St. Monica School


St. Monica School

60 Sterritt Drive

Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5B6

Tel (905) 454-6346 Fax (905) 454-6349

Prayer for the Holidays

Lord Jesus, holidays are wonderful!

We feel free each morning to plan our day as we wish.

We can find new friends and meet with old ones again.

What do you want of me, Lord Jesus, during the holidays?

Perhaps only that I do my best to make life enjoyable for all those around me?

Teach me, Lord Jesus, not to forget anyone, for parents and other grown-ups also need holidays . . .

Help me be thoughtful and caring, so I can make everyone around me happy.

Lord Jesus, I thank You with all my heart for the joy of living and the joy of loving.


Dates to Remember

June 25: Awards Assembly 9:45 a.m.

All Welcome

Reports go home

June 26: Talent Show 10:00 a.m.


Return Pg. 3 Report Card

June 27: Last Day OF School


School Year Calendar 2014-2015

Message From Our Trustee

Volunteer Declaration

ADDITIONAL DATES September 11, September 18, September 25: Pizza days

Welcome School Year 2014-2015

September 2: Welcome Back, Newsletter Goes Home

School Council Election Forms distributed

Tentative class placements

September 9: 6:30 p.m. School Council

Meeting and elections

September 12: PD Day-Re-organization

September 15-September 19: Book Fair

September 16: Picture Day

September 18: 6:00 p.m. Open House, School Book Fair, Intermediate Muskoka Information

June 2014

Final Newsletter

Mississauga Brampton

Central Family of Schools

L. Papaloni


P. Peroni


C. Duke

Vice Principal

C. McIntyre

Head Secretary

E. Weseloh

Assistant Secretary

T. Guerin

Council Chair

A. da Silva


(905) 890-0708 (ext. 20154)

St. Jerome’s Parish

Fr. Jan Kolodynski


8530 Chinguacousy Rd.,

Brampton, Ontario



Principal’s Message:

“ May God, who said, “Let there be light,” create in us each day, the light of faith, hope and love.”

September 2014

Welcome back to our great staff, as well as new staff who will be joining us: J. Correia, T. Collier, S. Silva,

C. Thornton, T. Gratton (LTO), C. Chaulk, D. Doyle, M.

Zarkovic, M. Manalo, S. Perruzza, C. Briganti, J.

Marshall, M. Hamilton, L. Nunes, G. McLeod, P. Tyers,

A. Tac, L. Gredi, D. Porter, S. McDonald, P. Simpson,

D. Williams (LTO), J. Mason, N. Leo, M. Scalise, A.

Attinello, P. Tyers, M. Heitzner, S. Figliuzzi, J.

Conway, J. Cirillo, I. Sassano, A. Holjevac, A. Miles, C.

Peragine, J. King-Watson, S. Lane, B. Miles, C.

McIntyre, E. Weseloh, O. Sousa, C. Ferreira, S.

Scrivens. We look forward to having our existing staff, and the new staff share their many talents in our school.

A special welcome to our new Vice Principal J. Vieira !

We are very excited to have her join our staff and share her leadership style with our community. She is extremely knowledgeable in curriculum, and is dedicated to serving our students.

Thank you for being true partners in education.

Looking forward to the 2014-2015 school year!

I know we will continue to move forward, continue our relationships and form new relationships!

Have a safe, healthy and happy summer.

As the song goes, “I believe there are Angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above…”

May the angels guide us and care for us, until we meet again!

Special prayers to all our community members who are experiencing difficult health, personal and/or financial issues.

Remember to try to be kinder than necessary, for everyone we meet may be fighting some kind of battle.

We say thank you and farewell to those who will not be returning in September 2014.

All the best to H. Pereira as she moves on to her next journeyretirement. H. Pereira has been a teacher at St. Monica School since it opened. She has been the Resource Lead for many years, and has organized, and worked cooperatively in this division exceptionally- I never had any concerns or worries when I arrived about the special needs division, because H. Pereira was always on top of everything, a true Level 4! H. Pereira embraced ESL and Special Needs in all it’s totality this year and continued her love of teaching, organizing and guiding many families. As an educator, she has contributed so much to the many lives of the students, parents, families, teachers, and staff that she has worked with, A vibrant presence will be missed at our school, a piece of history. Her family is so blessed to have more of her.

P. Simpson will be leaving us, her journey at St. Monica school has been exceptional . Her true dedication to her vocation as a teacher, her willingness to always help out throughout the school with extracurriculars, her devotion to the students and her connections with the staff and parents will be sincerely missed. We wish her all the best as she moves onto FDK at St. Jean Marie Vianney. The new community is truly blessed to have her join them, as the St. Monica community was blessed to have P. Simpson share her talents , kindness and giving nature with each and every one of us. The St. Monica community will remember everything she has contributed in their lives, and we can only wish her well.

Y. Chan accepted a position at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta School .

Her willingness to lead and learn will always be remembered,. The St.

Monica community will remember everything she has contributed in their lives, for the numerous students she has educated throughout many years at St. Monica School, and we sincerely wish her well.

M. Leon will be sharing his talents at Notre Dame High School in

September 2014. He has shared his talents with the special needs students this past year at St. Monica School, and now will be bringing his talents, personality and gifts to High School. We wish him all the best as he moves forward and we thank him for all his contributions.

C. Taylor-Bapiste will be sharing her gifts at Holy Spirit School in

September 2014. She also shared her talents and skills with the special needs students at St. Monica School these past few months and she now can use her talents and skills as she moves forward at Holy Spirit

School. We wish her all the best and we thank her.

M. Fudala will be leaving us and will continue nurturing, guiding and assisting those who need her at Our Lady Of Lourdes School. We thank her for her contributions to those in need at our school and we wish her all the best.

E. McCarthy will also be leaving us in the fall. Her role as our Gr. 2/3 Full Year LTO teacher was exceptional, and we were honored she shared her talents, sense of humour and personal dedication to our school, we have to see what journey God has for her. We thank her and wish her well as she continues her dedication to Catholic

Education, any school will be fortunate and blessed to have her on their staff.

T. Deleo was with us from September-June as an LTO.

She has contributed immensely to many extra-curriculars and activities. Her wonderful personality , kindness, devotion to her vocation as a Catholic teacher, and flexibility are duly noted. We were fortunate that we were able to have her on our staff this past year. We thank her for her many contributions-over and above, and know she will be highly successful in her vocation as a Catholic Educator where ever God leads her.

K. Fitzpatrick was with us this year in his role as the

SNSM classroom teacher. His organizational , parent communication, connections and collaboration skills have not gone unnoticed. We thank him for his dedication to the classroom, throughout the school and wish him all the best as he continues to pursue his goal as a catholic educator. He is wished all the best in his career goals.

It has been a true pleasure to have V. Lobo on staff, her flexibility, willingness to assist with extra-curriculars, her quick ability to learn, lead with First Communion and

Reconciliation and enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed, we thank her so very much. We also thank her for covering for

M. Heitzner this past month! Wherever V. Lobo goes, she will make a lasting impression on everyone she encounters, and any staff will be blessed to have her!

S. Guilherme was with us from October-June as an LTO in

Gr. 5. Her passion, flexibility, willingness to assist throughout the school is sincerely appreciated. We wish her well as she continues her passion-teaching with our Catholic

School Board as a Catholic Educator. Our paths ,au cross again. Stephanie will be highly successful in her career.

L. Stott was with us covering short term replacements in our primary division, as well as supply teaching. Her willingness to work as a team , flexibility and follow specific strategies in working with specific students is appreciated. We wish her well as she pursues her academic goals as a catholic educator.

Prayer for Catholic Education!

Lord, Our God, teach us to cherish the gift of Catholic Education that is ours and to nourish it by our dedication and contributions to it’s growth.

Watch over our ministry of service and strengthen us in our task in working for the welfare of our children and for your greater glory!


St. Jerome’s Parish 8530 Chinguacousy Rd .

Brampton On., L6Y 5G4

Phone: 905-455-4260 Fax 905-450-6326



“Our Good Father”

Thank you to Fr. Jan for presiding over our year end/graduation mass on June 17th. As always his words were inspirational. Our students presented Fr. Jan with a $2,000.00 cheque for Share Life.

This amount is similar to last year. Thanks to J. Correia and T.

DeLeo for their enthusiasm with Share life and lead with other staff members for our Christmas Sale, Family Movie Night. Most importantly thanks to our staff and families for financial contributions and donations. Our students also presented Fr. Jan with year end thank you cards, songs, and yes an honorarium. We were happy to present him with a little something to say thank you for his continued

Spiritual Guidance. Our Gr. 8’s celebrated their Confirmation on

June 12th with Bishop Boissonneau, Father’s lead and coordination was highly acknowledged as he led our students and guided them in their reception of this Sacrament.

Looking forward to our continued school/parish/family relationships in the 2014-2015 school year.

We appreciated Fr. Jan’s support at our Haiti assembly. Our school raised $722.00 under the lead of J. Conway, and Father Jan personally donated an additional $280.00 in support of J. Conway’s dedication to the Haiti Relief Fund, while also offering her personal services in Haiti to assist in their need this summer. Again thanks to all families for your support.

Good-Bye and Thank You:

To some outstanding school council members who have been actively involved in many areas throughout our school for numerous years, either in the capacity as school council representatives and/or exceptional volunteers throughout the school in addition to serving on our council.

Farewell to Joanne S., Phil S ., who have been extremely active at our school for 11 years. Their lead in securing many amazing prizes for our dance-a-thons throughout the years, volunteering to drive and support our athletic teams, volunteering for excursions, assisting in the classrooms and throughout the school has not gone unnoticed and is sincerely appreciated. Their input, involvement and giving time and energy to our school will be missed. We wish them well, as they continue to be involved in catholic education at

St. Roch. P.S. Their legacy will also live on with our signage at the front of the school and many other things.

Farewell to Concetta M., her support and assistance at our school is a best practice to be shared. Concetta has assisted in many areas; former council co-chair, treasurer, volunteer, lead with Used Book Sale, and sharing our books beyond our communityBooks for Africa. Concetta’s giving personality, willingness to serve over and above has not gone unnoticed. We wish her and her family well, as she moves to St. Jean Marie Vianney, and are certain she will share her gifts and talents at her new school.

Farewell to Anna M., her involvement at St. Monica School has been encompassing for 14 years, as a parent supportive of all school initiatives, excursions, as well as serving on school council for some of the years. We wish her well as we say farewell, and thank her sincerely for all she offered at St. Monica School.


MICHELLE I ., who was selected as the Grade 4 winner in the short story category for Inspirations: Brampton Library's

Journal of Youth Writing & Artwork. We are so proud of

Michelle. She was further honored at a ceremony on June 12 to highlight her huge accomplishment. Congratulations


DUMEBI for placing second in the board finals-track and field;

Shot Put

RISHON for placing fourth in the board finals-track and field;

High Jump

DIMRON for placing second in the board finals-track and field;

High Jump

DUMEBI for placing second in the board finals-track and field;

Triple Jump

AMBER for placing third in the board finals-track and field;

Long Jump

JAEDEN for placing first in the board finals-track and field;

Long Jump

Congratulations to all students who participated in the Family

Track and Field and represented us with pride as well, and to the parents who drove to both tournaments and the teachers who practiced and coached the students; P. Simpson, L.

Gredi, T. Deleo, J. Mason, BRAVO St. Monica School!

JENYA and E. Weseloh for coordination re: Student Activity


LUANA for purchasing envelopes for Ribbon Assembly

TISH G. and KATRINA for representing School Council re:

Student Ribbon Recognition

ALL PARENTS for continued support and appreciation of everything our excellent staff have to offer over, above and beyond

A Message from

Anna Da Silva, Trustee, 1,3&4

June 2014

Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic education

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Over the years, the Parents/Guardians who chose Catholic education for their children have told us that they are overwhelmingly satisfied with the education their children receive in our Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools. Indeed, there are many ways to measure success, one of them being standardized testing, such as EQAO assessments that are conducted across the province each year. In these tests, Dufferin-Peel students have invariably met or exceeded the provincial average in virtually all areas year after year. This, combined with our high graduation rates, variety of programming choices, the all-pervasive, spiritual, Christian Catholic faith-imbued nature of our schools, high standard of excellence, committed and dedicated faculty and staff and welcoming, diverse learning environments, make our schools places where extraordinary lives begin to take shape. Hopefully, this has been your experience at your child’s school. As trustees, we continually share good news stories about Catholic education in Dufferin-

Peel …. at board meetings, school council and community meetings, through social media, face-to-face conversations; essentially, wherever we go. While we connect, collectively, with thousands of parents/guardians and family members, there are countless others who may be unaware of what we have to offer.

Last summer, we embarked on an awareness campaign to enhance our board’s profile in a variety of public spaces in the community. The campaign, which is ongoing, was labeled, Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic education . We took this simple message to all corners of our jurisdiction using images that reflect our richly diverse community. You may have seen our message in transit shelters, shopping malls, community newspapers and other publications. Soon, you may spot our message displayed in colourful graphic design across many of our board maintenance vehicles as they roll throughout the community. As parents/guardians and stakeholders, we hope that you, too, will feel proud to be a part of our community and to also spread this message, based on your experience, through word of mouth and other means at your disposal.

It has been another incredible year. To highlight a few accomplishments:

Sixth consecutive balanced budget

Aggressive technology plan for our schools

Full Day Kindergarten in every elementary school, in September

Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board

Trustee Newsletter Insert

Continuing reinvestments in Special Education

Working towards Eco certification for all schools

Vigorous schedule of renovations and repairs to schools

Launched our dynamic new board and school websites

As we close out the 2013-14 school year, we can say that we have much to be pleased with and proud about in our schools. Our students continue to perform at levels that meet or exceed the provincial standards and average in most areas of EQAO assessments. This speaks to the range of academic programs that are designed to meet the needs of the diverse range of learners in our system. The recently concluded Catholic Education Week gave our students and our schools the opportunity to highlight the incredible work that takes place each day and provided a forum for our community to see this work firsthand.

If you would like to receive ongoing information from the board on school and board issues, events and activities, consider signing up for eCommunity, a free information service provided through the board website at

or follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools.

It has been our honour and pleasure to serve as your trustee this past year. To those whose children are graduating and leaving our system, I hope your experience has been a positive one that you will stay connected to

Dufferin-Peel and continue to be a Catholic school supporter. To those parents and guardians whose children remain with us, we look forward to working on your behalf over the coming years. To all, it is our hope that you will have a safe and enjoyable summer and experience God’s richest blessings in all that you do.


Anna Da Silva,

Trustee, 1,3&4

2014 - 2015 School Year Calendar

First day of classes elementary and secondary schools Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of classes Semester 2 Secondary Friday, January 30, 2015

School Year ends Elementary and Secondary Schools Friday, June 26, 2015

Number of school days for the 2014 – 2015 school year 194

Number of Instructional Days in Elementary Schools 188

Number of Instructional Days in Secondary Schools 188

Number of Professional Activity Days in Elementary Schools 6

Number of Professional Activity Days in Secondary Schools 6

 School Holidays for the 2014-2015 School Year

Every Saturday and Sunday

Labour Day Monday, September 1, 2014

Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 13, 2014

Christmas Break (inclusive) Monday, December 22, 2014 to Friday, January 2, 2015

Family Day Monday, February 16, 2015

Mid-Winter Break Monday, March 16, 2015 to Friday, March 20, 2015 (inclusive)

Good Friday Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Monday Monday, April 6, 2015

Victoria Day Monday, May 18, 2015

 Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days

1. Friday, September 12, 2014 Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development

2. Friday, November 14, 2014 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic context

3. Monday, January 19, 2015 Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress

4. Friday, February 6, 2015 Reporting to Parents

5. Monday, May 11, 2015 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic context

6. Monday, June 8, 2015 Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress

St. Sofia Only

1. Friday, November 14, 2014 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic context

2. Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Principal’s Day: Curriculum/Faith Development

3. Monday, January 19, 2015 Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress

4. Friday, April 10, 2015 Principal’s Day: Curriculum/Faith Development

5. Monday, May 11, 2015 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic context

6. Monday, June 8, 2015 Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress

 Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days

1. Friday, September 12, 2014 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic context

2. Friday, November 14, 2014 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic context

3. Thursday, January 29, 2015 Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround

4. Wednesday, June 24, 2015 *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities

5. Thursday, June 25, 2015 *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities

6. Friday, June 26, 2015 *Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities

*Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials; curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year.

 Secondary Schools – Examination Days

Semester 1: January 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 2015 January 28, 2015 – Instructional Day – Examination Review

Semester 2: June 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 2015 June 23, 2015 – Instructional Day – Examination Review
