of sentimental value or monetary value. This is, also, not the
place where cards or any other collectibles are traded. Cell phones, cameras, i-pods and other electronic
devices should not be visible at school. The school is
not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Students must be diligent in gathering all materials
prior to the end of the school day. Once dismissed,
there is no supervision provided to the students.
Students/parents must not be returning to school
after school hours to retrieve books/belongings. In
order to ensure the safety of the workplace, no students or parents will be able to enter any classroom
after school.
School Bus Safety Patrollers
During the 2013- 2014 school year, we are so
grateful for our new bus patrollers who will receive bus patroller training on October
7th. Marcin M., Idaya B., Logan F., Gabrielle H.,
Ijeoma O., and Lucas C.
We encourage parents to become involved in various aspects of school life. If interested in sharing your talents and
time, please inform the office. School Council also requires volunteers to assist with their many initiatives at our
school, specifically our major fundraiser. Please come out
and share your talents. Many hands make light work!
Don’t forget to get your required Criminal reference
Check. This is free for volunteers if you pick up a form in
the office signed by myself.
INFOpage - an online resource for information
about awards, scholarships, fundraising opportunities, educational resources, professional development opportunities,
parent/guardian resources and community events. To access the INFOpage, visit
Parents and guardians of Dufferin-Peel students can stay upto-date with the latest board news and information by joining the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board ECommunity. Members will receive the latest news and information by email, including media releases, school activities and events, board highlights, school and transportation
cancellations, plus useful tips for parents. Sign up online
DPCDSB is now on
Twitter! For the latest
Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board
news and information
on schools, programs,
in-services, follow us on
Dress Code
We ask for your support for a dress code that is
accompanied by standards of sensitivity, politeness,
and decorum.
Students are expected to be dressed in a clean, neat,
and appropriate manner conducive to the school
environment. Clothing must be free from offensive
or questionable language and pictures. Hats/caps
must be removed in the school building. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Make-up, if
worn at all, must be natural looking. Appropriate
clothing must be worn for physical education classes
(i.e. running shoes, shorts, t-shirts).
Casual Fridays
Throughout the course of the year, you may observe the staff in casual dress on Fridays. We are
supporting the charities sponsored by the United
Way and Share Life.
We will be continuing our milk program at St. Monica School. Thanks to M. Hamilton and our student
volunteers for co-ordinating and distributing.
Thank you to all members of the school council. Out first
meeting of the St. Monica 2013-2014 School Council was
held on September 11th. At this meeting we reviewed priorities, shared suggestions and held our elections.
2013-2014 School Council
Chair: Nancy M.
Secretary: Luana F.
Treasurer: Suzy U.
Parish Rep: Fatima C.
OAPCE Rep: Yarlene F.
Community Rep: Ana S.
Members/Roles: Catered Lunches: Elizabeth C. Poutine, Tish G.
Mr. Sub, Communications: Jenya L., Dance-A-Thon: Sandra S.,
Melanie K., Fatima C., Joanne S., Spirit Wear: Ana M., Sponsorships/Donations Joanne S., TBD: Sarah M.
Non-Voting Member:s : Phil S.
Teacher Rep: M. Hamilton
Non Teaching Rep: T. Collier
Vice-Principal: C. Duke
Principal: P. Peroni
We will be having Popcorn and
Cookie Fridays. Bring your toonies
and enjoy a bag of Kernels popcorn
or for a loonie enjoy a cookie.
Thanks to T. Gratton, M. Zarkovic,
N. Leo and Gr. 8 students and student council for
Pizza days will continue twice a
month on Thursdays. Thanks to
D. Doyle, J. Conway, and the
Gr. 8’s for coordinating and all
staff for coordinating orders, as
well as all families for submitting forms on time and
appreciating this special luncheon.
We have a great group of parents and are always looking for
more volunteers and new ideas, please consider coming out
and being an active part in your son/daughters school.
School Council & Community Bulletin Board
Located in our front foyer. Feel free to check the bulletin board
regularly for School Council Updates, School/Board Updates and
Community events.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) sets out the general rules which school boards must follow
regarding the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal
information. Please be aware that recording of students through
printed form (photographs), on film, by electronic means (video
taping) or by any other means is considered a “collection of personal information” and therefore certain rules apply for its collection,
use, disclosure, etc. While the privacy rules in the Act are strong,
signed parental consent forms may or may not be required in ALL
situations. The photographing/recording of students would not be
permitted without the required informed parental consent.
It has come to our attention that there are a number of bus students who are currently NOT riding their designated bus or
boarding their bus at the appropriate stop. We are aware that
there have been a number of changes with regards to the designated stops since last year; however these decisions are implemented by Stopr, not St. Monica School. We have been receiving notices from Stopr indicating that certain students have not
been on their designated bus. If a student does not use the bus
on a regular basis, the bus company cancels the seat for that
student and releases their seat to a courtesy rider. To ensure
this doesn’t happen to your child/ren’s seat we have provided
you with the designated run for your child/ren.
Thank you to those who applied for courtesy seating. We have
inputted your requests and are awaiting the date as to when
those seats are to be released to courtesy riders. Please wait
until we notify you to ride the bus.
•contact the teacher or office with a concern or compliment
If you have any concerns with regards to bussing please notify
Stopr as they make all decisions with regards to transportation. We encourage all families to use our Going Green initiative
which is in the works of being set up to receive late or cancel
notifications for daily bussing through email.
Parenting and Family Literacy Centre
St. Monica School is very proud to continue to host the Parenting
and Family Literacy Centre at our school. This program welcomes parents and caregivers with young children from birth to
age six to engage in learning and playing together. The program
is FREE and will be open Monday-Friday from 9:15 a.m.-1:00
p.m. in Room 101. Mrs. Appiah-Kubi, the parent worker continues to welcome families. The goal of the program is to help
young children make any easier transition to kindergarten, to
foster their early literacy and numeracy skills as well as to support parents and care-givers and enable them to be successful in
their parenting role.
Make A Difference!!!
Thank you to all parents/guardians who:
•attended our Open House, book fair, math curriculum information session and visited your child’s classroom
•financially supported our book fair while promoting literacy
with your children
•inform us of lunch, dismissal routines
•follow all safety procedures; i.e. staying out of our playground, and informing us of any concerns
•volunteer on a regular basis or quick notice basis
•assist your children in following our Code of Conduct, and
safe bus procedures
•support all efforts of our school council
•appreciate and respect the Transportation Policy re: Courtesy Seats
•understand the flexible boundary procedures and have made
accommodations for the arrival and dismissal of your children
during school hours 9:15 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
•respect our Kiss and Ride procedures and are adhering to
this practice
•support the school through the re-organization process and
acknowledge that we have all students best interest at heart
•have completed all forms; student agendas, student verification, emergency evacuation, physical education participation,
attendance cards, insurance understanding, etc.etc.etc...
•supported our Terry Fox run, assembly, and charitable donations for this worthy cause
•will be supporting our Thanksgiving Food Drive
Catholic Education
When you choose to send your child to a Dufferin-Peel school,
we assure you a holistic Catholic education. We do this through:
Teaching excellent Religious & Family Life education in each
living our faith daily through prayer, celebration and liturgy,
building community and “retreat”,
active involvement in charity and initiatives of social justice from
a Catholic context,
everything we do is imbedded with Catholic values and content,
And working with St. Jerome’s Parish team with the preparation
of students for the sacraments further highlights our partnership with our parish.
We consider our Pastor, Father Jan to be integral member of our school community. Our Pastoral Plan is included in this newsletter.
“You will find as you look back on your life, that
the moments that stand out are the moments when
you have done things for others. “
Henry Drummond
Y Chan (LTO-K. Fitzpatrick)
SERC/SERT M. Hamilton
SERC/SERT/PT L. Nunes (LTO T.. Deleo)
School Hours
Grades 1-8
9:15 to 12:15
1:15 to 3:45
11:20 to 11:35 3:22 to 3:37
ELP/FDK 9:15 to 3:45
FSL/PT S. Figliuzzi
S. McDonald
J. Cirillo
K. Crhak
M. Leon
I. Cartini
A. Holjevac
Staff List
Intervener: M. Fudala
ELP/FDK1 J. Correia
CYW C. Peragine
T. Collier
PSYCH Dr. B. Miles
ELP/FDK2 S. Silva
C. Thornton
Gr. 1
C. Chaulk
Gr. 1/2 T. Gratton
S. Perruzza (LTO-V. Lobo)
Gr. 2/3 C. Briganti (LTO-E. McCarthy)
S. Lane
J. King Watson
Student Monitors
A. Santos
N. Bakhaya
J. Iruthayarajah
Gr. 3
D. Porter
H. Saggoo
Gr. 4
J. Mason
Head Custodian O. Sousa
Gr. 4
Gr. 5
P. Tyers
SAT S. Smith (LTO-K.
Gr. 2
H. Pereira
J. Marshall
D. Williams (LTO-M. Thimio)
Gr. 6
L. Gredi
Custodians S. Scrivens
C. Ferreira
Parenting and Family Literacy Centre: M. Kubi
Parenting and Family Coordinator: V. Kenny
Gr. 6/7 A. Tac
Secretary C. McIntyre
Gr. 7/8 P. Simpson
Assistant Secretary TBD
Gr. 7/8
M. Manalo
Vice Principal C. Duke
Gr. 5 EF
M. Scalise
Principal P. Peroni
Gr. 6 EF
Gr. 7 A EF
M. Heitzner
N. Leo
Gr. 7 B EF
M. Zarkovic
Gr. 8 EF
J. Conway
“Guided by the Spirit…growing as a family”
You are invited:
to our Grade 9 Information Night at St. Augustine Secondary School
On Tuesday November 12th, 2013
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
This evening is planned for those students interested
in attending grade 9 in the fall of 2014.
Parents of current grade 8 students come and visit us, tour our school and learn
about our programs. In our forum, we will discuss course offerings, academic levels, athletics, academic support, daily schedule, school bussing and summer camp.
The “Get Ready” summer camp program will be offered again during August,
We look forward to continuing your child’s Catholic education at St. Augustine S.S.
Peel Public Health provides dental screening in Peel elementary schools as required by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
A Registered Dental Hygienist will be visiting your child’s school to provide dental screening in select grades.
Peel Public Health provides dental screening in Peel elementary schools as required by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
A Registered Dental Hygienist will be visiting your child’s school to provide dental screening in select grades.
What is a Dental Screening?
A dental screening is a quick visual check of a child’s mouth.
Dental screening consists of a look in the mouth using a separate, sterilized mouth mirror for each
You will only be notified if your child requires dental care. Your child will bring home an important
letter about their dental care needs. If you cannot afford to take your child to the dentist, your child
may be eligible for Peel Public Health Oral Health Programs.
A dental screening does not replace regular dental visits.
If you DO NOT wish to have your child participate in the dental screening, fill in the School Screening
Exemption form (which will be given out by your child’s teacher), and give completed form to your
child’s teacher.
Peel Public Health provides dental screening in Peel elementary schools as required by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
A Registered Dental Hygienist will be visiting your child’s school to provide dental screening in select grades.
What is a Dental Screening?
A dental screening is a quick visual check of a child’s mouth.
Dental screening consists of a look in the mouth using a separate, sterilized mouth mirror for each child.
You will only be notified if your child requires dental care. Your child will bring home an important letter about their dental care needs. If you
cannot afford to take your child to the dentist, your child may be eligible for Peel Public Health Oral Health Programs.
A dental screening does not replace regular dental visits.
If you DO NOT wish to have your child participate in the dental screening, fill in the School Screening Exemption form (which will be given out by
your child’s teacher), and give completed form to your child’s teacher.
For more information, call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visit