St. Monica School

St. Monica School
60 Sterritt Drive
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5B6
Tel (905) 454-6346 Fax (905) 454-6349
Nov. 2014
November is the month of Remembrance.
On November 11th, Canadians all across the country stop and honour those who have
served their country, at home or overseas, in World War 1, World War 2, Korea and in all peace missions
all around the world. Memorial services pay tribute to the more than 100,000 brave Canadians who were
killed in the service of their country. The World War 1 Armistice was signed on the 11th hour of the 11th
day of the 11th month. As such, we stop and remember on the 11th hour of November 11th.
On November 11th, at 10:30 a.m., our students will be participating in Remembrance Day Ceremonies in
our gymnasium. As a community we will have an opportunity to pray for world peace in our
remembrance of the past and prayers for the present and future. Please consider supporting our war
veterans by contributing financially through purchasing a poppy in Remembrance.
Mississauga Brampton
Central Family of Schools
L. Papaloni
P. Peroni
J. Vieira
Vice Principal
Remembrance Day Prayer
C. McIntyre
Head Secretary
Little poppy given to me,
Help me keep Canada safe and free.
I’ll wear a little poppy, as red as red can be,
To show that I remember, those who fought for me.
E. Weseloh
Assistant Secretary
Tish G.
Council Chair
A. da Silva
Dates to Remember
November 4-Nov. 6:
November 3-Nov. 7:
November 4:
November 5: St. Augustine-Gr. 8 Students To Visit
Cardinal Leger-Gr. 8 Students to Visit
FDK Scheduled visits to our classes
(905) 890-0708 (ext. 20154)
St. Augustine Staff visits our Gr. 8’s
November 6: A. Tac Class to St. Augustine– Dance/Drama
St. Jerome’s Parish
Dairy Presentations FDK-Gr. 8
November 7: Intermediates-Rose Theatre-Les Mis
Fr. Jan Kolodynski
St. Jerome Parish Mtg: Confirmation 7:30 November 11: Remembrance Day Assembly 10:30 a.m.-GYM
p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Progress Reports Sent Home Gr. 1-8
November 12: St. Augustine Staff visit Gr. 8
8530 Chinguacousy Rd.,
Brampton, Ontario
ADDITIONAL DATES: November 3, December 1: Newsletters Go Home
November 6,13,20,27: Pizza days
November 26: Mr. Sub (School Council)
November 12: Rosary Apostolate
November 13: Progress Report Interview Evening
November 14: PD Day: No School For Students
November 17: Gr. 5/6, 6/7, 6EF, 7 Excursion-Aquarium; 1:30 p.m. GYM Anti-Bullying Gr. 7&8 (St. Augustine)
November 18: 6:30 p.m. School Council Library-All Welcome
November 19: St. Augustine Gr. 8 Parent Session-Evening; Gr. 2 Rosary Presentations-Foyer-St. Augustine
November 21: Poutine Gr. 7/8
November 21, 27: Healthy cooking-St. Augustine
November 23/24: First Communion/Confirmation Forms Due November 26: Cardinal Leger Rising Stars Gr. 7&8 GYM
Attachments: Math Tips, Home and School, ECO Awareness, Catholic Update,
Peace Pamphlet-Bully Prevention
Principal’s Message:
We appreciate the opportunity to work together with Father Jan
on many levels. The home, parish and school community continues
to evolve. Thank you to our school community for your
understanding with our teacher in-services. Staff are involved in
professional development opportunities, on a regular basis in the
field of Literacy, Numeracy, and Inquiry.
Staff continue to experience "growth" as a result and this time
together enhances/improves opportunities for our students,
academically, spiritually, socially, physically and emotionally.
Welcome A.Rasetta who will be the LTO covering for T. Deleo/
T. Gratton. T. Deleo was hired permanently with our school
board and we wish her all the best, (yes she will still be with us
instructing planning time on Thursday afternoons.) A.Rasetta
comes to us with many strengths and are confident you will
welcome her at our school. Welcome to C. Andrews as our half
time ERW, we are pleased to have her join our school community.
St. Monica Remembers Those Who Have Gone Before: For the
month of November the prayers of St. Monica School will be
offered in memory for those family and friends who have entered the
Kingdom of God before us. In the front hall is a memorial book
into which students, parents and staff are invited to enter the
names of loved ones who have died. Each day, following in the
tradition of All Souls Day (November 2nd), our morning prayers,
and the prayers offered throughout the day, will be offered in
We continue to appreciate your support in working
collaboratively with the school staff and in seeing that your
children carry out their responsibilities as Catholic students. If
you have any concerns about your child, you are encouraged to
contact the teacher immediately to discuss them.
When we act out the virtues
we will continue to focus on
this year, we are making the
presence of God visible in the
world around us. We will be
participating in our own
prayer that:
Virtues Certificates
Many of our students were acknowledged in the “Got-Ya” boxes in
their classrooms and on October 28, the following students
received virtue award certificates, a “God Made Me Special”
bracelet and a Prayer card from Fr. Jan re: St. John XXIII and St.
John Paul II for displaying outstanding qualities of the virtues of
Faith and Empathy.
Faith-Austyn Y., Kylie C., Marina C., Julia L., Adam S., Declan
B., Patricia G., Jessica R., and Kwame G.
Empathy-Giuseppe R., Taijah M., Angela L., Mark Anthony L.,
Nick T., Ana F., Abbey T., Anthony T., and Lauryn A.
Thank you for your support in re-enforcing these virtues. Special
thanks to J. Conway, T. Collier and A.Tac for leading the assembly
with our student faith ambassadors, and J. Conway for her
outstanding virtue powerpoint.
Remember to try to be kinder than necessary,
for everyone we meet may be fighting some kind of
St. Jerome’s Parish
Tel: 905-455-4260, Fax: 905-450-6326
Homepage: http//
Sunday Eucharist: Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Fr. Jan “Our Good Father”
We continue to work with Fr. Jan on the faith formation of students,
families and staff. Our Thanksgiving/Welcome to a New School
Year Mass was exceptional. Father Jan reminded us to live our
lives following the example of The Holy Family, shared personal
stories, and engaged the students throughout the mass. As a
school we continue to work on mass responses, and appropriate
protocol. On October 28, Fr. Jan had an informational session for
parents/guardians of our Gr. 2 students, parental attendance
reaffirms our Catholic faith and partnership. Our student faith
ambassadors appreciated the St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II
Holy cards.
Your kingdom come, Your
will be done, on earth as it is
in heaven. (Mt 6:10)
This month we are focusing
on Conscience.
Tuesday November 4-7:30-8:30 p.m. St. Jerome Parish
Conscience God helps us to
choose to be good people.
Conscience is the voice of God
within us. A developed
conscience helps us make
decisions that encourage and
support truly loving relationships.
Vision of the Learner This Month:
Discerning Believer
basic understanding of the saving story of our Christian faith.
Participates in the sacramental life of the church and
demonstrates an understanding of the centrality of the
Eucharist to our Catholic story. Actively reflects on God's Word
as communicated through the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
Develops attitudes and values founded on Catholic social
teaching and acts to promote social responsibility, human
solidarity and the common good. Speaks the language of
life…"recognizing that life is an unearned gift and that a person
entrusted with life does not own it but that one is called to
protect and cherish it." (Witnesses to Faith) Seeks intimacy with
God and celebrates communion with God, others and creation
through prayer and worship. Understands that one's purpose or
call in life comes from God and strives to discern and live out
this call throughout life's journey. Respects the faith traditions,
world religions and the life-journeys of all people of good will.
Integrates faith with life. Recognizes that "sin, human
weakness, conflict and forgiveness are part of
the human journey" and that the cross, the
ultimate sign of forgiveness is at the heart of
redemption. (Witnesses to Faith)
Thanksgiving Food Drive
On behalf of St. Monica School , we would like to extend a
sincere thank you to the many families that very generously
donated non-perishable food items for our annual Thanksgiving
Food Drive. Your donations were truly appreciated by our
parish-St. Jerome’s for St. Louise Outreach. Thank you to our
student council under the lead of M. Heitzner, A. Tac and L.
Gredi for organizing. St. Monica School is a very giving, caring
community, of which we should all be proud!
If your child/children are going to be absent or late for
school, we ask that you call the school office and leave a
message (905) 454-6346. Let us know on a day to day
basis if your child will continue to be absent. As a safety
precaution we will always try to contact parents by phone
if we have not received any messages. Your continued
cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Indoor /Outdoor Shoes All students are expected to have
indoor shoes. When the students enter from recess/lunch, etc.
they are to change their shoes. If you require assistance with
this, please let your child’s teacher know, and we can make
some arrangements. Students participating in gym MUST not
have black soled shoes.
Full-Day Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school
year will be coming shortly, please stay tuned.
Elementary Progress Reports
Elementary Progress reports (Gr. 1-8) will be sent home
on Tuesday November 11th. The Elementary Progress
Report is designed to show a student’s development of
learning skills and work habits during the fall of this school
year, as well as a student’s general progress in working
towards the achievement of curriculum expectations in all
subjects. The Progress Report is not a formal report card.
Students will not be receiving letter grades indicating
achievement of overall expectations. As a result, an
interview with parents is not mandatory during the
Progress Report period, however on Thursday November
13, evening times are provided for those who wish to
discuss the progress report.
FDK teams are providing times for parents to visit our
classrooms Nov. 4-6, 2014, FDK educators will get back
to you with your time to visit. In addition FDK parents
have an opportunity to attend an information session on
Nov. 13, 2014 from 6 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
First term report cards will be sent home on Feb. 3rd and
first term interviews will take place on February 5th. It is
expected that all students will be participating in the
interview process at that point.
A Message From Our Librarian
Just a reminder that our school council purchased
parenting resources for the community. These excellent
resources are available to be signed out from the library.
Please come in and see what we have, you will be
Bell to Bell, Time on Task
Please be aware that there are a number of students at St. Monica with
a severe life-threatening food allergy (anaphylaxis) to peanuts, nuts and
fish. This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain
allergens and can result in death within minutes. You have been notified
if this affects your child’s class directly, please send
foods with your child that are free from peanuts, nuts
and/or fish or any other severe food items that may
cause serious distress, as already notified by your child’s
teacher. Thank you for your understanding.
Arriving late for class means that a pupil misses a very important part of the day - the time when instructions for the
day’s activities are given, discussed and teaching begins.
Entering a classroom late is embarrassing for a child. It interrupts the lesson for both the teacher and the other pupils.
The habit or custom of punctuality is one that should be established very early in a child’s school life. School attendance and punctuality are legal requirements. We ask for your
co-operation in ensuring your child’s regular attendance by
arriving before 9:15 a.m. Bell to Bell, Time on Task!
Early to Bed….Early to Rise
Getting enough sleep is crucial to school success with
academics, attitude, behaviour, social adjustment, effort,
contentment and well-being. Research indicates that
consistency in this routine is extremely important for
success at school.
EPI-PENS Must be worn in a pouch/fanny pack on the student requiring an EPI-Pen.
School Council Update: Please come out and be an active part of your child’s school on Tuesday November 18, at
6:30 p.m. ALL WELCOME
Mr. Sub: Thanks to Tish G. and the school council for coordinating and offering this additional lunch option on November 26.
Just a reminder that students should not bring to school items
of value. These may be things of sentimental value or monetary value. This is, also, not the place where cards or any
other collectibles are traded. Cell phones, cameras, i-pods
and other electronic devices should not be visible at school.
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Gr. 7/8 Poutine Lunch: Will be on November 21, please
return your form within the deadline. Thanks to Nancy M,
and Anthony F. and council volunteers for coordinating and
offering this additional lunch option.
Year 2 Kindergarten parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their
child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for September, 2015
are invited to attend an information meeting on :
Thanks to the numerous families whom submitted your CASL
forms, once we input all the forms, then newsletter, forms,
messages etc., will be sent electronically. We will still send
out paper copies of newsletters for those families whom did
not complete the CASL form.
What’s NEW: School Council , Community, ECO,
Healthy /ECO Schools Bulletin Board
Located in our foyer, by the front door and by the library.
Please feel free to check these bulletin boards regularly for
School Council Updates, School/Board Updates, Healthy and
ECO updates and Community events.
Tuesday November 25, 2014 7:00 P.M.
AT: Our Lady Of Providence
FOR: Our Lady of Providence
St. Angela Merici
St. Joachim
Wednesday November 26, 2014 7:00 P.M.
AT: St. Gertrude
FOR: St. Gertrude
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Thursday November 27, 2014 7:00 P.M.
AT: St. Margaret Of Scotland
FOR: Divine Mercy
St. Elizabeth Seton
St. Margaret of Scotland
With all the activities that take place at school in the playground,
the gym and in sports, accidents happen. Dental injuries can occur
when 2 children accidentally bump heads or fall. The school
board does not carry accident insurance for students. Fall
outdoor activities, extra-curricular and excursions are an additional
reason you may wish to buy student accident insurance. An insurance package was sent home with your child(ren). This is optional
for families. You may purchase coverage for your child at or by calling toll free at 1-800-463-KIDS
(5437). Please direct your questions to a Reliable Life Insurance
INFOpage - an online resource for information
about awards, scholarships, fundraising opportunities, educational resources, professional development opportunities,
parent/guardian resources and community events. To access the INFOpage, visit
Student Accident Insurance Brochures are sent home with students at the beginning of each year. Please contact the office if
you are still interested in Student Accident Insurance.
Our school is a participant in the Canadian MedicAlert Foundation’s No Child Without program. There is no cost for students
who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their
14th birthday to join MedicAlert through this program. If your
child has a medical condition, allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis, then you should consider this program.
A child’s MedicAlert identification can alert school staff, friends,
coaches and others about your child’s medical condition should
an emergency occur.
Parents and guardians of Dufferin-Peel students can stay upto-date with the latest board news and information by joining the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board ECommunity. Members will receive the latest news and information by email, including media releases, school activities and events, board highlights, school and transportation
cancellations, plus useful tips for parents. Sign up online
For further information go to
If your child is already part of the No Child Without program and
there have been changes to their medical condition, medications
or emergency contact information, call MedicAlert at 1-800-6681507 to update your child’s file.
Thanks to our school council for their donation of $100.00 so our
school can be involved in this program.
to for daily
bus cancellations or de-
Columbian Squires St. Patrick Circle 2042 Invite
The Columbian Squires are the official youth organization of
The Knights Of Columbus. The Squires program develops
leadership by allowing the Squires to plan and carry out
activities with advice, suggestions and encouragement from
Knights Leaders. Squires also have fun and bond while
helping their Church and community through service. St.
Patricks Circle 2041 would like to extend an open invitation
to all Catholic boys age 10-18 to meet with us every Thursday night from 7-9pm at St. Monica School for our weekly
activity night where we play sports like basketball, soccer,
floor hockey and dodgeball. Every week we meet together
to not only play but to learn how to strengthen our Catholic
Faith through prayer, reading the gospel and learning how to
pattern our lives around the Youth Christ. For more information please contact Knights Of Columbus Youth Director
Domenic Rutigliano at 905 459 0488 or by email at
DPCDSB is now on
Twitter! For the latest
Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board
news and information
on schools, programs,
in-services, follow us on
Weather Cancellations
Extended French Information Meeting
Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enrol their child
in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2015
are invited to attend an information meeting at:
School: St. Monica School
Address: 60 Sterritt Dr.
Brampton, L6Y 5B6
Wednesday January 14, 2015
7:00 pm.
Applications will be accepted at our school until 3:00
p.m. Tuesday, February 17th, 2015.
During the winter months, inclement weather and/or poor road conditions
may cause the disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. In these cases, parents/guardians should develop alternate care/
transportation arrangements.
A decision to cancel bus transportation and/or to close schools is made by
6:00 a.m. Decisions are based on several factors including precipitation, air
temperature and road conditions. A decision to cancel bus transportation
may be system wide (where all buses in Dufferin County and the Region of
Peel are cancelled) or municipality specific (where buses in one or more
municipalities are cancelled).
If buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon.
Therefore students transported to school by parents require the same transportation home. Parents/guardians are asked to monitor the following radio/
television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus cancellation/school closure
CKFM 99.9
CHUM 1050
CJCL 590
CHFI 98.1
CFTR 680
CJBC (FR) 860 AM CFRB 1010
CFNY 102.1
FOXY 88.5 FM
We encourage parents to become involved in various
aspects of school life. If interested in sharing your
talents and time, please complete the tear off portion
of school council newsletter. School Council also
requires volunteers to assist with their many endeavours at our school, specifically our major fundraiser.
Please come out and share your talents. Many hands
make light work! Don’t forget to get your required
Criminal Reference Check.
93.1 FM
CHIN 100.7 FM / 1540 AM
•volunteered to coordinate the Mr. Sub/Poutine luncheon
We will be continuing our milk program at St. Monica
School. Thanks to M. Hamilton and our student v o l unteers for co-ordinating and distributing.
•assisted with our Cross Country Team
We continue to have Popcorn and Cookies every second
Tuesday. Bring your toonies and enjoy a bag of Kernels
popcorn or for a loonie enjoy a cookie. Thanks to M.
Zarkovic, N. Leo and Gr. 8 students and student council for
CP 24
The Weather Network
YOU Make A Difference!!!
Thank you to all parents/guardians who:
•presented well rounded taekwondo, anti-bullying, self esteem
strategies to all our students and classes, the Sport
Taekwondo Academy is located on McMurchy Avenue, special thanks to Paulo F. , for sharing strategies etc.
•contact the teacher or office with a concern or compliment
•volunteer on a regular basis or quick notice basis
•assist your children in following our Code of Conduct, and
safe bus procedures
•took an active role with your child in supporting our Thanksgiving Food Drive
•continue to respect our Kiss and Ride procedures and are
adhering to this safety practice
•will be attending progress report meetings if applicable
•joined us for our fitness-Spook-A-Thon
Pizza days will continue every
Thursday. Thanks to D. Doyle, J.
Conway and the Gr. 8’s for coordinating and all staff for coordinating
orders, as well as all families for
submitting forms on time and appreciating this special luncheon.
•refined/reviewed our School council report/survey (Tish)
“Guided by the Spirit…growing as a family”
Catholic School Learning Plan
We believe that every student is a unique individual created by God and for God. To this end our respect for all
learners is embedded in the learning process to help all
achieve to their potential considering the various needs,
diverse talents, heritage, background, areas for growth. Co
-operation, tolerance and acceptance are requirements at
St. Monica School. With this premise in mind, staff have
been diligent in working through our Catholic School Learning Plan in the areas of Literacy, Mathematical Literacy,
Catholicity, Anti-Racism, and Safe-Caring Schools. These
plans include specific OUTCOMES , inclusive of action
plans and indicators of success. Staff are highly commended for analyzing data, looking at our demographics
and planning appropriately for all our students. You can
review our plan on our web site at the beginning of November 2014.
Thanks to the exceptional staff who go over and above, we are
proud to offer numerous extra-curricular activities, (and the list
of activities continues to grow :), all students are invited to participate in any of our clubs, activities , athletics pending their
age. Just a reminder all clubs/activities require a signed parental/guardian permission form. FYI-all students who participate
in any extra-curricular etc., will receive a St. Monica ribbon at
our awards assembly in June in recognition of their participation.
SCHOOL CHOIR: D. Doyle, M. Hamilton, M. Manalo, C. Thornton,
S. McDonald are commended for their time and dedication to our
school choir. The numerous students involved have exceeded expectations. We appreciate their gift of music throughout our school,
at celebrations etc. We look forward as they continue to share their
gift of music in the community.
The results of our 2013-2014 results are on our website, as well, here is a snapshot. Students have received their individual scores. We are reviewing our
results and planning for continued growth.
HIP HOP: Thanks to M. Manalo for continuing with the Hip Hop
group, numerous students have been auditioning and practicing, the
teams will be selected shortly. Thanks to everyone for your dedication.
Gr. 3 Reading
A. Tac is our lead director, students in Grades 1-3 are invited to join
our Glee club which meets during recess and/or lunch.
Students have been exceptionally busy this year with promoting numerous ECO initiatives; waste audits, daily reminders about our environment, litterless lunches, and Lights off initiatives under the lead of
S. Figliuzzi, S. Guilherme and L. Marasco.
Gr. 3 Writing
Gr. 3 Math
Gr. 6 Reading
Gr. 6 Writing
Gr. 6 Math
Under the lead of J. Conway, T. Collier, J. Correia and A. Tac, students are invited to join our student faith ambassador team and be a
lead with faith initiatives throughout the school.
Under the lead of M. Hamilton, students have the opportunity to join
our “DAIRY TEAM”. We appreciate their lead with our milk program.
We are looking forward to our “Dairy Presentations” at the beginning
of November.
This is our fourth year with our ECO initiatives. Last year we received Bronze certification. We will continue to inform you of initiatives as we move forward with this plan. Our Waste Free Lunch
Week was highly successful, we are certain many families will continue with this throughout the year.
A.Tac and S. Guilherme are the lead with this club, we are
looking forward to Friday Fitness, during Friday lunch hours
specific divisions can participate in a fitness program, First
Friday of the Month-FDK-Gr.2, Second Friday of the Month
Gr. 3-5, Third Friday of the Month Gr. 6-8.
Thanks to A. Tac for working with our school nurse and the
region of Peel in providing some of our interested Gr. 7&8
students with an opportunity for Healthy cooking lessons at
St. Augustine. Looking forward to how this will benefit and
inspire everyone at our school.
Thanks to J. Correia and L. Gredi this club is offered once
again, we are aiming to participate in the Guinness Book
Of Records Speed Stacking later this month.
S. Perruzza, J. Correia and C. Thornton are the leads with
this group who will be trained to assist in our yard with various activities to build team work, co-operation and continued respect.
Student Council
Thanks also to our Student Council for their lead with the
Monster creations and story books. We are excited for the
published versions and touring the school viewing all creations. Thank you to all families for your support to ensure
we had the proper D.J. equipment, etc. M. Manalo and his
helpers are also commended for coordinating the music.
Fun was had by everyone and the staff and students
looked great in their costumes.
Also special thank you to M. Manalo and his Gr. 7/8 class
for creating a Haunted House for our Gr. 1-4’s to view,
simply fabulous and creative!
During the 2014- 2015 school year, our bus monitors under the lead of D. Porter attended Bus Safety Patroller
training. Special thanks to our safety patrollers; Adam F.,
Devontay J., Annika L., John M., Anthony M.,
Veronica N., and Gabrielle H.
VOLLEYBALL: In October our junior boys and girls competed in
their volleyball tournaments. Both teams demonstrated exceptional
sportsmanship. Congratulation to both our teams who advanced to
the family finals. Coaches J. Mason, L. Nunes, L. Marasco and T.
Collier are acknowledged for all the time dedicated to the teams.
Congratulations to the students; Yasmine A, Alyssa B, Amy H, Nneamaka I, Tatiana J, Erica L, Kenya L, Marissa M, Peace O, Danielle R
and Nina S. Junior Girls helpers: Victoria M and Jessica S.
Junior Boys Volleyball team: Nathaniel L, Jed O, Adam S, Jesse F,
Kylie G, Jamauri N, Samuel M, Declan B; Student Helpers: Lucas C,
and Joshua S.
Cross Country
Congratulations to the St. Monica Cross Country team, Zyaire M.,
Jada R.,Josh S., David C., Jeadon Z., Austyn Y., Chelsea Y., Khari
W., Joshua T., Adam T., Kyle S.G., Elijah S.G., Ava S., Jillianne S.,
Delaine P., Tiago O., Graham M., Jade M., Sean M., Julia L., Niclas
L., Alissa L., Kyla I., Amy H., Matteo G., Maya F., Adam F., Ana F.,
Dennelle D., Malik C., Laura C., Isaiah C., Kaia C., Declan B., and
Sebastian A. who participated in the Mississauga Brampton Central
Cross Country meet at on October 24th. The team showed great
determination and skill which resulted in the following students
competing at the board tournament on October 30; Adam F., Maya F., Dimron P., Jaedon E., Josh S., Chelsea Y., Julia L., Khari M.,
Zyaire M., Courtney Y., Laura C., Amy H., Alissa L., Ana F., and Dennelle D. Our Grade five girls team-Maya F., Julia L., Courtney Y.,
Laura C., Amy H., Alissa L., and Ana F. WON A BANNER FOR OUR
SCHOOL. Special acknowledgement to all students who gave of
their time for numerous practices to represent us at the family level.
Thanks to G. McLeod, A. Attinello teacher coaches, for giving so
much of their time. Our parent volunteers are commended for their
support and giving of their time.
Board Results Congratulations to Julia L for placing 2nd, Joshua S.
for placing 10th, Dimron P. for placing 18th, Adam F. for placing 28th,
Chelsea Y. for placing 30th, Amy H. for placing 36th, Ana F. for placing 38th, Alissa L. for placing 41st, Denelle D. for placing 44th, Zaire
M. for placing 57th, Maya F. for placing 80th, Khari Walker for placing
99th, Laura C. and Jaedon ZE for participating at this level. Again
thank you to their coaches G. McLeod and A. Attinello.
Reminders and Resources: Cold and Flu Season
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to
be vigilant in ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact
surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many
resources are utilized from our regional health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the
year. For example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person
through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from December through February, but can
start as early as October.
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures, as well as other preventative
measures, as outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources
available to you through their websites. As always, children who are unwell, should be kept at
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
Peel Health website:
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Health website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in the Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board website at
St. Monica entered the Recycling Council of Ontario’s Waste Free Lunch Challenge. The
challenge was from Monday October 20th to Friday October 24th. Everyday for that week
the Eco team weighed each class’ garbage, recycling, and compost during their lunch recess. The Eco team noticed significant results due to the challenge. For example, before
the challenge on a regular day at St. Monica we averaged about 37.195 kg of garbage,
13.608 kg of recycling, and 18.597 kg of compost. BUT during the week of the challenge
we averaged about 9.141 kg of garbage, 11.217 kg of recycling, and 6.159 kg of compost.
This is fantastic news! Way to go gators!
What the ECO Team is doing at St. Monica?
Every lunch recess the Eco Team checks each class’ garbage and recycling and tallies
how each class is doing on a checklist. On the last day of each month, the Eco team
creates a bar graph to show the school how their class is doing in terms of waste.
Come check out our bar graph in the foyer!
St. Monica is Waste-Free every Wednesday! So please pack your son or daughter a
waste-free lunch J
At St. Monica LOL does not stand for laugh out loud, it stands for LIGHTS OUT LUNCHES. The lights are turned off everyday while students eat their lunches. This allows
the students to make use of the natural light coming from the windows in their
Stay tuned for more exciting news from the Eco Team!
Keep up the great work St. Monica!
Stay tuned for more exciting news from the Healthy
School Team! Keep up the great work St. Monica!