St. Monica School

St. Monica School
60 Sterritt Drive
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5B6
Tel (905) 454-6346 Fax (905) 454-6349
March 2016
Principal’s Message
Easter is fast approaching; it is time to rejoice as we prepare to celebrate Holy Week and the
Sacred Triduum.
On Easter, we will have an opportunity to renew our baptismal vows and celebrate the
resurrection of our Saviour Jesus.
As we prepare for this special time, we should remember those things for which we are thankful.
The Christian High Holidays will begin on Holy Thursday March 24 and end on Easter Sunday
March 27. Throughout Holy Week, from March 21 through March 24, we will continue to
prepare for the resurrection of the Lord.
Mississauga Brampton
Central Family of Schools
L. Papaloni
P. Peroni
J. Vieira
Vice Principal
The Easter season ends with Pentecost.
C. McIntyre
The staff and students of St. Monica would like to wish our community a joyful Easter spent in
prayer and celebration at church with family and friends. You are welcome to participate in our
Holy Week Celebrations.
Head Secretary
Tish G., Vilma M.
Council Co-Chairs
A. da Silva
(905) 890-0708 (ext. 20154)
Dates to Remember March 1: Newsletter Home
March 2-4: Dairy Presentations
March 2: Graduation Photos, FDK YEAR Two (SK Photos)
St. Jerome’s Parish
March 11: Earth Hour At School , BIG GULP DAY
Fr. Jan Kolodynski
March 14-18: March Break-ENJOY!
March 7: Virtue Assembly 1:30 p.m. Gym
March 19: Earth Hour Evening
8530 Chinguacousy Rd.,
March 7: Reconciliation St. Jerome Parish 7:30 p.m.
March 21: Welcome Back!
March 8: School Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. All Welcome
March 22: Dental Screening FDK, 2, 8
Brampton, Ontario
March 9: Rosary Apostolate
ADDITIONAL DATES: PIZZA DAYS March 3, March 10, March 24, March 31
Cookie Days: March 8, March 22; Mr. Sub Day: March 30
March 21-March 25: HOLY WEEK
March 21: Palm Monday– 10:40GYM
March 22: 7 Last Statements Of Jesus--P.A. 9:25 a.m.
March 23: 9:20 Gospel Rdg-P.A. 9:25 a.m.
March 24: 10:30 Passion Play-Gym
March 25-28 Easter Weekend
March 29: Welcome Back!
March 30: Gr. 2 Rosary (St. Augustine)
March 31: Chess Tournament St. Gertrude
April 1: Newsletter Distributed
Principal’s Message:
March already, how time flies. In February, so many
exciting things have happened, and we are fortunate that
our students, parents and staff have been so flexible. Our
extra-curricular continues to grow thanks to our dedicated
staff and parents. In February our talented junior and
intermediate students performed our major school
production Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen.
It was a huge success, and we have so many talented
students. Special thanks to the directors; J. Conway, M.
Heitzner, A. Tac, S. Figliuzzi and L. Marasco. Bravo
everyone. In addition our school council dance-a-thon
was also a highlight in February. (See attachment for
additional information.) Our basketball teams participated
in their tournaments and placed first in our mini pods.,
our Science Olympic team also earned a silver medal,
and our students performed exceptional at our Knights of
Columbus Free Throw with four students going forward
to regionals. At St. Monica School we continue to
educate our students in so many areas, and again we
thank each and every one of you for your continued
support, understanding and flexibility. At St. Monica
School “We are Family”, inclusive of each other, our
school council, the school board, and yes St. Jerome’sour parish and Fr. Jan our Pastor. Together great things
continue to happen!
This month we are focusing on “Kindness”. Kindness God wants
us to be kind to everyone we
meet. Being kind is about more
than just pretending to be nice. It
is about helping and playing with
others because we want to and
not because we feel we have to.
God helps us to be kind to our
family and friends because by
being kind we are able to see God
in every one we meet.
“If you love those who love, what
credit is that to you? Even sinners
love those who love them. If you
do good to those who do good to
you, what credit is that to you?
For even sinners do the same. If
you lend to those from whom you
hope to receive, what credit is that
to you. Even sinners lend to
sinners, to receive as much again.
But love your enemies, do good,
and lend, expecting nothing in
return.” Your reward will be great, and you will be children of the
Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be
merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:27-36
Virtues Recognition:
On March 7, 2016 at 1:30 p.m., our Student Faith Ambassador
Team, selected classes and staff will lead another memorable
recognition Assembly. All are invited to attend. Students will be
recognized for the virtues of Self Control and Respect.
NEWS St. Jerome’s Parish
Tel: 905-455-4260, Fax: 905-450-6326
Homepage: http//
Sunday Eucharist: Saturday 5:00 p.m.,
Sunday 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Fr. Jan “Our Good Father”
Throughout 2016, we will continue to work with Fr. Jan on the faith
formation of students, families and staff. We welcome him at our
school anytime! Father’s lead and guidance with our Gr. 2
Reconciliation program, Sacramental Preparation visitations, Ash
Wednesday Celebration, is sincerely appreciated. On February 27
many of our Gr. 2 students received their First Reconciliation.
Father welcomed, inspired and highlighted the importance of
Reconciliation with God, and each other to our Gr. 2 students and
their families.
Important Dates
Monday March 7: 7:30 p.m. St. Jerome Parish Reconciliation –
Confirmation candidates encouraged to attend
First Communion: Sunday April 10, 2016, 12 noon
Confirmation: Tuesday May 24, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Stations of the Cross
All confirmation candidates, families and students are encouraged
to participate in The Stations Of The Cross at St. Jerome Parish
every Friday evening during lent at 7:00 p.m. This is a special time
to reflect on Jesus’ journey in preparation for Easter.
St. Jerome Parish Youth News
The youth group meets weekly on Tuesday evening from 7:30-9
p.m., and Saturdays from 2-4 p.m. New members Gr. 8-12 are
always welcome. The group is currently practicing for the Good
Friday presentation of The Way Of The Cross.
Kiss and Ride
Thank you to the many parents/caregivers who are
following the directives of safe Kiss and Ride Procedures.
Just a reminder, we have no control when parking
enforcement is in our area, please continue to follow all
safety rules and respect “NO PARKING, FIRE LANES”
etc., some of our parents have received tickets.
Thank you for considering the safety of all, and not just the
door to door or convenience/speed on your part. Together
we will continue to make this work!
Flexible Boundary Procedure
A reminder to parents/guardians of students that are at St.
Monica under Flexible Boundary.
This procedure is reviewed annually. Permission is granted
under the following conditions:
i) Transportation is your responsibility. The Board will not
provide either transportation or additional supervision for
students admitted under this procedure.
ii) This permission for attendance will be reviewed by the
Principal, annually, no later than the end of March
iii) The student admitted under this procedure does not
automatically become eligible for the secondary school serving
this school. If it is not the secondary school he/she would
normally attend, application for Flexible Boundary consideration
will have to be made to the secondary school principal at the
appropriate time.
If you would like to continue to be granted permission under this
procedure for the 2016-2017 school year, please put your
request in writing by March 23, 2016 by completing a
standardized Flex Boundary Form which will be sent home.
Confirmations for Flex Boundary will be sent out in May.
Anti Racism and Equity Plan
In following through with board policy at St. Monica School we
believe that every student is a unique individual created by God
and for God. To this end our respect for all learners is
embedded in the learning process to help all achieve to their
potential considering the various needs, diverse talents,
heritage, background, areas for growth. Co-operation,
tolerance and acceptance are continued requirements at St.
Monica School.
Outdoor/Indoor Shoes
Parents/Guardians! We need your help to keep our school
safe, clean and dust-free. Please send an indoor pair of shoes.
If you require assistance please contact the school.
If your child/children are going to be absent or late for school,
we ask that you call the school office and leave a message
(905) 454-6346. Let us know on a day to day basis if your
child will continue to be absent. As a safety precaution we will
always try to contact parents by phone if we have not received
any messages. Your continued cooperation is greatly
St. Monica Website
D. Porter is commended for her diligence in maintaining our
website. This takes time, and we appreciate her time and talent
in keeping the community informed through technology.
SCHOOL HOURS: 9:15-3:45 Bell to Bell, Time on Task
Arriving late for class means that a pupil misses a very
important part of the day - the time when instructions for the
day’s activities are given, discussed and teaching begins.
Entering a classroom late is embarrassing for a child. It
interrupts the lesson for both the teacher and the other pupils.
The habit or custom of punctuality is one that should be
established very early in a child’s school life. School
attendance and punctuality are legal requirements. Bell to
Bell, Time on Task! Please note during prayers and
O’Canada late students will not be admitted until prayers
are completed.
Student Academic Responsibility
Teachers are finding many students who are not completing
their assignments on time. Please encourage your child to fulfill
his or her duty, and ensure that they spend an appropriate
amount of time, productively working on their assignments. All
students are encouraged to read nightly, or review the days’
work. Students are encouraged to strive for excellence.
As always we continue to remain vigilant regarding behavioural
and academic expectations.
E.Q.A.O. This year, Grades 3 and 6 students will once
again participate in Provincial Education
Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
testing to take place between May 25 and
June 8. Since attendance will be
extremely important during the EQAO testing period,
parents are asked, if at all possible, to refrain from
arranging doctor or other appointments during this time.
March Break: Monday March 14, 2016 through
Friday March 18, 2016. Please make note of this week on
your calendar. We look forward to welcoming students back on
Monday March 21, 2016. Enjoy!
Thanks to the numerous families whom submitted your e-mail
address for CASL/GOING GREEN, since
newsletter, forms, messages etc., will be
sent electronically. If you have not already
signed up for going green, you still can,
please contact the office. We will still send
out paper copies of newsletters to the
youngest and only for those families whom
did not sign up for this Eco Friendly option.
Winter Continues
Except under unusual conditions, students go outside during
recess and lunch hour. Research indicates that fresh air allows
students to refocus on their studies. The Board, with advice
from the Peel Public Health Department, has established the
policy that all children will be kept inside when the temperature
outside reaches –25 degrees Celsius (including the wind chill
factor) and modified recess when -20 degrees. We will monitor
the weather conditions daily and make decisions based upon
our local conditions. Please bear in mind that children who are
too ill to go outside should be resting at home and should not
be at school. A child who is coughing and sneezing, is not
capable of learning—and is in the position of infecting other
children. We acknowledge that there may be extenuating
circumstances. If this is the case, please let us know.
Dressing for Winter Weather
A reminder that students do go outside on a daily basis for
much needed physical activity, fresh air, and time spent with
peers. Please make certain that your child comes to school
properly dressed for their time spent outdoors; coats, hats,
gloves, extra gloves, snow pants, and neck warmers. For
younger students a change of clothes (especially socks and
pants) kept at school would help to alleviate calls home or to
your work place.
Bus Cancellation
When all buses are cancelled you are reminded that special
activities such as extra curricular sports, PIZZA Days, Mr.
Sub Days, Graduation Photos, etc. will be cancelled.
Thank you for your continued support.
PLEASE NOTE: In the event that your child is waiting at a
bus stop for a long time, (15-30 minutes) please review a safety
plan, i.e., have your child return home, call you at work, call the
school, and/or go to a neighbors/safe place if you are at work.
If your safety plan permits your child to drive with a specific
designated parent driver in your community, then your child
should be aware whom he/she is permitted to accept a ride
from. The school does not have any liability in this area.
Please review a safe plan with your child.
The Online Reporting Tool
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board has developed
a new way to help nurture a safe, caring and inclusive school
environment. The Online Reporting Tool is intended for
students in grades 3 – 8 who become aware of bullying
incidents and negative behaviours. The student can simply
‘click’ on the link found on our school’s website to fill out the
report. The report will then be directly emailed to the principal
and/or vice principal and will be dealt with accordingly.
It is important to recognize that the Online Reporting Tool is an
alternate reporting option. It is best practice to speak directly
with a responsible adult at home and/or in the school.
Catholic Education Week
Schools and parishes across the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board will host many special events and activities during
the week of May 1st–May 6th as students and staff celebrate
Catholic Education Week. This year’s theme is Opening Doors
Of Mercy.
For more information visit
Public Speaking On February 12, we held our Grade 7-8
Public Speaking Contest. Special acknowledgements to staff
for preparing the students and all students who worked
diligently on public speaking initiatives, the topics were carefully
chosen and exceptionally presented. Congratulations to all of
those who participated in our Intermediate Speech Competition
on February 12th, 2016. Thank you to David C., Anthony M.,
Christian T., Amaiyah F., Adam S., Mark Anthony L., Maya S.,
Delaine P., Beatrice A., and Maya B. Further congratulations to
our first, second and third place winners. First Place: Delaine P.
Topic: The Human Brain; Second Place (Tied): David C. Topic:
Addictions and Maya S. Topic: Why Texting is a No-No; Third
Place (Tied): Amaiyah F. Topic: Mood and Emotions and Mark
Anthony L. Topic: YouTube vs. TV. All students did an
outstanding job presenting their speeches.
With all the activities that take place at school in the playground, the gym and in sports, accidents happen. Dental
injuries can occur when 2 children accidentally bump heads
or fall. The school board does not carry accident insurance for students. Winter outdoor activities, extra-curricular
and excursions are an additional reason you may wish to buy
student accident insurance. An insurance package was sent
home with your child(ren). This is optional for families. You
may purchase coverage for your child at or by calling toll free at 1-800-463KIDS (5437). Please direct your questions to a Reliable Life
Insurance Representative.
Thanks to D. Doyle, M. Hamilton, M. Manalo, and C. Thornton
who continue to lead our choir. Thanks to the students with their
beautiful voices who are committing to our choir! Their voices at
our Ash Wednesday celebration were sincerely appreciated, at
the school and at Burton Manor Nursing Home.
Dufferin Peel Skills Canada
Once again we will be entering teams, thanks to J. Mason
and J. Marshall for their lead with the students. More information to follow. The date for Skills Canada competition is
April 12, 2016 at St. Phillip School.
Science Olympics
J. Mason and J. Marshall took the lead with our Science
Olympics, our 5 students; Julia L., Maya F., Alexa L., Marco
G., and James C., participated in our Mississauga Brampton
Central competition. St. Monica competed against 15
schools in 3 challenges and worked very hard to earn a silver
medal in their second challenge. Way to go St. Monica, your
coaches, are very proud of your team work and positive attitude throughout the day! BRAVO!!
Knights of Columbus Free Throw: On Friday Feb. 19, we
hosted the KOC free throw. Thank you to Evette G., Jeslyn
A., Alisa L., Iverson O., Nicholas C., Jamauri N., Vanessa F.,
Erika L., Delaine P., Ethan D., David C., and Elijah G.
Jeslyn, Alisa, Vanessa and Ethan will be advancing to the
Regionals. Special thanks to our student helpers; Sean M.,
Angelo G., Justin K., Jayden M., Malik C., Joshua S., Ellisa
S., and Dimron P. This event would not be possible with the
lead and direction from Domenic Rutigliano, Youth Director,
Advocate, Chief Columbian Squires Counselor Knights Of
Columbus Council 4973, our teachers; G. Mcleod, A. Attinello, L. Gredi and classroom teachers for holding mini competitions. Bravo everyone!
Hip Hop
M. Manalo continues to work with this dance group, we are looking forward to future competitions. Bravo to M. Manalo and all the
students who are committing to this group.
It is with great excitement that our St. Monica hip hop crew will be
competing in our 6th competition at the Rose Theatre this year.
Our hip hop team was established 6 years ago and was formed to
symbolize teamwork, respect, commitment, diversity, positive
attitude and creating excellent role models in the classroom and
in the St Monica community. The intermediate team consists of
Delaine P., Dennelle D., Jilllianne S., Elijah G., Vanessa C., Christina J., Danielle R., Girlie D., Belen F., Kenya L., Natasha P., and
Azucena V. Our junior team consists of Amy H., Ava S., Maya F.,
Lara D., Alissa L., Justine C., Julia L., Alyssa, Kaia C., Halle T.,
Magda B., Marissa M., and Cayla N. The team and coach M.
Manalo would like to say thank you to all the St. Monica parents
and teachers for all their support and encouragement.
Thanks to L. Marasco, L. Stott, and M. Manalo for volunteering
to coach and practice with our junior students. Congratulations to
Alissa L., Amy H., Marissa M., Jeslyn A., Tatiana R., Jada S.,
Peace O., Maya F., Ava S., and Lara D. The girls were exceptional , placed first, and made it to the second round in Mississauga/
Brampton. In the second round our girls placed second, way to
go girls! Our junior boys showed such class and sportsmanship,
placed first and also made it to the second round in Mississauga/
Brampton. In the second round the boys placed third, bravo boys!
Congratulations Cristiano A., Nicholas C., Jonathan D., Osley H.,
Daniel K., Nathaniel L., Samuel M., Jamauri N., Jed O., Kyle G.,
and Nicholas T. Go Gators Go! Thanks to our student coaches;
Ethan D., Michael O., and Kobe T. Thanks to our exceptional
parents for driving.
Under the direction of J. Conway, T. Collier, and A. Tac, the students continue to take the lead on various initiatives throughout
the school.
Volunteers Needed Thank you to those who filled in and
submitted the Volunteer Network Form. Volunteers are still
required for our Mr. Sub and Poutine Luncheons, please
contact the school for additional information as to what is
involved for this.
Mr. Sub Lunches
Wednesday March 30th is Mr. Sub Lunch for those who
preordered. Thanks to Tish G. for continuing to coordinate
and provide this additional lunch service to our community.
Special thanks to the School Council for coordinating our
February Dance-A-Thon, especially the Planning SubCommittee and helpers: Finuzza B., Vilma M., Vivette, Tish
G., Anthony F., T. Collier. It is also important to highlight
that the dance-a-thon would not have been a success without their dedication and hard work. All parents/staff., are
acknowledged in seeking out our sponsors for the major and
random prizes. We also received some generous donations
from the community. A. Tac, staff dancers, L. Carlini and C.
Briganti’s students, our Tech students-Malik, and Jayden
are highly commended for their lead with our Kick Off Assembly, and M. Manalo for his D.J. expertise. Vilma M.,
Marvin M., Mary Ann P., Gary P., and Tish G. , are sincerely
thanked for collating pledge forms, tallying money, etc. As
always C. McIntyre is appreciated for her prompt assistance
in assuring all money was accounted for and ready for banking! Our staff is highly commended for their enthusiasm,
support and assistance throughout. Prize winners were
notified a few days after the dance a thon and will be highlighted in the attachment.
“Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall be called the
children of God.”
Thanks to all our staff and families who continue to reinforce
School Council Meeting
Our next school council meeting will be held on Tuesday
March 8 at 6:30 p.m., in our health room (main office), all
are welcome to attend.
Are You Ticked? – Catholic Ratepayers Have You Checked Your
Tax Bill to Ensure Proper Tax Support?
Help us to maintain our right to publicly funded Catholic Education
– if you are a Catholic ratepayer, we urge you to check your property tax bill to ensure that your support is directed to your local
Catholic school board, in our case, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.
If you are a tenant, you can verify your support by contacting our
Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext 24511, 24512 or
24519 or your local municipal office. By ensuring that you are accurately recorded as a Catholic school supporter, you can help
deliver a powerful message to the government about the level of
support for publically funded Catholic school board trustee, you
must be registered as a separate school supporter.
School Council & Community Bulletin Board
Located in front of the library. Feel free to check the bulletin
board regularly for School Council Updates, School/Board Updates
and Community events. Also feel free to visit our fover and big
screen T.V. displaying our students in many activities.
INFOpage - an online resource for information
about awards, scholarships, fundraising opportunities, educational resources, professional development opportunities,
parent/guardian resources and community events. To access the INFOpage, visit
DPCDSB is now on
Twitter! For the latest
Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board
news and information
on schools, programs,
in-services, follow us on
to for daily bus
cancellations or delays.
We will be continuing our milk program at St. Monica School.
Thanks to M. Hamilton, C. McIntyre and our student volunteers
for co-ordinating and distributing.
We continue to have Popcorn and Cookie biweekly Tuesdays. Bring your toonies and enjoy
a bag of Kernels popcorn or for a loonie enjoy a cookie.
Thanks to M. Zarkovic, and intermediate students for coordinating. Please note during lent you may wish to have
your child donate their popcorn/cookie money towards our
school contribution to Share Life.
Pizza days will continue on Thursdays for
those who pre-ordered; March 3, March 10,
March 24, March 31, April 7. Thanks to D. Doyle, J. Conway and the Gr. 8’s for coordinating and all staff for coordinating orders, as well In the spirit of Lent we will be offering
CHEESE Pizza only.
All head injuries can be difficult to diagnose, however, a
concussion is the most difficult head injury to diagnose.
Brain scans cannot determine if a concussion exists,
however, ignoring a potential concussion has grave
risks and potential for serious and long-lasting symptoms.
Symptoms may vary, however, it is critical that educators
report all head injuries to parents/guardians to ensure
appropriate medical care. We are asking for your
support to inform school administration in the event of
any serious injury to the head or concussion sustained
outside of the school.
Return To Play: Most experts suggest two days for each
Step1: No activity, complete rest. Once back to normal
and cleared by a medical professional, go to step 2.
Step 2: Light exercise such as walking or stationary cycling
for 10 - 15 min.
Step 3: Sport specific aerobic activity (skating in Hockey,
running in soccer) for 20 - 30 min., with no
Step 4: On field practice such as ball drills and other
activities with no contact
Step 5: On field practice with body contact, once
cleared by a medical professional.
Step 6: Game Play
The student must be seen by a doctor and the form
(Request to Resume Athletic Participation) must be
completed and brought to school upon return.
Parenting Tip: Quantity and Quality Both Count: Being there for the
big events is, of course, important, but never forget it counts to be there
in the small moments too. These are times of teaching, modeling, sharing traditions, and learning about who they are as people. Take time,
you will never regret it. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it
to the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to
me.” (Matthew 25:40)
YOU Make A Difference!!!
Thank you to all parents/guardians who:
•volunteered to coordinate /assist with the Mr. Sub luncheon-Tish
•contact the teacher or office with a concern or compliment
•volunteer on a regular basis or quick notice basis
•assist your children in following our Code of Conduct, safe bus
procedures, and verify all sides of every incident
•support all efforts of our school council; particularly our Major
fundraiser-February dance-a-thon, and who worked extremely hard
to seek sponsors for our school council dance-a-thon fundraiser
•appreciated and thanked our school play directors and talented
actors, actresses, dancers, singers, tech crew, and stage hands
•continue to respect our Kiss and Ride procedures and are following our safe school drive way practices
•took time off work to assist with our dance-a-thon fundraiserVilma M., Marvin M., Gary P., Mary Ann P., Tish G.
•brought pledge forms to work in support of our dance-a-thon
•attended teacher/student/parent conferences
•took the time to drive students to tournaments/extra-curricular
•supported out Choir and Staff as they led an Ash Wednesday
Celebration at Burton Manor
This is the moment to continue to teach our faith! In
Catholic schools we provide space and time for the holy.
Let Us Not Forget! One Solitary Life
I asked the Lord to bless you, as I prayed for you today. To guide
you and protect you, as you go along your way. His Love is always with you, His promises are true, and when we
give Him all our cares, you know He will see us
through. So when the road you’re traveling on, seems
difficult at best,
just remember I’m here praying
Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entrance of Christ into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-9), when palm
branches were placed in His path, before His arrest on Holy Thursday and His Crucifixion on Good Friday. It
thus marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent, and the week in which Christians celebrate the
mystery of their salvation through Christ's Death and His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Beginning in the
fourth century in Jerusalem, Palm Sunday was marked by a procession of the faithful carrying palm branches,
representing the Jews who celebrated Christ's entrance into Jerusalem. In the early centuries, the procession began on the Mount of
the Ascension and proceeded to the Church of the Holy Cross. As the practice spread throughout the Christian world by the ninth century, the procession would begin in each church with the blessing of palms, proceed outside the church, and then return to the church
for the reading of the Passion according to the Gospel of Matthew. The faithful would continue to hold the palms during the reading of
the Passion. In this way, they would recall that many of the same people who greeted Christ with shouts of joy on Palm Sunday would
call for His Death on Good Friday-a powerful reminder of our own weakness and the sinfulness that causes us to reject Christ. In different parts of the Christian world, particularly where palms were historically hard to obtain, branches of other bushes and trees were
used, including olive, box elder, spruce, and various willows. Perhaps best known is the Slavic custom of using pussy willows, which
are among the earliest of plants to bud out in the spring. The faithful have traditionally decorated their houses with the palms from
Palm Sunday, and, in many countries, a custom developed of weaving the palms into crosses that were placed on home altars or other
places of prayer. Since the palms have been blessed, they should not simply be discarded; rather, the faithful return them to their local
parish in the weeks before Lent, to be burned and used as the ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Holy Thursday is the day on which Christ celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples, four days after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Only hours after the Last Supper, Judas would betray Christ in the Garden of
Gethsemane, setting the stage for Christ's Crucifixion on Good Friday.
In the Catholic Church, Good Friday is the day on which we commemorate the death of Jesus Christ
on the Cross, the act that brought salvation to all who believe. It is the culmination of Holy Week,
which begins on Palm Sunday, and it takes place two days before Easter Sunday.
Holy Saturday is the final day of Lent, of Holy Week, and of the Easter Triduum, the three days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy
Saturday) immediately preceding Easter, during which Christians commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ and prepare for
His Resurrection. As on Good Friday, there is no Mass offered for Holy Saturday. The Easter Vigil Mass, which takes place after sundown on Holy Saturday, properly belongs to Easter Sunday, since liturgically, each day begins at sundown on the previous day. (That is
why Saturday vigil Masses can fulfill our Sunday Duty.) Unlike on Good Friday, when Holy Communion is distributed at the afternoon
liturgy commemorating Christ's Passion, on Holy Saturday the Eucharist is only given to the faithful as viaticum—that is, only to those in
danger of death, to prepare their souls.
Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. On this Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead. For Catholics, Easter Sunday comes at the end of 40 days of prayer, fasting, and
almsgiving known as Lent. Through spiritual struggle and self-denial, we have prepared ourselves to die spiritually with Christ on Good Friday, the day of His Crucifixion, so that we can rise again with Him.
Because of the central importance of Easter to the Christian faith, the Catholic Church requires that all Catholics who have made their First Communion receive the Holy Eucharist sometime during the Easter season, which lasts through Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. (The Church also urges us to take part in the Sacrament of Confession before receiving this Easter communion.) This reception of the Eucharist is a visible sign of our faith and our participation in the Kingdom of God. Of course, we should
receive Communion as frequently as possible; this "Easter Duty" is simply the minimum requirement set by the Church.
St. Monica participated in National Sweater Day on Thursday February 4th, 2016. The heat was turned down by
2 degrees and all students and staff wore a sweater to compensate for the temperature. Way to go Gators, we
helped reduce energy consumption!
The Great Big Crunch The 2016 Great Big Crunch will take place on Thursday March 10th. The entire
school will participate in this local food event by taking a synchronized bite into a crunchy apple
(provided by the school of course). The Green Giants and the Healthy Schools Team will be working
together to promote and celebrate fresh local food during the month of March (Nutrition Month).
Think about how the apple was grown. Picture it first as an apple blossom flower on the tree in Spring, being
pollinated by bees and then transforming into a fruit, ripening in the sunny weather. Imagine what the orchard
looked like, the growers who work there, and the workers who harvest and wash the apples. Think about the
journey the apple took from the orchard to the grocery store.
The Green Giants are working to reduce the waste that our school creates during lunch. We want to promote
lunches that demonstrate healthy eating that is environmentally responsible.
The Purpose of the Great Big Crunch:
Promote, celebrate and enjoy healthy snacking
Highlight availability of local produce all year round
Use fruits and vegetables as the centerpiece for activities on cooking and tasting, nutrition, soil and composting, sustainability, community development and more! Celebrate Nutrition Month!
Get Ready to Crunch Gators!
Remember St. Monica: Green Giant Eyes are everywhere! Put the proper items in the garbage and recycling. Waste Free Wednesdays! Every Wednesday pack a waste-free lunch! LOL- Lights Out Lunches (turn off your class’ lights while you eat your lunch)
BIG GULP On Friday March 11th St. Monica School will be participating in the "Big Gulp" to continue awareness of the importance of drinking water. We will be taking a "Big Gulp" of water at the same time as led by the healthy schools team. The
Healthy Schools Team have been providing water facts to the school community encouraging everyone to drink water on a
daily basis - and in re-usable containers of course! At home, parents and guardians can continue encouraging students to
drink water and bring water to school every day! Those students who don't have water bottles or who forget will be provided
with a cup of water to take the "Big Gulp". Let's continue to drink water together as a school community!
EARTH HOUR: St. Monica School –Friday March 11 for one hour in preparation for Earth
Hour on Saturday March 19, 2016! Let’s All Do Our Part!
It’s Cool to Be an Eco-School! This message is proudly brought to you by the Green Giant EcoTeam and Healthy School Team!
Vision of the Learner This Month: A COLLABORATIVE CONTRIBUTOR WHO:
Works effectively as an interdependent team member. Thinks critically about the meaning and purpose of work. Develops one's God-given potential and makes a meaningful
contribution to society. Finds meaning, dignity, fulfillment and vocation in work which contributes to the
common good. Respects the rights, responsibilities and contributions of self and others. Exercises Christian leadership in the achievement of individual and group goals. Achieves excellence, originality, and integrity in one's own work and supports these qualities in the work of others. Applies skills for employability, self-employment and entrepreneurship relative to Christian vocation.
Our Catholic School Heritage
In 1990, the Supreme Court of Canada judged that the Canadian Constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms entitles Francophones, where numbers warrant, to have their own school boards. French-language district school boards and Frenchlanguage Catholic district school boards were created. Consequently, Ontario then had four school systems. Three of them—
the English-language Catholic district school boards, the French-language Catholic district school boards and the French language district school boards—had very little access to corporate assessment. One of them—the English language district
school boards—possessed most of the Province’s corporate assessment and therefore, ability to spend much more than their
counterparts on education. Faced with this inequity and a court challenge it was convinced it would lose, the government took
the only logical and fair step. It abolished the power of all school boards to tax and took over all education funding. Now each
pupil, no matter which type of school he or she attends, receives the same per-pupil funding from the government. After 150
years of sacrifice and hardship, Catholic school boards have achieved financial equity. Catholic schools were fundamental in
the early development of our region. With the support of local parishes, bishops and parents, Catholic schools were formed as
an expression of a world view differing from other schools. In 1837 in Mono Township (Dufferin County), a school was dedicated and housed at St. Cyprian Church. Later, a log church housed a local Catholic school at St. Patrick’s in Melancthon Township. In 1864, the first formal Catholic school was developed in Melancthon Township. In Peel, Catholic schools were formed
well before confederation as an expression of the Catholic communities developing in our region. A more detailed history of
Catholic education in our region can be found in the book entitled, Catholic Education in Dufferin Peel—A Story Worth Telling.
Thank you all for continuing to be involved in your child’s catholic Education.
Together we are all stronger through Vision and Dedication!
On February 9, 2016 we held our 7th Annual Dance-a-thon! The funds raised from this event will be used to enhance the
“mind, body and spirit” of our students through health and wellness activities and projects throughout the school. The dance-athon was a great success and we could not have done it without the generous contributions from our sponsors. On behalf of
our school community, we would like to thank our sponsors, and our parents for supporting our fundraising efforts! Our
student winners were so appreciative and happy to be able to select their own prize(s). Cheers!
We raised an amazing $7,741.95, Minus Prizes/decorations-$500.00
Total raised-$7,241.95!
(Still to fund April 5-three class pizza parties)
***Our Special Sponsors-Thanks: Wonderland, Playdium, Poutine, Pearson Convention Centre,
Reptillia, Mr. Sub, Toronto Zoo, Cymplexmedia, City of Brampton Recreation, School Tee, Edge Imaging,
School Council, Staff donations**
Jesse F. (M. Manalo) Wicked Audio Headphones-School Council, Jade M. (M. Zarkovic) Pink earbuds –School Council
Julliane M. (N. Leo) Blue earbuds-School Council, Veronica T. (M. Zarkovic) Teal earbuds-School Council
Jade M. (M. Zarkovic) One Cineplex admission ticket-School Council, Sarah F. (J. Conway) $10.00 Starbucks-Staff Member
Denelle D. (J. Conway) One Cineplex admission ticket-School Council, Ava S. (N. Leo) One Cineplex admission ticket-school Council
Savanna L. (M. Zarkovic) $25.00 Tim Horton’s-Pearson Convention Centre
John M. (J. Conway) Wonderland 2 person admission value $124.00-Wonderland Promotions
Marc Anthony L. (M. Zarkovic) $15.00 Poutine Certificate-R. Coates-Compliments Poutine Downtown Brampton
Laura C. (N. Leo) $15.00 Coffee Culture-Staff Member, Hayden A. (M. Manalo) $10.00 Tim Horton’s-Staff Member
Jesse F. (M. Manalo) Mr. Sub lunch certificate-Mr. Sub, Jade M. (M. Zarkovic) Mr. Sub lunch certificate-Mr. Sub
Adam S. (M. Manalo) Portable Charger-Cymplexmedia, Beatrice A. (M. Manalo) One-10x Swim/Skate-Compliments City of Brampton
Magdelena B. (N. Leo) $15.00 Poutine Gift Certificate-R. Coates-Poutine downtown Brampton
Bianca B. (J. Marshall) Striker Soccer Ball-School Council, Chelsea F. (L. Marasco) Gator sweatshirt-School-Tee
Cloe C. (J. Mason) I love movies with movie ticket-School Council, Breana C. (C. Briganti) I love crafts-School Council
Chelsea F. (L. Marasco) Kits for kids, amazing tricks-School Council, Johnathan D. (J. Mason) Spalding NBA Basketball-School Council
Bianca B. (J. Marshall) Playdium 2 by 2 hrs. unlimited play card-Playdium Promotions
Samantha D. (M. Scalise) $25.00 Tim Horton’s -Pearson Convention Centre
Mark C. (M. Scalise) $15.00 Poutine Gift Certificate-R. Coates-Poutine downtown Brampton
Salena G. (L. Gredi) Mr. Sub Lunch Gift Certificate and Edge Imaging Post Its-Mr. Sub, Edge Imaging
Julian C. (L. Gredi) $25.00 McDonalds’-Pearson Convention Centre, Salena G. (L. Gredi) Mr. sub Lunch Gift Certificate-Mr. Sub
Bianca B. (J. Marshall) Reptillia 2 passes-valued $30.00-Reptilia Promotions
Alexa R. (M. Scalise) One-10x Swim/Skate-Compliments City of Brampton
Kaitlyn M. (L. Gredi) One-10x Swim/Skate-Compliments City of Brampton
Lindsay M. (J. Marshall) Two one month fitness passes-Compliments City of Brampton
Carmen B. (M. Heitzner) Marvel Avengers assembly-School Council, Delano (L. Stott/C. Thornton) Official size black basketball-School Council
Anthony M. (C. Chaulk/T. Collier) Striker soccer ball with net-School Council
Caitlin G. (C. Chaulk/T. Collier) Gator pink t-shirt-School Tee, Moises (L. Stott/C. Thornton) Minions Art Set-School Council
Emma C. (S. Perruzza) Ever After Doll-School Council, Vanessa C. (S. Perruzza) DVD and snack food bucket-School Council
Delano (L. Stott/C. Thornton) Movie cup with Cineplex gift certificate-School Council
Emily C. (S. Perruzza) Frozen Activity Collection-School Council, Jack Y. (T. Gratton) Body Pillow-School Council
Jacob F. (C. Chaulk) Official size black basketball-School Council, Alyssa D. (J. Posa) Two Toronto Zoo Passes-Compliments Toronto Zoo
Matej M. (L. Stott/C.. Thornton) $25.00 Cineplex movie gift certificate-School Council
Malcolm F. (C. Chaulk/T. Collier) $25.00 Tim Horton’s –Pearson Convention Centre, Gerard W. (J. Posa) $10.00 Baskin Robbins-Staff Member
Marissa S. (M. Heitzner) Glass flower arrangement-Cymplexmedia
Isabella L. (L. Stott/C. Thornton) One-10x Swim/Skate-Compliments City of Brampton
Jacob F. (C. Chaulk/T. Collier) Reptillia 2 passes-valued $30.00-Reptilia Promotions
Class Pizza Parties-L. Stott/C. Thornton-FDK; L. Marasco-Gr. 4; M. Manalo-Gr. 7&8
Spot Prizes: Compliments School Council/M. Manalo throughout the dance-various students
Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen
Our major production was a huge success, and we have so many talented students. DIRECTORS: J. Conway & M. Heitzner
MUSICAL DIRECTOR: A. Tac, CHOREOGRAPHY: S. Figliuzzi, L. Marasco, STAGE CREW: John M, Graham McM, SOUND TECH: Malik
C, Jayden M, CAST BOOKLET DESIGNERS: Anthony M & Anthony T
Special thanks to the directors; J. Conway, M. Heitzner, A. Tac, S. Figliuzzi and L. Marasco. Bravo everyone. We were
pleased that our superintendent L. Papaloni was able to join us for the evening performance.
Roger Goodman- Adam F
Faustyna M
George- Dylan F
Sarah Huffington- Makenzie B
Kate- Jillianne S
Belinda- Christina J
Lord Hector Huffington- Declan B
Lady Emma Huffington- Savanah L
Rovic Q
Claude- Christian T
Todd- Nicholas T
Maude- Yasmine A
Parrot- Peter P
Sneak- Toby P
Snaggle- Evette G
Snoot- Veronica T
Long John Silver- Anthony M
Daniela A
Laverne- Denelle D
Shirley- Angelyne A
Lucy- Kesiah B
Ethel- Dennise D
Bianca- Reese Q
Captain Belvedere- Mark Anthony L
Bluebeard- Devontay J
Smudge- Belen F
Dandy- Delaine P
Kiki- Samantha D
Miki- Courtney Y
Creaky- Rossy P
Freaky- Elijah G
Erica L
Veronica D
Alex L
Savanna T
Kylie C
Marianne N
Danielle R
Azucena V
Kenya L
Vanessa C
Karli C
Cayla N
Cloe C
Alyssa F
Maya Fr
Ava S
Maya S
Katelyn A
Tatiana J
Tiago P