Trustee: Thomas Thomas Principal: Mrs. L. Scardicchio
Secretary: Mrs. M. Finelli-Kiru
School Phone: (905) 568 - 3720
St. Francis Xavier Church
Pastor: Msg. Pan Mississauga Ward 5
Superintendent: L. Papaloni
(905) 890 - 5290
(905) 890 - 1221
(416) 845 - 8225
"In the poor and outcast we see Christ's face; by loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ."
— Pope Francis
A Person of Kindness…
Says nice things about others so they feel good about themselves
Sticks up for people who are picked on or need help
Refuses to join others who are insulting, intimidating, mean or hurtful
Watches and looks for ways to help those in need
God has given us the gifts of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to
God. We have all been given the fruit of the
Spirit called kindness. Kindness can only be seen through actions. It’s not enough to say I will be kind or I am kind. We must show that we are kind by our words and our actions. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at showing kindness to everyone we meet.
Let us now pray… for the virtue of kindness so that everyone we meet will feel like we are looking out for their good.
Dear God,
You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us. You have placed this creation, including all the people we meet, in our care. We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to keep a sense of kindness.
We hope that by recognizing and honouring this fruit of the Holy Spirit, we can contribute to making our school a safer, more caring, and more inclusive community.
May kindness, the fruit of your Spirit, help us to feel the courage to act on behalf of people around us who are in need. We ask this in name of Jesus, our brother, who lived to show us your way.
As part of our St. Jude celebration of the Lenten and Easter season, we will be selling pretzels to the students. Please participate in this historical and spiritual season of prayer and hope by purchasing a fresh bread pretzel for only $2.00.
Pretzel orders are due by Friday, March 4,
2016. No late orders will be accepted as orders need to be called in advance . Pretzel
Day will be on Holy Thursday March 24, 2016.
Thank-you for your support!
A special thank you to Mrs. Suppa for organizing this event .
THE JUNIOR BOYS ’ BASKETBALL TEAM played in the Family finals on February 25. The boys displayed superb teamwork, skill, and sportsmanship, in the tournament. Although the boys did not place in the Boards, they showed dedication and school spirit. They were able to place first in our school pod games. The coaches, Mr. Urbaneic, Mr. Evans and the assistant student coaches are extremely proud of the boys and their achievement.
Congratulations boys!
On February 24 th , the Junior Girls ’ Basketball team played in the pod at San Lorenzo Ruiz
School. It was a very challenging tournament.
The girls advanced to the Board tournament, the coaches, Ms. Rampado, Ms. Quach and the assistant student coaches are very proud of the hard work and dedication that the girls showed throughout the season.
February 11, Pauline Vanier School hosted the
Mississauga Brampton Central Family of
Schools Junior Science Olympics where teams were met with various design and construction challenges throughout the day. Five students represented St. Jude. The staff noted that our team exhibited wonderful cooperation and came up with innovative solutions while solving these challenges. Special thanks to Mrs. Quach for coaching the team.
Math Mania Team competed at the Mississauga
Brampton Family of Schools Math Mania competition on February 25 th at Our Lady of
Peace. Team members displayed proficiency and skill. Special thanks to Mrs. Quach for coaching the team and Mr. Fairclough for convening the Family event.
Peel Public Health periodically reviews the immunization records of each school in its jurisdiction. If your child ’s records are not up to date or on file with Peel Health, Peel Health will issue a letter to parents notifying them that immunization is incomplete. Students cannot be re-admitted to class until Peel Health receives the proper documentation. If you haven ’t done so recently, please take some time to review your child ’s immunization records and send any new immunization information DIRECTLY to Peel
Throughout the year classes attend trips away from the school for various reasons. We are fortunate to have the support and supervision of many parents and family members on these trips.
Without adequate adult supervision as outlined in the board’s policies, students may not travel off school property. In order to ensure that the trip can go ahead as planned, if you have signed up to accompany the class, it is very important that you provide sufficient notice to the classroom teacher to make alternate arrangements for supervision should you become unable to attend.
Lost and found items will be on display, Tuesday, March 8th to
Thursday, March 10th in the front atrium. Items that are not picked up will be sent to St.
Vincent de Paul after the break.
A reminder to all that March Break will be from
March 14th to 18th this year. There are no classes during this week-long break and the school will be closed. Students are reminded to
take personal belongings home with them. There will be no homework assigned over the break.
Classes will resume on Monday, March 21st.
As part of DPCDSB’s safety protocol, every school is required to hold three fire drills and one lockdown drill each term in order to familiarize students with procedures to follow in the case of emergency. Our students have demonstrated excellent skill during these practices.
Each year, all Grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario are assessed in reading, writing and mathematics.
Developed by the Education Quality and
Accountability Office (EQAO) and after consulting with more than 1,000 teachers, as well as parents and the broader community across Ontario, these assessments go beyond traditional tests of the past.
Their ultimate purpose is to improve student achievement.
This year the EQAO assessment for Grade 3 and 6 students will occur from May 25th to June 8th. We ask that parents of students in these grades ensure that their children are in attendance during these weeks.
Every year in March, dietitians across the country remind Canadians of the importance of healthy eating and the positive impact nutrition has on our health and well-being. Nutrition
Month 2016 is dedicated to helping Canadians to eat well. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. Here at St. Jude during the month of
March we will be taking part in different activities and continue our discussions about healthy eating in Health class. The Great Big crunch will again take place on Thursday
March 10 th at 2:30 where we will have a synchronized crunch of an apple paid by the school. On Friday
March 11 at 2:30 we will also take part of “The Great Gulp” which is an organized drink of water to help create awareness about the importance of drinking water in our lives.
Stay tuned for spirit days and other activities.
A special thank you to Mrs. Camilleri for organizing this event .
Millions of people around the world switch off their lights for
Earth Hour at 8.30pm (20:30) in their local times on the last
Saturday of March each year.
Make Earth Hour an event to share with your friends and family!
We will be participating on Monday, March 21.
Playing in the snow can be a lot of fun, however the school has a rule forbidding the throwing of snowballs and the kicking of snow onto others. Students are constantly reminded of the dangers of throwing / kicking snow and ice chunks. Students are reminded that this rule is in place to prevent the injuries of others.
We encourage students to constructively use the snow to build snowmen or sculptures. Students getting caught throwing snowballs or ice chunks will receive consequences. Please remind your child(ren) not to throw / kick snow or ice at school.
Thank you for helping us make the playground a safe place.
At this time, next year’s school population has been projected at 300 students. As planning has begun with respect to formulating classes and general school organization for the 2016 —2017 school year, please inform the office as soon as possible if you are planning to move between now and
September 2016 . Also, if you have already moved and not informed the office of your new address, please do so immediately as our school records must be accurate at all times.
A great big thank you to the St. Jude School community for supporting our February Book Fair!!
We had a wonderful turnout during the week and on interview night and we will be able to purchase over
$1000 worth of new books for the Library!! Be on the lookout for new arrivals coming soon!!
Congratulations to the Grand Prize raffle winner,
Benjamin J. from Mrs. Camilleri's class, who won $25 in books for himself and his class!! Congratulations also to the poster prize winners: Jaida, Fahad, Jayce,
James, Logan L., Kirsten, Julissa, Ethan D., Abigail,
Eric M., Melinda and Matias.
A very big thank you to all the volunteers who helped
Mrs. Rea run another successful Book Fair. Happy
Reading!! :)
Thank you to all parents/guardians for using the sidewalk to enter and exit the school property. This ensures greater safety for the children exiting/entering the vehicles in the Kiss and Ride lane.
Please refrain from crossing the lanes as this creates a very unsafe situation for you and your child. Thank you! Also, please be aware that the lanes in front of the school are in a fire route area. Please do not leave your car unattended as Parking Authority randomly comes by. We have had several parents/guardians receive parking tickets (over $100) for leaving their vehicles unattended. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional
Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional
Development Day on or before April 15, 2016.
In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board, the designated additional Professional
Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April
11, 2016.
Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday,
April 11, 2016.
Thank you for your attention to this addition to the
2015-16 School Year Calendar.